Clinical Micro

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Which phrase describes enrichment media -contains certain factors that allow colonies of specific organisms to appear different than other colonies -contains pigments to differentiate lactose fermenters from non-lactose fermenters -encourages the growth of specific types of organisms -contains agents that inhibit all but one specific organsisms

-encourages the growth of specific types of organisms

The reaction observed in the photograph to the right reveals a motile, gas producing, lactose fermenter that produces acetyl methyl carbinol in Vp broth and has the the ability to utilize sodium citrate as its sole of carbon. The most likely identification is: -citerbacter freundii -enterbacter aerogenes -klebsiella pneumoniae -proteus mirabilis

-enterbacter aerogenes

An alpha- hemolytic, catalase- negative, gram positive coccus from a wound culture gave these additional results Bacitracin (R) Bile esculin hydrolysis positive CAMP negative Na Hippurate hydrolysis negative PYR positive Which of the following would be the MOST probable identification -strep pyogenes -strep aggalactiae -entercoccus species -strep group D

-enterococcus species

Which two antibiotics are used to confirm the presence of carbapenemase production in enterbacteriaceae -cefotaxime and cefotaxime- clavulanate -ertapenem and meropenem -ceftoxitin and oxacillin -clindamycin and erythrmomycin

-ertapenem and meropenem

Which of the following specimen processing techniques is based on the principle that parasites are heavier than sample debris and will be present in the sediment after being processed -ethyl acetate concentration -zinc sulfate tape preparation -cellophane tape preparation -entero- test

-ethyl acetate concentration

Each of the following characteristics will differ between listeria monocytogenes and erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae EXCEPT: -hydrolysis of esculin -motility -catalse -fermentation of glucose

-fermentation of glucose

When a fungus suspected in causing a cutaneous infection, there are several methods that can be used to identify the fungus. To help identify a fungal isolate from the tissue specimens, which of the following methods will be most beneficial -MALDI- TOF -fungal culture -gomori methenamine silver (GMS) silver -gram stain

-fungal culture

This rapidly growing hyaline fungus is the most common cause of Keratomycosis (an infectious disease of the cornea). The colonies can range in color from rose to mauve to orange. This organism is commonly recovered from blood and grows on sabourauds dextrose agar with brain heart infusion. The microscopic appearance shows abundant banana or canoe shaped macroconidia. What fungus causes this disease (pic shows pink mold on top and stain of banana parasite) -beauveria species -fusarium species -chrysosporium species -geotrichum species

-fusarium species

A gram stain of serous exudate is shown in the image. What should the tech report the physician (pic shows tetrad gram positive cocci) - gram (+) cocci present -gram(+) cocci in tetrads and clusters present -gram (+) cocci suggest. of staphy species present -bacteria present

-gram(+) cocci in tetrads and clusters present

A tech on is working on a culture from a aspirated lesion. The culture non hemolytic colonies with flattened edges and gram (-) bacilli with bipolar staining. What is the likely identification of the organism -francisella tularensis -yersinia pestis -bacillus anthrasis -burkholderia mallei

-yersinia pestis

All of the following are virulence factors utilized by strep pneumo to evade host defenses when causing meningitis EXCEPT: -polysachharide capsule -pneumolysin -hyaluronidase - M protein

- M protein

Which of the following is the most useful morphological feature in identifying mycelial phase of histoplasma capsulatum -arthoconidia every other cell -2-5 um microspores -8-14um tuberculate macroconidia -5-7um non septate macroconidia

-8-14um tuberculate macroconidia

Which of the following instrument based systems are considered a continuous monitoring system -MALDI- TOF -BACTEC -Microscan -vitek


What biosafety level is required by the Center for disease control and prevention (CDC) for working with mycobacterium tuberculosis if there is a possibility that aerosols might be released -BSL -1 -BSL -2 -BSL -3 -BSL -4

-BSL -3

A small, microaerophilic, curved, gram negative rod which was isolated from a diarrhea stool specimen gave the following results: Grew best at 42C Oxidase positive Resistant to cephalosporin susceptible to nalidixic acid Hippurate hydrolysis positive What is the MOST probable identification of this organism -Campylobacter jejuni -campylobacter coli -salmonella species -vibrio cholera

