Chemistry Final Exam

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B (6.25%)

After four half-lives, ________ of the radioisotope remains A) 25% B) 6.25% C) 3.125% D) 12.5%


TRUE/FALSE: Carbon-14 decays by beta emission.


TRUE/FALSE: Monitoring how the oxidation numbers change is good practice.


TRUE/FALSE: Monomers of addition polymers contain double bonds.


TRUE/FALSE: Monomers of condensation polymers need two functional groups.


TRUE/FALSE: More NaCl can dissolve if more water is added to the solution.


TRUE/FALSE: A shift in equilibrium position is not the same as a change in Keq.

False (the symbol is t1/2)

TRUE/FALSE: The abbreviation for half-life is t1.5.


TRUE/FALSE: Vibrational forces disrupt attractive forces at melting point.


TRUE/FALSE: Water can act as a Brønsted-Lowry acid.

False (used as a coolant for machinery)

TRUE/FALSE: Water is a poor coolant for engines.

False (weak electrolyte)

TRUE/FALSE: Water is a strong electrolyte.


TRUE/FALSE: Water undergoes three transition processes.


TRUE/FALSE: Waxes are soft solids.

D (hydrogen)

______ bonds keep the water molecules together in the solid and liquid states A) dipole-dipole B) covalent C) van derWaals D) hydrogen

B (alkali metals)

______ salts tend to be very soluble A) hydroxides B) alkali metals C) transition metals D) halides

False (PV=nRT)

TRUE/FALSE: The ideal gas equation is PV=mRT.

200 mL ((0.1 M x 500 mL) / (0.25 M) = 200 mL)

150 mL of 0.05 M HCl is diluted to 750 mL. What is the new molarity?

7400 J (q = 150 g x 4.18 J/g C x 11.8 C = 7400 J)

A 150 g sample of water absorbs heat as the temperature increases from 14.7 C to 26.5 C. Calculate the number of joules of heat involved.

A (pull electrons away from other species)

A strong oxidizing agent is one that can A) pull electrons away from other species B) donate electrons to other species C) transfer electrons to other species D) convert metallic ions to metals

B (enthalpy change for the reaction)

A thermochemical equation includes A) specific temperature change B) enthalpy change for the reaction C) pressure change D) time of reaction

C (joule)

A unit of heat is the _____ A) joule/sec B) joule/kg C) joule D) joule x g/sec


TRUE/FALSE: A plot of data for Gay-Lussac's Law give a straight line.

D (turn litmus red)

All of the following are properties of bases except A) do not react with metals B) bitter taste C) aqueous solutions are electrolytes D) turn litmus red

5.6 (Keq = [PCl3][Cl2] / [PCl5] = (0.15)(0.37) / (0.010) = 5.6)

At the equilibrium point in the decomposition of phosphorous pentachloride to chlorine and phosphorus trichloride, the following concentrations are obtained: 0.010 mol/L PCl5, 0.15 mol/L PCl3 and 0.37 mol/L Cl2. Determine the Keq for the reaction PCl5 (g) <-> PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)

A (Sfus = zero)

At the temperature at which a change of state occurs, all of the following are true except A) Sfus = zero B) the two states are at equilibrium C) T = temperature at which transition occurs D) G = zero

4Al + 3MnO2 -> 2Al2O3 + 3Mn

Balance the following equation using the oxidation number change method: Al + MnO2 -> Al2O3 + Mn

2HNO3 + 3H3AsO3 -> 2NO + 3H2AsO4 + H2O

Balance the following equation using the oxidation number change method: HNO3 + H3AsO3 -> NO + H3AsO4 + H2O


Name the crystal system illustrated below.


Name the crystal system illustrated below.


Name the crystal system illustrated below.

C (copper)

Nickel metal will oxidize when in a solution with ______ cations A) magnesium B) barium C) copper D) potassium

C (82-Pb)

No stable nuclides exist beyond the element A) 79-Au B) 63-Eu C) 82-Pb D) 86-Rn


TRUE/FALSE: In a fuel cell, hydrogen gas is oxidized to water.


TRUE/FALSE: When a reaction takes place in both the forward and reverse directions, it is said to be reversible.

C (temperature)

The value of the equilibrium constant is affected by A) volume B) reactant concentration C) temperature D) product concentration

D (ideal gas constant)

The variable R is the A) ideal constant B) equilibrium ratio C) gas constant D) ideal gas constant

A (entropy increases)

All of the following are characteristics of non-spontaneous reactions except A) entropy increases B) reaction is endothermic C) reactants are favored over products D) randomness decreases

D (gold electrode)

All of the following are components of the apparatus for electrolysis of water except A) sulfuric acid B) platinum electrode C) power supply D) gold electrode

B (thinking about a problem)

All of the following are examples of work except A) moving a car B) thinking about a problem C) carrying a box D) shoveling dirt

D (salt bridge composition)

All of the following are indicated in a voltaic cell except A) salt bridge B) anode C) phase boundaries D) salt bridge composition

B (Fe+)

All of the following are iron oxidation states that are components of rust except A) Fe B) Fe+ C) Fe2+ D) Fe3+

B (number the ring counterclockwise)

All of the following are naming rules for benzene derivatives except A) substituents in alphabetical order B) number the ring counterclockwise C) use the lowest number first D) separate numbers with commas

B (food preservative)

Benzoic acid is used as A) food flavoring B) food preservative C) paint manufacture D) production of adhesives

A (distinct melting point)

All of the following are characteristics of glass except A) distance melting point B) shatters in an irregular way C) made by cooling a mixture of materials D) soften when heated

643 L ((23.4 mol x 62.36 L mmHg/K mol x 316 K) / (719 mmHg))

What volume is occupied by 23.4 mol hydrogen at a temperature of 317 K and a pressure of 719 mmHg?

C (ions precipitate)

When NaCl is added to water, all of the follow occur except A) ions break off from the salt crystal B) ions are hydrated by water molecules C) ions precipitate D) ions recombine with the salt crystal

A (written over the arrow)

When a catalyst is involved in a reaction, it is A) written over the arrow B) written as a reactant C) written under the arrow D) written as a product

C (a high vapor pressure)

When a liquid evaporates readily, it has A) a low vapor pressure B) few molecules in the gas phase C) a high vapor pressure D) a high boiling point

B (never negative)

If H is positive and S is negative, then G is A) always negative B) never negative C) negative at higher temperatures D) negative at low temperatures

False (evaporate more quickly)

TRUE/FALSE: A given liquid will evaporate less quickly when it is heated.

False (expands to fill shape)

TRUE/FALSE: A given volume of gas has a definite shape.

False (buret with stopper)

TRUE/FALSE: A graduated cylinder is used to slowly add the base to the acid-indicator mixture.

False (increases the amount of material dissolved)

TRUE/FALSE: A greater surface area decreases the amount of material dissolved.


TRUE/FALSE: A heavier rock exerts more pressure on the ground than a lighter rock.


TRUE/FALSE: A large equilibrium constant means that products are favored over reactants.

False (electrons are already present in base so not ionized)

TRUE/FALSE: A lewis base forms an ionized compound.


TRUE/FALSE: A lid is sued to limit heat exchange between materials in the cup and the surrounding air.

False (takes shape of the container)

TRUE/FALSE: A liquid has a defined shape.

False (evaporate more quickly)

TRUE/FALSE: A liquid whose particles have higher kinetic energies will evaporate more slowly than a liquid whose particles have a lower kinetic energy.


TRUE/FALSE: A metal wire connects the two electrodes.


TRUE/FALSE: A neutron becomes a proton in beta emission.

False (porous plug)

TRUE/FALSE: A non-porous plug is used in the salt bridge.

False (downward curve)

TRUE/FALSE: A plot of data for Boyle's Law gives a straight line.


TRUE/FALSE: A plot of data for Charles' Law gives a straight line.


TRUE/FALSE: A primary amine has two hydrogens attached to the N atom.


TRUE/FALSE: A saturated fat has no carbon-carbon double bonds.

False (reduction)

TRUE/FALSE: A shift of electrons towards an atom in a covalent bond is an oxidation of that atom.

False (does not necessarily happen fast)

TRUE/FALSE: A spontaneous reaction is one the occurs rapidly.

False (plots pH vs volume)

TRUE/FALSE: A titration curve plots pH vs molarity of acid or base.

False (nonspotaneous reaction)

TRUE/FALSE: A voltaic cell uses an electric current to initiate a spontaneous reaction.

False (never been reached in the lab)

TRUE/FALSE: Absolute zero has been reached in the laboratory.

False (will increase the pressure)

TRUE/FALSE: Adding more gas particles to a rigid container will lower the pressure.


TRUE/FALSE: Adding more water to a solution dilutes it.


TRUE/FALSE: Addition of Br can be used to detect the presence of an unsaturated compound.


TRUE/FALSE: Addition of H to the O=O double bond is a reduction process.


TRUE/FALSE: Addition of a solute decreases the vapor pressure of the solvent.

False (position will be changed)

TRUE/FALSE: After an equilibrium has been disturbed, the equilibrium position can be restored to its original position.


TRUE/FALSE: AlCl3 is a catalyst for adding alkyl groups to benzene rings.

False (carbonyl group)

TRUE/FALSE: Aldehydes have a carboxyl group on the end of the carbon chain.

False (not completely ionizable)

TRUE/FALSE: All Arrhenius bases are completely ionizable.


TRUE/FALSE: All molecular motion ceases at 0 degrees K.

False (pressures units are different values)

TRUE/FALSE: All pressure units give the same value for R.

False (can form hydrogen bonds)

TRUE/FALSE: Amines do not form hydrogen bonds with water.

False (more than one triplet)

TRUE/FALSE: Amino acids each have one triplet that designates that amino acid.


TRUE/FALSE: Ammonia can serve as a Lewis base.

False (absorbs heat energy)

TRUE/FALSE: Ammonium nitrate releases heat energy when it dissolves.


TRUE/FALSE: An ester is formed from a reaction between an alcohol and an acid


TRUE/FALSE: An ideal gas is an imaginary gas.


TRUE/FALSE: An increase in kinetic energy of water molecules produces the phase changes in a heating curve.


TRUE/FALSE: An increase in pressure causes gas molecules to be forced closer together.


TRUE/FALSE: An increase in temperature increases the kinetic energy of gas particles.


TRUE/FALSE: An increase in temperature produces an increase in kinetic energy of gas particles.

False (volume increases)

TRUE/FALSE: As temperature increases at constant pressure, the volume decreases.


TRUE/FALSE: At a high enough pressure, a gas can be converted to a solid.

False (do not have to be equal)

TRUE/FALSE: At equilibrium, the concentrations of all components are equal.


TRUE/FALSE: At equilibrium,. the concentrations of the substances are constant.


TRUE/FALSE: At room temperature, the average kinetic energy of ice is the same as the average kinetic energy of steam.


TRUE/FALSE: At the boiling point of a liquid, all molecules in the liquid have enough kinetic energy to vaporize.

False (remain steady)

TRUE/FALSE: At the boiling point, the temperature will continue to increase as the liquid water changes into steam.


TRUE/FALSE: Avogadro's Law allows determination of the quantity of gas.


TRUE/FALSE: Avogadro's number is used in nuclear binding energy calculations.


TRUE/FALSE: Balanced equations are needed before writing equilibrium constants.


TRUE/FALSE: Basketballs are checked for pressure before a game.


TRUE/FALSE: Beeswax is a natural wax.


TRUE/FALSE: Benzene is less reactive than straight-chain hexenes.


TRUE/FALSE: Bonds are more likely to break at higher vibrational energies.

False (Arrhenius acid)

TRUE/FALSE: CH3COOH is an Arrhenius base.


TRUE/FALSE: Canola oil is obtained from plants.


TRUE/FALSE: Carbohydrates are attached to some membrane proteins.


TRUE/FALSE: Carbon atoms in double bonds display trigonal planar geometry.

False (sp)

TRUE/FALSE: Carbon atoms in triple bonds are sp2 hybridized.

False (sublimes at standard pressure)

TRUE/FALSE: Carbon dioxide only transitions from solid to liquid.


TRUE/FALSE: Changes in enthalpy and entropy are the driving forces behind all chemical reactions.


TRUE/FALSE: Changes in enthalpy are measured as reactants are converted to products.


TRUE/FALSE: Chemical reactions in cells are catalyzed by enzymes.

False (increase the entropy)

TRUE/FALSE: Chemical reactions tend to proceed in a way as to decrease the entropy of the system.


TRUE/FALSE: Coastal climates are more moderate than climate inland.

False (needed for other things)

TRUE/FALSE: Coefficients are needed only for those materials directly involved in the redox process.

False (explains rate effects)

TRUE/FALSE: Collision theory does not explain factors that influence rate of reaction.

False (no overall loss of kinetic energy)

TRUE/FALSE: Collisions between gas molecules result in loss of kinetic energy.

False (do not always lead to products)

TRUE/FALSE: Collisions between reactants always lead to products.


TRUE/FALSE: Continued cooling of a gas converts it to a liquid.


TRUE/FALSE: Continued removal of ammonia in the Haber-Bosch process will force the reaction to completion.


TRUE/FALSE: Conversion of a gas to a liquid involves a release of energy.


TRUE/FALSE: Cooking is an endothermic process.

False (not the best method)

TRUE/FALSE: Covering a metal surface with oil or paint is the best way to prevent corrosion.

False (formula of CnH2n)

TRUE/FALSE: Cycloalkanes have the general formula CnH2n+2.

False (nucleus)

TRUE/FALSE: DNA and RNA are found in the cytoplasm of the cell.


TRUE/FALSE: Double-displacement reactions are not redox reactions.


