chapter 9

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Almost ALL infants will be walking well by:

15 months of age

Make-believe play tends to emerge at _____ of age.

2 years

By around _____ of age, babies enter a babbling stage of language development.

5 months

Which statement is most accurate about those who approach the natural age of death and dying?

Attitudes toward death in old age show the same diversity as in other parts of adult development.

Which action would NOT be helpful if one wanted one's child to be securely attached?

Be dismissive to the child when he/she is in distress.

Operant conditioning is to Skinner as language development is to:


_____ theory highlights the process of developing a sense of identity during adolescence.

Erikson's psychosocial development

The importance of schemas was most clearly highlighted by:


_____ is to our understanding of children's cognitive development as _____ is to our understanding of our solar system.


The notion that people in different cultures will acquire different cognitive abilities is attributed to:


Research on moral reasoning suggests that _____ impact(s) the way humans actually make moral decisions.

age, culture and gender

One of the different forms of a particular gene is called a(n):


The second stage in Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's theory of dying is called:


Which of the following is an accurate statement about those who are nearer to the natural age of death and dying?

attitudes toward death in old age show the same diversity as in other parts of adult development

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross proposed that the third stage of the dying process involves:


strands of DNA wound around each other make up a(n):


______ are the long, threadlike structures that are found in the nucleus of the cell and are composed of twisted parallel strands of DNA.


According to research on careers in adulthood, almost one-third of people in their late twenties and early thirties are likely to:

completely switch occupational fields

During _____ periods, specific developmental outcomes in infants and children are most sensitive to environmental influences.


Prenatal and language development depend on _____ periods during which developmental outcomes are most vulnerable to environmental influences.


Prenatal development and language development are closely tied to _____ periods, during which a child is maximally sensitive to environmental influences.


Six-month-old Riley will be maximally sensitive to influences in her environment during _____ periods in her development.


Some aspects of development such as prenatal development and language development have _____ periods during which there is maximum sensitivity to certain environmental influences.


When individuals of different ages or developmental stages are compared, it is a(n) _____ research strategy.


In looking back at his life, 70-year-old Redner experiences regret, dissatisfaction, and disappointment about his accomplishments. According to Erikson, Redner is experiencing _____ and has failed to achieve a sense of _____.

despair; ego integrity

The study of how people change physically, mentally, and socially throughout the lifespan would MOST likely be conducted by a ______ psychologist.


Jameson is a psychology major and is applying to graduate school. His primary interest has to do with the behavior of children from birth to high school. He would like to study how children change through their interactions with their parents. Jameson should consider applying to graduate programs in:

developmental psychology

Marjorie is a psychology major and is applying to graduate programs. Her primary interest has to do with lifespan development, including all the biological, environmental, social, cultural, and behavioral factors involved in the trajectory of the lifespan. Marjorie should apply to graduate programs in:

developmental psychology

Marjorie, a psychology major, is considering applying to graduate programs. Her primary interest has to do with lifespan development, including all the biological, environmental, social, cultural, and behavioral factors involved in the trajectory of the human lifespan. Marjorie might strongly considering applying to graduate programs in:

developmental psychology

Professor Flores's specialty involves looking at the stages of human development. In which department at her university is Professor Flores MOST likely to work?

developmental psychology

Regarding infant temperaments, a child who readily adapts to new experiences, displays positive moods and emotions, and has regular sleeping and eating patterns can be characterized as a(n) _____ baby.


According to Erikson's psychosocial theory of development, late adulthood is to _____ as adolescence is to _____.

ego integrity; identity

Piaget called the inability to take another person's perspective or point of view:


Mr. Reddington has reached a point in his life where he is examining whether he has experienced meaning, and what type of meaning, in his life. According to Erikson, Mr. Reddington is in the eighth psychosocial task known as:

eho integrity

The cluster of cells that develop from the zygote by the end of a two-week period is called a(n):


Henrietta is in the fifth week of her pregnancy, which means that her baby is in the ______ period of prenatal development.


Sue's cousin lost her baby during her eighth week of pregnancy. During what stage of prenatal development did she have the miscarriage?


The fifth week of pregnancy is the _____ period of prenatal development.


Psychologists refer to attachment as:

emotional bonds, usually between an infant and caretaker.

_____ investigates how gene activity is regulated within a cell.


The third and longest period of prenatal development is called the ______ period


According to Piaget, during this stage of cognitive development, abstract logic and the potential for mature moral reasoning are formed.

formal operational

During adolescence, many children achieve Piaget's _____ stage of development.

formal operational

In Erikson's theory, the primary psychosocial task of middle adulthood is called:


the complete set of DNA for the human organism is the:


at birth, neural development in the brain:

has only begun

Another term that may be used for "nature" is:


Research by Jerome Kagan (2004) suggests that an infant who tends to frighten easily, is tense, and is inhibited around new experiences can be characterized as a _____ infant.


A surprising finding of the ______ Project, which mapped the complete set of DNA in the human organism, was that humans have only 20,000 to 25,000 genes.

human genome

The discipline technique that combines parental control with explaining why a behavior is prohibited is called:


The psychosocial conflict named by Erik Erikson, which he identified with early childhood (3 to 6 years), is called _____, while _____ is the conflict likely to be encountered in middle to late childhood (6 to 12 years).

initiative vs. guilt; industry vs. inferiority

Marissa resents the burden and constraints of caring for her infant daughter. She frequently ignores her daughter's cries for attention. As a consequence, her daughter is most likely to display signs of:

insecure attachment

When two-year-old, Kerry was tested in the Strange Situation, she did NOT explore the environment even when her mother was present. She appeared very anxious, and she became extremely distressed when her mother left the room. Kerry would be considered a(n):

insecurely attached infant

Seventeen-year-old Thomas went through a period of conflict over issues relating to his identity, but now he feels comfortable with the choices and commitment he has made. Thomas has achieved what Erikson would call:

integrated identity

Wilbur is 68 years old and is sitting in his recliner reflecting on the mistakes he has made, as well as the dreams that went unfulfilled. Wilbur is in the stage of development called:

integrity vs despair

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross's denial stage of dying involves:

inviting that doctors are wrong

Piaget proposed the idea of ______, which is the inability to reverse a sequence of events or logical operations mentally.


