Chapters 1-8 Quiz Questions

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According to William James, what was the true purpose of psychology? -To interpret dreams for their unconscious messages. -Studying the function of behavior in the world. -The manipulation human behavior to the betterment of society. -Examining the structure and characteristics of the mind.

Studying the function of behavior in the world

Which two concepts can be thought of as opposite processes within the classical conditioning model? -acquisition and extinction -punishment and reinforcement -continuous reinforcement and partial reinforcement -latent learning and insight learning

acquisition and extinction

Which type of processing involves the interpretation of sensations and is influenced by available knowledge and expectancies? -bottom-up -inside-out -outside-in -top-down


Which of the following brain processes is not a function of the cerebral cortex? -breathing -emotion -memory -reasoning


Sleepwalking, night terrors, and restless leg syndrome are all examples of________. -lucid dreaming -parasomnias -protoconsciousness -somnambulism


Which of the following research designs will allow cause-and-effect conclusions? -correlational studies -experimental -quasi-experimental -archival research


What type of memories do we consciously try to remember, recall, and report?

explicit memories

The myelin sheath is made from what? -axons -glial cells -somas -terminal buttons

glial cells

Which individual was asked by the French government to create an assessment tool an intelligence test, of sorts that would be used to identify schoolchildren who would be more likely to have difficulty in school? -Louis Terman -Marcelle Curie -Sir Francis Galton -Alfred Binet

Alfred Binet

What is episodic memory?

information about events we have personally experienced

You begin to salivate when you smell your favorite cake in the oven, but not when you smell the gross scent of a dirty diaper. This is an example of ________. -operant conditioning -stimulus discrimination -stimulus generalization -higher-order conditioning

stimulus discrimination

Crack is regarded as more addictive than cocaine because it is ________. -cheaper, so people can afford more of it -easier to get, so people can take more at once -frequently smoked in combination with pharmaceuticals -smokable, so it reaches the brain more quickly

smokable, so it reaches the brain more quickly

Susan wants to study prejudice, attraction, how we explain our own behavior versus how we explain the behavior of others, and how we resolve interpersonal conflicts. Susan should conduct research in the area of: -Gestalt psychology. -personality. -psychoanalysis. -social psychology.

social psychology

Which theory of dreams suggested that they do not, in fact, have any meaning at all but rather are simply the brain's attempt to make sense of random neural firing that occurs while we sleep? -The neo-dissociationist view -The activation-synthesis model -The activation-information-mode model -The wish fulfillment approach

the activation-synthesis model

Research shows that people who smoke cigarettes are more likely to get lung cancer than those who do not smoke. This research alone demonstrates what? -smoking causes lung cancer -smoking contributes to lung cancer -there is a predisposition toward both smoking and lung cancer -there is a relationship between smoking and lung cancer

there is a relationship between smoking and lung cancer

Sharmila cannot remember what she had for breakfast last week, but she can remember the day she got married ten years ago as clearly as if it just happened. This example illustrates the ________ theory.


Classical and operant conditioning are forms of ________ learning. -associative -instinctive -processual -reflexive


What refers to a reduction in the number of research participants as some drop out of the study over time? -attrition -experimenter bias -generalizability -single blinding


Cataplexy is a symptom associated with ________. -insomnia -narcolepsy -night terrors -restless leg syndrome


Wesley is in a movie theater with no windows the only light is low illumination from the emergency lights on the floor. Which photoreceptors will be most useful to Wesley as he attempts to leave the theater? -cones -fovea -iris -rods


Ben is asked to memorize the words canine, feline, and avian. He remembers the words by associating them with their synonyms: dog, cat, and bird. This is an example of ________ encoding.


Which term best describes rewarding successive approximations of a target behavior? -acquisition -learning -reinforcement -shaping


What is also known as an operant chamber? An instrument that isolates an animal from the external environment and allows a researcher to control that animal's rewards and punishments -Gestalt room -isolation chamber -Skinner box -Watson manipulator

skinner box

Which of the following senses is not first routed through the thalamus? audition -smell -taste -vision


Behaviorism focuses on making psychology an objective science by: -studying how emotional responses influence behavior while deemphasizing the importance of the subconscious. -studying implicit motivations for behavior through the use of implicit association tests. -studying overt behavior and deemphasizing the importance of unobservable mental processes. -studying the genetic basis for behavior and theorizing how instincts influence behavior.

studying overt behavior and deemphasizing the importance of unobservable mental processes.

