Chapter 8 and 9 MGMT 331-5S8

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The problem with banning access to social media during work is that it can damage employee and .


Subgroups may form and procrastination occur during the stage of group development. (Enter one word in the blank.)


A useful way of framing a presentation is

to think of it as a journey

When conducting difficult or crucial conversations, you should show respect by doing which of the following?

focusing on mutual purpose, such as gains or benefits,not interrupting, steamrolling, or intimidating others,allowing others to share their ideas and feelings

Punctuated equilibrium is concerned with:

how a group functions in the face of change

What can be expected from employees who experience trust within an organization?

increased performance

When a listener takes the time to decode and interpret a verbal message, this process is called:


Among the stages of group development in Tuckman's model are:


During coaching conversations, what can employees do to discuss problems with their bosses?

offer suggestions in a polite manner,be sensitive,speak to specific behaviors and situations

Formal groups fulfill both and functions in organizations.


What type of facial expression typically represents warmth, happiness, and friendship?


The tendency for individual effort to decline as group size increases is known as ______.

social loafing

To enhance productivity, which tool may be used to collaborate and communicate with colleagues and customers?

social media

A group's roles enable it to pursue its purpose, while its roles support its interpersonal relationships. (Enter one word in each blank.)


Reduced commuting and real estate costs are among the benefits of:

virtual teams

How far in advance should a presentation be prepared?


A norm is a(n) ______ shared by two or more people that guides behavior.


What are some examples of communication styles associated with men?

Men see conversations as negotiations to keep the upper hand.,Men hide their emotions.

The stage of group development that is able to occur after a respected member challenges the group to resolve power struggles to accomplish its goals is the ______ stage.


Which of the following actions are needed to be empathetic?

noticing others' emotions,using observations about others' feelings in communications with them

A negative byproduct of positively reinforcing group role and norm adherence is that groups tend to:

ostracize those who do not conform

Although it is essential, if not managed effectively, e-mail can be a huge drain.


What aspect of conversational skills and habits do women focus on?

rapport and relationships

When interpersonal relationships within organizations are built on trust, which of the following occur?

Employees are more motivated.,Employees improve their performance.,Employees are more vulnerable with each other.

What is the last step in the communication process?

The receiver sends feedback to the sender.

Which of the following will help teams collaborate better?

using scheduling project management software,recognizing the strongest skill for each team member

A team that works together over time and distance using electronic media to combine effort and achieve goals is a(n) team. (Enter one word in the blank.)


Teams that are able to leverage knowledge from anywhere in the world at much lower costs are teams. (Enter one word in the blank.)


What type of reward system recognizes both individual and team performance?

a hybrid reward system

Which of the following can be a source of noise?

a loud environment,handwriting that is hard to read,nonverbal communication

Team describes the collection of jobs, personalities, skills, experience, and knowledge of team members.


What are the three Cs of building effective teams?

composition,charters and strategies,capacity

Social media can contribute to the productivity of companies of all sizes and industries by:

connecting in real time and over distances with many stakeholders,expanding to include outsiders in problem-solving,connecting sources of knowledge across organizations, offices, and time zones

Which listening style is characterized by the highest investment in listening to others when they are talking?


The stage of Tuckman's group development model characterized by rituals, discussions of lessons learned, and moving on is the stage.


The stage of Tuckman's group development model when members move on to other things is the:


Male communication styles are more , and they often hide their . (Enter one word in each blank.)


Which of the following are media through which a message can be communicated?

an in-person discussion,a phone call,a text message

What does the nonverbal communication form of touching convey?


Which of the following are key elements to punctuated equilibrium?


Group influence brings individuals into the social fabric of an organization by:

communicating norms,communicating role expectations

Known as the three Cs, what characteristics must team players possess in order for their team to be successful?


What are three basic characteristics that describe groups and teams in the workplace?

dependence,accountability,duration spent together

Which of the following describes a purpose of a formal work group?

discussing ways to improve product quality

Discussions between two or more people become crucial conversations when:

emotions are strong,the stakes are high,opinions vary

It is possible to improve communications between the sexes and generations by:

employing a variety of communication media,avoiding assumptions based on sex or age

What is the process called when ideas are put into a code that others can understand?


