clp 3144 exam 2

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The Maudsley model of family therapy involves:

10 to 20 sessions over 6 to 12 months.

Alois Alzheimer first described a type of dementia that is now known as Alzheimer's disease in _____.


Nationwide, the number of children prescribed stimulant medications increased by _____ percent in the past two decades.

200 to 300

_____ of all Americans do not get any exercise at all.

25 percent

Obesity is defined as a body mass index (BMI) of _____.

30 or above

Other specified eating disorder has a prevalence of approximately _____ in the general population.

5 percent

Approximately _____ of children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) respond to stimulant drugs.

70 to 85 percent

Approximately _____ of people with Parkinson's disease develop dementia.

75 percent

A longitudinal study in Oregon, which focused on adolescents with less severe eating disorders which the researchers called partial-syndrome eating disorders, found that approximately _____ of these adolescents had a diagnosable psychiatric disorder when they were in their early 20s.

90 percent

According to research, which of the following treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is more likely to produce short-term improvements?

A combination of stimulant therapy and psychosocial therapy

56. DSM-5 has added the words _____ to the DID criterion A. This makes the criteria more applicable to diverse cultural groups and to identify a common presentation of DID in non-Western cultures as well as subgroups in Western cultures.

A. "or an experience of possession"

87. Memories formed before the age of _____ tend to be sketchy.

A. 3

88. Which of the following is widely used in treating individuals with schizotypal personality disorder who are experiencing significant distress?

A. Antidepressants

19. Jen, a second-year college student, attempted suicide at least 10 times before entering therapy. Her attempts to hurt herself usually followed arguments with her husband about getting a divorce. Which of the following diagnoses is Jen most likely to receive from her therapist?

A. Borderline personality disorder

63. _____ therapies have proven most helpful for people with avoidant personality disorder.

A. Cognitive and behavior

42. Which of the following dissociative disorders is characterized by a person developing one or more distinct personalities?

A. Dissociative identity disorder

4. _____ was formerly known as hypochondriasis (without physical symptoms).

A. Illness anxiety disorder

73. Brian has a history of drinking heavily before going to bed. His family accuses him of kicking the dog, breaking several dishes, and being verbally abusive on several occasions. Brown recalls none of these incidents and soon begins to forget personal information as well. Brown's memory loss is most likely related to _____.

A. Korsakoff's syndrome

24. One theory as to why _____ are more likely to receive a diagnosis of borderline personality disorder is that stress is more common among this group.

A. Latinos

8. Which of the following is NOT a personality disorder recognized by the DSM-5?

A. Multiple personality disorder

1. _____ determines all the ways we have of acting, thinking, believing, and feeling that make each of us unique.

A. Personality

17. Which treatment focuses on helping clients recall events and memories that may have triggered their somatization symptoms?

A. Psychodynamic

75. As with avoidant personality disorder, which of the following is characterized by withdrawal from social situations?

A. Schizotypal personality disorder

64. _____ are sometimes used to reduce the social anxiety of people with avoidant personality disorder.

A. Serotonin reuptake inhibitors

36. _____ is a group intervention for people with borderline personality disorder that combines cognitive techniques challenging irrational and maladaptive cognitions and behavioral techniques addressing self-management and problem solving.

A. Systems training for emotional predictability and problem solving (STEPPS)

23. Which of the following statements is true of conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)?

A. The conversion symptom develops after a trauma or psychological stressor.

48. Which of the following alters found in dissociative identity disorder offers advice to the other personalities or performs behaviors the host is unable to handle?

A. The helper

54. In which of the following countries is dissociative identity disorder diagnosed most frequently?

A. United States

18. Gina has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Which of the following would best describe Gina's mood?

A. Unstable

44. A person diagnosed with dissociative identity disorder may have several alters. An alter is a(n):

A. alternate personality.

80. One complication that arises in diagnosing amnesias is the possibility that:

A. amnesias may be faked by people to escape punishment for crimes committed.

66. Organic amnesia often involves the inability to remember new information, known as _____ amnesia.

A. anterograde

67. Karen had a hiking accident that resulted in head trauma. She now has difficulty remembering new information. Karen's amnesia would be categorized as _____.

A. anterograde

42. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder are characterized by _____.

A. arrogance

57. Dissociative symptoms may be part of the syndrome of _____, a culturally accepted reaction to stress among Latinos.

A. ataque de nervios

61. Janice's friend invited her to a five-star restaurant. Janice became nervous when she saw the various pieces of silverware placed on the table. She felt that others were scrutinizing her every move and watching to see if she used the cutlery properly. Overwhelmed with anxiety, Janice left the restaurant without eating dinner. Janice would most likely be diagnosed with:

A. avoidant personality disorder.

18. In the treatment of somatic symptom disorder, _____ therapies attempt to determine and eliminate the reinforcements individuals receive for their symptoms, while increasing positive rewards for healthy behavior.

A. behavioral

20. Cognitive therapies for somatic symptom disorder focus on:

A. challenging the client's maladaptive interpretations of physical symptoms and teaching them techniques for appropriate interpretations.

15. Herman has been diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder. He often misinterprets his bodily symptoms, which results in increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and dizziness. He states regularly, "If the pain doesn't stop soon, it will probably cause damage to the other parts of my body." Herman is most likely catastrophizing his symptoms. This maladaptive way of thinking is linked with the _____ theoretical perspective.

A. cognitive

4. The DSM-5 approach to diagnosing personality disorders differs from its approach to other types of disorders in that it explicitly incorporates a _____ perspective into the diagnosis.

A. continuum

89. Elizabeth Loftus's "lost at the mall" studies showed how easy it is to _____.

A. create a false memory

74. Verna has no idea how she ended up in her current surroundings. She feels comfortable and is not bothered by the fact that she cannot remember her past. Verna is most likely to be experiencing a(n) _____.

A. dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue

76. Janet has been diagnosed with dissociative fugue. She is typically likely to:

A. experience autobiographical memory loss.

72. Korsakoff's syndrome is characterized by:

A. global retrograde amnesia associated with severe alcohol consumption.

49. Aaron Pincus and Mark Lukowitzky maintained that narcissists can be both:

A. grandiose and vulnerable.

8. Vickianna's doctor is trying to diagnose if her condition is an illness anxiety disorder or a somatic symptom disorder. According to the DSM-5, to make the distinction, he should determine if Vickianna _____.