Dozens of people witness a purse snatching. One of the eyewitnesses loudly yells "the man with the blue shirt did it." Later, when questioned by police, several other eyewitnesses remember the purse snatcher wearing a blue shirt, even though the purse snatcher was a woman in flowered dress. This is an example of ________, or the effects of misinformation from external sources that leads to the creation of false memories.


The space between two neurons is called the? -soma -synapse -terminal button -vesicle


The somatosensory cortex is responsible for processing what? -cognition and emotion -language, such as speech -motor information to body areas, such as arms, legs, and face -temperature, touch, and pain

temperature, touch, and pain

Complete the sequence: _____ of a neuron contains _____ that house neurotransmitters, the chemical messengers of the nervous system -axons; terminal buttons -dendrites; synaptic vesicles -terminal buttons; synaptic vesicles -terminal buttons; transport proteins

terminal buttons; synaptic vesicles

Functionalist psychologists focus on the function of behavior and: -explaining the subconscious. -the operation of individual parts of the mind. -the operation of the whole mind rather than the individual parts. -understanding the id, ego, and superego

the operation of the whole mind rather than the individual parts

Psychological knowledge is advanced through what process, which involves a prescribed series of steps designed to achieve the desired knowledge? -deductive reasoning -inductive reasoning -the experiment -the scientific method

the scientific method

What is a well-developed set of ideas that proposes an explanation for observed phenomena? -conclusion -hypothesis -operational definition -theory


Your ears receive sound waves and convert this energy into neural messages that travel to your brain and are processed as sounds. This is an example of ________. -a just noticeable difference -subliminal perception -top-down processing -transduction


Individuals undergoing hypnosis ________. -can be coerced into harming themselves and others by a skilled hypnotist -report no memory of the events that occurred during the period they were hypnotized -usually do not have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are not in control of their own behaviors -usually have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are in control of their own behaviors

usually have clear memories of the hypnotic experience and are in control of their own behaviors

The theory of which category states that organisms that are better suited for their environment will survive and reproduce, while those that are poorly suited for their environment will die off. -behavioral genetics -evolution by natural selection -genetic mutation -survivalism

evolution by natural selection

Which psychological perspective might advance the argument that our sleep patterns evolved as an adaptive response to predatory risks, which are higher during periods of darkness? -cognitive behavioral -dependent -evolutionary -Freudian


Changes in behavior and cognitive processes over time are studied by whom? -behavioral geneticists -behavioral psychologists -evolutionary psychologists -historical psychologists

evolutionary psychologists

Which of the following is an example of an objective measure used by functionalists? -examination of anatomy and physiology -examination of existing archives and records. -the use of introspection of one's own experiences. -interviews with research participants.

examination of anatomy and physiology

What stage of sleep are you most likely experiencing if an EEG of your brain activity showed sleep spindles and K-complexes? -1 -2 -3 -REM


Ebbinghaus found that about one day after you learn new material, you will only remember ____ percent of it if you have not reviewed it a second time.


How does a cochlear implant enable the deaf to hear? -It receives incoming sound information and bypasses the auditory nerve to transmit information to the brain through the optic nerve. -It receives incoming sound information and directly stimulates the auditory nerve to transmit information to the brain. -It receives incoming sound information and directly stimulates the basilar membrane to transmit information to the brain. -It receives incoming sound information and indirectly stimulates the auditory nerve to transmit information to the brain.

It receives incoming sound information and directly stimulates the auditory nerve to transmit information to the brain.

In developmental psychology, there is an increasing interest in researching cognitive changes that occur later in life. Why? -The elderly are contracting more cognitive diseases. -People in developed nations revere the elderly. -Populations of developed nations are living longer. -Populations of developing nations are dying sooner.

Populations of developed nations are living longer

What is the Flynn effect? -Once a person knows his IQ, he stops trying to excel academically. -The idea that standard intelligence tests are flawed when they are used to compare ethnic groups. -The observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the previous generation. -The observation that each generation has a significantly lower IQ than the previous generation.

The observation that each generation has a significantly higher IQ than the previous generation.

Which individual wrote Principles of Physiological Psychology and is credited with establishing a scientific laboratory of Psychology at the University of Leipzig? -Wolfgang Köhler -Sigmund Freud. -Wilhelm Wundt. -William James.

