Chapters 13-17 Test Prep

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What happens when a communication is persuasive? A) The receiver understands the message. B) The sender feels good about the message. C) The receiver acts as the sender intended. D) The sender becomes a passive listener.

The receiver acts as the sender intended.

The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act makes it illegal for ___________. A) U.S. businesses to work with subcontractors running foreign sweatshop operations B) foreign businesses to pay bribes to U.S. government officials C) U.S. businesses to make "payoffs" abroad to gain international business contracts D) foreign businesses to steal intellectual property from U.S. firms operating in their countries

U. S. businesses to make "payoffs" abroad to gain international business

Small business employs over _______ percent of America's private workers. a) 50 b) 60 c) 70 d) 80


Small businesses are defined as having less than _______ employees. a) 25 b) 50 c) 100 d) 250 e) 500


According to the U.S. government, at least __________ percent of small businesses fail in their first five years. a) 60 b) 70 c) 80 d) 90


Small business makes up at least___________ percent of U.S. companies. a) 60 b) 70 c) 80 d) 90


Almost _________% of U.S. businesses meet the definition of "small business." A) 40 B) 99 C) 75 D) 81


Which is the best definition of a truly " global manager?" (a) A manager who is competent working across cultures (b) A manager who travels internationally on business at least once a year (c) A manager who lives and works in a foreign country (d) A manager who is employed by a transnational corporation

A manager who is competent working across cultures

Which of the following is identified by researchers as a universal inhibitor of leadership success across cultures? A) Being positive. B) Acting autocratic. C) Being a good planner. D) Acting trustworthy.

Acting autocratic

Small business ownership offers great opportunities, with the fastest growing segment being ____________ owned businesses. a) women b) Hispanic-American c) African-American d) Asian-American


Who gains most when the dollar weakens versus a foreign currency such as the Brazilian Real? A) American consumers of Brazilian products B) Brazilian firms selling products in America C) American firms selling products in Brazil. D) Brazilian consumers of European products

American firms selling products in Brazil

__________ take ownership shares in a new venture in return for start-up funds. A) Business incubators B) Angel investors C) SBDCs D) Intrapreneurs

Angel investors

If someone commits what Hofstede calls the "ecological fallacy," what are they likely to be doing? A) Disregarding monochromic behavior. B) Assuming all members of a culture fit the popular stereotype. C) Emphasizing proxemics over time orientation. D) Forgetting that cultural intelligence can be learned.

Assuming all members of a culture fit the popular stereotype.

_______________ makes social entrepreneurship unique. A) Lack of other career options B) Focus on international markets C) Refusal to finance by loans D) Commitment to solving social problems

Commitment to solving social problems

___________ involves illegal practices to protect one's own business. a) Bad faith b) Corruption c) Conspiracy d) Control


Which statement is most consistent with arguments that diversity is good for organizations? A) Having a diverse workforce guarantees success. B) Diversity is easy to manage because it is already valued by all people. C) Diverse workforces are good at dealing with diverse customers. D) When workforces are diverse, organizations can spend less of training.

Diverse workforces are good at dealing with diverse customers.

The team effectiveness equation states that: a) Quality = Process x Innovation b) Effectiveness = Quality of inputs + (Process gains - Process Losses) c) Effectiveness = Quality of inputs + (Process gains + Process Losses) d) Quality of inputs = Effectiveness + (Process gains - Process Losses)

Effectiveness = Quality of inputs + (Process gains - Process Losses)

______________ is the belief that one's membership group is superior to others. a) Ethnocentrism b) Ethics c) Self involvement d) Self indulgent


When someone experiences culture shock on a study abroad trip, the first stage is likely to be one of anxiety caused by confusion in the new cultural setting. What is the next stage in culture shock? A) Experiencing a sense of confidence from small victories in dealing with differences. B) Displaying outright irritation and anger at the ways of this new culture. C) Wanting to give up and go home immediately. D) Accepting reality and enjoying the good and bad aspects.

