Chapters 8, 9, 10, and 11

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On a map with a scale of 1:48,000, a distance of 1 mile would be represented by how many inches?


To show topography in a flat coastal area, the most appropriate contour interval would be

5 feet

The Public Land Survey System is used in all of the following states except


The first seismic wave to reach the surface is usually the


Shear stress is what is generated when we use which of the following tools?

a pair of scissors

A benchmark is

a permanent marker on the ground that indicates location and elevation

Contour lines on a topographic map

are usually brown

The latitude of a location is based on the


The intensity of an earthquake is a measure of

how much damage the earthquake caused

Meridians of longitude

meet at the North and South Poles

A direction of 315° in the azimuth system corresponds to


The zero contour line is also known as

sea level

Strike and dip refer to

the orientation of a bed or fault

Liquefaction occurs during earthquakes when

vibration causes water to coat sediment grains, greatly lessening friction

To show topography in a rugged, mountainous area, the most appropriate contour interval would be

100 feet

You have been asked to draw a map of a part of your campus on an 8 1/2 × 11 sheet of paper. You first try a scale of 1:1,000, but the paper is not large enough. Which of the following scales might work better?


What does a map scale of 1:24,000 indicate?

All of the possible answers are correct: One inch on the map equals 24,000 inches on the ground. One centimeter on the map equals 24,000 centimeters on the ground. One foot on the map equals 24,000 feet on the ground.

Most earthquakes are

concentrated at plate boundaries

Base lines and principal meridians are reference lines in the

township and range (Public Land Survey) system.

Where is large-scale shear stress found in the plate-tectonic model?

transform faults

Fault-block motion in a dip-slip fault is

up and down the fault plane

Contour lines on a map connect points

of equal elevation

n an anticline, the __________ rocks are exposed in the axial region of the fold, and beds typically dip __________ one another.

oldest; away from

Metamorphic foliation produced during compression will be

perpendicular to the compressional stress.

What is the minimum number of seismic stations needed to locate an earthquake?


What is true of map projections?

All of the possible answers are correct: They are needed to portray the nearly spherical shape of the Earth on a flat page. They may significantly distort the shapes of continents and oceans. They can be selected so that they show particular aspects of a landmass most accurately.

Two maps have been drafted so that each fills a sheet of 8 1/2 × 11 paper, one at a scale of 1:24,000, and the other at 1:62,500. Which of the following statements correctly describes these maps?

The map with the scale of 1:62,500 covers more area than the other.

What does a map scale of 1:24,000 describe?

a map where 1 inch corresponds to 2,000 feet on the ground

Which of the following show(s) the topography of a landscape?

all of the possible answers are correct: a digital elevation model a Landsat satellite image a contour map

A good map must contain a way to accurately determine which of the following?

all of the possible answers are correct: distance between points shown on the map direction between points shown on the map location of points shown on the map

What do lines separating different rock units on a geologic map represent?

all of the possible answers are correct: faults stratigraphic contacts between sedimentary formations intrusive contacts between plutons and their host rocks

Block diagrams used to portray geologic structures contain

both of the possible answers are correct: a map view two cross-sectional interpretations

In the plate-tectonic model, where is large-scale compressional stress found?

convergent plate boundaries

Small tick marks (hachures) on contour lines indicate


Where is large-scale tensional stress found in the plate-tectonic model?

divergent plate boundaries

Isotherms on weather maps differ from contour lines on topographic maps in that they

do not show changes in elevation

Which of these map elements is not shown on an aerial photograph?

elevations and slope steepness

The farther an earthquake epicenter is from a seismic station, the

greater the delay time between arrival of P- and S-waves

The relative motion of fault blocks on opposite sides of a strike-slip fault is


During propagation of a Rayleigh wave, particles in a rock __________ as the energy passes through the rock

move in circular paths

The ground shakes during an earthquake because of which type of waves?

seismic waves

The magnitude of an earthquake is a measure of

the amount of energy released during the fault movement that produced the earthquake

The difference between a plunging and nonplunging fold is that

the hinge of a plunging fold is not horizontal

What are the latitude/longitude and UTM systems used to describe?

the location of points on a globe

The focus of an earthquake is

the point below the Earth's surface where the energy that caused the earthquake was released

The epicenter of an earthquake is

the point on the Earth's surface closest to where the rock broke.

Information on the borders of a topographic map includes all except

the types of rocks present in the map area

A travel-time chart/graph shows graphically

the velocities of the different kinds of seismic waves

A vertical exaggeration of 1.00 × on a topographic profile means

the vertical scale of the profile is the same as the map scale

Why is vertical exaggeration often used on maps and map profiles?

to make topographic features like hills and valleys more visible

During propagation of a P-wave, particles in a rock __________ as the energy passes through the rock.

vibrate parallel to the direction in which the wave is traveling

During propagation of an S-wave, particles in a rock __________ as the energy passes through the rock.

vibrate perpendicular to the direction in which the wave is traveling

In a syncline, the __________ rocks are exposed in the axial region of the fold, and beds typically dip__________ one another.

youngest; toward

The longitude of a location is based on the

prime meridian

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