-Campylobacter jejuni

An immunosuppressed patient with a CSF shunt is exhibiting symptoms of a shunt infection. When performing a gram stain, the organism observed in the image to the right is seen. What is the most likely identity of this organism (Pic shows yeast) -Canidida sp -Staphy sp -E. coli -Enterococcus sp

-Canidida sp

A wet mount of vaginal fluid is examined microscopically and large squamous epithelial cells are seen with gram- variable bacilli clustered on the cell edges. The pH of the fluid is 5.0. The most likely pathogen is: -E. coli -arcanobacterium haemolyticum -Gardnerella vaginalis -lactobacillus species

-Gardnerella vaginalis

Which of the following hep viruses are transmitted through fecal oral route and may be implicated in infections transmitted through contaminated food and water -Hep A -hep a and hep b -hep c -hep b and hep c

-Hep A

The left image shows MacConkey agar plate with mucoid, lactose fermenting colonies are present. the right image is the bacterial isolate streaked on the surface of a Muller- Hinton agar plate. Is an indicator for extended- spectrum beta- lactamase (ESBL) activity. Which organism fits this situation -proteus mirabilis -K. pneumo -enterbacter aerogenes -serratia marcescens

-K. pneumo

The reaction in a portion of the API strip, shown in the photograph, most closely identifies which organism -E. coli -K. pneumo -salmonella enterica -proteus mirabilis

-K. pneumo

illustrated in the top image are 10 day old rough, buff, gray white colonies growing on middle brook 7h11 agar. These colonies are commonly recovered from expectorated or induced sputum specimens obtained from patients with signs and symptoms of pneumo. The appearance of these colonies provide for a presumptive identification, supported by the positive yellow pigmented niacin reaction seen in the reagent tube in the lower photograph. From these observations, select from the multiple choices the presumptive identification of this isolate -M. fortuitum -M. kansasii -M tuberculosis -M. gorfdonae

-M tuberculosis

Which of the nontuberculous mycobacteria is photochromagen that is associated that is associated with pulmonary infections but may also cause cutaneous lesions, lymphadenitis, and other soft tissue infections? -M. tuberculosis -M. fortuitum -M. kansasii -M. intracellulare

-M. kansasii

Which testing platform meets this description? An isolated colony is irradiated by a laser, which ionizes the biomolecules and causes them to become accelerated in an electric field. The ionized biomolecules than enter a flight tube where they are separately to their mass to change ratio -MALDDI-TOF -multiplex PCR -pulsed- field gel electrophoresis -sequencing


A gram negative, oxidase- positive diplococcus was the predominate isolate from a sputum specimen of a patient with a chronic obstructuve pulmonary disease (COPD). Based on the reaction seen in the Quad- FERM system shown in the photograph, the most likely identification (Pic shows negative for glucose, mannitol, lactose, sucrose. and positive for Dnase) -Moraxella catarrhalis -Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Neisseria meningitidis -Neisseria lactamica

-Moraxella catarrhalis

Sexually active women can develop peritonitis in the form of perihepatitis, inflammation of the liver surface, due to which of the following organisms -strep pneumon -Neisseria gonorrhoeae -Mycobacterium tuberculosis -staphy saprolyticus

-Neisseria gonorrhoeae

The colonies shown in the blood (BAP) agar (upper) and MacConkey (MAC) agar( lower) biplate are a 24 hour growth from blood culture bottle that became positive at 12 hours after inoculation. The appearance of the colonies on MAC agar rules out the following bacterial species (pic shows pink colonies) -Pneumo aeruginosa -K. pneumoniae -enterobacter aerogenes -E. coli

-Pneumo aeruginosa

What tribe is morganella morganii in -Yersiniae -Escherichiae -Klebsielleae -Proteeae


HIV is known as a retrovirus because -it can only attach to reticulocytes -RNA is used as the template by DNA synthesis -It can cause AIDS immediately upon entering the body -DNA is used as the template for RNA synthesis

-RNA is used as the template by DNA synthesis

Which virus is the MOST common etiological agent of viral respiratory diseases in infants and children -Respiratory syncytial virus -measles virus -coxsackievirus A -epstein barr virus

