CNA midterm

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what is the formula to convert F to C?

C = (F-32) x 0.5556

droplets normally do not travel more than ... a) six feet b) two feet c) eight feet d) ten feet


when beginning to weigh a resident, the scale should be balanced at ... a) zero b) five pounds c) ten pounds d) negative two pounds



a body part is cut off and separated from the body


admit or admission

a disposable thermometer can be used to measure a(n) _________ temperature a) oral b) rectal c) tympanic d) temporal artery


if a nursing assistant suspects that a resident has a fever, he should ... a) give the resident medication b) take the resident's temperature c) ask the resident how she is feeling d) measure the resident's pulse rate


if a resident feels faint, a nursing assistant should ... a) try to have the resident stand up before fainting occurs b) have the resident lean forward and place her head between her knees c) tighten the resident's clothing d) leave the resident alone as soon as symptoms appear


in a healthcare facility, codes are used to ... a) keep track of residents b) inform staff of emergencies without alarming residents and visitors c) teach procedures to new nursing assistants d) welcome new residents to the facility


the normal pulse rate for adults is ... a) 25 to 50 BPM b) 60 to 100 BPM c) 100 to 150 BPM d) 150 to 175 BPM


there are __ inches in a foot a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 20


what is the best way to control methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)? a) by placing residents in airborne infection isolation rooms (AIIRs) b) through proper hand washing c) by wearing surgical masks d) by taking the antibiotic vancomycin


when a person's breathing stops, it is called ... a) cardiac arrest b) respiratory arrest c) CPR d) choking


which of the following is a good idea for a nursing assistant who is communication with a resident who has cancer? a) the NA should insist that the resident tell her what he is going through b) the NA should listen to the resident if he feels like talking c) if the resident is worried, the NA should tell him it will be fine d) the NA should tell the resident that her grandmother beat cancer and she is sure the resident will too


which of the following statements is true of HIV and AIDS? a) AIDS can be cured b) having unprotected sex puts a person at a high risk for HIV/AIDS c) standard precautions do not need to be practiced on a person who has AIDS d) a person with HIV can be fired because of the disease



blood pressure

infection prevention is ..... a) the way in which infections occur b) an infection limited to a specific part of the body c) a set of methods used to prevent the spread of disease d) an object that has not been contaminated with pathogens


one sign of a localized infection is ... a) chills b) headache c) drainage from a wound or cavity d) mental confusion


one thing that would make a positive impression on a family visiting a facility is ... a) lack of physical, occupational, and speech therapists available b) no interpreters available who speak the resident's native language c) a safe and homelike atmosphere d) poor results from previous inspections


the bedside stand is used for ... a) linen storage b) serving meals c) storing equipment d) storing valuables


which of the following is another word for armpit? a) tympanum b) rectum c) axilla d) temporal


which of the following statements is true of gloves? a) gloves do not need to be worn when shaving a resident b) disposable gloves can be washed and reused when they are clean c) gloves should be worn when preforming care on a resident who has broken skin d) after giving care, gloves are normally not contaminated


which of the following statements is true of pain? a) everyone experiences pain in the same way b) everyone will express freely when they are in pain c) pain is a different experience for each person d) pain levels do not need to be monitored


which of the following statements is true of positioning? a) residents will not need help getting into comfortable positions or changing positions b) constant pressure on an area helps prevent pressure ulcers c) NAs should check resident's skin each time they are positioned d) bed bound residents should be positioned every 3 hours



complaints of

an example of disposable equipment is ... a) an autoclave b) an electric razor c) a sphygmomanometer d) gloves


blood pressure is measured using a ... a) thermometer b) watch c) finger d) sphygmomanometer


the medical term for difficulty breathing is ... a) eupnea b) apnea c) tachypnea d) dyspnea


which of the following can help reduce pain? a) pounding the resident on the back b) jumping jacks c) squeezing the body part hard d) change of position



lying flat on the back/spine

dorsal recumbant

lying flat on their back w/ knees flexed and slightly separated


shortness of breath while lying on your back




tapping certain parts of the body to check for reflexes


ting living things that can only be seen by a microscope


tired generalized weakness


to feel using hands or fingers during an exam


towards the middle or midline


towards the side


transient ischemic attack


upper respiratory infection



serous sanguinous

yellowish pink fluid/ discharge

120 cm = in?


