Chapter 8 & 9

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Who was William Lloyd Garrison?

Abolitionist , demanded emancipation and developed newspaper.

Why was the church founded?

Allowed blacks to have mrs rights in the church

What was the Gag Rule in Congress?

Automatically gets rid of any discussion of slavery in congress. Makes it illegal to say slavery in congress.

What were some of David Walker's beliefs?

Blacks should not exert separatism or move out of US Blacks deserve freedom and equality and are willing to fight for it.

What was the goal of those that believed in "separatism?"

Blacks that say we can't deal with whites so lets make our own society. Avoid white racism. Not popular.

Henry David Thoreau and Ralph Waldo Emerson were two key transcendentalists. Briefly explain their impact on the movement.

Both impacted the way people live there lives from their experiences of living in the woods.

Who is the "father" of this movement?

Charles Finney

What were William Lloyd Garrison's abolitionist demands?

Demanded equal rights for african americans, Publishes The Liberator calls for uncompensated emancipation confronted churches for failing to comdem slavery.

What movements arose as a result of the Second Great Awakening?

Distributing bibles, organizations collect money for missionaries, temperance organization , organizations to stop prostitutes, anti slavery

Why did the American Colonization Society's effort to send free slaves back to Libera fail?

Expensive to send back

Who were some famous members?

Frederick Douglass, Harriet Tubman, and Sojourner Truth

How did Douglass' public role change after Emancipation?

Had several position in the federal government, president of Freedmen's Bank and U.S. Marshal for the District of Columbia, continued his speeches on slave and woman's rights.

How did Douglass begin his "career" as an abolitionist?

He started his "career with the Garrisonian abolitionists and he nitrated his experiences as a former slave.

How did Charles Finney recruit people to his religion?

He wrote a book

What is new about the 2nd Great Awakening?

Its link to social reform.

How was slavery more than a labor system?

Its was a means to controlling the black race. It was racism not economics.

Where does the 2nd Great Awakening begin?

Kentucky and Tennessee

What beliefs did the new theologies at the beginning of the 19th century reflect?

Modern scientific attitudes. Okay to accept science.

In what ways was the abolitionist movement possibly the most successful of the great reform era of the early/mid 1800s?

People from everywhere in society began aposing slavery.

Who were the Shakers?

People who admired simplicity and made an art of designing buildings and furniture of distinctive, harmonious beauty.

How did whites react to William Lloyd Garrison's abolitionist demands?

Put a rope around his neck and dragged him around the city of Boston

Why did they eventually stop growing?

Their rule of celibacy and communal holding of property discouraged new converts. Celibacy makes it hard to recruit members.

What was the goal of the American Colonization Society?

To find was to send free blacks that white southerners somewhere else. Get them out of the US! Sent to Liberia.

What is Transcendentalism?

Transcendentalism was in movement in philosophy and literature that inspired the second great awakening. It reformed the church in a interiorly different way.

Why did they pass the Gag Rule in Congress?

White southerens were so afraid that white northerns would end slavery.

What other movements did Douglass support?

Woman's equality and anti-slavery

Who was Charles Grandison Finney?

a lawyer who had experienced a religious epiphany and set out to preach the Gospel.

How did the movement contrast with American culture?

free love, birth control, and eugenic selection of parents

How was the Second Great Awakening different from the first?

locale and expression of religious commitment encouraged the emergence of new denominations revival strengthened the Methodists and the Baptists spawned a new form of religious expression

What is the church most known for?

spirit of reform and activism

Describe Brook Farm. Why did it fail?

utopian commune. suffered from indebtedness, in part from a disastrous fire and in part from lack of incentive for the members to be productive, since the fruits of the labor of all were shared equally by all, regardless of contribution.

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