Wilhelm Wundt

If the principles of social learning theory are true, then children may model aggressive behavior ________. -after dreaming about having a fight with their parents -after dreaming they were on television -after seeing a television character being punished for taking violent action against another character -after seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character

after seeing a television character receive a reward for taking violent action against another character

What does the equipotentiality hypothesis suggest would happen if the hippocampus was damaged?

another part of the brain would compensate for the damage by taking over the memory function normally managed by the hippocampus

The famous case of H.M. demonstrated ________ amnesia, a condition in which a person can remember previously encoded memories but cannot encode new ones.


Studies that cannot ethically be conducted as experiments with typical human participants might have what other consideration? -can sometimes be tested with animal studies -can only be examined using a descriptive or correlational approach -are used to form strong opinions that are logical and intuitive -are not possible to test with any form of empirical methods

can sometimes be tested with animal studies

Dr. Mattar is interested in knowing more about brain injury to the occipital cortex, and he studies patients individually in order to gain in-depth knowledge about their behaviors. These studies would best be described as: -case studies -correlational -cross-sectional -surveys

case studies

The two major divisions of the nervous system are? -autonomic; somatic nervous systems -autonomic; sympathetic nervous systems -central; peripheral nervous systems -parasympathetic; sympathetic nervous systems

central; peripheral nervous systems

Which part of the brain is most involved in creating implicit memories?


Sandra strongly believes that attending daycare is detrimental to children's development so she decides to write her psychology term paper on this topic. She does a literature search and finds several sources supporting her opinion, but she finds that the majority of research indicates that children attending daycare experience healthy development. She writes a paper using the sources that find negative associations with daycare attendance. This is an example of what? -confirmation bias -confounding variable -correlational research -observer bias

confirmation bias

What variable is a factor that affects both variables of interest in research and may falsely give the impression of a cause-and-effect relationship. -confounding -control -dependent -independent


Ronaldo was born without the ability to experience pain, though he can perceive temperature differences and changes in pressure. What is his condition called? -congenital analgesia -inherited numbness -Korsakoff's disease -Pacinian syndrome

congenital analgesia

Ali is aware of his feelings, emotions, and thoughts. He is also aware of his surroundings, the warmth of the sun, and the sound of nearby traffic. Ali is in a state of ________. -conscience -consciousness -REM sleep -unconsciousness


The formulation of new memories is sometimes called ________, and the process of bringing up old memories is called ________.

construction; reconstruction

Light waves are first transmitted through the ________ at the front of the eye and enter an opening called the ________ before shining onto the retina. -cornea; pupil -sclera; lens -lens; sclera -pupil; cornea

cornea; pupil

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are drugs commonly prescribed for what? -depression -obsessive-compulsive disorder -Parkinson's disease -schizophrenia


________theory suggests that when people are hypnotized, they have voluntarily divided their conscious: one half aware of reality and the other half tuned in to the hypnotist. -cognitive behavioral -dissociative -Jungian -social-cognitive


Which of the following is a good example of the use of a mnemonic?

dreaming about an airport and deciding to take a trip

Molly attempts to condition her puppy to greet her when she enters the house. She repeatedly pairs her entry to the house with a treat for the puppy. The puppy eventually acquires this ability, and Molly realizes how irritating it is for the puppy to run up to her every time she enters the house. She attempts to make the puppy stop, and eventually the puppy no longer feels motivated to greet her when she enters the house. The puppy no longer greeting her when she enters the house is an example of ________. -acquisition -conditioning -extinction -learning


Dr. Guttierez is examining a research question and has posted a hypothesis, but his student points out, "Dr. G., the assumption that you have made cannot be disproven no matter what data we gather!" This research study suffers from an absence of what? -operational definition -falsifiability -circularity -alternate explanations


A public opinion poll was administered to 50 people before the election of President Barack Obama. Polls taken before election night showed 50% of the people polled believed Barack Obama would be elected president. After the election results, the same people were asked if they believed Barack Obama would be elected president, and this time 75% of the people said yes. This may be an example of ________ bias.


Niaz's car breaks down, and he is convinced that it was a predictable event even though there was no way of knowing it would happen. This exemplifies ________. -anchoring bias -availability heuristic -hindsight bias -representational bias

hindsight bias

Which term describes the tendency to maintain a balance, or optimal level, within a biological system? -homeostasis -insomnia -melatonin -rhythm


Which perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans. -Behaviorism. -Gestalt psychology. -Humanism. -Structuralism.


