Civ 1 exam 2 textbook questions

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List 7 of the foundational doctrines of the early christian church

1. Jesus is God. 2. Jesus came physically born of a virgin: fully God, fully Man. 3. There is only one God, co-existing in 3 persons: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. 4.There is no good in any person - we are all born sinners 5. Salvation is not universal: salvation is limited through faith in Jesus Christ alone. 6. The Resurrection did physically happen 7. The Gospel is absolute Truth

List Jesus' 5 main teaching points !

1. Love God above all else 2.Love others as you love yourself (even your enemies) 3. Repent from unrighteousness and turn to God for forgiveness ---Live a holy life 4. The kingdom of God---General sovereignty over universe and kingship over believers---Realm of salvation (a holy community) 5. God is father---As a loving father, He offers grace to all who would accept the Gospel as truth - no one, regardless of race/gender/class is turned away.

All of the following were part of traditional German legal procedure EXCEPT: A). a fixed number of honorable men who could testify to the character of the accused. B). an ordeal by battle. C). having the accused pick up a red-hot iron to see if his hand would be damaged. D). a trial conducted bt professional judges.


How did Charlemagne resurrect old imperial models? A). He embarked on massive building projects, established a capital, and serves as a patron of the arts. B). He insisted on receiving the imperial crown and the title of emperor from Pope Leo III. C). He created a vast empire that stretched as far as Constantinople, southern Spain, and England. D). He began to clothe himself in purple robes, wore a royal diadem, and stylized himself in an effort to challenge the Byzantine emperor for supremacy.


How did a medieval serf's dependency differ from that of a vassal? A). A serf's position was inherited, not voluntary. B). Serfs, unlike vassals, could be bought and sold tp other lords. C). Serfs were required to live in isolated houses, whereas most vassals chose to live in villages. D). Serfs were required tp provide military service to their lords, whereas vassals serves voluntarily.


Justinian's efforts to re-conquer the western Mediterranean A). led to the re-conquest of North Africa and a temporary re-conquest of Italy. B). led to the complete restoration of the Roman Empire throughout the Mediterranean. C). failed because he was defeated by the Ostrogothic queen, Theodora. D). were defeated by Attila the Hun.


Merovingian dynasty lasted two hundred years mainly because the Merovingians A).successfully melded Frankish and Roman traditions and avoided Justinian's B). overthrew the Ostrogoths and ruled Italy using Roman institutions. C). were outstanding warrior-kings who ruled autocratically. D). embraced Christianity, which pleased their subjects and made their regime popular.


Pope Gregory the Great enhanced his position of the papacy by doing all of the following EXCEPT: A). formally ending the Arian heresy through his theological arguments. B). taking over the day to day administration of the city of Rome. C). exerting his authority outside of Italy by offering financial assistance to distant churches. D). negotiating a truce with the Lombards to prevent sack of Rome.


The reign of the five "good emperors" (96 C.E.-180 C.E.)? A). represented the longest period without a civil war in over one hundred years. B). brought close to one hundred years of relative peace throughout the Roman empire. C). was the only period in which imperial cults emerged spontaneously throughout the empire. D). was a period of intense spiritual and philosophical exploration among the elite classes.


The society of early Germans was? A).often very warlike and occasionally nomadic. B). led by strong kings with virtually dictatorial powers C). dominated by female leaders. D). very nomadic, with wars occurring only when tribes were wandering.


The world raided and settled by the Vikings was vast. What is the only area on this list that was NOT affected by them? A). India and Arabia B). Russia and Constantinople C). Iceland, Greenland, and North America D). England and France


To resolve disputes over doctrine and practice in the latter first and second centuries, the early Christians? A). established the office of bishop, which carried decisive authority. B). held periodic councils of priests who were given the authority to settle doctrinal disputes. C). collected core Christian writings into the New Testament. D). consulted the Christians of Jerusalem.


Which of the following helped Augustus's transformation of Roman government become permanent? A). His reign of forty-one years was so long that by his death very few Romans had a first-hand memory of the old republic. B). His extensive military conquests later in life allowed him to distribute the spoils of war to his army and to the citizens of Rome, thereby ensuring acceptance of his new system. C). He abolished the hallmark institutions of the republic, including the assemblies, the consulships, the tribunes, and the Senate. D). His heavy reliance on brute military force and his extravagant demeanor allowed him to terrify not only his political opponents but also the entire population into submission.


