CHM 235/238 Final Exam

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-an equilibrium will eventually be reached -A spontaneous process means there will be more products than reactants -The greater the magnitude of a (-)ΔG, the greater the equilibrium conc. of products

c. achiral, racemic

Acid-catalyzed hydration mechanisms proceed through a carbocation intermediate, which is __________. Therefore the products of these reaction are ____________.

c. low, small, high, large

Addition reactions are favored at ________ temperature when the entropy term in the Gibb's free energy equation will be ________. Elimination reactions are favored at ________ temperature when the entropy term in the Gibb's free energy equation will be ________ .

Due to symmetry, 3 only has 2 signals and both are singlets as neither has heterotropic neighbors

An unknown compound produces a HNMR spectrum that has just 2 signals, each of which is a singlet. Which of the compounds 1-4, could the unknown be? Explain.

a. diastereomers, configurational b. constitutional isomers c. identical d. diastereomers, configurational

Are the following pairs identical, enantiomers, diastereomers, or constitutional isomers. Also, which of these are configurational isomers of each other?

C. nucleophile attacks at the same time LG leaves *a is SN1, and b is impossible

Assuming the reaction below takes place by a concerted process, which mechanistic scheme is correct?

empty p-orbital=>electrophilic

Classify each of the highlighted regions below as either a nucleophilic center or an electrophilic center

inductive effect=>electrophilic

Classify each of the highlighted regions below as either a nucleophilic center or an electrophilic center

inductive effect=>nucleophilic

Classify each of the highlighted regions below as either a nucleophilic center or an electrophilic center

lone pair=>nucleophilic

Classify each of the highlighted regions below as either a nucleophilic center or an electrophilic center

π bond=>nucleophilic

Classify each of the highlighted regions below as either a nucleophilic center or an electrophilic center

3 2 3 1

Determine the number of signals that would be generated in the 1 H NMR spectrum of each of the following compounds, and predict the splitting pattern and integration of each signal.

d. Enol, ketone, tautomers

During the acid catalyzed hydration of an alkyne an intermediate forms called a(n) _______, which rapidly interconverts to form a more stable _____. The two structures are said to be ___________.

a.more, increases, greater

Elimination reactions to form alkenes are favored at high temperatures because there are ______ product molecules than reactant molecules, so that the entropy of the system ________. At higher temperatures this results in a ______ impact of the T∆S term on the overall Gibbs free energy.

E. only A and C

Enantiomers are

a. super, same, achiral b. left is S and right is R-nonsuper, enantiomers, chiral c. both R-super, same, chiral d. nonsuper, constitutional, chiral e. nonsuper, diastereomers, achiral f. super, same, achiral g. nonsuper, diastereomers, chiral h. nonsuper, enantiomers, chiral

For each pair of molecules, determine whether they are "superimposable" or "nonsuperimposable." (models can be helpful) Now determine the relationship between each pair of molecules (same, constitutional isomers, enantiomers or diastereomers). Lastly is each "chiral" or "achiral"?

b. A = 3, 4; B = 3, 4; C = 3, 4

For each reagent, predict all the major product(s).

B. 2 *first and last one

How many are constitutional isomers of each other?

C. 3 1, 3 and 5

How many are diastereomers?

Again plane of symmetry B. 2

How many different proton chemical environments does this molecule have?

B. 2 Mirror image so 2 instead of 3

How many different proton chemical environments does this molecule have?

2 4 3 3 1 3

How many different signals would each of the following molecules produce in a 1 H NMR spectrum?

D. 4 * the one with the c=o is not one

How many of the below are constitutional isomers?

A. 1 only C

How many pairs of enantiomers?

C. 3: Hs in CH2 are diff bc of the double bond

How many signals should appear in the 1H-NMR spectrum of the molecule below?


How many signals will be in the 1 H NMR spectrum of

b. Z

Identify the configuration of the alkene bond highlighted in red in the following compound.

C. D and G

Identify the electrophilic centers in the following molecules.

D. A, C, E, F and H

Identify the nucleophilic centers in the following molecules.

e) will not be effected, doubles

In an SN1 reaction, if the nucleophile concentration doubles, the reaction rate ________. In an SN1 reaction, if the substrate concentration doubles, the reaction rate ________.

B. CH3Cl: closest to 12 ppm bc Cl is the most electronegative

In which compound will the proton signal be shifted the most DOWNFIELD?

e. 1, 4 and 5

In which of the following reactions syn addition is part of the mechanism?

A. plane of symmetry D. not a meso compound

Is this compound a meso compound?


List ALL the major products of the following reaction?

B. I, C *elim, OH Mark

List the correct order of reagents to accomplish the following synthesis.

D. L, H, E *ant Mark

List the correct order of reagents to accomplish the following synthesis.


