Chapter 8 Physics

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. A cylinder with its mass concentrated toward the center has a moment of inertia of 0.1 MR2 . If this cylinder is rolling without slipping along a level surface with a linear speed v, what is the ratio of its rotational kinetic energy to its linear kinetic energy? a. 1/l0 b. 1/5 c. 1/2 d. 1/1


29. The Earth moves about the Sun in an elliptical orbit. As the Earth moves closer to the Sun, which of the following best describes the Earth-Sun system's moment of inertia? a. decreases b. increases c. remains constant d. none of the above choices are valid


59. A meter stick is hinged at its lower end and allowed to fall from a vertical position. If its moment of inertia is ML2 /3, with what angular speed does it hit the table? a. 5.42 rad/s b. 2.71 rad/s c. 1.22 rad/s d. 7.67 rad/s


6. A bucket of water with total mass 23 kg is attached to a rope, which in turn, is wound around a 0.050-m radius cylinder at the top of a well. A crank with a turning radius of 0.25 m is attached to the end of the cylinder. What minimum force directed perpendicular to the crank handle is required to just raise the bucket? (Assume the rope's mass is negligible, that cylinder turns on frictionless bearings, and that g = 9.8 m/s2 .) a. 45 N b. 68 N c. 90 N d. 135 N


6. A ventilation fan with a moment of inertia of 0.034 kg⋅m2 has a net torque of 0.11 N⋅m applied to it. If it starts from rest, what angular momentum will it have 8.0 s later? a. 0.88 kg⋅m2 /s b. 0.97 kg⋅m2 /s c. 2.0 kg⋅m2 /s d. 3.25 kg⋅m2 /s


69. A figure skater on ice with arms extended, spins at a rate of 2.5 rev/s. After he draws his arms in, he spins at 6.0 rev/s. By what factor does the skater's kinetic energy change when he draws his arms in? a. 2.4 b. 1.0 c. 0.42 d. 0.12


7. A uniform bridge span weighs 50.0 × 103 N and is 40.0 m long. An automobile weighing 15.0 × 103 N is parked with its center of gravity located 12.0 m from the right pier. What upward support force does the left pier provide? a. 29.5 × 103 N b. 35.5 × 103 N c. 65.0 × 103 N d. 32.5 × 103 N


72. A turntable has a moment of inertia of 3.0 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 and spins freely on a frictionless bearing at 25 rev/min. A 0.30-kg ball of putty is dropped vertically on the turntable and sticks at a point 0.10 m from the center. By what factor does the kinetic energy of the system change after the putty is dropped onto the turntable? a. 0.91 b. 1.0 c. 0.82 d. 1.5


A 4.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, 4.0) m, and a 6.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, -4.0) m. What is the moment of inertia of this system of masses about the x-axis? a. 160 kg·m2 b. 90 kg·m2 c. 250 kg·m2 d. 32 kg·m2


A baseball pitcher loosens up his pitching arm. He tosses a 0.15-kg ball using only the rotation of his forearm, 0.32 m in length, to accelerate the ball. What is the moment of inertia of the ball alone as it moves in a circular arc with a radius of 0.32 m? a. 1.5 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 b. 16 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 c. 4.0 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 d. 7.6 × 10−2 kg⋅m2


A bucket of water with total mass 23 kg is attached to a rope, which in turn is wound around a 0.050-m radius cylinder at the top of a well. A crank with a turning radius of 0.25 m is attached to the end of the cylinder and the moment of inertia of cylinder and crank is 0.12 kg⋅m2 . If the bucket is raised to the top of the well and released, what is the acceleration of the bucket as it falls toward the bottom of the well? (Assume rope's mass is negligible, that cylinder turns on frictionless bearings and that g = 9.8 m/s2 .) a. 3.2 m/s2 b. 6.3 m/s2 c. 7.4 m/s2 d. 9.8 m/s2


A hoop of radius 1.0 m is placed in the first quadrant of an xy-coordinate system with its rim touching both the x-axis and the y-axis. What are the coordinates of its center of gravity? a. (1.0, 1.0) m b. (0.7, 0.7) m c. (0.5, 0.5) m d. Since there is nothing at the center of the hoop, it has no center of gravity.


