Chapter 9

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If the SSV Class of VORTAC is listed as a Terminal Class, the altitudes and distance to adequately receive the signal of the VORTAC is A 1,000 feet to 12,000 feet and 25 NM. B 1,000 feet up to 60,000 feet and up to 130 NM. C 1,000 feet to 18,000 feet and 40 NM.

A 1,000 feet to 12,000 feet and 25 NM. Your answer is CORRECT. (Chart Supplement)The (T) or Terminal Class VORTAC can be received at 1,000 ft. to 12,000 ft. and 25 NM.

An aircraft takes off from Gnoss Airport (Area 4) and flies southeast 25.4 NM to Buchanan Airport. What maximum elevation figure would assure obstruction clearance during the flight? A 3,200 feet MSL. B 6,000 feet MSL. C 4,200 feet MSL.

A 3,200 feet MSL. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)The maximum elevation figure (MEF) is shown in each quadrangle bounded by latitude and longitude tick marks. The MEF in the quadrangle that is just east of Gnoss Airport consists of a large "3" and a somewhat smaller "2," which mean the MEF is 3,200 feet MSL. In the quadrangle that contains Buchanan Airport, the MEF is south of the airport. The large "2" and the somewhat smaller "4" mean the MEF is 2,400 feet MSL. Thus, on a flight from Gnoss Airport to Buchanan Airport, the MEF that would ensure obstacle clearance is 3,200 feet.

(Refer to Area 1.) The NALF Fentress (NFE) Airport is in what type of airspace? A Class E. B Class C. C Class G.

A Class E. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)The NFE Airport (south of Area 1) is surrounded by a dashed magenta line. This line indicates Class E surface airspace for the NFE Airport.

The airspace surrounding the Gila Bend AF AUX Airport (GXF) (Area 6) is classified as Class A D. B C. C B.

A D. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)The GXF airport is surrounded by a dashed blue line, which indicates it is within Class D airspace.

Which public use airports depicted are indicated as having fuel? A Rockwall (Area 1) and Sulphur Springs (Area 5). B Commerce (Area 6) and Rockwall (Area 1). C Commerce (Area 6) and Sulphur Springs (Area 5).

A Rockwall (Area 1) and Sulphur Springs (Area 5). Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)On Fig. 24, the requirement is to identify the airports having fuel available. Airports having fuel available are designated by small squares extending from the top, bottom, and both sides of the airport symbol. Rockwall (Area 1) and Sulphur Springs (Area 5) have such sy

What is the purpose of FDC NOTAMs? A To advise of changes in flight data which affect instrument approach procedures (IAP), aeronautical charts, and flight restrictions prior to normal publication. B To provide the latest information on the status of navigation facilities to all FSS facilities for scheduled broadcasts. C To issue notices for all airports and navigation facilities in the shortest possible time.

A To advise of changes in flight data which affect instrument approach procedures (IAP), aeronautical charts, and flight restrictions prior to normal publication. Your answer is CORRECT. (AIM Para 5-1-3)FDC (Flight Data Center) NOTAMs are regulatory in nature and issued to establish restrictions to flight or amend charts or published instrument approach procedures.

(Refer to Area 3.) Which airport is located at approximately 47°21'N latitude and 101°01'W longitude? A Washburn. B Underwood. C Pietsch.

A Washburn. Your answer is CORRECT. (FAA-H-8083-25B Chap 16)On Fig. 21, find the 48° line of latitude (2/3 up the figure). Start at the 47°30' line of latitude (the line below the 48° line) and count down nine tick marks to the 47°21'N tick mark and draw a horizontal line on the chart. Next find the 101° line of longitude and go left one tick mark and draw a vertical line. The closest airport is Washburn.

Refer to Crawford Airport (N38°42.25' W107°38.62'). Is fuel ever available at Crawford Airport? A Yes, 100LL fuel is available for emergency use only. B No, as there is no "star" symbol near the airport on the chart, there is no fuel available at this airport. C Yes, whenever the airport is attended by airport personnel.

A Yes, 100LL fuel is available for emergency use only. Your answer is CORRECT. (Chart Supplement)Look at Fig. 81, the Chart Supplement excerpt for Crawford Airport, located at the given coordinates. Locate the Airport Remarks; you will see on the second line that 100LL fuel is available (avbl) for emergency use only.

(Refer to Area 3.) The vertical limits of that portion of Class E airspace designated as a Federal Airway over Magee Airport are A 7,500 feet MSL to 17,999 feet MSL. B 1,200 feet AGL to 17,999 feet MSL. C 700 feet MSL to 12,500 feet MSL.

B 1,200 feet AGL to 17,999 feet MSL. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)Magee Airport on Fig. 22 is northwest of 3. The question asks for the vertical limits of the Class E airspace over the airport. Class E airspace areas extend upwards but do not include 18,000 ft. MSL (base of Class A airspace). The floor of a Class E airspace designated as an airway is 1,200 ft. AGL, unless otherwise indicated.

(Refer to Area 4.) The CTAF/UNICOM frequency at Jamestown Airport is A 123.6 MHz. B 123.0 MHz. C 122.2 MHz.

B 123.0 MHz. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)The UNICOM frequency is printed in bold italics in the airport identifier. At Jamestown it is 123.0 MHz. The C next to it indicates it as the CTAF.

(Refer to Area 1.) The visibility and cloud clearance requirements to operate VFR during daylight hours over Sandpoint Airport at 1,200 feet AGL are A 1 mile and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud. B 1 mile and clear of clouds. C 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud.