-Respiratory syncytial virus

All of the following enterbacteriaceae below are appropriately matched with the characteristics listen EXCEPT: -E. coli- indole positive -citrobacter freundii- H2S positive -Serratia marscens- Voges- proskauer negative -Klebsiella pneumo- indole negative

-Serratia marscens- Voges- proskauer negative

Biochemical reactions of an organism are consistent with shigella. A suspension is tested in antiserum without resulting agglutination. However, after 15 minutes of boiling, agglutination occurs in group D antisera. The shigella species is -Shigella dysenteriae -Shigella boydii -Shigella flexneri -Shigella sonnei

-Shigella sonnei

This is a catalse- positive, coag- neg, gram pos coccus isolated from a urine specimen from a 20 year old female college student. The image shown is a MUller Hinton plate streaked with a 0.5 MacFarland standardized inoculum and a 5 microgram disk of novibiocin after overnight incubation. What is the identification of the isolate? -Staphy epidermidis -Staphy aureus -Staphy saprolyticus -Staphy lundengensis

-Staphy saprolyticus

Which of these methods are used to identify prior exposure to mycobacterium tuberculosis -Tuberculin skin test (TST) -gram stain -white blood cell count -any of the above test can be used to identify prior exposure to mycobacterium tuberculosis

-Tuberculin skin test (TST)

A stool culture from a hospitalized patient produces the following charateristics Gram negative bacillus urea postive weak fermentative These reactions suggest that the organism is most likely: -Yersinia entercolitica -E. coli -plesiomonas shigelloides -pasturella multocida

-Yersinia entercolitica

In the following list of organisms, which organism is considered cryophilic (can grow as low as 4C) -E. coli -pseudomonas aeruginosa -Yersinia entercolitica -campylobacter jejuni

-Yersinia entercolitica

The bacterial species represented by the positive test illustrated in the photograph of a 5% sheep blood agar plate across streaked with a hemolytic strain of staphylococcus aureus has been associated with each of the following conditions EXCEPT: (pic shows a positive camp test) -neonatal meningitis -neonatal sepsis -soft tissue infections -acute post- strep glomerulonephritis

-acute post- strep glomerulonephritis

A CSF from a baby is cultured and determined to be listeria. The organism produces what characteristic motility pattern? -motile at room temp 25C -reduced motility at 35C -tumbling, end- over end (head over heels) -all of the above

-all of the above

Illustrates in the left image is stained histological section of a bowel showing a heavy antiflammatory reaction within which 10- 12um spherical observed. The right image is a close up view of one of the trophozoites from a smear preparation of the exudates. There is a distinctive central karyosome, even distributed of the ring of chromatin, and the finely granular cytoplasm. What disease can be presumptively reported. (PIC shows the blue pic ameobas and the pink picture) -giardiasis -balantidiasis -amebiasis -cysticerosis


Which of the following antibiotics inhibits protein synthesis by binding to the 30s ribosomal subunits and provides coverage against Gram positive and gram negative aerobes -beta- lactams -aminoglycosides -fluroquinolones -polymyxins


The image is of 60um ovum that was observed in a diarrheal stool specimen from a middle- aged male immigrant from Nigeria who had suffered mild eosinophilic pnenumo a month before. What is the presumptive identification for the organism (pic shows ascaris egg) -ancylostoma duodenale -enterobius vermicularis -ascaris lumbriocoides -trichuris trichiura

-ascaris lumbriocoides

It is usually difficult or immpossible to idenify a fungal culture before it is mature. However, hyaline, septate hyphae, and younf conidophore with a foot cell and a swollen vesicle are excellent clues to the identification of (Pic is the blue showing ball of conidia not elongated so aspergillus) -Acremonium -aspergillus -paecilomyces -penicillium


The infectious disease listed below are listed are listed with the most commonly associated bacterium EXCEPT: -Haemophilus aegyptius - pink eye -pseuo aeruginosa- swimmer ear -aspergillus niger- black lung -burkholderia pseudomallei- melidosis

-aspergillus niger- black lung

Which of the following statements is TRUE concerning handing suspected bioterrorism agents received in a typical clinical laboratory -the agents of bioterrorism can be manipulated on an open bench -none of the agents of bioterrorism have been known to cause laboratory- acquired infections -at least a class II biological safety cabinet (BSC) should be used -agents of bioterrorism are very expensive and need very sophisticated equipment to produce

