美国当代英语语料库(COCA) 500-13

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unusually (r)

•high, •large, •number, •warm, •long, •strong, •low,•quiet, rate, •heavy, •level, weather, •bright, •winter● rarely, uncommonly, infrequently || remarkable,strangely, oddly, curiously

evidently (r)

•intend, •belong, •unable, •impress, •conclude,suppose, •unaware, •inspire, •sense, •pleased,evidently, •for● obviously, clearly, plainly, manifestly || apparently,seemingly, as far as we know, it would seem

upward (r)

•of, eye•, move•, •toward, turn•, point•, push•, pull•,arm, shoot•, head, •million, face, palm•● up, uphill, in the air, aloft, higher, skyward

albeit (c)

•one, •different, •small, •slowly, •less, •one,•somewhat, •form, •limited, •slightly, •indirectly,•briefly, significant, •modest● although, though, even though, even if,notwithstanding

overly (r)

•optimistic, •concerned, seem•, •aggressive, become•,•ambitious, •cautious, •sensitive, •simplistic, •broad,overly, •dependent, perhaps•, •zealous● excessively, too, exaggeratedly, exceedingly,desperately, very

secretly (r)

•record, meet•, •conversation, •hope, •tape, •love,•wish, •pleased, •relieve, •videotape, •plan, tape,•love, •weapon● clandestinely, covertly, in secret, behindsomebody's back, on the sly, furtively

predominantly (r)

•white, •black, school, •neighborhood, •Muslim,•male, student, area, •community, country,•American, population, •African-american, •female● mainly, mostly, largely, chiefly, principally,primarily

morally (r)

•wrong, •right, •superior, politically, •acceptable,justify, legally, person, •bankrupt, ethically, •neutral,action, •reprehensible, physically● ethically, decently, honorably, with decency, withhonesty, with integrity

seventeen (m)

•year, •hour, •old, age•, •minute, •ago, hundred,•percent, sixteen•, •month, •eighteen, •later,•magazine, •thousand

logo (n)

adj corporate, red, blue, familiar, Olympic, actual,distinctive, official, faded, stylized noun company•,name, team, T-shirt, logo, product, color, shirt,design, sponsor verb bear•, read, design, display,emblazon, carry, feature, paint, print, plaster•● symbol, sign, emblem, badge, insignia, design

curator (n)

adj chief, American, associate, assistant, senior,decorative, contemporary, African, independent,modern noun museum, art, exhibition, •collection,director, •painting, critic, artist, collector, historianverb organize, rise•, appoint•, invite, select, exhibit,retire, assemble● warden, custodian, keeper, steward, guardian,overseer

battlefield (n)

adj civil, national, historic, urban, tactical, nuclear,wounded, bloody, revolutionary, conventional nounwar, •park, soldier, weapon, commander, site, troop,tour, army, casualty verb fight, visit•, capture•,preserve•, wound•, hover•, strew, defeat•, maneuver,dominate● battleground, combat zone, arena, theater of war,front line, trenches

fairy (n)

adj classic, magic, evil, grim, pink, wicked, fractured,lilac, magical, romantic noun •tale, tooth•,•godmother, story, princess, fairy, •dust, queen,•host, king verb •dance, •sing, sprinkle, bless, •hover● pixie, brownie, sprite, elf, leprechaun, fay

pasture (n)

adj green, rolling, open, lush, far, fresh, wild, dry,grazing, empty noun cow•, land, field, cattle, grass,horse, sheep, forest, summer, fence verb graze,surround, feed, clear, lie, cross•, plant, ride, border,burn● meadow, meadowland, fallow, grassland, prairie,grass

mug (n)

adj hot, steaming, white, frosted, empty, plain,ceramic, ugly, warm, thick noun coffee, photo, •shot,beer, tea, hand, mug, table, T-shirt, color• verb set•,pour, fill, hand•, •shoot, sip, drink, place•, grab•,refill•● cup, beaker, demitasse, teacup || tankard, beermug, jug, stein

leak (n)

adj slow, grand, chemical, underground, potential,responsible, classified, radioactive, alleged, minornoun investigation, •case, gas•, water, source•, roof,leak, oil•, information, fuel• verb spring•, plug•, cause,fix•, repair, investigate•, check•, prevent•, •occur,detect● escape, seepage, leakage, outflow || disclosure,betrayal, giveaway, revelation

avenue (n)

adj new, broad, wide, only, main, possible, legal,future, open, available noun •research, tree, •escape,•investigation, •inquiry, •exploration, •expression,•communication, •approach, •growth verb open,provide•, explore, pursue, walk, line, offer•, seek•,close, exhaust● opportunity, possibility, way, chance, opening

breed (n)

adj new, different, rare, dying, special, mixed,certain, vanishing, popular, particular noun dog,success, breed, horse, animal, familiarity•, chicken,cattle, cat, heritage• verb represent, mix•, •breed,•fear, preserve•, spawn•● type, strain, class, kind, variety, sort

remnant (n)

adj old, ancient, only, tattered, original, stellar,Taliban, native, branchial, scattered nounsupernova•, forest, star, •army, •regime, •population,•past, fabric, stone, nebula verb discover, destroy•,preserve•, survive, litter, crush•, detect, construct•,retain•, wipe•● remainder, remains, relic, leftover, residue, trace

garment (n)

adj outer, international, seamless, traditional,Chinese, clean, loose, dry, waterproof, protectivenoun •industry, •worker, •factory, •bag, •district,textile, •manufacturer, lady•, shop, •union verb wear,sew, produce, •hang, remove•, weave, export, dress•,fit, wrap● clothing, dress, vestment, attire, costume, apparel

correspondence (n)

adj personal, one-to-one, private, academic,extensive, close, official, direct, editorial, writtennoun address•, •article, •course, •request, letter,•reprint, •Dr, e-mail, paper, truth verb address•,shall•, send, receive, maintain•, reveal, •direct,welcome•, handle•, preserve● letters, mail, communication, messages ||agreement, similarity, resemblance, equivalence

slip (n)

adj pink, little, white, Freudian, blue, yellow, tiny,mere, colored, transient noun •paper, •tongue,permission•, •dress, boat•, deposit•, •finger,rejection•, •fall, silk• verb let•, hand•, sign, wear•,slide, issue, •slop, tie•, •slap, bear● blunder, mistake, error, omission, gaffe, slip-up

injustice (n)

adj social, racial, economic, past, environmental,terrible, historical, grave, perceived, gross nounsense•, justice, poverty•, inequality, victim•,oppression, society, form•, injustice, act• verb fight•,suffer, correct•, •commit, •perpetrate, recognize,•occur, perceive, address•, redress•● unfairness, prejudice, inequality, bias, wrong,discrimination

mattress (n)

adj thin, bare, soft, firm, lumpy, thick, stained,comfortable, flat, dirty noun •floor, air•, bed, spring,pillow, box, cover, sheet, foam•, •pad verb sleep•, lay,cover, buy, lie, pull, stuff, hide•, sink, drag● futon, air mattress, cushion, pad, bed, air bed

greeting (n)

adj warm, friendly, traditional, formal, brief, usual,standard, polite, cordial, cheerful noun •card, hand•,holiday•, Christmas•, greeting, season•, birthday•,exchange•, hallmark•, •guest verb exchange•, send•,return•, nod•, offer, wave•, smile•, raise•, shout•,extend•● salutation, welcome, welcoming, reception,acknowledgement, address

nephew (n)

adj young, favorite, three-year-old, four-year-oldnoun niece•, son, sister, cousin, uncle•, brother,nephew, aunt, king, prince• verb marry, •murder

partisan (j)

noun politics, issue, Republican, Democrat, line,Congress, attack, battle, debate, bickering, review,activity misc political, highly•, less•, aside, partisan,engage•, •democratic, ideological, bitter•, purely•,politically•, overtly•● biased, opinionated, one-sided, prejudiced,bigoted, limited

questionable (j)

noun practice, game, assumption, value, decision,claim, source, activity, character, behavior, ballot,evidence misc •whether, highly•, best, remain•,ethically•, morally•, list•, somewhat•, engage•,questionable, due, increasingly•● dubious, doubtful, uncertain, open to discussion,open to doubt, moot

reduced (j)

noun rate, risk, cost, level, price, benefit, lunch,sentence, form, use, size, tax misc free•, result•,lead•, because•, increased, associate, due, receive•,cause, •cost, improved, experience•● cheap, bargain, on sale, cut-rate, low-price, cutprice

team (v)

noun sport, others, •owner, partner, championship,Mr, •colleague, pair, producer, engineer, •win, Sox•,final, singer, Corp misc with, up, help, win, recently,W, professional, United, Inc, rather, fellow,distribute, super, Div, evergreen

upgrade (v)

noun system, computer, •facility, •skill, equipment,technology, service, software, PC, plant, network,security, plan, effort•, •quality misc its, existing,spend, recently, plan, improve, expand, replace,maintain, billion, current, continually, significantly,constantly, repair● promote, advance, elevate, raise || improve,update, renew, modernize

recreational (j)

noun activity, use, drug, facility, fishing, vehicle, area,sport, fishery, opportunity, fisherman, purpose misccommercial, social•, provide•, educational, such,competitive, cultural, marine, outdoor•, scenic•,popular•, well● spare time, fun, frivolous, entertaining, leisure,amusing

relaxed (j)

noun atmosphere, attitude, style, manner,environment, position, setting, standard, posture,rule, muscle, pace misc more•, feel•, very•, seem•, a•,happy, appear•, much•, •confident, stay•, less,comfortable● tranquil, calm, comfortable, stress-free || lenient,easygoing, untroubled, casual

erect (v)

noun barrier, building, wall, monument, fence, tent,statue, structure, sign, memorial, barricade, cross,tower, stone, church misc around, along, tall,wooden, hastily, near, huge, giant, newly, original,front, concrete, makeshift, stiffly, fully● raise, build, construct, assemble || create, set up,found, initiate

compact (j)

noun disc, disk, car, bulb, player, size, light, pickup,object, design, sedan, model misc more•,•fluorescent, digital, relatively•, fit, design, available,short, feature, audio•, contain, light● dense, solid, packed in, packed together || small,neat, trim, tiny

deliberate (j)

noun effort, attempt, act, choice, policy, decision,attack, action, strategy, speed, process, use miscslow•, conscious, •systematic, accidental, careful,•intentional, •part, •the, thoughtful, •intend,proceed•, premeditated● purposeful, premeditated, conscious, intentional|| thoughtful, careful, slow, cautious

static (j)

noun electricity, pile, pressure, model, analysis, seal,radio, burst, voice, timing, image, test misc dynamic,remain•, provide•, aerated•, than•, rather, relatively•,static, nor, fill•, rather, but•● motionless, stationary, still, inert || unchanging,constant, invariable, unvarying

convincing (j)

noun evidence, argument, case, proof, explanation,victory, voter, answer, character, illusion, trouble,demonstration misc very•, more•, clear•, most•,need•, provide•, sound•, less•, present•, offer, pretty•,quite•● persuasive, believable, credible, realistic ||undoubted, substantial, resounding, considerable

warrant (v)

noun investigation, •attention, search•, study, arrest•,research, action, evidence•, •consideration,circumstance•, situation•, condition•, event•, concern,death misc enough, far, such, enough, serious,sufficient, special, additional, appear, certainly,significant, sufficiently, issue, clearly, future

middle-aged (j)

noun man, woman, couple, guy, adult, worker, male,hair, American, lady, businessman, gentleman misc•who, young•, old, •white, •wear, •elderly, mostly•,•name, dress, middle-class, balding, overweight

memorable (j)

noun moment, experience, event, character, line,scene, history, performance, image, meal, phrase,movie misc most•, particularly•, truly•, recall•,equally•, memorable, exciting•, vivid, dramatic•,inspire, brief•, utter● unforgettable, notable, outstanding, striking,extraordinary, impressive

tense (j)

noun moment, situation, relationship, face, arousal,atmosphere, silence, voice, muscle, relation,standoff, minute misc very•, present•, past•, after•,little•, grow•, future•, nervous, less•, pretty•, relax,•anxious● anxious, nervous, stressed, edgy || taut, tight,rigid, stiff

hint (v)

noun official•, •possibility, •presence, •existence, Mr,smile, finding•, others, household•, •complexity,•depth, explanation, clue•, accent•, remark• misc at,might, even, possible, strongly, broadly, darkly,barely, future, merely, hidden, subtly, preliminary,playfully, slight● suggest, intimate, insinuate, imply, mention,indicate

five-year (j)

noun period, contract, plan, term, return, deal,program, rate, study, growth, sentence, project misc•million, over•, sign•, during•, billion, end, average,total, •worth, recently•, •annual, •annualized

fearful (j)

noun victimization, reaction, expression, symmetry,consequence, glance, neighbor, panic, tone, whisper,chaos, stranger misc become•, less•, •lose, angry,anxious, increasingly•, suspicious, shy, •criminal,fearful, nervous, somewhat•● worried, afraid, scared || terrible, dreadful,appalling || frightening, scary, terrifying

visually (r)