Writing a message prior to determining its means of delivery is an example of:


During the stage of group development, members are likely to be uncertain about the group's leaders and goals. (Enter one word in the blank.)


During which stage of group development are people anxious about their roles, the people in charge, and the group's goals?


The process of actively decoding and interpreting verbal messages is .


The capacity of a medium to transmit information and support understanding is called ______.

media richness

Which of the following are elements in framing a presentation?

explaining why the subject matters,ending the presentation with a solution,considering what the audience knows

Which of the following is a benefit of nonverbal communication?

more accurate interpretation of a message

Communication skills that impact communication competence include:

nonverbal communication,nondefensive communication,active listening

An attitude, feeling, opinion, or action shared by two or more people that guides behavior is a(n) ______.


A person's characteristic speaking is their linguistic style.


The term linguistic style primarily describes a

pattern of speaking.

Plans that outline exactly what the team is to do such as goal setting and defining member roles are team strategies.


The stage of group development characterized by a lot of helping behavior among group members to achieve goals is the stage.


Since your reputation and your employer's can be damaged in a variety of ways, it is important to recognize that has been eroded by social media.


Hybrid reward systems are best for motivating teams because they:

recognize individual and team performance

The benefits of using virtual teams includes:

reduced travel expenses,reduced real estate costs,flexibility that is attractive to employees

Formal groups fulfill which three of the following individual functions?

reducing individuals' feelings of powerlessness,confirming a member's sense of identity,problem solving for interpersonal problems

Negative or inappropriate information about you on social media can damage your and lead to job loss and social stigma.


Team performance strategies include:

setting goals for the team,the tasks and responsibilities of the members,plans that outline exactly what the team is to do

What uses web-based and mobile technologies to generate interactive dialog with members of a network?

social media

Informal groups are commonly distinguished according to their

specific interests.

During which of the stages of Tuckman's group development process are people likely to test the leader's policies, form subgroups, and determine how they fit in the group's power structure?


The extent to which team members are dependent on each other to accomplish their work is called

task interdependence.

A plan for how the team will make decisions, share communications and strategies that should be agreed to early in the group development process is a(n) .

team ,charters

When practicing a speech or presentation, a practice audience will be compelled to offer


True or false: Feedback can only occur when the original receiver expresses a reaction to the sender's message.


True or false: Social media are all based on a single technology.


True or false: You can guard against social loafing by making the group as big as possible to better ensure accountability.


Face time is important to the formation of virtual teams if at all possible because it:

increases trust,builds credibility

Which of the following concepts have shown that social media contribute to employee productivity?

increasing job satisfaction ,providing more creativity and collaboration,improving performance and retention

It is important to recall that the meaning of nonverbal cues:

is dependent on context and culture,is subjective,is different in various cultures.

Which of the following are aspects of team composition?

knowledge and experience of members,skills and abilities of members

Which of the following can serve as a message foundation?


Which of the following is an example of informal group activity?

making a craft together

Providing your boss with upward feedback is known as:

managing up

The stage in Tuckman's group development process when the group resolves its power struggles in order to accomplish its goals is the ______ stage.


Videoconferencing services are growing in popularity because they provide more visual communication than

phone calls.,e-mails.,texts.

A set of expected behaviors for a particular position in a group is called a(n)


When delivering a presentation, which of the following are the most important things to know? (Check all that apply.)

One should know how to transition from one topic to another.,One should know the concepts behind each bullet point in the presentation.

Match each behavior with the form of trust it builds.

People do what they say they will do and make their expectations clear.,People share information and tell the truth.,People meet their responsibilities and acknowledge others' skills and experience

Match the element of the communication process in the left column with the correct definition from the right column.

Person who wants to communicate information,Information,The person or group for whom the message is intended,Method of communicating the message,Interference with the message

Which of the following are types of task interdependence? (Check all that apply.)


The \we feeling\" that binds group members together is group . (Enter only one word in the blank.)"