-at least a class II biological safety cabinet (BSC) should be used

What is the most likely organism, based on the gram stain photomicrograph?(pic shows bacillus in chains with spores) -nocardia -bacillus spp -corynbacterium spp -lactobacillus

-bacillus spp

All of the following are usually associated with group A beta streptococci EXCEPT: -bacteremia -glomerular nephritis -rheumatic fever -scarlet fever


An abdominal wound culture grows E. coli on the aerobic culture. The anaerobic culture has the growth of two, gram (-) rods, one of which is aerobic. The other gram (-) rod has 2+ growth on the BBE platelet and is (R) to kanamycin, colistin, and vancomycin disc. What is this organisms identification. -Veillonella -Prevotella intermedia -bacteroides fragilis group -fusobacterium necrophorum

-bacteroides fragilis group

From the following molds, which one is considered an obligate pathogen, causing infections in persons who were previously healthy -aspergillus fumigatus -rhizopus species -blastomyces dermatitidis -mucor species

-blastomyces dermatitidis

An aerobic gram (-) coccobacillus was isolated from a nasopharyngeal swab 48 hours after culture from 6 month old with the following culture characteristics on Bordet- Gengou agar small zones of beta hemolysis urease: (+) 24 hours oxidase: (-) motility: (-) The MOST probable identification of this isolate is: -Pasteurella multocoida -bordetella pertussis -bordetella parapertussis -bordetella bronchiseptica

-bordetella parapertussis

Which is the most commonly reported organism in cases of laboratory-acquired bacterial infection -francisella tularensis -brucella spp -burkholderia spp -Yersinia pestis

-brucella spp

Which gram (-) organism can produce "gliding motily" on agar plates and is primary cause of juvenile periodontitis -eikenella corrodens -aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans -capnocytophaga orchracea -fusobacterium nucleatum

-capnocytophaga orchracea

A patient presents at the ER with severe diarrhea and dehydration, marked with rice- water stool. The patient has a travel history to India. A stool culture was obtained and grew comma shaped gram negative bacilli. What is the most diagnosis for this patient -plague -cholera -campylobacter jejuni infections -typhoid fever


Lab workers should always work under biological safety hood when working with cultures of: -blastomyces dermatitidis -histoplasma capsulatum -crytptococcus neoformans -coccidiodes immitis

-coccidiodes immitis

A patient was screened for possible methicillin resistant staphy aureus (MRSA) by culturing the nares of the patient. All of the following media can be used to screen for MRSA EXCEPT -columbia agar -oxacillin screen agar -MRSA CHROMagar -MRSA screen agar

-columbia agar

A body fluids was sent to the microbiology laboratory for culture and after 48 hours of non CO2 incubation, a small catalse positive, non spore forming, diphtheroid shaped gram positive rod grew on shape blood agar. This organism was considered to be a possible contaminate, since this organism is part of the normal skin microbiota. Which of the following organisms grew in the body fluid (Pic shows white colonies irregular a bit, and gram stain bacillus) -staphy epidermidis -cutibacterium (Propionibacterium acnes) -corynbacterium spp -bacillus subtillis

-corynbacterium spp

The serum medium and methylene blue stain originally described by loeffler are both helpful in the identification of: -bordetella pertussis -corynebacterium diphtheriae -strep moniliformis -gardnerella vaginalis

-corynebacterium diphtheriae

Observed is this photomicrograph of a histological duodenum are small, 5um in diameter spores adhering to the surface epithelium. Although a presumptive identification can be made by demonstrating acid fast staining of these spores, monoclonal antibody based DFA assays of spool specimens provide a more definitive identification. Select from the multiple choices the probable identification (Pink picture of cells) -cytospora species -cryptosporidium species -cystoisospora belli -microsporidium species

-cryptosporidium species

Your patient is a woman with a vaginal discharge. You suspect on clincal grounds, that it may be due to candida albicans. Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate or appropriate -culture of discharge on sabourauds agar should producea white mycelium with aerial conidia -antibiotics predispose to candida vaginitis by killing the normal flora lactobacilli that keep the vaginal pH low -a gram stain of the discharge should reveal budding yeast -the clinical laboratory can use germ tube formation to identify the isolates as C. albicans

