CNA exam ch 1-7

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child abuse and neglect

18 years or younger recent act or failure to act on the part of parent or caregiver types: physical abuse neglect sexual abuse: rape, assault, molestation, incest, child pornography, prostitution emotional abuse substance abuse abandonment

Competency evaluation for nursing assistants

3 attempts allowed retraining and new competency evaluation program for nursing assistants who have not worked for 24 months agencies provide 12 hours of educational programs to nursing assistants every year


A health care payment program sponsored by federal government and operated by the state governments people with low incomes qualify, so do some children, blind, and disabled persons no premium


A legal document of how a person wants property distributed after death

licensed practical nurse (LPN)

A nurse who has completed a 1-year nursing program and has passed a licensing test; called licensed vocational nurse (LVN) in some states

registered nurse (RN)

A nurse who has completed a 2-, 3-, or 4-year nursing program and has passed a licensing test

functional nursing

A nursing care pattern focusing on tasks and jobs; each nursing team member has certain tasks and jobs to do

case management

A nursing care pattern; a case manager (an RN) coordinates a person's care from admission through discharge and into the home setting

patient-focused care

A nursing care pattern; services are moved from departments to the bedside

word element

A part of a word

nursing assistant

A person who has passed a nursing assistant training and competency evaluation program; performs delegated nursing tasks under the supervision of a licensed nurse


A polite, considerate, or helpful comment or act


A rule of conduct made by a government body


A shortened form of a word or phrase

acute illness

A sudden illness from which a person is expected to recover


A type of card file that summarizes information found in the medical record-drugs, treatments, diagnoses, routine care measures, equipment, and special needs


A word element containing the basic meaning of the word


A word element placed after a root; it changes the meaning of the word


A word element placed before a root; it changes the meaning of the word

right to information

Access to all records about the person which includes medical records, contracts, incident reports and financial records.

boundary sign

An act, behavior, or thought that warns of a boundary crossing or violation


An unintentional wrong in which a person did not act in a reasonable and careful manner and a person or the person's property was harmed unintentional tort


Any person who has the legal right to act on the resident's behalf when he or she cannot do so for himself or herself

work ethics

Behavior in the workplace how you look what you say how you behave how you treat how you work with others


Collecting information about the person; a step in the nursing process

progress note

Describes the care given and the person's response and progress


Failure to provide the person with the goods or services needed


Knowledge of what is right conduct and wrong conduct


Making false statements in print, writing, or through pictures or drawings intentional tort


Negligence by a professional person unintentional tort

assisted living residence (ALR)

Provides housing, personal care, support services, health care, and social activities in a home-like setting to persons needing help with daily activities


Saying or doing something to trick, fool, or deceive a person intentional tort


Setting priorities and goals; a step in the nursing process


The event or factor that causes stress


The exchange of information a message sent is received and correctly interpreted by the intended person


The most important thing at the time


The part farthest from the center or from the point of attachment

nursing team

Those who provide nursing care--RNs, LPNs/LVNs, and nursing assistants


To perform or carry out nursing measures in the care plan; a step in the nursing process

boundary crossing

a brief act or behavior outside of the helpful zone


a clash between opposing interests or ideas


a health care agency or program for persons who are dying usually they have less than 6 months to live focus on comfort not cure

team nursing

a nursing care pattern; a team of nursing staff is led by an RN who decides the amount and kind of care each person needs

primary nursing

a nursing care pattern; an RN is responsible for the person's total care

vulnerable adult

a person 18 years old or older who has a disability or condition that makes him or her at risk to be wounded, attacked, or damaged


a person's behaviors and way of living that threaten his or her health, safety, and well-being

end-of-shift report

a report that the nurse gives at the end of the shift to the on-coming shift


a staff member who guides another staff member mentor

nursing care plan

a written guide about the person's nursing care; care plan

medical record

a written or electronic account of a person's condition and response to treatment and care chart clinical record


a wrong committed against a person or the person's property some unintentional some intentional

right to be free from verbal, sexual, physical, and mental abuse

abuse: willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation, or punishment depriving the person of goods to surfaces needed to attain to maintain well-being

contents of medical record

admission record heath history physical examination results doctors orders doctors progress notes progress notes (nursing team and health team) graphic sheets flow sheets laboratory sheets x-ray reports IV therapy record respiratory therapy record consultation reports assessments from nursing social dietary and recreational services special consents

