Chapter 8 and ( theology

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Jesus took a strong stance against divorce. What did he say?

"what God has joined together, no human being must separate"

.Sacramental marriage is essentially about ___________________. The husband and wife share a ____________—their mental, emotional, ___________________, and physical unity. There is also a communion between the husband and wife and their children—the oneness of _______________________.

.Sacramental marriage is essentially about COMMUNION. The husband and wife share a UNITY—their mental, emotional, SPIRITUAL, and physical unity. There is also a communion between the husband and wife and their children—the oneness of FAMILY LIFE.

What is the origin of the Sacrament of Holy Orders? How did the council of Trent reaffirm this?

1. Christ's choice of the Apostles in the origin of the Sacrament of Holy Orders 2. The Council of Trent reaffirmed holy orders as a sacrament and emphasized the teaching that Holy Orders gave priests the power to celebrate Eucharist and forgive sins in Christ name

What are the graces of the holy orders?

1. Holy orders conforms the ordained minister more closely with Christ, giving him an indelible spiritual character that can never be taken away 2. the grace of the sacrament allows bishops, priests, and deacons to serve the Church as High priest, Teacher, and Good shepherd 3. the sinfulness of the priest does not affect the validity of the sacrament he has received 4. the sacrament of holy orders consecrates men for the lifetime service of others in both the local and universal church 5. among other graces of the sacrament is the conversion of the man who receives holy orders: a) self centeredness to God-centerdness b) duty to genuine love c) pleasure driven to kingdom driven

What are two ways that Christian families join in the Church's mission?

1. Promoting faith and evangelizing both at home and with others 2. to help serve the needs of the parish

What is the sacrament of ordination? What is the rite of ordination

1. all three degrees of holy orders are confirmed by a sacramental act called ordination 2. the fullness of the sacrament is conferred with the bishop's consecration 3. the essential rite of ordination includes laying on of hands, a prayer of consecration, and anointing with chrism 4. The bishop is the minister of the sacrament of holy orders

Why are people still attracted to the priesthood today?

1. even today people are willing to give up everything to follow Jesus 2. men are attracted to the priesthood because of the sacramental role of the priest and by the examples of men who are already ordained 3. we should pray for and encourage men who are called to ordination to explore and accept this call

Name the four areas of formation for a candidate for priesthood

1. human formation aids the formation of the candidate's personality so that he will relate well to others 2. spiritual formation allows the candidate to cultivate an intimate friendship with Jesus Christ. Attention to this areas leads to a lifelong commitment to personal prayer and devotion 3. intellectual formation involves taking a course of study in theology primarily but also in philosophy which heals to a deeper understanding of what it means to be human 4. pastoral formation is the goal of the whole formation of the candidate. priests are to be formed in pastoral ministry to make them shepherds of souls in imitation of Jesus Christ, the Good Shepherd

Who has the right to ordination? How do you prepare for it?

1. no one has the right to ordination; God must call him to ordination 2. reception of the sacramant of holy orders is reserved only for baptized males 3. in the latin church, with the exception of some permanent deacons, men who are chosen for ordination live a celibate life and promise celibacy for the sake of God's kingdom 4. those preparing for ordination receive human, spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation

What are the minor orders that took place to help the priest celebrate mass

1. porters gathered the community to worship 2. lectors read the word of God at liturgy 3. exorcists assisted bishops and priests in caring for catechumens 4. acolytes served the deacon and priest at Mass a) these minor orders have since been abolished though the church has kept the ministries of lector and acolyte, which are open to laypeople

What are the two purposes for which God established marriage?

1. the good of the husband and wife 2. for the procreation and education of children

What are the three rites of the sacrament of Matrimony

1. the rite of celebrating marriage during mass 2. the rite of celebrating marriage outside of mass 3. the rite for celebrating marriage between a catholic and an unbaptized person

What are differences between a natural marriage and the Sacrament of Matrimony?