-culture of discharge on sabourauds agar should produce a white mycelium with aerial conidia

Which statement about bacterial culture for clostridiodes (clostridium) difficile, is TRUE -routine bacteriologic media will provide adequate recovery -the culture is specific for toxigenic strains -culture on appropriate media provides an effective means for recovering the organism -culture for C. difficile provides desirable turnaround times

-culture on appropriate media provides an effective means for recovering the organism

The infective stage for all of the intestinal amoebas is the -trophozoite -cyst -larvae -egg


Stool is the specimen of choice for the recovery of which one of the following parasites -trichinella spiralis -diphyllobothrium latum -plasmodium falciparum -schistosoma haematobium

-diphyllobothrium latum

The detection of a distinct odor is often helpful in the presumptive identification of bacterial culture isolates. Which bacterial species may produce distinct odor of bleach -strep anginosus -pseudo aeruginosa -proteus mirabilis -eikenella corrodens

-eikenella corrodens

A 21 year old female developed painful swelling of the left knee along with a low grade fever. The knee was painful to palpation, an effusion was evident, and the overlying-skin was slightly erythematous. Fluid was aspirated and a gram stain was performed (as seen in the images to the right). Based on the gram morphology, which of following bacterial species is LEAST likely to serve as the etiologic agent in the case described (pic shows gram negative cat eyes -Neisseria meningitidis -haemophilus influenzae -kingella kinae -neisseria gonorrhoeae

-haemophilus influenzae

A new tach has a presumptive shigella species via biochemical identification on a stool culture. To confirm, serological testing is performed. The serological testing is negative and the quality control which was run simultaneously passed. What should the tech do next? -repeat biochemical testing or use an alternate method -repeat serological testing -heat a suspension of the organism and then repeat the serological testing -report out the organism as E. coli

-heat a suspension of the organism and then repeat the serological testing

One such condition is colloquially referred to as "spelunkers Scourge." this condition occurs after a tour or work in underground caves located in the midwest, where dust contaminated with bird and bat dung is inhaled. Select the one that is endemically- acquired respiratory infection -coccidiodes immitis -histoplasma capsulatum -blastomyces dermatidits -paracoccidioides brasiliensis

-histoplasma capsulatum

The following test may be performed on all swarming proteus species to differentiate between proteus mirabilis and proteus vulgaris -catalase -indole -oxidase -motility


If bacteria produce the enzyme tryptophanase to break down the amino acid tryptophan, which of the following tests will be positive with Kovact's reagent -Oxidase test -esculin test -catalase test -indole test

-indole test

The adult liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica can be identified by its relatively small size and cone- shaped anterior extension. How do humans become infected with this organism (pic shows Fasciola hepatica the size of the paper clip) -ingestion of poorly cooked meat -ingestion of poorly cooked water plants -bite of infected fly or insect -direct skin contact with contaminated soil

-ingestion of poorly cooked water plants

Which of the following statements about E. coli O157:H7 is false -it has been reported in contaminated unpasteurized milk, unpasteurized apple juice, and undercooked hamburger -it can cause hemolytic- uremic syndrome (HUS) in children -it causes hemorrhagic diarrhea, abdominal pain, and other symptoms -it ferments sorbitol rapidly

-it ferments sorbitol rapidly

A gram negative rod from a stool culture produces red colonies with black centers on xylose lysine decarboxylase (XLD) agar. When the organism is inoculated to triple sugar iron agar (TSIA) and lysine iron agar (LIA), it should appear as which of the sets of tubes shown in the image -left -middle -right -either left or right set tubes


Buffered charcoal yeast extract agar (BCYE) is the nonselective solid culture medium used for the primary recovery of: -treponema palladium -mycoplasma pneumoniae -legionella pneumophilia -spirillum minus

-legionella pneumophilia

The colonies growing on the surface of a thiosulfate citrate bile sucrose (TCBS) agar plate (the green color indicates lack of sucrose fermentation) were identified as Vibrio vulnificus. The serious complication of infections with this bacterial species is -life threatening septicemia -cholera- like- diarrheal syndrome -severe electrolyte imbalance -progressive cellulitis and gas gangrene