The task roles that facilitate a group's work include:

defining a common purpose,clarifying a common purpose

Which of the following should be done to be an effective listener?

Be motivated.,Focus on message content.,Put in the effort.

True or false: Active listening is a form of nonverbal communication.


True or false: Because of collaboration, teams are generally less effective than the individuals who make up the team.


Which of the following groups are more likely to communicate via digital devices?

Gen Xers,Millennials

What are recommended practices for improving communications between sexes and generations?

Give credit to people for their ideas regardless their gender.,Use a variety of media based on the circumstances.,Clarify any norms concerning communication.

In which of the following situations, can punctuated equilibrium occur? (Check all that apply.)

Innovation,An inciting event

Which of the following describe a highly complex situation?

It is difficult to analyze.,It lacks clarity.

Which of the following statements is true about team adaptive capacity? (Check all that apply.)

It is the ability to make needed changes in response to demands put on the team.,It is a critical element of effective, high-performing teams.

Which of the following statements about videoconferencing are true? (Check all that apply.)

It provides enhanced communication over e-mail and texts.,It has a code of conduct for participating in meetings.

Match the listening style in the left column with the correct explanation in the right column.

Motivated, give full attention, and participate,Reflect what is said and partially participate,Assume the speaker is responsible for the interaction,Body language includes lack of eye contact, slouching, and inattention

Which of the following statements show the benefits of norms?

Norms bring a sense of order to a group.,Norms help groups move through the development process.,Norms provide more efficient group operations.

Of the following statements, which accurately describe social loafers?

Social loafers expect the same rewards as other members of the team.,Social loafers produce low-quality work.,Social loafers can distract or disrupt the work of other team members.

Match the step in the STATE technique of addressing difficult conversations in the left column to the correct explanation in the right column.

Start with the least controversial elements that support what you want for the relationship.,Describe how you've arrived where you are and what you'd like to see change and why.,Talk with others, not at them. Create dialog. don't be accusatory. Use \I\" instead of \"you.\"

Match the group task role description in the right column to the role listed on the left.

Suggests new goals or ideas,Pulls together ideas and suggestions,Documents discussions and outcomes,Tests group's accomplishments against criteria

True or false: Establishing a trusting relationship with your boss may make you the \go to\" person to fill in when needed."


True or false: It is possible for a formal group and an informal group to overlap.


True or false: Teams can foster collaboration by recognizing and using the strengths of individual team members.


True or false: When a group has norms, the group can tackle the development process more effectively.


What are practical ways to be an effective member of groups and teams?

Develop teamwork competencies to increase your value to the organization.,Communicate, be predictable, and treat others with respect to boost your trustworthiness.,Learn which of the group functions are important to you.

True or false: Trust involves being vulnerable.


Which of the following are challenges that virtual teams face?

Technology limits nonverbal communication. ,Relationships are difficult to build and monitor at a distance.,The lack of interpersonal and face-to-face interactions make building trusting relationships difficult.

Which of the following statements are true about work teams?

They have a well-defined purpose.,They are usually permanent.,They have a common purpose.

Which stage in Tuckman's model of group development focuses on resolving task problems and achieving more than one person could alone?


Which of the following result from employee access to social media?

an increase in job satisfaction and work-life balance,an increase in employee performance,a reduction in the amount of time spent retrieving needed information

Which of the following should be included in a company's social media policy?

an outline of consequences for violations,guidelines on confidentiality,appropriate ways to engage others online

Which of the following are reasons that people do not retain what they hear?

underutilized cognitive processes,noise

What are the three basic ways to deliver a presentation?

using a bulleted list that outlines the presentation,reading the presentation from a script,memorizing and rehearsing the presentation

Before providing it, it is very important to learn your manager's receptiveness to receiving .


A performance-based index of an individual's abilities to effectively use communication behaviors in a given context is communication .


Crucial are discussions between two or more people where the stakes and emotions are high, and opinions vary.


When specialists from different areas are put on the same team, it is a - team. (Enter one word in each blank.)


The part of the communication process in which the receiver expresses a reaction to the sender's message is .


