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Executable files for Macs have a(n) ___ extension.


The main executable file for PC software has a(n) ___ extension.


The first cellular phones that were able to access the Internet were available in ___.


Big data refers to huge collections of data that are difficult to process, analyze, and manage using conventional data tools. It is a core component of the ___ platform, which also includes cloud computing, ___ devices, and social networking.

3rd; mobile

Conventional wisdom tells us that strong passwords are at least ___ characters in length and include one or more uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols.


___ monitors web browsing activity to supply ad-serving sites with data used to generate targeted ads.


One of the biggest challenges for this technology was creating a worldwide network that linked continents. In 1858, this worldwide network became a possibility when the first undersea cable was laid across the ___ Ocean.


___ protocols, such as passwords, PINs, and fingerprint scanners, are the first line of defense against data thieves and snoopers.


Ecommerce activities are classified as B2C, C2C, B2G, and ___.


The ___ data type is used to store binary data, such as MP3 files and graphics.


In the 1800s, an English mathematician named Charles ___ proposed to build a device, called the Analytical Engine, that would operate using steam power.


___ filters block mail that originates from IP addresses of known spammers.


___ software is usually sold in retail stores or at Web sites and may have options for site licenses as well as single user licenses.


___ filters examine the content within a message for certain words or phrases commonly used in spam emails.


___ procedures reduce the effect of an attack.


For databases composed of more than one record type, it is best to use a database management system, which is abbreviated as ___.


Records can be removed from a database using the SQL ___ command.


Software for Macs is distributed as ___ packages that are dragged to the Applications folder to complete the installation.


___ files can be created and manipulated by using a variety of tools, including word processing and spreadsheet software.


___ software helps you store, find, organize, update, and report information located in one or more tables.


Freeware is copyrighted software that is available free of charge. ___ is also available free of charge, but is limited in some way until you pay for it.


___ operating systems - such as Windows, Chrome OS and OS-X accommodate one user at a time, are capable of multitasking, and include a graphical user interface designed for keyboard and mouse input.


___ activities recognize attacks and trigger a corrective response.


___ reduce the likelihood of deliberate attack.


___ is a suite of software modules that use a common database and a common user interface.

ERP (Enterprise resource planning)

Software licenses, referred to by the acronym ___ can be divided into two main categories: public ___ and proprietary.

EULA; domain

___ transforms a message or data file in such a way that its contents are hidden from unauthorized readers.


An MITM exploit executed at Wi-Fi hotspots is called the ___.

Evil Twin

Windows File Explorer and the OS X ___ are examples of file management utilities provided by operating systems.


___ databases connect nodes much like a sociogram.


Two very popular NoSQL tools include, ___ which is a big data file system, and ___, which sends processing logic to the data, rather than bringing the data to the computer that performs the processing.

Hadoop; MapReduce

___ filters review the email header for falsified information, such as spoofed IP addresses.


___ databases allow only one-to-many relationships.


The life of a technology product, innovation, or idea can be tracked using a product life cycle, Rogers' bell curve, or the Gartner ___.

Hype Cycle

The ___ data type can be used to store URLs.


Ethical decisions should take into account applicable ___, such as the Digital Millenium Copyright Act.

ICT laws

An MITM attack that targets cellular data eavesdrops on conversations using a(n) ___ catcher.


Records can be added to a table using the SQL ___ command.


___ degree programs focus on applying computers to business problems.

Information systems

___ systems play a key role in helping organizations achieve goals, which are set forth in a(n) ___.

Information; mission statement

SQL also provides a(n) ___ command that can be used to temporarily consolidate two tables so that data can be accessed simultaneously from both of them.


___ information systems typically build on the data collected by a TPS to produce reports that managers use to make the business decisions needed to solve routine, structured problems.


___ operating systems, such as iOS and Android, are designed for smartphones and tablet computers.


Outsourcing practices account in part for declining prices of digital products, but another factor is ___ law, which predicted that the number of transistors in an integrated circuit would double every two years.


Although SQL and relational databases can be used for big datasets, a collection of alternative tools referred to as ___ has become popular.


Some software is not exacly malware, but it is a nuisance. A(n) ___ (hint: use the acronym) takes up residence on a digital device and seems impossible to disable or remove.