1. the sacrament of matrimony adds a whole new dimension to natural marriage. 2. because marriage is a sacrament, the man and woman not only pledge to love each other physically and emotionally, but they love each other in Christ

How is a covenant different from a contract?

A covenant is different from a contract in that it is personal' that is between both the man and woman and between them together and God. a) a covenant has no true limit and it last forever

what is a diocese

A geographic section of the Church, made up of parishes, that is headed by a bishop.

A sacramental marriage also promotes the mutual _______________ of husband and wife in holiness, through their _________________ love. They find God's love through their sexual ________________ with one another and are to love one another ______________________ and completely, body and _____________.

A sacramental marriage also promotes the mutual GROWTH of husband and wife in holiness, through their INCARNATED love. They find God's love through their sexual INTIMACY with one another and are to love one another UNCONDITIONALLY and completely, body and SOUL.

What are the common intentions found in the blessing at the end of the Mass?

A series of petitions may include intentions for never ending love, children, peace, friends, happiness and satisfaction in work, and the absence of undue anxiety

According to the Book of ______________ the ___________ agreed that it was not good for man to be ____________ so he made a _________________________ for him. Adam declared: "This one, at last, is ___________ of my bones and ____________ of my flesh."

According to the Book of GENESIS the LORD agreed that it was not good for man to be ALONE so he made a SUITABLE PARTNER for him. Adam declared: "This one, at last, is BONE of my bones and FLESH of my flesh."

What is fidelity?

An attribute of God that describes his eternal faithfulness to his promises

Because they have no ________________ or end, the rings symbolize the _______________ love God has for humans, the eternal ______________________ of Christ to the Church, and the promise by the bride and groom to be _________________ to one another until _________.

Because they have no BEGINNING or end, the rings symbolize the ETERNAL love God has for humans, the eternal COMMITMENT of Christ to the Church, and the promise by the bride and groom to be FAITHFUL to one another until DEATH.

what is celibacy and how does one live the law of the gift through it?

CELIBACY: the renunciation of marriage made by those who received the Sacrament of holy orders for more perfect observance of chastity. Celibacy also extends to consecrated life and to those who forego marriage for some honorable end THERE ARE SEVERAL REASONS CELIBACY IS A GIFT TO THE ORDAINED AND AN ENHANCEMENT OF HIS MINISTRY: 1. the commitment to celibacy is in imitation of Christ who himself was celibate 2. remaining celibate allows a priest to dedicate himself more to Christ and the service of the Church 3. by not marrying, the priest is a sign of the future Kingdom in which there will be no marriage and Christ will be the Church's only spouse 4. the priest answers Jesus' charge to give up one's life for his sake and the Gospel.

.__________________ spouses acknowledge their need for God's continual _________________ in their marriage because having __________________ love is very difficult for humans to achieve and ________________. The sacrament helps spouses continue choosing to ___________ one another, whether or not they "__________" like it.

CHRISTIAN spouses acknowledge their need for God's continual PRESENCE in their marriage because having UNCONDITIONAL love is very difficult for humans to achieve and SUSTAIN. The sacrament helps spouses continue choosing to LOVE one another, whether or not they "FEEL" like it.

Who is the only true priest?

Christ is the only "true priest, the others being only his ministers"

What does communion with Christ's Paschal Mystery prove to the spouses?

Communion with Christ's paschal mystery gives spouses the strength to make loving sacrifices for one another and enables them to forgive one another for mistakes, failings, and sins

Every Christian family is to be a believing and ___________________ community in dialogue with _________. They do this by ____________________ together at Sunday Mass, by frequent participation in the Sacrament of _________________ and by scheduling time for prayer and __________________ reflection.

Every Christian family is to be a believing and EVANGELIZING community in dialogue with GOD. They do this by WORSHIPPING together at Sunday Mass, by frequent participation in the Sacrament of PENANCE and by scheduling time for prayer and SCRIPTURE reflection.

