Chapter 8 LearnSmart

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How positively or negatively you feel about yourself is your ______.

Self- Esteem

Who you are, where you have come from, and where you are going are aspects of your ______.

Sense of Identity

Whether one is sexually attracted to individuals of the same sex, other sex, or both is called .

Sexual Orientation

Which of the following self-descriptions is typical of an adolescent?

"I'm fun to be around as long as I'm in a good mood."

Which of the following illustrates the variability within a single component of self-esteem?

"My classmates are better than me at math, but I am really good at science."

From about age ______ on, self-esteem is highly stable.


In 2010, ______% of all infants with a Black parent were born to one Black parent and one White parent.


A coherent sense of identity is not established before the age of ______.


Identify the five critical personality dimensions, often known as the "big five."

Agreeableness, Openness to experience, Extraversion, Conscientiousness, Neuroticism

The self-esteem of (Asian/Black/White) adolescents seems especially influenced by their academic success.


Which of the following statements about ethnic patterns in change of self-esteem during adolescence is true?

Asian students begin with the lowest self-esteem and it remains lower than that of other groups.

Studies show that adolescents have particularly low self-esteem relative to their peers.

Asian/ American

With development comes greater consistency in how individuals themselves and how they actually behave.


Undergoing the physical changes of puberty may prompt fluctuations in one's self- and self-.

Esteem/ Conceptions

Acting in a way one knows is inauthentic is called - behavior.

False Self

Gavin comes from a modest, working-class family. His father is a mechanic and his mother works as a bank teller. Gavin's family doesn't have much money but his parents are hard-working. Gavin recently met a girl from another town. He bragged that his dad is a corporate attorney and that his mother owns her own craft shop. Gavin's story is an example of ______.

False- Self Behavior

Identify the four identity states.

Identity foreclosure Identity diffusion Identity achievement Moratorium

Which psychosocial stage of development occurs at adolescence, according to Erikson?

Identity versus identity diffusion

Which of the following adolescents is likely to have the highest self-esteem?

Monique, who is Black

The multidimensional model of racial identity emphasizes which of the following three phenomena?

Public regard Private regard Racial centrality

Mary is constantly worrying about what other people think of her. She insists on having the latest clothes, is always changing her hair color, and only hangs out with people who make her "look good." Mary's concerns are an example of ______.

Self- Consciousness

Adolescents are more likely than children to link traits and attributes that describe themselves to (specific situations/global characterizations) rather than (specific situations/global characterizations) .

Specific Situations/ Global Characterizations

The various identities that an adolescent might imagine for him or herself are called ______.

The possible selves

True or false: Many young people do not have the economic freedom to enjoy a long delay before taking on the responsibilities of adult life.


Compared to children, adolescents are more capable of thinking about (abstract concepts/concrete applications) .

abstract concepts

James has established a coherent sense of identity. He has made commitments after a period of exploration. James' identity status is ______.


The most consistent sex differences are seen in the ways in which boys and girls express ______.


Self-esteem is enhanced by having the of others.


Individuals with homosexual or bisexual interests (are/aren't) generally confused about their gender identity.


Compared to children, adolescents ______.

attempt to organize discrepant bits of information into more highly organized statements.

(Boys/Girls) suffer greater self-image problems when they deviate from what is viewed as appropriate behavior for their sex.


(Boys/Girls) tend to lag behind in identity development.


While changes in identity occur in childhood, adolescents are more likely to react to these changes in which of the following ways?

by feeling them more acutely and by being more self conscious about them

For adolescents who ______, the moratorium can be an exhilarating experience.

can tolerate not knowing where they are headed and use this time to gather information and explore a variety of options

Self- are the traits and attributes individuals see in themselves.


According to research on the "big five" model, high-achieving adolescents tend to score high in and .

conscientiousness/ openness

The development of a more complicated view of the self is one way that individuals ______.

cope with the recognition of their strengths and weaknesses

According to Erikson, at each stage of development, people experience a psychosocial


According to Erikson, at each stage of development, people experience a psychosocial .


Dominick, age 17, is failing his junior year of high school. He rarely attends and plans to drop out before his senior year. Dominick has a difficult time making decisions and is unable to keep a part-time job for more than a few weeks. He has had several girlfriends but the relationships rarely last more than a month. Dominick is confused and frustrated and has no aspirations for his future. Dominick's identity status is ______.


Identity ______ leads to problems in the areas of autonomy, intimacy, sexuality, and achievement.


Adolescents' feelings about themselves fluctuate from day to day, particularly during (early/middle/late) adolescence.


The influence of (genetic/environmental) factors on gender-role behavior is much stronger than the effect of the hormonal changes of puberty.


