Civics Chapter 9

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The President receives __________________________.

Ambassadors and other public ministers

a presidential order that pardons a group of people who have committed an offense against the government.


1/7 main roles of the president: the president meets with foreign leaders, appoints ambassadors, and makes treaties

Chief diplomat

1/7 main roles of the president: the president is responsible for the nation's security and is in charge of the military

Commander in chief

How has the presidential power to make war changed over time?

The presidential power to make war has increased over time, as during the 1900s to present day, presidents have sent American forces into action many times without a formal declaration of war or Congressional approval.

The _______________________ is made up of the seven members that direct the nation's central banking system.

Federal Reserve System

What were the terms of the USA Patriot Act?

The USA Patriot Act gave the president and executive branch broad powers to gather information about possible suspects and to detain people suspected of terrorism.

When was the USA Patriot Act passed?

The USA Patriot Act passed following the attacks of September 11, 2001.

List an example when Harry Truman used an inherent power:

Truman used an inherent power when he took over the nation's steel mills during a strike in order to prevent a disruption of steel production during the Korean War.

A rule issued by the president that has the force of law and doesn't need approval of Congress

executive order

the right of the president and other high-ranking executive officers to refuse to testify before congress

executive privilege

to accuse a public official of misconduct in office


refusal to spend money


The President ensures that ____________ are followed.


a presidential order that releases a person from legal punishment.


What two advantages does the president have over Congress when it comes to foreign and defense policy?

1. Access to information 2. decisive ability

The President has the power to appoint (1) __________, ___________________________, _________________,_____________________________ with the approval of ⅔ of the _____(2)________.

1. Ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, judges of the supreme court, and all other officers of the United States 2. Senate

List two Presidents that have been impeached:

1. Andrew Johnson 2. Bill Clinton

The President shall be _______(1)________of the armed forces and have the power to __________(2)_______________ , except in cases of impeachment.

1. Commander in Chief 2. grant reprieves and pardons for offenses

List two examples when the president can use the military within the country:

1. Presidents have used federal troops to control rioting in American cities. 2. In state of a natural disaster, such as a flood, the president may send needed supplies or troops to help keep order.

List two ways in which the president's power to influence legislation is limited:

1. The majority of Congress may not be his party 2. The court can say his ideas are unconstitutional

List 2 ways in which executive orders may be limited:

1. Their orders must be related in some way to either powers given to the President in the Constitution or delegated to him/her by Congress. 2. Their successors may easily reverse them.

The nation's annual budget is proposed by the ____(1)____, submitted to the _________(2)__________, created by a law, passed by ____(3)_____, and then __________(4)___________ by the president.

1. president 2. House of Representatives 3. Congress 4 signed or vetoed

When might a candidate not want a president to help with campaigning for election?

A candidate might not want a president's help to campaign for election if they are not apart of the same party, or if the president is unpopular among the voters.

What is meant by "shadow war" and how is it different from previous forms of warfare?

A shadow war is one fought in secret by special operations troops, hired private contractors, and armed drones. It's different from other wars because it's not fought in full public view.

How did the president's role as economic planner change after the "New Deal"?

After the "New Deal", Americans expected their presidents to take a firm hand in directing the nation's economy.

List one argument against and one argument for impoundment.

Against: opponents say that impoundments undermine the will of the people who have chosen the legislators who created and funded the program. For: It's an inherent power of the President

Give one argument for and one argument against the USA Patriot Act.

Argument for: There are times and circumstances that justify a stronger focus on national security; strikes the right balance between protecting national security and constitutional freedoms. Argument against: unconstitutional; invading people's privacy, unnecessarily strip fundamental constitutional protections at a time when the U.S. is not really at war.

How does the President fulfill his role as Head of State?

As head of state, the president represents the nation and performs many ceremonial roles and meets with foreign leaders.

List an example when George W. Bush used an inherent power:

Bush used an inherent power when he declared "war on terrorism" and claimed substantially expanded powers to fight terrorism.

1/7 main roles of the president: the president leads the executive branch of government, which implement the laws that congress passes.

Chief Executive

1/7 main roles of the president: the president appoints economic advisors, meets with business leaders, prepares an annual budget request, and submits economic reports to congress.