Why did Vespasian allow the imperial cult to emerge only in the provinces beyond Italy and not in Italy itself? A). The imperial cult would have upset traditional Roman sensibilities. B). Vespasian sought to use the imperial cult to suppress the new religion of Christianity that was spreading in the Near East. C). The Hellenistic regions of the Roman Empire in North Africa and the Near East were more open to emperor worship than Italy or Greece. D). He recognized that imposing an imperial cult predicated on submission to the emperor would help put down rebellions outside of Italy.


Why did the city of Mecca have religious importance even before the rise of Islam? A). It was the location of the Ka'ba shrine. B). Two of Jesus's apostles had founded a church there durning their travels. C). It was believed to be the birthplace of Ab D). Zarathustra had retired to Mecca and died there.


Why did the Roman governor Pontius Pilate execute Jesus of Nazareth in 30 C.E.? A). He was offended by Jesus's teachings, which criticized deeply held notions of social hierarchy. B). He feared that Jesus might incite and lead a Jewish revolt against the Romans. C). Jesus had argued that the Roman Empire was fundamentally corrupt and that Jews should refuse to pay taxes. D). Jesus called for an immediate revolt against the Romans.


Why were the Carolingians unable to hold their empire together after the death of Charlemagne? A). The kingdom was divided up by Charlemagne's successors and became vulnerable to attacks by invading Vikings, Magyars, and Muslims. B). The kingdom was attacked by groups of invading Huns, Ostrogoths, and Vandals, who destroyed the administrative institutions that Charlemagne had built up. C). Charlemagne had refused to ally himself with the Roman papacy, thereby depriving his kingdom of the unifying force of Christianity. D). Charlemagne's three sons fought bitterly over the spoils of the kingdom, and each allied himself with a different group of foreign invaders in an effort to defeat his brothers.


the Carolingian renaissance was intended to enhance the glory of the Frankish kings but also to? A). resurrect the learning of the past B). serve as a counterpart to the scholarship of notable Islamic scholars such as the Sina. C). extended literacy to a few religious elites D). reduce tensions between Charlemagne's three sons


Durning the lifetime of Muhammad? A). destroyed Mecca, because it would not accept him as the Prophet of God. B). spread his religious beliefs to the Bedouin tribes from his headquarters in Medina. C). rejected the Julian calendar in favor of the Gregorian calendar. D). made Jerusalem the center of the Islamic faith.


In what important way did Byzantine and the West separate themselves from each other? A). The Byzantine world adopted Arian Christianity. B). The West rejected the iconoclastic religious ideas of the Emperor Leo III, leading to long-lasting religious disputes. C). The language of Byzantium was Latin, but the language of the West was Greek. D). The Byzantines conspired with the Visigoths to sack Rome.


Muhammad thought he was A). the son of God, like Jesus B). the last and final prophet C). a spiritual teacher and an enlightened figure like the Buddha. D). a scholar of religion.


The numerous misunderstandings that Romans had about early Christianity we're probably caused by... A). The origins of Christianity being outside of the Roman Empire. B). The fact that Christians seemed to violate the social order by including the poor, slaves and women as equals in their congregations. C). The belief that Christianity led to the worship of the devil. D). Muslim propaganda


The society of the Vikings A). differed radically from Germanic society. B). resembled early Germanic society, but tended to be more violent. C). was one of the peaceful fisherman D). was influenced by Islamic society.


The term "Byzantine Empire" refers to which of the following? A). The empire in the Near East created by conquering Arab armies B). The eastern half of the Roman Empire C). The southern half of the Roman Empire D). The region in Persia conquered by invading Arab armies


The willingness of many Romans in the imperial period to follow the various mystery religions is evidence to... A). A growing lack of confidence in the emperor. B). A longing for a religious fulfillment that was not satisfied by the worship of traditional gods. C). The rise of the Neopolanic philosophy durning this period. D). The triumph of Hellenistic science undermining belief in the traditional gods.