•impair, who•, •impaired, blind•, student, child,person, individual, adult, teacher•, •stunning, both•,participant•, represent

detection (n)

adj early, explosive, standard, sensitive,sophisticated, chemical, nuclear, rapid, direct,accurate noun •system, cancer, signal•, method, limit,•treatment, •device, trend•, error•, prevention verbavoid•, escape•, improve, allow, evade•, fake, elude•,limit, enable, prevent● discovery, uncovering, finding, recognition,exposure, revealing

tomb (n)

adj empty, royal, Magnifici, ancient, unknown,Egyptian, imperial, holy, megalithic, quiet noun•raider, king, womb•, stone, temple, •soldier, tomb,Duke, mummy, design verb build, bury•, place,discover, excavate, contain, visit•, enter•, •date, seal● burial chamber, catacomb, ossuary, grave, burialplace, crypt

bastard (n)

adj little, poor, fat, old, lucky, stupid, dirty, ****ing,crazy, arrogant noun •son, bastard, hell, rat•, Jew•,Dr, shit, •scholar, mojo, ass verb kill, shoot, hate•,•mutter, yell, beat, •shout, damn•, •whisper, •scream

wait (n)

adj long, short, average, agonizing, well,interminable, just, two-hour, lengthy, endless noun•custom, •staff, hour, •minute, •list, •month, •til,•attitude, Mr, •mode verb lie•, wait, experience•, lay•,•til, endure•, •last, •ing, shorten•● delay, pause, interval, postponement, gap, timelag

hose (n)

adj panty, rubber, high-pressure, green, flexible,dark, thick, flat, loose, thin noun garden•, water, fire•,air•, soaker•, end, pump, •clamp, spray, vacuum•verb turn, run, attach, pull, wear•, spray, connect,hook, drag•, fill● tube, pipe, line, hosepipe, garden hose

interference (n)

adj political, outside, internal, free, human,electromagnetic, minimal, governmental, foreign,federal noun government•, •pattern, •affair, •effect,radio, pass•, signal, device, RNA•, •call verb run•,cause, avoid•, prevent•, minimize•, protect•,eliminate•, constitute•, tolerate, prohibit● meddling, intrusion, prying, interfering ||restriction, obstruction, hindrance, obstacle

slogan (n)

adj political, popular, catchy, empty, simple, antiamerican,bumper, famous, official, revolutionarynoun campaign•, advertising•, T-shirt, •wall, banner,sign, ad•, slogan, marketing•, sticker verb shout•,chant•, adopt•, repeat, bear•, paint, coin, promote,emblazon•, display● motto, saying, jingle, catch phrase, watchword,refrain

quota (n)

adj racial, affirmative, annual, individual, strict, daily,Chinese, voluntary, Japanese, monthly noun •system,•bill, production•, tariff, import, action, immigration•,quota, preference, sugar• verb meet•, set, impose,fill, establish, hire, require, exceed•, oppose•,increase● share, allocation, allowance, ration, slice,proportion

feminist (n)

adj radical, liberal, militant, gay, feminist, prominent,male, contemporary, academic, queer noun woman,feminist, activist, movement, gay, theory,poststructuralist, minority, generation•,•environmentalist verb consider, •argue, claim,identify, •insist, criticize, reject, ignore, •view,challenge● women's libber, radical, suffragette, activist,campaigner

sampling (n)

adj random, small, representative, stratified,purposive, statistical, residential, following,purposeful, potential noun method, •procedure,•technique, •error, •rate, •design, experience•, •site,•frame, •period verb use, select, include, conduct,base, employ, identify, represent•, perform, sample● sample, specimen, selection, test group, sampler,control group

oyster (n)

adj raw, fresh, fried, eastern, native, blue, smoked,shucked, soy, grilled noun •shell, bay, oyster, •bed,•sauce, •bar, clam, shrimp, •industry, •mushroomverb eat•, harvest, grow, shuck, serve, sell, ship,•clam, tonging, plant

census (n)

adj recent, federal, late, official, available,agricultural, decennial, average, accurate, Mexicannoun •data, •tract, •figure, population, •taker,•number, •form, •record, information, •report verb•show, conduct, count, base•, •indicate, •reveal,report, list, identify, record● population count, poll, registration, survey ||survey, tally, count, poll

vintage (n)

adj recent, fine, modern, rare, classic, antique,contemporary, excellent, inexpensive, restored noun•car, •clothing, wine, store, collection•, piece,furniture, •dress, •fabric, •photograph verb wear•,display, feature, mix•, collect, dress, inspire, pair•,range, •race● era, time, period, age || harvest, crop, year

berry (n)

adj red, fresh, wild, sweet, ripe, frozen, dried,whipped, bright, orange noun fruit, leaf, •Bush,juniper•, cream, plant, cup, nut, berry, wheat• verbpick, eat•, mix, gather, stir, •ripen, pour, crush, cup,toss•

scarf (n)

adj red, long, white, black, blue, bright, yellow,colorful, green, woolen noun head, silk•, •neck, hat,coat, hair, face, glove, wool•, sweater verb wear•, tie,wrap, pull, cover, drape, remove•, wind, knit, hang● muffler, headscarf, cravat, shawl, stole, wrap

lobster (n)

adj red, spiny, live, fresh, postlarval, juvenile,commercial, steamed, NWHI, blue noun •tail, •boat,crab, •fishery, shrimp, slipper•, lobster, •pot, •trap,pound verb eat•, catch, cook, release, rear, tag, bake,steam, •range, •feed

dressing (n)

adj remaining, creamy, low-fat, Italian, balsamic, fatfree,light, fresh, Russian, sterile noun •room, salad•,•table, •gown, door, cup, sauce, mirror, oil, bowlverb serve, add, sit, toss, wear•, pour•, mix, whisk,apply, prepare● bandage, covering, gauze

shield (n)

adj human, protective, magnetic, defensive, nuclear,Rowan, bulletproof, invisible, Iraqi, round noun •law,missile•, heat•, sword, defense•, rape•, spear, helmet,gold•, •volcano verb use•, •protect, carry, build•, act•,form•, hide, •prevent, arm•, bear● protection, armor, defense, safeguard, buffer

wide (r)

eye•, open•, door•, mouth•, •enough, arm•, leave•,foot•, •shut, •space, spread•, window•, •apart, field● off course, off target, off the mark, wide of themark, out

unbelievable (j)

noun story, amount, speed, sight, courage, talent,joy, tale, array, is, horror, luck misc just•, almost•,unbelievable, yeah, absolutely•, sound, pretty•,totally•, incredible, truly•, wow, strange● incredible, amazing, extraordinary, astonishing ||implausible, incredible, far-fetched, fantastic

head (j)

noun coach, year, season, chef, office, teacher,shoulder, honcho, gardener, assistant, football,librarian misc become•, assistant, former•, former•,•full, name•, hire•, •above, •above, first-year•, fire,replace

glorious (j)

noun day, past, moment, history, morning, food,future, victory, summer, view, revolution, sunsetmisc most•, grand•, rich•, golden, beautiful,celebrate, •past, wonderful, brief•, truly•, fourth,magnificent● magnificent, wonderful, splendid, celebrated,superb, outstanding

operational (j)

noun definition, level, system, cost, plan, control,decision, planning, security, efficiency, detail,strategy misc fully•, become•, strategic, tactical,financial, military, operational, formal•,administrative, maintain•, address, achieve•● in use, in operation, in order, working, active, inforce

complicate (v)

noun •matter, •fact, situation, issue, •effort, problem,process, task, •picture, factor, •relationship, •relation,analysis, •interpretation, •understanding misc by, far,already, enough, greatly, simple, vastly, enormously,somewhat, complex, enrich, simplify, considerably,extremely, severely● make difficulties, set hurdles, confuse, obscure,thwart, confound

multiply (v)

noun •number, cell•, factor, price, value, weight,agreement•, disagreement•, second•, figure,population, virus•, instruction, score, speed misc by,fruitful, rapidly, divide, calculate, subtract, per, plus,thousand, quickly, total, multiply, time, fast, square● increase, grow, reproduce, burgeon, swell,proliferate

desert (v)

noun •storm, EXT•, street•, road, desert•, soldier•,operation•, •plant, mountain, spring, •bighorn, hour,•sand, army, •post misc except, nearly, almost,desert, mostly, virtually, completely, but, largely,quiet, entirely, totally, dry, practically, silent● abandon, leave high and dry, leave, walk out on ||abscond, leave, go AWOL, jump ship

additionally (r)

student, study, teacher, research, participant, data,analysis, sample, •researcher, finding, future,variable, classroom•, learning● as well, in addition, moreover, furthermore, also

aside (i)

(aside from) •from, •fact, •few, •obvious, •occasional,step•, •usual, •handful, aside, •brief, difficulty, •minor,consideration, •sheer

exclusion (n)

adj Chinese, social, racial, religious, cultural, total,annual, complete, ideological, competitive nouninclusion•, act, law, •zone, other, policy, repeal•,principle, combat, immigration verb base, repeal•,justify•, result•, •apply, permit•, challenge•,complain•, qualify•, perceive•● keeping out, leaving out, barring || rejection,elimination, marginalization || ban, refusal, sanction

toast (n)

adj French, buttered, dry, burnt, fresh, whole-wheat,warm, whole-grain, scrambled, plain noun piece•,egg, slice, champagne•, breakfast, glass, coffee,butter, plate, tea verb serve, eat•, propose•, drink,raise•, spread, offer•, burn, butter•, deliver● toasted bread, grilled bread, browned bread ||salute, tribute, pledge || darling, favorite, delight

pastry (n)

adj French, flaky, sweet, golden, frozen, wholewheat,fresh, hot, tart, remaining noun •chef, puff•,cream, •flour, •shell, •blender, •bag, pie, cup, •shopverb use•, bake, fill, roll•, cut, •fit, serve, place, cup,prepare

oath (n)

adj Hippocratic, solemn, grand, sworn, civil, false,presidential, congressional, judicial, constitutionalnoun •office, loyalty, president, •allegiance, scout,deposition, testimony•, truth, constitution, jury verbtake•, lie•, swear, testify•, sign•, violate•, administer•,deny, admit•, require● promise, pledge, vow, word || curse, expletive,cussword, swearword

telecommunications (n)

adj Inc, international, global, financial, cellular,advanced, giant, long-distance, leading, high-technoun •company, •industry, service, technology,•equipment, •network, computer, •system,information, •firm verb •market, •act, •link, •service,•finance, own, •research, •reform, deregulate,•consult● communications, broadcasting, radio, telephone,postal system, data lines

copyright (n)

adj Inc, lesbian, gay, critical, feminist, global,international, blessed, intellectual, digital nounarticle•, •law, •state, •reproduction, work•, matrix,•woman, •protection, •infringement, •health verbprotect•, violate•, •Lamaze, own•, extend, infringe•,retain•, sue•, enforce, file● patent, charter, right

transcript (n)

adj Inc, verbatim, hidden, grand, official, entire,edited, complete, original, unofficial noun •copy,rush•, interview, effort•, tape, trial, •conversation,court, page, testimony verb •may, read•, •reflect,assure•, release, review•, order•, compile, code,publish● record, transcription, copy, text

sausage (n)

adj Italian, hot, smoked, spicy, fresh, cooked, soy,sweet, grilled, fried noun egg, pork•, chicken, bacon,pound, cheese, onion, turkey•, sausage, pepper verbadd•, cook, eat, cut, serve, stir, remove, •brown,stuff, slice

scan (n)

adj MRI, quick, full-body, full, optical, normal,magnetic, retinal, computed, progressive noun CT•,cat•, brain•, pet•, bone•, scan, body•, tomography•,x-ray, test verb •show, •reveal, perform, •confirm,order•, detect, scan, repeat, undergo•, obtain● image, X-ray, CT scan, MRI || perusal, skim,examination, inspection

Sunni (n)

adj Shiite, Muslim, Iraqi, political, Kurdish, religious,tribal, Arab, secular, sectarian noun •Arab, Shiite,•Muslim, •group, •insurgent, •triangle, Kurd, •leader,minority, Sunni verb kill, fight, •vote, dominate,attack, •participate, •fear, •boycott, reject, awaken

credential (n[PL])

adj academic, impeccable, professional, conservative,impressive, strong, foreign, educational, democratic,proper noun press•, •committee, experience,Republican, teaching•, candidate, media•, lack,training, professor verb establish•, check•, question,lack•, issue, present•, earn, burnish•, prove,challenge•● qualification, diploma, recommendation,testimonial, certificate

volcano (n)

adj active, dormant, extinct, Hawaiian, erupting,nearby, hot, huge, ancient, giant noun Rev, eruption,earthquake, park, lava, volcano, island, mountain,mount, earth verb •erupt, spew, cause, blow, form,explode, monitor•, jump•, study•, •collapse

controller (n)

adj air-traffic, programmable, digital, senior,electronic, remote, advanced, striking, integrated,standard noun air•, traffic•, system, flight•, controller,ground•, pilot, card, motor, mission• verb design, fire,•handle, operate, •feature, •direct, •clear, warn,attach, adjust● supervisor, manager, organizer, regulator ||regulator, switch, control, device

certification (n)

adj alternative, national, professional, special,organic, environmental, green, initial, voluntary,physical noun •program, teacher, state, requirement,process, education, training, standard, board•,forest• verb require, receive•, provide, seek•, obtain•,state•, earn•, pursue•, complete, •licensure● guarantee, warranty, documentation,authorization, accreditation, endorsement

protester (n)

adj anti-war, anti-abortion, angry, peaceful,Palestinian, violent, Chinese, pro-democracy, Israeli,estimated noun police, war•, street, abortion•,crowd•, •sign, clinic, square, troop, demonstrationverb arrest, •gather, •march, kill, •chant, attack,•demand, •shout, •throw, •demonstrate● activist, campaigner, demonstrator, marcher,picketer, striker

heir (n)

adj apparent, split, male, rightful, only, sole,legitimate, true, direct, spiritual noun •throne, son•,•fortune, •tradition, estate, prince•, king, brother,will, asset verb die, produce•, name, marry, sue,split•, •inherit, bear•, •assign, •succeed● successor, inheritor, beneficiary, legatee, recipient,heritor

rebellion (n)

adj armed, Kurdish, open, adolescent, popular,teenage, communist, violent, Shiite, southern nounact•, leader, boxer, slave•, authority, revolution,whiskey•, violence, youth•, riot verb crush•, lead,suppress•, quell•, rise•, incite•, spark, stage•, foment•,prompt● revolt, uprising, insurgence, upheaval, mutiny,revolution

robbery (n)

adj armed, attempted, aggravated, guilty, alleged,involved, botched, simple, sexual, apparent nounbank•, murder, assault, rape, crime•, burglary,robbery, charge, kidnapping, victim verb commit,charge•, kill, arrest•, convict•, shoot, aggravate,murder, steal, plead•● theft, burglary, break-in, mugging, stealing, raid

bookstore (n)

adj available, local, futurist, independent, used,Christian, online, feminist, preceding, tattered nounbook, library, shop, chain, owner, shelf, adult•, •St,section•, store verb sell, open, hit•, buy, own, arrive•,visit•, browse, operate, order

excess (n)

adj bad, wretched, rhetorical, sexual, financial,corporate, monetary, perceived, youthful, allegednoun capitalism, flour•, era, example•, •fat,revolution, symbol•, deficiency, abuse, regime verbshake•, drink•, wipe•, curb•, remove•, commit, avoid•,suffer•, trim, associate● surplus, glut, overload, surfeit || overindulgence,intemperance, immoderation, dissipation