True or False: Unlike God's eternal covenant with humans, the marriage covenant cannot be retracted.

False Like God's eternal covenant with humans, the marriage covenant cannot be retracted.

True or False: The Christian church is the place where children receive the first proclamation of the faith.

False, the christian home is the place where children receive the first proclamation of faith

True or False: In Jesus' relationship with the Church, he is the Bride while the Church is the perfect Bridegroom

False: In Jesus' relationship with the Church, he is the Bridegroom while the Church is the perfect Bride

True or false: The Protestant reformers believed marriage was a sacrament but did allow divorce.

False: the Protestant reformers did not believe that marriage was a sacrament and did allow for divorce

True or False: The Mosaic Law allowed adultery in certain specific instances.

False: the mosaic law forbid adultery in certain specific instances

True or False: The Second Vatican Council taught that remarriage of persons divorced from a living, lawful spouse are separated from the Church and cannot receive Holy Communion.

False: the second vatican council taught that remarriage of persons divorced from a living, lawful spouse are not separated from the church and cannot receive holy communion

what is a deacon/diaconate

From the Greek for 'service', this is the third degree of Holy Orders, deacons are called to assist and serve the Bishop and priests as well as proclaim the Gospel to the Church. 1. There are two kinds of deacons: a) transitional (those going on to the priesthood) b) permanent (those who only seek the diaconate - in the Roman Church, these can be married men).

____________ established the intimate ____________________ of married life. From the beginning, one of the __________________ ways God has shared his ____________ with men and women has been by giving them a way of ________________ a deep and unifying love with _______________________.

GOD established the intimate COMMUNION of married life. From the beginning, one of the PRIMARY ways God has shared his LOVE with men and women has been by giving them a way of SHARING a deep and unifying love with EACH OTHER.

God's ______________ People longed for the unity and ____________________ of marriage, which God intended from the _______________ and which they learned from the ___________________. The _________________ teach that God created man and woman for one another.

God's CHOSEN People longed for the unity and INDISSOLUBILITY of marriage, which God intended from the BEGINNING and which they learned from the MOSAIC LAW. The SCRIPTURE teach that God created man and woman for one another.

_______________ sexual intimacy involves _________________, fidelity, honor and respect between spouses. Vatican II taught that the unity of marriage is clearly apparent in the equal __________________________ which is accorded to man and wife in mutual and ___________________ affection.

HEALTHY sexual intimacy involves EXCLUSIVITY, fidelity, honor and respect between spouses. Vatican II taught that the unity of marriage is clearly apparent in the equal PERSONAL DIGNITY which is accorded to man and wife in mutual and UNRESERVED affection.

Who was the Old Testament prophet who likened God's relationship with the Israelites to a marriage?


What issues do engaged couples discuss in marriage preparation programs?

Important things in their married life: 1. finances 2. in laws 3. number of children 4. education 5. values 6. likes and dislikes 7. sexuality 8. how to handle disagreements

._______________ restored marriage to its _______________ state and raised it to a sacrament among the __________________. Christ clearly taught that marriage is ______________________. He said: "_____________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________."

JESUS restored marriage to its ORIGINAL state and raised it to a sacrament among the BAPTIZED. Christ clearly taught that marriage is INDISSOLUBLE. He said: "WHAT GOD HAS JOINED TOGETHER, NO HUMAN BEING MUST SEPARATE."

Jesus made every _______________ marriage a sign of God's _______________. The loving and faithful relationship between a husband and wife is now a visible __________ of the loving and faithful relationship between ________________ and his Church.

Jesus made every SACRAMENTAL marriage a sign of God's FAITHFULNESS. The loving and faithful relationship between a husband and wife is now a visible SIGN of the loving and faithful relationship between CHRIST and his Church.

