cna exam

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The proper temperature for a soapsuds enema is


According to the principles of proper body mechanics, a nurse aide who is lifting an object should place his or her feet

12-18 inches apart

For most residents, the range of normal respiration is

12-20 inspirations per min

If a patient is in tears, his or her pain level is at a:


Your resident consumed a bowl of soup that was 180 cc of liquid. How many ounces was that?

6 oz - 30cc is one oz so 30cc times the oz

Which of the following options BEST describes MRSA?

A life threatening skin disease that spreads through the blood stream

flotation mattress

A mattress or pad filled with a gel-type material which supports the body in a way to provide comfort and avoid creating pressure points, thereby helping to prevent skin breakdown.

What is an embolism?

A piece of a blood clot that enters the bloodstream

Which of the following options BEST defines hazardous waste?

All waste matter that has the potential to cause infection

What should be suspected if a patient being treated for pain experiences a sudden drop in blood pressure, a change in respiration, and the appearance of a rash?

An adverse drug effect from the analgesic

If you are asked to place a patient in the Sim's position, how will you place them?

On his or her side with the patient's undermost arm positioned at his or her back

Which of the following options identify the two general goals of skin care when bathing a patient?

Promote comfort and remove pathogens

When taking the patient's radial pulse the first time, you find that his pulse rate is 45 BPM. Which of the following actions should you take next?

You should recount the patient's pulse for 60 seconds

Which of the following should be reported immediately?

a blood pressure of 90/40


a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful

A nurse aide is caring for a client who answers every question by nodding and saying "Yes." How should the nurse aide handle this behavior?

determine if the client is able to understand


difficulty speaking

Which is the most common side effect of medications?

dirarrhea or constipation




do no harm

The nurse aide is making an occupied bed. Which of the following is the most restorative approach?

encourage the resident to help

The nurse aide just admitted a new male resident. Which of the following is the most restorative approach?

encourage the resident to partcicpate in unpacking his clothes

Nurse aides can provide a client with a sense of security by

explaining all routines and procedures

A client with Alzheimer's disease wanders from room to room, moving the belongings of other clients to different locations. Alert and oriented clients are angry that their things have been moved. The nurse aide SHOULD

find the missing articles and return them

which of the following best helps reduce pressure on the bony prominences

flotation mattress

When providing oral care to a resident, how should you position the patient?


which of the following is the most comfortable position for a client with a respiratory problem


When caring for a confused resident, what should a nursing assistant do?

give simple directions

A client with dementia has developed a fear of taking a shower. What can a nurse aide do?

give the client a bed bath and try a shower another day

congestive heart failure

heart is unable to pump its required amount of blood

The circulatory system consists of the

heart, arteries, veins, capillaries

To take a rectal temperature, the nurse aide should insert the thermometer and

hold onto the thermomneter until it can be removed

Which of the following personal qualities is a nursing assistant demonstrating when he or she accepts his or her own limitations?


Mrs.Jones has been throwing up for several days unable to eat or drink you find her in bed she is pale lethargic and her eyes are dull she is likely suffering from

hypovolemic shock

A resident with an ileostomy evacuates feces through the


When dry, hard stool fills the rectum and will not pass, it is called


encouraging residents to participate in their care and in activities helps with emotional and mental health needs by

improving their sense of independence and outlook

Among the elderly, one of the major causes of depression is

inability to run their own lives


inability to speak

Diabetes mellitus makes a resident more prone to develop


diabetes mellitus

insulin is not secreted adequately or tissues are resistant to its effects

A male resident has just been admitted to the facility. The nurse aide should

introduce him to his roomate

intestinal motility

is defined by the movements of the digestive system, and the transit of the contents within it. When nerves or muscles in any portion of the digestive tract do not function with their normal strength and coordination, a person develops symptoms related to motility problems.

On which side should the patient lie for an enema?


Which of the following is the recommended position for giving an enema?

left sims

A patient complains that her hand hurts where the IV is running. The nurse assistant notices that the hand is puffy. The nurse assistant should

notify the iv nurse that the infusion appears to have infiltirated

a patient complains of pain the cna should

notify the medication nurse

A confused resident tells you there is a monster in the closet. You should

open the closet and show the resident that there is not monster


paralysis of one side of the body

Mrs. Sparks is an 83-year-old female patient who suffers from the late effects of a CVA. She has {L} sided hemiplegia. This is

paralysis on the left side of the body

While giving a bedbath, the nurse aide hears the alarm from a nearby door suddenly go off. The nurse aide should

pause the bath make the resident safe and quickly go check the door

Mr. Johnson has just returned from surgery. Which of the following things do you do?