TRUE/FALSE: Doubling the Kelvin temperature doubles the pressure on a container.

False (increases the number of collisions)

TRUE/FALSE: Doubling the number of particles in a container decreases the number of collisions with the vessel walls.


TRUE/FALSE: Each triplet corresponds to a single amino acid.


TRUE/FALSE: Electrolysis is used to plate silver on jewelry.


TRUE/FALSE: Electrons are added to each half-reaction to balance the charges.

False (absorb heat from the surroundings)

TRUE/FALSE: Endothermic reactions do not need heat from the surroundings.


TRUE/FALSE: Energy is absorbed when a liquid is converted into a gas.

False (energy is absorbed)

TRUE/FALSE: Energy is released when ice melts.

False (entropy increases)

TRUE/FALSE: Entropy decreases during most combustion reactions.


TRUE/FALSE: Equilibrium is a dynamic process.


TRUE/FALSE: Esters are responsible for many odors and flavors.


TRUE/FALSE: Ethers have much lower boiling points than the corresponding alcohols.


TRUE/FALSE: Evangelsista Torricelli invented the barometer.

False (evaporation occurs below boiling point)

TRUE/FALSE: Evaporation of a liquid does not occur below the boiling point.


TRUE/FALSE: Fluorine is the strongest oxidizing agent.


TRUE/FALSE: Formation of carbonic acid after CO2 is added to water is a non-spontaneous reaction.


TRUE/FALSE: Formation of the transuranium elements is accompanied by emission of a particle.


TRUE/FALSE: Fr-220 has a half-life of 27.5 seconds.


TRUE/FALSE: Fredrich Miescher discovered RNA and DNA in 1869.


TRUE/FALSE: Fructose is found in fruits and honey.

False (high temperatures)

TRUE/FALSE: Fusion can take place at room temperature and normal pressures.


TRUE/FALSE: G must be negative for a spontaneous reaction.


TRUE/FALSE: Gamma radiation does not affect the atomic number of a product.


TRUE/FALSE: Gas molecules are far apart.


TRUE/FALSE: Gas pressure would result from collisions of gas molecules with he sides of a container.


TRUE/FALSE: Gas stoichiometry calculations can be performed using any set of conditions.


TRUE/FALSE: Gases are more compressible than liquids and solids.

False (not hydrates of carbon)

TRUE/FALSE: Glucose and fructose are hydrates of carbon.


TRUE/FALSE: Glucose and fructose combine to form sucrose.


TRUE/FALSE: Heat is released or absorbed in chemical reactions.

False (heat moves from an object at high temperature)

TRUE/FALSE: Heat moves from an object at lower temperature to an object at higher temperature.

False (Try is tyrosine)

TRUE/FALSE: His-Try indicates a dipeptide of histidine and tryptophan.


TRUE/FALSE: Hydrated ions take up space in a solution.

False (two)

TRUE/FALSE: Hydrocarbons can be divided into three major classes.


TRUE/FALSE: Hydrogen bonding plays an important role in protein secondary structure.


TRUE/FALSE: Hydrogen gas is formed in all applications of the hydrogen electrode.


TRUE/FALSE: I-131 can be used to study thyroid problems.


TRUE/FALSE: If more N2 is added to the Haber-Bosche process, the ammonia concentration will increase.


TRUE/FALSE: If there are two amino groups on a benzene ring, the terminology would be diamino.


TRUE/FALSE: In Einstein's equation, c stands for the speed of light.

False (thymine is replaced by uracil)

TRUE/FALSE: In RNA, uracil is replaced by thymine.

False (equals the charge)

TRUE/FALSE: In a polyatomic ion, the sum of oxidation numbers of the atoms equals zero.


TRUE/FALSE: In a rate, the term [A] refers to a change in concentration.


TRUE/FALSE: In an inverse relationship, as one variable increases, the other variable decreases.


TRUE/FALSE: In calculating molar mass, it is assumed that the gas is deal.


TRUE/FALSE: In combustion reactions, the products are carbon dioxide and water.

False (they are completely ionized)

TRUE/FALSE: In neutralization reactions between strong acids and strong bases, neither the acid or the base is completely ionized.

False (T is in the denominator)

TRUE/FALSE: In the combined gas law expression, T is in the numerator.


TRUE/FALSE: In the combined gas law expression, V is in the numerator.


TRUE/FALSE: In the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride, NaOH can be obtained by evaporating the water.

False (produced at the anode)

TRUE/FALSE: In the electrolysis of aqueous sodium chloride, chlorine gas is produced at the cathode.


TRUE/FALSE: In the orthorhombic crystal, the angles between the faces are all 90 degrees.


TRUE/FALSE: In the reaction Mg + HCl -> MgCl2 + H2, Mg is oxidized.


TRUE/FALSE: In the voltaic cell using Zn|Zn2+ and Fe|Fe2+, Fe2+ will be reduced.

False (25% remains)

TRUE/FALSE: In two half-lives, 50% of the mass of the nuclide is lost.


TRUE/FALSE: Ingredients in medicines and foods are often expressed as percentages.


TRUE/FALSE: Iodine can sublimate at room temperature.

False (iron is below sodium on the activity series)

TRUE/FALSE: Iron will spontaneously oxidize in a solution of sodium chloride.


TRUE/FALSE: Kelvin temperatures must be used in evaluating the gas constant.


TRUE/FALSE: Knowing the functional group allows prediction of reaction behavior.


TRUE/FALSE: Lactose is often referred to as milk sugar.


TRUE/FALSE: Lipid bilayers have channels that allow passages of ions.


TRUE/FALSE: Liquid in a closed system demonstrates a dynamic equilibrium between vapor and liquid.


TRUE/FALSE: Liquids are much more dense than gases.


TRUE/FALSE: Liquids with strong intermolecular forces show high surface tensions.

False (oxidize easily)

TRUE/FALSE: Lithium ions reduce easily.


TRUE/FALSE: Lithium will spontaneously oxidize in a solution of silver nitrate.

False (non polar)

TRUE/FALSE: Long hydrocarbon chains in a phospholipid are polar.

False (not for all)

TRUE/FALSE: MA x VA = MB x VB can be used as is for all titration calculations.

False (glucose monomers)

TRUE/FALSE: Maltose is composed of two fructose monomers.


TRUE/FALSE: Many chemical reactions do not proceed to completion.


TRUE/FALSE: Many solutions do not involve water.

False (it is not found in nature)

TRUE/FALSE: Mendelevium has been found in nature.

False (good conductors)

TRUE/FALSE: Metallic crystals are poor conductors of electricity.

False (listed above them)

TRUE/FALSE: Metals will reduce metals listed below them in the standard reduction potential table.


TRUE/FALSE: Methionine contains sulfur covalently bonded to carbon.

False (ethylene glycol used in antifreeze)

TRUE/FALSE: Methylene glycol is used in many commercial antifreeze products.


TRUE/FALSE: Molality values are not affected by temperature.


TRUE/FALSE: Molar mass is used to convert between solubility and molar solubility


TRUE/FALSE: Moles of solute can be calculated using m x kg solvent.


TRUE/FALSE: Most naturally occurring reactions are exothermic.

False (different boiling points)

TRUE/FALSE: NaCl and methanol provide the same degree of boiling point elevation.


TRUE/FALSE: NaCl is highly soluble in water.


TRUE/FALSE: Net ionic equations of weak acids include the weak acid as a molecule.


TRUE/FALSE: Neutrons help provide stability to nuclei.

False (do not readily escape)

TRUE/FALSE: Nonvolatile solutes readily escape into the vapor phase.

False (not impacted by environmental factors)

TRUE/FALSE: Nuclear reactions are strongly influenced by environmental factors.


TRUE/FALSE: Objects need to be in contact in order to transfer heat.

False (also boiling point data)

TRUE/FALSE: Only freezing point data can be used to determine molar mass.

False (compounds can be synthesized from inorganic substances)

TRUE/FALSE: Only living things can synthesize organic compounds.

False (occur at the same time)

TRUE/FALSE: Oxidation and reduction reactions occur sequentially.


TRUE/FALSE: Oxidation involves the addition of oxygen or the removal of hydrogen.


TRUE/FALSE: Oxidation numbers are assigned to each atom in the equation.

False (acidic solution)

TRUE/FALSE: Oxidation of Fe2+ by Cr2O72- readily occurs in basic solution.

False (produces aldehyde or ketone)

TRUE/FALSE: Oxidation of a primary alcohol produces a ketone.

False (they can be atoms)

TRUE/FALSE: Particles of a solid crystal are either ions or molecules

False (it is alpha emission)

TRUE/FALSE: Pb-214 is formed by beta-emission of Po-218.

False (Ksp of PbCl2 is larger than PbCO3)

TRUE/FALSE: PbCl2 is less soluble in water than PbCO3.


TRUE/FALSE: Peptide bond formation is independent of R groups.

False (physical states impact enthalpy values)

TRUE/FALSE: Physical states of reactants and products do not affect enthalpy values.

False (free to move)

TRUE/FALSE: Pi bonding electrons in benzene are fixed in space.

False (isoprene)

TRUE/FALSE: Polyisoprene is a polymer of isoprenoic acid.

False (made of alloys)

TRUE/FALSE: Power plant control rods are often made of sodium.


TRUE/FALSE: Pressure cookers increase the boiling point of water because the water vapor cannot escape.


TRUE/FALSE: Pressure has very little effect on the solubility of solids or liquids.


TRUE/FALSE: R is the ideal gas constant.


TRUE/FALSE: Reactions in a basic medium require addition of hydroxide ions.

False (very fast)

TRUE/FALSE: Recrystallization from a supersaturated solution is very slow.

False (transfer to other things)

TRUE/FALSE: Reduction involves oxygen transfer to a metal.


TRUE/FALSE: Rubber and plastic are two examples of amorphous solids.

False (do not have geometric isomers)

TRUE/FALSE: Simple alkynes have geometric isomers.


TRUE/FALSE: Sodium hypochlorite oxidizes stains to make their removal easier.

False (grams/L)

TRUE/FALSE: Solubilities of gases are usually reported in grams/mL.


TRUE/FALSE: Solubility of a material can be used to calculate Ksp.

False (volumetric flask)

TRUE/FALSE: Solutions are best prepared in a calibrated beaker.


TRUE/FALSE: Some chemical reactions can involve production of electricity.


TRUE/FALSE: Some dissolved ions can recombine with the crystal.


TRUE/FALSE: Some elements have no stable isotopes.


TRUE/FALSE: Some oxidation reactions do not involve oxygen.


TRUE/FALSE: Some reactions can occur at room temperature.


TRUE/FALSE: Spontaneous reactions release free energy as they proceed.


TRUE/FALSE: Spontaneous redox reactions produce electrical energy.

False (glucose monomers)

TRUE/FALSE: Starch is composed of galactose monomers.

False (only impacts rate of dissolving)

TRUE/FALSE: Stirring a solute affects the overall amount dissolved.


TRUE/FALSE: Surface tension is a measure of the elastic force on the surface of the liquid.

False (detect brain tumors and liver disorders)

TRUE/FALSE: Technetium-99 is used to detect skin cancer.

False (temperature is constant)

TRUE/FALSE: Temperature is a variable when using Boyle's Law.


TRUE/FALSE: Temperatures of solutions are measured before they are mixed.

False (the termites themselves don't digest the cellulose)

TRUE/FALSE: Termites digest cellulose.

False (concentration does not change

TRUE/FALSE: The Ag+ concentration gradually changes.


TRUE/FALSE: The DNA molecules consists of two chains wrapped in a double helix.


TRUE/FALSE: The H for the quicklime reaction is positive at 25C.

False (Kw is at 25C)

TRUE/FALSE: The Kw quoted in the text is not influenced by temperature.


TRUE/FALSE: The R group is referred to as a side chain.


TRUE/FALSE: The [OH-] can be calculated for a solution if the pH is known.


TRUE/FALSE: The ability to monitor heat is important for an understanding of chemical processes.


TRUE/FALSE: The acidity of water is important for organisms that live in the water.


TRUE/FALSE: The air in a fully inflated car tire is at a higher pressure than the outside air.


TRUE/FALSE: The bases adenine, guanine, and cytosine are found in both DNA and RNA.

False (chair is preferred)

TRUE/FALSE: The boat form of cyclohexane is the preferred conformation.


TRUE/FALSE: The burning of fossil fuels is a method of energy production.


TRUE/FALSE: The carboxyl group can ionize to form a carboxylate anion.

False (second part)

TRUE/FALSE: The carboxylic acid portion of an ester name comes first.

False (positive)

TRUE/FALSE: The cell potential must be negative for the redox reaction to be spontaneous.


TRUE/FALSE: The change in Cl from KClO3 to KCl represents a reduction of Cl.

False (N on both sides is +5, so no change in oxidation number)

TRUE/FALSE: The change in N from HNO3 to NaNO3 represents an oxidation of N.

False (not important because it is a physical property)

TRUE/FALSE: The chemical nature of the solute is an important influence on vapor pressure lowering.


TRUE/FALSE: The choice of solvent has no effect on the value for the molality of a solution.


TRUE/FALSE: The common ion effect is an application of LeChatelier's principle.

False (deposition)

TRUE/FALSE: The conversion of vapor directly to solid is known as vaporization.

False (dissolved materials are the system)

TRUE/FALSE: The dissolved materials are the surroundings.

False (does not need a salt bridge because the paste prevents mixing)

TRUE/FALSE: The dry cell battery uses a salt bridge.

False (half-cells must be together)

TRUE/FALSE: The electrical potential of an isolated half-cell can be measured.


TRUE/FALSE: The ending for names of carboxylic acid is "-oic acid".

False (energy of the system decreases)

TRUE/FALSE: The energy of the system increases during an exothermic reaction.