C 3 miles and 1,000 feet above, 500 feet below, and 2,000 feet horizontally from each cloud. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG and 14 CFR 91.155)The airspace around Sandpoint Airport is Class G airspace from the surface to 700 ft. AGL and Class E airspace from 700 ft. AGL up to, but not including, 18,000 ft. MSL (indicated by the magenta shading). Therefore, 1,200 ft. AGL is within Class E airspace. The VFR visibility and cloud clearance requirements for operations in Class E airspace below 10,000 ft. MSL are 3 miles and a distance of 1,000 ft. above, 500 ft. below, and 2,000 ft. horizontally from each cloud.

(Refer to Area 1.) What minimum altitude is required to avoid the Livermore Airport (LVK) Class D airspace? A 2,901 feet MSL. B 2,503 feet MSL. C 3,297 feet MSL.

Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG) The Class D airspace at Livermore Airport extends from the surface to 2,900 feet MSL, as indicated by the following symbol within the blue segmented circle: Thus, the minimum altitude to fly over and avoid the Livermore Airport Class D airspace is 2,901 feet MSL.

To avoid landing at the wrong airport or runway, pilots should A consult airport diagrams and Chart Supplements. B contact the airport UNICOM frequency for runway advisory. C consult the Aeronautical Information Manual.

A consult airport diagrams and Chart Supplements. Your answer is CORRECT. (FAA-H-8083-25B Chap 14)Chart Supplements are published every 56 days and include the most accurate information about an airport, including runways and lighting.

(Refer to Area 2 in Figure 22.) At Coeur D'Alene, which frequency should be used as a Common Traffic Advisory Frequency (CTAF) to monitor airport traffic? A 135.075 MHz. B 122.8 MHz. C 122.05 MHz.

B 122.8 MHz. Your answer is CORRECT. (Chart Supplement)Fig. 31 is the Chart Supplement excerpt for Coeur D'Alene Air Terminal. Look for the section titled "Communications." On that same line, it states that the CTAF (and UNICOM) frequency is 122.8. The CTAF can also be found in the airport information on the sectional chart.

(Refer to Area 2.) The elevation of the Chesapeake Regional Airport is A 36 feet. B 19 feet. C 360 feet.Your answer is INCORRECT.This is the height above ground of the group obstructions approximately 6 NM southeast of Chesapeake Regional Airport, not the elevation of the airport.

B 19 feet. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)The question asks for the elevation of the Chesapeake Regional Airport (Fig. 20). East of 2, note that the second line of the airport identifier for Chesapeake Regional reads "19 L 55 123.075." The first number, in bold type, is the altitude of the airport above MSL. It is followed by the L for lighted runway(s), 55 for the length of the longest runway (5,500 ft.), and the CTAF frequency (123.075).

(Refer to Area 3.) The floor of Class B airspace at Dallas Executive Airport is A at the surface. B 3,000 feet MSL. C 3,100 feet MSL.

B 3,000 feet MSL. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG and 14 CFR 71.9)Dallas Executive Airport (Fig. 25, Area 3) has a segmented blue circle around it depicting Class D airspace. Dallas Executive Airport also underlies Class B airspace as depicted by solid blue lines. The altitudes of the Class B airspace are shown as to the southeast of the airport. The bottom number denotes the floor of the Class B airspace to be 3,000 feet MSL.

(Refer to Area 3.) Determine the approximate latitude and longitude of Shoshone County Airport. A 47°02'N - 116°11'W. B 47°33'N - 116°11'W. C 47°32'N - 116°41'W.

B 47°33'N - 116°11'W. Your answer is CORRECT. (FAA-H-8083-25B Chap 16)Shoshone County Airport is below 3, just west of the 116° line of longitude. There are 60 min. between the 116° line and the 117° line, depicted in 1-min. tick marks. Shoshone is 11 tick marks (11 min.) past the 116° line. Find the labeled 48° latitude line just northeast of the 116° line. The latitude and longitude lines are presented each 30 min. Since lines of latitude are also divided into 1 min. tick marks, the airport is three tick marks above the 47°30' line or 47°33'N. The correct latitude and longitude is thus 47°33'N - 116°11'W.

The controlled airspace located at the Corpus Christi VORTAC (Area 5) begins at A the surface. B 700 feet AGL. C 1,200 feet MSL.

B 700 feet AGL. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)On Fig. 69, Area 5 is 9 NM north of Corpus Christi. The Corpus Christi VORTAC is just inside the magenta-shaded area. This indicates that Class E (controlled) airspace extends upward from 700 feet AGL to the base of the overlying airspace [here Class C airspace at 1,200 feet MSL, as indicated by the magenta solid lines and the "40" above the "12" (separated by a line), 5 NM west of the VORTAC].

(Refer to Area 2.) Identify the airspace over Bryn Airport. A Class G airspace -- surface up to but not including 700 feet MSL; Class E airspace -- 700 feet to 14,500 feet MSL. B Class G airspace -- surface up to but not including 1,200 feet AGL; Class E airspace -- 1,200 feet AGL up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL. C Class G airspace -- surface up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL.

B Class G airspace -- surface up to but not including 1,200 feet AGL; Class E airspace -- 1,200 feet AGL up to but not including 18,000 feet MSL. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)Bryn Airport is located 1.5 in. south of 2 on Fig. 26. There is no specific airspace designation around Bryn. Therefore, the airspace over the airport is Class G airspace up to the next overlying airspace. Unless the floor is designated otherwise, Class E airspace exists from 1,200 ft. AGL, up to but not including 18,000 ft. MSL.

(Refer to Area 5.) The navigation facility at Dallas-Ft. Worth International (DFW) is a A VOR. B VOR/DME. C VORTAC.

B VOR/DME. Your answer is CORRECT. (ACUG)On Fig. 25, DFW is located at the center of the chart and the navigation facility is 1 NM south of the right set of parallel runways. The symbol is a hexagon with a dot in the center within a square. This is the symbol for a VOR/DME navigation facility.

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