Experiencing a sense of confidence from small victories in dealing with differences.

When dealing with proxemics as a silent language of culture, what is the issue of most concern? A) How people use the spoken word to communicate. B) How people use nonverbal to communicate. C) How people use time to communicate. D) How people use space to communicate.

How people use space to communicate.

When Rocky Brands bought 70% ownership of a manufacturing company in the Dominican Republic, Rocky was engaging in which form of international business? A) import/export B) licensing C) foreign subsidiary D) joint venture

Joint venture

If you start a small business and want to avoid losing any more than the original investment, what form of ownership is best? A) sole proprietorship B) general partnership C) limited partnership D) corporation

Limited partnership

How can a manager build credibility for persuasive communications? A) Make sure rewards for compliance with requests are clear. B) Make sure penalties for noncompliance with requests are clear. C) Make sure everyone knows who the boss is. D) Make sure to establish good relationships with others.

Make sure to establish good relationships with others.

____________ means that an organization fully integrates members of minority cultures and majority cultures. A) Equal employment opportunity B) Affirmative action C) Symbolic leadership D) Pluralism


The team effectiveness equation states the following: Team effectiveness = Quality of Inputs X (_____ - Process Losses). a. Process Gains b. Leadership Impact c. Membership Ability d. Problem Complexity

Process Gains

_______________ is the application of tariffs and special treatment for local firms from foreign competition. a) Idealism b) Internationalism c) Globalism d) Protectionism


__________ is a personality characteristic common among entrepreneurs. A) External locus of control B) Inflexibility C) Self-confidence D) Low self-reliance

Self- confidence

Who is responsible for encoding a message in the communication process? A) sender B) receiver C) observer D) consultant


_____ occurs when a group of people is able to achieve more than its members could by working individually. a. Distributed leadership b. Consensus c. Team viability d. Synergy


__________ is the creation of a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. a) Dysfunction b) Effort c) Synergy d) Work


Which is the best example of a supervisor making feedback descriptive rather than evaluative? A) You are a slacker. B) You are not responsible. C) You cause me lots of problems. D) You have been late to meetings three times this month.

You have been late to meetings three times this month.

A team performing very creative and unstructured tasks is most likely to succeed using _____. a. a decentralized communication network b. decisions by majority rule c. decisions by minority rule d. more task than maintenance activities

a decentralized communication network

Trends in U.S. small businesses show _________. A) a growing number owned by minorities B) fewer small businesses using the Internet C) large businesses creating more jobs D) fewer small businesses family owned

a growing number owned by minorities

When a person's words say one thing but his or her body language suggests something quite different, the person is sending _____________. A) a mixed message B) noise C) social capital D) destructive feedback

a mixed message

Pluralism and the absence of discrimination and prejudice in policies and practices are two important hallmarks of _________. A) the glass ceiling effect B) a multicultural organization C) quality circles D) affirmative action

a multicultural organization

When people are highly cooperative but not very assertive in a conflict situation, the likelihood is that they will be using which conflict management style? a. avoidance b. authoritative c. accommodation d. collaboration


One way for a manager to build positive norms within a team is to _____. a. act as a positive role model b. increase group size c. introduce groupthink d. isolate the team

act as a positive role model

The process of the receiver taking action to help the sender say what he or she really means is called ____________. a) verbal support b) feedback c) active listening d) filtering

active listening

Among the three leadership approaches to diversity identified by Thomas, which one is primarily directed at making sure that minorities and women are hired by the organization? A) equal employment opportunity B) affirmative action C) valuing diversity D) managing diversity

affirmative action

The first element in a good business plan is ___________. A) an industry analysis B) a marketing strategy C) an executive summary D) a set of performance milestones

an executive summary

If an international business firm has separate vice presidents in charge of its Asian, African, and European divisions, it is most likely using a global __________ structure. A) product B) functional C) area D) matrix