A. has physical symptoms

84. To receive a diagnosis of depersonalization/derealization disorder, the person must:

A. have frequent and distressing episodes of detachment from self or surroundings that disrupt functioning.

9. Bertram has spent years being concerned about his health even though he has no symptoms or pain. Several years ago, he read an article on tumors and became preoccupied with thoughts about getting a tumor. He rarely seeks medical help and in fact avoids doctors and hospitals. Bertram is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ disorder.

A. illness anxiety

10. In the DSM-5, _____ is a negative characteristic of the disinhibition dimension.

A. impulsivity

29. It was observed during the two world wars that many soldiers would report to have become inexplicably paralyzed or blind and therefore were unable to return to the front. Most of them seemed unconcerned about their paralysis or blindness. This phenomenon is known as _____.

A. la belle indifference

41. The results of drug treatment studies for borderline personality disorder have been:

A. mixed.

12. If an individual does not meet the criteria for any of the DSM-5 personality disorders but still has significant difficulties in his or her sense of self and relationships together with pathological personality traits, a clinician may give a diagnosis of:

A. personality disorder—trait specified.

71. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder tend to have slightly greater histories of _____ than people with no personality disorder.

A. physical neglect

29. Psychoanalytic theorists, particularly those in the object relations school, suggest that people with borderline personality disorder have:

A. poorly differentiated views of themselves compared to others.

50. A disorder that has high comorbidity with DID is _____.

A. post-traumatic stress disorder

3. When a woman believes she is pregnant, but physical examination and laboratory tests show negative results, this syndrome is called _____.

A. pseudocyesis

82. Individuals with schizotypal personality disorder tend to rate higher than do people with other personality disorders on the dimension of:

A. psychoticism.

73. A criterion for a diagnosis of _____ personality disorder is a distorted self-concept.

A. schizotypal

24. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder) is usually characterized by:

A. sensory and motor deficits.

78. Unlike a person with dissociative identity disorder, a person in a fugue state:

A. will behave quite normally in the new environment.

Which of the following individuals is most likely to develop anorexia?

Abigail, 18, a Caucasian college student

Which of the following individuals is most likely to develop bulimia?

Abigail, 18, a Caucasian college student

What percentage of stroke patients develop cognitive deficits serious enough to qualify for a diagnosis of dementia?

About 25 percent

Which of the following neurotransmitters is associated with the decline in memory in Alzheimer's disease?


Which of the following is true about drug treatments and psychotherapies in treating bulimia?

Adding cognitive-behavioral therapy to antidepressant treatment increases the rate of recovery from the disorder.

Which of the following was a finding of a longitudinal study in Oregon, which focused on adolescents with less severe eating disorders the researchers called "partial-syndrome eating disorders"?

Adolescents with partial-syndrome eating disorders had lower self-esteem, poorer social relationships, poorer physical health, and lower levels of life satisfaction than those with no signs of an eating disorder.

Which of the following statements is true of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Adults with ADHD are at high risk for depression, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse.

In which of the following categories of sport are athletes most likely to have an eating disorder?

Aesthetic sports

In general, _____ are more likely to be diagnosed with dementia.

African Americans

Which of the following groups has the highest rate of obesity?

African Americans

Ronald Reagan, the former President of the United States, suffered from _____.

Alzheimer's disease

Which of the following is the most common form of dementia?

Alzheimer's disease

_____ is the most common type of major neurocognitive disorder (NCD) and accounts for _____ of all types of dementia.

Alzheimer's disease; two thirds

Which of the following did DSM-5 drop from the anorexia nervosa diagnostic criteria?


For several months, Reba has kept her weight 10 to 15 pounds below what would be considered normal for her age and height. She uses laxatives after eating a meal. She has become concerned because she has recently stopped menstruating. Which of the following diagnoses would Reba likely receive?

Anorexia nervosa; binge/purge type

A person experiencing _____ will have difficulty carrying out actions such as washing their hands when requested.


6. The DSM-5 incorporates a continuum based functional assessment tool know as the Levels of Personality Functioning Scale for diagnosing a personality disorder. This scale evaluates functional impairment ranging from 0 to _____.

B. 4

47. A nationwide study in the United States found that about _____ percent of women could be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.

B. 5

15. Although the DSM-5 uses a continuum-based approach to diagnosing personality disorders, it also includes _____ separate personality disorders.

B. 6

89. Which of the following groups is most likely to be diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder?

B. African Americans

40. Which of the following antidepressants has proven most useful in the treatment of borderline personality disorder?

B. Aripiprazole

61. Which of the following is a reason an individual may develop dissociative identity disorder?

B. As a strategy to cope with traumas

32. _____ treatments for conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder) focus on relieving the person's anxiety around the initial trauma that caused the conversion symptoms and on reducing any benefits the person is receiving from the conversion symptoms.

B. Behavioral

58. Which of the following is the most common contributor to dissociative identity disorder?

B. Chronic physical or sexual abuse during childhood

22. Which of the following somatic symptom disorders is considered to be the most dramatic due to symptoms like blindness, seizures, loss of hearing, and mutism?

B. Conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)

58. Under the DSM-5 criteria, which of the following pathological personality traits is associated with avoidant personality disorder?

B. Detachment

60. Which of the following is a treatment goal for dissociative identity disorder?

B. Helping the client work through the trauma to integrate all the alternative personalities into one coherent personality

55. Some studies suggest that _____ may be more likely than other ethnic groups to experience dissociative symptoms in response to traumas.

B. Latinos

39. _____ is based on the argument that people with borderline personality disorder have fundamental difficulty understanding the mental states of themselves and others because of traumatic experiences in childhood and poor attachment to their caregivers.

B. Mentalization-based treatment

78. _____ shown by people with schizotypal personality disorder set them apart from people with other personality disorders.

B. Oddities in cognition

85. Roger believes he has a special ability. He believes he can read the thoughts of other people and transfer his own thoughts into their mind. There are times when he believes that certain random events and circumstances are directly related to him. On some occasions, he becomes very suspicious of the people around him. Which of the following personality disorders best describes Roger's behavior?