normal range for axillary temp


normal range for oral temp


normal range for rectal temp


HIV can be transmitted ... a) to a nursing assistant who touches an infected resident's telephone b) to anyone who uses the same toilet as an infected person c) to people who hug an infected person when that person has a fever d) to a healthcare worker who comes into contact with a contaminated needle


a nursing assistant's responsibility for the resident during discharge ends ... a) when the doctor writes the discharge order b) when the resident's belongings are packed c) when the resident is seated in the vehicle d) when the vehicle's doors are closed


a sign that stroke is occurring is ... a) abdominal pain b) gasping for air c) low blood pressure d) facial droop


an object can be called clean if .... a) it has not been used on or near a sick resident b) no dirt or debris is visible on the object c) it has been contaminated with pathogens d) it has not been contaminated with pathogens


during code team procedures, a nursing assistant might be asked to ... a) give a resident oxygen b) call the resident's family c) work with the suction machine d) give chest compressions during CPR


hand hygiene is ... a) washing hands with soap and water only b) using alcohol- based hand rubs only c) wearing gloves when preforming care procedures d) washing hands with either plan or antiseptic soap and water or using alcohol based hand rubs


one sign that a person is in shock is ... a) flushed or reddish skin b) decreased pulse and respiration rates c) increased blood pressure d) extreme thirst


under standard precautions, the term body fluids includes ... a) sweat b) water c) juice d) urine


with _______ immunity, a person is given the antibodies needed to defend against an antigen a) acquired b) nonspecific c) deficient d) passive



high blood pressure - 140/90 or higher


myocardial infarction


pathogen has entered the blood stream


right lower quadrant of the abdomen


right upper quadrant of the abdomen


semi sitting body position / 45 or 60 degrees

_______________ is a method of treatment for cancer that uses high-energy waves to attempt to destroy cancer cells in a specific area a) radiation therapy b) chemotherapy c) hormone therapy d) immunotherapy


a geriatric chair is used to ... a) help residents who are mostly bed bound avoid the need to stay in bed all day b) assist with resident transfers c) position residents properly for personal care d) place residents in the prone position


a resident with AIDS who has nausea and is vomiting should ... a) eat small, frequent meals b) eat quickly c) not drinks liquids d) not eat at all


a transient ischemic attack is a warning sign of ... a) cerebrovascular accident b) myocardial infarction c) hypoglycemia d) epistaxis


another word for fainting is ... a) syncope b) epistaxis c) dyspnea d) emesis


how far into the ear should a tympanic thermometer be inserted? a) 1/4 to 1/2 inch b) 1/2 to 1 inch c) 1 to 1 1/2 inches d) 1 1/2 to 2 inches


the most common site that is used for measuring pulse rate is the ... a) radial pulse b) brachial pulse c) carotid pulse d) pedal pulse


which of the following is the proper order to don personal protective equipment (PPE)? a) put on gown, mask, goggles, and gloves b) put on gloves, gown, and mask and goggles c) put on mask and goggles, gloves, and gown d) put on gown gloves, and mask and goggles


which of the following is true of mechanical lifts? a) mechanical lifts help prevent injury to the body b) it is safer for an NA to lift a resident without the help of a mechanical lift c) there is only one kind of mechanical lift d) when using a mechanical lift, the NA should pump it approximately five feet over the bed before moving the resident


which of the following terms describes a bed that is completely made with the bedspread and blankets in place? a) closed bed b) open bed c) occupied bed d) unoccupied bed


why would a resident be in isolation? a) because the resident requires transmission based precautions b) because the resident requires standard precautions c) because the resident cannot get along with other residents d) because the resident cannot be managed by staff



away from the point of attachment

_____________ destroys pathogens but not all pathogens, while ________ destroys all microorganisms, including those that form spores a) sterilization, disinfection b) disinfection, sterilization c) asepsis, transmission d) transmission, asepsis



back of body


back of body


bloody drainage

a tumor that is cancerous is called a(n) ___________ tumor a) opportunistic b) benign c) malignant d) ballistic


in which of the following parts of the body are mucous membranes found? a) feet b) hands c) genitals d) elbows


