Chapter 9 APHuG

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How is palm oil beneficial and detrimental

Palm oil exports provided substantial corporate profits, but the growth in the industry resulted in heavy deforestation in both countries

development predicted by the von thunen model of land use around cities

large scale growing of flowers and vegetables in the Netherlands

role of commodity chains in the average size of farms

led to changes in the spatial organization of agriculture from dispersed family farms to large corporate farms that produce, process, and distribute the products

what is the most often cited environmental benefit of the eat local movement

less fossil fuel is used transporting food to market

compare the geographic relationship between the 2nd agricultural revolution and the industrial revolution

mechanization of farm work allowed many young people to migrate and join a growing urban industrial workforce

result of the mechanization of farming in the 2nd agricultural revolution

more reliable crop harvests and healthier populations in areas where the mechanization was adopted

why are tea plantations common in Sri Lanka and exports important to their economy

tea plantations established in Sri Lanka by a former European colonial power

Impacts of 2nd Agricultural Revolution

technological innovations, increased agricultural productivity led to better diets, longer life expectancies, and more people available for work in factories

difference in township and range system and the long lot system

t and r survey based on a geometric grid pattern, and the long lot was a rectilinear pattern based upon waterways or roads

worldwide fertilizer consumption

worldwide fertilizer use is increasing but faster in peripheral LDCs

the township and range survey system in the US contributed to which of the following

a dispersed rural settlement pattern

similarities of world regions where at least 51% women work in agriculture

composed of LDCs with large rural pops

explain the diffusion and successful cultivation of many plants and animals in new regions of the world through the columbian exchange

diffused to a new region with climate and geography similar to that of their point of domestication

womens crucial role in domestication of plants

engaged in collecting plant resources

what could not be a theoretical prediction on von Thunens model

floridas gov't has a dept of citrus

connection btw land value and agricultural production regions

grain crops require extensive acreage and are grown on land that is less costly and farther away from the market than other agricultural land uses

essential requirement of lowland rice production

abundant water

subsistence crop example


when are boundaries of congressional districts redrawn in US

every 10 years

Traditional labor-intensive agriculture often involves which of the following?

field terracing

best example of extensive land use in agriculture

sheep ranch


A set of economic and political relationships that organized food production from the development of seed to marketing thw products

What agricultural practice has the most significant long term environmental impact in tropical regions

Burning extensive areas of forested land to create pasture which decreases biodiversity

Primary source of fruits and veggies in grocery stores in winter


Mediterranean agriculture

Chile, Mediterranean area, western US coast, Australia, south Africa

Explain the economic advantage in of farm produced goods (jams and jellies, cheese)

Compared to plain milk or fresh fruit, these value added agricultural goods significantly increase the price of the farm products sold and increase earnings for farmers

What spatial pattern is explained by bidrent theory

Concentric rings of different agricultural activities surrounding a city in the Midwest United States

Why did multiple early hearths of domestication and diffusion of planes and animals arise across the world in Central America, the Fertile Crescent, the Indus River valley, and Southeast Asia

Domestication evolved in each hearth independently of one another as societies in each area learned and applied the process to local plants and animals

Explain an impact of globalized agricultural commodity chains on consumers as compared to producers

Drought and depletion of groundwater sources in developing countries cause a rise in global grain prices and associated higher costs for food

True/false: consumer demand for organic food has significantly reduced the amount of meat produced by most agribusiness firms


True/false: isolated farmsteads in the US evolved as a result of physical barriers preventing communal farm practices


Risks associated with pesticide applications

Farmer health in LDCs and environmental pollution in MDCs

Compare cattle ranching and feedlots

Feedlots minimize costs associated with livestock production because they don't use as much space as cattle ranching

Temperate regions

Has the most productive settlement according to the theory of environmental determinism

Agriculture practiced in California differs from forms practiced in other Mediterranean agricultural regions because...

In California farms use more irrigation

Cause of increase in global grain production since 1950

Increase in the use of energy and technology

GMOs increase productivity of modern farming by...

Increasing plants drought resistance and resistance to pests

Why is soil salinization a concern in the arid landscape

Irrigation increases the salt content of the soil, which disrupts the growth of crops and degrades soil fertility

Plant domestication according to Carl sauer

It first occurred in diversified habitats with a variety of species

Why farmers plant strawberries and watermelons in the same field

Limited farmland encourages intensive farming with intercropping to produce high yields

Where was corn first domesticated


Importance of climate to agricultural practices

Mid latitude climates tend to support similar agricultural crops and practices, such as wheat farming in the us and china

What country is terracing least likely to be used by farming groups to create additional space and minimize erosion in steep slopes


Greece food assemblage

Olives, pita bread, cheese, figs, lamb, and wine

Commercial ranchers in the pampas of Argentina Uruguay and southern Brazil are likely to...

