Chapter 8

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which of the following situations presents the greatest challenge to a maximizer who wants to make decisions logically?

a very large range of good options that are all quite similar

sally scored at the top of her class in chemistry

achievement test

skill at puzzle solving and other academic challenges

analytical intelligence

tom demonstrated an ability to adjust well to new situations, making him a good candidate for the selective study-abroad program

aptitude test

one may make a hasty decision by not taking time to gather information


professional athlete

bodily kinesthetic

a grocery store places all produce in one area and all dry goods in another


skill at reacting to new situations by thinking in original and interesting ways

creative intelligence

involves ranking outcomes as better or worse

decision making

involves selection among alternatives

decision making

any member of a category


even though joe had never seen that unusual breed of cat before, he can quickly identify it as a cat - as opposed to a dog- since it most closely matches other instances of cats in his memory

exemplar model

stacia travels all over the city using buses and subways. when she wants to find a way to travel to another state, she refers to a bus schedule

finding an analogy

a bus company offers discounts when people buy tickets in advance, rather than emphasizing the fees incurred when booking at the last minute


a dating website founder, hoping to get venture capital funding, says that his site is used by 20 precent of san francisco singles


one may be subject to manipulation by others based on how a choice is described


kohler's chimpanzee-with-stick experiment


sudden understanding of the solution


izzy is 12 years old, but she has a mental age of 14

intelligence quotient



memoir writer





mathematical logical

songwriter, composer


michael keeps looking for his car keys on the kitchen table, where he usually leave them. eventually, he checks in his pocket and finds them

overcoming a mental set

dunker's box-and-candle problem

overcoming functional fixedness

matt has a hammer and a window that will not open, but he does not want to smash the window. eventually he realizes he can use the hammer as a lever

overcoming functional fixedness

skill at judging the size of a physical space or at judging people's characters

practical intelligence

involves getting from a present state to a goal state

problem solving

involves obstacles

problem solving

the most typical member of a category


young children can quickly identify a parrot as a bird, since they think of parrots as best representing that concept

prototype model

mike could solve rubies' cubes, mathematical puzzles, and other mind-bending puzzles faster than anyone else. upon first meeting mike, people thought he was a mathematician and were surprised to discover he was a plumber


one may make decisions based on poorly informed stereotyping of people


seeing a woman auto mechanic, ahmed decides to take his car to a different place to be serviced by a male auto mechanic, not realizing the woman has high ratings from her customers


daniel is looking for a dog sitter, but no one can cover all the times required. he then puts together a schedule for three different people to help with the dog

restricting a problem

schemer's nine-dot problem


a person who has extraordinary abilities in one particular area (like math or art) but is normal or below average in other areas is called a ______


What is the paradox of choice?

sometimes, having more options is worse than having fewer

interior designer


a generalization based on group membership


think about how a similar problem is solved

use an analogy

set and achievement mini-goals that lead to a larger goal

use subgoals

boris, an engineer, uses an engine's maximum power output to figure out the engine's maximum fuel flow

working backward

start with a goal and construct steps that will lead there from the initial state

working backward

when paula;s car broke down, she identified what time she needed to get to work, then researched bus schedules to see what bus to catch, then set the time she needed to leave the house to walk to the bus stop

working backward

using a formula developed by ____________, a child's "intelligence quotient" was based on the child's estimated ______ age. this estimate was divided by the child's _____________ age, and the result was multiplied by ___

1. Wilhelm stern 2. mental 3. chronological 4. 100

which of the following are analogical representations?

1. a drawing of a house 2. a photo of a person 3. a map of a bus route

which of the following descriptions correspond to reliability, and which correspond to validity?

1. a person's scores on the same repeated test are stable over time 2. a student tries retaking the SAT, but his new score is similar to his old one

our knowledge of the work is based on __________, collections of concepts grouped together on the basis of shared __________. it is possible for ________ to belong to more than one category at the same time. in organizing categories, we rely on _______, which store our knowledge and past experience of what is most common for items corresponding to concepts and categories.