in which position is a resident if he is lying flat on his back with his head and shoulders supported by a pillow? a) lateral position b) sims' position c) supine position d) prone position


the difference between the apical and the radial pulse is called the ... a) pulse rate b) cheyne-stokes c) pulse deficit d) BPM


what can an overbid table be used for? a) pavement of dirty linens b) placement of bedpans c) placement of meals d) placement of urinals


where should the call light be placed when a nursing assistant leaves a resident's room? a) on the bedside table beside the telephone b) next to the television remote c) within the resident's reach d) on a chair next to the resident's bed


which of the following is true of transmission based precautions? a) an NA does not need to practice standard precautions if he practices transmission based precautions b) they are exactly the same as standard precautions c) they are practiced in addition to standard precautions d) they will not be listed in the care plan so as not to alarm anymore


which of the following statements is true of taking rectal temperatures? a) the nursing assistant should not explain the procedure before beginning so the resident will not feel anxious b) rectal thermometers should be inserted two inches into the rectum c) the nursing assistant must hold on to the thermometer at all times while taking a rectal temperature d) to obtain an accurate temperature, the resident should move around slowly during the procedure


which of the following thermometers is used to measure temperature in the ear? a) mercury thermometer b) axillary thermometer c) tympanic thermometer d) temporal artery thermometer


which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant if a resident is having a seizure? a) the Na should give the resident a glass of water and ask him to drink it b) the NA should hold the resident down if he is shaking severely c) the NA should move furniture away to prevent injury to the resident d) the NA should open the resident's mouth to move the tongue to the side


which of the following would be the best response by the nursing assistant if a resident wants to leave a facility against medical advice (AMA)? a) the NA should counsel the resident as to why he should not leave the facility b) the NA should remind the resident that he is very sick and needs to stay until his family arrives c) the NA should report to the charge nurse d) the NA should restrain the resident to prevent him from leaving


with whom should a nursing assistant use standard precautions? a) with a resident who says he has an infectious disease b) with a resident who suspects he might have an infectious disease c) with every resident in his care d) with a resident who requests that they be used



cardiopulmonary resuscitation


caused by a sharp object such as a pin, nail, or pointed instrument


cerebrovascular attack


clear fluid mixed with blood

draw sheets are used to ... a) keep the bed covers from pushing down on a resident's feet b) keep a resident's fingers from curling tightly c) keep a resident's joints in the correct position d) prevent damage to a resident's skin caused by shearing


how are blood borne diseases transmitted? a) by hugging an infected person b) by touching something an infected person has touched c) by standing too close to an infected person when he coughs d) by contact with blood or body fluids


how should residents in isolation be treated? a) they should be left alone b) their behavior should be monitored c) they should not be allowed to use the phone or use utensils d) they should be listened to and encouraged to share their feelings and concerns


lack of sleep can cause ... a) increased mental function b) increased reaction time c) increased immune system function d) increased irritability


making an area or object free of all microorganisms is called ... a) infection prevention b) disinfection c) tranmission d) surgical asepsis


one way for a nursing assistant to make a positive first impression on a new resident is to ... a) place his personal items where the NA thinks they look best b) get the admission process completed as quickly as possible c) allow the resident to introduce himself to everyone in the facility d) prepare his room before his arrival so that he feels expected and welcome


prehypertension means ... a) a person's blood pressure is too high b) a person's blood pressure is too low c) a person does not have low blood pressure now but is likely to have it in the future d) a person does not have high blood pressure now but is likely to have it in the future


the __________ blood pressure is the top number in a blood pressure reading, while the __________ is the bottom number a) radial, apical b) apical, radial c) diastolic, systolic d) systolic, diastolic


under which of the following conditions should a nursing assistant not take an oral temperature on a person? a) the person has influenza b) the person almost certainly has a fever c) the person is over 6 years old d) the person is confused or disoriented


what is one way that the human immunodeficiency virus is spread? a) through the air when an infected person coughs b) by hugging an infected person c) by standing next to an infected person d) by contact with an infected person's blood


when is a resident with cancer most likely to suffer from nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, hair loss, and decreased resistance to infection? a) right after surgery b) just before the cancer is diagnosed c) when the resident is near death d) when undergoing chemotherapy


