CLP1001 Final Exam

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The "similarity principle" tends to be found most frequently in

- Heterosexual couples - Homosexual couples - Friendships

In order to reduce prejudice within yourself, you need to

- Pay careful attention to what you think - Shift from mindlessness to mindfulness - Shift from automatic to controlled processing

One of the differences between depressive and bipolar disorders is that

- People with major depressive disorder experience periodic bouts of depression - People with bipolar disorders experience emotional extremes of both depression and mania - People with major depressive disorder experience anhedonia

This text assumes the key to effective adjustment is to

- Take charge of your own life - Meet problems head-on - Take an active role in improving the quality of your life

Twin studies discussed in your text suggest that genes account for about ______ of peoples' variation in personality


______________ test requires people to respond to ambiguous stimuli. Inferences about needs, emotions, and personality traits are draw from the responses.

A projective

Sociometer theory suggests that self-esteem is

A subjective measure of one's interpersonal popularity and success

People from a collectivistic culture are less likely than those from individualistic cultures to have which of the following traits

Adjust themselves to needs of the group

Vinnie dislikes leaving his home and has gradually become more fearful whenever he has to go somewhere. Lately, he has decided to have his groceries delivered and do all his work online. Vinnie may be suffering from


Which of the following is the best example of normative influence?

An individual joins a gang to look cool in front of his friends

The class of disorders marked by feelings of excessive apprehension and anxiety.

Anxiety disorders

Which of the following theoretical orientations asserts that scientific should focus on the study of observable


Each of the following limits one's ability to accurately engage in self-assessment EXCEPT

Biased affective forecasting

threatening events that have a relatively long duration and no apparent time limit are referred to as

Chronic stressors

Eight-year-old Cindy has to decide whether to be best friends with Jillian, who has lots of toys to play with, or with Kaitlin, whose family has invited Cindy to go camping with them. According to social exchange theory, Cindy's choice will most likely be influenced by her consideration of which of the following?

Comparison level of alternatives

__________ occurs when people yield to social pressure in their public behavior, even though their private beliefs have not changed.


Which of the following ideas lies at the core of the concept of personality?

Consistency across situations

________ is a tendency to blame victims for their misfortune, so that one feels less likely to be victimized in a similar way.

Defensive attribution

Liling is a successful lawyer who suddenly forgot who she is and most of the important details of her life after she survived a terrible car accident that killed three of her colleagues. Liling may be suffering from

Dissociative amnesia

People who lose contact with portions of the their consciousness or memory and experience disruptions in their sense of identity would most likely be considered as having which of the following types of disorders

Dissociative disorders

Which of the following disorders features the coexistence in one person of two or more largely complete, and usually very different, identities or personalities.

Dissociative identity disorder

____________ is the premise that knowledge should be acquired through observation


Lou blames his professor for not teaching well enough, and he attributes that as the sole factor responsible for his failing Statistics. Lou is making a(n) _____________ attributtion.


Which of the following is NOT true of self-esteem according to the research?

Happiness cause high self-esteem

Which of the following statements best reflects the relationship between stress and anxiety disorders

High stress may help precipitate the onset of anxiety disorders

Betty has been depressed. She has been describing how she feels to her friends who recommended she seek out a therapist. Which of the following conclusions regarding Betty's behavior is appropriate?

It can be considered abnormal because she obviously feels great personal distress

_________ is an active relationship maintenance process that includes knowledge of the partner's opinions and making positive attributions regarding the partner's behaviors.


Some researchers believe that self-concept is most likely to change when a person

Moves to a new city

_____________ is a sense of grandiose self-importance


Which of the following are Big Five traits?

Neuroticism and openness to experience

In general, the Internet has had a negative impact on people's social relationships


_________ is a form of compliance in which people change their behavior in response to direct commands.


Encouraging your partner to disclose his or her thoughts and feelings to you illustrates which of the following relationship maintenance strategies


_________ refers to a form of learning in which voluntary responses come to be controlled by their own consequences

Operant conditioning

Which of the following is the correct order of Freud's psychosexual stages?

Oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

The fundamental attribution error is the tendency to explain other people's behavior in terms of _______, rather than ______ factors

Personal; situational

The matching hypothesis suggests that people of similar gravitate toward each other.

Physical attractiveness

People with an independent view of the self are most likely to engage in which of the following behaviors?

Promote freedom and choice

________ involves the actions one takes to sustain the desirable qualities of a relationship.

Relationship maintenance

Which of the following is the correct order for three steps in friendship repair rituals?

Reproach, remedy, acknowledgement

Which of the following is NOT a factor influencing the nature of initial encounters between two people?

Resource exchange

The largest group of college students identified which of the following as the person to whom they felt the closest

Romantic partner

The largest group of college students which of the following as the person to whom they felt the closest?