Raise livestock for export

What facilitated the transportation of beef over kind distances to global markets in the first half of the 20th century

Refrigerated ships

Result of expansion of feedlots on environmental sustainability in rural areas

Runoff from animal waste has increased the pollution in local water supplies

Explain the green revolutions highly variable level of success in increasing agricultural yields

Small scale farmers in Asia often lacked the resources necessary to acquire the hybrid seeds and the chemical inputs to grow them, leaving large gaps in the success of the green revolution outside of urban cores

earliest centers of plant domestication

Southeast Asia, Mesoamerica, Middle East

What explains the impact of rising global temperatures on agricultural regions

The wheat belt will shift northward

Explain increase of wheat production in India between 1950 and 1990

Use of improved plant hybrids and agricultural chemicals

result of frequent clearing of tropical rain forest for agriculture

a shift to animal raising

Why have many family farms in NA been replaced by agribusiness farms since the 1980s

agribusiness farms have the resources to take advantage of economies of scale

where is subsistence agriculture most common

amazon basin

explanation for the similar impact of large scale commercial in MDCs and plantation in LDCs

both involve the consolidation of family farms and displacement of rural communities

similarities and differences between metes and bounds and township and range

both require geometric calculations to survey property lines. however, the township and range uses simplified calculation to create a more ordered landscape

explain the diffusion of plants and animals from their hearths of domestication

both spread across the globe through contagious diffusion in early years by farmers and traders and later by relocation diffusion through european exploration and colonialism

where are tomatoes grown in the von thunens model

closest to the market because they spoil quicker than beef or grain

What item is most likely to be supplied by a trans-national corporation


impact of improvements in transportation systems on agriculture

corporate farms have gained a greater advantage over family farms

result of industrialization and mechanization of agriculture in the US in the past 70 years

decrease in the number of farms and an increase in the size of farms

Mexico and western US affected by what


environmental problem most associated with African Sahel


activities most likely to be found in the outermost zone of von thunen model of agricultural land use

extensive grain or stock farming

Indonesia is an example of what type of state


where is nomadic pastoralism practiced

in the dry regions of africa and asia

significance of similarities btw Asia and sub-saharan africa in terms of the % of women working in agriculture

in the subsistence based rural economies in these regions, female farmers produce much of food that their families need for survival

social or environmental impact most directly related to the use of chemicals in agriculture

increase in land and water pollution from agricultural runoff

why did the ganges and nile valley have high population densities

intensive agriculture based on irrigation

compare % of women in agriculture to % of women in workforce

many women in these regions work on farms and grow food for their families but not all are paid

Why is the traditional classification of agriculture as a primary economic activity a problem when considering the geography of agriculture?

modern farmers are engaged in production, research, marketing, and some manufacturing of their products

characteristic of shifting cultivation


subsistence agriculture

production of agricultural products destined for direct consumption by the producer rather than for market

subsistence agriculture

production only for family consumption

what type of agriculture is found on the outer edges of india

rice cultivation

most suitable place for a farmer to purchase a large parcel of land necessary for raising livestock

ring farthest from market because the land is less expensive and outweighs transportation costs to get the livestock to market

which was more efficient: long lots or metes and bounds

river in the long lots system provides better access to waterways to transport goods to market

why does the new england region specialize in market gardening agriculture rather than other types of agriculture (such as grain farming)

several large cities on the east coast provide a growing market and shorter distances for transporting market gardening products

Differences in the agricultural practices and land use for sheep and poultry

sheep production is an example of extensive agriculture requiring large pastures, but poultry production is an example of intensive agriculture often practiced indoors

which pair of agricultural types occupies the largest % of the world's total land area

shifting cultivation and nomadic herding

Labor-intensive intertillage is often practiced where

southeast asia

What world region has the Green Revolution had the least impact on agriculture

sub-saharan africa

Green revolution technology has resulted in what modern agriculture

the development of high yield grains and the expansion of cultivated areas

land parcels in the american midwest tend to be rectilinear because...

the federal survery system adopted in the late 18th century imposed a geometric pattern on the landscape

growth potential of alternative practices such as the growing of amaranth grain and the raising of deer, elk, emus, and buffalo for meat is limited because...

the growers have not established an integrated commodity chain

which factor did von thunen emphasize in his model

transportation cost

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