Through Charlemagne was a man of tremendous contradictions, he attempted to implement a unifying vision of A). a Christian Europe strong enough to reconquer the Holy Land from the rule of the Abbasids B). an empire that would fuse Roman, Germanic and Christian traditions C). a Christian would under his command that would extend from Spain to America D). a peaceable kingdom in which warfare would be no more.


Which tribe's movement seems to have triggered the invasion of the Roman Empire? A). Ostrogoths. B). Huns. C). Franks. D). Vandals.


Why did Vibia Perpetua refuse to offer a sacrifice to the Roman gods in an act of defiance that led to her execution? A). She was an adherent of a Greek mystery cult that sought mystical unity with the god Bacchus and had no respect for the Roman divinities that served as the emperor's patrons. B). She believed that her Christian faith required her to place loyalty to God ahead of her obligations to her family and the state. C). She was outraged that the emperor, Septimius Severus, had dispensed with the institution of the Senate and so she refused to sacrifice to the gods in protest. D). She harbored resentment about the Roman destruction of Carthage at the close of the Third Punic War.


As the church's influence in state affairs grew, A). the bishops began to assume positions as officers in the imperial army. B). Christians successfully pressured imperial officials to exempt monasteries from taxes. C). the bishops became partners with the emperor in ruling. D). women were able to assume a greater role in politics.


Constantine shifted the capital of the Roman Empire to Byzantium, later called Constantinople, because... A). He had a major quarrel with the Roman Senate. B). Rome was sacked by the Visigoths C). He wished to locate the capital nearer to vital military frontiers. D). He felt more Greek than Roman.


How did Charlemagne unwittingly unleash a new round of invasions into his realm before his death? A). He insisted that neighboring states acknowledge his as emperor of the Western world. B). He sent Christian missionaries into the pagan kingdoms of his neighbors. C). He destroyed the buffer states around his kingdom through his many campaigns. D). He proclaimed that he would not leave his kingdom to his bookish son.


The difficulties facing Rome in the third century C.E. convinced the emperor Decius of the need to appease the gods, so between 249 and 251 he? A). rebuilt forums and adjacent temples throughout the empire. B).ordered all temples to foreign gods in Rome destroyed and had them replaced with temples to Roman gods, including the deified Augustus. C).ordered all citizens to sacrifice to the gods for the welfare of the state and executed all Christians who refused to do so. D). expanded and lavishly decorated and furnished the temple of Vesta and the quarters of the Vestal Virgins.


The effectiveness of the Carolingian administration rested primarily upon? A). Charlemagne's renunciation of military campaigns in favor of a large bureaucracy. B). copying the Anglo-Saxon institution of sheriffs as the major local officials. C). Charlemagne's designation of traveling inspectors, called missi dominici, to keep him informed. D). Charlemagne's personal charm.


The essence of the feudal relationship was the A). ability of the lords to exploit the serfs B). monetary payments made by the lords to their vassals. C). linking of loyal military service with the possession of land that would support that service. D). voluntary servitude of the serfs.


What does the term Islam mean? A). Belief in one God B). members of the faith C). Submission to God D). Prophet of God


What factor allowed Christianity to become the dominant religion in the course of the fourth century, however gradual the process? A).The emperors all converted to Christianity and they all promoted the new faith B). Christians allowed many polytheistic beliefs and traditions, including belief in C). Christianity found acceptance among men and women of all social groups and D). The division of the Roman Empire


What fundamental change took place in the army during the Pax Romana? A). The army was put under the direct command of the Senate, which significantly reduced the army's total number of legions. B). The army shifted from a reliance on mercenaries to dependence on a civilian militia. C). The army largely took on a defensive function, protecting the frontier regions rather than embarking on further conquests. D). The army retreated from politics, as no further emperors were drawn from its ranks.


What group of Christians felt their authority most threatened by monasteries? A). Emperors B). Priests C). Bishops D). Urban communities


Why did the Vikings often single out monasteries and churches for destruction? A). The Vikings were proud pagans and had bitter memories of Carolingian attempts to convert the to Christianity. B). The Vikings had entered into an alliance with the Byzantine empire, which was embroiled in a period of struggle with western Christianity. C). Churches and monasteries offered a lucrative supply of plunder and booty D). The Vikings' leader in Denmark ordered them to target churches for destruction.