eagle (n)

adj bald, golden, legal, double, double-headed,endangered, wild, spotted, red-crested, soaringnoun •feather, hawk, •nest, wing, eye, birdie, bear,falcon, bird, pair• verb •soar, fly, watch•, •perch, nest,•swoop, •circle, spread, spot, clutch

overall (n)

adj best, low, blue, better, faded, satisfied, gray,brown, striped, baggy noun percent, round•, bib•,pair•, draft, shirt, season, rate, denim•, pick• verbwear•, •pick, finish•, dress•, draft•, rank•, tie•, select•,rate, score

thrill (n)

adj big, cheap, real, greatest, vicarious, sexual, secret,quick, sheer, ultimate noun •ride, •seeker, •hunt,excitement, chill, •chase, •victory, thrill, •discovery,•fear verb feel•, experience•, seek, enjoy•, •ride, •spill,combine, •race, crave•, hook● kick, buzz, adventure, delight, joy, pleasure

boost (n)

adj big, huge, major, economic, extra, significant,much-needed, tremendous, psychological, quicknoun economy, energy, confidence, •phase, morale,sales, ego•, performance, career•, self-esteem verbget•, give•, need, help•, provide•, receive•, benefit•,recycle● improvement, increase, enhancement, helpinghand, pep talk, shot in the arm

hug (n)

adj big, quick, warm, huge, brief, tight, extra, gentle,friendly, awkward noun •kiss, bear•, hug, handshake,tear, smile, good-bye, pat, Mr, touch verb give•, •kiss,greet•, exchange•, •hug, grab, welcome, squeeze,bear•, •last● embrace, cuddle, squeeze, clinch, clasp, bear hug

olive (n)

adj black, green, chopped, large, fresh, ripe, red,sliced, pitted, olive noun •oil, cup, tablespoon•,teaspoon, tomato, pepper, onion, cheese, garlic, saltverb pit, chop, add, slice•, cup, sprinkle, stir, drain,dress, mix

coral (n)

adj black, pink, precious, soft, red, living, shallow,tropical, live, coastal noun •reef, gable, fish, •spring,sea, coral, •snake, species, sand, rock verb •bleach,protect, snorkel, damage, explore•, surround,threaten, survive, •mangrove, collect

velvet (n)

adj black, red, blue, green, white, dark, brown, soft,crushed, heavy noun •curtain, •dress, •rope,•underground, silk, •revolution, •chair, •jacket, coat,•gown verb wear, cover, drape, dress, line, hang,•embroider, upholster, wrap, bead

elk (n)

adj black, wild, whistling, northern, giant, Irish,grizzly, mounted, tracking, spotted noun deer, herd,bull•, moose, elk, hunting, hunter, bison, mountain,antelope verb hunt, kill, shoot, feed, bugle, dance•,•browse, •graze, •bighorn, tag•

daylight (n)

adj broad, living, eastern, bright, full, open, still, dark,visible, artificial noun hour, morning, darkness,•basement, •saving, window, dark, sun, minute•, skyverb scare•, fade, beat•, flood, •shine, emerge•,extend, illuminate, light•, wake● day, daytime, sunshine, light of day || dawn, crackof dawn, sunrise, daybreak

beating (n)

adj brutal, severe, videotaped, savage, terrible,vicious, involved, alleged, fatal, electric noun heart,king•, •death, police, wife•, abuse, •trial, •wing, drum,rape verb take•, stop•, continue, suffer, receive,accuse•, charge•, administer, torture, witness•● thrashing, whipping, pounding, thumping ||defeat, pasting, setback, thrashing

tuna (n)

adj canned, southern, white, fresh, seared, grilled,red, rare, raw, hot noun fish, •salad, yellowfin•,•sandwich, bluefin•, can, tuna, salmon, skipjack•,•steak verb catch, eat•, fish, •tartare, •melt, sear,bigeye•, target•, drain, skipjack•

freeway (n)

adj central, major, busy, elevated, southern,crowded, golden, congested, empty, nearby nountraffic, southwest•, car, Embarcadero•, lane, road,mile, ramp, east, bridge verb drive, build, head,•collapse, speed, rebuild•, expand, widen, clog, exit

heating (n)

adj central, solar, air-conditioning, electric, natural,hot, radiant, electrical, geothermal, efficient noun•system, •oil, home•, •bill, water, air, fuel, •cooling,cost, •element verb •cool, reduce•, cook, cause,install•, •cost, save•, replace, supply, burn● space heating, heating system, central heating,boiler || warming, warming up, cooking, heating up

fertilizer (n)

adj chemical, organic, synthetic, commercial, liquid,agricultural, natural, inorganic, slow-release, heavynoun pesticide, use, nitrogen•, water, application,soil, plant, seed, crop, farmer verb use, apply, add,buy•, produce, require, sell, feed, reduce, •contain● manure, compost, nourishment, enricher, topdressing, peat

erosion (n)

adj coastal, far, democratic, steady, severe, natural,serious, slow, gradual, increased noun soil•, water,•control, wind•, rate, land, beach•, loss, runoff,•support verb prevent•, cause, reduce•, lead•,control•, •occur, contribute•, protect, result, soil•● corrosion, attrition, destruction, loss

implant (n)

adj cochlear, saline, medical, dental, safe, neural,electronic, penile, surgical, facial noun breast•,silicone•, woman, patient, surgery, gel•, implant,disease, use•, device verb remove, •cause, receive•,rupture, insert, link, replace, leak, •fit, •last● graft, insert, transplant, scion, implantation, slip

nickname (n)

adj collective, affectionate, Indian, favorite, golden,official, colorful, mad, unfortunate, cute noun•location, name, childhood•, •lady, nickname,•captain, eagle, •devil, tiger, bulldog• verb earn•, give,•stick, acquire•, hate, prefer, bestow, inspire•, tag•,adopt•● name, pet name, handle, epithet, moniker,sobriquet

saddle (n)

adj comfortable, tall, English, empty, narrow,specialized, fit, creaking, fore/aft, blazing noun horse,•contact, •horn, •shoe, back, leather, •bag, blanket,•sore, handlebar verb sit•, ride, climb•, swing•, slide,lean, hang, blaze•, tie•, rise•

server (n)

adj commercial, central, secure, high-end, wide,remote, powerful, corporate, active, parallel nounweb•, computer, network, file•, •software, server,system, application, Internet, e-mail verb run,connect, store, •share, install, handle, host, •deliver,access, operate● waiter, waitperson, waitron, attendant, maîtred'hôtel, maître d'

grower (n)

adj commercial, small, large, local, organic, western,Mexican, fast, olive, slow noun association, grape•,apple•, citrus•, corn•, sugar•, crop, tomato•, fruit•,cotton• verb •produce, •plant, •supply, •harvest,•spray, •complain, market, compete, cultivate, ship● cultivator, farmer, gardener, planter, agronomist,tiller

usage (n)

adj common, English, current, modern, actual,popular, average, total, daily, contemporary nounlanguage•, water•, term, energy•, word, drug•,computer•, Internet•, pattern, technology verbincrease, reduce•, •refer, monitor•, indicate, •spell,limit, relate, affect•, measure● treatment, handling, control, management ||practice, procedure, custom, norm

occurrence (n)

adj common, rare, everyday, daily, frequent, natural,unusual, regular, actual, disruptive noun •behavior,event, frequency•, •disease, probability•, species,violence, factor, extent•, virus verb prevent•, reduce•,record•, associate, relate, indicate, predict•,contribute, influence•, minimize•● incidence, rate, amount, existence || happening,event, incident, episode

den (n)

adj communal, natal, cozy, asleep, continuous, rocky,underground, tarantula noun room, lion•, •mother,•forsvundne, bear•, opium•, den, •Fuldmogtig, cub,kitchen verb sit, sleep, hide, emerge•, decorate•, dig•,crawl•, og, convert, jeg● hole, lair, retreat, burrow, run, sett

disadvantage (n)

adj competitive, economic, distinct, serious,significant, potential, main, severe, relative, obviousnoun advantage•, cost, approach, benefit•,disadvantage, adolescent•, poverty, discrimination,gender•, minority verb face, suffer, •compare,overcome•, outweigh•, place•, •associate, experience,operate•, impose● difficulty, drawback, shortcoming, weakness,hindrance, handicap

idiot (n)

adj complete, stupid, total, ****ing, divine, useful,*******, fat, bloody, crazy noun •guide, idiot,village•, bunch•, •savant, author•, fool, •box, •grin,tale• verb act•, grin•, sound•, scream, mutter, yell,behave•, •snap, •hiss, fool•

oversight (n)

adj congressional, federal, regulatory, public, civilian,judicial, independent, lax, legislative, effective nouncommittee, government, •board, agency, Congress,lack•, responsibility, •hearing, accounting•,intelligence verb provide•, exercise•, improve•,conduct, strengthen•, ensure, correct, chair, charge•,operate•● mistake, failure to notice, omission,misunderstanding || supervision, control,overseeing, management

staffer (n)

adj congressional, senior, democratic, full-time, top,key, female, junior, part-time, fellow noun house•,Senate•, committee, office, •hill, campaign•, security•,Republican, council, meeting verb hire, fire, •attend,•gather, complain, •leak, assign, dispatch, quote, quit

artery (n)

adj coronary, carotid, main, major, left, internal,clogged, pulmonary, blocked, femoral noun •disease,heart, blood, vein, wall, blockage, plaque•, •bypass,patient, surgery verb clog•, block, open, cause,harden, sever, prevent, •supply, •feed, damage● route, road, highway, line, channel, pathway

quilt (n)

adj crazy, antique, handmade, beautiful, Amish,warm, blue, thick, heavy, traditional nounpatchwork•, bed, quilt, pattern, •show, AIDS•,•Americana, pillow, project, blanket verb cover, pull•,lay, wrap, sew, spread, hang, throw, piece, display● comforter, bedspread, eiderdown, duvet, coverlet,counterpane

contempt (n)

adj criminal, utter, civil, guilty, mutual, obvious,bitter, ordinary, undisguised, veiled noun •court,•charge, •citation, •Congress, hatred, judge, pity,familiarity•, jail•, look• verb hold•, show•, express•,treat•, breed•, •refuse, cite•, hide•, jail•, charge•● disdain, dislike, disrespect, derision, scorn,disapproval

anthropologist (n)

adj cultural, physical, social, forensic, medical, native,contemporary, interested, feminist, Indian noununiversity, historian, archaeologist, sociologist,culture, psychologist, scientist, scholar, museum,Mead verb •study, •argue, observe, •examine,•discover, assert, remark, demonstrate, train,document

chore (n)

adj daily, domestic, simple, everyday, tedious,endless, mundane, extra, necessary, busy nounhousehold•, list, care, farm, housekeeping•, task,maintenance•, camp•, allowance, chore verb help•,perform•, finish•, share•, handle•, complete, assign,clean, tend•, cook● routine, bore, hard work, imposition || task, job,errand, odd job

curl (n)

adj dark, black, blond, brown, long, tight, red, golden,soft, thick noun hair, leg, eye, head, face, smoke, curl,shoulder, •forehead, finger verb fall, bicep•, lie,frame, hang, twist, brush, smoke•, •strengthen, press● coil, twist, whorl, ringlet, wave, lock

scratch (n)

adj deep, tiny, fresh, minor, thin, healthy, nasty,slight, faint, bloody noun •face, •mark, bruise, dent,cat•, cut, scrape, •pad, •ear, •cheek verb start•, build•,create•, cook•, rebuild•, design•, bake•, construct•,sniff, scratch● cut, scrape, graze, score, nick, scuff

Viking (n)

adj defensive, royal, offensive, wide, super,convertible, Martian, straight, Scandinavian noun•lander, •page, •ship, Viking, •mission, •orbiter,victory, quarterback, bear, •range verb •coach,publish•, beat, •land, •score, •settle, defeat, •sail,descend, host

constituency (n)

adj democratic, political, different, key, important,large, domestic, various, traditional, broad nounparty, group, core•, interest, Republican,constituency, support, voter, labor, Democrat verbrepresent, build•, create•, serve, appeal•, support,satisfy, mobilize•, alienate•, elect● area, borough, ward, region || electorate, voters,population, public

viewpoint (n)

adj different, opposing, religious, particular, diverse,alternative, multiple, conservative, various, Christiannoun •letter, section•, •discrimination, variety•,diversity•, range•, perspective, viewpoint, participant,minority verb express, represent, present, support•,share, reflect, adopt•, •overplay, favor, challenge● point of view, view, perspective, standpoint ||vantage point, viewing platform, belvedere, lookout

configuration (n)

adj different, various, standard, available, possible,particular, basic, current, specific, spatial nounsystem, size•, variety•, figure, design, space, network,hardware•, configuration, software verb alter•, select,depend, vary, •ensure, •range, characterize, evaluate,feature, match● shape, outline, formation, conformation,arrangement, alignment

gauge (n)

adj difficult, narrow, standard, impossible, digital,heavy, used, accurate, empty, Inc noun pressure•,fuel•, strain•, gas•, temperature•, •reaction, •theory,rain•, gauge, test• verb check•, •measure, tire•,strain•, design, monitor, attempt•, install, •detect,•record● device, instrument, measure, meter ||measurement, estimate, assessment, measure

stereo (n)

adj digital, portable, personal, standard, electronic,top, loud, southern, high-end, built-in noun •system,car•, •speaker, •equipment, sound, music, TV,division, •card, television verb play, steal, blast, crank,listen, blare, •slide, install, •mount, connect● CD player, personal stereo, hi-fi, CD || soundsystem, hi-fi, stereo system, music centre

recorder (n)

adj digital, small, personal, portable, audio, hidden,paperless, tiny, reel-to-reel, hand-held noun tape•,video•, voice•, data•, flight•, cassette•, cockpit•,camera, videocassette•, recorder verb turn, •record,carry, cockpit, •capture, switch•, hide, recover, steal•,shut

corps (n[PL])