A manager who understands the influence of proxemics in communication is likely to ____________. A) avoid sending mixed messages B) arrange work spaces to encourage interaction C) be very careful choosing written words D) send frequent e-mail messages to team members

arrange work spaces to encourage interaction

Lasana, a black male, is a first-line manager at International Parts Inc. Lasana loves soul food but never brings it to work. Instead his lunch usually consists of chicken or ham sandwiches because he believes it will be better for his career. Lasana is practicing ___________. a) biculturalism b) healthy eating habits c) culinary diversity d) cultural diversity


When members of minority cultures feel that they have to behave similar to the ways of the majority culture, this tendency is called _____________. A) biculturalism B) particularism C) the glass ceiling effect D) multiculturalism


At what stage in the lifecycle of a business is professional management experience the most important? a) birth b) breakthrough c) maturity d) all of the above


The medium used to carry a message is called a communication _____________. a) transmission b) channel c) reception d) line


When a worker receives an e-mail memo from the boss with information about changes to his job assignment and ends up confused because he doesn't understand it, the boss has erred by making a bad choice of ________ for communicating the message. A) words B) channels C) nonverbals D) filters


A basic rule of team dynamics might be stated this way: The greater the _____ in a team, the greater the conformity to norms. a. membership diversity b. cohesiveness c. task clarity d. competition among others


The interpersonal conflict management style with the greatest potential for true conflict resolution is _____. a. compromise b. competition c. avoidance d. collaboration


It is common in Malaysian culture for people to value teamwork and to display great respect for authority. Hofstede would describe this culture as high in both __________. A) uncertainty avoidance and feminism B) universalism and particularism C) collectivism and power distance D) long-term orientation and masculinity

collectivism and power distance

Which of the following is not one of the stages of adjusting to a new culture? a) irritation and anger b) honeymoon c) reality d) small victories e) comfort


All of the following are aspects of cultural intelligence except: a) high cultural self-awareness. b) flexibility in your dealings c) willingness to learn about the unfamiliar. d) consistency and commitment to maintain your home cultural behaviors. e) viewing differences as opportunities not threats.

consistency and commitment to maintain your home cultural behaviors.

A _________ protects small business owners from personal liabilities for losses. A) sole proprietorship B) franchise C) limited partnership D) corporation


Issues of "respect" and "integrity" are associated with __________ in communication. A) noise B) filtering C) credibility D) ethnocentrism


A(n) _________ operates with members who come from different functional units in an organization to work on a specific task. a) informal group b) interest group c) cross functional team d) vertically integrated team

cross functional team

The use of appropriate manners and behaviors in cross cultural situations is called ___________. a) ethnocentricity b) positive feedback c) cultural etiquette d) cultural globalization

cultural etiquette

Corporations, for tax purposes may decide to keep their profits in a foreign country or to transfer them to their corporate headquarters in their home country. The decision of what to do is often a matter of ______________. a) national interest b) currency risks c) banking practices d) competitive actions

currency risks

In __________ financing, the business owner borrows money as a loan that must be repaid. A) debt B) equity C) partnership D) limited


Which form of financing would give you the most control, but less flexibility in cash flows? a) equity financing b) money from a venture capitalist c) debt financing d) an IPO e) funds from a angel investor

debt financing

In the open-systems model of teams, the _____ is an important input factor. a. communication network b. decision-making method c. performance norm d. diversity of membership

diversity of membership

A(n) __________ team achieves high levels of task performance, membership satisfaction and future viability. a) project b) effective c) diverse d) normal


When the intended meaning of the sender and the interpreted meaning of the receiver are the same, communication is __________. A) effective B) persuasive C) passive D) efficient