B. Schizotypal personality disorder

90. Which of the following is true about schizotypal personality disorder?

B. Schizotypal personality disorder is much more common in the first-degree relatives of people with schizophrenia than in the relatives of other psychiatric patients.

28. According to Freud's explanation of the conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder), which of the following best describes secondary gain?

B. The attention and sympathy received as a result of the symptom complaints

52. Which of the following explains why dissociative identity disorder was not diagnosed before 1980?

B. There was no such diagnostic category in the DSM-II.

38. In Hilgard's study on the "hidden observer" phenomenon, he argued that there are two modes of consciousness: the _____ mode the and _____ mode.

B. active; receptive

44. Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder tend to seek _____.

B. admiration

33. Studies show that people with borderline personality disorder have greater activation of the _____, which may contribute to the difficulty they have in regulating their moods.

B. amygdala

5. Under the DSM-5 approach, the first step in diagnosing a personality disorder is determining:

B. an individual's level of functioning.

69. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder:

B. are often experienced by others as stubborn and stingy.

68. People with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder:

B. are often workaholics who see little need for leisure activities.

88. To test how easy it is to create a false memory, Elizabeth Loftus designed a series of studies around _____.

B. being lost at the mall

31. People with conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder):

B. can be difficult to treat because they cannot believe the ailment is psychological.

37. STEPPS is a _____ therapy treatment for borderline personality disorder.

B. cognitive

62. Cognitive theorists suggest that people with avoidant personality disorder:

B. develop dysfunctional beliefs about being worthless as a result of rejection by important others early in life.

35. Candice faked her symptoms to gain medical attention. She exaggerated her symptoms to the point that exploratory surgery was conducted. Candice most likely has a _____.

B. factitious disorder imposed on self

14. Family studies suggest that somatic symptom disorders run primarily among _____ relatives, and _____ relatives have higher rates of alcoholism.

B. female; male

57. Twin studies have shown that _____ plays a role in avoidant personality disorder.

B. genetics

23. Cognitively, people with borderline personality disorder are _____ negative emotional stimuli in the environment.

B. hyperattentive to

81. Many courts deny the use of hypnosis in the case of dissociative amnesia because of the possibility that:

B. hypnosis will "create" memories through the power of suggestion.

63. In the case of dissociative identity disorder, patients who are able to integrate their personalities are:

B. more likely to remain relatively free from the symptoms and reduce medication.

79. The main difference between dissociative amnesia with versus without the specification of dissociative fugue is that:

B. people with dissociative fugue typically leave home and create a new life for themselves in another area, while people with dissociative amnesia do not take flight and create new identities.

65. Individuals with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder tend to be highly:

B. perfectionistic.

3. A(n) _____ trait is a complex pattern of behavior, thought, and feeling that is stable across time and across many situations.

B. personality

68. The inability to remember information from the past is known as _____ amnesia.

B. retrograde

53. When people with dissociative identity disorder report hearing voices talking inside their heads, they may be misdiagnosed as having _____.

B. schizophrenia

5. Bethany is experiencing dizziness, head pain and numbness in her lower limbs, all with no apparent medical reason. Bethany is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ disorder.

B. somatic symptom

6. Sherry believes that she has a serious illness. She has had severe headaches and tremors for several days with no relief from traditional over-the-counter medicines. Her visit to the doctor revealed no organic reason for the headaches. Unsatisfied with the results, she goes to several other medical professionals for treatment. Sherry is most likely suffering from a(n) _____ disorder.

B. somatic symptom

7. Marcus spends a lot of time at his physician's clinic to deal with the pain in his abdomen. He has had several gastrointestinal tests as well as other diagnostic tests taken, but the doctors can find nothing to explain his pain. He spends much time worrying about his mystery pain is something serious. Marcus is most likely experiencing a(n) _____ disorder.

B. somatic symptom

32. Psychoanalytic theory suggests that the instability in emotions and interpersonal relationships seen in people with borderline personality disorder is due to:

B. splitting.

34. Drug treatments for people with borderline personality disorders have focused on reducing:

B. symptoms of anxiety and depression.

46. In dissociative identity disorder, an alter that inflicts pain or punishment on the other personalities by engaging in self-injurious behaviors (such as self-cutting or self-burning) and suicide attempts is called _____.

B. the persecutor

71. When retrograde amnesia is due to organic causes, people will typically remember:

B. their personal identities.

40. For most people, the active mode and receptive mode:

B. weave experiences together so seamlessly that no division is noticed.

_____ involves creating a small pouch at the base of the esophagus, which severely limits food intake. The stomach may be stapled, banded, or bypassed.

Bariatric surgery

Which of the following is a proven method for preventing weight gain and reducing weight?

Be more active throughout the day.

Which of the following statements is true about treatments for dementia?

Behavior therapy helps in controlling emotional instability in patients with dementia.

Which of the following statements is true about the prevalence of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

Boys are more likely than girls to develop ADHD in childhood and early adolescence.

n area of the inferior frontal gyrus called _____ is involved in the ability to articulate and analyze words.

Broca's area

Which of the following disorders involves an imbalance in the body's electrolytes?

Bulimia nervosa

82. Amnesia is frequently seen in murder cases with _____ percent of people arrested for homicide claiming to have amnesia.

C. 25-45

26. A nationwide study suggests that approximately _____ percent of the population could be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder.

C. 6

43. Which of the following individuals is most likely to receive a diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder?

C. Ellen appears to have alternate personalities that are extremely different from each other.

86. Which of the following statements is true about schizotypal personality disorder?

C. For a person to be given a diagnosis of schizotypal personality disorder, his or her odd or eccentric thoughts cannot be part of cultural beliefs.

62. Which of the following techniques is heavily used to contact alters in the case of dissociative identity disorder?

C. Hypnosis

30. Which of the following statements is true of conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)?

C. Impaired connectivity between sensory or motor areas of the brain is likely to cause conversion disorder.

27. According to research, which of the following groups is more likely to be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?

C. Latinos

33. Factitious disorders are also referred to as _____.

C. Munchhausen's syndrome

84. Which of the following is NOT a category of odd cognition seen in individuals with schizotypal personality disorder?

C. Narcissism

65. Which of the following is true of organic amnesia?

C. Organic amnesia is caused by brain injury.

49. Which of the following is true of dissociative identity disorder (DID)?

C. People diagnosed with DID claim to have significant periods of amnesia.

45. Which of the following statements is true about narcissistic personality disorder?

C. People with this disorder are preoccupied with fantasies of power and success.

37. The idea that dissociation is a process in which systems of ideas are split off from consciousness but are accessible through dreams and hypnosis was conceptualized by _____.