1. A vault is opened by applying a force of 300 N perpendicular to the plane of the door, 0.80 m from the hinges. Find the torque due to this force about an axis through the hinges. a. 120 N⋅m b. 240 N⋅m c. 300 N⋅m d. 360 N⋅m


43. An object consists of a rod (of length 3.0 m and negligible moment of inertia) to which four small 2.0-kg masses are attached, one at each end and one at each point on the rod 1.0 m from each end. (The masses are one meter apart.) The moment of inertia of this object about an axis perpendicular to the rod and through one of the inner masses: a. is 72 kg⋅m2 . b. is 12 kg⋅m2 . c. is 4 kg⋅m2 . d. cannot be uniquely determined until it is stated which inner mass the axis goes through.


47. A bucket of water with total mass 23 kg is attached to a rope, which in turn is wound around a 0.050-m radius cylinder, with crank, at the top of a well. The moment of inertia of the cylinder and crank is 0.12 kg⋅m2 . The bucket is raised to the top of the well and released to fall back into the well. What is the kinetic energy of the cylinder and crank at the instant the bucket is moving with a speed of 8.0 m/s? a. 2.1 × 103 J b. 1.5 × 103 J c. 0.70 × 103 J d. 0.40 × 103 J


5. If a net torque is applied to an object, that object will experience: a. a constant angular speed. b. an angular acceleration. c. a constant moment of inertia. d. an increasing moment of inertia.


58. A cylinder (I = MR2 /2) is rolling along the ground at 7.0 m/s. It comes to a hill and starts going up. Assuming no losses to friction, how high does it get before it stops? a. 1.2 m b. 3.7 m c. 4.2 m d. 5.9 m


6. According to Newton's second law, the angular acceleration experienced by an object is directly proportional to: a. its moment of inertia. b. the net applied torque. c. the object's size. d. choices a and b above are both valid.


60. A bus is designed to draw its power from a rotating flywheel that is brought up to its maximum speed (3 000 rpm) by an electric motor. The flywheel is a solid cylinder of mass 500 kg and radius 0.500 m (Icylinder = MR2 /2). If the bus requires an average power of 10.0 kW, how long will the flywheel rotate? a. 154 s b. 308 s c. 463 s d. 617 s


64. A solid disk of radius R rolls down an incline in time T. The center of the disk is removed up to a radius of R/2. The remaining portion of the disk with its center gone is again rolled down the same incline. The time it takes is: a. T. b. more than T. c. less than T. d. requires more information than given in the problem to figure out.


65. The quantity "angular momentum" (in terms of the fundamental quantities of mass, length, and time) is equivalent to: a. MLT−2 . b. ML2 T−1 . c. ML2 T−3 . d. ML3 T.


67. A figure skater with arms initially extended starts spinning on the ice at 3 rad/s. She then pulls her arms in close to her body. Which of the following results? a. a smaller rotational rate b. a greater rotational rate c. a greater angular momentum d. a smaller angular momentum


70. A turntable has a moment of inertia of 3.00 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 and spins freely on a frictionless bearing at 25.0 rev/min. A 0.300-kg ball of putty is dropped vertically onto the turntable and sticks at a point 0.100 m from the center. What is the new rate of rotation of the system? a. 40.8 rev/min b. 22.7 rev/min c. 33.3 rev/min d. 27.2 rev/min


77. An object with mass m and moment of inertia I is spinning with an angular momentum L. Its kinetic energy is: a. 0.5 I2 /L. b. 0.5 L2 /I. c. 0.5 L2 /m. d. 0.5 I2 /m.


78. An object of mass m and moment of inertia I has rotational kinetic energy KR. Its angular momentum is: a. 0.5 I/m. b. (2 IKR) 1/2. c. (2 mKR) 1/2. d. not given above


8. A uniform, horizontal beam of length 6.0 m and weight 120 N is attached at one end to a wall by a pin connection (so that it may rotate). A cable attached to the wall above the pin supports the opposite end. The cable makes an angle of 60° with the horizontal. What is the tension in the cable needed to maintain the beam in equilibrium? a. 35 N b. 69 N c. 60 N d. 120 N


A 100-N uniform ladder, 8.0 m long, rests against a smooth vertical wall. The coefficient of static friction between ladder and floor is 0.40. What minimum angle can the ladder make with the floor before it slips? a. 22° b. 51° c. 18° d. 42°