Economic Planner

How are treaties and executive agreements the same and how are they different?

Executive agreements and treaties have the same legal status, but the agreements don't require Senate consent.

List an example when Franklin Roosevelt used an inherent power:

F. Roosevelt used an inherent power when he convinced Congress to create a vast number of programs known as the New Deal to improve the economy during the Great Depression.

How does the President fulfill the role of chief diplomat? How is his role limited?

He directs foreign policy in the US, negotiates and signs treaties, signs executive agreements with foreign heads of state, and recognizes foreign governments. His role is limited by Congress, he needs ⅔ senate approval to sign treaties.

How does the president determine who he appoints? How is his appointment power limited?

He will choose officials who share the same political beliefs because they will be committed to carrying out their goals. The power is limited by the Senate who must confirm many top-level appointments.

1/7 main roles of the president: the president serves as a ceremonial figure representing the united states.

Head of State

powers claimed by the president that are not clearly expressed in the constitution.

Inherent Powers

What does it mean for the president to "faithfully execute" the law?

It means that it's the President's responsibility to put that law in action; the law must be implemented in a faithful way.

List an example when Thomas Jefferson used an inherent power:

Jefferson used an inherent power when he decided to purchase the Louisiana Territory from France in 1803.

1/7 main roles of the president: the president delivers and annual state of the union message to congress, proposes legislation, signs or vetoes laws passed by congress, and can call congress into special session when necessary.

Legislative leader

List an example when Abraham Lincoln used an inherent power:

Lincoln used an inherent power when he suspended the writ of habeas corpus and jailed opponents of the Union without a trial or the legal authority to do so. He also raised an army before getting Congress's approval and took illegal action against the South by blockading its ports.

1/7 main roles of the president: the president leads his or hers political party, rewarding party supporters with positions in government, and helps to elect other party members by raising money and campaigning for party members.

Party leader

appointment to political office, usually as a reward for helping get a president elected.

Political patronage

How does the president fulfill his role as chief executive?

President leads the executive branch of government that carries out the laws that congress passes and runs the programs.

a presidential order that postpones legal punishment.


What is one criticism of "shadow war"?

Some are worried that it has changed the CIA from an intelligence service to a high-tech paramilitary organization.

List an example when Theodore Roosevelt used an inherent power:

T. Roosevelt used an inherent power when he took action with aggressive "trust-busting" and intervening in labor disputes.

What program expanded the role of the federal government in the economy?

The "New Deal"

What is the purpose of the "State of the Union" address?

The "State of the Union" address describes the President's legislative priorities and calls attention to the President's ideas about how to solve key problems facing the country.

Who advises the president on national and international economic policies?

The Council of Economic Advisers

How does the president fulfill his role as commander in chief?

The President fulfills his role as commander in chief of the armed forces of the United States by defending the nation or help it wage war against an enemy.

What act limited the power of the president to send military troops into action without the approval of Congress? How?

The War Powers Act limited the power of the president to send military troops into action without the approval of Congress by preventing presidents from committing troops to combat for more than 60 days without congressional approval, and also allowed Congress to order the president to disengage troops involved in an undeclared war.

Why is the commander in chief a civilian? Consequently, who helps the president in this role?

The commander in chief is a civilian because there is a fear that he could get too much power. The military and national security leaders help him or her know about national security threats and developments around the world.

How is the president's power to execute laws limited?

The requirement that the laws must be faithfully executed can be a limit on the president's executive power. Funding to administer laws is controlled by Congress; also, federal courts can decide whether the actions a president takes to implement laws are constitutional.

What is the role of the cabinet and how are they chosen?

The role of the cabinet is to supervise the daily activities of the executive branch and they're advisors to the President. They're approved by the Senate.

The President gives Congress information on ________________________________.

The state of the Union

How is the role of commander in chief limited?

There is limitation to the role of commander in chief because it cannot interfere with the power of other branches or violate the law. Also, Congress retains the power to declare war, as well as the power to provide the funds to pay for the military.

What is the role of executive departments and agencies?

They are responsible for implementing laws in different areas

The President has the power to make __________________.


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