C. Pierre Janet

76. Which personality disorder is characterized by an unstable or disorganized identity and is accompanied with odd beliefs, perceptions, and self-presentations?

C. Schizotypal personality disorder

10. Which of the following disorders may appear similar in their presentation?

C. Somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder

12. Which of the following statements is true of the somatic symptom disorder? .

C. Studies have shown that changes in the symptoms of people with somatic symptom disorder mirror their emotional well-being.

19. According to DSM-5, which of the following is a diagnostic criterion for illness anxiety disorder?

C. The individual must perform excessive health related behaviors.

47. Which of the following is considered to be the most dangerous alter found in dissociative identity disorder?

C. The persecutor

2. Which of the following represents one of the difficulties in diagnosing somatic symptom disorders?

C. The person may have a real physical problem that is difficult to detect.

50. Which of the following is understood as a subtype of a narcissist?

C. Vulnerable narcissist

16. Borderline personality disorder is characterized by hypersensitivity to _____.

C. abandonment

74. All of the following are personality traits associated with schizotypal personality disorder in the DSM-5 EXCEPT:

C. antagonism.

55. People with avoidant personality disorder:

C. are prone to shame.

90. Freyd and colleagues (2007) suggest that individuals who dissociate from, and forget, their abusive experiences are most likely to perform differently from other individuals in _____.

C. cognitive tasks

25. Lorna found her husband dead in their bedroom. He had been shot in the chest. After this incident, Lorna has been unable to see. Lorna is most likely exhibiting a symptom of _____ disorder.

C. conversion

51. Cognitive theorists have argued that some people with narcissistic personality disorder:

C. develop the belief that they are unique or exceptional as a defense against rejection.

75. Steven left his home abruptly without taking any of his belongings. He relocated to a nearby town. Several months later, he returned to his old home with no memory of his travel. Steven would most likely be diagnosed with _____.

C. dissociative amnesia with dissociative fugue

51. Lucas reported to his therapist that he hears several voices in his head and that some of his actions or words are being controlled by other people inside him. Lucas's symptoms are representative of _____ disorder.

C. dissociative identity

9. In the DSM-5, the psychoticism dimension includes:

C. eccentricity.

83. Depersonalization/derealization disorder is characterized by:

C. experiences in which the person feels detached from his/her mental processes, body, or surroundings.

34. Mary created an illness in her younger daughter to draw attention to herself. This is known as a _____.

C. factitious disorder imposed on another

28. According to Linehan, people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder:

C. have deficits in emotional regulation.

21. People with conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder):

C. have symptoms of altered voluntary motor or sensory function.

59. People who develop dissociative identity disorder tend to be:

C. highly suggestible and hypnotizable.

13. The DSM-5's approach to personality disorders is a _____ model.

C. hybrid

83. As children, people who develop schizotypal personality disorder are:

C. hypersensitive to criticism.

48. Psychodynamically oriented theorists suggest that the symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder are:

C. maladaptive strategies for managing emotions and self-views.

41. Dissociative identity disorder was formerly known as _____ disorder.

C. multiple personality

70. Cognitive theories suggest that people with _____ personality disorder harbor beliefs such as, "Flaws, defects, or mistakes are intolerable."

C. obsessive-compulsive

16. Studies of refugees who fled to the United States usually have

C. posttraumatic stress disorder and somatic symptom disorder

70. Robert has an accident when he is out trekking with his friends. He cannot recall anything that happened just before slipping and hitting his head on a boulder. He most likely has _____.

C. retrograde amnesia

80. Teresa seems emotionally detached. Most people think that she is a snob. Teresa likes activities where she can be alone. She views relationships with others as unrewarding, messy, and intrusive. She has very few friends outside of her first-degree relatives. Teresa is most likely to be diagnosed with:

C. schizoid personality disorder.

56. People diagnosed with avoidant personality disorder:

C. shun interactions if there is a possibility of being criticized.

79. People with schizotypal personality disorder are more likely than others to have unusual beliefs about the:

C. significance of random events.

92. Individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are: .

C. somewhat more often from lower socioeconomic classes.

60. People with avoidant personality disorder:

C. tend to have more severe and generalized anxiety about social situations than people with social anxiety disorder.

27. Freud and his contemporaries viewed conversion symptoms as the result of:

C. the transfer of psychic energy attached to repressed emotions or memories to physical symptoms.

91. The crucial component of cognitive therapy with clients diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder is:.

C.) teaching them to look for objective evidence for their thoughts in the environment and to disregard bizarre thoughts.

Comparisons of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and interpersonal therapy (IPT) suggest that:

CBT is significantly more effective than IPT in treating bulimia.

Obesity is associated with all of the following EXCEPT:

Caesarian sections

Which of the following is true about the factors that contribute to autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

Children with ASD have a higher than average rate of other genetic disorders associated with cognitive impairment, including fragile X syndrome and PKU.

Which of the following statements is true about fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)?

Children with fetal alcohol syndrome have an average IQ of 68.

Charlie has been diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). His medication improves his level of attention and helps him control his impulsive behavior, but he often experiences dryness in his mouth, fatigue, dizziness, and constipation. Which of the following drugs is Charlie most likely taking for his condition?


_____ therapies are the most researched treatment for anorexia nervosa.


_____ is more effective than _____ in producing complete cessation of binge eating and purging and in preventing relapse over the long term.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy; drug therapies

Gwendolyn weighs 85 pounds and has been diagnosed with anorexia nervosa. Which of the following factors is likely to present a major difficulty with respect to treating her in therapy?


14. The DSM-IV included _____ separate personality disorders.

D. 10

46. A nationwide study in the United States found about _____ percent of men could be diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder.

D. 8

20. Which of the following statements about borderline personality disorder is NOT true?

D. About 30 percent of persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder experience hallucinations.

43. Under the DSM-5 criteria, which of the following pathological personality traits is associated with narcissistic personality disorder?

