Chapter 9 Business Comm

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The following are typical sources for gathering factual data for informal reports. Which of these is a typical way to gather factual data?

Research is an important step in report writing. Typical sources for informal reports include company records, observation, surveys, questionnaires, interviews, printed material, and electronic resources.

The indirect strategy should be used when_____________.

the reader must be educated on the report problem; The indirect strategy is appropriate when the reader may be disappointed or hostile or when the reader must be educated or persuaded. The direct strategy should be used if the reader is familiar with the topic, eager to receive the results, or supportive of the problem. See page 266.

In order to determine the problem your report will help to solve, you should first _______________.

write an accurate problem statement clarifying the reason for the report; Before you begin writing a business report, you should make sure that you understand the problem. This includes coming up with a problem statement identifying the purpose of your report and a statement of purpose that defines the scope and provides a standard to keep the project on target. You should not begin gathering data, outlining, or formatting the report until you have first identified the purpose, scope, and audience because misidentifying these elements might require you to rewrite the report completely.

A yardstick report should___________________________.

develop specific criteria to compare alternatives Yardstick reports examine problems with two or more solutions using established criteria to compare the alternatives. See page 285.

Information reports___________________________.

do not analyze the facts for readers; Information reports provide information without analysis.

Indirect strategy reports________________________.

end with conclusions and recommendations; When readers might be hostile toward the report's findings or when readers need to be educated or must be persuaded, use an indirect strategy, and close with conclusions and recommendations.

Your company needs a new wireless provider, and you have been assigned to research the alternatives. Based on your research, you have selected a new provider. What kind of report would you most likely write to inform the company CEO of your findings?

Justification/recommendation report; You would most likely write a justification/recommendation report, which justifies or recommends a course of action. See pages 281-282.

Your coworker is creating the headings for a report. What advice should you give her?

To create effective headings, follow a few basic guidelines: use appropriate heading levels, strive for parallel construction, use first- and second-level headings for short reports, capitalize and underline carefully, keep headings short and clear, do not use headings as antecedents for pronouns, and include at least one heading per report page when appropriate.

Justification and recommendation reports that suggest an unpopular finding or course of action are more convincing when the facts are believable and the writer, credible. Which of the following is a way to build credibility for your report?

Use authoritative quotes to emphasize the seriousness of the problem.; Use specific examples, supporting statistics, and authoritative quotes to lend credibility to the seriousness of the problem.

Short informal reports that are intended for internal audiences should be written using a___________________.

memo or e-mail format; Although the format of a report depends on its length, topic, audience, and purpose, the memo or e-mail format is appropriate for short informal reports that stay within organizations. See page 269.

When writing a summary, you should_____________.

organize for readability and include heading or enumerated lists; Summaries condense points from books, articles, websites, meetings, or conventions and should present the goal or purpose of the summarized text rather than a detailed account. You should organize for readability, and omit illustrations, examples, and references.

You have just returned from a marketing convention in Boston and need to write a report detailing the event. What should you NOT include in the report?

A set of minor topic headings; Identify the date, name, and location of the convention, and include three to five main points that you think will benefit the reader. Close with an expression of appreciation.

Which of the following statements about informational reports and analytical reports is most accurate?

Analytical reports present data with analysis and/or recommendations; informational reports present data without analysis or recommendations.; Reports that present data without analysis or recommendations are informational; reports that provide data, analyses, conclusions, and recommendations are analytical. See pages 264-265.

Before Ezra begins to compose the progress report, what advice would you give him?

Begin by writing a problem statement and a statement of purpose.; Always begin by writing a problem statement and a statement of purpose that clearly and accurately identifies the problem that needs to be solved. The statement of purpose will help focus the report.

When writing a recommendation report using an indirect strategy, how should you present alternative solutions?

Begin with the least likely to succeed, and then present the most promising alternative last.; Discuss alternative solutions, beginning with the solution that is the least likely to succeed, and present your most promising recommendation last.

How can company records be used to gather data for informal reports?

Company records can help you observe past performance and identify methods used to solve previous problems.; Many reports begin with an analysis of company records. Company records allow you to observe past performance and identify methods used to solve previous business problems.

What is the first step you should take when you are assigned to write a report?

Determine the problem the report will address.; Your first step should be to determine the problem the report will address. See page 273.

What advice should you follow when writing a progress report?

Explain the work currently in progress, including personnel, activities, methods, and locations.; Progress reports should explain the work currently in progress, including personnel, activities, methods, and locations. See page 277.

An informal writing style is appropriate for external reports.

False; The use of a formal or an informal writing style depends on a report's purpose, audience, and setting. A formal writing style is more appropriate for an external report or for lengthy formal reports and proposals. See page 266.

You are in charge of preparing the minutes for a recent board meeting. All of the following should be included in these formal minutes except

Formal meeting minutes should include the names of attendees and absentees, precise wording of all motions, the name and signature of the person preparing the minutes, and a summary of group discussions. See pages 278-279.

