Chapters 8-9

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True or False- Eye movements are controlled by the abducens, oculomotor, and trochlear nerves.


True or False- In order to hear sound, vibrations pass from the eardrum to the ossicles, and on to the oval window.


True or False- The pharyngotympanic (auditory) tube links the middle ear cavity with the throat.


What is the ability of the eye to focus on close objects?


Which of these anterior pituitary hormones regulates the endocrine activity of the cortex region of the adrenal gland?

adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

A hormone produced by the heart, known as ________, prevents the release of aldosterone in order to reduce blood volume and blood pressure.

atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP)

The two hormones released by the thyroid gland are ________.

calcitonin and thyroid hormone

Mr. Lee says he felt scared to death when his neighbor's dog bit him. Which of the following did he NOT experience as a result of catecholamine release?

decreased blood pressure

What structure is lined with ceruminous glands?

external acoustic meatus (auditory canal

What part of the eye has the greatest visual acuity?

fovea centralis

Without iodine in the diet, which thyroid gland disorder may result?


Home pregnancy tests check for a hormone in the female's urine called ________.

human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

The vibration of sound waves causes the tympanic membrane, or eardrum, to move against an ossicle known as ________.

malleus or hammer

Identify the pathway of vibrations as they travel from one ossicle to the next.

malleus, incus, stapes

Which hormone appears to play an important role in establishing the body's sleep-wake cycle?


As the efficiency of the ovaries declines in middle age, a woman's ability to bear children ends. What is this known as?


What region of the retina lacks photoreceptor cells?

optic disc (blind spot)

Select the pathway along which images received by the retina of the eye will travel into the brain.

optic nerve, optic chiasma, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, occipital lobe

The hypothalamus makes two hormones, ________ and ________, that are stored by the posterior pituitary.

oxytocin; antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Where is calcitonin made?

parafollicular cells of the thyroid gland

Which endocrine gland is most closely associated with the hypothalamus?

pituitary gland

The age-related condition resulting from decreased lens elasticity is known as ________.


The function of the choroid layer of the eye is to ________.

prevent light from scattering inside the eye

The enzyme produced by the kidneys when blood pressure drops, stimulating a release of aldosterone, is called ________.


The fibrous covering of the eye consists of the white outer layer, known as the ________, and a transparent portion known as the ________.

sclera; cornea

What hearing disorder arises when there is damage or degeneration of receptor cells in the spiral organ of Corti, cochlear nerve, or neurons in the auditory cortex of the brain?

sensorineural deafness

Which of the following is NOT an effect of testosterone on males?

stimulation of the posterior pituitary

Which of these hormones prods the thyroid gland to release thyroxine (T4)?

thyrotropic hormone (TH) or thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Sound waves entering the external acoustic meatus (auditory canal) hit the eardrum, also known as the ________.

tympanic membrane

The gel-like substance that reinforces the eyeball and prevents it from collapsing inward is the ________.

vitreous humor (body)

Which one of the following is NOT typical of the changes that follow the binding of a hormone to its target cells?

Cellular mutations occur.

True or False- Umami taste receptors respond to the amino acid glutamate; these receptors guide the intake of proteins.


True or False-From the optic nerve, the visual pathway continues to the optic chiasma, optic tracts, thalamus, optic radiation, and then visual interpretation occurs in the occipital lobe.


The hormone that stimulates follicle development by female ovaries and sperm development by male testes is ________

follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)

Beta cells of the pancreatic islets produce a hormone known as ________ while the alpha cells produce a hormone known as ________.

insulin; glucagon

Which one of the following is NOT a sign of diabetes mellitus?

moon face

Our sense of static equilibrium is created by the ________

movement of otoliths along hair cells

Being lipid soluble, steroids can do all the following EXCEPT _______

catalyze a reaction that produces cyclic AMP (cAMP)

What vision disorder results from the loss of lens transparency?


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