Chemistry Final

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One symbol for the beta particle is a fancy B. What is the other?


The [H3O+] of a solution with pH = 8.7 is __________.

2 x 10^-9 M (logarithm in notes)

Elements in group 2A (2) of the periodic table form ions with a charge of what?


What volume of a 1.5 M KOH solution is needed to provide 3.0 moles of KOH?

2.0 L (divide moles by molarity)

True or False: The atomic number of sodium is 23?


Which of the following is not true for the atoms nitrogen-13, nitrogen-14, and nitrogen-15: They all of have 7 protons, they all have 7 electrons, they all have the same mass number, they all have the same atomic number, they are isotopes?

they all have the same mass number

The [H3O+] of a solution with pH = 9.7 is __________.

2 x 10^-10 M (notes: logarithm)

How many moles of CaCl2 are in 250 mL of a 3.0 M of CaCl2 solution?

.75 mole (notes & notecard)

5.21 cm is the same length as __________.

0.0521 m

How many moles of K2SO4 are in 15.0 g of K2SO4?

0.0861 moles

BaCl2 + Na2SO4 -> BaSO4 + 2NaCl How many moles of barium sulfate are produced from 0.1 mole of barium chloride?

0.1 moles (notes & notecard)

What is the molarity of a KCL solution made by diluting 75.0 mL of a 0.200 M solution to a final volume of 100.0 mL?

0.150 M (notes: C1V1 = C2V2)

Iron-59 has a half-life of 44 days. A radioactive sample has an activity of 0.64mBq. What is the activity of the sample after 88 days?

0.16 mBq (notes)

What is the correct calculation of a volume (in mL) with measured numbers 28.58/16×8.02?

0.22 mL

What volume of 0.10 M NaOh can be prepared from 250 mL of 0.30 M NaOh?

0.75 L (notes *hint* don't forget to change mL to L)

The [H3O+] of a solutions with pH = 2.0 is __________.

1 x 10^-2 M

What is the [H3O+] in a solution with [OH- = 1 x 10^-12 M?

1 x 10^-2 M (notes)

The dietary calorie (Cal) is equal to how many cal?

1,000 cal

Two flasks of equal volume and at the same temperature contain different gases. One flask contains 5.0 g of O2, and the other flask contains 5.0 g of Hg. Is each of the following statements true or false: 1. Both flasks contain the same number of molecules. 2. The pressure in the flasks are the same.

1. False because the molar mass of O2 is greater than the molar mass of H2. 5.0 g of O2 will contain fewer molecules than 5.0 g of H2 2. False because there are different numbers of moles in the flasks, meaning that the pressures are different.

What is the pH of a solution with [OH-] = 1 x 10^-4 M?

10 (pH scale)

2Mg + O2 -> 2MgO How many grams of MgO are produced when 40.0 grams of O2 react completely with Mg?

101 g (notes & notecard)

What is the conversion factor for the relationship between millimeters and centimeters?


5.00-L tank contains helium gas at 1.50atm. What is the pressure of the gas in mmHg?

1140 mmHg (760 mmHg in 1 atm)

3.00 moles of NO2 have a mass of __________.

138 g

What is the molar mass of copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4?

159.6 g/mole

A dose of aspirin of 5.0 mg per kilogram of body weight has been prescribed to reduce the fever of an infant weighing 8.5 pounds. The number of milligrams of aspirin that should be administered is __________.

19 mg (convert lbs to kg, then multiply by dosage)

In the following reaction, what is the correct coefficient for aluminum chloride? Al + Cl2 -> AlCl3


In this reaction, what is the correct coefficient for sodium chloride? Pb(NO3)2 + ?NaCl -> PbCl2 + NaNO3


What is the new mass/volume percent (m/v) of a KOH solution that is prepared by diluting 110 mL of a 6.0% (m/v) KOH solution to 330 mL?

2.0% (m/v) (notes: C1V1 = C2V2)

One mole of copper(II) sulfate, CuSO4, contains ________ O atoms.