Marriage offers a way for men and women to _________________ each other and help each other ___________ in love. Like Holy Orders, the focus of Matrimony is on _____________, not on those who receive this sacrament. The _______________ of the sacrament are directed to the _________________ of the spouse primarily, and ________________ as well.

Marriage offers a way for men and women to SUPPORT each other and help each other GROW in love. Like Holy Orders, the focus of Matrimony is on OTHERS, not on those who receive this sacrament. The EFFECTS of the sacrament are directed to the SALVATION of the spouse primarily, and CHILDREN as well.

Sacramental marriage is a sign of the future union between __________ and humans that is to take place at the ____________________. It is both a __________ reality and a reminder of the glorious future that awaits all the _______________.

Sacramental marriage is a sign of the future union between GOD and humans that is to take place at the SECOND COMING. It is both a PRESENT reality and a reminder of the glorious future that awaits all the FAITHFUL.

The Church recognizes the family as "the primary ________________ of society" where children learn how to communicate and ________________, become aware of the rights and needs of others and their responsibility to contribute to the ____________________, and social values such as respect for _________, love of the poor, ________________ rules, and good __________________.

The Church recognizes the family as "the primary VITAL CELL of society" where children learn how to communicate and SOCIALIZE, become aware of the rights and needs of others and their responsibility to contribute to the COMMON GOOD, and social values such as respect for LIFE, love of the poor, OBEYING rules, and good CITIZENSHIP.

The Council of _____________ stated that Matrimony is a ______________ commitment: for the good of the _______________ as well as the good of society and the _______________. Therefore, ______________ Catholics should celebrate Matrimony in church during _________.

The Council of TRENT stated that Matrimony is a PUBLIC commitment: for the good of the COUPLE as well as the good of society and the CHURCH. Therefore, BAPTIZED Catholics should celebrate Matrimony in church during MASS.

The Sacrament of Matrimony recalls and signifies God's _____________ covenant with humanity. The Old Testament is filled with _____________ about how God remained faithful and ______________ despite how the ________________ turned away from the ___________________.

The Sacrament of Matrimony recalls and signifies God's ETENAL covenant with humanity. The Old Testament is filled with STORES about how God remained faithful and STEADFAST despite how the ISRAELITES turned away from the COVENANT.

The bride and groom must express their ___________ consent to enter into marriage and should have a sincere desire to be __________________ to the other person and be open to _______________. The _________________ receives the consent of the spouses in the name of the ______________________.

The bride and groom must express their FREELY GIVEN consent to enter into marriage and should have a sincere desire to be FAITHFUL to the other person and be open to NEW LIFE. The PRIEST receives the consent of the spouses in the name of the CHURCH.

The bride and groom receive the Sacrament of _______________ prior to their wedding in order to be properly disposed to receive ______________. It is appropriate for them to receive Holy Communion under both _________ and to drink from the common __________ as a sign that they have just been __________ as one.

The bride and groom receive the Sacrament of PENANCE prior to their wedding in order to be properly disposed to receive HOLY COMMUNION. It is appropriate for them to receive Holy Communion under both SPECIES and to drink from the common CUP as a sign that they have just been JOINED as one.

What is the form of the Sacrament of Matrimony?"

The consent that each couple extends to the other

Who are ministers of the Sacrament of Matrimony (in the Roman Church)? Who is official witness of the Church?

The couple are the ministers of the church and the priest is the witness

The family is an _____________________ community of faith, hope, and love. The ongoing ______________ of Matrimony help all family members act as Christ to ____________________. The Christian spouses are to _____________ Jesus in today's world just like the Blessed _____________________ and St. ________________.

The family is an INTERGENERATIONAL community of faith, hope, and love. The ongoing GRACES of Matrimony help all family members act as Christ to ONE ANOTHER. The Christian spouses are to AFFIRM Jesus in today's world just like the Blessed VIRGIN MARY and St. JOSEPH .