Romantic partner

According to E. Tory Higgins, a discrepancy between the actual self and the ideal self is most likely to trigger which of the following emotions?


Numerous studies have shown that good communication is most likely to be related to which of the following

Satisfaction in relationships

Which of the following groups of psychological disorder is characterized by irrational thinking, poor reality contact, disturb emotion, and hallucinations

Schizophrenic disorders

________ are the inferences that people make about what causes their behavior


_________ is an organized set of beliefs about the self


Imagine that you see a potential employer at a job fair. You only have a moment to make a first impression. Suppose you want to convey your potential for the job based simply on your academic prowess. Evaluate the following impression management strategies. Which approach would be MOST appropriate for this scenario?


Presenting yourself in a way that you think will cause others to respect you is most consistent with which of the following self-presentation strategies?


How did the Asch induce conformity in his studies involving judgements of line length?

Several accomplices gave incorrect answers before the true participant answered.

Kelly thinks she works hard to make sure that her relationship boyfriend Michael is fulfilling and fun. However, lately she has begun to think that Michael doesn't appreciate her efforts. According to ________, this relationship might not last

Social exchange theory

__________ are widely held beliefs that people have certain characteristics because of their membership in a particular group


A researcher gives you a questionnaire to fill out about your attitudes on abortion, school prayer, and drug legalization. This researcher is using which of the following research methods?


Comorbidity is

The coexistence of two or more disorders.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about the role of physical attractiveness in relationships?

The importance of physical attractiveness in a dating partner has decreased in the last 50 years

Which of the following is the best definition of psychology?

The study of behavior and the profession that applies knowledge from these studies to solving practical problems

Which of the following facial features is NOT associated with physical attractiveness in women?

Thin lips

Art is on the debate team and is interested in philosophy. He enjoys seeking out effortful thought. He is most likely to be persuaded by

a high-quality argument

A researcher wants to determine whether diet causes children to learn better in school. In this study, the dependent variable is

a measure of learning

Prejudice is defined as

a negative attitude toward some group.

Nonverbal communication is most informative when it is

accompanied by verbal messages

The term _____________ refers to the psychological processes through which people manage or cope with the demands and challenges of everyday life


The correct order of stages in the general adaption syndrome is

alarm, resistance, exhaustion

A personal explanation of the cause of behavior is

an attribution

In a case study,

an individual participant is studied in depth

An attribution is

an inference about the causes of behavior and events

Social comparison theory proposes that we compare ourselves to others in order to

assess our abilities and opinions

Persuasion involves the communication of arguments information intended to change another person's


Categorizing others by ethnicity, gender, age, or religion is used to

avoid expanding cognitive effort to form a more accurate impression

Baumeister's research suggests that a narcissist who experiences an ego threat is likely to

become aggressive or violent

The area of psychological research that attempts to trace the hereditary influences on personality is called

behavioral genetics

Critics have described the psychodynamic perspective as

biased females and difficult to test

Which of the following is NOT one of the factors that help shape our vision of our possible selves?


Modern Western society has made extraordinary technological progress

but social and personal problems seem more prevalent and more prominent than ever before

Compared to other methods of drawing conclusions about behavior, the major advantages of the scientific approach are

clarity and precision; relative intolerance of error

When your cat hears a can being opened and comes running, it is an example of

classical conditioning

An originally neutral stimulus that acquires the capacity to elicit a conditioned response is called a(n)

conditioned stimulus

In _________ disorders, people show persistent feeling of sadness and despair and a loss of interest in previous sources of pleasure


Self-regulation refers to

directing and controlling ones behavior.

Two months ago, your best friend did not win a major scholarship that she had been counting on to help pay for graduate school. Now she is always fighting with you, her boyfriend, and her roommates. She is most likely using the defense mechanism called


A control group consists of subjects who

do not receive the special treatment given to the experimental group

In general, women's friendships are more likely to focus on _________, whereas men's friendships tend to be based on _________.

emotional intimacy; shared interests

Several lines of research indicate that the most important element of friendship is

emotional support

Humanism is a theoretical orientation that

emphasizes unique human qualities such as free will and growth potential

The tendency to use similar casual explanations for a wide variety of events in one's life is known as

explanatory style

An innate adaptive response to the perception of danger is the ______.

fight-or-flight reaction

Lila believes that worrying will help her avoid negative events. She will usually find a reason to worry about something — her schoolwork, her boss, her parents, and whether the bus will come on time. Lila may possibly be suffering from

generalized anxiety disorder

The lowball technique involves

getting someone to commit to an attractive deal before revealing its hidden costs

