Circulatory System Unit Review

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chambers of the heart


Average adult blood

4-6 quarts

What does blood transport?

CO2, O2, nutrients, heat, hormones


Outer covering, double layered membrane or sac

cardiac output

amount of blood pumped by left ventricle in one minute

2 upper chambers of the hearts


Mitral Valve

between left atrium/left ventricle; closes when left ventricle contracts to push blood to aorta to be carried to body, prevents backflow to left atrium

Aortic Valve

between left ventricle and aorta; closes when left ventricle is finished contracting to allow flow to aorta and prevent backflow into left ventricle

location of heart

between lungs, behind sternum, above diaphragm

Tricuspid Valve

between right atrium/right ventricle prevents backflow of blood into right atrium

Pulmonary Valve

between right ventricle and pulmonary artery (pulmonary artery carried blood to lungs); keeps blood from back flowing into right ventricle


can detect disease and abnormal activity


carry blood away from the heart


carry blood to heart


chest pain

heart and blood cells

closed system


connect arterioles to venules

one cardiac cycle

consists of systole and diastole

From what does the heart receive oxygen and nutrients?

coronary arteries


decreased oxygen


defend the body from allergic reactions by producing antihistamines

Atrioventricular (AV Node)

electrical impulse sent to AV node located between atrium and ventricle

conductive pathways

electrical impulses originating in the heart cause cyclic contraction of cardiac muscle

3 layers of the heart

endocardium myocardium pericardium

Pericardial fluid

fills the space between the two layers and prevents friction and damage as heart contracts, lubricates


fluid portion (90% water), many substances suspended or dissolved (vitamins, proteins, gases, wastes)

myocardial infarction

heart attack


interference with normal electrical conduction pattern of heart the causes abnormal heart rhythms

inadequate bloodflow causes...

ischmia and angina

Why is blood called a tissue

it contains many kinds of cells


largest artery

Superior and inferior vena cava

largest veins


muscular middle layer, the thickest


muscular middle wall that separates heart into right and left sides, prevents blood from moving between sides


muscular, hollow organ that functions as a pump

Blockage of coronary arteries causes...

myocardial infarction

Sinoatrial/ SA node

pacemaker sends electrical impulse that spread out over the muscle in atria atrial muscles contract and send blood into ventricles located in right atrium


participate in body's inflammatory response, produce histamine, cause vasodilation


period of rest (ventricle)


period of ventricular contraction


phagocytize bacteria


phagocytize bacteria by secreting an enzyme called lysozyme


platelets, formed in bone marrow, important in clotting process


protein that carries oxygen, iron, and O2 gives blood red color


provide immunity by producing antibodies

Why are ventricular walls thicker than atrial walls?

pumping action required of the ventricles

right atrium

receives blood as it returns from body cells

left ventricle

receives blood from the left atrium and pumps it into aorta to transport to body cells

right ventricle

receives blood from the right atrium and pumps it to the pulmonary artery which carries blood to the lungs

Bundle of His

receives impulse from AV node located in the septum divides into right and left bundle branches

left atrium

receives oxygenated blood from the lungs


red blood cells formed in bone marrow broken down in liver and spleen contain hemoglobin

cardiac cycle

right and left side of the heart work in an cyclic manner even though separated by septum

Right and Left Bundle Branch

send impulses to ventricle


smallest branches of arteries


smallest branches of veins


smooth inner layer of cells that lines the inside of the heart, allows for smooth flow of blood

blood cells

solid elements

Purkinje Fibers

subdivision of bundle branches network of nerve fibers throughout ventricles... causing all muscle tissue in ventricles to contract

how is blood carried

throughout body in blood vessels

function of circulatory system

transports oxygen and nutrients to body cells transports carbon dioxide and metabolic materials away from the body cells

2 lower chambers on the heart



white blood cells formed in bone marrow and lymph tissue fight infection

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