2.41 x 10^24

What is the molarity of a solution containing 5.0 moles of KCl in 2.0 L of solution?

2.5 M (divide moles by volume)

A conversion factor set up correctly to convert 15 in to cm is __________.

2.54 cm/1 in

What is the concentration, in mass percent (m/m), of a solution prepared from 50.0 g NaCl and 150.0 g of water?

25.0% (solute [NaCl] divided by solute [NaCl] + solvent [water])

What is the molar mass of Mg3(PO4)2?

262.9 g/mol

BaCl2 + Na2SO4 -> BaSO4 + 2NaCl How many grams of sodium chloride can produced from 50.0 grams of barium chloride?

28 g (notes & notecard)

Correctly balance the following equation for complete neutralization of H3PO4 by Ca(OH)2.

2H3PO4(aq) + 3Ca(OH)2(s) -> Ca(PO4)2(aq) + 6H2O(l)

Balance the following equation: K3PO4 + Ca(NO3)2 -> Ca3(PO4)2 + KNO3

2K3PO4 + 3Ca(NO3)2 -> Ca3(PO4)2 + 6KNO3

How many sig figs are in 0.00208?


What is the coefficient of hydrogen, H2, when the following equation is balanced? Al + H2SO4 -> Al2(SO4)3 + ?H2


Krypton-79 has a half-life of 35 h. How many half-lives have passed after 105 h?

3 half-lives (notes)

What is the ionic charge of an ion with 13 protons and 10 electrons?


Which of the following describes the pressure of a gas? 350 K, 0.50 mol of O2, 3.00 atm, 101 Pa, the volume of the container

3.00 atm & 101 Pa

Consider a neutral atom with 30 protons and 34 neutrons. How many electrons would be in this atom?


Rubbing alcohol is 70.0% (v/v) isopropyl alcohol by volume. How many mL of isopropyl alcohol are in a 1 pint (473 mL) container?

330 mL (70% of 473)

What is the molar mass of potassium?

39.10 g/mole

The number of dots in the electron dot symbol of carbon is _________.


How many moles of water, H2O, are present in 75.0 g H2O?

4.16 moles (Calculate g/mole and divide the given grams by that number)

0.400 mole of sucrose, C12H22O11, contains __________ moles of C.

4.80 (multiply given total moles of compound by moles of single molecule eg. 0.400 x 12)

What is the mass of 53 mL of ethanol, which has a density of 0.79 g/mL?

42 g (multiply)

A calculator answer of 423.6059 must be rounded off to three sig figs. What answer is reported?


The number of dots in the electron dot symbol of nitrogen is __________.


What is the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons in a neutral atom of (118/50)Sn?

50 protons, 68 neutrons, 50 electrons

True or False: When beta particles are emitted, the atomic number decreases?


How many grams of glucose (C6H12O6) are in 3.55 moles of glucose?

640.0 g (find molar mass and multiply by number of moles present)

Normal blood pH is about __________.


How many grams of Fe2O3 are there in 0.500 mole of Fe2O3?

79.9g (calculate molar mass and multiply by number of moles present)

C5H12 + ?O2 -> CO2 + H2O What is the coefficient for oxygen in the balanced equation?


How many grams of glucose are needed to prepare 400.0 mL of a 2.0% (m/v) glucose solution?

8.0 g (find percentage)

What is the pH of a solution with [H3O+] = 1 x 10^-9 M?


Calculate the molar mass of magnesium chloride (MgCl2).

95.21 g/mole

True or False: The number 0.0500 has 4 sig figs?