___ filters block or allow mail based on the sender's address.


___ redirects Web site traffic to fraudulent web sites that distribute malware, collect personal data, sell counterfeit products, and perpetrate other scams.


___ is an email scam that masquerades as a message from a legitimate company or agency of authority, such as the IRS.


___ software supplies tools for creating a series of electronic slides that can be shown on a computer screen or projector.


___ countermeasures shield vulnerabilities to render an attack unsuccessful.


___ databases exist as a series of tables that can be related by common fields.


A(n) ___ Access Trojan is malware that arrives in a trojan, disguised as legitimate software, and then sets up a(n) ___ that prevents unauthorized access to a victim's device.


To search for data, you can use the SQL ___ command.


___ languages, such as JavaScript and Perl, are executed one line at a time.


___ operating systems, such as UNIX and Linux, are designed for hosting distributed networks.


___ is also distributed free of charge but uses the honor system to collect payment.


___ software is like a smart piece of paper that automatically adds up the columns of numbers you write on it.


___ testing ensures that the software components work correctly on the hardware and with other, perhaps older, elements of the information system.


Changing or replacing the data in a field requires the SQL ___ command.


OO programmers often use ___ Modeling Language diagrams to plan the classes for a program.


___ testing is performed on each module, and then ___ testing is performed to make sure that all the modules work together correctly.

Unit; integration

Software is available in several paradigms that affect how it is installed and used. ___ apps run in a browser and require no installation.


Document-related databases store text in JSON format or marked up with ___.


Each generation of languages has a higher level of ___ that removes or hides low-level details.


At the end of the conversion process, the information system undergoes a final test called ___ testing, designed to assure the system's owner that the new system works as specified.


An alternative approach is to use the ___ methodology in which programs are developed in iterations called ___.

agile; sprints

Devices such as the abacus require the operator to apply a(n) ___ to perform calculations.


The project then proceeds to the ___ phase, with the goal of producing a list of requirements for a new or revised information system.


The process of planning and building an information system is referred to as systems ___ and design, based on a system development ___ cycle (SDLC) which consists of several phases.

analysis; life

A rogue ___ exploit usually beins with a virus warning and an offer to disinfect the infected device.


Second-generation languages, called ___ languages, allowed programmers to write programs consisting of abbreviated op codes instead of 1s and 0s.


Malware with ___ control capability is programmed for off-site control of the camera or microphone on a victim's device.


Hackers who gain control over several computers can organize them into a client-server network known as a(n) ___.


Enterprises strive to prevent data ___, in which personal data is viewed, accessed, or retrieved without authorization.


A(n) ___ force attack uses password-cracking software to generate every possible combination of letters, numerals, and symbols.


Operating systems also manage ___ that collect and hold data from peripheral devices until a device is ready to accept it.


As in other industries, businesses in the information sector produce consumer goods and ___ goods.


The number of associations that can exist between two record types is referred to as ___.


Data sent over encrypted channels also falls victim to MITM attacks that use fake digital ___.


Inaddition to a college degree, ___ provides job applicants with marketable credentials pertaining to skills and knowledge of specific software or hardware.


An encrypted message or file is referred to as ___.


Chrome OS is considered a thin___ because it depends substantially on processing supplied by a remote computer.


The data can be accessed by devices using other platforms through the use of database ___ software.


A database and the DBMS used to create it are installed on a specific in-house computing platform, such as Linux, or are hosted as a(n) ___ service.


Each sector of a disk is numbered, providing a storage address that the operating system can track. Many computers work with a group of sectors, called a(n) ___, to increase the efficiency of file storage operations.


The instructions for a computer program are sometimes referred to as ___.


Many IT organizations have ___ of ethics designed to help computer professionals make tough decisions.


In windows, storage devices are identified by a drive letter, followed by a(n) ___.


A(n) ___-oriented data model makes it easy to access data stored in similar fields, rather than in individual records.


The telephone industry grew rapidly and is now classified as a(n) ___ carrier because it is similar to shippers that transport goods and passenger over regular routes at set rates.


Computer code must ultimately be converted into machine language so that it can be executed by the processor. That conversion can be performed by a(n) ___, that converts ___ code into ___ code.

compiler; source; object

Computer professionals work in full-time or part-time jobs, and some are ___ workers, who arrange to work for a company on a temporary basis, usually as consultants for particular projects.


