chapter 9 amp

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By what point in American history did women's literacy rates equal men's?


In 1818 the British agreed to recognize the ______ parallel as the northern boundary of the Louisiana Purchase.


By 1790 the richest 10 percent of Americans living in cities and in the Tidewater plantation districts owned about ______ of the wealth.

50 percent

At the time of the emergence of political parties in the U.S., what best describes ordinary Americans' involvement in politics?

A broad suffrage and literate electorate meant high levels of political involvement.

The leading role in coordinating the Federalist Party was assumed by

Alexander Hamilton

Which American politician argued that French radicals were destroying civilization's most basic institutions (the church, social classes, property, and law and order)?

Alexander Hamilton

Who viewed the French Revolution as sheer anarchy

Alexander Hamilton

The leading role in coordinating the Federalist Party was assumed by

Alexander Hamilton.

What helped to feed Americans' fears that Hamilton's bank would gain the kind of political influence that the Bank of England had in Britain?

Almost half the members of the House of Representatives owned U.S. securities.

At the Battle of Horseshoe Bend,

Andrew Jackson's forces defeated the Red Stick Creeks.

Under what conditions did international law permit neutrals to trade with belligerents, or nations at war?

As long as the trade existed prior to the outbreak of war, and did not involve war supplies, it was permissible.

Which of the following characterize the attitudes of Americans in the new republic toward banks?

Banks were distrusted by rural Americans because banks were part of the urban environment. Many Americans saw banks as part of a trend toward urbanization that they believed was incompatible with liberty. Most Americans had little direct experience with banks.

Which of the following statements regarding American Indian semisubsistence economies are correct?

Because of their dependence on wild animals for food, Indians migrated seasonally. Divisions of labor existed, with women tending the land while men hunted and fished. Beans, corn, and squash were among the crops Indians planted.

In spite of their differences, the Republicans and Federalists agreed on which of the following points?

Both believed that political parties could not peacefully resolve their differences.

In 1812 the vote in Congress for a declaration of war against ______ was almost entirely along party lines.


Which of the following statements regarding congressional approval of Hamilton's financial program are correct? Congress

Congress approved several excise taxes, including the one on whiskey. Certain aspects of Hamilton's financial program failed to win congressional approval. Congress approved a limited tariff to encourage manufacturing.

Which of the following accurately describe the social relations in semisubsistence economies?

Crop surpluses were typically sold locally. Tasks such as clearing fields and harvesting crops were often community efforts. With labor scarce and expensive, families depended on each other for help.

True or false: Thomas Jefferson believed in a centralized form of government.


Despite the fact that the issues initially dividing supporters of the Constitution were domestic in nature, what pushed the nation even further toward the creation of political parties was the revolution in


Which of the following best describes Thomas Jefferson's attitude toward government?

Government was a necessary evil, and its power should be as limited as possible.

Among the events commemorated by African Americans in the early years of the republic was the successful slave revolt that resulted in the 1804 founding of


Which of the following did not create tension between Adams and Hamilton?

Hamilton's resignation from the Treasury

Which of the following describe Jefferson's policies toward Indian tribes?

He encouraged them to assimilate into American culture. He believed they would either have to become farmers or move farther west. He endorsed a policy of selling goods on credit and drawing Indians into debt.

Why did George Washington believe that everything he did was fraught with significance?

He was the first person to hold executive office.

Why didn't George Washington seek a third term as president?

He was tired of the abuse by the opposition press and the burden of office.

The War Hawks were led by

Henry Clay

How was President Jefferson's decision to remain neutral when war broke out between France and Great Britain received by the American public?

It caused sharp divisions and momentarily revived the two-party system.

Which of the following did the Judiciary Act of 1789 do?

It made it clear that federal courts had the right to review decisions of the state courts.

Which of the following best describes Jefferson's attitude toward suffrage?

It should be restricted to property owners.

Which of the following best describes the role of money in barter economies?

It was rare and used mainly to pay taxes or buy imports.

Which of the following best describes the role of commerce in semisubsistence economies?

It was used to obtain certain necessities that had to be purchased.

What was the issue that triggered the case of Marbury v. Madison?