One of the dangers of using e-mail is that, although it may be very __________, it is not always ____________. a) effective / efficient b) expensive / effective c) efficient / effective d) persuasive / efficient

efficient / effective

In a high-context culture we would expect to find _________. A) low uncertainty B) high power distance C) use of monochronic time D) emphasis on nonverbal and verbal communication

emphasis on nonverbal and verbal communication

A quality circle is a form of __________. a) cross functional teams b) employee involvement teams c) virtual team d) informal group

employee involvement teams

Groups of workers who meet on a regular basis with the goal of applying their expertise to continuous improvement are called a(n) _____________. a) cross functional teams b) employee involvement teams c) virtual team d) informal group

employee involvement teams

Which part(s) of the communication process does the sender really control? a) encoding of the message b) channel transmission of the message c) decoding of the message d) message feedback

encoding of the message

A venture capitalist that receives an ownership share in return for investing in a new business is providing _____________ financing. A) debt B) equity C) limited D) corporate


If a visitor to a foreign culture makes gestures commonly used at home even after learning that they are offensive to locals, the visitor can be described as __________. A) a passive listener B) ethnocentric C) more efficient than effective D) an active listener


When a foreign visitor to India attends a dinner criticizes as "primitive" the local custom of eating with one's fingers, he or she can be described as acting in a/an _________ way. A) culturally intelligent B) polychronic C) monochronic D) ethnocentric


The tendency to consider one's culture superior to any other is called __________. a) culturalism b) cultural etiquette c) ethnocentrism d) bad manners


Catherine has been asked by her company to gain international experience by working in Europe for two years. If she accepts the offer, Catherine will become a(n) ___________. a) expatriate b) foreign employee c) traveling salesperson d) corporate citizen


Because this type of international business creates jobs locally, governments often support these endeavors. a) green field ventures b) importing c) licensing d) exporting e) franchising


What form of communications provides the highest quality and quantity of information? a) telephone b) e-mail c) face to face d) television

face to face

The final step in effective communication occurs when: a) the message is encoded sent b) the message gets to the receiver c) the interpreted message matches the intended message d) feedback is initiated

feedback is initiated

The intentional distortion of information in order to make it more favorable to the recipient is called __________. a) perception b) filtering c) noise d) transmission


The negative effects of status differences on communication between lower and higher levels in organizations show up in the form of ____________. A) filtering B) MBWA C) ethnocentrism D) passive listening


When a new business is quick to capture a market niche before competitors, this is ____________. A) intrapreneurship B) an initial public offering C) succession planning D) first-mover advantage

first- mover advantage

The five rules of active listening included all of the following except: a) listening for message content b) listening for feelings c) responding to feelings d) focusing just on the verbal cues e) paraphrasing and restating

focusing just on the verbal cues

Departments, teams, work units and divisions are all _____________. a) informal groups b) virtual networks c) unofficial teams d) formal teams

formal teams

The proper order of stages in the team development process is: a) forming, norming, storming, performing, adjourning b) forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning c) forming, storming, performing, norming, adjourning d) forming, performing, storming, norming, adjourning

forming, storming, norming, performing, adjourning

Which of these management actions is liable to decrease the chance of filtering? a) allowing a highly charged political environment to develop b) punishing the bearer of bad news c) making employees accountable for the results of their activities d) fostering a learning environment where mistakes are treated as growth opportunities

fostering a learning environment where mistakes are treated as growth opportunities

McDonald's has outlets in Japan. McDonald's provides the Japanese operation with the rights to use McDonald's name, material and processes but the operation is owned and managed by Japanese. The Japanese operation would be considered a ____________. a) outlet b) subsidiary c) franchise d) licensed importer


A pressing problem faced by a small business in the birth or start-up stage is ____________. A) gaining acceptance in the marketplace B) finding partners for expansion C) preparing the initial public offering D) getting management professional skills

gaining acceptance in the marketplace

The three types of subcultures are occupational, ethnic and __________. a) historical b) national c) gender d) international


The two types of partnerships are _________ and _____________. a) S corporation / corporation b) specific / general c) general / limited d) limited / specific

general / limited

The beliefs that older workers are not creative and prefer routine, low-stress jobs are stereotypes that might create bad feelings among members of different __________ subcultures in organizations. A) gender B) generational C) functional D) ethic


