Characteristics of High-Performing Teams

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Creative continuous improvement

Dissatisfaction with the status quo leads to a constant flow of new ideas, experimentation, and a quest for progress

Clarity of core competence

Extraneous activities and deflections from the team's core mission are given low priority

Specific, shared purpose and vision

Individuals don't work for themselves; they work for one another in pursuit of the shared purpose

Creative continuous improvement

Large scale innovations as well as never ending small improvements characterize the team's processes and activities

Blurring of formal distinctions

Team members do whatever is needed to contribute to the task, regardless of previous positions or titles

High credibility and trust

Team members trust one another implicitly, defend members who aren't present, and form interdependent relationships with one another

Blurring of formal distinctions

Team membership and team roles are more predominant than outside status

Extraordinarily high quality

Teams produce outcomes above and beyond current standards of performance

Performance outcomes

Teams produce something; they don't just discuss it

Extraordinarily high quality

Teams surprise and delight their various constituencies with quality levels not expected and never before obtained

Performance outcomes

Without accomplishment, teams dissolve and become ineffective over time

Inefficiency leading to efficiency

As the team develops, because they come to know one another so well and can anticipate each other's moves, they become much more efficient than single people working alone

High credibility and trust

Personal integrity and honesty characterize team activities and team member interactions

Coordinated, shared work roles

The desired output is a single group product, not a set of individual products

Specific, shared purpose and vision

The more specific the purpose, the more commitment, trust, and coordination can occur

Mutual, internal accountability

The sense of internal accountability is far greater than any accountability imposed by a boss

Clarity of core competence

The unique talents and strategic advantages of the team and its members are clear

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