when using a transfer belt, the nursing assistant should ... a) place it under a resident's clothing b) place it around the fractured limb c) place it around a resident's chest d) place it around a resident's waist


which of the following can a nursing assistant do if poisoning is suspected? a) suggest the resident put his finger down his throat to induce vomiting b) feed the resident crackers or bread to soak up the poison c) give the resident medication and then call poison control d) look for a container that will help him find out what the resident took or ate


which of the following conditions may mean a person needs emergency medical help? a) person is behaving rudely b) person has a scratch c) person does not want help d) person is unconscious


which of the following increases the risk of infection in older adults? a) thicker skin b) higher intake of fluids c) stronger appetite d) catheter use


which of the following is a correct response to a nosebleed? a) lower the head of the bed b) ask the person to lie down c) apply ice directly to the skin to stop the bleed faster d) apply pressure near the bridge of the nose


which of the following is a guideline for safely using a wheelchair? a) the NA goes down the ramp forward, with the resident facing the bottom of the ramp b) the NA leaves the wheelchair's wheels unlocked while positioning a resident in it c) when using an elevator, the NA should make sure the chair faces the back of the elevator d) the NA should check that the resident's hips are positioned at the very back of the chair


which of the following is a sign or symptom of the beginning stages of HIV infection? a) poor circulation b) damage to the eyes c) open sores on the penis d) flu like symptoms


which of the following statements is true of linen? a) linen should be carried close to the nursing assistant's uniform b) linen must be shaken to remove wrinkles c) linen can be taken from one resident's room into another resident's room d) dirty linen should be removed by rolling it away from the nursing assistant


why might a resident need emotional support during a physical exam? a) residents are always frightened of exams b) doctors are not very sensitive to their patient's emotions c) the resident has probably never had a physical exam d) the resident may fear what the examiner will find





difficulty breathing


do not resuscitate


every 4 hours


fast breathing




foul smelling discharge


front of body

what is the last and first PPE?



harmful microorganisms




high or increased temperature

local or localized infection

infection limited to a specific part of the body


injury to the soft tissue


inside of the elbow ; used for brachial pulse


left lower quadrant of the abdomen


left upper quadrant of the abdomen


lying flat on their stomach


lying on their back with hips at edge of the exam table with legs flexed and feet in stirrups


lying on their side


lying w/ upper knee flexed towards their chest


maintaining clean conditions in order to help prevent the spread of infection or disease


methicillin resistant staphylococcus aures


near the point of attachment or closest to the point of attachment

if a NA is helping a resident stand, what must the resident have?

nonslip shoes


nothing by mouth


pertaining to a wound that is located near the surface of the skin


pertaining to a wound that not only involves the outer layer of skin but possibly the adipose tissue (fat), muscle, tendons, ligaments, or bone


pertaining to the feet/ pedal pulse


pertaining to the groin


pertaining to the shin bone/ large lower leg bone


pertaining to the temples/ temporal pulse


process of listening to heart and lungs

immune system

protects the body from harmful substances


pull, aim, squeeze, sweep




slow heart rate


superficial scrape




tearing of tissues by excessive force. wound usually has jagged or irregular edges

what is the formula to convert C to F?

F = (Cx1.8) + 32

a good way for a nursing assistant to help a new resident adjust to life in the facility is to ... a) think about how it would feel to have to move into a facility b) tell the resident how much work it is to care for him c) cover up any mistakes to make the resident feel more confident about the facility's care d) push the resident to join in activities even if he says he does not want to


a normal age-related change for the immune and lymphatic systems is the ... a) immune system weakens b) antibody response speeds up c) number of T-cells increases d) response to vaccine increases


a resident who is at risk for pressure ulcers may have ... a) an alternating pressure mattress b) a bariatric bed c) an electric bed d) a closed bed


after an emergency, the nursing assistant will need to ... a) document the incident b) give an opinion about what is wrong with the resident c) tell the resident she is very worried about his condition d) prescribe medication for the resident


an oral thermometer is usually color coded ... a) green or blue b) red or orange c) black or white d) white or gray


common symptoms of a fever include ... a) muscle aches b) sleepiness c) slow movements d) nausea


dangling means ... a) sitting up with legs hanging over the side of the bed b) sitting up in a wheelchair with feet flat on the floor c) lying in the bed with feet resting over the side of the bed d) hanging both arms over chair rests