adj diplomatic, professional, military, receiving,entire, medical, senior, Iraqi, marine, linebackingnoun press•, officer•, member, esprit•, elite•, army•,astronaut•, •commander, volunteer, drum• verb join•,bugle•, train, deploy, dominate, bolster•, assemble,volunteer, reserve, •march● force, outfit, group, company || group, body,company, organization

descendant (n)

adj direct, original, Indian, African, male, living,European, Chinese, ancient, lineal noun •slave,immigrant, generation, •organization, settler, Jew,•recruitment, Indian, ancestor, African verb survive,own•, occupy, dominate•, •inherit, •flee, preserve,distinguish•, trace•● successor, offspring, progeny, child, heir, inheritor

swamp (n)

adj dismal, southern, northern, deep, coastal, vast,thick, dense, nearby, shallow noun forest,mangrove•, water, cypress•, marsh, river, edge•, lake,tree, •cooler verb drain•, mangrove•, rise, wade,surround, disappear, cypress•, cross•, border, hunt● marsh, wetland, bog, mire, quagmire, slough

thesis (n)

adj doctoral, senior, central, existential, basic, main,unpublished, generic, correct, associative nounmaster•, university, •project, dissertation,•statement, paper, article, Phd•, •topic, subject verbwrite•, support•, complete, finish•, present, argue,accept•, advance, publish, prove•● proposition, theory, notion, hypothesis ||dissertation, paper, essay, composition

livestock (n)

adj domestic, grazing, agricultural, organic, intensive,western, domesticated, healthy, increasing,industrial noun crop, production, land, •industry,farm, animal, farmer, cattle, •operation, wildlife verbfeed, graze, raise, kill, produce, herd, protect, tend,manage, •market● cattle, cows, oxen, bulls || stock, farm animals,domestic animals, cattle

spell (n)

adj dry, long, magic, dizzy, cold, warm, hot, evil,powerful, fainting noun witch, magic, •weather,•check, invisibility, spell, breathing•, warning•, charm,•incantation verb cast•, break, fall•, faint•, weave•,undo•, suffer•, recite•, whisper•, •last● bout, interlude, stretch || incantation, curse,enchantment || influence, fascination, thrall

cleaning (n)

adj dry, thorough, busy, easy, professional, regular,proper, weekly, frequent, annual noun •woman,•lady, •product, service, cooking•, spring•, job, •crew,maintenance, carpet• verb pick•, require, cook,remove, •supply, •sanitize, hire, •wash, clean, •repair● housework, spring-cleaning, scrubbing, dusting,washing, vacuuming

mustard (n)

adj dry, yellow, hot, brown, black, fresh, prepared,spicy, Dijon-style, red noun teaspoon, tablespoon,•seed, salt, •gas, cup, sauce, vinegar, •green, oil verbadd, combine, mix, whisk, stir, cut•, dress, spread,mayonnaise, chop

embargo (n)

adj economic, international, Arab, Bosnian, Cuban,Iraqi, total, worldwide, effective, unilateral nounarm•, trade•, oil•, nation•, lifting•, embargo, air,sanction, •Muslim, sin• verb lift•, impose, enforce•,end•, break•, maintain•, tighten•, support, •force,•hurt● restriction, ban, prohibition, restraint, bar,stoppage

rationale (n)

adj economic, underlying, clear, theoretical, original,compelling, religious, strategic, secular, primarynoun policy, decision, •intervention, approach,•speech, protection, strategy, purpose, rationale,curriculum verb provide•, explain•, offer,understand•, •support, present•, apply, discuss•,•underlie, state● basis, justification, motivation, grounds, raisond'être, validation

appliance (n)

adj electrical, small, major, stainless, energy-efficient,modern, electric, efficient, smart, electronic nounhome•, kitchen•, household•, furniture, •store, car,•manufacturer, energy, computer, steel• verb buy,sell•, replace, install, •cost, operate, design, own•,control•, purchase•● application, use, employment, utilization, purpose,usage

tee (n)

adj elevated, short, green, forward, accurate, golden,blind, straight, multiple, sleeveless noun •time, •shot,•shirt, ball, green, yard, •box, golf, back•, practice•verb •shoot, hit, wear•, walk•, step•, stick, demand,•aim, slice•, install

spokeswoman (n)

adj American, national, Dietetic, Inc, Palestinian,chief, planned noun department•, company, hospital,agency, district, police•, campaign, county,association, council verb say, •decline, •comment,•confirm, •deny, •acknowledge, quote, dismiss

correction (n)

adj Bonferroni, necessary, surgical, minor,appropriate, automatic, quick, multiple, slight,fraternal noun •officer, error•, course•, •official,market, department, •factor, color•, mid-course•,correction verb make, require, apply, perform, issue,introduce, print, correct, undergo•, estimate● alteration, improvement, rectification,modification, amendment, adjustment

pope (n)

adj Catholic, polish, Roman, holy, papal, liberal,encyclical, spiritual, temporal, Italian noun pope,bishop, visit, church, teaching, cardinal, Catholic,emperor, •council, audience verb elect, meet,choose, •visit, pray, condemn, select, •declare,celebrate, •resign● pontiff, bishop of Rome, Holy Father

mainland (n)

adj Chinese, economic, Taiwanese, communist, Asian,Greek, Japanese, coastal, indirect, Spanish nounisland, policy, China, mile, investment•, •Chinese,relation•, coast, •affair, •authority verb visit•,separate•, connect•, travel•, export, flee•, link•,recover•, elect•, invest•● landmass, continent, land, landfall

bachelor (n)

adj eligible, fine, lifelong, confirmed, fat, four-year,electrical, handsome, aging, bare noun •degree,•master, •art, •science, •party, education•, •pad,college•, •apartment, •economics verb earn•,receive•, hold•, complete•, graduate•, finish•, obtain•,award, attain•, marry● unmarried man, single man, unattached man,eligible male, confirmed bachelor

disturbance (n)

adj emotional, serious, human, natural, severe, civil,major, psychological, domestic, intermediate nouneffect, sleep•, mood•, •regime, disturbance, disorder,depression, type, soil, response• verb cause, sleep•,create, eat•, •occur, •affect, associate, result,experience, minimize•● trouble, commotion, riot, uproar || annoyance,interruption, intrusion, bother

passport (n)

adj false, fake, British, valid, foreign, German,diplomatic, forged, stolen, Iraqi noun visa, passport,ticket, •photo, document, card, •office, •control,stamp, official verb carry•, issue, stamp, hold•, travel,obtain•, check, require, apply•, hand•● official document, travel document, ID, papers ||access, gateway, entry, opening

courthouse (n)

adj federal, downtown, historic, grand, live,continuous, criminal, nearby, Broward, interior nouncounty•, step, •square, •door, street, office, building,trial, judge, jail verb walk, arrive•, enter•, surround,gather•, file, march•, exit•, •testify, circle•● court, law court, court of law, high court, FederalCourt, Supreme Court

revision (n)

adj final, yellow, major, pink, proposed,constitutional, blue, recent, radical, significant nounmovie•, chill•, wind•, curriculum, process, •surgery,revision, code, text, model verb •continue, •accept,•receive, undergo•, require•, propose, recommend•,approve, result, demand•● amendment, review, reconsideration, modification,adjustment, alteration

drain (n)

adj financial, cold, huge, clogged, massive, French,dry, clean, constant, net noun brain•, storm•, water,•pipe, •resource, floor, energy, blood•, sink,•economy verb remove, place, clog, rinse, pour,wash•, install, swirl•, flush, plug● gutter, sewer, channel, trench || sewer, septictank, cesspit, cesspool

mist (n)

adj fine, gray, white, thick, light, cold, early, heavy,red, thin noun morning•, water, cloud, rain, fog, air,light, mountain, spray, sun verb rise, swirl, •hang,shroud, spray, disappear•, fall, emerge•, cover, drift● haze, fog, smog, vapor, spray, steam

compost (n)

adj finished, organic, mature, cubic, recycled, rich,agricultural, composting, potential, fresh noun •pile,soil, •facility, compost, yard, product, manure,quality, •site, •heap verb use, produce, add, sell,apply, mix, screen, cure, spread, market

excerpt (n)

adj following, musical, recent, short, brief, extended,exclusive, selected, audio, taped noun book,•interview, •score, •speech, •letter, end•, film, music,diary, video verb read•, follow, publish, •sing, listen•,extend•, present, perform, contain, release● extract, passage, quote, quotation, selection, piece

throw (n)

adj free, final, overhand, perfect, wild, consecutive,technical, straight, missed, off-balance noun stone•,•line, •second, •pillow, •rug, •percentage, •shooting,game, ball, hammer• verb make•, hit•, shoot•, miss•,•open, sink•, beat, attempt, •score, bounce● toss, lob, heave, pitch || rug, cover, blanket, shawl

advertisement (n)

adj full-page, local, paid, commercial, classified,negative, running, expensive, misleading, numerousnoun newspaper, television•, magazine, product, TV,recruitment•, radio, campaign, page, print• verb run,place, appear, feature, publish, respond•, print,promote, illustrate, recruit•● ad, announcement, poster, billboard, commercial,want ad

baseline (n)

adj full-time, multiple, mean, significant, initial,future, follow-up, academic, demographic,instructional noun •data, level, phase, •condition,score, study, performance, •characteristic, •period,intervention verb establish•, provide•, compare•,collect, measure, determine, conduct, obtain, assess,record•● starting point, point of departure, reference point|| standard, model, criterion || reference, control,check || boundary, boundary line, line

fairness (n)

adj fundamental, basic, procedural, perceived,concerned, fair, equal, due, judicial, mean nounissue, justice, sense•, perception, process, tax,accuracy, equity, equality, honesty verb ensure•,question•, promote•, demand, restore•, assure•,perceive•, trust, assess•, undermine● justice, equality, impartiality, fair-mindedness,objectivity, evenhandedness

lesbian (n)

adj gay, bisexual, military, male, heterosexual,female, negative, lesbian, Indian, homosexual noungay•, man, woman, right, attitude•, discrimination,homosexual•, •bisexual, lesbian, heterosexual verbidentify, marry, •transgender, •transgendered,discriminate•, hate, accuse•, attract, embrace,•violate

defect (n)

adj genetic, congenital, serious, mental, neural,severe, structural, bony, common, certain nounbirth•, heart•, cancer, disease, risk•, tube•, character,gene, baby, defect verb cause, born•, correct,prevent•, suffer•, repair, identify, remedy•, detect,associate● flaw, fault, imperfection, blemish, shortcoming,failing

crossing (n)

adj global, illegal, transatlantic, southern, dangerous,busy, main, safe, rough, grand noun border•, river•,railroad•, street, •point, •guard, stream•, creek•,bridge, road verb attempt•, cross, approach•, block,install•, eliminate, guard, permit, trail● journey, adventure, trip, voyage || intersection,junction, overpass, grade crossing

arch (n)

adj golden, low, cold-pressed, triumphal, natural,branchial, pointed, gothic, left, mandibular nounback, foot, •paper, stone•, park, arch, column, bridge,eyebrow, entrance verb pass•, form, support, •frame,carve, •collapse, erect, incorporate, derive, stretch● arc, curve, semicircle, bend || archway, doorway,portico

interface (n)

adj graphical, digital, simple, musical, intuitive,standard, normal, easy, residual, serial noun user•,•stress, •pressure, computer, •distribution, software,design, instrument•, web, application verb provide,•allow, design, support, •shear, measure, •stress,display, influence, feature● border, boundary, line, crossing point, edge

novelist (n)

adj great, American, English, British, late, famous,French, best-selling, historical, successful noun poet,playwright, writer, journalist, critic, essayist,historian, •screenwriter, author, crime• verb write,publish, •dare, •invent● writer, author, story writer

pyramid (n)

adj great, Egyptian, ancient, inverted, illegal, tall,stepped, Nubian, steep, reverse noun food•,•scheme, guide•, top•, base, pyramid, research•, sun,building, temple verb build, form•, construct, climb•,collapse, •recommend, stack•, resemble, shape,erect

reef (n)

adj great, artificial, marine, shallow, Caribbean,tropical, coastal, natural, offshore, live noun coral•,barrier•, •fish, island, park, water, reef, •shark,ecosystem, ocean verb protect, snorkel, explore•,save•, surround, dive, damage, destroy, threaten,feed● ridge, bar, bank, mound, range

sorrow (n)

adj great, deep, full, sweet, profound, genuine,greatest, constant, terrible, pure noun joy, pain,sorrow, anger, •loss, grief, fear, tear, love, deathverb feel, express•, drown•, share•, fill, anger, fear,suffer, bear, bury● grief, mourning, sadness, distress || burden,regret, disappointment, trouble

anticipation (n)

adj great, eager, full, future, nervous, breathless,giddy, negative, coming, excited noun sense•,coincidence•, excitement, •accuracy, fear,consistency, month, future, •arrival, crowd verb wait,build, fill, smile•, tingle•, rub, lean•, quiver•, tremble•,heighten● expectation, expectancy, hope, eagerness,keenness, looking forward

stride (n)

adj great, long, significant, full, tremendous, huge,giant, enormous, easy, short noun •length, stride,•frequency, •rite, step, foot, leg, duration, speed,•phase verb make•, take•, hit•, break•, walk, match•,stride, lengthen•, catch, shorten•● pace, step, tread, gait || advance, progress,development, improvement

coordination (n)

adj hand-eye, better, international, eye-hand, close,poor, various, physical, improved, fine noun lack•,policy, cooperation, service, care, •agency, balance,motor•, communication, effort verb require•,improve•, involve•, facilitate•, plan, ensure•, lack,care•, enhance•, achieve● organization, direction, management,harmonization || dexterity, skill, adroitness,proficiency

lump (n)

adj hard, left, benign, suspicious, dark, cancerous,jumbo, solid, huge, brown noun •sum, •throat,breast, •clay, •coal, sugar, payment, •meat, lump,•bump verb feel•, swallow•, remove, form, discover•,detect, •rise, notice•, stir, •sum● piece, chunk, morsel, block || bump, swelling,protuberance, knob

footstep (n)

adj heavy, soft, running, quiet, quick, light, rapid,muffled, slow, faint noun sound•, father•, •stair, door,•hall, voice, floor, dad•, •hallway, echo• verb hear•,follow•, •echo, walk, approach, listen•, •sound, •fade,•crunch, •recede● footfall, step, tread, pace, sound