D. Antagonism

77. Which of the following characterizes schizotypal personality disorder?

D. Bizarre or idiosyncratic worldviews

53. Which of the following statements is true about the treatment of narcissistic personality disorder?

D. Cognitive techniques help these clients develop more realistic expectations of their abilities and more sensitivity to the needs of others.

35. Which of the following psychotherapies for borderline personality disorder focuses on helping clients gain a more realistic and positive sense of self, learn adaptive skills for solving problems and regulating emotions, and correct dichotomous thinking?

D. Dialectical behavior therapy

77. Which of the following statements is true of psychogenic amnesia?

D. It involves memory loss that is limited to personal information.

52. Which of the following personality disorders is more likely to endorse beliefs such as "I don't have to be bound by rules that apply to other people"?

D. Narcissistic personality disorder

67. Under the DSM-5 criteria, which of the following pathological personality traits is associated with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

D. Negative affectivity

13. Which of the following statements is true of the somatic symptom disorder in the United States?

D. Older adults are more likely to report multiple somatic symptoms than middle-aged adults.

72. Which of the following is widely used in treatment for obsessive-compulsive personality disorder?

D. Relaxation techniques

45. Which of the following is the most common alter found in people with dissociative identity disorder?

D. The child

38. _____ uses the relationship between patient and therapist to help patients develop a more realistic and healthy understanding of themselves and their interpersonal relationships.

D. Transference-focused therapy

17. Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of borderline personality disorder?

D. Unstable relationships

59. Avoidant personality disorder is:

D. associated with rejection in early life of a child.

7. All of the following are personality dimensions recognized in the DSM-5 EXCEPT:

D. creativity.

86. Experiences of unreality or detachment with respect to surroundings are typical of individuals diagnosed with:

D. depersonalization/derealization disorder.

22. All of the following are pathological personality traits associated with borderline personality disorder in the DSM-5 EXCEPT:

D. detachment.

36. Somatic symptom disorders and dissociative disorders are considered by some theorists to be the result of a psychological process known as _____, in which different parts of an individual's identity, memories, or consciousness split off from one another.

D. dissociation

85. Repressed memories represent a form of _____.

D. dissociative amnesia

26. Jaclyn has been complaining for several weeks that she has lost all feeling in her right hand. A medical examination revealed no nerve damage. However, Jaclyn insists that something is wrong because she feels as though she has on a tight glove. Jaclyn is mostly experiencing _____ anesthesia associated with _____.

D. glove; conversion disorder (functional neurological symptom disorder)

25. In dialectical behavior therapy, clients with borderline personality disorder may learn how to control their _____ behaviors by monitoring situations most likely to lead to such behaviors and learning alternative ways to handle those situations.

D. impulsive

66. Compared to individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder, those with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder tend to have:

D. more general concerns with order.

54. Narcissistic personality disorder is most associated with a history of _____ in childhood.

D. neglect

2. When an individual fails to develop a sense of self-identity and a capacity for interpersonal functioning that are adaptive in the individual's relationships, he or she may be diagnosed with a(n) _____ disorder.

D. personality

31. The process of splitting, whereby individuals with borderline personality disorder see themselves and other people as either all good or all bad, was theorized in the _____ school of thought.

D. psychoanalytic

64. Amnesia is categorized as either _____ or _____.

D. psychogenic; organic

11. People diagnosed with somatic symptom disorder frequently have periods of all of the following EXCEPT _____.

D. psychotic disorders

21. All of the following are personality traits associated with borderline personality disorder in the DSM-5 EXCEPT:

D. psychoticism.

69. Marsha has dementia. It is becoming increasingly difficulty for her to remember her past. Sometimes she forgets her children's names. Marsha's amnesia would be categorized as _____.

D. retrograde

81. Reggie is uninteresting, dull, and humorless. He is aloof and reclusive, rarely responds to people saying "Good morning" or "Hello" to him, and often doesn't understand jokes. His self-concept is distorted, and he has difficulty understanding others' motives. If Reggie were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it would most likely be:

D. schizotypal personality disorder.

1. The _____ disorders are a group of disorders in which people experience significant physical symptoms for which there is no apparent organic cause.

D. somatic symptom

30. Jennifer has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Her therapist noticed that she sees things as either "all good" or "all bad." This process is called _____.

D. splitting

39. The active mode in Hilgard's study referred to:

D. the conscious state of mind that includes a person's conscious plans and desires and voluntary action

11. In the DSM-5, _____ is a negative characteristic of the detachment dimension.

D. withdrawal

Which of the following is probably the most common psychiatric syndrome found among the elderly in general hospitals?


Which of the following statements is true about the causes of dementia?

Dementia can be caused by a deficiency in thiamine.

Which of the following binge-eating subtypes did Stice et al. identify?

Depressive subtype and dieting subtype

Which of the following statements is true of Alzheimer's disease?

Family history studies suggest that 24 to 49 percent of first-degree relatives of a patient eventually develop the disease.

Which of the following drugs is known to reduce tics and increase cognitive abilities in children diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?


For which of the following reasons are African-Americans more likely than European Americans to develop vascular dementia?

Higher rates of hypertension and cardiovascular disease

Ruth's physician informed her that a single dominant gene on chromosome 4 transmits her condition. She was also told that if one of her parents had the gene, she stood a 50 percent chance of inheriting the gene and developing the disorder. Which disease is her physician most likely referring to?

Huntington's disease

Darius was in intensive care with no visitors after a routine appendectomy. Everything was sterile, white, and boring. Darius began to hallucinate. The most likely diagnosis for Darius would be _____.

ICU psychosis

Which of the following statements is true about stuttering?

It is more prevalent among boys than girls.

Which of the following statements is true of bulimia nervosa?

It is much more common in women than in men, and more common in Caucasians than in African Americans.

_____ was the first psychiatrist to describe autism spectrum disorder (ASD).

Leo Kanner

Which of the following statements is true about social programs for children with intellectual disability (IDD)?

Many adults with intellectual disability live in group homes, where they receive assistance in the tasks of daily living and training in vocational and social skills.

Which of the following is true about athletes and eating disorders?

May, who is an elite athlete, is more likely develop an eating disorder than June, who is a non-elite athlete.

Which of the following is the most prominent cognitive deficiency in dementia?