When the receiver reacts to the sender's message, the receiver is at which stage of the communication process?


Which of the following are factors that can affect the richness of a medium?

feedback's speed,the message's channel,the media type

Research shows that of men and women, tend to touch more during a conversation, showing warmth and caring toward the other.


Managing up includes which of the following?

finding how best to deliver criticism,asking for permission to provide coaching ,learning your manager's view of coaching

Workers who meet regularly to discuss ways to improve product quality are in a(n) group.


Maintenance roles in a group are those that:

foster supportive interpersonal relationships

What type of facial expression typically represents anger or dissatisfaction?


A role is a set of expected behaviors for a particular , while a role is a set of expected behaviors for members of the group as a whole.


Which of the following characterize the adjourning stage in Tuckman's model of group development?

moving on to other activities,award and recognition ceremonies

Poor hearing that interferes with understanding of a message is an example of in the communication process.


Examples of nonverbal communication include:

posture,eye contact,touching

Individuals may test or rebel against the leader's policies in Tuckman's stage of group development. (Enter one word in the blank.)


Which of the following statements are true about a formal group?

The group is assigned to accomplish specific goals.,The group is assigned by the organization or managers.

In which of the following cultures are children taught to maintain eye contact with their parents?


What nonverbal message is expressed by having your palms up?

immediacy and openness

According to Deborah Tannen, linguistic style includes such features as:

jokes,directness,word choice

Which of the following are aspects of trust?

letting your guard down with another person,believing that another person will keep the impact of his or her actions on you in mind

The type of team that managers of an organization are most likely to resist because of the threat it poses to traditional management philosophy and structure is the ______ team.


What communication tendencies are women more likely to exhibit than men?

sharing credit for success,giving tactful feedback

What point should you keep in mind when dealing with nervousness in making a presentation?

Audience members expect you to be nervous.

What is a team called that is composed of specialists from several different areas such as finance, marketing, production and design?

a cross-functional team

What type of team has the collective autonomy and responsibility to plan, manage, and execute tasks interdependently to achieve its goals?

a self-managed team

In order to make groups and teams successful, what should managers do?

They should build and maintain trust with and among members.,They should use team charters to accomplish goals.,They should identify task and maintenance roles.

What should managers do to help them build and lead more effective teams?

They should evaluate employees using the three Cs of team players (commitment, collaboration, and competency).,They should use the group development process to reduce frustrations when working in teams.,They should identify important task and maintenance roles.

Which of the following statements are true about project teams?

Their members most often divide their time between the team and their primary jobs.,Their members may be from the same department of an organization.,They are assembled to tackle a particular problem, task, or project.

Which of the following are characteristics of high-performing teams?

They have trust and communication.,They have clear goals and responsibilities.,They have an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Problems for employers resulting from social media can be prevented or reduced by developing a policy that:

describes who, how, and when social media can be used,states the consequences for noncompliance of social media usage,describes the purposes for which social media can be used

Early in the group development process, a team can improve its chances for success if it:

develops a team charter

Connecting sources of knowledge within the organization across offices and time zones is one way that can contribute to productivity.


Which of the following statements about effective team players is true?

Effective team players display commitment, collaboration, and competence.

Selecting a medium, such as face-to-face conversations, graphs, or digital messaging, is one of the steps in which of the following processes?


Ending a relationship and talking to a coworker who has behaved offensively are examples of .


Which activity refers to the lost productivity resulting from the use of the Internet at work for personal tasks?


Crossing your legs can send a nonverbal message of:


When people believe they are being attacked or threatened, they become . (Enter one word in the blank.)


What communication tendencies are men more likely to exhibit than women?

giving blunt feedback,boasting about themselves

The ability of a team to adapt to changes such as changing demands or the transition of members in or out of the group is:

team adaptive capacity

Plans that outline exactly what the team is to do, goals for the team, and the tasks, responsibilities, and roles of team members are:

team performance strategies

Formal groups fulfill which two of the following organizational functions?

coordinating interdepartmental efforts,implementing complex decisions

Which of the following are ways that groups positively communicate role expectations?

showing acceptance,offering friendship

Which of the following are included in common teamwork competencies? (Check all that apply.)