TRUE/FALSE: The enthalpy change for an exothermic reaction is negative.

False (Sfus is used)

TRUE/FALSE: The entropy change during the melting of ice can be calculated using Hvap.

False (entropy will be positive)

TRUE/FALSE: The entropy change for the vaporization of water is negative.

False (entropy increases)

TRUE/FALSE: The entropy for the quicklime reaction decreases as the reaction proceeds.

False (rate is the same no matter what)

TRUE/FALSE: The equilibrium position depends on the initial concentrations of materials.


TRUE/FALSE: The fission process produces a large amount of energy.


TRUE/FALSE: The formation of NO from nitrogen and oxygen in the atmosphere is non-spontaneous at normal temperatures and pressures.

False (reaction is exothermic)

TRUE/FALSE: The forward Haber-Bosch reaction is endothermic.

False (occupy zero volume)

TRUE/FALSE: The gas particles of a truly ideal gas can occupy volume.

False (oxidation)

TRUE/FALSE: The half reaction Mg -> Mg2+ represents a reduction process


TRUE/FALSE: The half-reaction method is more useful for reactions involving ions in water.


TRUE/FALSE: The heat absorbed in melting is found using the molar heat of fusion.

False (Bronsted-Lowry base)

TRUE/FALSE: The hydroxide ion is a Brønsted-Lowry acid.

False (solids, liquids, and gases)

TRUE/FALSE: The kinetic-molecular theory only applies to gases.

False (power of the hydrogen ion)

TRUE/FALSE: The letters pH stand for hydrogen ion purity.


TRUE/FALSE: The lowering of vapor pressure depends on the number of dissolved solute particles.

False (measured in amu)

TRUE/FALSE: The mass of particles is measured in micrograms.


TRUE/FALSE: The mass of the solute is needed in order to calculate molar mass.

False (platinum)

TRUE/FALSE: The metal for the electrode is made of gold.

False (Pa is the standard unit)

TRUE/FALSE: The mmHg is the standard unit of pressure.

False (M2=M1V1/V2)

TRUE/FALSE: The molarity of a diluted solution can be calculated using M1V2/V1=M2


TRUE/FALSE: The most common cycloalkanes have five or six carbons.

False (5-chloro3-ethyl-6-methyldecane)

TRUE/FALSE: The name 6-methyl-5-chloro-3-ethyldecane follows the IUPAC nomenclature rules.


TRUE/FALSE: The net ionic equation for the neutralization of a strong acid by a strong base is H+ + OH-> H2O.

False (not a redox reaction because no change in oxidation numbers)

TRUE/FALSE: The neutralization of HCl by NaOH is a redox reaction.

False (cyclic)

TRUE/FALSE: The open-chain structures combine in the formation of a disaccharide.


TRUE/FALSE: The oxidation number for S in compounds depends on the structure of the compound.


TRUE/FALSE: The oxidation number of an atom in an element is zero.


TRUE/FALSE: The physical and chemical properties of geometric isomers are usually different.


TRUE/FALSE: The plateau portions of a heating curve indicate melting and boiling points for the material.

False (the ratio gradually declines)

TRUE/FALSE: The ratio of radioactive carbon to stable carbon does not change.


TRUE/FALSE: The reaction of sodium metal with water to form NaOH and hydrogen gas is a redox reaction.

False (it affects binding)

TRUE/FALSE: The shape of the substrate does not affect active site binding.


TRUE/FALSE: The side chain for aspartic acid is a carboxyl group.

False (only gases)

TRUE/FALSE: The solid portion of an equilibrium equation appears in the Ksp expression.


TRUE/FALSE: The solid state for water is less dense than the liquid state.


TRUE/FALSE: The solubility of most solid substances increases as the temperature increases.


TRUE/FALSE: The specific heat is the amount needed to raise one gram of material 1C.

False (specific heats are different)

TRUE/FALSE: The specific heat of liquid water and of ice are the same.

False (molar heat of vaporization)

TRUE/FALSE: The specific heat of water is used to determine the amount of energy needed to convert water to steam.


TRUE/FALSE: The spoon serves as the cathode in the electroplating process.


TRUE/FALSE: The standard entropy of a substance is given by S.


TRUE/FALSE: The standard hydrogen electrode is immersed in 1.0 M H+.


TRUE/FALSE: The straight-chain form of fructose is a ketone.

False (not thoroughly studied)

TRUE/FALSE: The structures of most activated complexes have been thoroughly studied.

False (Josiah Gibbs)

TRUE/FALSE: The symbol for free energy is in honor of the American scientist James Gibbs.

False (it is not linear)

TRUE/FALSE: The temperature dependence of vapor pressure for a liquid is linear.


TRUE/FALSE: The temperature during a phase change remains constant.


TRUE/FALSE: The total energy released or absorbed depends on the amount of material involved.


TRUE/FALSE: The total increase in oxidation number must equal the total decrease in oxidation number.

False (called vaporization)

TRUE/FALSE: The transition from liquid to vapor is called condensation.


TRUE/FALSE: The transition from solid to liquid is called melting.


TRUE/FALSE: The two cyclohexane conformations interconvert readily.

False (units are the same for each reaction)

TRUE/FALSE: The units for the equilibrium constant vary depending on the reaction.


TRUE/FALSE: The value = zero at the equilibrium point in the ice-water system.


TRUE/FALSE: The vapor pressure of water depends on the number of particles dissolved in it.


TRUE/FALSE: The wood in a fireplace is part of the system.


TRUE/FALSE: The flask is constantly swirled while base is being added.

False (20)

TRUE/FALSE: There are 15 amino acids associated with living organisms.


TRUE/FALSE: There are six carbons in a benzene ring.


TRUE/FALSE: There are three stop codes.


TRUE/FALSE: Thymol Blue indicator is yellow below about pH 8.7.

False (blue above pH 9)

TRUE/FALSE: Thymolphthalein is blue below pH 9.

False (non polar molecules)

TRUE/FALSE: Triglycerides are very water-soluble.


TRUE/FALSE: Triglycerides contain three fatty acids.


TRUE/FALSE: U-235 splits into Kr and Ba.


TRUE/FALSE: U-238 decays by alpha emission to form Th-234.

False (does not always rapidly decompose)

TRUE/FALSE: Unstable nuclei decompose rapidly.


TRUE/FALSE: Uranian isotopes have been used to date the age of rocks.


TRUE/FALSE: When HCl is added to water, the equilibrium shifts to the H2O(l) side.


TRUE/FALSE: When Keq is large, G should be negative.

False (G is zero)

TRUE/FALSE: When Keq=1, then G is positive.


TRUE/FALSE: When a reaction is exothermic, the H term needs to be larger than the TS term for the reaction to be spontaneous.

False (volume is not always conserved)

TRUE/FALSE: When adding liquid solute and solvent together, volume is always conserved.

False (strong base)

TRUE/FALSE: When heated with a strong aid, the ester breaks down.


TRUE/FALSE: Work must be done to decrease entropy.

False (concentration of A)

TRUE/FALSE: [A] means the number of moles of A.

False (molar mass=mass/moles of gas)

TRUE/FALSE: moles of gas/mass = molar mass

False (acids can be strong and weak)

TRUE/FALSE: All acids are strong electrolytes.


TRUE/FALSE: An increase in gas pressure is equivalent to increasing the concentration of the gas.


TRUE/FALSE: Chlorine is used as a disinfectant.


TRUE/FALSE: In the electrolysis of water, water is simultaneously oxidized and reduced.


TRUE/FALSE: Oranges contain ascorbic acid.

False (pure water does not)

TRUE/FALSE: Pure water will effectively conduct an electric current.


TRUE/FALSE: S is the oxidizing agent in the formation of ZnS from Zn and S.


TRUE/FALSE: Sodium hydrogen carbonate is an antacid.

False (major producer)

TRUE/FALSE: The Down's cell is a minor producer of sodium metal.

C (indicates the energy needed for the reaction to occur)

The activated complex A) represents the completed reaction B) forms at the start of the reaction C) indicates the energy needed for the reaction to occur D) exists for several minutes


The reaction involving zinc metal immersed in a solution of copper ions is called a ____ reaction. A) indirect B) oscillating C) direct D) solution

C (-0.83 V)

The reduction potential for water is A) -0.70 V B) -0.80 V C) -0.83 V D) -0.89 V

D (gain of hydrogen)

The reduction process involves A) gain of oxygen B) increase in oxidation number C) complete loss of electrons D) gain of hydrogen

B (temperature change)

Using a calorimeter, the property measured is A) change of state B) temperature change C) formation of a gas D) formation of a solid

7.4 L (4.5 L/1 x 4.1 mol/2.5 mol)

A 4.5 L balloon contains 2.5 mol of gas. If another 1.6 mol of gas are added, what is the new volume of the balloon?

C (transfer of proton)

A Brønsted-Lowry acid-base reaction involves A) formation of free hydrogen ion B) utilization of water C) transfer of proton D) formation of hydroxide ion

D (accepts a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond)

A Lewis acid A) donates a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond B) releases a proton C) accepts a proton D) accepts a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond

C (accepts a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond)

A Lewis base A) donates a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond B) releases a proton C) accepts a pair of electrons to form a covalent bond D) accepts a proton

B (atmospheric pressure)

A barometer is used to measure A) gas pressure for experiments B) atmospheric pressure C) vacuum pressure D) gas pressure in enclosed systems

D (less than seven)

A basic solution has a pOH of A) greater than seven B) seven C) less than five D) less than seven

B (time)

A chemical system in equilibrium can be disrupted by changes in all the following except A) temperature B) time C) concentration D) pressure

C (reaction is exothermic)

A combustion reaction is considered to be spontaneous because A) entropy is lowered B) the energy of the system increases C) reaction is exothermic D) randomness of the system decreases

External source of heat provides the activation energy needed for the exothermic reaction to occur spontaneously.

A combustion reaction is considered to be spontaneous, but firewood does not burst into flame until an external source of heat is provided. Why is burning wood considered a spontaneous reaction?

C (has a relatively large amount of solute)

A concentrated solution is one that A) has a relatively small amount of solute B) has an unknown amount of solute C) has a relatively large amount of solute D) thinks a lot

B (sugar is crystallized out of solution)

A decrease in entropy can be seen when A) a sugar cube is crushed B) sugar is crystallized out of solution C) sugar is dissolved in water D) sugar cubes are spilled on the table

C (hydrogen and oxygen form water)

A decrease in entropy is seen when A) NaCl is dissolved in water B) CaCO3 forms CaO and CO2 C) hydrogen and oxygen form water D) water evaporates

A (has a relatively small amount of solute)

A dilute solution is one that A) has a relatively small amount of solute B) has an unknown amount of solute C) has a relatively large amount of solute D) has had solvent removed

C (monounsaturated)

A fat with one double bond is called A) saturated B) monosaturated C) monounsaturated D) polyunsaturated

B (12-24)

A fatty acid is _______ carbons in length A) 5-8 B) 12-24 C) 15-30 D) 9-15

D (hydrogen forming helium + energy)

A fusion process that takes place in the sun involves: A) hydrogen forming lithium B) hydrogen forming helium C) hydrogen forming carbon + energy D) hydrogen forming helium + energy

A (become liquid)

A gas brought to extremely low temperatures will A) become liquid B) increase in volume C) lose molecules D) remain a gas

D (very high pressure)

A gas deviates from ideal behavior at A) very low pressures B) very high temperatures C) very low concentrations of gas particles D) very high pressures

76 g/mol ((745 mmHg x 0.35 L) / (62.36 L mmHg/K mol x 370 K) = 0.011 mol, 0.8396 g / 0.011 mol = 76 g/mol)

A gas had a mass of 0.8396 g with a volume of 0.35 L at a pressure of 745 mmHg and a temperature of 370 K. Calculate the molar mass.

C (C and H)

A hydrocarbon contains A) C, H, and O B) C, H, and N C) C and H D) C and O

B (proton)

A hydrogen ion is often referred to as a A) portion B) proton C) positron D) H atom

B (it is easier to reduce hydrogen)

A negative standard reduction potential means A) it is easier to reduce the species B) it is easier to reduce hydrogen C) it is easier to oxidize the species D) hydrogen oxidizes less readily than the species

B (amide bond)

A peptide bond is another name for A) amine bond B) amide bond C) amino bond D) amido bond

D (a substance is in equilibrium between two states)

A phase equilibrium occurs when A) all reactants are in the same phase B) all products are in the same phase C) a solid substance is in a saturated solution D) a substance is in equilibrium between two states

1800 J (q = 50.0 g x 4.18 J/g C x 8.7 C = 1800 J)

A piece of metal is heated and dropped into a calorimeter holding 50.0 mL of water at 20.0 C. The temperature increases to 28.7 C. How many joules of energy were released?

C (a sequence of ten or more amino acids)

A polypeptide is A) an amino acid sequence with five components or less B) any amino chain greater than four amino acids in length C) a sequence of ten or more amino acids D) a sequence of five or more amino acids

B (an electron)

A positron has the same mass as A) a proton B) an electron C) a neutron D) an alpha particle

B (the reverse reaction slows down)

A reaction goes to completion when all of the following occur except A) a product is removed as soon as it is formed B) the reverse reaction slows down C) the reverse reaction cannot establish itself D) equilibrium does not occur

-6 kJ (m = (50 mL + 50 mL) x 1.0 g/mL = 100 g, H = -(100 g x 4.18 J/g C x 14 C) = -6 kJ)

A reaction was run between 50 mL of nitric acid and 50 mL of KOH, both at 0.5 M. A temperature change from 20C to 34C was observed. Assume the density of each solution is 1.00 g/mL and that the specific heat of each solution was that of pure water. Calculate the enthalpy change for this reaction.