Every file has a name and might also have a file extension. The rules that specify valid file names are called file-naming ___.


When customers put items in their online shopping carts, the ecommerce site's server sends a(n) ___ to the customer's computers containing the ID number of a shopping cart.


Even before recorded history, humans used various ___ aids, such as pebbles and notched sticks, to keep track of quantities.


Enterprises also use ___ applications to coordinate sales, marketing, and customer support.

customer relationship management

To protect data from being destroyed by natural disasters, human errors, and other factors, enterprises often house their information systems in private ___ centers or shared ___ centers.

data; colocation

A(n) ___ is a collection of information, generally stored as computer files.


Each Prolog rule has a(n) ___, which defines an outcome or fact, followed by the notation :-, which means "if".

decision table

Programming languages such as Prolog support the ___ programming paradigm because they encourage programmers to describe a(n) ___ rather than its solution.


Many ___ applications, from consumer apps to enterprise-level ERP systems, have a database at their core.


Additional techniques for producing high-quality, secure code include threat modeling and ___ programming.


In the ___ phase of the SDLC, the project team identifies potential software solutions, such as the use of programming languages, application ___ tools, or application software.

design; development

When the solution requires custom programming, a(n) ___ design phase produces specifications that describe the way the new information system should interact with users, store data, process data, and format reports.


A(n) ___ attack helps hackers guess your password by stepping through a dictionary containing word lists in common languages.


Every storage device has a(n) ___ containing a list of files stored on the device.


Enterprises also have ___ recovery plans in place that contain step by step methods to secure data against threats, recover lost data, and resume operations after a disruption.


Some technologies have transformative effects on lifestyles, employment, and economics. These ___ technologies include digital photography, the telephone, and smartphones.


Database tools handle the way data is physically stored, including the process of ___ data across multiple servers.


Modern database tools also handle ___ scaling as devices are added when additional capacity is required.


The OO paradigm allows programmers to hide the internal details of objects and their methods. This process, called ___, allows objects to be easily reused, modified, and repurposed.


Computer ___ degree programs focus on the design of computer hardware and peripheral devices.


The information ___ methodology focuses on the data that an information system collects.


In contrast, software ___ apply formalized techniques to reduce the cost and complexity of software while increasing reliability.


Relationships can be depicted graphically by using ___-relationship diagrams.


Password ___ is a measure of a password's unpredictability.


Professional ___ refers to on the job choices and actions that reflect a person's values.


A(n) ___ system is designed to analyze data and produce a recommendation or decision based on a set of facts and rules called a(n) ___ base.

expert; knowledge

To defent against attacks, consuers can install anti-___ security software.


Development can be derailed by unmanaged ___ creep, so the team should have a formal system of change requrests.


In database software, data is stored in ___, which form records.


A spam ___ uses a set of rules to examine email messages and determine which are spam.


Defense against intrusions is also offered by personal ___, which block unauthorized ___ access.

firewalls; port

One of the simplest methods for storing data is a(n) ___ file that consists of a single, two dimensional table of data elements.


The team uses documentation tools, such as data ___ diagrams and ___ case diagrams.

flow; use

Programmers can use ___ methods based on rigorous logical and mathematical models to reduce the number of defects in a software product.


The dividing process of a disk is referred to as ___.


Although consumers have little control over data that is stored on corporate systems, they can take steps to protect their identity by placing a(n) ___ alert on their credit reports.


A(n) ___ directs the computer to execute one or more instructions not coded as part of the main execution path of a program.


Using a technique called ___ logic, these systems can deal with imprecise data and problems that have more than one solution.


Payment authorization is facilitated through a payment ___.


In Prolog jargon, a question or query to a program's database is called a(n) ___.


Fourth-generation languages were designed to eliminate many of the strict punctuation and ___ rules that complicated third-generation languages.


The set of superclasses and subclasses that are related to each other is referred to as a class ___.


These modules typically include applications for ___ resources management, financial management, SCM, CRM, and manufacturing.


Unauthorized access to corporate information systems is a primary source of ___ theft.


During the ___ phase of the SDLC, the project team supervises the technicians who set up new hardware, install programming languages and other application ___ tools, create and test applications, and customize software.

implementation; testing

Modern database tools support data ___, which means separating data from the programs that manipulate data.