False (3)

Indicate if the pressure increases, decreases, or stays the same: A. Volume decreases B. Number of particles decreases C. Heat increases

A. Pressure increases B. Pressure decreases C. Pressure increases

A. What would happen to the partial pressure if oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood if a person cannot properly ventilate? B. When a person who cannot breathe properly is placed on a ventilator, an air mixture is delivered at pressures that are alternately above the air pressure in the person's lungs and then below. How will this move oxygen gas into the lungs and carbon dioxide out? More gases will pass i. __________ the blood when higher gas pressure is introduced by a ventilator. More gases will pass ii. __________ the blood when a lower gas pressure is introduced into the lungs. Because the mixture has a iii. __________ partial pressure of oxygen than the blood, oxygen would iv. __________. Because the air mixture has a v. _________ lower partial pressure of carbon dioxide than the blood, CO2 would vi. __________.

A. The partial pressure of O2 would be lower than normal, and the partial pressure of CO2 would be higher than normal B. i. into; ii. out of; iii. higher; iv. enter the bloodstream; v. lower; vi. be expelled

A. Pressure of a gas increases with increasing temperature. According to kinetic molecular theory, : B. Gas particles fill a container of any size. According to kinetic molecular theory, : C. The volume occupied by a gas does not depend on what gas it is. According to kinetic molecular theory, :

A. at a higher temperature, the number and force of collisions against the walls of the container is greater. B. the attractive forces between the particles of a gas are very small and cannot hold the particles together C. all gases have essentially the same mass

Identify the property of a gas that is measured in each of the following: A. 425 K B. 1.0 atm C. 10.0 L D. 0.50 moles of He

A. temperature B. pressure C. volume D. amount of gas

What is the formula for aluminum nitrate?


What is the ion of aluminum?


The nuclear reaction shown below is an example of what type of process? (224/90)Rn -> (220/88)Rn + (4/2)He

Alpha Decay

Which of the following is a noble gas: bromine, oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen, argon?


Sometimes when you blow up a balloon and release it, it flies around the room. What is happening to the air that was in the balloon and its volume?

As the balloon flies around the room, the number of air molecules in the balloon DECREASES as the air escapes the balloon. As a result, the volume of the balloon DECREASES.

Why does a sealed bag of chips expand when you take it to a higher altitude?

At a higher altitude, the ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE will BE LOWER than at lower altitudes. The gas pressure in the bag will then BE GREATER than the pressure outside the bag. This causes the bag to expand.

The symbol (0/-1)e is a symbol used for what?

Beta Particle

What is the radioactive particle released in the following nuclear equation? (90/38)Sr -> (90/39)Y + ?

Beta Particle

What is not an example of a physical change: boiling water for soup, freezing water to make ice cubes, tearing a piece of aluminum foil, burning gasoline in a lawnmower, melting gold to make jewelry?

Burning gasoline in a lawnmower

Which of the following is a chemical change: making a snowman, melting gold, burning sugar, cutting a rope, bending a steel rod?

Burning sugar

Which of the following contains an ionic bond: CH4, H2, H2O, NH3, CaO?


What elements are in hydroxyapatite, Ca5(PO4)3OH, a major compound in human bones and teeth?

Calcium, Phosphorus, Oxygen, and Hydrogen

What is the name if the Cu+ ion?


True or False: A potassium atom gains electrons to form an ion with a charge of 1-?


True or False: Ice melting is a chemical change?


True or False: The basic unit of mass in the metric system is the pound?


True or False: The following reaction is correctly balanced: KClO3 -> KCl +O2


True or False: The following reaction is endothermic: 2C2H2 + 5O2 -> 4CO2 + 2H2O + 310kcal


True or False: The name of H2SO4 is hydrosulfuric acid.


True or False: When Al 3+ and Br- combine, they formula produced is Al3Br?


True or False: The name of the compound AlCl3 is aluminum trichloride?

False (aluminum chloride -no "tri")

True or False: An aqueous solution with [OH-] = 1.0 x 10^-12 has a pH of 12.

False (it has a pH of 2)

True or False: In nuclear fusion, a large atom splits into smaller atoms?

False (the described process is nuclear FISSION)

True or False: A liquid has its own volume and shape?

False: liquids take the shape of their container

Which one of the following elements forms two or more ions with different ionic charges: F, K, Fe, Ca, O?