B (formation of an ionized compound)

A reaction will go to completion under all of the following situation except A) formation of a precipitate B) formation of an ionized compound C) formation of a gas D) formation of a nonionized compound

B (two)

A redox reaction must involve a change in oxidation number for at least ____ of the atoms in the reaction. A) one B) two C) three D) four

A (reduces another atom)

A reducing agent A) reduces another atom B) oxidizes another atom C) is reduced by another atom D) transfers hydrogen from one atom to another

310 K (298 K/1 x 4300 torr/4100 torr = 310 K)

A rigid cylinder of nitrogen shows a pressure of 4100 torr at 25C. The cylinder is then transported to the desert where it shows a pressure of 4300 torr. What is the temperature in the desert?

A (two)

A secondary alcohol has ______ R group(s) attached to the C-OH carbon A) two B) three C) one D) four

C (disrupting the order of solvent molecules)

A solute affects the freezing point of a solvent by A) increasing the kinetic energy of the solvent molecules B) decreasing the kinetic energy of the solvent molecules C) disputing the order of solvent molecules D) increasing the order of the solvent molecules

1.85 M (NaCN molar mass = 49.01 g/mol, 22.7 / 49.01 g/mol = 0.463 mol, 0.463 mol / 0.250 L = 1.85 M)

A solution is prepared by dissolving 22.7 g NaCN in enough water to make 250 mL of solution. What is the molarity?

B (1 x 10-6)

A solution with a pH value of 6 has a hydrogen ion concentration of A) 1 x 103 B) 1 x 10-6 C) 1 x 106 D) 1 x 10-3

2730 torr (3150 torr/1 x 263 K/303 K = 2730 torr)

A steel cylinder of oxygen gas shows a pressure of 3150 torr at 30C. What is the pressure when the tank is at the top of Annapurna where the temperature is -10C.

B (drain cleaner)

All of the following are acids except A) vinegar B) drain cleaner C) carbonated soda D) citrus fruits

A (magnesium)

Aluminum metal will not oxidize when in a solution of ______ cations. A) magnesium B) mercury C) iron D) lead

C (has no effect on the equilibrium)

Addition of a catalyst to a reaction in equilibrium A) increases the rate of the forward reaction B) decreases the rate of the forward reaction C) has no effect on the equilibrium D) increases the rate of the reverse reaction

D (unsaturated compounds)

Addition reactions take place on A) cyclic compounds B) saturated compounds C) amine compounds D) unsaturated compounds

B (strong electrolyte)

AgCl can still be considered a A) weak electrolyte B) strong electrolyte C) nonelectrolyte D) covalent compound

B (liquid in liquid

Alcohol dissolved in water is an example of a ____ solution. A) solid in liquid B) liquid in liquid C) gas in liquid D) liquid in gas

B (hydroxyl group)

Alcohols all have a A) hydroxide group B) hydroxyl group C) hydroxide anion D) hydroxyl anion

C (weak hydrogen bonds)

Aldehydes and ketones interact with water through A) strong H bonds B) dispersion forces C) weak hydrogen bonds D) ion-dipole interactions

A (CnH2n-2)

Alkynes with one triple bond have the general formula A) CnH2n-2 B) CNH2n+2 C) CnH2n D) CnH2n-1

B (removing electrons for storage)

All of the following are applications of electrochemistry except A) providing power to devices B) removing electrons for storage C) plate metals D) nerve transmission

C (there are no good radionuclides to use)

All of the following are problems associated with the use of radiation for cancer treatment except A) healthy tissue might be destroyed B) some cancer cells can become resistant C) there are no good radionuclides to use D) not all the cancer cells may be killed

A (turn litmus blue)

All of the following are properties of acids except A) turn litmus blue B) react with some metals to produce H2 C) aqueous solutions are electrolytes D) sour taste

C (contains hydroxide group)

All of the following are true about ammonia except A) turns litmus blue B) turns phenolphthalein pink C) contains hydroxide group D) reacts with acid

C (electron loss is reduction)

All of the following are true about redox reactions except A) electron loss is oxidation B) electron gain is reduction C) electron loss is reduction D) electrons that are lost must be gained by another particle

C (pH is greater than seven when titrating a weak base)

All of the following are true about the equivalence point except A) pH is seven for strong acid-strong base titrations B) pH is greater than seven when titrating a weak acid C) pH is greater than seven when titrating a weak base D) pH is less than seven when titrating a weak base

D (silver ions are oxidized to silver metal)

All of the following are true statements about silver electroplating except A) silver is both oxidized and reduced B) a silver strip serves as the anode C) silver nitrate solution is used in the process D) silver ions are oxidized to silver metal

C (products are favored over reactants in a nonspotaneous reaction)

All of the following are true statements except A) voltaic cells use spontaneous reactions to generate electric current B) nonspontaneous reactions are driven by an external electrical current C) products are favored over reactants in a nonspontaneous reaction D) half cells are involved in both voltaic and electrolytic processes

C (cyanide)

All of the following can function as cofactors for enzymes except A) iron B) vitamin B C) cyanide D) magnesium

C (electronegativity)

All of the following except one are forms of matter A) gas B) solid C) electronegativity D) liquid

B (orbital-filling)

All of the following except one are ways to depict organic molecules A) ball-and-stick B) orbital-filling C) structural D) space-filling

B (pressure affects nuclear reactions)

All of the following statements about nuclear radiation are true except A) the nucleus gains stability by undergoing a reaction B) pressure affects nuclear reactions C) temperature does not affect a nuclear reaction D) energies released in nuclear reactions are much larger than energies in chemical reactions.

D (treating iron ore with carbon is an oxidative process)

All of the following statements about oxidation are true except A) combustion is an oxidation process B) oxidation involves the addition of oxygen C) rusting of iron is an oxidation process D) treating iron ore with carbon is an oxidative process

A (bleaches reduce stains by removal of oxygen atoms)

All of the following statements about reduction are true except A) bleaches reduce stains by removal of oxygen atoms B) reduction is the removal of oxygen from a substance C) iron oxide can be reduced to pure iron D) every reduction process requires a simultaneous oxidation process

A (has the same structure for all amino acids)

All of the following statements about the amino acid R group are true except A) has the same structure for all amino acids B) varies from one amino acid to another C) some contain aliphatic structures D) some contain aromatic structures

C (free amino group on the right)

Amino acid sequences are written using all of the following rules except A) free amino group on the left B) free carboxyl group on the right C) free amino group on the right D) amino acids listed in order

B (halogen)

Amino acids contain all of the following except A) amino group B) halogen C) carboxyl group D) hydrogen

A (starch)

Amylopectin is the branched form of A) starch B) cellulose C) glycogen D) glycerol

D (ionizable hydrogen atoms)

An Arrhenius acid is a compound with A) covalently bound hydrogen atoms B) hydrogen atoms attached to carbon C) reactive hydrogen atoms D) ionizable hydrogen atoms

C (ionizable OH group)

An Arrhenius base is a compound with A) reactive OH group B) covalently bound OH group C) ionizable OH group D) OH group attached to carbon

D (He nucleus with two protons and two neutrons)

An alpha particle is a A) He nucleus with one neutron and two protons B) H nucleus with one proton and one neutron C) H nucleus with one proton and two neutrons D) He nucleus with two protons and two neutrons

C (mercury in silver and tin)

An example of a liquid in solid solution is A) water in air B) zinc in copper C) mercury in silver and tin D) salt in water

C (curium)

An example of a transuranium element is A) protactinium B) uranium C) curium D) dysprosium

A (making coffee)

An example of an endothermic reaction is A) making coffee B) solar flares C) house fire D) sodium in water

B (burning a candle)

An example of an exothermic reaction is A) baking a cake B) burning a candle C) warming a room D) melting ice

D (energy goes from surroundings to system)

An exothermic reaction has all of the following except A) heat is released B) heat released is written on the product side of the reaction C) energy is in kJ D) energy goes from surroundings to system

B (increase in velocity)

An increase in temperature causes air molecules to A) decrease in velocity B) increase in velocity C) react with their surroundings D) become converted to other structures

A (2)

An indicator ionizes with in a ____ pH unit range A) 2 B) 3 C) 1 D) 1.5

C (no rearrangement of atoms occurs)

An ineffective collision is one in which A) the wrong compound is formed B) a smaller than expected amount of the desired compound is formed C) no rearrangement of atoms occurs D) a rearrangement of atoms occurs

C (foam cups)

An inexpensive calorimeter can be made out of A) soda pop cans B) plastic cups C) foam cups D) aluminum foil

B (oxidizes another atom)

An oxidizing agent A) reduces another atom B) oxidizes another atom C) is oxidized by another atom D) transfers oxygen from one atom to another

B (hydrogen atoms)

An unsaturated hydrocarbon contains less than the maximum number of A) carbon atoms B) hydrogen atoms C) halogen atoms D) oxygen atoms

B (explode)

An unvented can placed in a fire will A) ignite B) explode C) freeze D) collapse

C (does not change)

As an ice cube melts, the temperature of the ice A) increases B) decreases C) does not change D) fluctuates

B (increases, increases)

As pressure above the solvent _____, the amount of dissolved gas ______. A) increases, decreases B) increases, increases C) decreases, increases D) decreases, not affected

C (the CO2 formed remains in the reaction vessel)

Assumptions made in calculations dealing with quicklime formation include all of the following except A) no products are formed below 835 C B) H and S values are independent of temperature C) the CO2 formed remains in the reaction vessel D) G switches from positive to negative at 835 C

C (vaporization)

At 100C, water undergoes _____ to become steam A) melting B) condensation C) vaporization D) sublimation

A (condensation)

At 373 K, steam undergoes _____ to become liquid. A) condensation B) deposition C) freezing D) sublimation

A (2500 L)

At STP, the typical scuba tank will hold approximately _____. A) 2500 L B) 3500 L C) 2500 mL D) 3500 mL

532.6 mL (350.0 mL/1 x 525.0 K/345.0 K = 532.6 mL)

At constant pressure, the temperature of 350.0 mL of hydrogen is increased from 345.0 K to 525.0 K. What is the new volume?

240 K (350 K/1 x 670 mL/980 mL = 240 K)

At constant pressure, the volume of nitrogen gas decreases from 980 mL at 350 K to 670 mL when the temperature is changed. What is the new temperature for the gas?

A (changes very slowly)

At the beginning of a titration curve, the pH A) changes very slowly B) changes rapidly C) shows no change initially D) fluctuates depending on the acid

A (0.1 rem/yr)

Average exposure to background radiation is A) 0.1 rem/yr B) 0.5 rem/yr C) 0.2 rem/yr D) 0.8 rem/yr

A (constant temperature and pressure)

Avogadro's Law relates volume and amount of gas at A) constant temperature and pressure B) constant temperature C) constant pressure D) constant velocity

C (pressure and volume)

Boyle's Law deals with the relationship between A) pressure and temperature B) volume and temperature C) pressure and volume D) temperature and amount of gas

-333.1 J/K mol (S = 126.8 - 197.9 - 2(131.0) = -333.1 J/K mol)

Calculate S for: CO(g) + 2H2(g) -> CH3OH(l). S values: CO=197.9 J/K mol, H2=131.0 J/K mol, CH3OH=126.8 J/K mol

158.9 J/K mol (S = 38.2 + 213.6 - 92.9 = 158.9 J/K mol)

Calculate S for: CaCO3(s) -> CaO(s) + CO2(g). S values: CaCO3=92.9 J/K mol, CaO=38.2 J/K mol, CO2=213.6 J/K mol

4.29x10^-81 (Bi2S3 -> 2Bi3+ + 3S2-, 1.70x10^-14 g/1 L x 1 mole/514.14 g = 3.31x10^-17 M, [Bi3+]=6.62x10^-17 and [S2-]=9.93x10^-17, Ksp = [6.62x10^-17)2(9.93x10^-17)3 = 4.29x10^-81)

Calculate the Ksp for Bi2S3 when the solubility of the compound is 1.70x10^-14 g/L.

102.4 C (Convert 450 g to 0.45 kg, KBr molar mass = 119.00 g/mol, 125 g / 119.0 g/mol = 1.05 mol, 1.05 mol / 0.45 kg = 2.3 m, Tb = i x Kb x m, Tb = 2 x 0.512 x 2.3 = 2.4 C, Boiling point is 102.4 C)

Calculate the boiling point of a solution of 125 g KBr in 450 g water.

-8.6 C (Convert 450 g to 0.45 kg, KBr molar mass = 119.00 g/mol, 125 g / 119.0 g/mol = 1.05 mol, 1.05 mol / 0.45 kg = 2.3 m, Tb = i x Kb x m, Tb = 2 x 0.512 x 2.3 = 2.4 C, Boiling point is 102.4 C)

Calculate the freezing point of a solution of 125 g KBr in 450 g water.

466 kJ (refer to question 31 on math sheet for work that must be included in answer)

Calculate the heat released when 150 g of steam at 125 C is converted to ice at -19 C (note that there will be multiple steps).

1.08x10^-5 M (BaCrO4 -> Ba2+ + CrO42-, 1.17x10^-10 = [s]2 -> 1.08x10^-5 M)

Calculate the molar solubility of BaCrO4 given the Ksp of 1.17x10^-10.