Contributing to the team's work,Keeping the team on track,Interacting with team members constructively

Which of the following types of behavior is exhibited when people believe that they are being attacked or threatened? (Check all that apply.)


Which of the following statements describe how building work flow rhythm fosters collaboration in teams?

Team members know what they need to do and when.,Team members have their interdependent needs met.,Team efforts are better coordinated.

What is the primary reason that people collaborate in groups and teams in the workplace?

The complexity of work is too great to be managed by individuals.

Match the tip for effective listening in the left column with the correct description in the right column.

Use nonverbal cues to demonstrate interest and involvement.,Integrate or consolidate an entire conversation.,Don't try to anticipate what will be said next or what you will say. ,Give the speaker the opportunity to explain his/her ideas.

Which of the following statements are true about the characteristics of virtual teams?

Virtual team members are connected using various technologies.,Virtual teams may utilize talent more efficiently than in traditional office settings.,Virtual team members work across time, space, and organizational boundaries.

What type of team has a well-defined purpose, is more or less permanent, and requires the complete commitment of its members?

a work team

Drag and drop the behaviors against the corresponding team competencies.

Completes work accurately and on time,Helps plan and organize work,Expects the team to succeed and cares about producing quality work,Listens to teammates and accepts feedback,Is able to make meaningful contributions to the team

How can employees avoid the pitfalls of social media at work?

by learning the company's social media policies,by creating social media accounts for personal and professional use,by avoiding anything that may be seen as rude or embarrassing

The degree to which members feel part of the collective group is called group


According to the Reina Model for rebuilding trust, it is important to discuss feelings and emotions constructively before reframing the and taking for what happened. (Enter one word in each blank.)


The reasons that banning access to social media at work can damage employee morale and loyalty include:

fairness to those who are expected to be available for work outside of regular hours,alienating younger employees who are used to being \plugged in\""

The purposes served by norms in an organization include:

having pre-established guidelines for groups,reducing time spent on the development process for groups

Clear goals and responsibilities with an appropriate mix of knowledge, skills, and abilities are specifically associated with ______ teams.


Which of the following is an example of a formal group?

hiring committee

Among the ways to prevent social loafing are:

holding people accountable for their performance,limiting group size

In the perceptual model of communication, a message's ______ is created by the receiver.


When there is physical distance, the misunderstanding of a message occurs because of:


Any message sent or received independent of the written or spoken word is:

nonverbal communication

In contrast to a group, what are characteristics of a team?

Members depend on each other.,Members are accountable for their collective performance.

Employees in self-managed work groups are acting as their own . (Enter one word in the blank.)


In oral communication, which of the following are more clearly understood because of nonverbal communication?


Three factors that create effectiveness when building a team include:

team charters and strategies,capacity of the team,composition of the team

Match the group maintenance role description in the right column to the role listed on the left.

Mediates conflict through reconciliation or humor,Encourages all to participate,Evaluates group processes,Serves as a passive audience

What type of team is assembled to tackle a particular project, problem, or task?

a project team

Communication involves which of the following?

a receiver,a sender

What type of team has a difficult time building trusting relationships because of a lack of interpersonal and face-to-face interactions?

a virtual team

Which of the following is a goal of collaboration?

ensuring a collective outcome is completed

When people are empathetic, they acknowledge the _____ of others.


What is the most important element of developing stage presence?

eye contact

What is the main driving force behind the use of all forms of technology, including social media, at work?

to boost productivity

Why should you use multimedia in a presentation?

to convey emotion to the audience

The use of self-managed teams in organizations requires changes:

to reward systems,in management philosophy,to training practices

What are some of the best practices for using slides in a presentation?

Make sure the font is large enough to see from the back of the room.,Limit the number of words per slide.,Provide commentary to the slides rather than reading them aloud.

