Chapter 9: Shinto

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Domestic Shinto

-Common form of Shinto -Takes place in Japanese homes -Kami-dana (god shelf), contains symbols of whatever may be of religious significance to the family -Usually involved ancestors (filial piety), patron deities -Used as an altar -Used in conjunction with butsu-dan (Buddhist household altar)

sectarian Shinto

-Religious side of Shinto, developed outside of nationalism -These sectarian Shintoists can be divided into several categories based on the focus of their worship First category: Mountain Worshipers Second category: Shamanism and Divination (faith healing) Third category: "pure" Shinto, maintained religious and mythological elements of early Shinto


Gateway of a Shinto shrine that separates the sacred world from the rest of the world


Japanese Buddhist household altar; where worship of buddhist deities is also held.


Japanese New Year; celebrated January 1-6. Each family purifies and cleans the house in preparation for the New year. Special food is eaten and offerings are made to the ancestors. At Buddhist temples at midnight, gongs are struck 108 times for 108 kinds of passions to be purged in the new year. Most go to Shinto shrines; afterwards, decorations are burned in a bonfire.


Japanese for "spirits," the revered beings in Shinto; usually defined as "gods"


Literally, "Teaching of Heavenly Reason"; a sect of Shinto that emphasizes faith healing


Literally, "chronicles of ancient events"; the source book of Japanese mythology. These chronicles were collected in the seventh and eight centuries as a response to the entrance of Chinese culture and religions. Includes stories that describe the special creation of the Japanese islands by two kami, Izanagi, and his consort Izanami.


Literally, "kami shelf"; the center of domestic Shinto in a Japanese home. A shelf where sacred objects are kept and daily prayers are said.


Medieval Japanese knights; Throughout the history of Japan, individual warriors hired themselves out as bodyguards or mercenary soldiers to lords; it was idealized and a code of conduct was established.


Sun goddess (kami) in Japanese mythology; All of the Japanese emperors are believed to have descended from the line of ___________.

meaning of "shinto"

actually comes from the Chinese words Shen and Dao, which may be roughly translated in this context as "the way of the gods."

State Shinto

during meiji restoration; the almost complete combination between shinto and government. Shinto became the state religion, and was used to promote a distinct ideology of Japanese superiority.


the code of honor and morals developed by the Japanese samurai. 1. The samurai is bound to be loyal to his master in the hierarchy of the feudal system. 2. The samurai must have great courage in life, in battle, and in his willingness to lay down his life for his master. 3. Above all, the samurai is to be a man of honor. 4. Like a true Confucian, the samurai is expected to be polite to his master and to people in a position of authority. 5. Despite his attitude toward peasants, the samurai is expected to be a gentleman in every sense of the word.

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