Jefferson instructed Madison not to hand over a commission that would have made Marbury a justice of the peace.

Which of the following statements regarding commercial economies are correct?

Merchants, artisans, and farmers sell goods and services. Cities and towns are vital to the operation of a commercial economy. Agricultural regions located close to navigable waterways are important to a commercial economy.

What Protestant denominations' missionary efforts were particularly instrumental in sparking the Second Great Awakening?

Methodists Baptists

Which of the following best describes the state of American preparation for war in 1812?

Neither the army nor the navy was adequately prepared.

In terms of geography, the Federalists were the most powerful and influential party in what region?

New England

Which of the following best characterizes the role of newspapers in the political culture of the new republic?

Newspaper editors were openly partisan, and their publications reflected that fact.

What was one unintended, and positive, consequence of the deep political divisions that prevailed in America during the 1790s?

Ordinary Americans became more engaged and interested in politics.

Partisan repression that came about after the passage of the 1798 acts prompted the Republicans to develop a broader interpretation of

Partisan repression that came about after the passage of the 1798 acts prompted the Republicans to develop a broader interpretation of

Which of the following statements is correct regarding the political views typically associated with commercial and semisubsistence economies?

Persons operating in commercial economies supported the Constitution and government, while those in semisubsistence economies opposed them.

Differences of opinion over Hamilton's financial program ultimately led to the formation of opposing political parties: the ______, led by Jefferson and Madison, and the ______, led by Hamilton and Adams.


Which of the following best describes the result of Republican policies on western settlement?

Sales of western land boomed.

The highly controversial ______ established heavy fines and punishments for writing, speaking, or publishing anything of "a false, scandalous and malicious" nature against the government or its officers.

Sedition Act

Which of the following statements regarding the relationship between geography, economic base, and political affiliation are true?

Semisubsistence areas in which farmers were only weakly tied to commerce tended to support the Republicans. The core of Federalist power lay with the most cosmopolitan and commercially oriented elements of the middle states. The middle states were closely contested by the Republican and Federalist parties.

Which of the following are actual illustrations of the political culture of the 1790s?

Street brawls between Republicans and Federalists were not uncommon. As president, Adams had to smuggle guns into his home for his own protection. Two members of Congress engaged in a fistfight on the floor of the House of Representatives.

The Judiciary Act of 1789 set the number of members of the U.S. ______ at six.

Supreme Court

Which of the following statements regarding the vice president and his role in the early republic are correct?

The Constitution left the role of the vice president largely undefined. John Adams was America's first vice president.

Which of the following describe the Indian role in the War of 1812?

The Creek Indians were forced to cede millions of acres of land. The lack of unity among Indian tribes proved to be a serious handicap for them. Some tribes allied with the British, and other tribes allied with the Americans.

Which of the following occurred as a result of Napoleon sending French troops to retake Saint-Domingue?

The French forces were devastated by disease and rebel soldiers. There were mass killings and war atrocities. The rebels fought off the French and declared the independent Republic of Haiti.

What had happened in Saint-Domingue by 1802, following its 1791 slave rebellion, that caused distress for Napoleon?

The island's coffee and sugar production had plummeted, denying the French a revenue source.

How did the Federalists publicly defend the "midnight appointments" they made as a result of the Judiciary Act of 1801?

The nation was expanding and the judiciary needed to expand along with it.

What triggered the French raids on American shipping in the late 1790s?

The terms of Jay's Treaty overwhelming favored England.

Which of the following statements regarding Adams's peace treaty with France are correct?

The treaty successfully avoided the escalation of hostilities with the French. The treaty split the Federalists, driving Hamilton's pro-British faction into open opposition. In negotiating the treaty, Adams clearly operated with the country's interests, rather than his own political future, in mind.

What was the major unintended consequence of whites' selling horses and guns to the Indians?

These made the Indians more mobile and dangerous.

What best describes the role of elite and middle-class white women in the early decades of the new republic?

They participated in public life and politics but did not vote.

Which of the following characterizes the Republican approach to individualism?

They strongly embraced the virtues of individualism.

Which of the following best characterizes the economic ideas of the Federalists?