In Howard Gardner's Multiple Intelligences Theory, ________ intelligence and ________ intelligence are often combined into a single type: emotional intelligence. -interpersonal; intrapersonal -intrapersonal; naturalist -logical mathematical; interpersonal -musical; linguistic

interpersonal; intrapersonal

Guillermo spends some time each day applying the principles of structuralism to examine his own conscious experience as carefully as possible. Guillermo is engaged in: -behaviorism. -client-centered therapy. -introspection. -psychoanalysis.


Gonzalo is attempting to open his car door using the auto lock button on his keychain. He pushes the button twice, but his car door does not open. He continues to push the button even though it is likely that the auto lock feature has stopped working, and he will need to open the door manually with his key. This illustrates a ________. -confirmation bias -functional fixedness -hindsight bias -mental set

mental set

Emily is an adult with a 4th-grade skill level in reading, writing, and math. Her doctor suggests she would be capable of holding a job and living independently. Which subtype of intellectual disability describes Emily? -mild -moderate -profound -severe


In classical conditioning, the association that is learned is between a ________. -conditioned stimulus and an unconditioned response -neutral response and a conditioned response -neutral stimulus and a neutral response -neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus

neutral stimulus and an unconditioned stimulus

Dmitris is in a car accident and his parietal lobe is injured. Which of the following is the most likely behavioral effect of his accident? -blindness -a loss of both his sense of taste and his sense of smell -no sensation in his legs and feet -Wernicke's aphasia

no sensation in his legs and feet

Felicia smacks her thumb with a hammer while building a doghouse. The sense of ________ provides her brain with information about the pain she feels. -kinesthesia -nociception -preconception -thermoception


Ainsley is participating in a study that aims to determine whether the occipital cortex becomes more active in response to moving versus stationary stimuli. When she arrives at the lab, she ingests a "tracer" and then enters the scanning machine. What type of brain imaging is most likely being conducted in this study? -computerized tomography (CT) scan -electroencephalograph (EEG) -magnet resonance imaging (MRI) -positron emission tomography (PET)

positron emission tomography (PET)

Anwar is hiking in the woods and he gets lost. He spends several days trying to find his way back to his basecamp, but he has the knowledge to gather wood, start a fire, and keep himself warm at night. He is also able to identify local berries and mushrooms growing that he can eat without being poisoned. Anwar is demonstrating ________ intelligence from the triarchic theory. -analytic -fluid -functional -practical


________ reinforcers have innate reinforcing qualities. -classical -operant -primary -secondary


Which of the following experiments involves the use of operant conditioning? -blindfolding someone and timing him to see how long it takes him to estimate the size of a room -determining how long it takes someone to learn how to fish if he is only allowed to watch other people fishing -pairing a puff of air to the eye with seeing the color red in order to find out how many repetitions it will take for someone to blink when he sees the color red -rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily

rewarding a child for finishing his oatmeal mush and counting how many times the child needs to be rewarded before he finishes his oatmeal voluntarily

Psychology refers to the: -empirical study of humanity. -experimental study of individuals. -scientific study of the mind and behavior. -systematic study of human interaction.

scientific study of the mind and behavior

Which of the following choices refers to a broad explanation or group of explanations for some aspect of the natural world that is consistently supported by evidence over time? -critical thinking. -hypothesis. -statistical validation. -scientific theory.

scientific theory

Select the correctly ordered list of psychological perspectives, with the earliest perspective listed first. -humanism, behaviorism, structuralism, functionalism. -humanism, structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism. -structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, humanism. -structuralism, functionalism, humanism, behaviorism.