A 4.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, 4.0) m, and a 6.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, -4.0) m. What is the moment of inertia of this system of masses about the y-axis? a. 160 kg·m2 b. 90 kg·m2 c. 250 kg·m2 d. 180 kg·m2


A baseball pitcher, loosening up his arm before a game, tosses a 0.15-kg ball using only the rotation of his forearm, 0.32 m in length, to accelerate the ball. If the ball starts at rest and is released with a speed of 12 m/s in a time of 0.40 s, what is the average angular acceleration of the arm and ball? a. 0.067 rad/s2 b. 94 rad/s2 c. 15 rad/s2 d. 37 rad/s2


A gyroscope has a moment of inertia of 0.140 kg⋅m2 and has an initial angular speed of 15.0 rad/s. If a lubricant is applied to the bearings of the gyroscope so that frictional torque is reduced to 2.00 × 10−2 N⋅m, then in what time interval will the gyroscope coast from 15.0 rad/s to zero? a. 150 s b. 105 s c. 90.0 s d. 180 s


A majorette takes two batons and fastens them together in the middle at right angles to make an "x" shape. Each baton was 0.80 m long and each ball on the end is 0.20 kg. (Ignore the mass of the rods.) What is the moment of inertia if the arrangement is spun around an axis formed by one of the batons? a. 0.048 kg⋅m2 b. 0.064 kg⋅m2 c. 0.19 kg⋅m2 d. 0.32 kg⋅m2


A rod of length L is hinged at one end. The moment of inertia as the rod rotates around that hinge is ML2 /3. Suppose a 2.00-m rod with a mass of 3.00 kg is hinged at one end and is held in a horizontal position. The rod is released as the free end is allowed to fall. What is the angular acceleration as it is released? a. 3.70 rad/s2 b. 7.35 rad/s2 c. 2.45 rad/s2 d. 4.90 rad/s2


A solid sphere of mass 4.0 kg and radius 0.12 m is at rest at the top of a ramp inclined 15°. It rolls to the bottom without slipping. The upper end of the ramp is 1.2 m higher than the lower end. Find the sphere's total kinetic energy when it reaches the bottom. a. 70 J b. 47 J c. 18 J d. 8.8 J


A solid sphere of mass 4.0 kg and radius 0.12 m starts from rest at the top of a ramp inclined 15°, and rolls to the bottom. The upper end of the ramp is 1.2 m higher than the lower end. What is the linear speed of the sphere when it reaches the bottom of the ramp? (Note: I = 0.4MR2 for a solid sphere and g = 9.8 m/s2 ) a. 4.7 m/s b. 4.1 m/s c. 3.4 m/s d. 2.4 m/s


A turntable has a moment of inertia of 3.00 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 and spins freely on a frictionless bearing at 25.0 rev/min. A 0.300-kg ball of putty is dropped vertically on the turntable and sticks at a point 0.100 m from the center. By what factor does the angular momentum of the system change after the putty is dropped onto the turntable? a. 1.22 b. 1.00 (no change) c. 0.820 d. 1.50


An initially installed flywheel can store 106 J of kinetic energy when rotating at 300 rad/s. It is replaced by another flywheel of the same size but made of a lighter and stronger material. If its mass is half that of the original and it is now capable of achieving a rotational speed of 600 rad/s, what maximum energy can be stored? a. 40 × 105 J b. 20 × 105 J c. 10 × 105 J d. 5.0 × 105 J


. A solid cylinder of mass 3.0 kg and radius 0.2 m starts from rest at the top of a ramp, inclined 15°, and rolls to the bottom without slipping. (For a cylinder I = 0.5MR2 ) The upper end of the ramp is 1.2 m higher than the lower end. Find the linear speed of the cylinder when it reaches the bottom of the ramp. (g = 9.8 m/s2 ) a. 4.7 m/s b. 4.3 m/s c. 4.0 m/s d. 2.4 m/s


. Tasha has mass 20 kg and wants to use a 4.0-m board of mass 10 kg as a seesaw. Her friends are busy, so Tasha seesaws by herself by putting the support at the system's center of gravity when she sits on one end of the board. How far is she from the support point? a. 2.0 m b. 1.0 m c. 0.67 m d. 0.33 m


0. The quantity "moment of inertia" (in terms of the fundamental quantities of mass, length, and time) is equivalent to: a. ML2 T−2 . b. ML. c. ML2 . d. ML−1 T−2 .