hammer (n)

adj heavy, wooden, pneumatic, rubber, two-pound,broken, loose, triangular, electric, external noun •nail,head, hand, chisel, •sickle, claw•, •blow, sledge•, saw,sound• verb hit, swing•, cock, pick•, strike, pull, drop,smash, pound, tap

reunion (n)

adj high, annual, happy, emotional, joyous, joyful,tearful, brief, separated, bittersweet noun family•,school•, class•, •tour, college•, show, summer,editor•, reunion, weekend verb attend•, plan,celebrate, organize, gather•, arrange, host•, invite,await•, schedule● gathering, meeting, get-together, event ||reunification, reintegration, recombination,reconsolidation

intake (n)

adj high, daily, fat, dietary, caloric, low, total,adequate, sharp, recommended noun food, calcium•,•breath, water, calorie, air, alcohol•, sodium•,protein, vitamin verb reduce•, increase•, limit•,boost•, cut•, monitor•, restrict•, lower, recommend,associate● consumption, eating, drinking || opening, pipe,tube || entry, entrants, students

roller (n)

adj high, emotional, holy, hot, wooden, pink, double,front, slow, giant noun •coaster, •ride, •skate, rock•,•hockey, roller, •rink, hair, paint•, •blade verb ride•,•skate, apply, mount, •paint, •blade, clean, feature,•bear, •tire● breaker, wave, whitecap

sophomore (n)

adj high, junior, senior, defensive, talented, rising,super, two-deep, outstanding, promising noun •year,school, college, freshman•, season, university, •guard,•junior, class, quarterback verb •score, •average,complete, redshirt, •guard, quit, •graduate

altitude (n)

adj high, low, extreme, maximum, thin, atmospheric,dry, increasing, minimum, physiological noun foot,•sickness, speed, •mile, air, plane, meter, change,temperature, km verb reach•, fly•, lose•, gain•,cruise•, climb•, rise•, measure•, adjust•, decrease● height, elevation, height above sea level, loftiness|| height, elevation, height above sea level, loftiness

turnover (n)

adj high, low, rapid, annual, average, constant,committed, nursing, total, quick noun rate, staff,game, employee, percent, job, team, defense, •ratio,•intention verb force•, commit•, reduce•, assist•,steal, average, cause•, •occur, relate, score● incomings, income, gross revenue || throughput,sales, trade || staff renewal rate, hiring and firingrate, staff resignation rate

fertility (n)

adj high, low, total, declining, female, male, marital,Indian, sexual, future noun •rate, •clinic, •drug, soil•,woman, •treatment, •problem, level, •specialist,mortality verb decline, reduce, fall, affect, increase,maintain•, •drop, associate, control•, relate● fruitfulness, richness, lushness, productiveness,fecundity, abundance

subscale (n)

adj high, total, social, significant, personal, mean,internal, cognitive, low, emotional noun score, item,scale, reliability, subscale, correlation, alpha, table,behavior, attitude verb •measure, include, •assess,consist, indicate, •range, correlate, contain, score,comprise

shrine (n)

adj holy, Shiite, Yasukuni, sacred, religious, ancestral,Buddhist, Muslim, makeshift, ancient noun imam,auditorium, temple, shrine, •Fig, spirit, Islam, altar,Shinto•, bombing• verb build, visit•, place•, worship•,•dedicate, destroy, erect, construct, surround,•honor● memorial, monument, tomb, grave, sanctuary,tabernacle

addict (n)

adj homeless, pregnant, hard-core, anonymous,clean, female, male, desperate, reformed, teenagenoun drug•, heroin•, alcoholic, crack•, sex•, cocaine•,addict, treatment, needle, prostitute verb recover•,become, treat•, •commit, crack•, •steal, •kick, wean,•quit, counsel•● devotee, fan, aficionado, aficionada, fanatic, buff

discharge (n)

adj honorable, social, electrical, early, industrial,dishonorable, medical, nasal, patient, purulent noun•planning, hospital, patient, •planner, water, •plan,•pollutant, sewage, •process, month• verb •plan,receive, permit, •occur, reduce•, prevent, control,result, regulate•, eliminate•● emission, flow, secretion, excretion || release,liberation, emancipation, expulsion

endeavor (n)

adj human, creative, scientific, artistic, educational,athletic, academic, intellectual, successful,cooperative noun field•, research•, success•, shuttle•,learning, partner•, endeavor, failure, aspect•,participation• verb support•, undertake, succeed•,engage, pursue•, participate•, assist•, aid•, invest,•stimulate● attempt, effort, try, exertion || enterprise,undertaking, bid, venture

misery (n)

adj human, poor, untold, widespread, daily, utter,alone, absolute, sheer, shared noun poverty, misery,pain, •index, death, •despair, greatness•, cause•,oppression, suffering verb bring, cause, end•, suffer,inflict, alleviate•, wallow•, relieve, spread, compound● unhappiness, sadness, depression, desolation ||suffering, deprivation, privation, destitution

deficiency (n)

adj immune, serious, nutritional, academic, major,mental, severe, acquired, specific, common nounvitamin, iron•, disease, iodine•, •syndrome,magnesium•, nutrient, mineral•, protein, •disorderverb cause, correct•, identify, •cite, address•, suffer•,result, overcome•, remedy•, associate● inadequacy, defect, flaw, fault || lack, shortage,absence, deficit

vulnerability (n)

adj increased, economic, greatest, potential,emotional, extreme, physical, particular, external,aware noun sense•, feeling•, factor, food•,•depression, risk, security, strength, trait•, window•verb reduce•, increase•, expose, exploit, reveal,recognize•, address•, experience, relate, assess•● susceptibility, weakness, defenselessness,helplessness, exposure, liability

trustee (n)

adj independent, fellow, elected, court-appointed,metropolitan, honorary, conservative, emeritus,honourable, lay noun board•, college, university•,museum, community, foundation, bankruptcy•,•council, trust, faculty verb serve•, appoint, •vote,name, elect, approve, •establish, sue, select, •resign● executor, representative, deputy, agent || fundmanager, fund administrator, director

honesty (n)

adj intellectual, best, brutal, moral, total, emotional,complete, fair, basic, absolute noun integrity, value•,fairness, •policy, respect, honesty, truth,responsibility, courage, openness verb appreciate•,admire•, question•, admit, trust, respect•, demand•,value, doubt•, •compel● uprightness, morality, trustworthiness, goodness|| sincerity, truthfulness, integrity, frankness

parallel (n)

adj interesting, historical, striking, close, closest,obvious, contemporary, modern, direct, runningnoun south, north, •history, situation, series, plane,universe, port, era, axis verb draw, suggest•, note•,point•, •exist, strike•, cross•, execute•, cite, process● counterpart, match, equal, equivalent || similarity,correspondence, equivalence, resemblance

decoration (n)

adj interior, blue, painted, elaborate, simple,architectural, festive, applied, mere, beautiful nounChristmas•, holiday•, wall, •height, porcelain•, tree,style, inch, pattern•, underglaze• verb •include, paint,hang, display, adorn, photograph, •consist, inspire,enhance, feature● beautification, adornment, ornament || honor,medal, award || feature, festoon, beading

accord (n)

adj international, historic, Israeli-palestinian, final,global, civic, Bosnian, Israeli, Iraqi, perfect nounpeace•, trade•, agreement, signing•, lake, island•,implementation•, sedan, provision, negotiation verbsign, reach, •end, negotiate, implement•, announce,ratify, strike, approve, oppose•● agreement, treaty, settlement, pact || consensus,harmony, concurrence, unity

clove (n)

adj large, minced, whole, chopped, fresh, olive,medium, small, peeled, red noun garlic, teaspoon,oil•, cup, ground•, cinnamon, tablespoon, onion•, salt,pepper verb •mince, chop, •peel, •crush, slice, •press,add, dice•, cup, halve● piece, segment, section, portion, fragment, wedge

tract (n)

adj large, respiratory, urinary, digestive,gastrointestinal, upper, intestinal, vast, reproductive,low noun •land, •infection, census•, forest, Gi•,housing, acre, •county, symptom, skin verb buy•,own, cause, acquire•, house, •contain, purchase•,absorb, •result, preserve● area, territory, zone, expanse || pamphlet, article,treatise, leaflet

asteroid (n)

adj large, small, near-earth, main, Earth-crossing,solar, near, outer, rocky, main-belt noun comet,•belt, earth, surface, orbit, impact, planet, moon,collision, object verb discover, •hit, orbit, name, •drill,•head, form, collide, mine•, deflect•

basin (n)

adj large, upper, Mediterranean, depositional, entire,deep, shallow, Caribbean, central, southern nounwater, river•, wash•, drainage•, lake, ocean•, impact•,basin, catch•, floor verb fill, wash, form, •contain,flow•, drain, surround, locate, tap, empty● bowl, mixing bowl, dish || sink, hand basin,washbasin, washbowl

tattoo (n)

adj left, blue, temporary, facial, visible, fake, piercing,pierced, elaborate, bald noun arm, •parlor, body,•artist, hair, •shoulder, chest, forearm, piercing,tattoo verb cover, wear, remove, sport•, pierce,beat•, reveal•, notice•, match, display● signal, summons, call, recall || display, parade,tournament, show

academic (n)

adj legal, professional, prominent, conservative,female, fellow, Canadian, male, feminist, academicnoun athletics, journalist, politician, sport, leader,professional, practitioner, lawyer, intellectual,activist verb •study, focus, emphasize, •advise, stress,criticize, •debate, account•, balance•, excel•● professor, instructor, teacher, lecturer, researcher,college lecturer

encouragement (n)

adj little, parental, positive, active, verbal, far,constant, gentle, enthusiastic, official noun support,word•, advice, help•, assistance, guidance, praise,lack•, instruction, participation verb give•, need,offer•, provide•, receive, shout•, support, nod•,whisper•, •participate● reassurance, help, inspiration, cheer, praise,backing

feed (n)

adj live, audio, organic, chemical, supplemental,hungry, empty, remote, continuous, prepared nounanimal•, •store, chicken•, video•, sack, food, satellite•,news•, feed, grain verb feed, eat, produce, •process,supply, mix•, load, monitor•, haul•, import● food, feedstuff, fodder, provender, forage

bait (n)

adj live, natural, artificial, dead, fair, fresh, soft, bass,used, lively noun fish, •shop, spinner, bait, crank•,lure, fishing, hook, worm, •switch verb take•, use•,rise•, catch, fish, cut•, cast, •lure, •tackle, dangle● lure, attraction, enticement, temptation,inducement, draw

diner (n)

adj local, all-night, nearby, fellow, downtown, Greek,empty, hungry, famous, greasy noun club, table,restaurant, coffee, roadside•, lunch, breakfast, meal,diner, menu verb sit, eat, discover, •choose, •order,enter, •enjoy, own, seat, glance● patron, customer, guest

villager (n)

adj local, fellow, rural, poor, Indian, indigenous,Muslim, native, Arab, ordinary noun village, villager,crowd•, forest, farmer, peasant•, aid, hut, tourist,square verb kill, •gather, •flee, force, •celebrate,complain, interview, •refuse, organize, distinguish● country dweller, rustic, country cousin

waiting (n)

adj long, five-day, watchful, empty, crowded,endless, three-year, patient, two-year, one-yearnoun •room, •list, •period, hospital•, doctor, hour,chair, clinic•, transplant•, Dr verb sit•, wait, enter•,place•, fill, pace, crowd, •list, •pack, impose•

click (n)

adj loud, remote, soft, single, audible, sharp, double,metallic, satisfying, faint noun mouse, click, •boom,door, •button, phone, camera, lock, •tongue,computer verb hear•, breathe, click, open, shut,•hang, pop, emit, punctuate, snap● clack, tick, snap, clunk

module (n)

adj lunar, basic, solar, electronic, available, curricular,rear, specific, photovoltaic, primary noun module,command•, control, training, service•, sound•, crew•,learning•, station, type verb include, contain,develop, build, design, consist, complete, implement,install, control● unit, component, element, segment, building block,part

fringe (n)

adj lunatic, urban, outer, radical, eastern, far,western, southern, mainstream, dark noun •benefit,•group, •hair, •society, •element, salary•, •tree,•movement, pattern, •candidate verb hang, relegate•,trim•, locate•, •benefit, dismiss•, dangle, embrace,decorate•, comb•● tassel, edging, border, edge || periphery, edge,extreme, perimeter

dash (n)

adj mad, red, hot, quick, optional, generous,chopped, hot-pepper, frantic, olive noun salt, pepper,dot, teaspoon•, •sauce, •second, dash, light,•cayenne, ground verb add•, run•, taste•, dash,mount•, grab•, prop•, mix, flash, brace•● sprint, rush, run || trace, splash, drop || verve,vigor, spirit

lounge (n)

adj main, smoking, empty, grand, first-class, outdoor,comfortable, cozy, dim, aft noun •chair, cocktail•, bar,room, teacher•, chaise•, restaurant•, •area, •night,hotel verb sit•, echo•, enter, feature, stretch, recline•,convert•, relax•, install, chat● living room, drawing room, sitting room, familyroom, salon

turning (n)

adj major, real, critical, key, crucial, tight, slow,dramatic, twisting, historic noun •point, •back,•history, •radius, wheel, page, •circle, windrow,wood•, •red verb •point, mark•, toss•, twist, •wave,signal•, •trick, wheel•

prostitute (n)

adj male, Chinese, female, sexual, teenage,homosexual, cheap, underage, gay, homeless noundrug, street, client, sex, dealer, pimp, addict,prostitute, •customer, user verb solicit•, hire•, visit•,arrest, frequent, murder, sleep, pose, dress, •abuse

dominance (n)

adj male, political, American, social, economic,cultural, military, global, western, traditional nounmarket, power, party, trait•, •submission, control,•hierarchy, struggle•, species, ideology verbestablish•, challenge•, maintain•, achieve•, assert•,gain•, reflect•, extend•, retain•, ensure•● supremacy, ascendancy, domination, governance,power, authority

sanctuary (n)

adj marine, national, main, terrorist, safe, holy,temporary, inner, noble, sacred noun church, bird•,wildlife•, park, island, animal, farm•, •choir,sanctuary, terrorist verb provide, seek•, offer•,enter•, establish, fill, violate, declare•, deny•, grant•● refuge, asylum, shelter || preserve, naturepreserve, reservation || safety, protection, refuge