health care systems

agencies join together as one provider of care hospitals, nursing centers, home care agencies, hospice, and doctors offices

boundary violation

an act or behavior that meets your needs, not the person's

professional sexual misconduct

an act, behavior, or comment that is sexual in nature

nursing intervention

an action or measure taken by the nursing team to help the person reach a goal

terminal illness

an illness or injury from which the person will not likely recover

chronic illness

an on-going illness, slow or gradual in onset; it has no known cure; it can be controlled and complications prevented with proper treatment


and act that violates a criminal law

elder abuse

any knowing, intentional, or negligent act by a caregiver or any other person to an older adult; the act causes harm or serious risk of harm

delegation process

assess and plan communication surveillance and supervision evaluation and feedback


at or near the middle or midline of the body or body part


at or toward the back of the body or body part dorsal


at or toward the front of the body to body part ventral


away from the midline at the side of the body or body part

right to personal privacy

closing privacy curtains, doors, windows coverings removing residents from public view providing clothes or draping the person to prevent unnecessary exposure of body parts

right to keep and use personal items

clothing and some furnishings items are labelled

problem solving

define the problem collect information about the problem identify possible solutions select the best solution carry out the solution evaluate the results

Nurse Practice Acts

defines and describes the scope of practice, education, and licensing requirements for RNs and LPN/LVN protects the public from persons practicing nursing without a license decide what nursing assistants can and cant do

employers look for

dependable, well-groomed, skilled and trained with a good attitude

nursing diagnosis

describes a health problem that can be treated by nursing measures; a step in the nursing process

domestic abuse

domestic violence intimate partner abuse spousal abuse physical abuse sexual abuse verbal abuse economic abuse social abuse

assignment sheets

each persons care what measures and tasks need to be done which nursing unit tasks to do


emergency care surgery nursing care x-ray procedures and treatments laboratory testing respiratory, physical, occupational, speech, and other therapies often short stays

group insurance

employee benefit bought by groups or organizations for individuals

right to safe, clean, comfortable, and home-like setting

environment make changes when person: refuses a bath because shower is preferred prefers to shower at different time or day refuses shower because of fear of falling is uneasy about the staff assigned to help worried about falling cannot reach or use signal light cannot reach personal items does not like food served

long-term care centers

ex: nursing homes residents (NOT patients) cannot care for themselves but don't need hospital care needs range from simple to complex medical, nursing, dietary, recreation, rehabilitation, and social services provided housekeeping and laundry services provided temporary or permanent most residents are elderly: chronic disease, poor nutrition, memory problems, poor health younger residents: disabled from birth defects accidents, diseases skilled nursing facilities (SNF): provide more complex care, rehabilitation and time to recover, shorter stays

Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

federal law sets minimum training and competency evaluation requirements for nursing assistants requires that nursing centers post the names addresses and phone numbers of local and state ombudsmen training program: communication infection control safety and emergency procedures residents' rights personal care skills basic nursing skills feeding methods elimination procedures skincare transferring, positioning, and turning methods dressing helping the person walk range-of-motion signs and symptoms of common diseases how to care for cognitively impaired persons


following laws, being ethical, having good work ethics, and having the skills to do your work

right not to have body movements restricted

freedom from restraint doctors order is needed for restraint use not used for staff convenience or to discipline a person

right to voice concerns, questions, and complaints about treatment and care

grievances cannot be punishes for voice

types of health care agencies

hospital rehabilitation and subacute care agencies long term care centers assisted living residencies mental health centers home care agencies hospice health care systems

protected health information

identifying information and information about the person's health care that is maintained or sent in any form (paper, electronic, oral)

private insurance

in surname companies pay for some or all health care costs bought by individuals and families

objective data

information that is seen, heard, felt, or smelled by an observer signs


injuring a person's name and reputation by making false statements to a third person intentional tort


intentionally attempting or threatening to touch a person's body without the person's consent intentional tort

criminal law

laws concerned with offenses against the public and society in general

civil law

laws concerned with relationships between people


making false statements orally intentional tort

right to activities that enhance each person's physical, mental, and psycho-social well-being

meaningful activities reflect persons interests and lifestyle enjoyed by the person help the person feel useful to produce something useful provide a sense of belonging

right to work or perform services if they want

not required


nurse practice acts give nurses certain responsibilities the RN is accountable for all nursing care nursing assistants cannot delegate

nursing assistant registry

official record or listing of persons who have successfully completed that state's approved NATCEP.