They were forward-looking and maintained that government encouragement of economic development was necessary.

Which American politician maintained that in spite of the violence and other excesses it unleashed, the French Revolution was spreading the doctrine of liberty?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the Republican candidate for president against Adams in 1800?

Thomas Jefferson

Who was the first president inaugurated in the new capital of Washington, D.C.?

Thomas Jefferson

Which of the following best describes John Adams's view of, and relationship to, the Federalist Party?

Though as president he was the leading Federalist, he disagreed with the party on several key economic and foreign-policy issues.

Which of the following were executive departments authorized by Congress?

Treasury War Attorney General

Indian tribes in the Northwest ceded the southern two-thirds of the area between Lake Erie and the Ohio River in the

Treaty of Greenville.

Republicans accused ______ of being British agents and monarchists.

Washington and Hamilton

Which of the following best describes the distribution of wealth in semisubsistence and commercial economies?

Wealth in semisubsistence economies was spread fairly broadly.

After the British burned the executive mansion in Washington, it was covered in whitewash and became known as the

White House

In 1797, when the French foreign minister demanded a bribe in order to negotiate with American representatives over French attacks on American shipping, the incident became known as the__________affair


Which of the following best describes patterns of white settlement in the West?

Young single men from the East replaced backwoods families and started families of their own.

Which of the following did Republicans not regard as a threat to American liberty and safety?

a broad interpretation of the Constitution

Which of the following was a consequence of white expansion for Indian tribes?

a crippling dependency on white trade goods

Which of the following were significant factors spurring the rise of political parties during the early years of the republic?

a high literacy rate and the widespread availability of newspapers parties' appeal to significant economic and social interests the fact that well-known leaders of the revolution headed the two major parties

Which of the following did Republicans not regard as a threat to American liberty and safety?

an emphasis on agriculture over industry

Americans who feared concentrations of power and mistrusted cities tended to support semisubsistence, or ______, economies.


Religious meetings like Cane Ridge and those that followed are best described as


The type of economy that revolves around the sale of goods and services in markets is known as a(n)____________ economy


Which of the following drove the campaign for pan-Indian unity?

concerns about the loss of Indian lands

Which of the following did politically active African Americans fail to do?

create the first African American political party

Jefferson encouraged sales of goods to Indians on___________as a means of luring them into debt, the accumulation of which would eventually force them to sell their land.


Federalists typically viewed themselves as opposing the excesses of


What best describes James Madison's performance as president?


Which of the following best describes the strategy African American authors used to refute racist notions?

emphasizing the virtue and patriotism of African American men and women

As a result of the Battle of Tippecanoe, Tecumseh became convinced that the best way to inhibit white settlement was to

engage in preemptive strikes against them.

Which of the following was a rare occurrence during parades and holiday celebrations?

exhortations to transcend narrow party loyalties

How important was the role of women in the semisubsistence economies of the early republic?

extremely important

True or false: The Prophet urged the Shawnees to intermarry with whites in order to better undermine the culture of white settlers.


In 1800, as Federalists looked back on their 12 years in power, their pride in the stability, prosperity, and neutrality fostered by their party was overshadowed by

fear that they had ultimately lost the battle for America's future to the undisciplined rabble, led by Jefferson and the Republicans.

Which of the following best describes the Republican attitude toward government power?

fearful suspicion

Why did George Washington issue a proclamation of American neutrality rather than support France or Britain in the war that erupted between the two nations?

he believed the U.S. should remain independent of European wars.

The social views of the Federalists can best be described as


Which of the following was an issue on which Adams agreed with the Federalists?

his own role as head of the party

In contrast to Jefferson and Madison, Hamilton maintained that the Constitution established not only enumerated powers but also ______ ones.


What was the federal government to "assume" in the "assumption" portion of Hamilton's plan?

individual states' debts

What best describes the 1804 presidential election between Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Pinckney?

jefferson handily defeated Pinckney, and Republicans had firm control of government.

What were the two principal sources of government revenue under Jefferson's administration?

land sales tariff duties

While Federalists feared the West as a threat to order and stability, Jefferson hoped that westward expansion would transform the United States into "an empire of_________


Hamilton wanted to use federal power to encourage

manufacturing and commerce.

