Chapter 7: World War I

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Wilson's Fourteen Points called for the creation of what?

League of Nations and an open diplomacy instead of secret agreements; also touched on wanting to eliminate causes of war through free trade, freedom of the seas, disarmament, an impartial adjustment of colonial claims, addresses the right of national self-determination.

What were two laws that limited citizen's liberties?

The Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Act of 1918.

When and why did Germany announce they would sink any ship found near Britain's coast?

1915; Britain blockaded German ports and forced merchant ships to land in British ports to be inspected for contraband;

Selective service

A system created by Congress to register men for the draft.

Which side did American businesses support?

Companies in the United States had strong ties to the Allies, many American banks invested in an Allied victory.

To protect themselves from artillery fire, the troops did what?

Dug trenches.

The Fuel Administration

Managed the use of coal and oil.

To break through enemy lines, the Germans and the British used what?

The Germans used poison gas and the British used armored tanks.


The Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles and so the United States did not join the League of Nations.

Main Idea #3

The peace treaty that officially ended WWI was called the Treaty of Versailles.


The use of convoys at sea greatly reduced shipping losses and saved lives.

Main Idea #4

With the war over, the United States faced economic problems such as inflation and unemployment.

Why did business leaders want to break the power of the unions?

Workers wanted higher wages to keep up with inflation and companies resisted because inflation was driving up their operating costs.


WWI ended when the German government signed and armistice on November 11, 1918.


A massive U.S. attack led by Ferdinand Foch near the Argonne Forest pushed the Germans back.

What is "militarism"?

A policy of aggressive military preparedness; glorification of the military

When Lenin took power in Russia, his first act was to _____. This allowed Germany to_____.

Agreed to the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany; under this treaty, Russia gave up the Ukraine, its Polish and Baltic territories, and Finland. With the Eastern Front settled, Germany could concentrate its forces in the west.

What were the Palmer raids?

Attempts by the U.S. Department of Justice to arrest and deport radicals (immigrants); lead by attorney general A. Mitchell Palmer; FBI born from the raids.


During the war, many industries turned to other segments of the population for workers, such as women, African-Americans, and Mexicans.

What European nations formed the Triple Entente?

Great Britain, France, Russia

What caused a rise in tensions between European nations?

Imperialism, shifting national boundaries, old alliances, and nationalist sentiments; MAIN

The Food Administration

Increased the country's food production; Hoover.


Many African American soldiers fought with distinction in racially segregated units.

How was the Seattle General Strike different from other strikes of the time?

Other Seattle unions organized a general strike; these actions worried Americans because the general strike was a common communist/radical group tactic.

What circumstances contributed to the race riots of 1919?

Postwar economic turmoil contributed to widespread racial unrest; As people began to be laid off and as soldiers returning found it hard to find work and affordable housing, many blamed the African Americans for taking their jobs.

In 1914 warfare changed with the use of what?

Powerful artillery guns.

Main Idea #1

Powerful weapons devastated the European landscape and caused millions to lose their lives.

Why did a German U-boat sink the passenger ship Lusitania?

The Lusitania was in British coastal waters, the zone in which Germany pledged to sink any ship found there.

Why was the Boston Police Strike important?

The National Guard had been called in; Coolidge's response, "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime."


The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany, demanding that it pay reparations of $33 billion. It also reduced Germany's armed forces and blamed it for the war.

What events caused the United States to declare war?

The Zimmerman Telegram; Germany would return southwestern states to Mexico if they teamed up with them in the war.

What was the Red Scare?

The fear that communists might seize power; a nationwide panic.

War Industries Board

The most important new agency created by Congress, for the purpose of coordinating the production of war materials.

Main Idea #5

The number of strikes in 1919 caused Americans to fear a communist revolution in the United States.

Why did Germany promise to stop sinking merchant ships without warning?

They did not want to strengthen the Allies by drawing the United States into the war.

Why did many Americans support the British?

They had cultural ties with them; British news/propaganda also swayed the American public opinion in favor of the Allies.

What ways did the United States pay for the war?

They raised income tax rates and sold Liberty and Victory Bonds (war bonds).

Who were the Allies and who were the Central Powers?

Those fighting for the Triple Entente (Great Britain, France, and Russia) were called the Allies, and what remained of the Triple Alliance (Germany and Austria-Hungary) joined with the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria to form the Central Powers.

How did the steel strike affect the steelworkers' union?

U.S. Steel hired African American and Mexican workers as replacements; clashes between company guards and strikers were frequent; the strike collapsed in 1920, setting back the union cause for more than a decade.


WWI marked the first time airplanes and zeppelins were used in combat.

Who was the Republican candidate who won the election of 1920?

Warren G. Harding

Main Idea #2

When the Americans entered into WWI, many Germans believed that war was lost.

What nations formed the Triple Alliance?

Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungary

What increased the cost of living after the war?

Government agencies removed their controls from the economy; people raced to buy goods that had been rationed, while businesses raised prices they had been forced to keep low. This resulted in inflation.

What event triggered the war in Europe?

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand; Sarajevo, 1914


Not all U.S. soldiers were drafted; approximately two million were volunteers.

Fourteen Points

The peace plan after WWI presented by Wilson.


Served in the armed forces, although only in noncombat roles such as clerical and medical roles.

Mexican Americans

Served in the war--volunteering for service more than any other minority group in the United States.

How did violence add to the climate of fear?

Strikes concerned people, thinking workers were using them to start a revolution. Several riots and several bombings also took place.

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