One of the rules for giving constructive feedback is to make sure that it is always __________. A) general rather than specific B) indirect rather that direct C) given in small doses D) delivered at a time convenient for the sender

given in small doses

An economy in which resources, markets and competition are worldwide in scope is called a _________ economy. a) foreign b) domestic c) outsourced d) global


When Limited Brands buys cotton in Egypt and has pants sewn from it in Sri Lanka according to designs made in Italy and then sells the pants in the United States, this is a form of international business known as __________. A) licensing B) importing C) joint venturing D) global sourcing

global sourcing

The tendency for highly cohesive teams to lose their evaluative capabilities is called ________. a) decision avoidance b) communication drift c) centralized communication d) groupthink


An entrepreneur who thrives on uncertainty displays ___________. A) high tolerance for ambiguity B) internal locus of control C) need for achievement D) action orientation

high tolerance for ambiguity

Groupthink is most likely to occur in teams that are _____. a. large in size b. diverse in membership c. high performing d. highly cohesive

highly cohesive

On which dimension of national culture did the United States score highest and Japan score highest in Hofstede's original survey research? A) masculinity, femininity B) long-term, short-term C) individualism, masculinity D) high uncertainty avoidance, collectivism

individualism, masculinity

When foreign investments creates new jobs that are filled by local domestic workers, some call the result ___________ as opposed to the more controversial notion of outsourcing. A) globalization B) insourcing C) joint venturing D) licensing


A/An _________ is higher in channel richness than a/an _________. A) memo; voice-mail B) letter; video conference C) instant message; e-mail D) voice-mail; telephone conversation

instant message; e-mail

The athletic footwear maker New Balance discovered that exact copies of its running shoe designs were on sale in China under the name "New Barlun." This is an example of a/an ___________ problem in international business. A) most favored nation B) global strategic alliance C) joint venture D) intellectual property rights

intellectual property rights

The ability to adapt to new cultures is called cultural______________. a) awareness b) deficiency c) training d) intelligence


A business that conducts commercial transactions across national boundaries is called a/an ________ business. a) outsourced b) franchised c) international d) foreign licensed jobs


Employees in large corporations who take significant risk and display entrepreneurial behavior are called _________. a) entrepreneurs b) senior managers c) intrapreneurs d) venture capitalists


The safest conclusion about privacy in electronic communication is _____________. A) it's guaranteed by law B) it's not a problem C) it really doesn't exist D) it can be password protected

it really doesn't exist

Better Boots Inc. wishes to market their products in the Far East but, although better boots has the design and manufacturing capability, the company lacks the distribution channels and knowledge of the Far East cultures necessary to marketing their products. Bill Somebody, president of Better Boots, has decided to form a partnership with Far East Boots, an Asian company. Far East boots will provide the marketing know how that Better Boots lacks. The company will be jointly owned and independently operated. Better Boots is forming a ____________ with Far East Boots. a) franchise b) joint venture c) licensing agreement d) operating subsidiary

joint venture

Most of the failures of small start-up companies can be related to __________. a) finding the money to start the business b) inferior product ideas c) lack of professional management skills d) failing to do an IPO

lack of professional management skills

Purchasing the rights to make or sell another company's products is called ______________. a) insourcing b) outsourcing c) franchising d) licensing


When a Hong Kong firm makes an agreement with the Walt Disney Company to use the Disney logo and legally make jewelry in the shape of Disney cartoon characters, Disney is engaging in a form of international business known as ____________. A) exporting B) licensing C) joint venturing D) franchising