structuralism, functionalism, behaviorism, humanism

Illnesses such as diabetes and cancer kill more than twice the number of Americans than murder or car accidents. However, Zale sees car accidents as more dangerous because he often hears about car accident fatalities on the nightly news, and he doesn't know anyone with diabetes or cancer. Therefore, Zale takes more precautions against car accidents. This exemplifies ________. -an algorithm -the availability heuristic -functional fixedness -the hindsight bias

the availability heuristic

Which of these is not one of the structures that comprises the outer ear? -the basilar membrane -the pinna -the auditory canal -the eardrum

the basilar membrane

Professor Devine and her colleagues are interested in assessing whether active versus passive play causes a preference for sweet or salty foods in toddlers. They assign groups of children to either an active play, passive play, or no play group and record their food choices when presented with a variety of sweet and salty foods. In this study, which combination represents the independent variable and control group? -active play; passive play -food choice; no play -no play; type of play -type of play; no play

type of play; no play

This organization, one of the largest professional groups of psychologists in the world, was founded in 1892. -The American Psychological Society -The National Institute of Mental Health -The Centers for Disease Control -The American Psychological Association

American Psychological Association

Which of the following is an example of vicarious reinforcement? -Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw Martin get a reward for doing it. -Lana wants to receive a candy bar and she knows from reading the rulebook that she will receive one if she earns enough good behavior tokens. -Park wants to avoid detention, so he follows the school rules and does not smoke on the playground. -Ryan observes Cameron getting a time out for spitting out her toast. Because he saw his friend punished, he does not spit out his toast.

Babs saw Martin receive a candy bar for completing his reading list. She is careful to complete her reading list because she saw Martin get a reward for doing it.

Which of the following exemplifies the empirical method? -A student in a psychology class writes his term paper on whether or not fish feel pain. -A student writes a letter to his professor requesting a change in course policy. -Dr. Hysock-Witham decides to start her course later because so many students arrive late. -Dr. Sarkeesian observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates.

Dr. Sarkeesian observes and records how watching cartoons influences heart rates

Identify the anthropologist who contributed to our understanding of chimpanzee behavior in the wild, using naturalistic observation? -Jane Goodall -Sigmund Freud -Suzanne Fanger -Tatiana Hogan

Jane Goodall

The first woman to earn the PhD degree in psychology was: -Margaret Floy Washburn -Inez Prosser -Mary Whiton Calkins -Mamie Clark

Margaret Floy Washburn

Within the semantic network model of memory, what would happen to concepts that are related to (or attached) to one that is currently being activated by thinking about it?

They would also be activated, though at a lower level.

Which of the following is not part of obtaining informed consent? -explaining the hypothesis to the participants -letting participants know that participation is voluntary -obtaining the participant's signature or a signature from the parent or guardian if the participant is a minor -reviewing that data is confidential

explaining the hypothesis to the participants

Knowing what a dinosaur is because you looked through a book with pictures of dinosaurs and watched the film Jurassic Park is an example of a natural concept that was developed through ________ experience. -direct -indirect -practical -theoretical


"Each person is born with a genetic potential to reach a certain level of potential, but whether or not they accomplish that level depends on their environments and experiences." This is the foundation of the ________ model. -evolutionary -g-factor -triarchic -range of reaction

range of reaction

Which one asserts that our genes set the boundaries within which we can operate, and our environment interacts with our genes to determine where within those boundaries we will fall? -behavioral genetics -environmental psychology -evolutionary psychology -range of reaction

range of reaction

Elaborative rehearsal involves ________.

thinking about the meaning of the new information and its relation to knowledge already stored in your memory

Tayla smokes marijuana. At first, just a few inhalations were enough to cloud her mind. Over time, she needs to smoke more and more to achieve the same effect. This is an example of ________. -physical dependence -psychological dependence -tolerance -withdrawal


Which of the following areas is located in the frontal lobe of the brain? -Broca's area -hippocampus -thalamus -Wernicke's area

Broca's area

Which psychodynamic theorist proposed the idea of a collective unconscious that is shared by all members of the human species? -Carl Jung -John Hobson -Rosalind Cartwright -Sigmund Freud

Carl Jung

________ encompasses the processes associated with perception, knowledge, problem solving, judgment, language, and memory. -Cognition -Personality -Conceptualization -Priming


________ are categories or groupings of linguistic information, images, ideas, or memories, such as life experiences. -Beliefs -Concepts -Emotions -Values


Although B. F. Skinner and John B. Watson refused to believe that thoughts and expectations play a role in learning, ________ suggested a cognitive aspect to learning. -Edward C. Tolman -Ivan Pavlov -Little Albert -Rosalie Rayner

Edward C. Tolman

Who was the first African American to receive a PhD in psychology in the United States? -Carl Rogers. -Francis Cecil Sumner. -Naomi Weisstein. -Noam Chomsky.