how many links in the chain of infection must be broken to prevent infection? a) one b) two c) three d) four


if a nursing assistant feels it is not safe to move a resident by himself, he should ... a) find a coworker to help b) move the resident anyway because everyone else is probably busy c) refuse to move the resident d) ask the resident to move himself


if a person's breathing and heartbeat stop, brain damage can occur within __________ minutes a) 4-6 b) 8-10 c) 10-15 d) 15-20


in which position is a resident if he is on his left side with his lower arm behind his back and his upper knee flexed? a) sims' b) prone c) fowler's d) supine


infection prevention for the portal of exit link in the chain of infection could include .... a) covering the mouth when sneezing b) keeping surfaces clean and dry c) getting a vaccine for a particular disease d) hand washing


one dietary habit that a nursing assistant can encourage to help residents sleep better is ... a) limiting caffeine intake b) eating heavy meals before bedtime c) eating foods high in sugar d) serving meals later at night


the BRAT diet is helpful for ... a) diarrhea b) weight gain c) weight loss d) numbness and tingling


the key treatment for malignant tumors of the skin, breast, and colon is ... a) surgery b) chemotherapy c) radiation d) diet and exercise


what is one responsibility of OSHA? a) to make rules to protect workers from hazards on the job b) to help resolve conflicts between residents and staff members c) to provide PPE for employees, visitors, and residents of facilities d) to provide training on cultural tolerance


what should a nursing assistant do if he spills a substance on his body? a) immediately wash the area using the proper cleaning agent b) ignore it unless it is painful or uncomfortable c) finish cleaning the area before washing the spill off his body d) find the nurse and ask her what to do


when a resident is suspected of having a heart attack, a nursing assistant should ... a) not give the resident food or fluids b) cover the resident with a heavy blanket c) make sure the resident is standing up to promote circulation d) leave the resident to call his family


when helping a visually-impaired resident walk, where should the nursing assistant be? a) standing slightly in front of the resident b) standing slightly behind the resident c) standing a few feet off to the side d) sitting in a chair in front of the resident


when leaving a resident's room, a nursing assistant should ... a) leave the unit tidy b) move the resident's belongings c) leave spills for the next shift d) lock the resident's door


when pathogens enter the bloodstream and move throughout the body, a __________ has occurred a) systemic infection b) localized infection c) healthcare-associated infection d) cross-infection


which of the following blood pressure readings falls within the normal range? a) 119/75 b) 135/90 c) 91/70 d) 140/80


which of the following is an example of a correct way to write a blood pressure reading? a) 120/75 b) 120+75 c) 120-75 d) 120*75


which of the following is considered a vital sign? a) body temperature b) orientation c) telemetry d) glycemic index


which of the following is the normal temperature range for the oral method? a) 97.6-99.6 b) 96.6-98.6 c) 93.6-97.9 d) 98.6-100.6



a cut or injury caused by a sharp object such as a knife, scissors, or razor. the edges of the wound are smooth and regular


a imaginary plane or a cut that is vertical and divides an organ or the body into equal right and left halves

infection prevention or standard precautions

a set of methods used to control and prevent the spread of disease


a vertical line




above normal body temperature


across/ horizontal


after meals




as needed

a causative agent is ... a) any microorganism in the body b) a pathogen or microorganism that causes disease c) normal flora that live in or on the body d) the waiting period between the time the pathogen enters the body and the time it causes infection


a person who has a body mass index of 40 or higher is considered ... a) underweight b) morbidly obese c) terminal d) malnourished


a resident with AIDS who has an infection of the mouth may need to eat food that is ... a) spicy b) soft or pureed c) hot d) acidic


diabetic ketoacidosis may be caused by ... a) having too much insulin in the body b) having too little insulin in the body c) eating too little food d) too much exercise


how can a nursing assistant help make discharge easier for a resident? a) allow him to pack his belongings for himself b) be positive and reassuring about the change c) let the resident walk to the car by himself d) recommend exercises for the resident to do after discharge


how will a nursing assistant measure the height of a resident who cannot get out of bed? a) the NA will use a scale b) the NA will use a tape measure c) the NA will estimate height by looking at the resident d) the NA will not be able to measure height


