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- Corridor is at least 6ft wide - ABHR does not exceed 95% alcohol - Max individual dispenser capacity is 0.32 gallons of fluid (0.53 gallons in suites) or 18 oz of NFPA level 1 classified aerosols - Dispensers have a min of 4' between them - Dispensers are not installed within 1" of an ignition source - If floor is carpeted building must be fully sprinkled - Operation of dispenser complies with NFPA 101 - ABHR is protected against inappropriate access - Not more than an aggregate of 10 gallons of fluid or 1135 ounces of aerosol in a single smoke compartment excluding in rooms - SToring more than 5 gallons of fluid in a single smoke compartment complies with NFPA 30

ABHR conditions that must all be met otherwise they are to be handled in accordance with NFPA 101-2012

Near Hit

An unplanned incident that result in no injury or property damage

NFPA 25 2011

Automatic Sprinkler Systems

1 1/2 hours

Emergency lighting of _______hours duration is provided

80 inches (6'8")

Exit signs for doors and corridors should be mounted with the bottom of the exit no more than _____ inches above the top edge of the egress opening.


From any point in a room to the room door is ______ft or less

1 Hour

In Existing buildings, vertical openings, including exit stairs, are enclosed with a minimum of ______hr fire rated construction

NFPA 96 2011

Kitchen Hood Extinguishing

NFPA 115

Laser fire protection

NFPA 101 2012 101A 2010

Life Safety and Egress

Shopping centers, Department stores, supermarkets, drug stores

Mercantile occupancy

8 Feet

Minimum width of a corridor aisle or ramp required for exit access in a new health care occupancy

1. Break Down the Job 2. Identify Hazards 3. Evaluating Hazard-studying causal factors 4. Implementing safe job procedures 5. Revising the job hazard analysis Example: gathering info for locking out a machine for maintenance

Name the Job Hazard Analysis Steps and one example of JHA

41 1/2 inches for hospitals and nursing homes 32 inches for psychiatric hospitals and limited care facilities

New exit access doors and exit doors are of the swinging type and are at least ______ in clear width.

NFPA 10 2010

Portable fire extinguishers

96 gallons

Size limit of waste containers - clean/recyclables outside of a protected area

32 gallons and 32 gallons for outpatient

Size limit of waste containers - soiled linen/trash outside of a protected area

NFPA 92 2012 92A

Smoke Control

NFPA 110 2010

Standard for emergency standby power (non stored)...generator

NFPA 111 2010

Standard for stored electrical energy emergency and standby power systems

- Three hours in three hour barriers and partitions - Ninety minutes in two hour barriers and partitions - Forty five minutes in one hour barriers and partitions - twenty minutes in thirty minute barriers and partitions

The fire protection ratings for opening protectives in fire barriers, fire rated smoke barriers, and fire rated smoke partitions are as follows:

True (In existing buildings protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system, the damper is not required in the duct.

True or False: In existing buildings, ducts that penetrate smoke barriers are protected by approved smoke dampers that close when a smoke detector is activate


True or False: In new buildings the smoke damper is required in the duct passing through a smoke barrier


True or False: Manual alarm boxes in patient sleeping areas are not required at exits if manual alarm boxes are located at all nurse's stations or other continuously attended staff location, provided alarm boxes are visible, continuously accessible, and 200 feet of travel distance is not exceeded

Designates caution messages

Yellow signs

Traffic or housekeeping markings

Black, Safety White, Safety Yellow or Combination

Designates safety information used on informational signs and bulletin boards

Blue Signs

NFPA 70/70E 2011

Bonding, Grounding, and electrical Fire Hazards

NFPA 5000

Building Construction and Safety Code


Bulk Oxygen Systems

Government buildings, Dentist, physician offices, college instructional buildings, and outpatient clinics

Business Occupancy

50ft 50ft 20ft

Dead end corridors in new ambulatory buildings with an approved sprinkler system is ______ In a new ambulatory building without an approved sprinkler system In existing buildings______

3 hours 1 1/2 hours 3 Hours 3 hours

Ducts penetrating the walls or floors with a fire resistance rating of less than ______hours are protected by dampers that are fire rated for _____hours. If the fire resistance rating of the duct is ______ hours or greater, they are protected by dampers that are fire rated for _____hours

32 inches existing 34 inches is permitted 28 inches where fire plans do not require evacuation by bed, gurney or wheelchair

Existing exit access doors and exit doors are of the swinging type and are at least ______ in clear width. Exceptions are provided for existing ______ doors and for existing _____ doors where________

A & B A • Class A Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish (flame spread index 0-25, smoke developed index 0-450) • Class B Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish (flame spread index 26-75, smoke developed index 0-450) • Class C Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish (flame spread index 76-200, smoke developed index 0-450)

Existing wall and ceiling interior finishes are rated Class _____ and ______ for limitiing smoke development and the spread of flames. Newly installed wall and ceiling interior finishes are rated Class _____