A culture that relies mainly on the written and spoken word is called a ___________ culture. a) individualistic culture b) high-context culture c) documented culture d) low-context culture

low-context culture

In addition to gaining new markets, businesses go international in the search for ____________. A) political risk B) protectionism C) lower labor costs D) most favored nation status

lower labor costs

When managers leave their offices to go into other areas of the company for the purpose of talking with the workers, it is called ____________. a) upward communication b) horizontal communication c) nonverbal communication d) management by walking around

management by walking around

The most productive end of the diversity leadership continuum involves active inclusion of diversity in organizational operations with a goal of multiculturalism and is known as: a) workplace diversity. b) managing diversity. c) affirmative action. d) biculturalism.

managing diversity

The ________ stage of the life cycle of an entrepreneurial firm involves refining the strategy, investing wisely and staying flexible. a) birth b) breakthrough c) mature d) all of the above


Americans look each other in the eye to convey honesty while other cultures are uncomfortable with this practice. This could be a source of ____________. a) bad business b) filtering c) feedback d) mixed messaging

mixed messaging

A culture in which people do one thing at a time is called a ____________ culture a) individualistic b) high-context c) low-context d) monochronic


In ________ cultures, members tend to do one thing at a time; in ________ cultures, members tend to do many things at once. A) monochronic; polychronic B) universal; particular C) collectivist; individualist D) neutral; affective

monochronic; polychronic

A trading partner that receives the most favorable treatment for imports and exports is said to have ___________ status. a) international b) unfair c) most protected nation d) most favored nation

most favored nation

Glass ceilings are problematic because: a) power is distributed equally throughout organizations. b) while women have finally erased the barrier, minorities still face it. c) they encourage women and minorities to stay in an organization. d) most top executives are older, white males and there is little opportunity for others

most top executives are older, white males and there is little opportunity for others

Personal bias and perception can cause the receiver of a message to misunderstand the intended meaning of the message. This would be an example of __________ in the communication process. a) noise b) static c) feedback d) mixed messaging


A method that highly structures interaction among team members discussing problems and ideas is called the _______________. a) Delphi method b) brainstorming approach c) nominal group technique d) random walk

nominal group technique

John is a marketing manager who thinks that those finance people just don't understand the business like marketing people do. John is likely a part of a __________ subculture. a) gender b) national c) intergroup d) occupational


When members of the marketing department stick close to one another, as well as share jokes and even a slang language, the likelihood is that a/an __________ subculture is forming. A) occupational B) generational C) gender D) ethnic


The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prevents U.S. firms from: a) paying bribes or giving excess commissions in exchange for favors. b) using "sweatshops" to produce goods for sale in the U.S. c) employing child labor in plants that make goods for U.S. markets. d) from participating in unsustainable development in third world countries.

paying bribes or giving excess commissions in exchange for favors.

Members of a team become more motivated and better able to deal with conflict during the _____ stage of team development. a. forming b. norming c. performing d. adjourning


The primary goal of a typical management communication is: a) transmission of data b) creating understanding c) persuasion and action by receivers d) ambiguity

persuasion and action by receivers

If a new government comes into power and seizes all foreign assets in the country without any payments to the owners, the loss to foreign firms is considered a __________ risk of international business. A) franchise B) political C) currency D) corruption


The U.S. government defines a small business as a __________. a) publicly held company b) new venture c) corporation d) privately owned and operated business

privately owned and operated business

A team that is brought together for a specific purpose and disbands when the task is completed is called a(n) __________ team. a) project team b) committee c) informal group d) support group

project team

The study of how people use interpersonal space is called __________. a) space works b) inter-space c) proxemics d) proximity


In selecting members for a team, you should look for all of the following but: a) random or varied skills b) interests that "fit" with the task c) a mix of experienced and newcomers d) varying backgrounds e) diversity

random or varied skills

The last stage in adjusting to a new culture is _____________ a) irritation and anger b) honeymoon c) reality d) small victories e) comfort