mammal (n)

adj marine, other, small, large, endangered,terrestrial, placental, native, wild, extinct noun bird,species, reptile, fish, sea, land•, act, •protection,mammal, population verb evolve, feed, mar•, hunt•,•record, burrow•, resemble, •strand, swim, consume

distraction (n)

adj mass, welcome, dangerous, visual, pleasant,outside, unnecessary, everyday, cognitive, annoyingnoun distraction, noise, driver, weapon•, advantage•,interruption•, diversion, anxiety, resistance•, •displayverb drive•, cause, avoid•, eliminate•, remove, block•,minimize•, ignore•, afford•, concentrate● interruption, disruption || diversion,entertainment || agitation, anxiety || interruption,disruption || diversion, entertainment || agitation,anxiety

recruitment (n)

adj military, aggressive, successful, Indian, active,potential, polish, future, initial, involved noun•retention, •effort, training, student, method,process, program, teacher, study, •strategy verbimprove•, relate, conduct, target, facilitate•, affect•,•overfish, address, enhance•, limit● staffing, employment, enrollment, conscription,enlistment

maximum (n)

adj minimum, solar, daily, mean, average, super,maximum, glacial, recommended, sub noun year,percent, minimum, hour, rate, month, minute, VO•,heart, pound verb allow, reach, face•, increase, limit•,contribute•, exceed, achieve, earn, sentence•● limit, ceiling, upper limit, greatest extent || most,greatest, highest, utmost

valve (n)

adj mitral, nasal, aortic, available, variable, open, Inc,mechanical, one-way, artificial noun heart•, valve,safety•, control, pressure, ball•, water, air, check•,cylinder verb open, close, control, install, •allow,design, replace, check, shut, operate● regulator, controller, stopcock, faucet, spigot, tap

newsletter (n)

adj monthly, quarterly, free, weekly, recent, online,electronic, financial, environmental, advisory nouneditor, industry•, report, publisher, fund,investment•, journal, magazine, club•, article verbpublish, write, send, edit•, distribute, receive, •track,mail, subscribe•, circulate● information sheet, bulletin, circular, newssheet

zoo (n)

adj national, petting, central, wild, botanical,conservation, queer, captive, emeritus, endangerednoun animal, park, zoo, museum, aquarium,•director, •official, •keeper, trip•, garden verb visit•,pet•, born•, feed, breed, escape•, house, wander,trip, rebuild•● zoological gardens, menagerie, children's zoo,wildlife refuge, safari park, game reserve

aging (n)

adj national, premature, normal, human, healthy,successful, global, inevitable, natural, biological nouninstitute•, population, area•, sign•, agency•, disease,effect•, health, administration•, research verbassociate•, cause, slow•, prevent•, relate•, reverse•,•affect, study•, accelerate, accompany•

liberation (n)

adj national, sexual, black, political, social, human,gay, African, Latin, spiritual noun •theology,•movement, struggle, woman, war•, •theologian,freedom, liberation, army, anniversary• verbachieve•, struggle, promote, celebrate•, emphasize,•free, embrace, attain•, preach•● deliverance, freedom, liberty, release, discharge,emancipation

vegetation (n)

adj native, dense, natural, lush, thick, aquatic, green,sparse, riparian, tropical noun soil, water, type, tree,area, map, change, forest, •cover, animal verb •grow,cover, destroy, remove, clear, burn, hide, plant,trample•, feed● plants, plant life, flora, undergrowth, foliage,shrubbery

urgency (n)

adj new, great, certain, particular, moral, increasing,added, growing, renewed, fierce noun sense•,matter•, voice, •situation, need, lack•, importance,degree•, •task, intensity verb feel, add•, lend•,increase, sense•, gain•, underscore•, lack•, acquire•,convey•● importance, necessity, need, exigency ||earnestness, insistence, perseverance, firmness

lease (n)

adj new, long-term, square, five-year, monthly,commercial, one-year, offshore, short-term, existingnoun •life, oil•, •payment, •agreement, term, land,contract, property, gas•, lease verb sign•, •expire,renew•, negotiate•, buy, sell, offer, renegotiate•,own, extend•● let, tenancy, occupancy, rent, agreement, contract

surroundings (n[PL])

adj new, natural, immediate, familiar, aware,comfortable, physical, unfamiliar, beautiful, obliviousnoun attention•, environment, beauty•, harmony•,awareness•, glance•, comfort•, ease•, noise, menu•verb blend•, explore•, scan•, notice, survey•, adapt•,reflect, check•, fit•, adjust•● environs, surrounds, setting, environment,background, backdrop

reactor (n)

adj nuclear, light-water, commercial, civilian,experimental, advanced, Iraqi, light, pressurized, fastnoun fuel, power, research•, water•, fusion•, reactor,plutonium, plant, safety, site verb build, •produce,operate, shut, design, restart•, cool, generate,destroy, supply● device, apparatus, vessel, container, receptacle,cauldron

acquaintance (n)

adj old, casual, mutual, personal, close, intimate,female, longtime, substance-related, male nounfriend•, •rape, violence, relative•, stranger, circle•,neighbor, colleague, suicide•, date• verb renew•,nod•, strike•, invite, greet, spot, inform, contact•,rape•, encounter● associate, friend, contact || knowledge, familiarity,understanding || relationship, contact, association

maid (n)

adj old, minute, merry, French, fair, Mexican, pretty,lovely, arctic, wealthy noun •honor, •service, minute•,park, room, hotel, maid, cook, meter•, lady verbserve, hire, •clean, dress, cook, ring•, employ•, shout,•franchise, interview•

petition (n)

adj online, formal, pending, valid, statewide, prior,approved, brief, proposed, paid noun •drive, court,signature, habeas•, letter, recall•, corpus•,bankruptcy•, •writ, divorce verb sign•, file, circulate•,deny, submit, send, grant, present, receive, •demand● request, appeal, entreaty, supplication, requisition,application

regret (n)

adj only, deep, greatest, profound, genuine, later,deepest, sincere, bitter, expressed noun sense•,expression•, loss, guilt, regret, pang•, feeling•,twinge•, sadness, sorrow verb express•, feel•, regret,apologize, anger, voice•, convey•, quit● remorse, guilt, repentance, compunction ||disappointment, sorrow, unhappiness, grief

artwork (n)

adj original, public, private, African, contemporary,colorful, modern, native, framed, aesthetic noun•collection, •article, artist, piece•, wall, photo,•domain, •essay, •courtesy, museum verb create, sell,feature, produce, hang, display, •depict, exhibit,acquire, purchase● work of art, creation, representation, reproduction|| illustrations, pictures, photographs, diagrams

warrant (n)

adj outstanding, chief, criminal, administrative,probable, unserved, Spanish, secret, subjective,domestic noun search•, arrest, •officer, death•,police, court, warrant, judge, felony•, cause verbissue, obtain•, serve, sign, execute, arrest•, search,require, seek, charge

dentist (n)

adj pediatric, dental, retired, cosmetic, forensic, oral,seropositive, anti-hcv, married, resident noundoctor•, •office, •chair, •appointment, tooth, patient,physician, dentist, •Dr, visit• verb visit•, infect, •drill,recommend, •sterilize, practice, •prescribe,•volunteer, survey•, •assure

magnet (n)

adj permanent, superconducting, powerful, giant,magnetic, Invitational, elementary, rare-earth, urban,rare noun •school, •program, refrigerator, magnet,district, motor, tourist, coil, earth•, bar• verbbecome•, draw, •attract, pull, act•, place, stick,attach, bend, •locate● magnetic body, lodestone, horseshoe magnet, barmagnet || lure, draw, attraction, pull

efficacy (n)

adj personal, political, low, clinical, general, positive,relative, primary, various, collective noun teacher,safety, study, efficacy, treatment, sense•, belief,intervention, level, vaccine verb coach, evaluate•,determine•, demonstrate•, assess•, test•, examine•,support•, compare, prove•● effectiveness, efficiency, usefulness, worth, value,ability

shopper (n)

adj personal, smart, online, savvy, average, lastminute,regular, retail, downtown, careful nounstore, mall, food, Christmas•, holiday•, attention•,price, grocery, supermarket, bargain verb •buy,attract•, draw•, lure•, crowd, shop, •flock, •browse,•purchase, invite● customer, consumer, buyer, purchaser, bargainhunter, punter

conditioning (n)

adj physical, central, operant, cultural, aerobic,cardiovascular, classical, standard, automatic,mental noun air•, •system, strength•, •unit, heating•,power, signal•, sound•, conditioning, training verbinstall•, improve, cruise, struggle, swim, exercise,crank•, switch● training, breaking in, taming, habituation

leisure (n)

adj physical, outdoor, recreational, ample, unlimited,increased, preferred, undesirable, pre-retirement,mean noun •time, •activity, work•, travel, art•, study,•pursuit, •class, hour, •suit verb spend•, enjoy, travel,engage, participate, occupy•, arrange•, pursue,afford, exercise● free time, spare time, time off, freedom, vacation,time out

standpoint (n)

adj political, practical, economic, legal, personal,military, financial, medical, scientific, technical nounstandpoint, spectator, safety, consumer, marketing•,•theory, relation, engineering•, prosecutor, efficiencyverb adopt● point of view, position, stance, angle, viewpoint,perspective

local (n)

adj popular, favorite, angry, longtime, curious,friendly noun tourist, visitor, union•, favorite,foreigner, crowd•, restaurant, ski, hangout, handfulverb •call, •gather, •refer, hire, mingle•, favor, mix,pack, •prefer, •shop● resident, inhabitant, citizen, native

jewel (n)

adj precious, rare, tiny, rich, green, bright, beautiful,glittering, crowning, hidden noun crown•, gold, •box,•thief, jewel, •tone, park, diamond, •wasp, silver verbwear, steal, glow, encrust, shine, sparkle, adorn,glitter, drip, bedeck•● ornament, trinket, charm, accessory || gemstone,gem, precious stone, semiprecious stone

steering (n)

adj precise, left, quick, hydraulic, tilt-adjustable,four-wheel, light, responsive, rack-and-pinion, frontnoun •wheel, •committee, power•, hand•, •column,brake, car, control, finger•, •window verb grip•,•brake, hit•, •wheel, jerk•, control, grab•, lean•,pound•, tilt

kindergarten (n)

adj preschool, elementary, full-day, first-grade,primary, everyday, academic, junior, all-day, regularnoun •grade, •teacher, child, school, student, •class,year, program, •classroom, kid verb start•, enter•,teach, learn, •grade, attend•, range, prekindergarten,graduate•, delay•● nursery school, playgroup, nursery, day nursery,preschool playgroup, crèche

waitress (n)

adj pretty, passing, blond, part-time, favorite, blonde,nearby, middle-aged, tired, attractive noun cocktail•,table, coffee, restaurant, •order, drink, glass, beer,counter, bar verb •bring, work•, ask, signal•, smile,•arrive, •approach, •pour, order, nod

caregiver (n)

adj primary, informal, elderly, professional, foster,full-time, paid, patient, formal, increased nounfamily•, child, parent•, patient, burden, role, support,home, care, teacher verb provide, experience, report,identify, •cope, •care, assist, train, influence•, assess

lender (n)

adj private, international, foreign, financial, willing,major, commercial, traditional, preferred, originalnoun mortgage•, loan, bank, payday•, borrower,credit, money, investor, rate, home verb require, pay,offer, •charge, •agree, borrow•, force, repay, check,contact•● moneylender, creditor, investor, financier,mortgagee, owner

insurer (n)

adj private, large, medical, major, financial, blue,third-party, mutual, leading, giant noun health•,employer, insurance, doctor, hospital, policy, auto•,coverage, care, cost verb •pay, •cover, require, •offer,•sell, charge, •refuse, •deny, force•, sue•● underwriter, broker, guarantor

motorcycle (n)

adj pro, off-road, fast, used, classic, cross-country,electric, antique, three-wheeled, broken noun car,•accident, •helmet, •gang, •jacket, truck, back•, police,•cop, bicycle verb ride•, drive, buy•, race, •roar, sell•,wear, •park, climb, own

archaeologist (n)

adj professional, indigenous, native, British, amateur,ancient, chief, German, tribal, Australian noununiversity, historian, anthropologist, site, museum,color, evidence, archaeology, decade, discovery verb•excavate, •discover, •dig, study, •uncover, •examine,unearth, train, hire•, •estimate

burial (n)

adj proper, Indian, Christian, decent, ancient, dead,sacred, royal, native, traditional noun •ground, •site,•place, •mound, •sea, •plot, body, cemetery,•chamber, funeral• verb remain, prepare•, contain,attend, excavate, discover, dig, locate, uncover,deserve•● interment, committal, entombment, funeral

accountant (n)

adj public, certified, financial, chief, forensic,chartered, retired, outside, corporate, professionalnoun lawyer, tax, attorney, institute, accountant,banker, •consultant, doctor, engineer, firm verb hire•,•possess, consult•, train, •specialize, •account, review,practice, advise, rely•● bookkeeper, auditor, certified public accountant,cost accountant

fix (n)

adj quick, easy, cheap, simple, technological, shortterm,temporary, technical, fast, long-term noun•problem, •solution, bug•, sugar•, surgery, •it, junkie,fix, exercise•, caffeine verb •install, constitute•● dose, shot, injection || dilemma, mess, tight spot|| solution, answer, repair || setup, con, fraud

succession (n)

adj rapid, quick, endless, apostolic, presidential,ecological, natural, royal, orderly, positional nounline•, •plan, forest, struggle, crisis, •throne, stage,•planning, plant, leadership verb follow, plan,influence, ensure•, secure•, process, reverse, unfold•● series, sequence, chain, run, string, train

decrease (n)

adj significant, dramatic, slight, marked, overall,substantial, corresponding, average, total, sharpnoun percent, •number, rate, level, •behavior,increase, result•, price, •crime, •blood verb show•,result•, report•, lead•, cause•, increase, experience•,associate•, indicate•, occur● reduction, cut, diminution, lessening, decline,shrinkage

predictor (n)