Why were fiefs significant in post-Carolingian society? A). They provided an important measure of defense against Islamic incursions into Europe. B). The added greatly to the number and size of monasteries. C). They created bonds of loyalty and service in medieval Europe. D). The effectively bound peasants to the land throughout western Europe.


What three different religions did Muhammad combine to make Islam?

Christianity Judaism Arabic Polytheism

What does the term Islam mean?

Submission to God

How did Charlemagne attempt to combat corruption through his vast empire? A). He adopted the Byzantine practice of employing eunuchs as senior administrators and military advisers. B). He continually toured his dominions, holding public audiences to hear concerns and grievances in the major cities. C). He sent copies of Carolinian laws to be posted in prominent locations and read aloud once a month in all the major cities of his realm. D). He sent special officials to pay visits to his royal governors and to listen to the complaints and concerns of the local people.


The Merovingian Kingdom of the Frankish kingdom? A). were convinced to orthodox rather than to Arian. B). were brutal and murderous in spite of their Christianity. C). lost their real power to "mayors of the palace". D). All of these answers are correct.


The Merovingians of the Frankish kingdom A). were converted to orthodox rather than to Arian Christianity. B). were brutal and murderous in spite of their Christianity. C). lost their real power to "mayors of the palace." D). All these answers are correct.


The Treaty of Verdun A). temporarily reunited the Carolingian Empire under Charles the Bald B). established peace between Charlemagne and the Byzantine emperor, who had been upset by Charlemagne's coronation. C). provided for the independence of the papal states. D). confirmed the division of the Carolingian Empire.


The emperor Constantine affected the future of Christianity by... A). Ending the persecutions B). Supporting the church by giving them tax advantages and returning property. C). Building the first great churches and making the holy land a place of pilgrimage. D). All of the above


What was the Roman political system devised by Augustus as a disguised monarchy with the "first man", as emperor ? A). The primariums B). The imperium C). The regnum D). The principate


Which early Christian facilitated the spread of Christianity by opening the new religion to non Jews and by not requiring male converts to undergo circumcision.. A). Peter B). Judas Iscariot C). Titus D). Paul of Tarsus


Why did Constantinople become the capital of the eastern half of the empire? A). The majority of the population of the Roman Empire now lived in the city of Constantinople and not in the city of Rome. B). The name of the city reminded Emperor Theodosius of Constantine. C). Its population was largely Christian, and Christianity just became the official religion of the empire. D). It had a strategic military and commercial location.


Why did Diocletian launch his Great Persecution of Christians? A). He believed the gods were angry and that returning to them would win back divine favor. B). He believed that Christians were trying to recreate Athenian democracy. C). Christian communities were attacking Roman temples and priests. D). He needed someone to blame for some of the disasters of the third century, such as the great fire of Rome.


Why is the label "Germanic peoples" misleading when used to describe the non-Roman les who invaded the empire? A). Most of these peoples spoke languages that were more closely related to modem East Asian languages, including Korean and Japanese. B). None of these peoples lived in regions that are close to the borders of Germany. C). This was a term of abuse created by the Romans themselves to describe the barbarians. D). The barbarian peoples were ethnically and linguistically diverse.


Explain the importance of Charlegmagne

He became the first holy Roman emperor. He expanded trade. He established schools. He forced vikings to convert to orthodox Christianity. Was a man of tremendous contradictions. He ruled an empire that would fuse Romans, Germanic and Christian traditions. He united most of western Europe. He spread christianity through most of Europe. He was the reason for the Carolingian Renaissance.

Why did the Romans persecute Christians?

It started when Nero set fire to the city of Rome. He blamed the christians and the romans started to persecute the christians. Romans wanted peace therefore it cause for turmoil. Religious disturbances caused christian persecution. Romans believed that gods were angry and that returning to them would win back divine favor. Because Romans didn't enjoy the idea of religion. They felt like it was "a contract" rather than simply living life the "right way"

What were the 3 main goals of the Roman government during the Pax Romana?

Maintain peace Collect taxes Prevent usurpation (take-over)

Define martyr

One who is killed for his/her beliefs

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