9 (1. pH = -log[H+] 2. pH = -log[1x10-5] 3. pH = 5 4. pH + pOH = 14 5. 5 + pOH = 14 6. pOH = 9)

Calculate the pOH of a solution with 1 x 10-5 M HCl

10.1 (1. pH + pOH = 14 2. 3.9 + pOH = 14 3. pOH = 10.1)

Calculate the pOH of a solution with pH = 3.9:

A (Li)

Carbon can readily form covalent bonds with all of the following except A) Li B) Cl C) H D) N

B (four)

Carbon has _______ valence electrons A) two B) four C) three D) five

B (providing different reaction pathways)

Catalysts operate by A) forming different compounds B) providing different reaction pathways C) reacting with the starting materials D) increasing the activation energy required

C (microorganisms)

Cellulose is only digestible by A) humans B) animals C) microorganisms D) cattle

C (sperm whale)

Cetyl palmitate is found in A) hair B) plant leaves C) sperm whale D) feathers

D (increase in temperature)

Change from the liquid to the vapor state involves all of the following except A) absorption of energy B) more space between particles in the vapor state C) disruption of intermolecular forces D) increase in temperature

D (removing products as the reaction proceeds)

Chemical equilibrium can be attained under all but one of the following conditions A) beginning only with reactants B) beginning only with products C) beginning with a mix of reactants and products D) removing products as the reaction proceeds

D (the French chemist Henri Le Chatelier)

Chemical equilibrium was studied by _____. A) the French chemist Pierre Le Chatelier B) the Belgian chemist Henri Le Chatelier C) the English chemist Henri Le Chatelier D) the French chemist Henri Le Chatelier

D (molarity/second)

Chemical reaction rates are measured using A) molarity/minute B) moles/second C) molals/minute D) molarity/second

A (there are many chemical bonds present)

Chemicals in gasoline contain a large amount of potential energy because A) there are many chemical bonds present B) gasoline is very volatile C) gasoline components carry out several reactions D) there are many compounds present in gasoline

B (Sn2+)

Co2+ will undergo reduction when paired with half-cells made of all of the following except A) Cd2+ B) Sn2+ C) Ca2+ D) Cs+

218/86 (subtract 4 from 222, and subtract 2 from 88)

Complete the following decay reaction: 222/88Ra -> 4/2He + ?

12/6 C

Complete the following reaction: 9/4Be + 4/2He -> ? + 1/0n


Complete the following reaction: CH3CH2CH=CH2 + HBr -> ?

684 mmHg (0.900 atm/1 x 760 mmHg/1 atm = 684 mmHg)

Convert 0.900 atm to mmHg.

1.06 atm (107 kPa/1 x 1 atm/101.3 kPa = 1.06 atm)

Convert 107 kPa to atm.

93 kPa (698 torr/1 x 101.3 kPa/760 torr = 93.0 kPa)

Convert 698 torr to kPa.

699 mmHg (93.2 kPa/1 x 760 mmHg/101.3 kPa = 699 mmHg)

Convert 93.2 kPa to mmHg.

C (Mn2+)

Cr will reduce all of the following except A) Ag+ B) Br2 C) Mn2+ D) Pb2+

add 60 g KBr to 340 g water (Mass = 15% x 400 g = 60 g solute, so you should add 60 g of KBr to 340 g of water)

Describe how to prepare 400 grams of a 15% (mass/mass) aqueous solution of KBr.

D (1.0 M)

Determination of standard cell potential requires an electrochemical cell with aqueous components present at____ concentration. A) 0.1 M B) 0.5 M C) 2.0 M D) 1.0 M

Fe changes +1 from 2+ -> 3+ so oxidation, Mn changes -5 from 7+ -> 2+ so reduction

Determine the change in oxidation numbers for the iron and manganese: Fe2+ + MnO4- -> Fe3+ + Mn2+

C (half-cells)

Difference in electrical potential between two ______ produces voltage. A) ions B) electrodes C) half-cells D) anodes

A precipitate forms (0.1 mol/1 L x 0.001 L = 0.0001 mol Ag+, [Ag+][Cl-] = (0.0001)(0.00001) = 1x10^-9, Ksp for AgCl is 1.8x10^-10, so a precipitate forms because the ion product is greater)

Does a precipitate of AgCl form when 1 mL of 0.1 mol/L AgNO3 is added to a beaker containing 1 L of tap water with a Cl- ion concentration of 1.0x10^-5 mol/L?

B (are in equilibrium with one another)

During the melting process, the solid and liquid states A) lose energy B) are in equilibrium, with one another C) are constantly changing D) exist independently of one another

C (an increase in temperature of the liquid will increase the rate of evaporation)

During the process of evaporation A) molecules with lower kinetic energy escape first B) as evaporation proceeds, the temperature of the liquid increases C) an increase in temperature of the liquid will increase the rate of evaporation D) liquid in a closed container will evaporate more rapidly than liquid in an open container.

B (E = mc2)

Einstein's equation states A) E = mc B) E = mc2 C) E = m/c D) E = m/c2

C (delocalized)

Electrons in the benzene ring are A) decoupled B) debonded C) delocalized D) delocated

A (antifreeze)

Ethylene glycol is commonly used as A) antifreeze B) antiseptic C) moistening agent D) hand sanitizer

D (very high atmospheric pressure)

Evaporation of a liquid requires all of the following except A) high enough temperatures B) high enough kinetic energy so that particles can escape the surface C) an open system D) very high atmospheric pressure

D (cheese)

Food containing high amount of saturated fats include A) nuts B) avocado C) olive oil D) cheese

not spontaneous, 315 K (Part 1: G = 35.6 - 280 x 0.113 = +3.96 kJ/mol, so the reaction is not spontaneous, Part 2: 0 = 35.6 - T x 0.113 = 315 K, above 315 K the reaction is spontaneous)

For a given reaction H=35.6 kJ/mol and S=113 J/K mol. Is the reaction spontaneous at 280 K? At what temperature (in K) will the reaction be spontaneous?

0.018 M/sec (Rate = -0.22 M / 12 seconds = 0.018 M/sec)

For a given reaction, [A] is 0.45 M at 5 seconds and 0.23 M at 17 seconds. Calculate the rate of the reaction.

B (1 x 10-7 M)

For a neutral solution, the [H+] is A) 1 x 10-5 M B) 1 x 10-7 M C) 1 x 10-6 M D) 1 x 10-8 M

spontaneous (0 = 14.2 - T x 0.0468 = 303 K, at 303K the reaction will be spontaneous)

For a reaction with a H of 14.2 kJ/mol and a S of 46.8 J/K mol, at what temperature (in K) will the reaction be spontaneous?

C (alphabetical order)

For alkyl halides containing are than one type of halogen, the substituents are listed by A) lowest number first B) order in periodic table C) alphabetical order D) increasing atomic mass

-79.9 kJ/mol (G = -55.8 - 298 x 0.0808 = -79.9 kJ/mol)

For the equilibrium reaction A + B <-> AB at 298 K, H=-55.8 kJ/mol, S=+80.8 J/K mol. Calculate G for this process.

+0.15 V, Pb2+ + Co -> Pb + Co2+

For the following cell combination calculate the standard cell potential and write the overall cell reaction: Co|Co2+ and Pb|Pb2+

+2.24 V, 2Cu+ + Be -> 2Cu + Be2+

For the following cell combination calculate the standard cell potential and write the overall cell reaction: Cu|Cu+ and Be|Be2+

B (Na is reduced)

For the reaction below, all of the following statements are correct except one Mn(NO3)2 + NaBiO3 + HNO3 -> HMnO4 + Bi(NO3)3 + NaNO3 + H2O A) Mn is oxidized B) Na is reduced C) Bi is reduced D) N is unchanged

C ([CO2])

For the reaction: CaCO3 (s) <-> CaO (s) + CO2 (g), the equilibrium constant would be A) [CaO][CO2]/[CaCO3] B) [CaCO3]/[CaO][CO2] C) [CO2] D) [CaO]/[CaCO3]

C (0 C)

For water, the transition from liquid to solid occurs at _____. A) 32 C B) 279 K C) 0 C D) 0 K

C (available to do work)

Free energy is energy that is A) stored for future use B) lost as a product of the reaction C) available to do work D) used to drive the reaction

C (molecular structure of gas)

Gas pressure is affected by all of the following except A) temperature B) volume of container C) molecular structure of gas D) amount of gas

A (identity of reactants)

Gas stoichiometry calculations require all of the following except A) identity of reactants B) formation of a gaseous product C) molar mass of reactants D) molar mass of products

B (gas molecules are far apart)

Gases can be compressed because A) gas molecules have less energy B) gas molecules are farther apart C) gas molecules are more flexible D) gas molecules move more slowly

D (French)

Gay-Lussac was a ______ chemist. A) Belgian B) Spanish C) Italian D) French

C (rigid)

Gay-Lussac's Law requires a ______ container A) flexible B) expanding C) rigid D) variable

C (different arrangement of atoms space)

Geometric isomers have A) different molecular formulas B) different structural formulas C) different arrangement of atoms in space D) numbers of carbons

B (monosaccharides)

Glucose and fructose are known as A) simple saccharides B) monosaccharides C) minisaccharides D) mirror saccharides

A (triol)

Glycerol is a A) triol B) trialcohol C) trione D) trialdehyde

B (glucose)

Glycogen is a highly branched polysaccharide made of ________ monomers. A) fructose B) glucose C) galactose D) lactose

A (greater surface area)

Granular sufar will react more rapidly with sulfuric acid than a sugar cube will because of A) greater surface area B) higher pressure C) increased temperature D) presence of granular catalyst

A (intermolecular forces)

Heat of fusion is strongly influenced by A) intermolecular forces B) temperature C) pressure D) solvent

The kinetic energy will be more near the fire.

How does the average kinetic energy of an air sample near a campfire compare to air that is far away from it?

607 J (145 cal x 4.184 J/cal = 607 J)

How many joules are there in 145 calories?

102 kJ (Energy = (45.00 g x 40.7 kJ/mol) / 18.02 g/mol = 102 kJ)

How much energy is released when 45.00 g steam is converted to water at 100 C?

4300 J (q = 25 g x 4.18 J/g C x 41 C = 4300 J)

How much energy must be absorbed by 25.0 g of water to increase its temperature from 55 C to 96.0 C.

8.57 kJ (25.7 g x 1 mol/18.02 g x 6.01 kJ/1 mol = 8.57 kJ)

How much heat is absorbed when 25.7 grams of ice melts?

C (iron catalyst)

Hydrogen replacement on benzene by a halogen requires A) high temperatures B) high pressures C) iron catalyst D) magnesium catalyst

C (melting)

Ice undergoes _____ at 273 K A) deposition B) condensation C) melting D) vaporization

18 C (-82.8 kJ/mol x 0.050 mol = -4.1 kJ, mass of solution = 250 g water + 5.5 g CaCl2 = 256 g, H = m x c x T, T = (-4100 J) / (256 g x 4.18 J/g C) = -3.8 C, Final temperature is 22 + -3.8 = 18 C)

If 5.5 g of CaCl2 are dissolved in 250 mL of water at 22 C, what will be the final temperature of the water? Assume that the heat capacity (specific heat) of the solution is the same as that of pure water. [The H for CaCl2 solution is -82.8 kJ/mol]

A (always negative)

If H is negative and S is positive, then G is A) always negative B) never negative C) negative at higher temperatures D) negative at lower temperatures

D (350,000 calories)

If a piece of chocolate cake contains 350 Calories, that is the equivalent of A) 35 calories B) 3500 calories C) 35,000 calories D) 350,000 calories

0.10 (1. molarity = moles/liters 2. 0.50 = moles/0.050 -> 0.025 mol KOH 3. 0.025 mol KOH x 1 mol H2SO4/2 mol KOH 4. 0.0125/0.125= 0.10 M)

If it takes 50.0 mL of 0.50 M KOH solution to neutralize 125 mL of H2SO4solution, what is the sulfuric acid concentration?

0.043 (1. MaVa=MbVb 2. (0.125)X=(0.10)(0.054) 3. Ma=0.043 M)

If it takes 54 mL of 0.10 M NaOH to neutralize 125 mL of an HCl solution, what is the HCl concentration?