Research on the multiple roles—being parents and having careers—often juggled by men and women, has found that:

is the quality of the experiences, rather than the number of roles, that is the critical factor in psychological well-being

Noam Chomsky proposed that language acquisition occurs because:

language is an innate biological capability for humans.

During Rene's eightieth birthday party, his grandchildren had a chance to ask him about some of his many adventures and travels. While listening to his colorful stories, they realized that their grandfather had lived a very meaningful life and was very satisfied with his many accomplishments. Rene is in the _____ stage of life and has achieved what Erikson called _____.

late adult hood

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, whose findings are depicted in Figure 9.6, titled "The Changing Structure of American Families and Households," one of the sharpest declines is that of:

married couples with children

______ is the stage of adulthood, lasting roughly from the forties to the mid-sixties, when a person's physical strength and endurance tend to gradually decline.

middle adulthood

Sixteen-year-old Jade is reading books about different religions and philosophies and is trying out different approaches to how she should live her life. Jade is in Erikson's:

moratorium period

Compared to children with authoritarian parents, children of authoritative parents are:

more likely to develop a sense of self-reliance and more likely to demonstrate social competence.

In Dr. Strayer's longitudinal research on factors that correlate with getting older, she is likely to find that:

most people maintain their intellectual abilities as they age

Which two-year-old child is MOST apt to have an attachment with a stuffed animal or blanket?

one from America who sleeps in a crib

According to the Enhancing Well-Being With Psychology box, the parenting style in which parents are extremely tolerant and not demanding is called the _____ parenting style.


What are two permissive parenting styles?

permissive-indulgent and permissive-indifferent

The Enhancing Well-Being With Psychology box entitled, "Raising Psychologically Healthy Children," discusses two parenting styles called:

permissive-indulgent and permissive-indifferent.

The disk-shaped vascular organ that acts as a filter, preventing the mother's blood from mingling with that of the developing embryo, is called the:


Scores on tests of logical reasoning, math ability, word recall, and overall general intellectual capacity are shown to _____ with aging.

reflect little decline

Jessica acts so different when she's with her parents than when she's with her girlfriends that she often thinks her personality is completely phony. Erik Erikson would have suggested that Jessica is experiencing:

role confusion

Every time Mrs. Thomas touches her baby's left cheek, the baby turns that cheek toward her mother and opens her mouth. The reflex that is triggered by the mother's touch is known as the ______ reflex.


When a baby's cheek is touched, he or she will turn toward the touch, and open his or her mouth in search of a nipple. This is known as the _____ reflex.


The nonreproductive sexual characteristics (e.g., female breasts, male facial hair) are known as:

secondary sex characteristics

The sexual characteristics that develop during puberty that are not directly involved in reproduction but differentiate between the sexes, such as male facial hair and female breast development, are:

secondary sex characteristics

Three-year-old Adam happily explores the attractive toys located in the dentist's waiting room while his mother is in the room. However, if she briefly leaves the room and then returns, he will return periodically to her side for brief moments. Adam most clearly displays signs of:

secure attachment

Baby Sophia has come to expect that her needs will be met due to her parents' consistent warmth, responsiveness, and sensitivity. Sophia is likely developing a(n):

secure attachment to her parents

Your neighbor is five months pregnant and still smoking about a pack a day. She may be unaware that nicotine is a(n) _____ for her fetus.


One of the MOST important current critiques of Kohlberg's theory of moral development is:

that moral reasoning doesn't always predict moral behavior.

According to the Culture and Human Behavior box titled "Where Does the Baby Sleep?," an infant and child would typically sleep in their parents' bed throughout childhood in:

the Mayan culture

Sean has grown almost five inches between the ages of 15 and 16. He is experiencing:

the adolescent growth spurt

According to research on aging, which of the following can be said about the "myths" surrounding aging in American culture?

the myths are not accurate, given the healthy, active, and self-sufficient lives the majority of older adults live

An important theme of developmental psychology is the interaction between heredity and environment. This interaction is also known as:

the nature-nature issue

Dr. Wiley studies the interaction between heredity and environment, which he calls the _____ issue when he lectures to his students.

the nature-nurture

Which person is most apt to show the LEAST decline in mental abilities?

the person who volunteers and gets out of the house

The embryonic period is:

the second period of prenatal development, extending from the third week through the eight week

George and Henry are identical twins. George was raised by his mother in one home, and Henry was raised by his father in another home. Based on what is known about the relationship of genes and environment, one can correctly conclude that:

their phenotypes will be different even though their genotypes are exactly the same.

The single cell that begins prenatal development will develop into an estimated _____ cells that make up a newborn baby.


Miguel is a 25-year-old, college-educated engineer. Like his Mexican parents, he is a devout Catholic. If Miguel is like most people, he will probably marry someone who is:

very much like he is.

At birth, which sensory system is least like that of a human adult?


Which human sense is the least developed at birth?


Although not yet aware of her pregnancy, Mrs. Upton has conceived as a result of the union of an egg cell and sperm cell. This stage is called a(n):


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