Fe (Iron)

What is the correct formula for iron(III) sulfide?


Which one of the following compounds contains an ion with a 3+ charge: MgCl2, FeCl3, KCl, CuCl, Na2O?


In the sun, nuclei of hydrogen combine to form a larger nucleus and release great amount of energy. The process is known as __________.


Identify the metalloid in the following list: sulfur, fluorine, silver, copper, germanium?


Which of the following is an example of a physical change: converting water to hydrogen and oxygen, baking a cake, grinding coffee beans, burning coal, digesting a cheeseburger?

Grinding coffee beans

Which of the following is a buffer system: HCl(aq) and NaOH(aq) NaCl(aq) and NaOH(aq) H2CO3(aq) and KHCO3(aq) H2O(l) and HCl(aq) NaCl(aq) and NaNO3(aq)

H2CO3(aq) and KHCO3(aq) (notes)

Identify the Bronsted-Lowry acid in the following reaction. H2O(l) + CO3^2-(aq) → HCO3^- (aq)+ OH^-(aq)

H2O (notes)

The correct formula for sulfuric acid __________.


The conjugate acid of H2O is __________.


In a buffer system of HF and its salt, NaF, __________.

HF neutralizes added base

Identify the noble gas in the following list: gold, helium, oxygen, chlorine, nitrogen?


What is the name of the compound MgCl2?

Magnesium Chloride

Which of the following substances contains a nonpolar covalent bond: MgF2, NaCl, NH3, N2, H2O?

N2 (nonpolar covalent bond = bond between 2 nonmetal atoms)

Which of the following elements is a nonmetal: silver, iron, nitrogen, sodium, calcium?


What is the correct name of the compound NCl3?

Nitrogen Trichloride

The energy stored in molecular bonds is __________.

Potential energy

Which of the following is a characteristic of an acid: is insoluble in water; turns litmus blue; produces H3O+ in water; has a bitter taste; has a slippery, soapy feel?

Produces H3O+ in water

Radium-226 decays by alpha emission to what?


When hyperventilation (rapid breathing) causes a patient to exhale large amounts of CO2, the blood pH rises in a condition called __________.

Respiratory Alkalosis

Which of the following is a metalloid: gold, nitrogen, lithium, silicon, iron?


Indicate whether the final volume of gas in each of the following is the same, larger, or smaller than the initial volume, if pressure and amount of gas do not change: The space heater used to heat the air in an office is turned off; A volume of 505 mL of air on a chilly spring day at 25 degrees C is breathed into the lungs, where the body temperature is 37 degrees C; A balloon filled with helium at the amusement park is left in a car on a hot day.

Smaller (Decrease in temperature = decrease in volume); Larger (Increase in temperature = increase in volume); Larger (Increase in temperature = increase in volume)

A mixture is prepared by dissolving 2 g of KCl on 100 g of H2O. In this mixture, H2O is the __________.


Which is not a way to minimize your exposure to radiation: staying a longer time, standing behind a thick concrete wall, wearing lead-lined gloves, wearing a lead apron, keeping a good distance?

Staying a longer time

Which of the following elements is a metal: fluorine, strontium, phosphorus, nitrogen, argon?


A value of 25 degrees Celsius is a measurement of what?


A balloon is filled with helium gas, and put into a chamber where the pressure is less than the atmospheric pressure. How would you expect the size of the balloon to react?

The balloon's volume would increase with the decrease in pressure, making the balloon bigger.

According to Boyle's Law, it has been observed that as the pressure of a gas increases, the volume of the gas decreases. The Kinetic Theory of gases explains this observation with which of the following statements: The kinetic energy of the gas particles increases; The gas particles get bigger; The has particles strike the walls of the container more often; The gas particles strike the walls of the container with more force; The temperature of the gas increases

The gas particles strike the walls of the container more often

Suppose a mixture contains helium and oxygen gases. If the partial pressure of helium is half the partial pressure of oxygen, what do you know about the number of helium atoms compared to the number of oxygen atoms?