16. An 800-N billboard worker stands on a 4.0-m scaffold weighing 500 N and supported by vertical ropes at each end. How far would the worker stand from one of the supporting ropes to produce a tension of 550 N in that rope? a. 1.4 m b. 2.0 m c. 2.5 m d. 2.7 m


19. A uniform 1.0-N meter stick is suspended horizontally by vertical strings attached at each end. A 2.0-N weight is suspended from the 10-cm position on the stick, another 2.0-N weight is suspended from the 50 cm position, and a 3.0-N weight is suspended from the 60 cm position. What is the tension in the string attached at the 100-cm end of the stick? a. 1.9 N b. 3.0 N c. 3.5 N d. 4.0 N


24. A 4.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, 4.0) m, and a 6.0-kg mass is placed at (3.0, -4.0) m. What is the moment of inertia of this system of masses about the z-axis? a. 160 kg·m2 b. 90 kg·m2 c. 250kg·m2 d. 180 kg·m2


27. A ventilation fan with a moment of inertia of 0.034 kg⋅m2 has a net torque of 0.11 N⋅m applied to it. What angular acceleration does it experience? a. 5.3 rad/s2 b. 4.0 rad/s2 c. 3.2 rad/s2 d. 0.31 rad/s2


4. A meter stick is supported by a knife-edge at the 50-cm mark. Doug hangs masses of 0.40 and 0.60 kg from the 20-cm and 80-cm marks, respectively. Where should Doug hang a third mass of 0.30 kg to keep the stick balanced? a. 20 cm b. 70 cm c. 30 cm d. 25 cm


4. Two children seat themselves on a seesaw. The one on the left has a weight of 400 N while the one on the right weighs 300 N. The fulcrum is at the midpoint of the seesaw. If the child on the left is not at the end but is 1.50 m from the fulcrum and the seesaw is balanced, what is the torque provided by the weight of the child on the right? a. 600 N·m b. 450 N·m c. -600 N·m d. -450 N·m


44. A ventilation fan with a moment of inertia of 0.034 kg⋅m2 has a net torque of 0.11 N⋅m applied to it. If it starts from rest, what kinetic energy will it have 8.0 s later? a. 31 J b. 17 J c. 11 J d. 6.6 J


45. The total kinetic energy of a baseball thrown with a spinning motion is a function of: a. its linear speed but not rotational speed. b. its rotational speed but not linear speed. c. both linear and rotational speeds. d. neither linear nor rotational speed.


5. A bucket filled with water has a mass of 23 kg and is attached to a rope, which in turn, is wound around a 0.050-m radius cylinder at the top of a well. What torque does the weight of water and bucket produce on the cylinder if the cylinder is not permitted to rotate? (g = 9.8 m/s2 ) a. 34 N⋅m b. 17 N⋅m c. 11 N⋅m d. 23 N⋅m


63. Consider the use of the terms "rotation" and "revolution". In physics: a. the words are used interchangeably. b. the words are used interchangeably but "rotation" is the preferred word. c. the words have different meaning. d. "rotation" is the correct word and "revolution" should not be used.


68. An ice skater spins at 2.5 rev/s when his arms are extended. He draws his arms in and spins at 6.0 rev/s. By what factor does his moment of inertia change in the process? a. 2.4 b. 1.0 c. 0.42 d. 0.12


73. The Earth's gravity exerts no torque on a satellite orbiting the Earth in an elliptical orbit. Compare the motion of the satellite at the point nearest the Earth (perigee) to the motion at the point farthest from the Earth (apogee). At these two points: a. the tangential velocities are the same. b. the angular velocities are the same. c. the angular momenta are the same. d. the kinetic energies are the same.