In 1800, what proportion of American families were engaged in agriculture?

more than 80%

Which of the following was the leading cause of population growth among white Americans between 1790 and 1820?

natural increase

What foreign policy ideal was part of the Federalist legacy?

neutrality in foreign affairs

The Monroe Doctrine, as it was later called, warned European nations that any intervention in ______ would be considered a hostile act.

new republics in Latin America

Which of the following was not emphasized in most parades and holiday celebrations held in the late 1700s and early 1800s?


Which of the following best describes the attitude of American revolutionaries toward political parties?

outright opposition

By 1796 even the most minor matters facing Congress were decided by ______ votes.


Which of the following were major points of disagreement between John Adams and Alexander Hamilton?

party leadership Hamilton's behavior as a former cabinet member

Jefferson's program of "______" was intended to protect the rights of neutrals without entering into war.

peaceable coercion

Jefferson and others of the revolutionary generation condemned ______ as narrow interest groups that placed loyalty to themselves above a concern for the public good.

political parties

Because Hamilton believed that human nature was intrinsically ______, he sought to link the interests of the ______ with those of the new government.

selfish; wealthy

Most of the first white settlers in the West, and those who took their place as settlement spread, depended on what to sustain them?

semisubsistence agriculture

Which of the following was a means by which Jefferson cut the size and spending of government?

slashing the army budget in half

Although at one time Jefferson boldly condemned________in later years he reproached critics of the institution who sought to prevent its expansion to western territories.


Many whites in the first wave of western settlement were ______, people without legal title to the land they occupied.


According to Jefferson, domestic concerns would be most competently administrated by the


Jefferson and Madison held to the idea of ______, meaning that the Constitution should be interpreted narrowly and the federal government restricted only to those powers explicitly granted to it.

strict construction

In the 1830s, the arguments put forth in the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions would be used to

support the idea that states had the right to nullify federal laws.

A major challenge facing Republican Party leaders was how to oppose the administration without appearing to oppose

the Constitution.

Which of the following were means by which the British violated American rights as neutrals under international law?

the closing off of the West Indies to American ships the interception of American ships and confiscation of their cargoes the impressment of American sailors into British service

Chief Justice Marshall was emphatic in his support of ______, the Court's right to interpret the Constitution.

the doctrine of judicial review

Which of the following best characterizes the key social division in early republican America?

the economic divide between semisubsistence and commercial economies

In 1791 Congress approved a 20-year charter for

the first Bank of the United States.

Who was Toussaint Louverture?

the former slave who became the brilliant leader of Saint-Domingue insurgents

Which of the following components of the Federalists' economic program did Jefferson eliminate?

the imposition and levying of internal taxes

Jefferson did not eliminate

the national bank.

What spurred the explosion in the number of women's seminaries and academies in the 1790s?

the new ideal of republican motherhood

Which of the following was a legacy of Federalist power?

the return of economic prosperity

Which of the following was a proposal of Hamilton's financial program?

to have the federal government assume the debt burdens of the states

Which of the following best describes the role of women in semisubsistence economies?

to produce household goods that were too expensive to purchase

Which of the following best describes the goal of Hamilton's financial program?

to strengthen manufacturing and commerce and increase U.S. economic independence

The chaotic process of the 1800 presidential election resulted in the passage and ratification of the ______ Amendment.


Which of the following best describes the Federalist attitude toward unbridled individualism?

uneasy opposition

After President Jefferson sent American ships to force a settlement with Tripoli,

utenant Stephen Decatur sneaked into the harbor and burned an American ship. an American blockage forced Tripoli to give up its tribute demands. an American ship was captured.

Which of the following best describes the general tenor of political culture during the 1790s?

verbal and physical violence

The Embargo Act

was a failure; Jefferson had miscalculated.

According to the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions, when did states have the right to interpose their authority over the federal government?

when the federal government exceeded the strict limits placed upon it by the Constitution

Which of the following did the Prophet urge the Shawnees to reject?

white trade goods

Which of the following was a condition that encouraged the emergence of political parties in the early republic?

widespread property ownership

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