1. categories 2. properties 3. concepts 4. schemas

in one study of children's scriptures about adult's a group of preschoolers was invited to act out a social evening for adults, using dolls and other props

1. children were more likely to include alcohol if their parents drank alcohol 2. children were more likely to include cigarettes if their parents smoked

empirical support

1. crystallized intelligence 2. fluid intelligence 3. general intelligence

if someone scores high on an intelligence test, what can you expect about his cognitive performance, compared with someone of average intelligence?

1. he will score higher on tests of choice reaction time (e.g.. "press the x key every time you see an x; press the a key every time you seen an a") 2. he will score much higher on a memory test that has two components (e.g. "solve simple math problems while a list of words is presented, and then repeat the words back in the same order")

which of the following qualities are associated with high general intelligence?

1. high IQ scores 2. better performance at work 3. better health

according to charles spearman, how do people with high general intelligence scores on other intelligence abilities?

1. high general intelligence is associated with high problem solving abilities 2. high general intelligence is associated with high math ability 3. high general intelligence is associated with high verbal abilities

what are some of the results of research studies about the influence of environmental factors on intelligence?

1. higher birth weight is associated with higher standardized intelligence test scores 2. more schooling is correlated with higher intelligence 3. breastfeeding and proper prenatal nutrition is associated with higher standardized intelligence test scores

maximizing and satisfying are two different ways of _______________. faced with a range of options, the _________ will go to great lengths to identify the best one, while the _________ will settle on a "good enough" choice that fits his or her minimum requirements. surprisingly, satisfiers tend to end up happier, apparently because they are less likely to ______________________ later on

1. making decisions 2. maximizer 3. satisficer 4. second guess themselves


1. multiple intelligences 2. emotional intelligence

some researchers believe that a complete description of people's intelligence must include emotional intelligence, or El. what specific abilities is el say to include?

1. recognizing other people's emotions 2. understanding emotional language 3. managing one's emotions 4. using one's own emotions to guide thoughts and actions

when kushagra took an IQ test that was not in his native language, he consistently scored in the 90-to-95 range. however, when he was given a similar IQ test in his native language, he consistently scored in the 115-to 125 range. as a measure of kushagra's IQ, the first test can be said to possess ___________ but not ________, possibly due to ____________

1. reliability 2. validity 3. cultural bias

distinguish between the function or purpose of schemas and potential problems that can come from using schemas

1. schemas assign people roles to play 2. schemas for common situations include rules for how to behave

which of the following statements about Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences are accurate?

1. support for the theory lies in the fact that many people who are very successful did not excel academically 2. critics of the theory have questioned whether some of gardner's intelligence categories should be considered skills, rather than intelligences

which of the following are features of the WAIS, developed by David wechsler?

1. tests both verbal and nonverbal information 2. tests general knowledge

which of the following are symbolic representations?

1. the ingredient list in a recipe 2. an equation for a math word problem

what are some of the results from research studies about the role of genetics in determining intelligence?

1. the second-highest correlation in intelligence is between monozygotic twins raised in different households 2. the highest correlation in intelligence is between monozygotic twins raised the same household 3. the lowest correlation in intelligence is between siblings in different households

which of the following were goals of the first intelligence test developed by alfred binet and theodore simon?

1. use measures of memory, vocabulary, numbers, and other mental operations to produce an overall score of intelligence 2. psychometrically measure school intelligence 3. identify children in the french school system who needed more attention

a good test is both valid and reliable. ________ means that the test measures what it is believed or intended to measure; in other words, _______________ is not skewing the results. ___________ means that there is not a lot of "noise" in the test results: if the test is given to _________________________ under similar conditions, the results will be consistent

1. validity 2. another variable 3. reliability 4. the same person several times

what are some of the research findings about stereotype threat?

1. women and minorities who are made aware of the stereotype threat effect outperform those who are not made aware of it 2. women who do not believe men score better on standardized math tests score just as well as men 3. stereotype threat interferes with test performance by causing anxiety 4. women who believe men score better on standardized math tests do in fact score lower than men

this is the mean, or average, score


about 16 percent of people score higher than this


about 2.3 percent of the population score lower than this


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