How can managers avoid miscommunication and ensure that employees get the intended message?

by being aware of linguistic difference between women and men,by paraphrasing and summarizing what others communicate,by learning ways to handle crucial conversations

The steps in the communication process include:

Encoding the message,Receiving the message,Transmitting the message

Match the element of a social media policy in the left column with its explanation from the right column.

Explain what information can and cannot be shared online and provide an approval process.,Explain what information is proprietary, trademarked, and copyrighted.,Inform employees that they are responsible for what they post, identify what is expected on-the-job behavior, and clarify when they are representing the company.,Instruct employees to be polite and nonconfrontational.

True or false: A sender is the individual who decodes a message.


Which of the following are reasons a two-way face-to-face conversation is the richest form of communication? (Check all that apply.)

Immediate feedback,Recognition of understanding,Body language observation

Which of the following statements about informal groups are true?

Informal groups are formed by members who share a common interest.,Informal groups are based on friendship.

Media that is more rich results in which of the following outcomes?

Information is better communicated.

Which of the following describe a low-complexity situation?

It is predictable.,It is routine.

In order to make meaningful contributions to groups or teams, what should you do?

Learn which individual functions of groups are most important to you,Apply your knowledge to combat social loafing,Develop your teamwork competencies

What techniques can an individual use to communicate more effectively?

Look for ways the message can be misinterpreted.,Avoid miscommunication due to gender and generational differences.,Remember that all communication is like a presentation.

Which of the following is the biggest negative impact of social media use by employees at their workplaces?

Losing productivity

In which ways are stories better than reports for making presentations?

Stories help the presenter connect with the audience.,Stories offer personal and sometimes emotional information.

When people communicate, they do which of the following?

They decipher the information they exchange.,They take part in a process that involves two parties.,They process the information they exchange.

Why do researchers estimate that typical listeners retain only 20-50 percent of what they hear?

Underutilized cognitive processes lead to daydreaming.,People may not be motivated to make the effort to listen.,People think faster than others speak.

Which of the following are useful tips for managing e-mail?

Use folders and categories to organize your inbox.,Do not check e-mails at all hours.,Prioritize 20% of e-mails and defer the other 80%.

Characteristics of the performing stage in Tuckman's model of group development include:

constructive conflict resolution,open communication,goal achievement

What are some examples of communication styles associated with women?

conversational skills,building relationships,offering support

Groups on social media are a form of what type of group?


A card club that meets monthly to play and have dinner is an example of a(n) ______.

informal group

Collaboration includes which of the following aspects?

information sharing,task coordination

Which of the following interpersonal communication differences between men and women are attributed to the Darwinian perspective?

inherited biological differences between the sexes,different drives, needs, and conflicts between men and women,gender differences associated with reproductive strategies

What does the nonverbal communication technique of leaning forward show?


What communication methods do younger generations prefer over more traditional communication methods?

texting devices,instant messaging devices

What part of the message do effective listeners focus on?

the content of the message

Developing a team charter early in the development process will help the team succeed because it describes:

the decision making process,how the team will operate,how the team will share information

Which of the following are needed for listening to take place?

the processing of information,mindful attention

What is an effective mechanism to check on communication accuracy?

paraphrasing or restating what someone else has said or written

Which of the following can be a receiver?

a company,an individual,a team

When a message is interpreted, which of the following is taking place?


In Asian cultures, eye contact is avoided to demonstrate


Which of the following are examples of the overlap between formal and informal groups?

a work group going to a movie together,a task force having a casual dinner after work together

Face-to-face interactions early in the virtual team development process build credibility, , and understanding, and reduce , making subsequent virtual interactions more efficient and effective.


What are practical ways to build trust in interpersonal relationships within an organization?

Be realistic about commitments and deliver quality work on time.,Demonstrate good business sense, technical ability, and professionalism.,Keep team members informed by providing information on policies and giving accurate feedback.

What does the social role theory suggest about the differing linguistic styles of men and women?

Boys and girls are taught to communicate differently.

Collections of individuals with low dependency on one another are known as ______, whereas _____ are collectively responsible for their performance.

groups; teams

In the communication process, what is the information being communicated called?

the message

The Reina Model is used to restore when it has been compromised.


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