One of the recommended strategies for dealing with a group member who engages in social loafing is to ___. a. redefine tasks to make individual contributions more visible b. ask another member to encourage this person to work harder c. give the person extra rewards and hope he or she will feel guilty d. forget about it

redefine tasks to make individual contributions more visible

When interacting with an angry co-worker who is complaining about a work problem, a manager skilled at active listening would most likely try to _____________. A) suggest that the conversation be held at a better time B) point out that the conversation would be better held at another location C) express displeasure in agreement with co-worker's complaint D) rephrase the co-worker's complaint to encourage him to say more

rephrase the co- worker's complaint to encourage him to say more

Research indicates that while not absolutely required, most entrepreneurs have the following trait(s): a) external locus of control b) low need for achievement c) uncomfortable with uncertainty d) self-confident and self-reliant e) inflexible

self-confident and self-reliant

Entrepreneurship that is targeted at solving the problems of the poor and disadvantaged is called _______________ entrepreneurship. a) minority b) social c) disadvantaged d) welfare


When a team member does not do his or her share of the work and allows others to do it, it is called ____________. a) laziness b) redundancy c) social loafing d) work avoidance

social loafing

A small business that consists of an individual or man and wife only is called a ________. a) partnership b) general partnership c) sole proprietorship d) corporation

sole proprietorship

The best way to try to increase cohesiveness of a team would be to _____. a. start competition with other groups b. add more members c. reduce isolation from other groups d. increase the diversity of members

start competition with other groups

A joint venture is a form of ____________ in which each partner invests in and accepts the risks and rewards of the venture. a) sustainable development b) subsidiary c) franchise d) strategic global alliance

strategic global alliance

A small business owner who wants to pass the business to other family members after retirement or death should prepare a __________ plan. A) retirement B) succession C) partnership D) liquidation


The concept that corporations should participate in development that meets present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs is called ______________. a) environmental protection b) green development c) sustainable development d) environmental absolutism

sustainable development

The World Trade Organization, or WTO, would most likely become involved in disputes between countries over ___________. A) exchange rates B) ethnocentrism C) nationalization D) tariffs and protectionism

tariffs and protectionism

A team member who does a good job at summarizing discussion, offering new ideas, and clarifying points made by others is providing leadership by contributing _____ activities to the group process. a. required b. task c. disruptive d. maintenance


An action taken by a team member that directly contributes to the group's performance purpose is called a(an) ______________ activity. a) maintenance b) virtual c) task d) distributed


The major input categories required for effective teams are organizational setting, nature of task, membership characteristics and __________. a) resources b) technology c) structures d) team size

team size

An effective team is defined as one that achieves high levels of task performance, high member satisfaction, and _____. a. resource efficiency b. team viability c. group consensus d. creativity

team viability

When the profits of large international businesses are disproportionately high relative to those of smaller firms and even the economies of some countries, this is called ___________. A) return on risk for business investment B) the globalization gap C) protectionism D) most favored nations status

the globalization gap

A common reason new small businesses often fail is ___________. A) the owner lacks experience and business skills B) there is too much government regulations C) the owner tightly controls money and finances D) the business grows too slowly

the owner lacks experience and business skills

According to Hofstede's dimensions of national cultures, _____________ is the degree to which a society emphasizes short-term or long term goals. a) uncertainty avoidance b) individualism-collectivism c) power distance d) time orientation

time orientation

A _____ decision is one in which all members agree on the course of action to be taken. a. consensus b. unanimous c. majority d. synergy


The three steps in Roosevelt Thomas' continuum of leadership approaches to diversity are affirmative action, managing diversity and ___________. a) leadership policy b) diversity regulations c) valuing diversity d) equal employment

valuing diversity

One major difference between an international business and a transnational corporation is that the transnational tries to operate ______________. A) without a strong national identity B) in at least six foreign countries C) with only domestic managers at the top D) without corruption

without a strong national identity

The biggest difference between an international business and a transnational business is that the transnational business tries to operate _________________. a) under different international laws b) with only senior expatriate managers c) without a strong national identity d) in every country in the world

without a strong national identity

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