hypertension is ... a) high fever b) high blood pressure c) high pulse rate d) low blood pressure


if a resident has a minor burn, a nursing assistant should use ________ to decrease the temperature of the skin a) ice or ice water b) cool water c) burn ointment d) olive or canola oil


immunity that protects the body from disease in general and is the first line of defense against invading bacteria or organisms is called ... a) specific immunity b) nonspecific immunity c) active immunity d) passive immunity


in which of the following situations should a nursing assistant give abdominal thrusts to someone? a) the person is coughing b) the person cannot speak, breathe, or cough c) the person is breathing very rapidly d) the person tells the nursing assistant that she feels short of breath


one way for a nursing assistant to be respectful to a resident in his room is to ... a) allow the resident to clean the room himself b) always knock and wait for permission before entering the room c) rearrange the resident's personal items so that they look better d) ignore any safety hazards in the room


sleep disorders are called ... a) insomnias b) parasomnias c) somnambulisms' d) bruxisms


standard precautions means .... a) not performing care on residents who have infectious diseases b) treating all blood, body fluids, and mucous membranes as if they were infected c) asking all residents if they have infectious diseases before preforming care d) looking at residents' charts to determine if they have an infectious disease


the branch of medicine that deals with the prevention and treatment of obesity is ... a) obstetrics b) bariatrics c) pediatrics d) dietetics


when handling dirty linen, a nursing assistant should ... a) carry it close to her uniform b) wear gloves c) fold or roll it so the dirty area is on the outside d) shake it to remove any particles before removing it


when transferring a resident who has a weak side ... a) the weaker side moves first b) the stronger side moves first c) the strong side and weak side move at the same time d) it does not matter which side moves first


when washing hands, a nursing assistant should use friction for... a) at least 25 seconds b) at least 20 seconds c) at least 15 seconds d) at least 5 seconds


which method of taking temperature is considered to be the most accurate? a) oral b) rectal c) tympanic d) axillary


which of the following is a reason that people are at a greater risk for infection as they get older? a) as people age, their immune systems become stronger b) elderly people are hospitalized more often c) older people recover from illness more quickly d) infections tend to be less dangerous to older people


which of the following is part of using proper body mechanics? a) twisting the back when carrying objects b) pushing when possible, rather than lifting c) using a narrow base of support d) lifting with the back, not the legs


which of the following statements is true of a high- fowler's position? a) in this position, a resident is lying on his abdomen b) in this position, a resident is sitting nearly straight up c) in this position, a resident is lying on either side d) in this position, a resident is flat on his back


which of the following statements is true of hepatitis b (HBV)? a) HBV is not a serious threat to healthcare workers b) the vaccine for HBV helps prevent the disease c) HBV is spread by drinking contaminated water d) HBV cannot cause death


which of the following symptoms is more often experienced by women during a heart attack? a) normal breathing b) extreme fatigue c) anxiety and a sense of doom d) low blood pressure


why is disposable equipment used in healthcare facilities? a) it is less expensive b) it prevents the spread of microorganisms c) it makes the nursing assistant's jobs easier d) it is safer


why is respiration rate usually counted directly after taking the pulse rate , while the fingers are still on the wrist? a) it is less work for the NA to count respirations right after taking the pulse b) people may breathe more quickly if they know they are being observed c) the chest will not rise and fall if the rate is not counted immediately d) the respiration rate will be different if the NA waits to take it



back of body




basic life support


before meals




bloody fluid/ charge

peripheral cyanosis

blue discoloration around the hands and feet


blue or pale skin discoloration

central cyanosis

blueness around the face and mouth

semi fowlers

body position - 15 to 40 degrees


by mouth

a mask and goggles should be worn ... a) during all care procedures b) when caring for a resident with any infectious disease c) if contact with splashing or spraying blood or body fluids is likely d) at all times while in the facility


a resident who is ambulatory can ... a) feed himself b) remember who and where he is c) get out of bed and walk d) speak clearly


a susceptible host is .... a) an infected person who could transfer disease to others b) a pathogen that causes disease c) an uninfected person who could get sick d) a healthy person with strong resistance to disease


a(n) _______ bed is made so that it can easily accept residents who must return to bed on stretchers and gurneys a) open b) closed c) surgical d) occupied