Francis Cecil Sumner

Which school of thinking in psychology includes the following concepts: figure-ground relationship, law of continuity, and principle of closure? -Ruffinian -Gestalt -Pacinian -Humanistic


From a cognitive psychology perspective, why is getting plenty of sleep the night before an exam important?

It allows for consolidation of studied material in long-term memory.

Which of the following statements about rotating shift work is false? -It can result in sleeping problems. -It refers to a work schedule that changes from early to late on a regular basis. -It renders the maintenance of a normal circadian cycle difficult. -It carries a much higher risk of leading to substance abuse.

It carries a much higher risk of leading to substance abuse.

Two lines appear to be a different length, though in reality they are the same length. This is known as the ________ illusion. -Meissner -Ménière -Merkel -Müller-Lyer


What is the main idea of social learning theory? -Behavior is motivated by the consequences we receive for the behavior: reinforcements and punishments. -Fear is a conditioned response. -Learning can occur when a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus. -One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

One can learn new behaviors by observing others.

________ refers to the way that sensory information is interpreted and consciously experienced; ________ refers to what happens when sensory information is detected by a sensory receptor. -Perception; transduction -Perception; sensation -Transduction; perception -Sensation; perception

Perception; sensation

For which concept is Abraham Maslow best known? -Classical conditioning of non-human animals. -Dream analysis for the latent and manifest content of a dream. -Proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior. -Studying the influence of reinforcement and punishment on behavior.

Proposing a hierarchy of human needs in motivating behavior

According to psychologist ________ classical conditioning is effective because of the ability of a person or animal to predict the relationship between the UCS and the CS. -Koelling -Rescorla -Garcia -Thorndike


Who developed the triarchic theory of intelligence? -Charles Spearman -Howard Gardner -Raymond Cattell -Robert Sternberg

Robert Sternberg

Which researcher believed that dreams simply reflect life events that are important to the dreamer? -Carl Jung -John Hobson -Rosalind Cartwright -Sigmund Freud

Rosalind Cartwright

Which of the following statements about sleep deprivation is false? -Sleep deprivation can result in decreased mental alertness and cognitive function. -Sleep deprivation is associated with obesity. -Sleep deprivation has been found to lead to ADHD. -Sleep deprivation often results in depression-like symptoms.

Sleep deprivation has been found to lead to ADHD.

In order to assess whether viewpoints on decriminalization of marijuana for medical purposes change with age, four groups of participants, ages 20, 30, 40, and 50, are asked whether they support this issue. What is one flaw of this design? -Longitudinal research is time consuming. -Marijuana has already been decriminalized in some places. -Recruitment could be a challenge because people of different ages are difficult to sample. -Social or cultural factors may influence the results, not age.

Social or cultural factors may influence the results, not age

Which of the following is one of the reasons that Gestalt psychology did not become more popular in the United States? -The rise of behaviorism overshadowed Gestalt psychology. -The proponents were supported and funded by the Nazi party. -European psychology is not as rigorous as American psychology. -The theories were not based on measurable data.

The rise of behaviorism overshadowed Gestalt psychology.

Why can amphetamines be used to treat ADHD in children? -They decrease neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with hyperactivity. -They decrease neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with impulse control. -They increase neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with emotions. -They increase neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with impulse control.

They increase neurotransmitter activity within certain areas of the brain associated with impulse control.

Imagine yourself in a dark classroom reading PowerPoint slides. If an audience member were to check the internet using her cell phone and causing her screen to light up, chances are that many people would notice the change in illumination in the classroom. However, if the same thing happened in a brightly lit classroom during a discussion, very few people would notice. The cell phone brightness does not change, but its ability to be detected as a change in illumination varies dramatically between the two contexts. This is an example of ________. -Merkel's theory -the law of thermoception -the principle of transduction -Weber's law

Weber's law

When you watch the teacher at the front of the room, you are easily able to distinguish her from the white board (or chalk board) behind her. This demonstrates the Gestalt principle of ________. -binocular disparity -similarity -good continuation -a figure-ground relationship

a figure-ground relationship

Which choice is an accurate definition of a hypothesis? -An idea that proves a theory. -A means of explaining social phenomena. -A way of looking at the world. -A tentative explanation.

a tentative explanation

Which word is the most appropriate synonym for the term validity? -consistency -applicability -accuracy -repetition


If I am looking at a snake and processing the fear caused by the snake, what part of my brain am I using?