Memory loss

_____ is a drug that blocks receptors for opiates and has been shown to be useful in reducing hyperactivity in some children with autism spectrum disorder.


Which of the following is the strongest predictor of delirium?

Neurocognitive disorder

Which of the following brain abnormalities did Alois Alzheimer observe during an autopsy of a 51-year-old patient who had displayed severe memory loss and disorientation in the four years prior to her death?

Neurofibrillary tangles

Which of the following is true of neuroimaging studies and dementia?

Neuroimaging studies indicate that brain deterioration associated with dementia is greater for people with less education than for those with more education.

_____ is not designated as an eating disorder by the DSM-5.


Which of the following statements is true of psychotherapy for anorexia?

People with anorexia nervosa highly value their thinness and so can be resistant to therapists' attempts to change their behaviors or attitudes.

Which of the following statements is true of binge-eating disorder?

People with binge-eating disorder typically have a history of frequent dieting, membership in weight-control programs, and family obesity.

Which of the following statements is true of the difference between the binge/purge type of anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa?

People with the binge/purge anorexia type are at least 15 percent below healthy body weight, whereas people with bulimia nervosa typically are at normal weight or somewhat overweight.

Which type of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is diagnosed if six or more symptoms of inattention but fewer than six symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity are present?

Predominantly inattentive type

Which of the following high school students is most likely to develop an eating disorder?

Randy, who is a bodybuilder

Which of the following statements is true about the different learning disorders?

Reading disorder affects about 4 percent of children.

Which of the following drugs is commonly used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?


The _____, such as fluoxetine (Prozac), have been the focus of much research on biological treatments for bulimia nervosa.


Which of the following medications results in an increase in blood pressure and heart rate?


Which of the following best describes a stroke?

Sudden damage to an area of the brain due to the blockage of blood flow or hemorrhaging

Which of the following high school students is most likely to develop an eating disorder?

Susan, who is a gymnast

_____ is carried by a recessive gene and occurs primarily in Jewish populations.

Tay-Sachs disease

Which of the following statements is true about autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

The best predictor of the outcome of ASD is a child's IQ and the amount of language development before age 6.

Which of the following statements is true about the biological factors associated with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

The catecholamine neurotransmitters, which include dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, appear to function abnormally in individuals with ADHD.

Which of the following statements is true of cognitive-behavioral therapy for anorexia nervosa?

The client's overvaluation of thinness is confronted, and rewards are based on the person's gaining weight.

Which of the following statements is true about the relationship between Alzheimer's disease and acetylcholine?

The degree of cognitive decline in patients with Alzheimer's disease is significantly correlated with the degree of deficit in acetylcholine.

Why should an underlying medical condition that is the cause of delirium be treated in a timely fashion?

The longer delirium continues, the more likely the person is to suffer permanent brain damage

Which of the following is most likely to occur if a person is experiencing a deficit in executive functioning?

The person may have difficulty planning a large dinner party.

Which type of anorexia involves eating very small amounts of food each day, in part simply to stay alive and in part because of pressure from others to eat?

The restricting type

What are the two types of anorexia recognized by the DSM-5?

The restricting type and binge/purge type

Which of the following is true about neurofibrillary tangles?

The tangles are common in the brains of Alzheimer's patients but rare in people without neurocognitive disorders.

According to Hilde Bruch, which of the following is NOT true of parents of girls who develop anorexia nervosa?

They allow their daughters to express negative feelings.

Vashti displays multiple motor tics, like facial grimacing, jerking her arm, and neck stretching, and also a vocal tic (in her case, an objectionable word). Because she has both motor and vocal tics her doctor has diagnosed her with:

Tourette's syndrome.

Which of the following statements is true about gender and dementia?

Women live longer and are therefore more prone to developing age-related dementia.

_____ are most likely to suffer dementia due to head injury because they take more risks associated with head injuries than do other groups.

Young men

Controlled studies of the efficacy of cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia find that _____ the clients completely stop the binge/purge cycle.

about half

The onset of Alzheimer's disease typically begins:

after age 65

June is finding it difficult to recognize familiar objects, like tables and chairs, and people, like her close friends and family members. June is probably experiencing _____.


The inability to recognize objects or people is referred to as _____.


Which of the following types of dementia is thought to share a genetic basis with Down syndrome?

alzheimer's disease

The APP gene is the:

amyloid precursor protein gene

The APP gene is the:

amyloid precursor protein gene.

ICU/CCU psychosis refers to:

an experience of hospitalized patients hearing noises from machines, which they believe to be human voices.

Fergus has lost one hundred pounds this past year. His weight is 15 percent below what his physician says is a healthy weight for him, yet he refuses to acknowledge his thinness or the serious risks of his self-starvation. Fergus is afraid that if he gains weight, no woman will ever date him again. Fergus is most likely exhibiting _____.

anorexia nervosa

People with _____ starve themselves, subsisting on little or no food for very long periods of time, yet they remain sure that they need to lose more weight.

anorexia nervosa

Lucy has a cognitive impairment due to which she is experiencing deterioration in language. She often uses vague references to hide her inability to produce names. It is most likely that Lucy is experiencing _____.


The deterioration of language as seen in dementia is referred to as _____.


The impaired ability to execute common actions such as tying shoelaces is referred to as _____.


According to the study conducted by Stice et al., women with the depressive subtype:

are less likely to respond well to treatment.

Children who find it difficult to pay attention, control their impulses, and organize their behaviors are most likely exhibiting symptoms of _____.

attention- deficit/hyperactivity disorder

Simone meets all the criteria for anorexia nervosa EXCEPT that she falls within normal weight range. According to the DSM-5 criteria, she will most likely meet the criteria for _____.

atypical anorexia nervosa

Disorders characterized by impairment in two key areas of development including deficits in social interactions, communication with others, and repetitive patterns of behavior are called _____.

autism spectrum disorder

In the DSM-5, all the pervasive developmental disorders have been subsumed under the new category of _____.

autism spectrum disorder

In _____ therapy, the client is taught how to monitor her food intake, is reinforced for introducing avoided foods into her diet, and is taught coping techniques for avoiding bingeing.


Psychosocial therapies for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) combine:

behavioral techniques and structured educational services.

Plaques are made of deposits of a class of protein called _____.


The onset of bulimia nervosa most often occurs:

between ages 15 and 29.