another term for insulin reaction is ... a) myocardial infarction b) diabetic coma c) hypoglycemia d) dyspnea


before a nursing assistant leaves a dirty utility room, what must she do to avoid transferring pathogens to other areas of the facility? a) change her gloves b) disinfect any equipment she has used c) wash her hands d) close the door securely


both the ________ and ________ pulses are used in taking blood pressure a) radical and apical b) apical and brachial c) radial and brachial d) brachial and femoral


if a nursing assistant is in an emergency situation but has not been trained to perform CPR, she should ... a) perform CPR anyway b) ask someone at the scene to tell her how to do it c) give basic first aid until the emergency medical team arrives d) do nothing


if a nursing assistant is unable to obtain a proper reading of a resident's vital signs, she should ... a) guess b) use the previous reading from the same resident c) tell the nurse d) leave the space blank and move on to the next resident or procedure


in which position is the resident placed for examination of the breasts, chest, and abdomen? a) knee-chest position b) lithotomy position c) dorsal recumbent d) trendelenburg position


the circadian rhythm is ... a) a natural period of rest for the mind and body b) deep sleep that helps the body to renew c) the 24 hour day night cycle d) all of the natural biorhythms of the body


the first two steps in approaching an emergency are ... a) perform first aid and asses the situation b) call the victim's family and then call 911 c) assess the situation and the victim d) get assistance and perform CPR


the most important thing a nursing assistant can do to prevent the spread of disease is to ... a) wear gloves and other PPE b) get vaccinated for common illnesses c) wash her hands d) use lotions to reduce the risk of broken skin


the normal respiration rate for adults is ... a) 18-30 breaths per minute b) 15-25 breaths per minute c) 12-20 breaths per minute d) 8-10 breaths per minute


the permanent and painful shortening of a muscle, tendon, and ligament is called a(n) ... a) abdominal girth b) sternal notch c) contracture d) demi-span


to control bleeding, a nursing assistant should ... a) use her bare hands to stop it b) lower the wound below the heart c) hold a thick pad or clean cloth against the would and press down hard d) apply light pressure with a band-aid


what is the nursing assistant's responsibility during an in-house transfer of a resident? a) the NA decides that the resident must be transferred b) the NA must keep the fact that a transfer will occur a secret c) the NA packs all of the resident's belongings d) the NA the resident's roommate about the transfer


when must a unit be completely cleaned and disinfected? a) every day b) when the resident has visitors c) when a resident is transferred, discharged, or dies d) when a resident has a sleep disorder


where is the best place to dispose of sharps? a) in the trash can in the resident's room b) in the closest disposable container c) in a puncture-proof biohazard container d) with reusable equipment waiting to be cleaned and reprocessed


which of the following is a function of the immune system? a) maintains blood sugar levels b) regulates the production c) protects against the invasion of foreign substances and pathogens d) regulates body temperature


which of the following is a reason that new residents may have trouble adjusting to life in a healthcare facility? a) they will have more independence in a facility b) their health is improving c) they have has to leave their home d) the other residents and staff are people they already know well


which of the following is helpful when providing skin care for a resident with cancer? a) change positions at least every four hours b) remove markings for radiation therapy each time you bathe the resident c) avoid applying lotion to areas receiving radiation therapy d) keeping the skin wet helps with the side effects of radiation therapy


which of the following is true of sleep? a) the elderly usually go to sleep faster than other groups b) the elderly are more able to tolerate sleep deprivation than other groups c) lack of sleep can cause decreased mental function d) people can live in good health even without much sleep


1 kg = lbs?


1 inch = cm?


1 cup = ml?



3 times a day

1 ounce = ml?


98.6 F = C?


1 gal= quarts?


4 quarts = ml?


1 pint = ml?


normal range for pulse


150 lbs = kg?


1 cup= oz?


98.6 degrees orally would be the same as _______ axillary and _______ rectally

97.6 99.6

2 cups = pint?


2 pints = quarts?


1 quart = ml?


normal range for BP

110-119/ 60-79

normal range for respirations


8 ounces = ml?


well approximated

the edges of the wound are smooth and regular and are easily brought together with stere-strips, sutures, or staples


the tissue is torn or separated from the body

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