44 32 34

Exit corridors or passageways serving as a means of egress are _______ (or more) inches wide. Doors opening in the means of egress from diagnostic or treatment areas are _______ (or more) inches (unless the existing door opening is _____ inches)

Confinement measures include dividing a building to break up the total volume of a building in to small cells. To assure proper protection of openings, install fire doors in accord with NFPA 80 Standard for fire Doors and Fire Windows

Fire Confinement

A deficiency or series of deficiencies that indicate a lack of proper maintenance of building components that play a role in the unit concept

Fire Safety Deficiency Level I

A deficiency or series of deficiencies involving one or more unit concept units that poses a threat to life. The scope of the deficiencies is significant in a limited area

Fire Safety Deficiency Level II

NFPA 80 2010

Fire doors and windows

NFPA 1962

Fire hoses

NFPA 45 2011

Fire protection for laboratories using chemicals

NFPA 170 2009

Fire safety and emergency symbols

NFPA 221 2012

Fire walls and fire barrier walls

NFPA 30 2012

Flammable/Combustible Materials

6 and 18 inches

Floor proximity exit signs require the bottom of the sign be mounted no less than _____inches from the floor and no more than ____inches above the floor

100 150 200

For existing buildings, sleeping and non sleeping patient care suites have a travel distance to an exit access door of ______ft or less from any point in the suite. The travel distance between any point in the suite and an exit is either ______ft or _______ft depending on if the building is sprinkled.

100 200

For new buildings, sleeping and non sleeping patient care suites have a travel distance to an exit access door of ______ft or less from any point in the suite. The travel distance between any point in the suite and an exit is ______ft

1. fixed 2. groupings no larger than 50 sq ft 3. groupings of furniture no closer than 10 ft 4. one side of hallway only 5. cannot obstruct access to critical areas 6. 8ft corridor must provide a 6ft clear width

Furniture rules in 8ft corridor

Designates safety, emergency egress, and location of first aid and safety equipment

Green Signs

Low Hazard: Low combustibility that no self propagating fire therein can occur Ordinary Hazard: Likely to burn with moderate rapidity or give off a considerable volume of smoke High Hazard: Likely to burn with extreme rapidity or from which explosions are likely

Hazard of contents

Hospitals, limited care facilities, and nursing homes

Healthcare Occupancies Include:

NFPA 99 2012

Healthcare facilities

5 or more stories in existing and 3 or more stories in new

How many stories must a building be to require stairwell signage?

25% 1296 sq inches

IN smoke compartments without sprinkler systems, fixed fire windows in smoke barrier doors are ______% or less of the size of the doors in which they are installed. Existing window installations that conform to previously accepted Life Safe code criteria (such as ________ sq inches or less, wired glass or fire rated glazing, and are set in approved metal frames) are permitted

rabbet, bevel or astragal 32" automatic flush bolts

If using a pair of doors, the doors have a ________ ,__________, or ________ at the meeting edge and at least one of the doors provides ______ clearance in width while the inactive leaf is secured with ________ _________ _________

4 or more hours in a continuous 24 hour period

If your fire alarm system is down for ______ hours or more you must implement a fire watch

10 or more hours in a continuous 24 hour period

If your sprinkler system is down for _____ Hours or more you must implement fire watch

5 Ft

In an 8ft corridor carts/equipment are allowed but a _______ft clear width must be provided

2 30 1/2 hour 22500 sq ft

In existing buildings at least ______ smoke compartments are provided for every story that has more than_____ patients in sleeping rooms. Smoke barriers have a minimum of _____ hour fire resistance rating; the maximum size of each smoke compartment is limited to __________ft.

48" (4ft) 8ft, 8ft

In existing buildings corridors are at least ______ in clear width where serving as a means of egress from patient sleeping rooms. If modifying existing buildings with exit corridors that exceed _____ the exit corridors cannot be reduced to less than _______

1 3/4" 20 minutes ventilating louvers transfer grills

In existing buildings, all corridor doors are constructed to resist the passage of smoke and constructed of ____inch or thicker solid bonded wood core or constructed of a material that resists fire for not less than _____minutes. Doors do not have______ __________ or ______ _________

1/2 hour ***In new buildings no fire resistance rating shall be required for corridor wall partitions.

In existing buildings, corridor wall partitions are fire resistance rated for ____ hour continuous from the floor slab to the floor or roof slab above, extended through any concealed spaces

5,000 sq feet 1. approved electrically supervised sprinkler system. 2. total coverage automatic smoke detection system 7,500 10,000 1. direct supervision 2. approved electrically supervised sprinkler system 3. total coverage smoke detection system

In existing buildings, suites of patient sleeping rooms are limited to __________sq ft or less. If the building has these two things it can be increased to __________sq ft. If it has these three things it can be increased to __________sq

Audible and visible Visible

In new and existing buildings occupant notification of fire alarm is provided automatically by _________ and _________ signals. In critical care areas _________ signals are sufficient

2 50 1 hour 22500 sq ft

In new buildings at least ______ smoke compartments are provided for every story with patient sleeping or treatment rooms and for those stories that have an occupant capacity of _______ or more people. Smoke barriers have a minimum of _____ hour fire resistance rating; the maximum size of each smoke compartment is limited to __________ft.

