Chp. 14&15

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Luther viewed celibacy as

Opposed to himan nature and God's commandments

The edict of Nantes

Permitted each french nobleman to determine the religion for his territory

In the fifteenth century, two rival Islamic empires dominated the Middle East, the Turkish ottomans and the

Persian Safavids

The pilgramige of grace attested to

Popular opposition, in northern England, to henry VIII's reformation

France supported the Protestant princes of Germany in order to

Prevent charles V from increasing his power

Portugaks participation in European expansion was given critical support by

Prince Henry

The dissolution of the english monasteries

Resulted from henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

In chronological order, what were the three successive commercial empires established by Europeans in the 15th, 16th, and 17th centuries?

The Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Dutch

In addition to reframing the church, what was the other goal of the council of Trent

To secure reconciliation with the Protestant

The overriding goal of the catholic religious orders established in the 16th century was

To uplift the moral condition of both clergy and laity

A new religious order for women that emerged in the sixteenth century was the

Ursuline order

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

Was a middle course between catholic and Protestant extremes

How did Europeans initially justify the enslavement of Africans?

Enslavement benefited the Africans by bringing Christianity to them

Which of the following best characterizes the role of Europe in the world trading system prior to the voyage of Columbus

Europe was a minor outpost that produced few products desired by other civilizations

Why did John Calvin reject the idea of human free will

Human free will would detract from the sovereignty of God

The eurpean voyages of the 15th century derived from a desire to hate in the wealth of the

Indian Ocean trade

What did Columbus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean?

Islands off the coast of Japan

How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the holy ran emperor charles v at the diet of worms

Luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teachings and practices

What aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged

Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works

The reformation in England was primarily the result of

The dynastic and romantic concerns of henry VIII

Luther beloved that the church consisted of

The entire community of Christian believers

When Vasco da Gama arrive don't be Indian Ocean, how did he navigate these unknown waters?

He hired an Indian pilot as his guide

Why did Protestants allow the dissolution of marriages in divorce

Protestants viewed marriage as a temporary arrangement in this world that has no significance for the afterlife

How did the introduction of Ptolemy's geography mislead European cartographers

Ptolemy asserted that the world was much smaller than it actually is, indicating that Asia was not far removed from Europe to the west

Which of the following best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation

Salvation came grouch faith alone as a free gift of Gods grace

How did the spanish monarchy seek to maintain its control over its colonies

The monarchy established intendants with broad administrative and financial authority who were responsible directly to the monarchy

Who did Portuguese merchants obtain most of their slacked in Africa

They traded for Slaves with local leaders

How did the French colonies respond to the problem of low migration levels from France

Colonial officials encouraged french traders to form ties with and marry native women

The treaty of tordesillas

Divided the Atlantic Ocean with an imaginary line giving spain control of everything we'd of the line and Portugal everything east of the line

How did justifications for slavery change form the 15th to the 18th century?

Arguments a supporting slavery began to focus more on science and nature and less on religion

The motivations for European explorers included all of the following except

Fear of the Black Death

How did the Calvinists understand the idea of work or labor

Hard work, well done, was pleasing to God and all work with a religious aspect was dignified.

How did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women?

Marriage became virtual the only occupation for upper class women

How did Michel de Montaigne offer a counterpoint to Europe's groping imperial activities?

Montaigne claimed that Europe produced all of the goods it needed and colonial products only led to luxury and moral corruption

What became Cortes crucial advantage in his conquest of the Mexican empire

Cortes was able to exploit internal dissension within the Mexican empire

The consistory was

A body of laymen and pastors who led Geneva

The saint bartholomew's day massacre led to

A lengthy civil way

Who was Prester John

A mythical Christina kind in Africa believe to be a descendant of the one of the three kings who visited Jesus after his birth

Luther's ideas about roman exploitation of Germany

Appealed to the national sentiment of German princes

How did english colonies differ from other major European colonies in the treatment of African women

English masters rarely freed the children that they fathered with female slaves

The treaty of cateau-cambresis ended the conflict known as the

Habsburg-Valois Wars

How did magellans circumnavigation of the globe affect spanish colonization

The great distance of the pacific convinced the spanish to abandon effort to Tate in Asia and develop their american colonies instead

In the early 16th century, anticlericalism focused primarily on all of the following except

The heresy of priests who preached messages contrary to Church doctrine

What was the primary cause of the emergence of inflation in Spain in the 16th century?

The inability of spanish agriculture and manufacturing to meet the growing da and for goods

Who did the choice to embrace or reject the reform movement occur in a territory or region in the Holy Roman Empire

The political leaders of the territory or region determined whether to introduce reforms

How did the encomienda system function

The spanish crown granted conquerors the right to employ or demand tribute from groups of native Americans in exchange for providing food and shelter

Why did most ordinary Poles oppose to Lutheran reform movement?

They held strong anti-German feelings

The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a

Confidence among Calvinists in their own salvation

Who resisted the efforts to the Portuguese to establish themselves in the Indian Ocean trade

Muslim-controlled port cities

How did the English and French seek a route to east Asia

They sought a northwest passage across North America

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