-life threatening septicemia

A tach is interpreting a urine culture with a source of suprapubic aspiration. There is one colony of staphy epidermidis present on the blood agar which was streaked with a 0.01 ml loop. What should the tech do next -List the S. epidermidis as a contaminate from collection -list and provide a sensitivity for the S. epidermidis -Report the culture as "no growth" -Quantitate and report mixed urethral flora

-list and provide a sensitivity for the S. epidermidis

Which of the following organisms has been known to cause epidemic tinea capitis in children but almost never affects adults -microsporum canis -microsporum audouinni -trichophyton verrucosum -epidermophyton floccosum

-microsporum audouinni

An iodine prep is the LEAST helpful in the identification of which parasitic stage -larvae -eggs -cysts -motile trophozoites

-motile trophozoites

The organism cultured on the Lowestein- jensen agar slant shown in the image to the right is most likely (pic of slant with yelllow) -cryptococcus -chamylida -mycobacteria -listeria


A gram (+) (gram variable), beaded organism with delicate branching was recovered from the sputum of a 20 year old patient with leukemia. The specimen produced orange, glabrous, waxy colonies on middlebrook's agar that showed partial acid fast staining with the modified kinyoun stain. What is the most likely identification -rhodococcus spp -acintomadura spp -streptomyces spp -nocardia spp

-nocardia spp

The following steps were used in a procedure to identify Mycobacterium kansasii: Extraction Denaturization Hybridization Hydrolysis of excess reagent Detection of acridinium ester Which of the following methods has been described -polymerase chain reaction -indirect fluorescent microscopy -nucleic acid probes -lysis centrifugation

-nucleic acid probes

Acintobacter spp are similar to Nesseria spp, EXCEPT actinebacter spp are generally: -gram (-) coccoid organisms -catalase (-) -oxidase (-) -motile

-oxidase (-)

Which type of healthcare occupational exposure has the greatest risk of HIV transmission -percutaneous injury -mucous membrane exposure -abraded skin exposure -inhalation of droplets

-percutaneous injury

In the microbiology laboratory, four specimen are received at the same time. The specimen that should be processed immediately is: -unpreserved sputum -feces in preservative -tissue for quantitation -pericardial fluid

-pericardial fluid

A woman came to see her physician as she was having vaginal/ vulvar itching and some pain upon urination. To obtain a diagnosis of a yeast infection, which of the following is the test of choice -fungal culture -wet preparation -routine vaginal culture -nucleic acid base test

-wet preparation

This organism is a slow grower on Sabouraud dextrose brain heart infusion (SABHI) agar it was recovered from a chronic recurrent cyst of the skin of the lower leg. Has fruiting heads, image shows hyphae that are dark with flask shaped phialides which form on the tips of the conidiophores. What is the fungus -phialophora verrucosa -exophiala jenselmei -cladophialophora carrionii -fonsecae pedrosoi

-phialophora verrucosa

Host cells (e.g white blood cells, epithelial cells) will appear what color on a properly stained gram stain -Violet -pink -orange -They do not pick up either stain and will appear colorless


A tech is working on a urine culture and notices that the agar is not streaked properly. The tech decides that that culture must be reset. Where should the tech document this finding and the actions taken -write on the agar plates -place all notes in the culture work card -write on a piece of paper and attach to plates -email information to the supervisor

-place all notes in the culture work card

Which of the following biochemical reactions is most useful in establishing a definitive identification of staphylococcus aureus -posititve catalase test -fermentation of mannitol -positive tube coag test -susceptibility

-positive tube coag test

A gram negative rod isolated from a burn patient produced a bluish- green pigment and the following test results: characteristic fruity odor TSA agar: alk/ alk Motile: (+) oxidase: (+) oxidase/ fermentation(OF) glucose: oxidase utilization only What is the MOST probable genus of this isolate? -Acinetebacter -alcalingenes -moraxella -pseudomonas


Illustrated in this photomicrograph of a gastric specimen are a few thin, curved and S shaped bacteria (arrows). This picture is suspicious for H. pylori. An additional test helpful in confirming this identification is: -indoxyl acetate -rapid urease -Hippurate hydrolysis -growth at 42C