Audible and visible 22,500 sq ft.

In new buildings, annunciation zoning for the fire alarm and sprinklers is provide by ___________and ___________indicators and zones are not larger than __________sq ft per zone

Hinged ventilating louvers transfer grills 1 inch

In new buildings, corridor doors are constructed to resist the passage of smoke, _______ so that they swing, and do not have _____ ______ or _______ ________. They must be positive latching and undercuts are no larger than ______ inch

30 ft 100 ft

In new buildings, no dead-end corridor is longer than ____ and the common path of travel does not exceed ________

36 inches 60 inches intensive care units, coronary care units, neonatal care units.

In new buildings, the window sill height in patient sleeping rooms does not exceed _______inches from the floor except in special nursing care areas where the window sill height does not exceed _______inches above the floor. Give examples of special nursing units this would apply to.

1 hour 2 hours

In new buildings, vertical openings, (other than exit stairs) are enclosed by _______hr fire rated walls when connecting 3 or fewer floors and ______hr fire rated walls when connecting four or more floors.

NFPA 25 2011

Inspection, testing, and maintenance of water based protection systems

NFPA 105 2010

Installation of smoke door assemblies

NFPA 13 2010

Installation of sprinkler systems

3 5 the story the stairwell the top and bottom the direction to and story of exit discharge

New stairs serving_______ or more stories and existing stairs serving______or more stories have signs on each floor landing in the stairwell that identify_________ ________ __________ ___________

1/2 80 sq inches 20 sq inches ***openings may include but not limited to, mail slots and pass through windows in labs and cashier stations

Openings in vision panels or doors in corridor walls (other than in smoke compartments containing patient sleeping rooms), are installed at or below ______ of the distance between the floor to the ceiling. These openings may not be larger than _____ sq inches in new buildings or ______ sq inches in existing buildings

Dangerous parts of machines or energized equipment

Orange Signs


Patient care suites not used for sleeping are limited to________sq ft

Hazard Closing

Process of two or more hazards trying to occupy the same space

6 inches (Conflict with ADA which is 4 inches) (this only applies to 8ft corridors. Projections may not reduce the corridor width to less than 6ft. Projections above 38" can stick out as much as 6" Projections below 38" can project 4.5"

Projections in corridors may be _______inches

Fire, Danger, and stop

Red Signs

Atmosphere-supplying respirators (ASRs)

Respirators that provide clean breathing air from a separate source. These respirators protect workers from many types of airborne contaminants (particles, gases, and vapors) and, in certain cases, oxygen-deficient atmospheres.

Air Purifying respirator (APRs)

Respirators that use filters, cartridges, or canisters to remove gases, vapors, aerosols, or a combination of contaminants from the air.

1,000 sq ft 2 2500 sq ft 2

Suites of patient sleeping rooms larger than ________sq ft are provided with at least ______ exit access doors remotely located from each other. Rooms or suites (not used as patient sleeping rooms) larger than _______sq feet have at least _____ exit access doors remotely located from each other.

4 Failure of Category 1 systems is likely to cause "major injury or death." Failure of Category 2 systems is likely to cause "minor injury." Failure of Category 3 systems is likely to cause "discomfort." Failure of Category 4 systems is likely to have "no impact."

The 2012 edition of NFPA 99 requires using a risk-based approach to categorize and design building systems. This assessment is required to be a formal and documented assessment. The code defines how many categories based on the effect of system/equipment failure on the well-being of patients and caregivers:

10 gallons (those in patient rooms within smoke compartment are excluded)

The allowed amount of ABHR (Alcohol Based Hand Rubs) within an individual smoke compartment within the means of egress.


True or false: Corridors serving adjoining areas are not used for a portion of an air supply, air return, or exhaust air plenum

NFPA 90A 2012

Ventilating systems


Welding, cutting, and brazing

Chapter 7

What Chapter of NFPA 101-2012 covers Means of Egress

1. Incipient (ignition) 2. Growth 3. Fully developed

What are the stages of fire development

Chapter 9

What chapter covers Building service and fire protection equipment

Chapter 19

What chapter of NFPA 101 2012 Life Safety Codes pertains to existing healthcare occupancies

Chapter 18

What chapter of NFPA 101 2012 Life Safety Codes pertains to new healthcare occupancies

Chapter 8

What chapter of NFPA 101-2012 covers Features of Fire protection

Chapter 11

What chapter of NFPA 101-2012 covers Special structures and high rise buildings

New: Chapter 20 Existing: Chapter 21

What chapters cover new and existing ambulatory health care occupancies

18 inches of vertical clearance

What is the level of clearance required beneath and around sprinkler heads

36 inches (3ft)

What is the required clear width around a fire extinguisher/pull station?

44 inches

minimum width of aisles corridors, and ramps in adjunct areas not intended for the housing, treatment, or use of inpatients

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