76. An astronaut is on a 100-m lifeline outside a spaceship, circling the ship with an angular speed of 0.100 rad/s. How far inward can she be pulled before the centripetal acceleration reaches 5g = 49 m/s2 ? a. 10.1 m b. 50.0 m c. 72.7 m d. 89.9 m


8. A disk has a moment of inertia of 3.0 × 10−4 kg⋅m2 and rotates with an angular speed of 3.5 rad/sec. What net torque must be applied to bring it to rest within 3 s? a. 4.5 × 10−3 N⋅m b. 7.5 × 10−4 N⋅m c. 3.5 × 10−4 N⋅m d. 5.0 × 10−4 N⋅m


9. Masses are distributed in the xy-plane as follows: 10 kg at (2.0, 6.0) m, 4.0 kg at (2.0, 0.0) m, and 6.0 kg at (0.0, 3.0) m. Where would a 20-kg mass need to be positioned so that the center of gravity of the resulting four mass system would be at the origin? a. (1.4, 3.9) m b. (3.9, 1.4) m c. (-1.4, -3.9) m d. (-3.9, -1.4) m


A 40-kg boy is standing on the edge of a stationary 30-kg platform that is free to rotate. The boy tries to walk around the platform in a counterclockwise direction. As he does: a. the platform doesn't rotate. b. the platform rotates in a clockwise direction just fast enough so that the boy remains stationary relative to the ground. c. the platform rotates in a clockwise direction while the boy goes around in a counterclockwise direction relative to the ground. d. both go around with equal angular velocities but in opposite directions.


A majorette takes two batons and fastens them together in the middle at right angles to make an "x" shape. Each baton was 0.80 m long and each ball on the end is 0.20 kg. (Ignore the mass of the rods.) What is the moment of inertia if the arrangement is spun around an axis through the center perpendicular to both rods? a. 0.064 kg⋅m2 b. 0.096 kg⋅m2 c. 0.13 kg⋅m2 d. 0.32 kg⋅m


A rotating flywheel can be used as a method to store energy. If it is required that such a device be able to store up to a maximum of 1.00 × 106 J when rotating at 400 rad/s, what moment of inertia is required? a. 50 kg⋅m2 b. 25 kg⋅m2 c. 12.5 kg⋅m2 d. 6.3 kg⋅m2


A solid cylinder (I = MR2 /2) has a string wrapped around it many times. When I release the cylinder, holding on to the string, the cylinder falls and spins as the string unwinds. What is the downward acceleration of the cylinder as it falls? a. 0 b. 4.9 m/s2 c. 6.5 m/s2 d. 9.8 m/s2


An automobile accelerates from zero to 30 m/s in 6.0 s. The wheels have a diameter of 0.40 m. What is the average angular acceleration of each wheel? a. 5.0 rad/s2 b. 15 rad/s2 c. 25 rad/s2 d. 35 rad/s2


Masses are distributed in the x,y-plane as follows: 6.0 kg at (0.0, 0.0) m, 4.0 kg at (2.0, 0.0) m, and 5.0 kg at (2.0, 3.0) m. What is the x-coordinate of the center of gravity of this system of masses? a. 18 m b. 2.0 m c. 1.2 m d. 1.0 m


Two hoops or rings (I = MR2 ) are centered, lying on a turntable. The smaller ring has radius = 0.050 m; the larger has radius = 0.10 m. Both have a mass of 3.0 kg. What is the total moment of inertia as the turntable spins? Ignore the mass of the turntable. a. 0.030 kg⋅m2 b. 0.007 5 kg⋅m2 c. 0.038 kg⋅m2 d. 0.075 kg⋅m2


. A woman who weighs 500 N stands on an 8.0-m-long board that weighs 100 N. The board is supported at each end. The support force at the right end is 3 times the support force at the left end. How far from the right end is the woman standing? a. 4.0 m b. 2.0 m c. 2.7 m d. 1.6 m


1. An object of radius R and moment of inertia I rolls down an incline of height H after starting from rest. Its total kinetic energy at the bottom of the incline: a. is gR/I. b. is I/gH. c. is 0.5 Ig/H. d. cannot be found from the given information alone.


2. A 3.0-m rod is pivoted about its left end. A force of 6.0 N is applied perpendicular to the rod at a distance of 1.2 m from the pivot causing a ccw torque, and a force of 5.2 N is applied at the end of the rod 3.0 m from the pivot. The 5.2 N is at an angle of 30o to the rod and causes a cw torque. What is the net torque about the pivot? a. 15 N·m b. 0 N·m c. -6.3 N·m d. -0.6 N·m


21. A 4.2-kg mass is placed at (3.0, 4.0) m. Where can an 8.4-kg mass be placed so that the moment of inertia about the z-axis is zero? a. (-3.0, -4.0) m b. (-6.0, -8.0) m c. (-1.5, -2.0) m d. There is no position giving this result.