A(n) ___ engine evaluates the facts and rules to produce answers to questions posed to the system.


The ___ industry encompasses those companies that focus on digital equipment, software, communications technologies, and related services.


Classes can be derived from other classes through a process called ___.


Mobile apps are designed for smartphones and tablets. They are typically downloaded and ___ from an app store or web sites, though ___ owners' devices must ___ the device to obtain apps from third-party sources.

installed; locked; jailbreak

Prolog uses a process called ___ to evaluate facts and rules to determine whether they are true.


Programming languages can be obtained a la carte or in a package of tools such as an SDK or ___ development environment.


Third generation computers were even smaller because they used ___ circuits.


The object-oriented paradigm is based on the idea that the solution to a problem can be visualized in terms of objects that ___ with each other.


There are several types of ___ exploits that surreptitiously capture data.


Alternatively, a(n) ___ converts and executes one line at a time.


The operating system ___ remains in RAM while a device is in operation and manages the device's resources.


A(n) ___ records keystrokes and sends them to a hacker.


A computer programming language is a set of grammar rules and ___ for creating instructions that can ultimately be processed by a computer.


An SQL query contains SQL ___, such as SELECT, FROM, INSERT, JOIN, and WHERE, plus ___ that specify the details of the command.

keywords; CREATE

When an operating system fails to correctly track the allocation of RAM space to applications, a memory ___ may produce "Program Not Responding" error messages.


Through a process called side-___, an app from a source other than an official app store is installed on a device.


The ___ data type is used to store true/false and yes/no data.


The way that data is actually stored is referred to as the ___ storage model.


Data for these systems may originate from ___ programs or from customer information collected during the sales cycle.


The first programming languages were low-level ___ languages.


After testing and installation, an information system enters the ___ phase of its life cycle.


The core function of a password ___ (sometimes called a keychain) is to store user IDs with their corresponding passwords. Passwords can be stored in the ___, locally, or on a USB drive.


By 1200 a(n) ___ calculator, called the abacus, had appeared in China.


In contrast, ___ calculators, such as the Pascaline and de Colmar's Aritmometer, are designed to carry out calculations autonomously.


The ___ data type is a variable length field for entering text.


Operating systems manage resources by monitoring processor cycles, allocating ___ space to programs, tracking stored files, and supervising data exchanges with peripheral devices.


OO programmers can create ___ to define what happens once an action is initiated.


Objects interact with each other to solve problems by exchanging ___, which initiate an action, a process, or a procedure.


The key technology for fourth-generation computers, including personal computers, is the ___.


A(n) ___ database organizes relationships over three or more dimensions.


___ supports a division of labor among several processing units.


Most operating systems have ___ capabilities that allow two or more processes to run simultaneously.


___ capabilities allow an operating system to run multiple simultaneous operations for a single program.


The number of tables in a database can be determined by a process called ___, which helps a database designer group fields into record types and avoid data redundancy.


A(n) ___ database stores data in objects that can be grouped into classes and defined by attributes and methods.


An object is a single instance of an entity. Programmers can use a class as a template for a group of ___ with similar characteristics.


A record that contains data is sometimes referred to as a record ___.


Businesses also make extensive use of ___ when manufacturing, services, and product development are moved to other countries.


In databases, records can be related by one-to-___ relationships, one-to-many relationships, or many-to-many relationships.


Both ____ software and application software are essential for accomplishing tasks with a digital device.


The object-___ methodology treats an information system as a collection of interacting objects.


These tools work well when databases scale ___ (horizontally) and when databases are broken into subsets called ___.

out; shards

These goods may be produced in house or they may be ___ to other companies.


When you want to change margins, headers, and footers, you can use ___ layout tools.


Programming ___, such as procedural, object-oriented, and declarative, are methodologies that affect the way programmers conceptualize and approach computer programming.


To change the spacing between lines or the alignment of text, you can use tools to adjust ___ style.


Programs are composed of a series of statements that include a(n) ___ such as input or print and parameters.


A file's location is defined by a file ___, which includes the storage device, folder(s), file name, and extension.


Television was an additional technology to emerge in the telecommunications industry. Its evolution into ___ television provided another Internet access technology, especially popular in the United States.