perform turn cough and deep breathe leg excerises

All behavior has meaning to the

person doing the behavior

Which of the following approaches should be taken with your patients?


what is the term for a device used to take the place of a missing body part


After Mr. Hall's stroke, his right arm has been weak. Which of the following should he be taught to do?

put his right arm into his shirt first

Clean bed linen placed in a client's room but NOT used should be

put in the dirty linen container

When making an occupied bed, the nurse aide should

raise side rail on unattended side

a patient suddenly has shortness of breath followed by loud gasps for air after calling for help what should you do

raise the head of the bed

you notice a change in a residents mental condition the best course of action is to

report the change immediatly to the charge nurse

You are caring for Mr. Brown, who has a diagnosis of COPD. His SpO2 is 82%. He is currently receiving O2 via Nasal Cannula @ 2 liters/min. What do you do?

report to nurse

A button hook and a sock assist are part of what kind of nursing care?

restorative and rehabiliative


semi-sitting body position in which a person's head and shoulders are elevated 45 to 60 degrees

a nurse aide walks into a room and sees that the patient is unconscious the first thing the aide should do

shake the patients shoulder while shouting his name

hypovolemic shock

shock resulting from blood or fluid loss

you hear a charge nurse telling a resident that the lpn is not performing as well as she should be the legal term for this is


a patient chokes while eating and is unable to cough or speak. the first thing the nurse aide should do is

slap the patient between the shoulder blades

Constipation and indigestion can result from

slowed peristalsis

The term atrophy refers to an organ or tissue becoming

smaller because of underuse

A patient who is dysphasic is one who has trouble:


Communication with a resident who has late-stage dementia or Alzheimer's includes

speaking in one or two word sentences

Mrs. Branden is a resident at your long-term care (LTC) facility. She has been diagnosed with depression. The best way for you to help Mrs. Branden is to

spend time with her listening or sitting quietly

The Global Deterioration Scale (GDS) helps caregivers understand how people with dementia decline over time. Which of the following stages has no signs of dementia?


You are delegated to provide passive R.O.M. to L lower and upper extremities. This means you must

support each joint and provide extension and flexion movements on the left side of the body

If a nurse aide needs to wear a gown to care for a patient in isolation, the nurse aide should

take the gown off in the clients room


the action or crime of making a false spoken statement damaging to a person's reputation.

What is a pulse oximeter used to measure?

the amount of O2 in the blood

After assisting with evening care, the nurse aide notices the client has bilateral hearing aids. The nurse aide understands that if a hearing aid is not in use,

the battery should be disengaged

Strokes are seen in the elderly. A stroke occurs when

the brain is deprived of oxygen

Who is responsible for the entire nursing staff and the activities involved in providing safe care?

the director of nursing

A Hepatitis B vaccination protects the person receiving it against a disease that affects

the liver

When a facility decides to transfer or to discharge a patient, how much time MUST the facility provide to the resident or resident's representative before they may do so?

within 30 days

You are asked to take the patient's radial pulse, where on the patient's body would you perform this task?



In Lateral position, the patient may be placed on either their left or right side depending on the side of the surgical site. A pillow or head positioner should be placed under the patient's head with the depended ear assessed after positioning

Active listening is important because

It prevents misunderstandings

When applying a condom catheter, what do you need to do?

Leave a one-inch space between the catheter and the penis

What measures should you employ in order to communicate with a patient whose primary language is not English?

Let someone who speaks the patient's primary language communicate with him/her and report back to you



A patient is leaving the hospital. The family has been told to give her medications "bid." The wife asks what that means. The nurse aide tells her to give the medications

twice a day


use of force to get someone to obey

When you are recording your observations of a resident, it is important that you do NOT:

use red ink

Which of these could cause a nursing assistant to be charged with battery?

using restraints on a resident without a physician's order

Which of these is not a liable act?

voluntary seclusion

which of these is not a liable act

voluntary seclusion

As dementia progresses, incontinence can become an issue. How can the nurse aide assist?

watch for signs of discomfort so you can take the resident to the bathroom

A resident is standing in the hallway, holding a bag. She asks the nurse aide when the train is due. The aide should tell her

where she is in a matter of fact toned voice

The tympanic membrane temperature is one in which you:

Take the patient's temperature using his or her ear

An elderly patient who has been diagnosed with Parkinson's disease may be affected by all of the following EXCEPT:

The ability to learn new skills was correct.