33. A baseball pitcher loosens up his pitching arm. He tosses a 0.15-kg ball using only the rotation of his forearm, 0.32 m in length, to accelerate the ball. If the ball starts at rest and is released with a speed of 12 m/s in a time of 0.40 s, what torque is applied to the ball while being held by the pitcher's hand to produce the angular acceleration? a. 1.1 N⋅m b. 11 N⋅m c. 7.2 N⋅m d. 1.4 N⋅m


5. A bucket of water with total mass 23 kg is attached to a rope, which in turn is wound around a 0.050-m radius cylinder at the top of a well. The bucket is raised to the top of the well and released. The bucket is moving with a speed of 8.0 m/s upon hitting the water surface in the well. What is the angular speed of the cylinder at this instant? a. 39 rad/s b. 79 rad/s c. 120 rad/s d. 160 rad/s


56. A rotating flywheel can be used as a method to store energy. If it has 1.0 × 106 J of kinetic energy when rotating at 400 rad/s, and if a frictional torque of 4.0 N⋅m acts on the system, in what interval of time would the flywheel come to rest? a. 3.5 min b. 7.0 min c. 14 min d. 21 min


62. A uniform solid sphere rolls down an incline of height 3 m after starting from rest. In order to calculate its speed at the bottom of the incline, one needs to know: a. the mass of the sphere. b. the radius of the sphere. c. the mass and the radius of the sphere. d. no more than is given in the problem.


74. The Earth's gravity exerts no torque on a satellite orbiting the Earth in an elliptical orbit. Compare the motion at the point nearest the Earth (perigee) to the motion at the point farthest from the Earth (apogee). At the point closest to the Earth: a. the angular speed will be greatest although the linear speed will be the same. b. the speed will be greatest although the angular speed will be the same. c. the kinetic energy and angular momentum will both be greater. d. None of the above.


75. A tetherball is attached to a pole with a 2.0-m rope. It is circling at 0.20 rev/s. As the rope wraps around the pole it shortens. How long is the rope when the ball is moving at 5.0 m/s? a. 1.8 m b. 1.5 m c. 1.2 m d. 1.0 m


A bowling ball has a mass of 7.0 kg, a moment of inertia of 2.8 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 and a radius of 0.10 m. If it rolls down the lane without slipping at a linear speed of 4.0 m/s, what is its angular speed? a. 0.80 rad/s b. 10 rad/s c. 0.050 rad/s d. 40 rad/s


A bowling ball has a mass of 7.0 kg, a moment of inertia of 2.8 × 10−2 kg⋅m2 and a radius of 0.10 m. If it rolls down the lane without slipping at a linear speed of 4.0 m/s, what is its total kinetic energy? a. 45 J b. 32 J c. 11 J d. 78 J


A gyroscope has a moment of inertia of 0.14 kg⋅m2 and an initial angular speed of 15 rad/s. Friction in the bearings causes its speed to reduce to zero in 30 s. What is the value of the average frictional torque? a. 3.3 × 10−2 N⋅m b. 8.1 × 10−2 N⋅m c. 14 × 10−2 N⋅m d. 7.0 × 10−2 N⋅m


A rod of length L is pivoted about its left end and has a force F applied perpendicular to the other end. The force F is now removed and another force F' is applied at the midpoint of the rod. If F' is at an angle of 30° with respect to the rod, what is its magnitude if the resulting torque is the same as when F was applied? a. F b. 2F c. 3F d. 4F


A solid sphere with mass, M, and radius, R, rolls along a level surface without slipping with a linear speed, v. What is the ratio of rotational to linear kinetic energy? (For a solid sphere, I = 0.4 MR2 ). a. 1/4 b. 1/2 c. 1/1 d. 2/5


An 80-kg man is one fourth of the way up a 10-m ladder that is resting against a smooth, frictionless wall. If the ladder has a mass of 20 kg and it makes an angle of 60° with the ground, find the force of friction of the ground on the foot of the ladder. a. 7.8 x 102 N b. 2.0 x 102 N c. 50 N d. 1.7 x 102 N


An 800-N billboard worker stands on a 4.0-m scaffold supported by vertical ropes at each end. If the scaffold weighs 500 N and the worker stands 1.0 m from one end, what is the tension in the rope nearest the worker? a. 450 N b. 500 N c. 800 N d. 850 N


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