Malware refers to any computer program designed to surreptitiously enter a digital device. The action carried out by malware code is referred to as a(n) ___.


An original message or file that has not yet been encrypted is reffered to as ___ or cleartext.


A project begins with a(n) ___ phase. In this phase, the project team is assembled and creates a project ___ plan containing a justification of the project and an initial project schedule.

planning; development

For flexibility, a concept called ___, or overloading, allows programmers to create a single, generic name for a procedure that behaves in unique ways for different classes.


PC software that can be carried on a USB flash drive and used without installation is called ___ software.


Finding a job in the IT industry is similar to finding any job. Preparing a resume is essential, and it can be spplemented by a Web ___ with links to relevant web sites, such as past employers, your alma mater, and samples of your work.


A Prolog fact begins with a(n) ___, such as shapeof, followed by a series of ___ within parentheses, such as (pizza,round).

predicate; argument

Programming projects can be approached using a(n) ___ methodology, which required extensive planning and documentation up front.


A database designer must also consider how to sort or index records. The ___ key for a table specifies the order in which records are stored and indicates where new records are inserted in a table.


Declarative languages, such as Prolog, can be used for problems that require calculations, but those problems are typically better suited to ___ languages.


Languages such as COBOL and Fortran support a traditional approach to programming called the ___ paradigm, which is based on a step-by-step ___.

procedural; algorithm

Transaction ___ systems provide an organization with a way to collect, display, modify, or cancel transactions.


Word ___ software assists you with composing, editing, designing, printing, and electronically publishing documents.


Office suites are sometimes referred to as ___ software because they offer features that really help get work done.


Technologies also have an effect on ___, which is the amount of output that is produced per unit of input.


A computer ___ is defined as any person whose primary occupation involves the design, configuration, analysis, development, modification, testing, or security of computer hardware or software.


In the 1930s and 1940s, several ___ computers were developed, including the Atanasoff-Berry computer, Z3, Harvard Mark I, Colossus, and ENIAC.


Various planning tools, such as structured English, ___, and flowcharts, help programmers plan the steps for a procedural program.


In the context of cyber security, social engineering is a deceptive practice that exploits human ___ by inducing victims to interact with a digital device in a way that is not in their best interest.


When an antivirus software detects malware, it can try to remove the infection, put the file into ___, or simply delete the file.


Although the specifications for searches and other database tasks are collected by easy-to-use graphical user interfaces, those spefications are converted into SQL ___, which can communication directly with the database.


SQL is a database ___ language that generally works behind the scenes as an intermeidary between the database ___ software provided to users and the database itself.

query; client

Smarthopnes are the top target for ___ that locks a device and then requests payment for an unlocking code.


The first step in desigining a relational database is to define its fields by specifying a field name and a data type. Integer, date, and ___ data types are used for fields containing data that might be mathematically manipulated.


Each row in the table is a(n) ___, and each column of the table is a(n) ___.

record; field

When two sets of records are ___, database software allows you to access data from both tables at the same time.


Most of these database management systems support ___ databases with data stored in tables, but database tool vendors also offer products for other database models.


All computer programs should include internal documentation in the form of ___, which are explanatory comments inserted into a computer program along with lines of code.


A(n) ___ control, or loop, repeats one or more instructions until a certain condition is met.


File naming rules typically do not allow you to use certain characters or ___ words in a file name.


Situations that require computer professionals to make ethical decisions often involve software copyrights, privacy, conflict of interest, use of work computers, software quality, hacking, and social ___.


The top-level list of a device is referred to as the ___ directory, which can be subdivided into several smaller lists called subdirectories that are depicted as ___.

root; folders

Modern ___ are used to hide malicious code by replacing parts of the operating system with modified code.


NoSQL tools are sometimes said to create ___ databases, but they usually have some type of structure, thought it may be more flexible than the relational model.


Computer ___ degree programs focus on digital computer architecture and how to program computers to make them work effectively and efficiently.


Companies and businesses that create jobs, develop products, and offer services are classified into economic ___.


In theory, increased use of ICT can raise a country's GDP. However, technology has also created national ___ vulnerabilities, and the threat of cyberwarfare continues to grow.


A(n) ___ control provides a choice of paths based on whether a condition is true or false.