D (the pressure will increase)

If the amount of gas in a rigid container is increased, A) the temperature will decrease B) the pressure will decrease C) the pressure will not change D) the pressure will increase

C (the gas will sublimate)

If the pressure on a gas in increased, all of the following can happen except A) the gas can form a liquid B) the gas molecules are closer together C) the gas will sublimate D) a solid can form

B (the water remains in the liquid form)

If the pressure on liquid water at 100C is increased, A) the water converts more easily to gas B) the water remains in the liquid form C) more solid water is formed D) density of the water decreases

B (depends on whether the value used is higher or lower than the real value)

If the value for the number of ions formed is in error, then the molar mass will A) not be affected by the real value B) depends on whether the value used is higher or lower than the real value C) be lower than the real value D) be higher than the real value

A (the pressure will increase)

If the volume of the container is decreased, A) the pressure will increase B) the pressure will not be affected C) the pressure will decrease D) there will be fewer gas collisions with the walls of the container

B (F)

In a chlorine-containing hydrocarbon, the chlorine can be replaced by A) H B) F C) Br D) I

C (have no effect on the equilibrium)

In a gas-phase reaction 2A + 3B <-> 4C + D, an increase in pressure will. A) favor the forward reaction B) favor the reverse reaction C) have no effect on the equilibrium D) decrease the rates of both reactions

D (N+3 -> N+5)

In a reaction, KNO2 is converted to KNO3. The oxidation-reduction change was A) K+ -> K2+ B) O- -> O2- C) N+3 -> N+4 D) N+3 -> N+5

C (the reaction proceeds in both directions simultaneously)

In a reversible reaction A) all the reactants convert to products B) all the products convert to reactants C) the reaction proceeds in both directions simultaneously D) the reaction goes in one direction and then reverses in the other direction

D (1 mol phosphoric acid/3 mol NaOH)

In a titration of phosphoric acid with NaOH, the ratio of acid to base for calculations is A) 1 mol phosphoric acid/1 mol NaOH B) 2 mol phosphoric acid/1 mol NaOH C) 1 mol phosphoric acid/2 mol NaOH D) 1 mol phosphoric acid/3 mol NaOH

B (the Cu electrode is the anode)

In an electrolytic process involving Zn and Cu A) the Zn electrode is the anode B) the Cu electrode is the anode C) Zn is oxidized D) Cu is reduced

A (atomic number increases by one)

In beta decay the following occurs: A) atomic number increases by one B) mass number increases by one C) atomic number decreases by one D) mass number decreases by one

C (the lab bench where the reaction is occurring)

In carrying out a chemical reaction, all of the following are part of the system except A) the chemicals in the reaction B) the beaker holding the chemicals C) the lab bench where the reaction is occurring D) the heating device to warm the reaction

C (temperatures can only be in Kelvin)

In combined gas law calculations A) pressures can only be in torr B) volumes can only be in liters C) temperatures can only be in Kelvin D) pressures can only be in kPa

B (amount of gas)

In combined gas law problems, only the ______ is held constant. A) volume of gas B) amount of gas C) pressure of gas D) temperature of gas

A (stainless steel spoon)

In electroplating, silver metal is deposited on a A) stainless steel spoon B) silver fork C) platinum rod D) aluminum foil

B (find the longest chain)

In naming branched-chain hydrocarbons, the first step is to A) identify the substituents B) find the longest chain C) number the carbon atoms D) list substituents in alphabetical order

A (the molar mass of the solvent)

In order to calculate molar mass from freezing or boiling point data, we need to know all of the following except A) the molar mass of the solvent B) the number of particles in solution C) the Kf or Kb of the solvent D) the type of solute-electrolyte or not

A (molten NaCl reacts at the cathode to form metallic sodium)

In the Down's cell A) molten NaCl reacts at the cathode to form metallic sodium B) molten NaCl reacts at the anode to form metallic sodium C) chlorine ions are reduced to form chlorine gas D) chlorine ions are converted to chlorine gas at the cathode

B (a = b = c)

In the cubic crystal structure A) a =/ b = c B) a = b = c C) a =/ b =/ c D) a = b =/ c

A (anode)

In the electrolysis of water, oxygen is formed at the A) anode B) cathode C) electrode D) electrical interface

B (an increase in the reverse reaction)

In the equilibrium reaction A + B <-> C + D + 87.5 kJ, an increase in temperature will produce A) an increase in the forward reaction B) an increase in the reverse reaction C) an increase in the formation of C + D D) no effect on Keq

B (an increase in the rate of the forward reaction)

In the equilibrium reaction CaCO3 (s) <-> CaO (s) + O2 (g), a decrease in pressure produces. A) an increase in CaCO3 formation B) an increase in the rate of the forward reaction C) a decrease in CaO formation D) an increase in the rate of the reverse reaction

C (have no effect on the Keq)

In the equilibrium system A <-> B, an increase in [A] will A) increase the Keq B) decrease the Keq C) have no effect on the Keq D) have variable effects on the Keq

A (causes an increase in the forward reaction)

In the equilibrium system A <-> B, an increase in [A] will. A) cause an increase in the forward reaction B) cause an increase in the reverse reaction C) cause a decrease in the forward reaction D) have no effect on concentrations

D (H atoms in water have a greater electron density than they did in H2)

In the formation of water from O2 and H2 all of the following are true except A) hydrogen atoms are oxidized B) oxygen atoms are reduced C) in the -O-H bond, the electrons are more attracted to O D) H atoms in water have a greater electron density than they did in H2

D (Death Valley, California)

In the four settings below, the boiling point of water is highest at A) Mauna Kea, Hawaii (13,803 fett above sea level) B) Denver, Colorado (5183 feet above sea level) C) New Orleans, Louisiana (4 feet above sea level) D) Death Valley, California (282 feet below sea level)

B (spectator)

In the neutralization reaction between HCl and NaOH, the Na+ and Cl- ions are _____ ions A) neutral B) spectator C) sideline D) unnecessary

A (measurable CO2 is detected above 700 C)

In the quicklime manufacturing process A) measurable CO2 is detected above 700 C B) the CO2 pressure begins to exceed 1 atm at 700 C C) no CO2 is produced below 835 C D) measurable CO2 is detected at 300 C

If the amount of O2 is increased then the reverse reaction is favored to decrease the amount of product, decreasing the decomposition of calcium carbonate

In the reaction CaCO3 (s) <-> CaO (s) + O2 (g), if the amount of O2 is increased, does that decrease the decomposition of calcium carbonate or increase the formation of calcium oxide? Explain.

B (decreasing the number of particles)

Increasing the volume of a container has the same effect on pressure as A) increasing the temperature B) decreasing the number of particles C) increasing the number of particles D) changing the container structure

decreasing (products have fewer particles)

Is entropy increasing or decreasing in the reaction: 2Al(s) + 3Br2(g) -> 2AlBr3(s)

decreasing (products have fewer particles)

Is entropy increasing or decreasing in the reaction: 2CO(g) + O2(g) -> 2CO2(g)

increasing (products have more particles)

Is entropy increasing or decreasing in the reaction: 2Cl2O5(g) -> 2Cl2(g) + 5O2(g)

increasing (products have more particles)

Is entropy increasing or decreasing in the reaction: 2HgO(s) -> 2Hg(l) + O2(g)

decreasing (aqueous to solid)

Is entropy increasing or decreasing in the reaction: 3Li2CO3(aq) + 2Al(NO3)3(aq) -> 6LiNO3(aq) + Al2(CO3)3(s)

increasing (liquid to gas)

Is entropy increasing or decreasing in the reaction: Ca(s) + 2H2O(l) -> Ca(OH)2(aq) + H2(g)

C (all reactions run under the same conditions)

Knowledge of functional groups is useful for all of the following reasons except A) same type of reaction for all members of the functional group B) consistency in naming C) all reactions run under same conditions D) similar properties based on functional group

A (moles/L)

Ksp calculations uses concentrations units of A) moles/L B) moles/mL C) grams/L D) moles x L

A (glucose + galactose)

Lactose is made up of the monosaccharides A) glucose + galactose B) glucose + maltose C) glucose + fructose D) glucose + ribose

A (rate of evaporation equals rate of condensation)

Liquid in a closed container behaves in the following way: A) rate of evaporation equals rate of condensation B) rate of condensation is greater than rate of evaporation C) collisions with the side of the container increase the kinetic energy of the liquid D) rate of evaporation is greater than rate of condensation

C (when the solute is a solid)

Mass percent is used when A) the solute is a liquid B) when the solvent is a solid C) when the solute is a solid D) when the solute is a gas

85 J/K mol (0 = 98 - 1158 x Sfus = 0.085 kJ/K mol -> 85 J/K mol)

Metallic sodium boils at 1158 K and the Hvap is 98 kJ/mol. What is the Svap?

A (the concentration of molar solutions is affected by temperature)

Molal solutions are used in freezing point and boiling point calculations because A) the concentration of molar solutions is affected by temperature B) the concentration of molal solutions is affected by pressure C) molal concentrations are more commonly used in chemistry than molar concentrations D) they are easier to calculate than molar solutions

A (kg solvent)

Molality is defined as moles of solute divided by A) kg solvent B) kg solution C) grams solvent D) grams solution

C (moles of solute / liters of solution)

Molarity is determined by A) mass of solute / volume of solvent B) moles of solute / mL solvent C) moles of solute / liters of solution D) moles of solute / liters of solvent

C (ionic forces)

Molecular crystals are held together by all of the following forces except A) hydrogen bonds B) dispersion forces C) ionic forces D) dipole-dipole forces

B (protecting crops from pesticide damage)

Nuclear radiation provides all of the following benefits except A) killing food bacteria B) protecting crops from pesticide damage C) killing insects in food D) measuring fertilizer usage by plants

C (cause one nuclide to change into another nuclide)

Nuclear reactions A) require energy input to take place B) are non-spontaneous C) cause one nuclide to change into another nuclide D) occur with all isotopes

A (adipic acid)

Nylon-66 is made up of hexanediamine and A) adipic acid B) adoipic acid C) edipic acid D) aminic acid

C (calculate molality of the solution)

Once we measure the freezing point depression, the next step is to A) calculate molar mass B) calculate Kf C) calculate molality of the solution D) determine moles of solute

A (4.184)

One calorie equals ____ joules A) 4.184 B) 3.789 C) 4.254 D) 3.850

C (high temperatures needed for fusion reactions)

One disadvantage of using fusion reactions for energy is A) need for pure hydrogen B) combustibility of hydrogen C) high temperatures needed for fusion reactions D) reactivity of hydrogen as high temperatures

D (increase in volume)

One of the following does not produce an increase in pressure A) decrease in volume B) increase in temperature C) increase in number of particles D) increase in volume

A (electrons)

One of the following does not serve as a particle for carrying out artificial transmutation A) electrons B) protons C) neutrons D) alpha particles

C (CO2 condenses to form dry ice)

One of the following does not show an increase in entropy A) ice becomes liquid water B) solid reactant forms liquid product C) CO2 condenses to form dry ice D) iodine crystals form a vapor

C (gold nuggets)

One of the following does not undergo sublimation A) iodine crystals B) solid carbon dioxide C) gold nuggets D) ice cubes

D (alpha helix)

One of the following is an example of secondary structure. A) alpha sheet B) beta helix C) gamma fold D) alpha helix

B (properties of a fluid)

One of the following is not a characteristic of a solid A) particles packed tightly B) properties of a fluid C) densest of three states of matter D) almost completely incompressible

B (reaction is energetically favorable)

One of the following is not a characteristic of an endothermic reaction A) energy is absorbed during the reaction B) reaction is energetically favorable C) products have larger quantity of energy than reactants D) products are less stable than reactants

D (products have lower stability than reactants)

One of the following is not a characteristic of exothermic reactions A) reactants have high energy compared to products B) products are more stable than reactants C) energy is released into the surroundings D) products have lower stability than reactants

D (solubility)

One of the following is not a colligative property of water A) vapor pressure B) boiling point C) freezing point D) solubility

B (ZnO2)

One of the following is not a component of the dry cell paste A) MnO2 B) ZnO2 C) NH4Cl D) ZnCl2


One of the following is not a crystal system A) pyramidal B) monoclinic C) tetragonal D) hexagonal

B (rhombic cubic)

One of the following is not a cubic crystal system unit cell A) simple cubic B) rhombic cubic C) face-centered cubic D) body-centered cubic

C (5.34 L kPa/K mol)

One of the following is not a value for R A) 8.314 J/K mol B) 62.36 L mmHg/K mol C) 5.34 L kPa/K mol D) 0.08206 L atm/K mol

C (solar cell)

One of the following is not an example of a voltaic cell A) dry cell B) fuel cell C) solar cell D) lead storage battery

C (molecular mass)

One of the following is not dealt with in the ideal gas law A) pressure B) number of moles C) molecular mass D) temperature

B (conditions of standard temperature and pressure)

One of the following is not needed to perform gas stoichiometry problems A) a balanced equation B) conditions of standard temperature and pressure C) the amount of the starting material D) the amount of product formed

D (ionic bonds contribute to low melting points)

One of the following is not true about melting point of a solid A) same as freezing point of corresponding liquid B) dependent upon strength of attractive forces C) at melting point, solid and liquid are in equilibrium D) ionic bonds contribute to low melting points

B (the potential energy of products is greater than reactants in an exothermic reaction)

One of the following statement about potential energy diagrams is not true A) the potential energy of products is greater than reactants in an endothermic reaction B) the potential energy of products is greater than reactants in an exothermic reaction C) the potential energy of reactants is greater than products in an exothermic reaction D) the H of the system decreases for an exothermic reaction

B (absolute zero is the temperature at which there is no electron movement)

One of the following statements about absolute zero is not true A) absolute zero = zero degrees K B) absolute zero is the temperature at which there is no electron movement C) absolute zero is the temperature at which there is no molecular motion D) absolute zero is based on a theoretical limit

B (gases cannot be compressed)

One of the following statements about gases is incorrect A) gas particles are very far apart B) gases cannot be compressed C) gas particles do not interact with one another D) intermolecular forces can be ignored for gases

C (liquids can be compressed)

One of the following statements about liquids is false A) intermolecular forces hold liquid particles together B) liquids and gases are fluids C) liquids can be compressed D) there is very little empty space between particles of a liquid

B (particles at the surface are pulled upward)

One of the following statements about liquids is not true A) particles at the surface are pulled downward B) particles at the surface are pulled upward C) particles at the surface are pulled sideways D) particles at the surface are pulled into the liquid

C (there is little space between gas particles)

One of the following statements about the kinetic-molecular theory is incorrect A) the volume of gas particles is negligible B) attractive forces between gas molecules can be ignored C) there is little space between gas particles D) gas particles have elastic collisions with container walls

D (a liquid with weak intermolecular forces has a low vapor pressure)

One of the following statements about vapor pressure is not true A) based on strength of intermolecular forces B) constant for a given substance at a set temperature C) can be measured using a manometer D) a liquid with weak intermolecular forces has a low vapor pressure

C (H2O)

One of the molecules often removed in a condensation reaction is A) CO2 B) NH3 C) H2O D) O2


One stop code is A) TAT B) TAC C) TGA D) TGG

B (floating of paper clip)

Only one of the following effects is produced in water because of its surface tension A) floating of rock B) floating of paper clip C) floating of rowboat D) floating of carbon dioxide

D (sphygmomanometer)

Only one of the following is not used to measure air pressure A) manometer B) aneroid barometer C) mercury barometer D) sphygmomanometer

B (SiO2)

Only one of the following solids is an example of a covalent network crystal A) NaCl B) SiO2 C) Na D) NH3

C (non-superimposable mirror images)

Optical isomers are A) mirror images B) non-superimposable images C) non-superimposable mirror images D) superimposable mirror images

D (shifting electrons from another atom to oxygen)

Oxidation involves A) a shift of protons B) a loss of electrons C) shifting electrons from oxygen to another atom D) shifting electrons from another atom to oxygen

C (-3)

Oxygen can have all of the following oxidations numbers except A) +1 B) +2 C) -3 D) -2

C (oxygen does not have strong intermolecular interactions)

Oxygen has a lower heat of vaporization than the other materials in the table because A) oxygen is already a gas B) oxygen has a lower molecular mass C) oxygen does not have strong intermolecular interactions D) oxygen atoms are covalently bonded

230 torr/1 x 690 K/473 K x 65 mL/37 mL = 590 torr

P1 = 230 torr, T1 = 473 K, V1 = 65 mL, P2 = ?, T2 = 690 K, V2 = 37 mL What is P2?

