Chapters 12-15 Multiple Choice

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The nineteenth century has been called the "century of the child" for which of the following reasons?

The family became more child-centered.

The Know-Nothing party of the 1850s collapsed almost as rapidly as it had arisen because it

had inexperienced and ineffective leaders.

William Lloyd Garrison and the American Anti-Slavery Association advocated

immediate abolition of slavery without emigration.

John Tyler could be characterized as a(n)

"accidental" president, profoundly out of sympathy with the rest of his party.

Which best describes Jefferson Davis's major weaknesses as a war leader?

inability to deal with home-front problems

The members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)

invited hostility from neighboring "gentiles" because of their unorthodox beliefs and practices.

Which of the following was NOT an effect of the Civil War?

it improved industrial workers' standard of living

Which of the following best describes Ulysses S. Grant's approach in his campaign against Robert E. Lee?

keeping the pressure on Lee with constant assault or siege

The United States' war with Mexico

lasted longer than expected because Mexico refused to make peace despite a succession of military defeats.

The purpose of public education as seen by Horace Mann was to teach

morality and discipline.

During the Civil War, the South suffered shortages in all of the following EXCEPT


The Republicans rejected the Crittenden plan for compromise because they

nsisted on resolving the crisis over the future of slavery.

The "discovery of the asylum"

occurred because economic development led to the rise of urban areas and the decline of cohesive villages.

The Compromise of 1850 was

passed as a series of measures that could be voted on separately.

Which of the following events of the Texas revolution is true?

San Jacinto proved to be the decisive battle of the war due to the capture of Santa Anna by the Texan army.

Which of the following statements concerning the election of 1848 is true?

The Democrats nominated Senator Lewis Cass of Michigan, the major proponent of popular sovereignty.

Pious Protestants of the early nineteenth century were concerned about

the spread of worldly and materialistic values.

A basic argument offered in support of Manifest Destiny was that

All of the answers are correct

By 1830, American settlers in Texas had displeased Mexican authorities by

All of the answers are correct.

Temperance reformers opposed public drunkenness because it

All of the answers are correct.

The principle of popular sovereignty

All of the answers are correct.

Why was Lincoln so reluctant to support immediate freedom for the slaves in 1861?

All of the answers are correct.

Which of the following factors contributed to the defeat of Whig candidate Henry Clay in the election of 1844?

Clay waffled on the issue of Texas annexation, losing the support of northern anti-slavery Whigs to the Liberty party.

Which of the following caused a formal split in the American Anti-Slavery Association?

Garrison's attack on the clergy

Why did the North have so little success in its eastern military campaigns during the early part of the war?

George McClellan's overly cautious approach in the campaign to capture Richmond

Most European immigrants to America from 1840 to 1860 came from

Ireland and Germany

Which of the following Civil War battles and campaigns are in the correct chronological order?

Peninsula campaign, Vicksburg and Gettysburg, the siege of Petersburg

The United States and Great Britain agreed to

a compromise arrangement splitting Oregon at the 49th parallel.

Factors accounting for economic advances in the United States from 1830 to 1860 included all of the following EXCEPT

a declining interest in agriculture.

The rise of the "cult of true womanhood" was caused by

a division in the working lives of men and women

Civil War Republicans enacted all of the following policies except

a low tariff for free trade.

Camp meetings on the frontier provided all of the following except

a rational appeal to moral behavior.

Which of the following best describes Lincoln's military strategy?

a two-front policy keeping the pressure on Richmond while also advancing in the Mississippi Valley

The primary catalyst for the women's rights movement of the 1830s was the

abolitionist movement

The rapid rise of the Republican Party in the North can be partly attributed to the party's

adept organizing and campaigning skills at the grass-roots level.

Whig candidate Winfield Scott alienated the South in 1852, partly by his

alliance with northern anti-slavery leaders.

Writers who identified with the mood known as "Young America" urged all of the following except

an American literature based on European themes and models.

During its years as a Mexican province, Texas

attracted ever-increasing numbers of American settlers with inexpensive grants of land.

Which was NOT an advantage enjoyed by the North at the beginning of the Civil War?

better military leaders

In the 1820s and 1830s, California

contained huge agricultural estates and large herds of cattle.

The Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision

declared the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional.

Kansas's Lecompton constitution was

designed to protect slavery in the soon-to-be-admitted state.

During the 1840s, a majority of northerners

disliked slavery, but were reluctant to accept large numbers of blacks as equal and free citizens.

Northern Democrats were upset at what appeared to be the policy of the Polk administration to

favor southern slaveholders' interests.

The invention of the telegraph by Samuel F. B. Morse

produced few economic changes for the country during the inventor's lifetime; ensured a successful political career for the inventor; helped create a stronger sense of connection among Americans.

Passage of the Wilmot Proviso of 1846 would have

prohibited slavery in any territory acquired as a result of the Mexican War.

The new literature that glorified the "cult of true womanhood" appealed especially to

relatively affluent women.

The utopian socialist communities of the 1830s and 1840s were

relatively unsuccessful in America.

During 1859-1860, southern extremists supported the

reopening of the Atlantic slave trade.

Which of the following provisions was NOT included in the Compromise of 1850?

reopening the international slave trade

The Second Great Awakening in the North especially appealed to

small-to medium-sized town dwellers with New England backgrounds.

The "cult of true womanhood" or the "ideology of domesticity" achieved

some equality for women, especially in moral influence in the family and as a companion for her husband.

The secession movement was dominated by

southern moderates intent on securing slavery from northern political interference and federal control.

The major issue of the election of 1844 concerned

territorial expansion

King Cotton Diplomacy failed because

the British economy gained more from neutrality than it lost.

A significant result of the Kansas-Nebraska Act was

the founding of the Republican party.

The superior training and supply of Northern troops was offset by

the large number of seasoned troops in Confederate ranks.

The Confederate firing on Fort Sumter

unified northern opinion in defense of the Union.

As president, James Buchanan

urged the Supreme Court to settle once and for all the constitutional issues related to the extension of slavery in the territories.

The "Declaration of Sentiments" of the Seneca Falls Convention in 1848 stated that

women should have the right to vote and control over their own property.

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