Mesylates, tosylates, and triflates are excellent ____ •(OMs, OTs, and OTf)


S or R?

a) Methyl *tertiary is nonexistent/unreactive

SN2 reactions proceed fastest with ________ substrates.

a) inversion *racemic=1/2R and 1/2 S

SN2 reactions where there is only one stereocenter and the leaving group is attached to that stereocenter will produce ________ products.

a. Singlet & triplet A = singlet C = triplet

Signals A & C would appear as ? respectively?


Starting with Acetylene, what would be the appropriate set of reagents to produce 2-methyl-4-nonyne?

a) weak, stable *weak bases are very stable

The best leaving group produces a _________ base that is a(n) _________ anion.

SN2 rxn

The concerted mechanism involves breaking of the bond to the leaving group and making of the bond to the nucleophile at the same time backside attack happen at the same time the Nuc does a backside attack, and only the inversion of configuration product is obtained.

a. Markovnikov

The overall results of an Oxymercuration-Demercuration reaction produces a ______ addition.

D) -OH is a poor leaving group, as the base formed, OH-, is a strong and unstable base *secondary=>WB, strong nuc, SN2

The reaction shown below has a very poor yield. Which of the following statements is true concerning the poor reaction efficiency?

SN1 rxn

The stepwise mechanism the leaving groups leaves first, to give a carbocation intermediate, followed by nucleophilic attack typically more of the inversion product is observed


To which compound does the following NMR spectrum belong?


What are the product(s) of this reaction?

d. A and d

What are the product(s) of this reaction?


What are the products of the following reaction?

E. A, B, C, D

What are the products of the following reaction?

c.A, E

What are the products of the following reaction?

D)F- *stronger nuc=stronger base

What halide is the strongest nucleophile in a polar aprotic solvent?

A. R

What is the configuration?

a. (3S,4S)-3-bromo-4-chlorohexane

What is the correct IUPAC name for the following structure?

c. (E, 5S)-5-isopropyloct-2-ene

What is the correct IUPAC name for the following structure?

d. 2,8-dimethyl-3-decyne

What is the correct IUPAC name for the following structure?


What is the correct mechanism and product for the following reaction?

c. 1) MCPBA 2) H3O+

What is the correct order of reagents needed for the following reaction?

B. A, F

What is the correct order of reagents needed for the following transformation?

D. A, G, E

What is the correct order of reagents needed for the following transformation?

D. E, C, D

What is the correct order of reagents needed for the following transformation?


What is the major product for the following reaction?


What is the major product for the following reaction?


What is the major product of the following reaction?

A-strong nuc, resonance stabilized WB, SN2

What is the major product of the following reaction?

B- secondary=>strong nuc SB, elim-Ez major and SN2 minor

What is the major product of the following reaction?

B-SN1 *a is E1 and d is minor

What is the major product of the following reaction?

B-hindered base

What is the major product of the following reaction?


What is the major product of the following reaction?

C In this problem the reaction proceeds via an E1 mechanism. Upon formation of the secondary carbocation a methyl group will migrate to create a tertiary carbocation. Then the Zaitsev product will form.

What is the major product of the following reaction?

C SB, strong nuc and ∆promotes elim, nonnuc base hindered a is minor

What is the major product of the following reaction?

D- teritary reagent=>WB strong nuc = SN1

What is the major product of the following reaction?

D-unhindered base *b is minor, c is trans and e is not possible

What is the major product of the following reaction?

E- primary reagent=>WB strong nuc = substitution -SN2

What is the major product of the following reaction?

C Anti mark D tautomerizes to C

What is the major product of this reaction?

E Mark HOH

What is the major product of this reaction?

b. Substitution, A=Electrophile, B=Nucleophile, C=Leaving group

What is the name given to the following class of reactions, and what word would best represent the species A, B, and C?


What is the product (in addition to its enantiomer) of the following reaction?


What is the product of the following reaction?

d. b, c *unsymm trans=enantiomers

What is the product of the following reaction?

B. enantiomers

What is the relationship between the following molecules represented in their Fischer projections?

e) C and D

What is the relationship between the molecules?

B. configurational isomers

What is the relationship between...

D. the same molecule

What is the relationship between...

E. A and B mirror nonsuperimposable (rotate flat drawing=not the same)

What is the relationship between...

E. A and B mirror image, nonsuperimposable

What is the relationship between...

a d and e

What reagent is needed for the following reaction?

b. Na in NH3 (l)

What reagent is needed for the following reaction?

c. H2/Pt *Pb, Ni

What reagent is needed for the following reaction?


What will be the major product(s) of the following reaction?


What will be the major product(s) of the following reaction?

A. molecule (a)

Which Fischer projection below corresponds to this molecule?


Which are diastereomers?

D. A, D, E

Which bases are strong enough to deprotonate the following compound efficiently?

d) I- *F- is the worst LG

Which is the best leaving group?

E. all of the above

Which of the following are true about:

D. A and E

Which of the following carbocations will rearrange?

E. C and D *carbon is a strong base

Which of the following curved arrow mechanistic steps would you expect to be irreversible?

