Chapter 9

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Anger Sadness Fear Enjoyment Love Surprise Disgust Shame

Eight main families of emotions and their corresponding members (goleman)

Physical and mental health Work performance Relationships

Emotional intelligence directly affects (3)

Physical and mental health

Emotional intelligence equips one with tools in managing stress; and stress, which usually brings discomfort and illnesses, can be avoided

Handling relationships

Emotional intelligence is also evident in the way we manage our relationships with others

Daniel Goleman

He traces the origins of emotions from human race's survival instinct to sense, detect, assess, and act on any threat to its life and survival

Work performance

Helps in understanding people and situations more objectively and with more understanding and compassion


Interpersonal relationships are enhanced because emotions are expressed in a more positive way, and with empathy, genuine caring is expressed and shared

Recognizing emotions in others

Is called empathy


Is important in maintaining relationships as this also taps on the caring capacity of people

EI or EQ Emotional Quotient

Is more important in achieving success in one's career or personal life than IQ


Is the element present when one is fighting some overwhelming anxiety, a defeatist attitude, or depression

Human brain

It is only the ________ that was gifted with the capacity to process on an intellectual level the emotions being experienced, validating the reality of the danger, controlling the emotions being experienced, and acting accordingly given several options to choose from

Emotional intelligence

Lies between this interaction of the amygdala and the pre-frontal cortex

Organizing groups

A leadership skill essential in mustering groups of people toward a common action

Hijacking of the amygdala

Our knee-jerk reaction to a situation, happening even before the information was processed by the rational part of the brain


Acceptance, friendliness, trust, kindness, affinity, devotion, adoration, infatuation and agape

Dr. Joseph Ledoux; Amygdala

According to neuroscientist ________, the ________ has become the center pf action, the emotional sentinel that can take control of our actions even before the neocortex could assess what to do


Acts on its own in pushing the other buttons for a body response


Also becomes the basis of a person's set of moral principles that give rise to one's ethics and values, like compassion


Also keeps a memory bank of previous experiences related to emotions

Robert Plutchik; Adoration Ecstasy Anticipation Rage Disgust Grief Surprise Fear

Another psychologist who theorized that emotions are multi- dimensional, or having various intensities, identified these as: ____[8]


Anxiety, apprehension, nervousness, concern, consternation, misgiving, wariness, qualm, edginess, dread, fright, terror; and in extreme, phobia and panic

Howard Gardner and Thomas Hatch

Came up with four components of social intelligence


Contempt, disdain, scorn, abhorrence, aversion, distaste and revulsion


Termed as the thinking brain

Emotional intelligence

The ability to motivate oneself and persist in the face of frustrations, to control impulse and delay gratification, to regulate one's mood and keep distress from swamping the ability to think, to emphatize, and to hope

Daniel Goleman

The author presented the physiological process on how emotions occur

Peter Salovey

The concept of emotional intelligence was first introduced by ________, a psychologist from Yale University who showed how intelligence can be brought to our emotions

Social analysis

The talent to step out of a situation and objectively form insights about the way people feel and behave. Therapists are gifted with this

Flight or fight

This instinct is also known as the _________ response that animals and humans alike are capable of doing when faced with danger

Knowing one's emotions or self-awareness

This is about knowing how we feel and the thought behind the feeling

Personal connection

This is the talent where empathy and connecting with another person's emotions are manifested Teachers usually have this

Negotiating solutions

This talent to bring people in conflict to talk and come up with a solution is usually found among mediators of disputes

Spiritual and natural

Two more were added to the seven varieties

Managing emotions

We can have control on how long an emotion will last

Daniel Stern; Attunement

_____, A psychiatrist at the cornell university school of medicine, he found out that the capacity of the individual to empathize is linked to the individual's need for others to recognize and receive their emotions and respond to them. He reffered to this as ______

Knowing one's emotions or self-awareness Managing emotions Motivating oneself Recognizing emotions in others Handling relationships

Five domains of emotional intelligence (Salovey)

Happy Sad Afraid or surprised Angry or disgust

Four basic emotions

Organizing groups Negotiating solutions Personal connection Social analysis

Four components of social intelligence


Fury, outrage, resentment, wrath, exasperation, indignation, vexation, acrimony, animosity, annoyance, irritability, hostility; and to its extremes, hatred and violence


Goleman points out that ______ is a great motivator, and like hope, it provides a person with expectations that things will turn out better or right, when faced with adversity


Grief, sorrow, cheerlessness, gloom, melancholy, self-pity, loneliness, dejection, despair; in extreme, depression


Guilt, embarrassment, chagrin, remorse, humiliation, regret, mortification and contrition


Happiness, joy, relief, contentment, bliss, delight, amusement, pride, sensual pleasure, thrill, rapture, gratification, satisfaction, euphoria, whimsy, ecstasy; and to its extreme, mania


Has been identified as the foundation in developing important skills necessary for one's success at work

Motivating oneself

Research studies have shown that hope is a major indicator of emotional intelligence

John Mayer

Salovey was joined by ______, a psychologist from the University of New Hampshire, in formulating emotional intelligence

Verbal- linguistic Mathematical-logical Spatial Kinesthetic Musical Interpersonal Intrapersonal

Seven key varieties


Shock, astonishment, amazement, wonder


Stated that "all emotions are, in essence, impulses to act, the instant plan for handling life that evolution has instilled in us.

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