You expect that your manager will offer no resistance to your positive recommendation of the candidate. One of your coworkers wrote a similar report last week, so you ask him for advice. What advice can he give you?

Make your recommendation or action announcement in your opening. Provide brief and concise recommendations in your opening so the reader knows what action to take.

Which of the following are NOT elements you should include in meeting minutes?

Open-ended questions regarding topics discussed at the meetings; Meeting minutes should include the name of the group as well as the date, time, and place of the meeting; names of attendees and absentees; approval of previous minutes; a record of old business, new business, and reports; the precise wording of motions, including the vote and action taken; and your name and signature.

Which of the following is not included in a feasibility report?

Persuasive techniques; Because your focus in a feasibility report is on the decision, you will not need to use persuasive techniques. Persuasive techniques are needed in justification/recommendation reports. See pages 282-284.

Mary is writing a report and wants to use headings to help her readers understand the organization of her report and to add visual appeal. What advice should she follow?

Reports should incorporate at least one bolded heading per page. However, these headings should not be written in complete sentences. Additionally, only the first letter of major words within a heading should be capitalized. See pages 271-273.

Which statement about primary and secondary research is most accurate?

Secondary data are easier and cheaper to gather than primary data.; Primary data result from firsthand experience and observation. Secondary data come from reading what others have experienced or observed and written down and are easier and cheaper to gather than primary data. Depending on the topic, both kinds of research may not be available to incorporate within a report. See pages 274-275.

You are writing a feasibility report about the possibility of an office site in Cambridge consolidating with your Boston site. What should you make sure to include in your report?

The benefits of your proposal; Make sure you describe the benefits of the proposed consolidation in your report.

Which of the following is an example of a report purpose statement?

To investigate the feasibility of an on-site exercise facility for all employees; Purpose statements should be written using action verbs that indicate what will be accomplished. This is the only answer choice that uses an action verb and expresses the intent of a report. See pages 273-274.

Short informal reports that are sent outside an organization should be prepared using a letter format.

True; A letter format should be used for short informal reports (usually eight or fewer pages) addressed outside an organization. See page 269.

Informational reports emphasize facts; analytical reports emphasize reasoning and conclusion.

True; Although both informational and analytical reports seek to collect and present data clearly, analytical reports also evaluate the data and typically try to persuade the reader to accept the conclusions and to act on the recommendations. Therefore, informational reports emphasize facts, but analytical reports emphasize reasoning and conclusions. See page 279.

True or False: Although reports vary greatly, they all have the common purpose of sifting through data and making decisions.

True; Business reports are difficult to define because they vary in length, channel, and form; however, all reports share the common purpose of helping organizations sift through data to make major decisions.

True or False: Both formal and informal reports should be clearly and concisely written.

True; Informal reports require an appropriate writing style. Like all business messages, reports should be clear and concise, building coherence through the use of topic sentences, support sentences, and transitional devices. Informal writing style may include the use of first-person pronouns, contractions, and active-voice verbs.

A trip report is a type of informational report.

True; One type of informational report is the trip report. In this type of report, business travelers identify the event or company they attended, objectively summarize three to five main points, and, if requested, itemize their expenses. See page 275.

The reader's anticipated reaction and the content of a report determine its organizational strategy.

True; The reader's anticipated reaction and the content of a report determine its organizational strategy. The report should be organized directly when the reader is informed, eager to hear the results, or supportive. However, when the reader must be educated, is hostile, or may be disappointed, the indirect strategy is more effective. See page 265.

When you believe your audience will be agreeable to the suggestions in a justification/recommendation report, you should organize your ideas directly.

True; When you write a justification/recommendation report that contains nonsensitive topics and recommendations that will be agreeable to readers, you should organize it directly: identify the problem or need, announce the recommendation, explain the recommendation fully, and provide necessary action. See page 281.

You are writing a short report to a familiar audience and plan to use an informal writing style. What can you do to make your writing informal?

Use contractions such as I'm, it's, let's, and we're.; An informal writing style uses first-person pronouns, contractions, active-voice verbs, and shorter sentences with familiar words. See pages 268-269

Routine operations, compliance with regulations, and company policies and procedures are all types_____.

informative reports; These types of informative reports all require you to collect and organize facts, but they do not require you to analyze these facts for the reader.

Progress reports usually ________________.

provide background information to give readers a better perspective; The reader might not always remember details and specifications. Therefore, if needed, briefly provide background information without bogging down the reader with unnecessary details.

Functional headings such as "Progress Update" are most useful for_______________________________.

routine reports; Functional headings are most useful for routine reports. They are also useful for sensitive or controversial topics.

Use digital format when _________________.

you need to preserve formatting and graphics for electronic distribution; Use digital formats to preserve document formatting and graphics for electronic distribution.

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