According to Baumrind's parental classification system, authoritative parents display

high acceptance and high control

a condition or event that an experimenter varies in order to see its impact on another variable is called a(n) __________ variable


Mainstream America culture would most accurately be described as


John is always putting himself down and expressing doubts in his own abilities. According to Adler, John may have a(n)

inferiority complex

In terms of relationship commitment, things that people contribute in a relationship that they cannot get back if the relationship ends are called


Marge associates positives attributes with being underweight. She

is in danger of having an eating disorder

The ________ model proposes it is useful to think of abnormal behavior as a disease


Susan recognized the face of someone she often sees at work. She smiled when she saw the person despite not knowing who the person was. This is an example of

mere exposure effect

In interpersonal communication, the information that is transmitted from one person to another is called the


A _______ correlation is one in which the two variables move opposite directions; as one factor increases, the other decreases


When temperatures rise during summer in the desert, the the amount of outdoor activities declines. This relationship is an example of a

negative correlation

The strengthening of a response leading to the removal of an unpleasant stimulus is

negative reinforcement

Various confounding factors can lead to misinterpretation of eye contact between individuals. This may cause such nonverbal communication to become a form of ________ in interpersonal communication.


When you and your friend make faces at each other during a class lecture, it is an example of

nonverbal communication

The results of Milgram's study imply that

obedience to authority was even more common than he anticipated.

An unwanted thought that repeatedly intrudes upon an individual's consciousness is called a(n)


Close relationships can arouse both positive and negative feelings. This phenomenon is termed

paradox of close relationships

Evolutionary explanations for dating and mating habits

parental investment theory

Research has shown that children's self-perceptions are strongly related their _______ than to their parents' attitudes toward them

perceptions of their parents' attitudes toward them

Rogers emphasized a person's subjective point of view he called


"hostile", "agreeable" and trusting are all adjectives that can be used to represent

personality traits

Working hard to sell the most widgets for your employer in order to earn a bonus and paid vacation is behavior that is shaped by the prospect of

positive reinforcement

According to Freud, the ___________ contains thoughts and feelings that are below the surface of awareness


Whenever others expect you to conform to their expectations or perform in certain ways, you tend to experience


In epidemiology, ________ refers to the percentage of a population that exhibits a disorder during a specified time period.


Posttraumatic stress disorder involves

psychological disturbance due to the experience of a major

_______ involves the actions one takes to sustain the desirable qualities of a relationship

relationship maintenance

According to evolutionary psychologists, men seeking a prospective mate are likely to display the most interest in characteristics that denote a woman's

reproductive capacity

A significant benefit that comes from understanding techniques of persuasion and compliance is that such understanding can help you to __________ them


In the _______ stage of the general adaptation syndrome, the body attempts to adapt to continued stress.


In classical conditioning, the unconditioned response is a(n) reaction to an unconditioned stimulus.

response that does not need to be learned

Depressed people who _______ tend to remain depressed longer than those who don't

ruminate about their depression

The "cocktail party effect" illustrates the concept of

selective attention

According to Maslow, our need to fulfill our potential is called


The voluntary act of verbally communicating your personal information to another person is called


A mismatching of self-perceptions is termed


One's belief about one's ability to perform behaviors that should lead to expected outcomes is called


The tendency to use various strategies to maintain a positive view of the self is called


People asses personal worth through


People assess personal worth through


Threats to personal and social identity motivate individuals to restore


The tendency to sabotage one's performance to provide an excuse for possible failure is called


The vast majority of personality tests take the form of

self-report inventories

Robert believes the reason he did not get job was he didn't have as much to prepare for the interview as others because of bad bad luck on that day. Robert is most likely engaged in


According to Freud, conflicts centering on _______ and ________ impulses are especially likely to have far-reaching consequences

sexual; aggressive

According to Jung, the collective unconscious is a storehouse of latent memory traces inherited from people's ancestral past, which is

shared with the entire human race

The idea that interpersonal are governed by perceptions of rewards and costs is a key premise in

social exchange theory

The moral component of personality, according to Freud, is represented by the


Mounting evidence from research indicates that stress may ______ the functioning of the immune system.


The fight-or-flight response occurs in the

sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system

Phil has been talking to Bill about contemplating suicide. Bill can help Phil most by

taking Phil's talk seriously

According to psychologists, frustration occurs when

the pursuit of some goal

The process wherby expectations about a person cause the person to behave in ways that confirm the expectation is called

the self-fulfilling prophecy

When people discount situational factors and instead attack people's character by calling them "lazy" or "freeloaders", remarks like these illustrate

the ultimate attribution error

People engage in counterproductive strategies because

they believe they will eventually be succesful

A correlation exists when

two variables are related to each other

Psychodynamic theories of personality tend to focus on

unconscious mental processes

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