Dennis tends to eat excessive amounts of food several times a day. As a result of overeating, Dennis is 30 pounds overweight. Dennis is most likely exhibiting:

binge-eating disorder.

Engaging in episodes of recurring overeating and use of laxatives/enemas to keep weight low falls under the _____ type of anorexia nervosa in the DSM-5.


The behavioral component of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating bulimia involves:


Thea is significantly underweight and disturbed with her body image. She tends to use diuretics and laxatives to keep her weight low. She senses a lack of control over eating. According to DSM-5 criteria for anorexia nervosa, she would most likely be diagnosed with the

binge/purge type.

One of the key differences in DSM-5 diagnostic criteria for anorexia nervosa is that now diagnosis is based on _____.

body mass index

Laurell is of normal weight and is over-concerned with her weight and figure. She often will eat an entire box of doughnuts and then because she feels a lack of control over eating that much will use laxatives to get rid of the unwanted calories. According to the DSM-5 criteria, Laurell will most likely meet the criteria for _____.

bulimia nervosa

Deficiencies in serotonin might lead the body to crave _____.


Children who suffer from _____ have significant problems with speaking evenly and smoothly, often voicing frequent repetitions of sounds or syllables.

childhood onset fluency disorder

Clayton often stutters saying things like "I-I-I-I see him". Because the kids at school have started teasing him, the school psychologist has recently diagnosed him as having a _____, so that he can get help.

childhood onset fluency disorder

In the Maudsley model of family therapy, parents are:

coached to take control over their child's eating and weight.

Marianne has controlling, overprotective, fault-finding parents. In response to their behaviors, she refuses to maintain the minimal body weight she needs for her age and height. Aside from her eating disorder, Marianne will most likely exhibit all of the following behaviors EXCEPT _____.


Bruch argues that girls from overcontrolling families:

deeply fear separation from their families.

A person who has been diagnosed with a cognitive disorder and is experiencing the inability to plan, initiate, monitor, and stop complex behavior is most likely experiencing _____.

deficits in executive functioning

Luther is presenting symptoms of sudden disorientation, confusion, and memory loss after being tackled during a football game. He is showing signs of incoherent speech and doesn't recognize his parents or coach. Luther's condition gets worse at night. Luther is most likely experiencing _____.


Mary keeps losing her keys and asks the same questions over and over again. To avoid forgetting, she often makes a list of things she has to do but always forgets to look at them later. Mary is most likely in the early stages of _____.


According to Stice and colleagues, women with the _____ subtype of binge eating are plagued by feelings of depression and low self-esteem and often eat to quell these feelings.


Jonas displays deficits in motor skills like running, catching, and throwing. He finds it very distressing as the other children already tease him because of his attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. So that he can get occupational therapy to help with the delay, his school psychologist has added a diagnosis of:

developmental coordination disorder.

According to Stice et al., women with the _____ of binge eating try their best to maintain a strict low-calorie diet, but they frequently fall off the wagon and engage in binge eating.

dieting subtype

Binge-eating disorder differs from bulimia nervosa in that the person with binge-eating disorder:

does not regularly engage in purging or excessive exercise.

Stimulants used to treat attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may work by increasing levels of _____ in the synapses of the brain.


The symptoms of Parkinson's disease result from the death of brain cells that produce the neurotransmitter _____.


Tourette's disorder and persistent motor or vocal tic disorder respond well to the atypical antipsychotic medications alter _____ systems.


Landon is having difficulty learning to read in school. He has poor reading accuracy, a slow rate of reading and a weakness in reading comprehension. If Landon were to be diagnosed with a specific learning disorder, it would most likely be _____.


The most common specific learning disorder is:


A person diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease at age 45 would be considered to have a(n) _____.

early-onset type

A key communication issue on autistic children is the tendency to repeat words they have heard, a condition known as _____.


Mariposa tends to repeat words she hears her mother use. She also tends to reverse her pronouns using you instead of I and also has difficulty intonating pitch and tone. These speech patterns represent _____.


The behavioral component of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating anorexia involves:

giving rewards that are contingent on weight gain.

One of two classes of drugs approved to treat the cognitive symptoms of dementia regulates the activity of the neurotransmitter _____.


Tourette's disorder, persistent motor or vocal tic disorder, and stereotypic movement disorder respond well to a behavioral therapy called:

habit reversal therapy

Tourette's disorder, persistent motor or vocal tic disorder, and stereotypic movement disorder respond well to a behavioral therapy called:

habit reversal therapy.

Children with mild intellectual disability (IDD):

have IQ scores between 50 and 70.

According to research, people with eating disorders:

have a dichotomous thinking style.

April is receiving individual therapy from Dr. Gruber for her anorexia. Dr. Gruber will most likely:

help April reevaluate her thoughts about being thin.

All of the following are considered serious physical consequences of anorexia EXCEPT:

hiatal hernia.

The _____ plays a central role in regulating eating.


The idea that children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are unable to maintain their attention and control their behavior at a level appropriate for their age because they are neurologically immature is known as the _____.

immaturity hypothesis

In addition to subaverage intellectual functioning, a diagnosis of _____ requires that a child show deficits relative to his or her age group in at least two of the following skill areas: communication, self-care, home living, social or interpersonal skills, use of community resources, self-direction, academic skills, work, leisure, health, and personal safety.

intellectual disability

Longitudinal studies have shown that women who:

internalize the thin ideal are more likely to develop bulimic symptoms.

Phenylketonuria (PKU):

involves an inability to metabolize phenylalanine, an amino acid.

A biological abnormality found in people with anorexia is:

lowered functioning of the hypothalamus.

In the DSM-5, various forms of dementia are likely to be subsumed under one overarching category, _____.

major and mild neurocognitive disorders

Children and adults with profound intellectual disability:

may achieve vocabularies of 300 to 400 words as adults

Children and adults with profound intellectual disability:

may achieve vocabularies of 300 to 400 words as adults.

Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who begin taking stimulants:

may experience an increase in the frequency of tics.

Shanee is highly concerned with her weight. Because she feels she has insomnia, she has a tendency to stay up late watching TV and overeating. She is distressed that she cannot control her eating behaviors. According to the DSM-5 criteria, she will most likely meet the criteria for _____.

night eating syndrome

Atomoxetine, clonidine, and guanfacine are used in the treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and operate by affecting the levels of _____.