The history of marriage is affected by the _________________ of humankind. During the time of the Old Testament it was primarily a private _______________ between two male heads of _______________. A young man who wanted to marry a girl had to pay her father a "- ___________________" to compensate him for losing a ________________ worker.

The history of marriage is affected by the SINFULNESS of humankind. During the time of the Old Testament it was primarily a private CONTRACT between two male heads of FAMILIES. A young man who wanted to marry a girl had to pay her father a "- BRIDE PRICE " to compensate him for losing a VALUABLE worker.

Through Matrimony, Christian spouses ________________ Christ in one another and they act as ____________ to one another by loving one another as they know Christ _____________ them. Marriage becomes a way of ___________________, a way of dying to sin and rising to __________________.

Through Matrimony, Christian spouses ENCOUNTER Christ in one another and they act as CHRIST to one another by loving one another as they know Christ LOVES them. Marriage becomes a way of DISCIPLESHIP, a way of dying to sin and rising to HOLINESS .

What does it mean to "be Christ to one another"?

To be Christ to one another means that all family members do their best to build relationships animated by love, show honor and respect to the needs of each other, and promote each other's sense of self esteem, worth, and lovability

True or False: From the beginning of creation, marriage has existed in human society.


True or False: God calls Christian families to transform their love into outward action - to share in the life and mission of the Church.


True or False: It is in the marriage of a man and woman that we have a foretaste of the intimate communion and tremendous joy that await us in Heaven.


True or False: Matrimony calls husbands, wives, and children to serve others outside the family.


True or False: St. Paul compared the relationship between a husband and wife to the same intimate relationship that Christ has with the Church.


True or False: The Church teaches that abortion, the use of contraception, and deliberate sterilization are all evil actions.


True or False: The Church teaches that each and every marriage act remain ordered per se the procreation of human life.


True or False: The Law of Moses permitted divorce


True or False: The Second Vatican Council stated that only marriage between baptized Christians can be a sacrament.


While _______________ was allowed in certain cases in the Old Testament, the understanding and practice of marriage under _______________ Law and the teachings of the _______________ evolved to examples of exclusive and faithful married __________.

While POLYGAMY was allowed in certain cases in the Old Testament, the understanding and practice of marriage under MOSAIC Law and the teachings of the PROPHETS evolved to examples of exclusive and faithful married LOVE.

what is imprimatur

a bishop's approval to print a religion textbook because its contents agree with Church teaching

What is natural family planning?

a church approved method for regulating births in am marriage that is in accord with God's will because it is pursued by spouses without eternal pressure nor motives of selfishness and is practiced through natural means of periodic continence and use of infertile periods

what is breviary

a common name for a liturgical book from which priests pray the Liturgy of the Hours each day

what is a parish

a diocesan subdivision headed by a pastor. a parish is a local church community wha

what is the synod of bishops

a group of bishops, usually chosen from throughout the world, who come together to advice the pope on certain issues

what is a stole

a long, narrow band of fabric like a scarf. a deacon's stole is worn diagonally from one shoulder. a priest's stole is worn straight from the shoulders

who is an ordinand

a person receiving the Sacrament of Holy Orders at any level: episcopate, presbyterate, or diaconate

What is parochial school

a private school sponsored by a parish. Catholics and other christian denominations run parochial schools to educate children in the faith

who are the clergy

a term for ordained men; it comes from a greek word for "lot"

What is the domestic Church?

a term for the family, the hurch in minature

what is a nuncio

an archbishop who acts as the official Vatican delegate for a nation. He is also called the Apostolic Delegate

what is the ecumenical council

an assembly of all (or most) bishops from throughout the world in union with the pope. Such a council is the highest authority in the universal Church

What is fidelity

an attribute of God that describes his eternal faithfulness to his promises

what is a mandate

an official appointment from the pope that says a certain priest has been chosen to be a bishop