Which of the following is an example of instinct? -baby turning its head to suckle when its cheek is stroked -believing that nudity is wrong -a teacher demonstrating algebra to students -a toddler who is being toilet trained by her parents.

baby turning its head to suckle when its cheek is stroked

Which is a neurotransmitter with roles in pleasure and pain modulation? -acetylcholine -beta-endorphin -GABA -norepinephrine


When a child works on a "connect the dots" puzzle, she can often see the completed work before she has finished all of the dots. Once there is enough visual information present, she's able to perceive the completed picture even though it is still incomplete. Which Gestalt principle does this demonstrate? -good continuation -closure -proximity -contiguity


Which one of the following processes does not occur to excess neurotransmitters in the synapse? -break down into inactive fragments -collection by scavenger vesicles left over from the neurotransmitter release -drifting away from the synapse -reuptake

collection by scavenger vesicles left over from the neurotransmitter release

Stanley was diagnosed with lymphoma and had to undergo several months of chemotherapy. During this time he would become very nauseated as a side effect, and unintentionally came to associate that nausea with his favorite grilled cheese sandwich. Now, years later, even thinking about a grilled cheese sandwich makes him sick. In this example, Stanley's nauseous reaction to a grilled cheese sandwich is the ________. -unconditioned stimulus -unconditioned response -conditioned stimulus -conditioned response

conditioned response

Kai cuts her foot while hiking. She forgot to pack bandages, but she has a tube of superglue and uses that to seal the wound. Kai's ability to invent a solution uses the ________ intelligence component of the triarchic theory of intelligence. -analytic -creative -fluid -crystallized


An upper-level psychology class is conducting an experiment on racial prejudice that involves having participants rate the likeability of faces in a set of photos. However, they tell participants that the study is about the effects of aging on likeability. When participants are finished, they are thanked for their time and leave the experiment. In this example, identify the combination the class forgot to do in order to resolve the study. -debrief participants; ageist attitudes -debrief participants; deception -pay participants; deception -pay participants; use of personal photos

debrief participants; deception

Amarah has an exam in a week, so she schedules 30 to 60 minutes each night to review her course material. She does this rather than waiting until the night before the exam so that she can avoid a "cram session." Amarah's approach to studying is called ________ practice.


Which two neurotransmitters have roles in appetite suppression? -dopamine; acetylcholine -dopamine; norepinephrine -serotonin; GABA -serotonin; glutamate

dopamine; norepinephrine

Although her reading skills are just fine, Beatriz has difficulty with her writing. Her teachers have noticed that no matter how hard she tries and how much they work with her the handwriting on her papers is almost illegible. Further, although she has great thoughts and understands concepts at a high level, she is unable to put them into a cohesive written paper. Beatriz may suffer from ________. -dyslexia -dysgraphia -dyscalculia -intellectual disability


What did John B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner demonstrate with their studies of Little Albert? -boys display fear differently from girls -boys display more fear than girls -emotion can be a conditioned response -fear cannot be a conditioned response

emotion can be a conditioned response

I am trying to learn the names of all 50 states. Because I am actively and consciously remembering and recalling this information, it is considered ________ memory.


Which of the following is not part of feminist psychology? -discovering the contributions of women to psychology. -favoring women over men. -questioning the practice of science itself when it is male biased. -studying psychological gender differences.

favoring women over men.

Gus receives a paycheck at the end of every week. Which reinforcement schedule is this? -fixed interval -fixed ratio -variable interval -variable ratio

fixed interval

The type of intelligence that involves seeing complex relationships and solving problems is ________ intelligence. -crystallized -intrapersonal -applied -fluid


Participants were instructed to focus on either white or black objects, disregarding the other color. When a red cross passed across the screen, about one third of the subjects did not notice it. This research protocol demonstrates which concept? -bottom-up processing -inattentional blindness -sensory adaptation -top-down processing

inattentional blindness

________ amplitudes are associated with ________ sounds. -higher; louder -higher; quieter -higher; weaker -lower; louder

higher; louder

Elaina has been diagnosed with a small brain tumor. She first went to see her doctor after experiencing symptoms such as feeling very cold, almost fainting, a reduced appetite, and reduced sexual desire. Which of the following structures is her tumor most likely affecting? -Broca's area -hypothalamus -substantia nigra -thalamus