adj significant, strong, best, important, better, sexual,academic, powerful, independent, only noun•variable, •satisfaction, •behavior, •success,•performance, model, •outcome, score, •depression,•use verb emerge•, identify, include, enter, examine•,•account, explain, indicate, control, relate● forecaster, analyst, prognosticator, prophet ||prognosticator, diviner, prophet, seer

packet (n)

adj small, little, tiny, instant, thick, individual, digital,empty, dry, completed noun information, seed,questionnaire•, data, sugar, packet, survey•, letter,cigarette, material verb •contain, send, include,receive•, complete, open•, place, hand•, pull•, return● pack, package, sachet, container, carton, envelope

bundle (n)

adj small, little, tiny, sacred, heavy, thick, neat, tight,dried, precious noun nerve, •arm, medicine•,software•, •energy, •joy, fiber, •paper, •clothes, wireverb carry•, tie, wrap, hold, cost•, save•, drop•, pick•,place, •contain● package, pack, parcel, packet || fortune, mint,bomb, packet

flashlight (n)

adj small, red, tiny, extra, dark, powerful, bright, dim,handy, conventional noun beam, hand, battery, light,•face, pocket, radio, darkness, dark, candle verbshine•, turn•, hold•, grab•, point, carry•, •illuminate,switch•, aim, pull•● penlight, light, lamp, lantern, flash, torch

pumpkin (n)

adj smashing, canned, green, fresh, orange, roasted,sweet, giant, toasted, pure noun •pie, •seed,pumpkin, cup, squash, •patch, •puree, sugar, •spice,•soup verb carve, serve, place, cup•, cook, bake,combine•, mix, stir•, smash•

ham (n)

adj smoked, green, baked, cooked, sliced, fresh,roast, fried, canned, glazed noun •sandwich, cheese,egg, •radio, turkey, country•, slice, •hock, bacon, hamverb eat•, add, cook, dice, smoke•, slice, stir, cure,remove, indict•

solidarity (n)

adj social, international, human, political, ethnic,racial, Christian, collective, Arab, common noun•movement, sense•, group, union, leader,community, show•, class, identity, support verbshow•, express•, promote•, demonstrate•, support,base, maintain•, undermine, emerge, achieve● unity, harmony, cohesion, team spirit,commonality, camaraderie

surplus (n)

adj social, large, huge, projected, federal, current,annual, agricultural, growing, entire noun budget•,trade•, security, year, deficit, consumer•, army•, tax,account, fund verb run•, spend, produce, generate,enjoy•, project, save, accumulate, squander•, fund● excess, extra, spare, leftovers, remainder,superfluity

theorist (n)

adj social, political, literary, feminist, cultural, critical,leading, natural, contemporary, international nounconspiracy•, researcher, critic, string•, theory•,relation•, historian, century, writer, choice• verb•argue, •suggest, •propose, •predict, note,•emphasize, •assume, •attempt, •tend, observe● philosopher, thinker, theoretician, theorizer,academic, planner

construct (n)

adj social, theoretical, cultural, psychological, related,similar, mental, latent, underlying, specific noun•validity, measure, model, relationship, theory, scale,item, personality, factor, gender verb measure,relate, assess, examine, represent, define, identify,develop, base, support● concept, hypothesis, theory, paradigm, idea

recycling (n)

adj solid, mandatory, municipal, environmental,commercial, Inc, residential, increased, composting,comprehensive noun •program, •center, waste, •bin,•rate, curbside•, percent, material, •facility, paperverb increase, waste, recycle, reduce, reuse,promote•, compost, expand, encourage•, save

tap (n)

adj spinal, hot, cold, light, bottled, running, clean,soft, quick, gentle noun water, •shoulder, •dance, tap,•dancer, beer•, •shoe, •door, •dancing, phone verbturn•, tap, drink•, •dance, tip, shut•, rinse•, wash,drip•, flow● blow, rap, knock || valve, faucet, spout || stopper,cork, spigot

owl (n)

adj spotted, northern, great, horned, barred, snowy,gray, endangered, Mexican, threatened noun night•,hawk, owl, screech•, barn•, forest, hoot, bird, habitat,tree verb hoot, protect•, •fly, bar•, save•, burrow•,list, •perch, photograph•, •hunt

coefficient (n)

adj standardized, internal, significant, positive, low,test-retest, negative, discriminant, estimated,multiple noun correlation•, alpha, reliability•,regression•, table, consistency•, variable, scale,•variation, beta verb •range, •indicate, calculate,report, compute, obtain, yield•, determine,represent, estimate● constant, number, factor, amount, quantity, figure

ramp (n)

adj steep, concrete, wooden, off, spiral, interstate,wide, internal, front, narrow noun exit•, boat•,entrance•, wheelchair, top•, launch•, freeway, ramp,access, parking• verb build, •lead, walk•, roll•, climb•,head•, lower, drop, descend, slide● slope, incline, rise, upgrade || hump, ridge, bump,speed bump

coming (n)

adj strange, odd, surprising, comfortable, imminent,just, holy, slow, constant, still noun •age, •going,•spring, winter, •kingdom, spirit, glory•, •railroad,herald•, faith verb sound•, appreciate•, await•,announce•, herald•, mark•, anticipate•, celebrate•,track•, predict•● emergence, launch, arrival, appearance, approach,entrance

ozone (n)

adj stratospheric, global, ground-level, Antarctic,atmospheric, ultraviolet, protective, significant,urban, total noun •layer, •depletion, level, hole,•transport, •pollution, area, ozone, standard,concentration verb destroy•, reduce•, deplete,protect, cause, form, produce, damage, increase,•exceed

refusal (n)

adj stubborn, direct, outright, polite, continuing,initial, persistent, Israeli, adamant, steadfast nounright•, court, administration•, inability, •writ,•responsibility, failure, sanction•, consequence•,•inspection verb •accept, •allow, •recognize,•acknowledge, •cooperate, •participate, •deal, •admit,•discuss, •sign● negative response, snub, denial, rejection,negation, rebuttal

gum (n)

adj sweet, pink, red, sugarless, bleeding, blue,chewed, sugar-free, juicy, toothless noun chewing•,bubble•, •disease, tooth, piece•, stick•, •tree,•wrapper, wad•, gum verb chew•, stick, cause, bleed,pop•, snap•, spit•, prevent, crack•, smell● secretion, exudate, resin, latex || glue, adhesive,paste, cement

hedge (n)

adj tall, private, long-term, green, thick, clipped,mutual, giant, manicured, overgrown noun •fund,•manager, tree, investment, capital, grass•, garden,management, inflation, fence verb trim, plant, clip,invest, surround, hide•, manage, border, prune,enclose● hedgerow, privet, border, verge, windbreak,shrubbery

wedge (n)

adj thin, fresh, orange, thick, green, warm, optional,hot, flying, wooden noun lemon•, sand•, lime•, •issue,wedge, lob•, cheese, tomato•, pitching•, •shot verbcut•, drive•, serve, hit•, garnish•, pitch•, place, slice•,form, arrange● segment, block, chock, sliver, hunk, piece

circus (n)

adj three-ring, traveling, whole, flying, Roman,Russian, miniature, acrobatic, Ringling noun circus,media•, •performer, •tent, •act, •town, •clown,•animal, elephant, show verb join•, perform, travel,•surround, feature, •dance, escape•, ban, resemble•,•accompany● event, show, festival, spectacle, extravaganza,revel

lieutenant (n)

adj top, young, retired, chief, French, trusted, senior,junior, naval, loyal noun •governor, •colonel, police•,•general, •commander, •dial, captain, force•, air,rank• verb promote•, name, commission•, •command,•assign, order, •shout, appoint, elect•, retire•

mold (n)

adj traditional, toxic, wooden, green, gray, ceramic,airborne, wet, classic, damp noun leaf•, mold,growth, slime•, •mildew, plaster•, •spore, fungus,plastic, ring• verb fit•, break•, grow, pour•, create,cast•, remove, form, cover, place● container, cast || mildew, fungus || frame,pattern || impression, cast || character, type ||assumptions, expectations

meditation (n)

adj transcendental, Buddhist, daily, spiritual, deep,medical, quiet, guided, eastern, silent noun prayer,yoga, practice, technique, meditation, form•,exercise, relaxation, mindfulness•, stress verb teach,practice•, focus, breathe, chant, engage•, combine,exercise, massage, interrupt● thought, consideration, deliberation,contemplation, reflection, rumination

watercolor (n)

adj transparent, low, pastel, cold-pressed, opaque,original, colored, acrylic, laid, hot-pressed noun•paper, painting, oil, •society, drawing, ink, pastel,gouache, •page, section• verb paint, apply, mix,•mount, exhibit, feature, depict, •weave, wash, •dry● gouache, watercolor sketch, painting, picture ||gouache, poster paint, powder paint, tempera

opposite (n)

adj true, exact, polar, very, complete, total, direct,binary, absolute, precise noun fact•, •sex, unity•,pair•, reconciliation•, mirror•, contrast, attraction•,expectation, tension• verb •happen, •attract, •occur,represent•, •intend, reconcile, imply, •unify● contrary, reverse, converse, inverse, oppositenumber, counterpart

blend (n)

adj unique, perfect, special, rich, Mexican, nice,complex, unusual, sweet, traditional noun spice, oil,cotton, seasoning•, wine, ethanol, coffee, herb, style,cheese verb create, offer•, contain, mix, shred•,feature, frame, balance, •blend● mixture, merger, combination, intermingling,balance, assortment

nonsense (n)

adj utter, absolute, just, complete, pure, total, sheer,romantic, superstitious, dangerous noun •word, lot•,kind•, nonsense, •syllable, sort•, bunch•, •fluency,stuff•, claim• verb talk•, stop•, dismiss•, sound, utter•,shout, spout•, tolerate•, •reply, brook•● garbage, baloney, drivel, gobbledygook, gibberish,hot air

fracture (n)

adj vertebral, pelvic, distal, common, left, open,multiple, low, tibial, femoral noun fracture, hip•,bone, stress•, risk, type, patient, tibia, injury, skullverb cause, •occur, suffer•, treat, reduce, sustain,result, heal, prevent•, involve● break, breakage, crack, rupture, fissure, hairlinefracture

clash (n)

adj violent, cultural, ethnic, Israeli, bloody, armed,inevitable, religious, deadly, ideological noun•civilization, culture, •police, personality, •value,•interest, •troop, •titan, •army, border verb lead•,kill•, avoid•, •erupt, •occur, result, injure•, wound•,prevent•, provoke•● clatter, clang, clank, crash || battle, conflict,disagreement, collision

sleeping (n)

adj warm, extra, down, comfortable, wet, separate,awake, empty, homeless, lightweight noun •bag,trouble•, •pill, tent, •quarter, night, room, floor, bed,blanket verb lay•, eat, sleep, lie•, roll, wake, crawl•,wrap, climb•, spread

cement (n)

adj wet, rubber, huge, cold, concrete, cracked, gray,epoxy, broken, empty noun •floor, •wall, •block,•plant, •truck, •mixer, bag, brick, steel, foot verb mix•,pour, fill, cover, lay, apply, paint, harden, replace,construct● glue, adhesive, paste, epoxy resin

foam (n)

adj white, closed-cell, thick, rigid, cellular, open-cell,insulating, thin, soft, closed noun •pad, plastic,piece•, •rubber, foam, polyurethane•, •insulation,•mattress, •board, layer verb skim•, cover, fill, spray,wipe•, •fly, apply, remove, wrap, •pour● bubbles, froth, fizz, lather, suds

linen (n)

adj white, fine, Belgian, blue, waxed, dirty, clean,fresh, heavy, crisp noun bed•, oil•, table, cotton,•napkin, •suit, •closet, •shirt, •tablecloth, canvas verbwear•, cover, dress, wash, wrap, paint•, spread, hang,prime, iron

stripe (n)

adj white, red, black, blue, yellow, green, political,vertical, dark, horizontal noun star•, color, •side,pattern, tiger•, zebra, red, sergeant•, shirt, plaid verbearn•, paint, wear, race•, fly, mark, tick•, wave, color,decorate● band of color, band, line, streak, bar, strip

cereal (n)

adj whole-grain, cold, hot, whole, high-fiber, fortified,dry, favorite, low-fat, total noun box, bowl,breakfast•, grain, bread, milk, cup, rice, fruit, foodverb eat•, pour, cup, stir•, •contain, mix, sprinkle•,combine, fix•, •toast

arc (n)

adj wide, long, northern, graceful, short, blue,electric, bright, slow, huge noun second, •light, arm,sky, swing, •lamp, circle, minute, •turn, ski verb form,describe, swing•, trace•, carve•, fly•, bend, sweep,extend, slice● curve, arch, semicircle, sweep, bow, bend

lottery (n)

adj winning, pari-mutuel, genetic, tribal, lucky,patriotic, provincial, state-run, illegal, scratch-offnoun •ticket, state•, •winner, draft•, lottery,gambling, •revenue, •official, casino, •bingo verb win•,play•, buy•, pick, state•, hit•, sell, enter•, purchase,fund● draw, sweepstakes, raffle, lotto || risk, gamble,chance, fortune

stool (n)

adj wooden, low, three-legged, empty, tall, loose,folding, bloody, watery, comfortable noun bar•,counter, table, blood•, leg, chair, step•, foot, •sample,kitchen verb sit•, perch•, slide•, stand, pull, seat•,climb•, lean, swivel•, settle•● seat, chair, footrest, bench, couch, pew

coffin (n)

adj wooden, open, flag-draped, tiny, dead, final,closed, empty, thin, shiny noun nail•, lid, coffin,grave, stone, glass, wood, pine•, flag, soldier verbcarry, place, open, lower, lie, lay, cover, drape, bury,close● box, casket, tomb, sarcophagus, cist

shed (n)

adj wooden, open, light, INT, nearby, sharp, empty,corrugated, temporary, converted noun •light,storage•, tool•, door, garden•, roof, barn, wall,garage, equipment• verb •light, build, pot•, store, fill,•house, lock, hide, cure•, •attach● hut, lean-to, cabin || outbuilding, outhouse, leanto|| woodshed, outbuilding, outhouse

prototype (n)

adj working, modern, physical, rapid, electric, virtual,original, functional, initial, experimental noun•system, model, car, device, design, development,test, product, vehicle, technology verb build,develop, test, design, create•, demonstrate,produce•, base, construct, unveil● example, sample, model, original, archetype,exemplar