Procedural languages provide programmers with a variety of ___ control structures for specifying the order of program execution.


Database tools also support multiple users and use a technique called ___ to handle situations in which more than one user attempts to update the same user record.


Local applications for PCs are installed using a(n) ___ program that copies files, checks resources, and updates the Windows ___.


Antivirus software is a type of utility software that looks for and eradicates malware by watching for virus ___ or through a(n) ___ analysis that examines the behavior of suspicious files.

signatures; heuristic

Open ___ software may be sold or distributed free of charge, but the distribution must include the source code.


Many social engineering attacks begin with ___, which is defined as unsolicited messages that are usually sent in massive numbers using electronic mail systems.


MITM attacks are also carried out by ___ the addresses in email messages, IP packets, ___ servers, and ARP routing tables.

spoofing; DNS

Any software that secretly gathers personal information without the victim's knowledge is classified as ___.


Computer worms are usually ___ executable files that can spread themselves from one device to another without any assistance from victims.


Before program code can be written, a programmer needs a clear problem ___, which includes a list of assumptions, a description of known information, and a specification for what constitutes a solution.


Managers depend on information systems to supply data that is essential for long-term ___ planning and short term tactical planning.


The single most effective security measure for digital devices is to password protect access to them. A(n) ___ password is difficult to hack.


A project team can use one of several approaches to the system development process. For example, the ___ methodology focuses on the processes that take place in an information system.


A(n) ___ file uses a uniform format to store data for each person or thing in the file.


Software pricing models include one-time purchase, ___, trial, and freemium.


These requirements are sometimes called ___ factors.


Information systems are used to track and control the ___ chain, which beings with raw materials shipped to a manufacturer, monitors finished goods shipped to distributors, and ends with merchandise delivered to customers.


A decision ___ system helps workers and managers make non-routine decisions by constructing decision models that include data collected from internal and external sources.


A program is not complete until it has been tested to ensure that it contains no ___ errors, logic errors, or runtime errors.


An operating system uses a file ___ to track the physical location of files.


In the 1800s, inventors created the ___, which used electricity to transmit data over a distance. Signals were sent usually using ___ code.


The ___ data type is used for fixed length fields containing text that is not intended to be mathematically manipulated.


Before a computer stores data on a disck, CD, or DVD, it creates the equivalent of electronic storage bins by dividing the disk into ___ and then further dividing the disk into ___.

tracks; sectors

Second-generation computers were smaller and less power hungry because they used ___.


___ are a type of standalone malware that masquerades as useful utilities or applications, which victims download and install unaware of their destructive nature.


A(n) ___ system might offer a complete hardware and software solution.


Each kind of record is referred to as a record ___.


To remove software that has been installed on a PC, Windows supplies a(n) ___ utility.


A filing cabinet full of folders and papers would be classified as a(n) ___ file.


A software ___ or patch is a small section of program code designed to correct problems and address security vulnerabilities.


New versions of software are called ___.


Most of these early computers used ___ tubes, which paved the way for the architecture of first-generation computers, such as UNIVAC.


When designing fields, a database designer can also include field formats, field ___ rules, and lookup routines to reduce data entry errors.


A key-___ data model provides each data element with a key.


Those parameters may include ___ that represent values that can change, or ___ that represent unchanging values.

variables; constants

The five Vs of big data are high volume, high ___, diversified variety, unknown veracity, and low-___ value.

velocity; density

A single device can run more than one operating system as a(n) ___ machine.


There are several types of malware. A computer ___ is a set of self-replicating program instructions that surreptitiously attaches itself to a legitimate ___ file on a host computer.

virus; executable

With a clear plan, a programmer can begin coding using a text editor, program editor, or ___ development environment.


Because it is so easy to experiment with different numbers, this type of software is particularly useful for ___ analyses.


Computer professionals who are compelled to become ___ and speak out against on the job activities that threaten the public interest should understand the potential legal and career risks before they proceed.


A computer ___ is a self-replicating, self-distributing program designed to carry out unauthorized activity on a victim's device.


Computer programmers focus on ___ computer programs, but they also plan, test, and document computer programs.


A(n) ___ -day attack exploits previously unknown vulnerabilities in software applications, hardware, and operating system program code.


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