The number of He atoms is 2 times smaller than the number of O2 molecules because each particle (an atom or a molecule) will exert the same average pressure against the container's walls.

In certain lung ailments such as emphysema, there is a decrease in the ability to diffuse into the blood. How would the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood change? why does a person with sever emphysema sometimes use a portable oxygen tank?

The partial pressure of oxygen would be LOWER. Breathing a higher concentration of oxygen will help tp raise the partial pressure of oxygen in the blood.

Isotopes are atoms of the same element that have __________.

The same atomic number but different numbers of neutrons

What is the half-life of a radioisotope?

The time it takes for one-half of the sample to decay

What is a physical property of both liquids and gases?

They both have randomly arranged particles

The shape of the ammonia molecule (NH3) is what?

Trigonal Pyramidal

True or False: A solution with a pH greater than 7 is basic.


True or False: A sulfur atom gains electrons to form an ion with a charge of 2-?


True or False: Alkalosis is the blood condition is which the pH is higher than normal.


True or False: An acidic solution has a pH less than 7.0.


True or False: Gas law calculations require the use of Kelvin temperature scales?


True or False: HBr is a strong acid.


True or False: The name of the compound CuSO4 is copper(I) sulfate?


True or False: When calcium and oxygen combine, the formula of the product is CaO?


True or False: exposure to radiation is unavoidable because some radioactive elements occur naturally?


True or False: Chlorine is more electronegative than bromine?

True (electronegativity increases up and to the right)

Which of the following is not an element: water, silver, gold, tin, carbon?


In this reaction, what is the substance oxidized? Zn + 2HCl -> ZnCl2 + H2

Zinc (notes: the number of hydrogen atoms decreases)

The __________ is the minimum energy needed for a chemical reaction to begin.

activation energy

The nuclear symbol that completes the equation is a(n) __________. (240/95)Am + ? -> (243/97) Bk + (1/0)n

alpha particle

The name of Al(OH)3 is __________.

aluminum hydroxide

What is the name of Al2(SO4)3?

aluminum sulfate

In a neutralization reaction __________.

an acid and a base react to form a salt and water

Water is considered a polar solvent due to attractive forces known as hydrogen bonds. A hydrogen bond is __________.

an attractive force between molecules where partially positive hydrogen atoms are attracted to partially negative atoms of F, O, or N.

The Group 8A (18) elements __________.

are unreactive and are rarely found in combination with other elements.

In a solution, the solvent __________.

can be a solid, liquid, or gas.

What setup would be able to convert cm to ft?

cm x (1 in/2.54 cm) x (1 ft/ 12 in)

A positron is a particle emitted from the nucleus that has the same mass as a(n) __________.

electron but has a positive charge

In an oxidation-reduction reaction, the substance reduced always __________.

gains electrons

According to Henry's law, the solubility if gas in a liquid __________.

increases as the gas pressure above the liquid increases

In beta emission, the atomic number __________.

increases by 1

A value of 345 mm is a measure if what?


To form an ion, a sodium atom __________.

loses one electron

The function of a buffer is to __________.

maintain the pH of a solution

The number of neutrons in an atom is equal to what?

mass number - atomic number

In the kinetic molecular theory of gas behavior, the assumption is made that gas molecules __________.

move rapidly in random directions

An acid and base react to form a salt and water in a(n) __________ reaction.


The bond in Cl2 is a(n) __________.

nonpolar covalent bond

Which of the following polyatomic ions has a 3- ionic charge: sulfate, hydroxide, nitrate, phosphate, hydrogen carbonate?


The atomic number of an atom is equal to the number of __________?


When some of the sugar assed to iced tea remains undissolved at the bottom of the glass, the solution is __________.


When KCl dissolves in water __________.

the K+ ions are attracted to the partially negative oxygen atoms of the water molecule.

The measurement of the gravitational pull on an object is its __________.


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