-rapid urease

A tech working in the laboratory and receives a call from the floor. The nurse needs to perform a VRE screen on the patient and needs to know what type of specimen to collect. Which of the following is an appropriate specimen for VRE screening -Blood -nasal swab -rectal swab -CSF

-rectal swab

A sputum specimen for culture is processed in the laboratory. Upon reviewing the gram stain, the tech finds there are about 15 epithelial cells per low power field and a mix of bacterial flora present. What should the tech do next? -report out the gram stain and incubate sputum culure platelets -reject specimen -report out gram stain and discontinue culture -discard specimen

-reject specimen

A gram stain of a peritoneal fluid shows large (+) bacilli. There is 3+ growth on anaerobic media only, with colonies producing a double zone of hemolysis. To assist with the classic identification of the organism, the microbiologist could: -determine if the organism ferments glucose -perform the oxidase test -set egg yolk agar plate -test for bile tolerance

-set egg yolk agar plate

A patient is showing signs of intravenous catheter associated infection. The physician has removed the catheter and sent the catheter tip along with a skin swab of the catheter site to the laboratory for testing. The physician ordered a gram stain of the skin entry site and a culture of the catheter tip. On which of the following media should be catheter tip be plated -Gn broth and sheep blood agar -sheep blood agar and thioglycollate broth -thayer martin and sim broth -sheep blood agar and bismith sulfite broth

-sheep blood agar and thioglycollate broth

The TSI agar slant shows a neutral slightly alkaline slant, acid butt, no/ gas production, and no H2S production, the organism might be: -Salmonella typhi -proteus vulgaris -shigella dysenteriae -proteus mirabilis

-shigella dysenteriae

Large, gray to white, beta hemolytic colonies were isolated on sheep blood agar from peritoneal fluid. The following biochemicals were performed: Gram stain: gram positive cocci in chains and pairs Catalase: negative PYR: positive Bacitracin (S) Identify the organism from the choices provided -Alpha hemolytic strep species -strep pneumoniae -strep pyogenes -strep agalacticae

-strep pyogenes

Which of the following is a characteristic of Francisella turalensis -tiny, weak- staining, gram- negative coccobacilli -oxidase and urease positive -subcultures grow easily and quickly on sheep blood agar (SBA) -the production of wide zones of hemolysis

-tiny, weak- staining, gram- negative coccobacilli

The arrow in the image on the right point to to single, long, tapeered phialides that extend laterally from either side of the hyphae. This microscopic presentation is an identifying feature of which fungi (shows vase shaped little cluster of trichoderma species) -trichoderma species -penicillium species -beauveria species -bipolaris species

-trichoderma species

A 25 year old missionary who had recently from a trip to west africa presented to the ED with fever and lymphadenopathy. A blood specimen was collected in EDTA and sent to the laboratory for possible parasitic infection. This image shows the parasite that was seen on the blood smear. What is the identification of this parasite (PIC shows smear with the curved parasites) -plasmodium falciparum -babesia sp -trypanosoma brucei -loa loa

-trypanosoma brucei

If you receive a transudate fluid for a gram stain and bacterial culture, what is the ideal specimen preparation method for the bacterial culture -use centrifugation to concentrate the sample; then using the pellet to inoculate the media -use centrifugation to concentrate the sample; then using the supernatant to inoculate the media -dip a swab in the original sample and use this swab to inoculate the media -use a sterile pipette to draw up the original sample and use this fluid to inoculate the media

-use centrifugation to concentrate the sample; then using the pellet to inoculate the media

A methicillin- (R) staphy aureus was recovered from a wound infection. Which antibiotic would be used for treatment? -Methicillin -nafcillin -vancomycin -oxacillin


From the viruses listed below, select the one that is transmitted from birds to humans through a mosquito vector -hep A virus -rotavirus -west nile virus -cytomegalovirus

-west nile virus

A small gram negative rod isolated from an eye grow on chocolate agar and it produces satellite growth around staphy colonies on sheep blood agar. The organism requires: -x factor and v factor -x factor -v factor -neither x factor nor v factor

-x factor and v factor

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