1480 mL (451 mL/1 x 348 K/235 K x 876 torr/395 torr = 1480 mL)

P1 = 876 torr, T1 = 235 K, V1 = 451 mL, P2 = 385 torr, T2 = 348 K, V2 = ? mL What is V2?

A (force/area)

Pressure equals A) force/area B) area/force C) force x area D) force + area

C (less stable nuclei)

Radioactive decay takes place more rapidly for A) more stable nuclei B) larger nuclei C) less stable nuclei D) smaller nuclei

B (collisions have random orientation)

Reactants form products when all of the following occur except A) collisions occur B) collisions have random orientation C) collisions have enough kinetic energy D) collisions have correct orientation

C (⇄)

Reversible reactions are indicated by A) → ← B) ← → C) ⇄ D) ↔

B (is considered a founder of the science of chemistry)

Robert Boyle A) developed many gas laws B) is considered a founder of the science of chemistry C) was a French scientist D) studied the relationship between temperature and amount of gas

False (collide more frequently)

TRUE/FALSE: A decrease in the volume of a container causes gas particles to collide less frequently with the container wall.

B (Keq)

The equilibrium constant symbol is A) keq B) Keq C) Keconst D) kconst

C (a cation becomes an anion)

Single replacement reactions are redox reactions because of all of the following except A) a free element is transformed to an ionized material B) an ionized material is transformed to a free element C) a cation becomes an anion D) a material with an oxidation number of zero experiences a change in oxidation number

C (negative entropy change)

Situations associated with NO formation involve all but one of the following A) high temperatures B) lightning strikes C) negative entropy change D) highly endothermic

A (1 x 10-3)

Soda pop has an approximate pH of 3. Its [H+] is approximately A) 1 x 10-3 B) 1 x 10-4 C) 9 x 10-3 D) 2.5 x 10-2

B (grams/L)

Solubility is normally expressed as A) grams/mL B) grams/L C) mg/mL D) Kg/L


TRUE/FALSE: A chain with nine carbons is named nonane.


TRUE/FALSE: A change in pressure on a liquid or solid does not stress the system.

False (not always affect equilibrium)

TRUE/FALSE: A change in pressure will always affect equilibrium

False (large amount of solute)

TRUE/FALSE: A concentrated solution contains a specified amount of solute.


TRUE/FALSE: A crystal is a unit cell repeated over and over again in three dimensions.

B (ΔS = ΣnS (products) - ΣnS (reactants))

Standard entropy change can be calculated using A) ΔS = ΣS (products) - ΣS (reactants) B) ΔS = ΣnS (products) - ΣnS (reactants) C) ΔS = ΣnS (reactants) - ΣnS (products) D) ΔS = ΣS (reactants) - ΣS (products)

D (check to see if the equation is balanced in terms of both atoms and charges)

Step five in the oxidation-number change method is to A) balance the equation B) identify what is oxidized and what is reduced C) assign oxidation numbers D) check to see if the equation is balanced in terms of both atoms and charges

C (use lines to connect atoms undergoing oxidation or reduction)

Step three in the oxidation-number change method is to A) write half-reactions for the changes B) use coefficients to balance the equation C) use lines to connect atoms undergoing oxidation or reduction D) check to see if the equation is balanced

False (increase in temperature)

TRUE/FALSE: A decrease in temperature results in a higher rate of collision.

A (ortho)

Substituents in adjacent carbons in a benzene ring can be called A) ortho B) para C) meta D) dimet

C (glucose + fructose)

Sucrose is made up of the monosaccharide A) glucose + galactose B) glucose + maltose C) glucose + fructose D) glucose + ribose


TRUE/FALSE: A 3.0 M solution of HCl has a negative pH.

False (it detects radiation)

TRUE/FALSE: A Geiger counter detects tissue damage due to radiation.


TRUE/FALSE: A calibrated pipet improves the accuracy of preparing dilutions.


TRUE/FALSE: A catalyst is not involved in the reaction it catalyzes.

D (change in molecular configuration)

Temperature affects all of the following parameters except A) kinetic energy of the system B) increased frequency of collision between solute and solvent C) increased energy of collision D) change in molecular configuration

B (decreasing the collision rate)

Temperature affects the rate of reaction by all of the following except A) increasing the collision rate B) decreasing the collision rate C) increasing the energy of collision D) increasing the percentage of effective collisions

C (nitro)

The -NO2 group is called A) amino B) nitrous C) nitro D) nitrogen dioxide

B ([H+][OH-])

The Kw for water is A) [H+] + [OH-] B) [H+]/[OH-] C) [H+][OH-] D) [OH-]/[H+]

A (basic)

The R group for lysine is A) basic B) acidic C) non-polar D) aromatic

D (strong nuclear force)

The ________ holds the nuclei of atoms together A) electrostatic force B) nuclear force C) strong nuclear force D) strong electrostatic force

C (Asn)

The abbreviation for the amino acids asparagine is A) Ala B) Asp C) Asn D) Arg

B (will reach a saturation point)

The addition of NaCl to water A) can be done indefinitely B) will reach a saturation point C) will reach an equilibrium D) allows NaCl to redissolve

A (add electrons where needed)

The fifth step in balancing equations using the half-reaction method is to A) add electrons where needed B) add water where needed C) multiply by a coefficient D) add the two half-reactions together

6.41x10^-6 (PbI2 -> Pb2+ + 2I-, 5.40 g/1 L x 1 mole/460.99 g = 0.0117 M, [Pb2+]=0.0117 M and [I-]=0.0234 M, Ksp = [0.0117][0.0234]2 = 6.41x10^-6)

The aqueous solubility for PbI2 is 5.40 grams/L at 25 C. Calculate the Ksp of PbI2 at 25 C.

C (bromocresol purple)

The best indicator for a titration with an equivalence point of 5.5 would be A) bromocresol green B) thymol blue C) bromocresol purple D) bromthymol blue


The boiling point is the temperature at which the vapor pressure of a liquid is equal to the _______ pressure.

D (90)

The bond angles for cyclobutane are A) 60 B) 108 C) 109.5 D) 90

D (deoxyribose)

The carbohydrate in DNA is A) glucose B) deoxyglucose C) ribose D) deoxyribose

C (ribose)

The carbohydrate in RNA is A) glucose B) deoxyglucose C) ribose D) deoxyribose

C (sp3)

The carbon atoms in cycloalkanes are ______ hybridized A) sp B) sp2 C) sp3 D) sp4

A (organisms)

The carbon-14 isotope can be used to measure the ages of A) organisms B) rocks C) water D) air

A (PbO2)

The cathode in a lead storage battery is A) PbO2 B) PbO C) Pb D) PbSO4

B (Zn(s)|Zn2+(1M)||Cu2+(1M)|Cu(s))

The cell notation for the zinc-copper cell is A) Cu(s)|Cu2+(1M)||Zn2+(1M)|Zn(s) B) Zn(s)|Zn2+(1M)||Cu2+(1M)|Cu(s) C) Cu2+(1M)|Cu(s)||Zn2+(1M)|Zn(s) D) Zn2+(1M)|Zn(s)||Cu2+(1M)|Cu(s)

C (Ered - Eoxid)

The cell potential can be calculated using the formula A) Eoxid - Ered B) Eoxid ÷ Ered C) Ered - Eoxid D) Ered ÷ Eoxid

A (moles/L)

The concentrations of each substance in an equilibrium expression is measured in A) moles/L B) moles/sec C) molal D) L/mol

Zn oxidized, O2 reduced (Zn is oxidized from 0 to +2, O2 is reduced from 0 to -2)

The following reaction illustrates the process of corrosion of zinc metal to form "white rust": 2Zn + 2H2O + O2 Zn(OH)2 Which element is oxidized and which is reduced?

A (percent remaining vs. elapsed time)

The decay curve for a radioisotope plots A) percent remaining vs. elapsed time B) change in mass vs. elapsed time C) percent remaining vs. half-life D) percent time change vs. percent remaining

B (gravity pulls gas molecules down)

The earth's atmosphere exerts pressure because A) high temperatures increase gas motions B) gravity pulls gas molecules down C) more gas molecules = more pressure D) higher altitude = higher pressure

D (liquids)

The easiest reactions to measure in an inexpensive calorimeter are A) gases B) solid-solid combinations C) nonaqueous materials D) liquids

B (electrons)

The electrical potential for a cell comes about as a result of competition for A) protons B) electrons C) hydrogen ions D) ions

C (CH2O)

The empirical formula for most carbohydrates is A) CHO B) C2HO C) CH2O D) CHO2

C (the faint color stays after swirling)

The end-point of a titration is when A) the first color momentarily appears B) the color appears and disappears after swirling C) the faint color stays after swirling D) the color gets darker

B (al)

The ending for aldehyde names is A) aldehyde B) al C) oh D) carbonyl

D (less than the mass of two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons)

The mass of the helium atom equals A) the mass of two protons and two neutrons B) the mass of two protons, two neutrons and two electrons C) more than the mass of two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons D) less than the mass of two protons, two neutrons, and two electrons

C (H)

The enthalpy change is designated as A) G B) E C) H D) T

B (1 x 1014)

The equilibrium constant for water is A) 1 x 1012 B) 1 x 1014 C) 1 x 10-14 D) 1 x 10-12

A (urease)

The first enzyme to be discovered was A) urease B) uricase C) urase D) uramase

C (assign oxidation numbers)

The first step in the oxidation-number change method is to A) balance the equation B) identify what is oxidized and what is reduced C) assign oxidation numbers D) check to see if the equation is balance in terms of both atoms and charges

A (neutrons)

The fission process produces A) neutrons B) protons C) electrons D) positrons

B (non-existent)

The forces of attraction between molecules of an ideal gas are A) ionic B) non-existent C) dipole-dipole D) electrostatic

B (decreases)

The forward reaction rate _____ as the reverse reaction begins A) increases B) decreases C) remains unchanged D) varies with the rate of the reverse reaction

B (R-X)

The general formula for an alkyl halide is A) R-Hal B) R-X C) R-Cl D) R-Y

C (R-O-R')

The generic formula for an ether is A) R-O-R B) R-O-O-R C) R-O-R' D) R-R'-O

A (three-letter codes)

The genetic code is a series of A) three-letter codes B) four-letter codes C) amino acid peptides D) amino acid code

9.83 J/K mol (0 = 2.30 - 234 x Sfus = 0.00983 kJ/K mol -> 9.83 J/K mol)

The melting point of Hg is 234 K and the Hfus=2.30 kJ/mol. What is the Sfus?

C (CuCO3)

The green color on the Statue of Liberty is due to A) CuO B) Cu2O C) CuCO3 D) CuCl2

A (undergo reduction)

The half-cell with the higher reduction potential will A) undergo reduction B) undergo oxidation C) cause the other cell to reduce D) lose electrons

C (solid converting to liquid)

The heat of fusion deals with the process of A) liquid converting to solid B) solid converting to gas C) solid converting to liquid D) liquid converting to gas

B (6.01 kJ/mol)

The heat of fusion for water is A) 40.7 kJ/mol B) 6.01 kJ/mol C) 40.7 J/mol D) 6.01 J/mol

C (pH + pOH = 14)

The hydroxide ion concentration is related to the hydrogen ion concentration by A) pH = pOH + 14 B) pOH = 14 + pH C) pH + pOH = 14 D) pH/pOH = 14

C (109.5)

The ideal bond angle for carbon is A) 90 B) 108 C) 109.5 D) 108.5

A (has a PV/RT ratio very close to one at all temperatures)

The ideal gas A) has a PV/RT ratio very close to one at all temperatures B) has strong intermolecular interactions C) has gas particles crowded close together D) has little empty space between gas particles

B (C-14)

The isotope that is used to measure the age of organic material is A) C-12 B) C-14 C) C-13 D) C-11

A (increase with an increase in temperature)

The kinetic energy of particles in a sample of NaCl A) increase with an increase in temperature B) decrease with an increase in temperature C) increase with a decrease in temperature D) is not affected by a change in temperature

A (molecules are always in motion)

The kinetic-molecular theory assumes that A) molecules are always in motion B) above room temperature, molecules are in motion C) molecules are not in motion at temperatures below freezing D) temperature has no effect on molecular motion

C (synthesize proteins)

The major role for RNA is to A) provide structure to the cell B) carry genetic information C) synthesize proteins D) store energy for the cell

B (carry genetic information)

The major role of DNA is to A) provide structure to the cell B) carry genetic information C) synthesize proteins D) store energy for the cell

B (generate a great deal of heat when dissolving)