informed consent

person has the right to decide what will be done to his or her won body doctor informs person reason for treatment, procedure, or care measure what will be done how it will be done who will do it the expected outcomes other treatment, procedure, or care options effects of not having the treatment, procedure, of care measure under 18 or mentally incompetent cannot give consent

right to make their own choices

personal choice choose own doctors choose when to get up, go to bed, what to wear, what to eat promotes quality of life, dignity, self-respect

types of elder abuse

physical abuse neglect verbal abuse involuntary seclusion financial exploitation or misappropriation emotional or mental abuse sexual abuse abandonment

your health

physically and mentally healthy diet sleep and rest body mechanics exercise eyes smoking drugs alcohol

rehabilitation and subacute care agencies

post hospital care for patients who cannot return home needs fall between hospital care and long-term care

right to quality of life

promote dignity and respect for self

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

protect privacy and security of a persons health information

role in meting standards and survey process

provide quality care protect persons rights provide for the persons and own safety help keep clean and safe agency conduct self in professional manner good work ethic follow agency policies and procedures answer questions honestly and completely

right to form and take part in resident groups

right to take part in social cultural religious and community events right to help in getting to and from events of their choise

involuntary seclusion

separating a person from others against his or her will, keeping the person to a certain area, or keeping the person away from his or her room without consent

home care agencies

services provided to peoples homes by nurses or nursing assistants health teaching and supervisions to bedside nursing care physical therapy rehabilitation food services hospitals, health care systems, public health departments, and private businesses may offer home services

assisted living residences

some are part of nursing centers or retirement communities resident has a room or apartment services provided: 3 meals a day, housekeeping, laundry, and transportation, social and recreational activities help given with personal care and drugs access to health and medical care

mental health centers

some have problems with life events others present dangers to themselves and others due to behavior and thoughts outpatient care is common short or long term inpatient care


someone who supports or promotes the needs and interests of another person investigate and resolve complaints provide services to assist the person assist persons on medicare Wirth hospital access or discharge concerns provide information about long term care services monitor nursing center care monitor nursing center conditions provide support to resident and family groups help the person and family resolve conflicts within the family help the center manage difficult problems educate persons, families, and the public about long term care issues and concerns represent older persons interests before local state and federal governments


staff members work together as a group; each person does his or her part to provide safe and effective care working when schedules being cheerful and friendly performing delegated tasks being available to help others help willingly be kind to others


that which is desired for or by a person as a result of nursing care

professional boundary

that which separates helpful behaviors from behaviors that are not helpful


the care provided to maintain or restore health, improve function, or relieve symptoms


the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities part A pays for some hospital, SNF, hospice, And home care costs part B pays for doctors services, out patient hospital care, voluntary monthly premium

medical diagnosis

the identification of a disease or condition by a doctor

right to refuse treatment

the legal right of patients to refuse certain forms of treatment center must: find out reason for refusal educate the person about the problems that can result from refusing offer other treatment options continure to provide all other services

health team

the many health care workers whose skills and knowledge focus on the person's total care; interdisciplinary health care team

nursing process

the method nurses use to plan and deliver nursing care 5 steps assessment diagnosis planning implementation evaluation


the part nearest to the center or to the point of origin


the response or change in the body caused by any emotional, physical, social, or economic factor

5 rights of delegation

the right task the right circumstance the right person the right directions and communication the right supervision

standard of care

the skills, care, and judgments required by a health team member under similar conditions come from: laws textbooks agency policy and procedure manuals manufacturer instructions for equipment and supplies job descriptions approval and accrediting agency standards standards and guidelines from governemnet agencies


the written account of care and observations charting

subjective data

things a person tells you about that you cannot observe through your senses symptoms


to measure if goals in the planning step were met; a step in the nursing process


to spread rumors or talk about the private matters of others


to trouble, torment, offend, or worry a person by one's behavior or comments


touching a person's body without his or her consent intentional tort


trusting others with personal and private information

false imprisonment

unlawful restraint or restriction of a person's freedom of movement intentional tort


using the senses of sight, hearing, touch, and smell to collect information

invasion of privacy

violating a person's right not to have his or her name, photo, or private affairs exposed or made public without giving consent intentional tort


willful infliction of injury, unreasonable confinement, intimidation or punishment with resulting physical harm, pain, or mental anguish

advanced directives

written instructions about health care when the person is not able to make such decisions DNR

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