The belief that strange behavior is linked to the occurrence of a full moon is an example of what? -theory -factual assertion -illusory correlation -internal attribution

illusory correlation

A ________ is the smallest unit of language that conveys some type of meaning. -letter -morpheme -phoneme -syllable


As you are talking to a friend on your cell phone, you might find that you can't hear them because they are speaking very softly. If you ask them to "speak up," from a physical perspective you are asking them to ________ of the sound waves they are producing. -increase the frequency -increase the amplitude -decrease the frequency -decrease the amplitude

increase the amplitude

Birds migrating, cats chasing prey, sea turtles moving toward the ocean immediately after birth, and a joey (baby kangaroo) moving to its mother's pouch immediately after birth are all examples of ________. -conditioning -instincts -learning -reflexes


In looking at the area of multicultural psychology, what is a recognized deficit of this particular area of study? -It can describe what happens between cultures, but not explain why those differences occur. -It ignores the relative importance of White psychologists to the larger field. -It is biased by serious political agendas among its researchers. -There are not enough non-White researchers engaged in data collection.

it can describe what happens between cultures, but not explain why those differences occur

Which of the following is a symptom of REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD)? -crying while asleep -kicking and punching while asleep -snoring while asleep -talking while asleep

kicking and punching while asleep

Which of the following is an example of fixed ratio reinforcement schedule? -checking your e-mail at random times throughout the day instead of every time you hear the new e-mail notification -feeding your fish every day at 8 a.m. -knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart -playing the slot machine

knowing you will get to play miniature golf as soon as you collect 10 gold stars for your reward chart

Marlowe wakes up from a dream about his teeth falling out. He looks in a dream dictionary and finds losing teeth is usually dream symbolism for anxiety. Marlowe is focused on the ________ content. -biological -circadian -latent -manifest


What do psychologists call a relatively permanent change in behavior or knowledge that results from experience? -conditioning -instincts -learning -reflexes


In a person whose eyes work in the usual fashion, the ________ will focus images perfectly on a small indentation in the back of the eye known as the ________. -cornea; iris -fovea; lens -iris; retina -lens; fovea

lens; fovea

Within the visible spectrum, our experience of red is associated with ________ waves of light. -higher amplitude -longer wavelengths -shorter wavelength -slower amplitude

longer wavelengths

A group of preschool-age children are enrolled in a study that plans to follow them over time in order to assess behaviors and other characteristics that may predict later development of schizophrenia. This is an example of what design? -cross sectional -experimental -longitudinal -survey


What impact did Genie's early isolation have on her ability to acquire language? She never developed a(n) ________. -ability to communicate -ability to speak -lexicon -mastery of the grammatical aspects of language

mastery of the grammatical aspects of language

A state of ________, as shown by EEG recordings of new practitioners, is not an altered state of consciousness; however, patterns of brain waves exhibited by expert practitioners may represent a unique state of consciousness. -cognizance -insomnia -meditation -narcolepsy


Hyperpolarization means? -membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential -membrane potential becomes more positive than the resting potential -potassium gates open -sodium gates open

membrane potential becomes more negative than the resting potential

What is the set of processes used to encode, store, and retrieve information over different periods of time?


People who have their corpus callosum severed for medical reasons would be able to tell you about which images shown to them? -both visual fields -neither visual field -only the left visual field -only the right visual field

only the right visual field

A(an) ________ is a basic sound unit of a given language. -syllable -morpheme -phoneme -syntactic unit


Which perceptual system allows Nancy to run without watching her feet and hit a baseball without focusing on her hands? -gustation -proprioception -somatosensation -thermoception


Tariq depends on cigarettes to relieve his stress, though he smokes so frequently that he experiences no significant, noticeable physical symptoms when he is not smoking. What does this exemplify? -physical dependence -psychological dependence -synergistic effects -polysubstance abuse disorder

psychological dependence

When you take a multiple-choice test, you are relying on ________, because you are comparing the information in front of you to that which is already stored in your long-term memory.


What did the Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart suggest about intelligence? The findings from this study ________. -demonstrated that female twins are more intelligent than male twins -revealed a genetic component to intelligence -suggested that intelligence is affected by early adoption -suggested there is no genetic component to intelligence

revealed a genetic component to intelligence

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