The molar heat of solution for NaOH is -445.1 kJ/mol. This value tells us that NaOH will A) dissolve slowly in water B) generate a great deal of heat when dissolving C) increase the specific heat of the solution D) decrease temperature significantly while dissolving

C (determining mass and volume at known temperature and pressure)

The molar mass of an unknown gas can be determined by A) determining mass at STP B) determining volume at STP C) determining mass and volume at known temperature and pressure D) determining mass and volume at STP

D (pentane)

The molecules with the structure CH3CH2CH2CH2CH3 is named A) ethane B) heptane C) butane D) pentane

D (intermediate mass)

The most stable nuclei are those of A) large mass B) small mass C) mass >200 D) intermediate mass

B (cyclopentane)

The most stable ring structure is A) hexane B) cyclopentane C) cycloheptane D) cyclopropane

B (slightly basic)

The neutralization of a weak acid with a strong base produces a solution whose pH is A) neutral B) slightly acidic C) slightly basic D) strongly basic

A (J)

The nuclear binding energy is measured in A) J B) J/K C) J-mol D) J/sec

A (n=PV/RT)

The number of moles of an unknown gas can be calculated using A) n=PV/RT B) n=PVRT C) n=RT/PV D) n=PVR/T

B (F)

The only halogen that does not have a variable oxidation number is A) Cl B) F C) I D) Br

D (4.1)

The overall Down's cell requires over_____ volts for the reaction to occur A) 2.5 B) 3.4 C) 1.8 D) 4.1

A (-1)

The oxidation number for H in NaBH4 is A) +1 B) +2 C) -1 D) -2

B (no reaction)

The oxidation of a tertiary alcohol yields A) a ketone B) no reaction C) an aldehyde D) a secondary alcohol

C (complete loss of electrons)

The oxidation process involves A) loss of oxygen B) gain of hydrogen C) complete loss of electrons D) decrease in oxidation number

B (ideal gas constant)

The parameter R in the ideal gas equation stands for A) ideal gas variable B) ideal gas constant C) ideal gas value D) ideal gas correction

B (stock)

Use of a _____ solution is common in preparing dilutions of lower concentration. A) base B) stock C) preparative D) working

B (helps the phospholipid dissolve in water)

The phosphate group in a phospholipid A) provides biochemical energy to the body B) helps the phospholipid dissolve in water C) helps repel water D) interacts with the hydrophobic tail

A (200-300 atm)

The pressure in a typical scuba tank is A) 200-300 atm B) 700-800 atm C) 200-300 kPa D) 700-800 torr

C (five)

The process of converting ice at -20 C to steam at 140 C requires _____ steps. A) three B) four C) five D) six

D (daughter nuclide)

The product of a decay event is referred to as A) parent nuclide B) mother nuclide C) product nuclide D) daughter nuclide

B (transfer of two electrons from Zn to S)

The production of ZnS involves A) transfer of one electron from Zn to S B) transfer of two electrons from Zn to S C) transfer of one electron from S to Zn D) transfer of two electrons from S to Zn

B (plutonium)

The radionuclide used in atomic bombs is A) uranium B) plutonium C) polonium D) beryllium

A (size)

The rate at which a solute dissolves depends upon the _____ of the solute particles. A) size B) molecular mass C) crystal structure D) configuration

D (identity of isotope)

The rate of decay for an isotope depends on A) temperature B) pressure C) size of sample D) identity of isotope

B (dipeptide)

The reaction between two amino acids forms a compound known as a A) monopeptide B) dipeptide C) tripeptide D) protein

C (the English chemist William Henry)

The relationship between gas solubility and pressure was developed by A) the French chemist Guillaume Henri B) the German chemist Wilhelm Henry C) the English chemist William Henry D) the Scottish chemist Henry Williams

D (G=-RTln(Keq))

The relationships between Gibbs free energy and the equilibrium constant is written A) G = RTln(Keq) B) G = -RTlog(Keq) C) G = -RTlog(Keq) D) G = -RTln(Keq)

B (the equilibrium favors the forward reaction)

The release of CO2 when carbonic acid is dissolved in water is spontaneous because A) the process is endothermic B) the equilibrium favors the forward reaction C) non-spontaneous reactions do not occur D) the entropy of the system is increased

D (cooling)

The release of chemical potential energy produces all of the following except A) heat B) work C) motion D) cooling

A (write the half-reactions)

The second step in balancing equations using the half-reaction method is to A) write the half-reactions B) add water where needed C) add acid where needed D) add electrons

B (identify what is oxidized and what is reduced)

The second step in the oxidation-number change method is to A) balance the equation B) identify what is oxidized and what is reduced C) assign oxidation numbers D) check to see if the equation is balance in terms of both atoms and charges

D (add the two half-reactions together)

The sixth step in balancing equations using the half-reaction method is to A) add electrons where needed B) add water where needed C) multiply by a coefficient D) add the two half-reactions together

C (monomers)

The small units that make up a polymer are called A) monoamines B) monomols C) monomers D) monopols

B (cyclopropane)

The smallest cyclic hydrocarbon is A) cyclohexane B) cyclopropane C) cycloethane D) cyclobutane

B (decreases as temperature increases)

The solubility of gases A) increases as temperature increases B) decreases as temperature increases C) is not affected by temperature D) varies depending on the gas

C ([Fe2+][OH-]2)

The solubility product constant for Fe(OH)2 is written A) [Fe2+][OH-] B) [Fe2+]/[OH-] C) [Fe2+][OH-]2 D) [Fe2+]/[OH-]2

A (camphor)

The solvent with the highest freezing point depression constant is A) camphor B) water C) phenol D) naphthalene

A (0.00 V)

The standard potential for the hydrogen electrode is A) 0.00 V B) 0.10 V C) 0.01 mv D) 0.10 mv

B (760 mmHg)

The standard pressure for measuring boiling points is A) 750 torr B) 760 mmHg C) 725 torr D) 745 mmHg

B (S)

The symbol for entropy is A) E B) S C) H D) K

A (m)

The symbol for molality is A) m B) mol C) M D) mol

D (M)

The symbol for molarity is A) m B) mol C) Mol D) M

B (heat)

The symbol q stands for A) temperature B) heat C) energy D) work

C (Kelvin)

The temperature scale used for Charles' Law calculation is A) Celcius B) Fahrenheit C) Kelvin D) Centigrade

B (balance each half-reaction)

The third step in balancing equations using the half-reaction method is to A) add water molecules where needed B) balance each half-reaction C) add acid where needed D) add water where needed

B (intermediate between single and double bonds)

The true bonding between carbons in benzene is A) single bonds B) intermediate between single and double bonds C) double bonds D) moveable bonds

A (J/K mol)

The units for entropy are A) J/K mol B) K/J mol C) J/mol D) J mol/K

C (diethyl ether has stronger intermolecular forces than water)

The vapor pressure curve shows all of the following except A) an increase in temperature produces an increase in pressure B) water has the highest boiling point C) diethyl ether has stronger intermolecular forces than water D) at 200 mmHg, the boiling point of ethanol is less than that of ether at 760 mmHg

C (write the unbalanced ionic equation)

The first step in balancing equations using the half-reaction method is to A) write the balanced ionic equation B) write the half-reactions C) write the unbalanced ionic equation D) add electrons to each half

B (measure out a known volume of acid)

The first step in the titration of an acid is A) fill the buret with known base B) measure out a known volume of acid C) slowly add base D) add indicator to the acid

D (depression)

Tissue damage from radiation can result in all of the following except A) DNA mutations B) damage to living tissue C) cancer D) depression

B (specific heat of water)

To calculate the amount of energy involved in heating water from 20 C to 50 C, use the A) molar heat of fusion B) specific heat of water C) molar heat of vaporization D) specific heat of steam

C (the equation for G = zero)

To determine the temperature at which G changes sign, we calculate A) the equation for H = zero B) the equation using different T values C) the equation for G = zero D) the equation for S = zero

C (condensation reaction)

Two monosaccharides can form a disaccharide by way of a A) addition reaction B) oxidation reaction C) condensation reaction D) substitution reaction

B (slow-moving neutron)

U-235 can form U-236 when hit with a A) slow-moving electron B) slow-moving neutron C) slow-moving proton D) fast-moving neutron

C (kJ/mol)

Units for G are A) J/K mol B) J/mol C) kJ/mol D) kJ/K mol

D (slightly soluble)

Vapor pressure lowering is best accomplished by a material that is all of the following except A) does not undergo chemical reaction B) does not escape into the gaseous phase C) nonvolatile D) slightly soluble

D (direct current)

Volta constructed a cell that generated A) alternating current B) fluctuating current C) intermittent current D) direct current

B (volume solute / volume solution)

Volume percent is calculated using the following formula A) volume solute / volume solvent B) volume solute / volume solution C) volume solvent / volume solute D) volume solution / volume solute

C (both sides of equation must have same units)

Volume units for dilution calculations A) must be in L B) must be in mL C) both sides of equation must have same units D) units on both sides of equation do not need to agree

A (absorb energy and vibrate faster)

Water molecules in a block of ice that is being heated A) absorb energy and vibrate faster B) absorb energy and vibrate slower C) release energy and vibrate faster D) release energy and vibrate slower

A (long carbon chains)

Waxes are insoluble in water due to the A) long carbon chains B) ester functional groups C) low melting point D) presence of carbonyl group

0.71 molal (m = 35 g / 58.1 g/mol = 0.60 mol acetone, 0.60 mol / 0.85 kg = 0.71 molal)

What is the molality of 35 g of acetone dissolved in 0.85 kg water? The molar mass of acetone is 58.1 g/mol.

400 mL (500 mL/1 x 750 torr/980 torr = 382.6 mL -> 400 mL)

What is the new volume of 500 mL of gas when the pressure changes from 750 torr to 980 torr? Assume a constant temperature.

53 atm ((16.7 mol x 0.0821 atm L x 297 K) / (7.2 L) = 53 atm))

What is the pressure in atm of 16.7 mol helium that occupies a volume of 7.2 L at a temperature of 279 K?

37.3 g (Mass = (35.2 kJ x 46.08 g/mol) / 43.5 kJ/mol = 37.3 g)

What mass of ethanol is converted from a liquid to a gas when 35.2 kJ of energy are absorbed?

2.23 g (Mass = 0.745 kJ x (18.02 g/mol / 6.01 kJ/mol) = 2.23 g)

What mass of ice can be melted by the application of 745 K of heat?

A (constant)

When doing thermochemical calculations, the pressure is A) constant B) lowered C) increased D) varied

B (H2O)

When glucose and fructose combine, _______ is eliminated A) CO2 B) H2O C) H2 D) O2

D (aldehyde)

When glucose forms a cyclic compound the ______ group is no longer present A) hydroxyl B) alcohol C) ketone D) aldehyde

B (oxidize to form an alkene)

When heated in the presence of an appropriate catalyst, an alkane is A) reduced to form an alkene B) oxidized to form an alkene C) reduced to form an alkyne D) oxidized to form an alkyne

The temperature is constant because the additional energy is used to convert solid to liquid and not to heating up the ice.

When solid water melts, energy must be put into the system until that process is complete. Why does the temperature remain constant during this process even though additional energy is being added?

B (negative if S is positive)

When the TS term becomes larger than the H term, the G value will be A) negative if S is negative B) negative if S is positive C) positive if S is positive D) variable value

C (hydronium)

When two molecules of water collide, a ________ ion is formed. A) hydrate B) hydroscopic C) hydronium D) hydrogen

B (the ion product equals the Ksp)

When two solutions are mixed that could form a precipitate, equilibrium is attained when A) the ion product is greater than the Ksp B) the ion product equals the Ksp C) the ion product is less than the Ksp D) the Ksp is less than the ion product

D (decrease in T -> decrease in KE)

Which of the following is the correct statement about the effects of temperature (T) on the average kinetic energy of gas particles (KE)? A) increase in T -> decrease in KE B) increase in T -> no effect in KE C) decrease in T -> increase in KE D) decrease in T -> decrease in KE

B ((NH4)2SO4)

Which of the following materials will have the greatest effect on colligative properties of a solution? A) CH3Cl B) (NH4)2SO4 C) CH3CH2OH D) NaCl

C (Pacific Ocean)

Which of the following will absorb the most heat from the sun in one hour? A) Lake Erie B) Gulf of Mexico C) Pacific Ocean D) Mississippi River


________ is the term used for the change of state from a gas to a solid. A) freezing B) crystallization C) deposition D) precipitation

C (starch)

Which one of the following is not a lipid? A) oil B) fat C) starch D) wax

No, because the boiling point of water is lower so the coffee would not be strong.

Would you be able to brew a decent cup of coffee on top of Mt. Everest? Explain.


Write the amino acid sequence indicated by each of the base sequence: CAG-GGA-TCC-GCA-GCA


Write the amino acid sequence indicated by each of the base sequence: GCA-TCT-CCG-AGA-GAG

Oxidation: 2Cl-(l) -> Cl2(g) + 2e-, E0=-1.36 Reduction: Na+(l) + e- -> Na(l), E0=-2.71 Overall: 2Na+(l) + 2Cl-(l) -> 2Na(l) + Cl2(g), E0=-4.07

Write the half-reactions (with E0) and the overall reaction for the Down's process.

Oxidation: 2H2O(l) -> O2(g) + 4H+(aq) + 4e-, E0=-1.23 Reduction: 2H2O(l) + 2e- -> H2(g) + 2OH-(aq), E0=-0.83 Overall: 2H2O(l) -> O2(g) + 2H2(g), E0=-2.06

Write the half-reactions (with E0) and the overall reaction for the electrolysis of water.


Write the shorthand notation for a galvanic cell that uses the reactionFe(s) + Sn2+(aq) Fe2+(aq) + Sn(s) Assume any solutions to be 1.0 M

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