You observe a low respiration rate less than 12 breaths per minute in a patient. What could be the cause?

The patient is taking narcotics

Which of the following should NOT be done when caring for a patient with an indwelling catheter?

The patient should be positioned on his/her side

If you are not sure how to use a piece of equipment , you should

ask the nurse for instructions

Wasting or a decrease in the size of a muscle is called


Which of the following measurements that you obtained from Mrs. Shumway should be reported immediately to the charge nurse?


you arrive at the clients home for care she shows you a burn on her arm it is blistered and client is complaining of severe pain you should

call the home health case manager

For a resident, reality orientation should include

calling the resident by his or her name

Most of our calories should come from




A nurse aide is caring for a client whose religious beliefs do not allow the person to eat certain foods. The nurse aide should report this information to the

charge nurse

when caring for a client who uses a restraint the nurse aide should

check the clients body alignment


chronic skin condition producing red lesions covered with silvery scales

another word for forcing a patient to do something against his or her will is


The nurse aide is walking with a client confined to a wheelchair when the facility fire alarm system is activated. The client becomes excited from the noise. The nurse aide SHOULD

comfort the client while moving the person to a safe place

The primary cause of combative behavior in a resident with dementia is


all of these could result in a nursing assistant being charged with negligence except

deliberately harming a resident with extreme force

If a resident exhibits paranoid behavior, what should the nurse aide know?

delusions are a normal part of the progression of the dementia process

All of the following are physical signs that a resident is in pain EXCEPT:


Drainage bags from urinary catheters should always

Be kept below the level of the bladder

You are assigned a comatose resident that is in need of oral care every four hours. Which of the following options identifies how you should provide this patient with oral care?

Be sure the patient's head is turned to its side and use the proper equipment to swab the patient's mouth and mucous membranes

Which of the following terms expresses the ethical principle of doing good for the patient or others?


bony prominences

Bony prominences are the areas of bone that are close to the skin's surface. These areas are most susceptible to pressure injuries because they have the least amount of cushioning.

Which of the following options is NOT considered nonverbal communication?

Congratulating a patient on their success

Using touch as a way to communicate with a client

Depends on the client's culture


Doing good or causing good to be done; kindly action


Excessive or profuse bleeding


Respecting the privacy of both parties and keeping details secret

Which of the following statements is TRUE in regards to providing perineal care to a female patient?

Rinse the genital area with a fresh washcloth

Which of the following is NOT a reason to do range-of-motion exercises with a patient?

To normalize his/her vital signs

A patient has had hip surgery. Her legs should be


Mrs. Hernandez had a hip replacement and is admitted to the long-term care facility for rehabilitation. Her condition is considered


a residents pulls on her call light to let you know that there was bright red blood in her bowel movement what should you do

all of the above

which of these is not a common cause of constipation

an increase in intestinal motility

Which is the best way to talk to a resident with a visual impairment?

announce your presense when entering the room

Mrs. Lee is an alert, demanding resident who uses the call signal often. If you don't answer it immediately, she yells, "Help! Help!" When you answer the call signal, her requests are never urgent. She also speaks sharply to you when you are in the room. Mrs. Lee is demonstrating

anxiety or fear

A resident frequently acts demanding, especially when his roommate has visitors. The nurse aide understands that the resident is


the first aid treatment for hemorrhage is

apply direct pressure


artificial body part


low blood pressure

Signs and symptoms of shock may include

low blood pressure, tachycardia, clammy, pale skin


lying face down


lying on the back

your home health client has a very cluttered home and is reluctant to throw away anything your main safety goal should be

maintain a clear pathway through the home

The fire alarm has sounded. The nurse aide should FIRST

make sure all the residents are out the hallway and close all doors

When interacting with clients, the nurse aide should remember that

more than half of the communication is non verbal

multiple sclerosis

myelin sheath destruction. disruptions in nerve impulse conduction

Which of the following actions do NOT decrease with age?

need to sleep

fecal impaction

the prolonged retention and buildup of feces in the rectum

Which statement about sitz baths is true?

the purpose is to clean the perineum and relieve pain

A nurse aide is assigned to a stroke patient with a diagnosis of aphasia. The nurse aide knows that

the resident cant talk

The RN assigns you a task that is in your job description. Which of the following statements is FALSE?

the rn should delegate every non rn task to you

A cane should be used on

the unaffected strong side of the body

Physical restraints are used MOST often....

to prevent client injury

The role of an ombudsman is

to work with the nursing home to protect clients rights

the equipment you need for oral care of an unconscious client includes

toothette/mouth swab

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