What is contraception

any artificial means (pills, condoms, diaphragms, surgeries) that deliberately and directly have as an outcome closing off one of the aims of sexual intercourse- the sharing of life. contraception also opposes the unitive aspect of the conjugal act by not allowing for the total self-giving of the couple to one another

What is sterilization

any surgical procedure that prevents conception. Some sterilization procedures in women include tied or cut Fallopian tubes, removal of ovaries, and/or removal of the uterus. Sterilization procedures in men include vasectomy (cutting tubes carrying sperm from the testicles) or castration (removing the testicles). Deliberate sterilization is contrary to one of the characteristics of sacramental marriage: the openness to children

What is polygamy

being married to two or more people at the same time. It is contrary to conjugal love, which is undivided and exclusive

What is "fruitful love?"

fruitful love means supporting one another and helping the other become his or her best self as well as being open to having children

What is adultery

infidelity in marriage where by a married person has sexual intercourse with someone who is not their person's spouse

what is a vicar

one who serves as a substitute, an agent or a representative of another. Bishops are vicars of Christ; they take his place in the Church. The pope is the Supreme Vicar of Christ

What is a presbyters

priests or members of the order of priesthood who are coworkers with the bishops and servants to God's people, especially in celebrating the Eucharist

what is indifference

selflessness that is open to going wherever one is most needed and to doing whatever seems best. God's will takes precedence over an individual will

Who are bishops

successors to the apostles. a bishop governs the local church in a given diocese and governs the universal church with the pope and college of bishops. a bishop receives the fullness of the sacrament of holy orders

what is the deposit of faith

the body of saving truth entrusted by Christ to the Apostles and handed on by them to be preserved and proclaimed by the church's magisterium a) THE BODY OF TRUTH ENTRUSTED TO THE CHURCH BY JESUS CHRIST AND HANDED ON BY THE APOSTLES

What is infallibility

the charism or gift of the church offered by Christ whereby she is protected from error in matters of faith and morals. the pope of an Ecumenical Council most exclusively exercises the gift

what is the declaration of nullity

the church's declaration that a particular marriage whether presumed as a sacramental bond or simply a natural bond was never valid

What is abortion

the direct and deliberate ending of a pregnancy by killing the unborn child. Direct abortion, willed either as a means or an end, gravely contradicts moral law

what is divorce

the ending of a civil marriage contract. church law forbids divorced catholics from remarrying unless their first marriage has been declared null. it also forbids a catholic from marrying a divorced person of any faith unless that marriage has been declared null

What is the two-fold end of Matrimony?

the joy and pleasure of the couple and the transmission of life

what is an ordinary bishop

the name for the diocesan bishop. he is the pastoral and legal representative of his diocese

What is the nuptial blessing?

the nuptial blessing sanctifies the marriage covenant of the bride and groom. it takes place after the couple gives their consent to be married

What is a dalmatic

the outer liturgical vestment of a deacon. it may also be worn by bishops under the chasuble and certain solemn liturgies

what is a chasuble

the outer vestment worn by a priest at liturgy. its color follows the liturgical seasons-purple for Advent or Lent; white for Christmas, Easter, and other feats of Christ; red for Good Friday and Pentecost; and green for Ordinary Time

what is a seminary

the place where the training of candidates for the priesthood takes place. the Council of Trent instructed the bishops in each diocese to set up a seminary college to train men for the priesthood a) the institution for training or forming those who are to receive holy orders

What does the priesthood of the Old Testament prefigure?

the priesthood of the Old Testament prefigured the high priesthood of Christ and the ordained ministry he instituted

what is the marriage consent

the promises made by the bride and groom to honor one another and to be faithful in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health throughout their lives. by their consent to one another, the couple establish a permanent covenant in love

What is the episcopal college

the unity of all ordained bishops in the worldwide Church, in both the East and the West. the pope heads the episcopal college

What is discern/discernment

to perceive differences between more than one option. to pray and evaluate one options to determine what one should do

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