For individuals who are not part of the majority culture, integrating an aspect of into their overall sense of personal identity is often an important task of late adolescence.

ethnic identity

Mr. and Mrs. Vitalle, Italian immigrants, enjoy talking to their children about their ethnic identity. They also share with their children the special experiences they may encounter within the broader society as a result of their ethnic background. Mr. and Mrs. Vitalle are engaged in ______.

ethnic socialization

The process by which parents teach their children about their ethnic or racial background is called ______.

ethnic socialization

In all frameworks of identity development, the important point is that healthy identity development requires and before finalizing one's choices about work, love, and lifestyle.

experimentation and exploration

Regarding ethnic identity development, between middle and late adolescence, ______.

exploration declines

True or false: In one study, Black students and biracial students had higher self-esteem in early adolescence but experienced a significant decline in middle adolescence.


Tonya has made commitments but without a period of exploration. Tonya's identity status is ______.


Douglas has a strong sense of being male. This is called ______.

gender identity

The idea that pressures to behave in sex-stereotypic ways intensify during adolescence is known as the ______.

gender-intensification hypothesis

The term refers to the point in the identity development process that characterizes an adolescent at a given time.

identity status

Among adolescents, there is considerable vacillation between identifying oneself as a member of a broad ethnic category and identifying oneself as a member of a group defined by one's country of origin.


Despite the fact that they score lower on many measures of psychological functioning and mental health, adolescents who have immigrated more recently to the United States score higher on measures of adjustment than adolescents from the same ethnic group whose family has lived in the United States for several generations. This phenomenon is called the

immigrant paradox

The proportion of adolescents who give opposite traits in their self-descriptions, who feel conflicts over such discrepancies, and who feel confused over such discrepancies (increases/decreases) markedly between 7th and 9th grades.


Adolescents who have more complex and clearer self-conceptions are (more/less) likely to become depressed or anxious.


The price that young people pay in the absence of a moratorium leads to ______.

lost potential

Adolescents' feelings about their own ethnic group become (more/less) positive during both early and middle adolescence.


Individuals' beliefs about gender roles become (more/less) flexible as they move through adolescence.


The of racial identity emphasizes three different phenomena: racial centrality, private regard, and public regard

multidimensional model

Adolescents whose parents are not from the same racial or ethnic group are called


Jerrod's father is Black and his mother is Asian. Jerrod is ______.


One explanation for the higher achievement and better mental health of immigrant adolescents is that ______.

newly arrived immigrant parents provide more effective supervision of their children

One recent study of American adolescents of Iranian descent identified themselves as Persian, rather than Iranian, because ______.

of the negative portrayals of Iranian individuals in the media

Frequent contact with from the same ethnic group leads adolescents to develop stronger positive feelings about their ethnicity.


Immigrant adolescents who speak with an accent are stereotyped as " ."

perpetual foreigners

When 15-year-old Nolan thinks about his future, he sees himself going to college, playing college baseball, and eventually working in a law firm. He wants to wait to get married until he's older and is undecided about children. Nolan's thinking illustrates the concept of ______.

possible selves

According to Erikson, ______ is a period during which individuals are free from excessive obligations and responsibilities and can therefore experiment with different roles and personalities. emerging adulthood

psychosocial moratorium

The biological, cognitive, and social changes brought about by ______ play a large role in sparking identity development during adolescence.


During adolescence, (racial centrality/private regard) increases and (racial centrality/private regard) remains stable.

racial centrality/ private regard

Sex differences in adolescents' self-perceptions become (smaller/larger) over the course of adolescence.


The magnitude of sex differences in interests and activities is (smaller/larger) than most people think.


Ethnic by parents encourages adolescents to think more positively about their ethnic heritage, which may lead to a stronger sense of ethnic identity


Ethnic by parents encourages adolescents to think more positively about their ethnic heritage, which may lead to a stronger sense of ethnic identity.


Apart from differences in , adolescent males and females do not differ in their abilities.


Apart from differences in , adolescent males and females do not differ in their abilities.


Changes in identity that take place during adolescence involve ______.

the first substantial reorganization and restructuring of the individual's sense of self

True or false: Individuals with strong, or even exclusive, homosexual attractions exhibit the same range of masculine and feminine behaviors that is seen among individuals with strong or exclusive heterosexual interests.


Sex differences in self-esteem are most pronounced among ______ adolescents.


In America, ______ youth generally have a weaker sense of ethnic identity than their ______ peers.

white; non- white

Which of the following statements about the components of self-esteem is true?

within social competence, adolescents may view their relationship with their parents differently than their relationship with peers

In adolescence, girls can be highly pressured to behave in feminine ways ______.

without being punished for exhibiting some masculine traits at the same time

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