E. all of them

Which of the following curved arrow transformations do not follow the rules for curved arrow drawings?

c. C *aprotic=no H bond

Which of the following is a polar aprotic solvent?

d. b, f, g, h a=trans b=cis c=neither d=trans e=neither f=cis g=cis h=cis

Which of the following represent cis isomers?

C. A, B, C, D, F

Which of the following structures will form alkynes upon treatment with excess NaNH2 followed by H2O?

C: protons on the benzene show up about 6.5-8.5 ppm, d would show up about 2.5-4.5 bc of Cl, so C shifts the most bc closest on the ring to the Cl

Which proton will have the greatest chemical shift?

C a=most downfield b=4.2-2.5 ppm c=1.5-2.5

Which protons would appear most upfield in the NMR?


Which represents the chair conformation of the following with both groups axial?

E OH is left to M

Which represents the ring flip of the structure?


Which sequence of reagents will complete the following synthetic sequence? (? = nu/ν )

d. 1. Hg(OAc)2, CH3OH, 2. NaBH4 *Markovnikov, no rearrangement, mercuration

Which set of reagents will effectively complete the following reaction?

c. 1) MCPBA 2) H3O+

Which set(s) of reactants will not form the expected product?


Which spectrum corresponds to

b) Increased temperature

__________ increases the likelihood of elimination occurring instead of substitution.


are these two enantiomers?


concert, 2 things have to come together at the same time, bimolecular, 2nd order kinetics loss of leaving group vs. loss of beta-proton AND leaving group to form double bond rate = k [alkyl halide] [base] occurs when substrate is sterically hindered regioselective

top one: non enantiomers (mirror images but superimposable) bottom one: enantiomers (mirror images, non superimposable)

how are the molecules related



(the Zaitsev product)

more stable alkene ______ produced as the major product


name include S/R


name include S/R


name include S/R

*has plane of symm and meso (1R,3S)-1,3-dibromocyclohexane or cis-1,3-dibromocyclohexane or meso-1,3-dibromocyclohexane

name include S/R


same molecular formula and constitution but diff spatial arrangements of atoms

meso compound

those molecules who HAVE chiral centers... but aren't chiral (because of a plane of symmetry that passes through the molecule).

E1 mechanism

through a two-step (stepwise) mechanism unimolecular rate determining step is the formation of the carbocation intermediate •will always give the most stable alkene as the major product, the most substituted alkene regioselectivity stereoselective

enantiomers nonsuperimposable mirror images chiral carbon stereocenter OFTEN but not always, enantiomers have a chiral center

what is the relationship bt these molecules

enantiomers of trans-1,3-dibromocyclohexane left: (1R,3R)-1,3-dibromocyclohexane right: (1S,3S)-1,3-dibromocyclohexane

what is their relationship name include S/R

diastereomers nonsuperimposable nonmirror images

what type of isomers?

SN1 mechanism

• proceeds through a two-step (stepwise) mechanism first-order kinetics formation of the carbocation the is rate determining step. •Since the formation of the carbocation requires only ionization of the substrate, the rate of it's formation depends only on the substrate, and so the rxn follows first-order kinetics the leaving group first leaves to form a carbocation intermediate, followed by nucleophilic attack

reversible irreversible

•All proton transfers are ____. •But, if the pKa difference is 10 units or more, it can be considered ___

addition elimination

•At lower temps, enthalpy dominates, and ____ reactions are favored •At higher temps, entropy dominates, and ____ reactions are favored


•Carbocation rearrangements are generally ____

aprotic protic *aprotic raise E results in low Ea *protic stabilize carbocation intermediate, results in lower Ea

•For SN2 rxns, a polar ______ solvent is best • For SN1 rxns, a polar _______ solvent is best


•Given the anti-periplanar requirement, E2 elimination can only occur when the leaving group is in the ____ position.


•Identify the following pairs as either constitutional isomers, stereoisomers, or identical structures


•If the attacking nucleophile is a poor leaving group, it will essentially be an _____ attack


•If the attacking nucleophile is also a good leaving group, it will be a ____ attack


•The better the _____, the faster the SN1 or E1 rxn (like Cl, Br, and I (best) are faster than F)


•The loss of a leaving group is virtually always ____


•The mechanism will be either SN1 or SN2, depending on the substrate. 1˚ ___ react via SN2, but 2˚ and 3˚ ____ react via SN1

Configurational isomers

•Type of stereoisomer - •Stereo - Greek word meaning "solid", that has come to be associated with 3D objects •In the case of stereoisomers, "stereo" means "3D space" •Atoms connected in the same order(linked to the same neighbors) BUT are in a different spatial relationship to each other


•electron deficient species, can accept a pair of electrons • are Lewis acids •Carbocations and partially-positive atoms


•electron rich species, can donate a pair of electrons - are Lewis bases -More polarizable = stronger ____

(the Hofmann product)

•less substituted alkene ________ is the minor product.

constitutional isomers

•same degrees of unsaturation •same number of C, N, O, (H), etc. •different connectivity -if you can flip 'em, rotate 'em, rotate around bonds, & they look the same they're NOT ______

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