The Nun Study, a longitudinal study of several hundred elderly nuns in the School Sisters of Notre Dame, showed that:

nuns who entered old age with greater intellectual strength were less likely to develop severe dementia.

People with anorexia nervosa:

often develop elaborate rituals around food.

Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD):

often place great importance on routine and rituals.

The DSM-5 allows the diagnosis _____ for individuals who have some severe symptoms of anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa but do not meet the criteria for either disorder.

other specified feeding or eating disorder

Epidemiological studies show that the most common eating disorder diagnosis is:

other specified feeding or eating disorder.

In 2012, Ogden et al. estimated that _____ of American adults were obese.

over one-third

Researchers conducting a longitudinal study in Oregon, which followed a large group of adolescents, coined the label _____ for syndromes on the less severe end of the continuum of eating disorders that don't meet the full criteria for anorexia or bulimia nervosa.

partial-syndrome eating disorders

Doctors can recognize people with bulimia because of the fact that:

patients tend to have an electrolyte imbalance.

Kathleen Vohs and colleagues suggested that disordered eating is especially likely to result when body dissatisfaction is combined with:

perfectionism and low self-esteem.

Oswaldo displays multiple motor tics, like facial grimacing, jerking his head, and neck stretching, but no vocal tics. Because he has only a motor tic and is not displaying vocal tics, his doctor has diagnosed him with:

persistent motor or vocal tic disorder.

In the DSM-IVTR autism was included in a category called _____.

pervasive developmental disorders

A child, whose symptoms include slow retrieval of information from memory, slow processing of information, low levels of alertness, drowsiness, and daydreaming, would most likely receive a diagnosis of the _____ type of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

predominantly inattentive

Perry has been diagnosed with profound intellectual disability. His treatment consists of behavioral therapy and drug treatments. His psychiatrist has prescribed risperidone which helps to:

reduce aggression and self-injurious behaviors.

The ApoE gene:

regulates the protein which is involved in the transport of cholesterol through the blood.

Engaging in excessive exercise in addition to limiting calorie intake falls under the _____ type of anorexia nervosa.


Amile is underweight and uncomfortable with the way she views her body. She also has no lack of control over eating. She exercises excessively. According to DSM-5 criteria for anorexia nervosa, she would most likely be diagnosed with the:

restricting type.

Zoila shows moderate intellectual disability but has an exceptionally high ability in math. She can ask you what day your birthday is and tell you immediately what day of the year you were born on. Individuals like Zoila are considered _____.


_____ appear(s) to reduce repetitive behaviors and aggression, and improve social interactions in some people with autism spectrum disorder.

selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors

Dimitri tends to move his body in a repetitive manner such as waving his hands. These behaviors sometimes are referred to as _____.

self-stimulatory behaviors

Some children perform stereotyped and repetitive behaviors using some parts of their body, such as incessantly flapping their hands or banging their head against a wall. These behaviors sometimes are referred to as _____.

self-stimulatory behaviors

Many people with bulimia show abnormalities in systems regulating the neurotransmitter _____.


When Tina was four years old, her parents were concerned about her expressive language. She spoke only in two- or three-word sentences. Tina was also unable to feed and dress herself. Her IQ score was 23. Tina's psychologist most likely diagnosed her with _____.

severe intellectual disability

_____ is caused when a baby is shaken, leading to intracranial injury and retinal hemorrhage.

shaken baby syndrome

Kayla has been diagnosed with moderate intellectual disability. Which of the following is mostly likely to be true about her?

she may not be able to travel alone or shop or cook for herself

Two drugs currently approved in the United States for weight loss are:

sibutramine and orlistat.

Dementias that follow _____ are more likely to dissipate with time than are dementias that follow _____.

single closed head injuries; repeated closed head injuries

Marisol in third grade and when her teacher says "Hi", she doesn't respond with anything back. When the other kids ask her questions like "What did you do this weekend?" she also fails to respond appropriately. The school psychologist has recently diagnosed her as having a:

social communication disorder.

Children with _____ do not use speech sounds appropriate for their age or dialect; they may substitute one sound for another or omit certain sounds.

speech sound disorder

Delaney is in second grade but still makes errors in articulation and enunciation, saying things like "look at that wabbit". Or saying "bu" instead of "blue". The school psychologist has recently diagnosed her as having a:

speech sound disorder.

Psychologists have linked the historical and cross-cultural differences in the prevalence of eating disorders to:

standards of beauty for women.

Which of the following drugs is known to reduce disruptive behaviors in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?


In _____ therapy, the therapist encourages the client to talk about problems related to the eating disorder—especially interpersonal problems—but in a highly nondirective manner.

supportive-expressive psychodynamic

Dominic has been seeing Dr. Provine for help with his eating disorder. In a highly nondirective manner, Dr. Provine helps Dominic talk about problems related to his eating disorder, including those related to his interpersonal relationships. This is an example of _____.

supportive-expressive psychodynamic therapy

"Sundowning" is a term used to indicate that:

symptoms of delirium worsen at night.

A longitudinal study in Oregon, which focused on adolescents with less severe eating disorders the researchers called partial-syndrome eating disorders, found that these adolescents:

tend to judge themselves on the basis of their weight.

Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are more likely than children without a psychological disturbance to belong to families:

that experience frequent disruptions, and aggressive parents.

Amenorrhea refers to:

the absence of menstrual periods.

Which subtype of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) includes six or more symptoms of inattention and six or more symptoms of hyperactivity-impulsivity?

the combined type

The DSM-IVTR had a classification for both autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and Asperger's disorder arguing that in the latter,:

there are no significant delays or deviances in language

Cerebrovascular disease occurs due to:

tissue damage in the brain due to a shortage of blood supply.

Down syndrome is also referred to as _____.

trisomy 21

A core characteristic of bulimia nervosa is:

uncontrolled eating.

James' laboratory test indicated evidence of cerebrovascular disease. He is also exhibiting signs of dementia. Which diagnosis is James most likely to receive?

vascular neurocognitive disorder

A therapist who treats a patient with anorexia should:

win and maintain the client's trust and encourage participation.

Which of the following is NOT a specific learning disorder academic subskill in DSM-5?

with impairment in oral expression

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