filmmaker (n)

adj young, independent, French, British, Arab,African-american, Dutch, greatest, legendary,aspiring noun documentary•, film, writer, movie,actor, artist, spike, director, photographer,generation verb direct, inspire, •spike, •document,attract, film, lure, respect, collaborate

toddler (n)

adj young, preschool, nursing, preschooler, healthy,missing, still, visual, naked, blond noun infant•, baby•,parent, mother, •preschooler, son, age, toy, toddler,daughter verb cry, chase, feed•, •wander, grab,•drown, •scream, •crawl, behave, •age● tot, child, kid, baby

individually (r)

each, •collectively, student, group, both•, administer,small, wrap, participant•, either•, answer•, meet•,test•, •own● separately, independently, alone, on your own, byyourself, in isolation

considering (i)

especially•, especially•, seriously•, surprising•,remarkable•, pretty•, surprising•, seriously•,•circumstance, •amount, Congress•, official•,amazing•, particularly•● bearing in mind, allowing for, in view of, takinginto account

denounce (v)

noun president, government, leader, Republican,policy, •violence, minister•, letter•, critic, •action,•attack, campaign, Democrat, •terrorism, speechmisc publicly, angrily, foreign, denounce,immediately, roundly, strongly, Israeli, bitterly,communist, proposed, conservative, openly,frequently, vigorously● criticize, censure, deplore, condemn || accuse,point the finger at, blame, charge

guiding (j)

noun principle, light, hand, force, question, spirit,policy, role, research, development, process,philosophy misc •through, •toward, •behind, useful•,gently•, responsible•, theoretical, •blind, capable•,scientific, direct, •towards● supervisory, managerial, superintendent,controlling, administrative, directorial

lengthy (j)

noun process, period, list, discussion, interview,conversation, battle, article, report, sentence,negotiation, debate misc after•, after•, during•, write,require, rather•, publish•, •expensive, •legal, costly,complex, detailed● long, drawn-out, long-lasting, extensive, prolonged,protracted

improving (j)

noun quality, education, performance, student,health, service, efficiency, relation, skill, economy,care, access misc reduce, focus•, aim•, effective•,toward•, increasing, thus, rapidly•, developing,interested•, maintain, key•● refining, educating, cultivating, civilizing,enlightening, taming

straightforward (j)

noun question, approach, answer, manner, style,task, matter, solution, account, explanation, method,application misc simple•, very•, relatively•, fairly•,seem•, as•, pretty•, honest, quite•, less•, rather•,seemingly•● frank, forthright, candid, up-front || clear-cut,uncomplicated, facile, undemanding

ponder (v)

noun question, moment, •meaning, •future, •mystery,•possibility, •fate, •move, •option, •implication,•dilemma, •significance, •consequence, second,reader• misc whether, while, worth, deeply,seriously, pause, quietly, strange, carefully, briefly,plenty, ponder, silent, dream, dreary● consider, think about, think over, contemplate,deliberate, wonder about

cosmic (j)

noun ray, background, microwave, radiation, dust,string, tip, egg, expansion, space, order, force miscproduce, solar, dark, cosmic, high-energy•, energetic,detect•, observe, magnetic, vast, gravitational,measure● intergalactic, interplanetary, interstellar, galactic|| universal, vast, enormous, huge

naive (j)

noun realism, belief, view, optimism, assumption,notion, faith, hope, reader, folk, concept, observermisc think, young, •believe, •enough, a•, maybe,little•, sound•, politically•, rather•, •assume, bit•● simple, trusting, innocent, childlike ||unsophisticated, gullible, wet behind the ears, green

Arctic (j)

noun refuge, wildlife, ocean, ice, warrior, Fox, region,oil, sea, air, char, summer misc •national, drill•,Canadian•, arctic, open•, coastal, melt, polar, cold,•Antarctic, northern, central•● freezing, cold, chilly, wintry, frozen, icy

communist (j)

noun regime, country, government, party, state, rule,system, leader, nation, ideology, movement, blocmisc former•, under, •eastern, Chinese, Soviet,socialist, formerly•, communist, democratic,throughout, fascist, totalitarian● collectivist, socialist, Marxist, Stalinist, Leninist,communalist

racist (j)

noun remark, attitude, comment, society, view,policy, practice, cop, joke, attack, behavior,stereotype misc white, sexist, anti-semitic, racist,accuse•, racial•, •homophobic, violent•, overtly•,blatantly•, colonial, deny•● chauvinistic, bigoted, xenophobic, prejudiced,discriminatory, racialist

detail (v)

noun report•, book, plan, document•, article•, letter•,page•, record, map, section, chart•, method, finding,procedure, account misc how, below, above, specific,release, sexual, publish, file, issue, numerous,alleged, full, elsewhere, written, lengthy● list, specify, describe, itemize || assign, delegate,allocate, conscript

entail (v)

noun risk, cost, process, change, loss, strategy•,responsibility, sacrifice, practice, difficulty, task•,approach, commitment, •degree, reform misc such,necessarily, certain, usually, moral, radical, financial,considerable, inevitably, typically, logically,additional, complex, complete, multiple● involve, require, demand, need, necessitate

mighty (j)

noun river, power, duck, Morphin, ranger, force,wind, mouse, heart, army, oak, sword misc high•,mighty, •fine, powerful, swing, •impressive, flow,thee, •almighty, •handy, topple, rushing● powerful, strong, forceful, potent || huge,enormous, vast, expansive

soy (j)

noun sauce, tablespoon, milk, cup, protein, oil, food,product, vinegar, teaspoon, sugar, cheese misc soy,add•, low-sodium•, eat•, combine•, mix, reducedsodium•,contain, such, dark, sesame, fresh

tag (v)

noun shark•, •program, price•, name•, fish,•distribution, dog•, figure•, total•, tag, data, deer,sales, item, buck misc along, cooperative, during,along, recapture, tag, release, blue, behind, attach,track, bag, license, capture, northeastern● mark, label, ticket, docket || append, tack on, addon, attach

grave (j)

noun site, danger, concern, threat, consequence,marker, mistake, doubt, risk, situation, error, robbermisc face, face, pose•, pose•, express•, express•,cause•, cause•, suffer•, commit•, suffer•, commit•● serious, severe || solemn, serious || ominous,foreboding || serious, severe || solemn, serious ||ominous, foreboding

confusing (j)

noun situation, message, signal, ballot, consumer,array, regulation, maze, instruction, emotion,mixture, jumble misc very•, often, a•, little•,sometimes, somewhat•, bit•, contradictory, less•,complex, sound•, difficult● unclear, puzzling, perplexing, baffling, mystifying,bewildering

photographic (j)

noun society, image, plate, film, memory, art,portrait, technique, record, print, evidence,equipment misc international•, visual, •royal,•negative, publish, extensive•, photographic, digital,joint•, print, combine, sensitive•● pictorial, graphic, picturesque, photogenic || vivid,clear, accurate, exact

sandy (j)

noun spring, beach, soil, hair, road, bottom, creek,loam, shore, bank, ground, path misc white•, along•,rocky, dry, •brown, sandy, wide•, •blond, onto•, near,above, historic

uniform (j)

noun standard, code, law, distribution, size, policy,rule, crime, cop, regulation, jacket, shirt misc•military, •across, •across, provide•, provide•, wear,wear, establish•, establish•, produce•, produce•, full•● unchanging, unvarying, even || consistent,standardized, homogeneous || identical, like, alike

align (v)

noun star•, •standard, knee•, curriculum, interest,assessment, shoulder, party, goal, edge, value,telescope, practice, direction, foot misc with,themselves, closely, himself, itself, perfectly,properly, polar, better, herself, precisely, left,carefully, ourselves, myself● bring into line, line up, make straight, makeparallel || side with, support, ally, affiliate

license (v)

noun state, company, •technology, •fee, driver•,•plate, marriage•, patent, •practice, •requirement,product, drug, software, •agreement, agency miscsell, federal, state, issue, regulate, obtain, fully,operate, professional, refuse, grant, currently, gay,separate, resident● permit, allow, authorize, accredit, certify

marital (j)

noun status, problem, relationship, satisfaction, age,family, distress, conflict, gender, sex, parent,infidelity misc between, sexual, parental, report,marital, •married, emotional, regardless•, significant,experience•, relate, •adolescent● conjugal, nuptial, wedded, spousal, matrimonial,connubial

shocking (j)

noun story, news, revelation, death, event, detail,image, video, crime, discovery, truth, murder miscmost•, pretty•, shocking, quite•, •pink, reveal•,surprising, kind•, particularly•, share•, sudden,tonight● appalling, dreadful, scandalous, outrageous, awful,disgusting

comparative (j)

noun study, analysis, advantage, politics, literature,perspective, research, approach, data, method,religion, university misc provide•, •judicial,international, •fit, constant•, a•, historical, conduct•,global, study, •cultural, present•● relative, reasonable, fair

large-scale (j)

noun study, project, structure, production, operation,development, change, model, effort, painting, survey,use misc •commercial, •military, such, conduct,•economic, •industrial, environmental, involve,•clinical, long-term, small-scale, engage•● important, significant, extensive, sweeping,comprehensive, across-the-board

follow-up (j)

noun study, question, interview, visit, data, analysis,period, survey, test, care, call, activity misc conduct,during•, provide, •reveal, send, indicate, complete,receive•, obtain, long-term•, mean, perform

commission (v)

noun study, report, survey, artist, painting, work,poll, works, portrait, art, series, piece, •officer,sculpture, architect misc by, paint, recent, design,specially, recently, independent, newly, originally,United, II, specifically, contemporary, Catholic,wealthy● assign, appoint, authorize, contract, order, hire

nationwide (j)

noun survey, network, program, tour, campaign,system, poll, part, service, effort, search, strike miscconduct, launch•, recent•, annual, average,announce, issue, sponsor•, trigger•, •cellular, spark•,prompt•● countrywide, national, general, state, coast-tocoast,from Land's End to John O'Groats

activate (v)

noun system, cell, brain, gene, muscle, device,emergency, button, unit, light, voice, guard, alarm,computer, memory misc immune, automatically,press, visual, cognitive, injured, internal, deactivate,bind, prior, disabled, reserve, fully, electronic, inhibit● make active, set in motion, set off, turn on, trigger,start

audio (j)

noun tape, video, recording, gap, book, file, system,CD, clip, cassette, equipment, player misc digital•,visual, •available, listen•, record, •taped, download,release, stream•, audio, MP3, •compact● acoustic, auditory, aural, audial

qualified (j)

noun teacher, candidate, person, student, applicant,individual, personnel, education, worker, immunity,shortage, plan misc highly•, more•, most•, less•, best•,•special, hire•, attract•, teach, retain•, available,recruit•● fitted, suitable, capable, competent || short-listed,accepted, nominated, seeded

collaborate (v)

noun teacher, •project, scientist, research, artist,other, organization, •colleague, researcher, educator,agency, partner, faculty, opportunity•, counselor•misc with, create, closely, local, develop, accuse,whom, other, each, communicate, actively, various,design, willing, another● work together, join forces, team up, work inpartnership, pool resources, act as a team

freezing (j)

noun temperature, water, cold, rain, death, point,night, winter, weather, air, ice, wind misc below•,above•, keep•, cold, drop•, below•, •thaw, near•,prevent•, outside, rise, survive•● cold, subzero, icy, chilly, glacial, bitter

standardized (j)

noun test, score, testing, achievement, measure,assessment, student, coefficient, performance, use,procedure, regression misc use, measure, such,score•, administer, base, assess, •discriminant,traditional•, develop, •canonical, perform•

exaggerate (v)

noun threat, effect, •difference, •importance,•danger, claim, •role, fear•, tendency•, risk, demise•,•significance, •extent, •impact, •degree misc greatly,may, often, tend, a, grossly, perhaps, little, wildly, bit,sometimes, slightly, somewhat, accuse, vastly● overstate, overstress, embellish, embroider, makea mountain out of a molehill, inflate

sore (j)

noun throat, muscle, spot, back, point, knee,shoulder, foot, thumb, eye, loser, arm misc •right,stiff•, stick•, tired, •left, rub•, cold•, sore, because•,cause, complain•, red● painful, tender, uncomfortable || offended, angry,cross || annoying, sensitive, embarrassing

flush (v)

noun toilet, face•, cheek•, water, eye, skin•, bird,•heat, •excitement, •red, •success, •cash, •pleasure,•anger, •embarrassment misc her, out, down, away,red, pink, slightly, hot, pale, flush, sweaty, bright,deep, wash, warm● redden, blush, go red, color || clear, clean out,wash out, swill

ripe (j)

noun tomato, fruit, age, cup, banana, peach,avocado, olive, plum, pear, condition, apple misc•old, large•, •peel, pick, fresh, sweet, slice, chop, firm,red, perfectly•, •cut● mature, ready, grown || ready, suitable, prepared|| pungent, strong, sour

handy (j)

noun tool, feature, reference, guide, Wc, skill, tip,device, bag, pocket, list, card misc come•, in•, keep•,might•, especially, whatever•, pretty•, prove•, extra,quick, •case, handy● near, nearby, convenient || useful, helpful,practical || skillful, dexterous, practical

sway (v)

noun tree, •side, •wind, hip, body, •breeze, •opinion,foot, •music, head, palm, •public, voter, •vote,branch misc back, forth, slightly, gently, stand, a,little, sing, above, easily, beneath, tall, slowly, bit,rock● waver, swing, oscillate || bend, lean, veer ||influence, bias, affect

clip (v)

noun video•, hair, newspaper, paper•, wing, •coupon,•belt, film, magazine, article, movie, hedge, toenail,wire, picture misc from, away, onto, short, off, save,neatly, clip, along, carefully, tiny, trim, m, k, digital● cut, trim, shorten, shear || fasten, attach, pin,staple

exclaim (v)

noun voice, •delight, lady•, goodness, wonder,surprise, English, visitor•, uncle•, •astonishment, fist,•tone, Dr, exasperation, aunt• misc she, Oh, wow,suddenly, hey, wonderful, beautiful, laugh, happily,Ah, angrily, lovely, wave, proudly, excitedly● cry out, cry, shout, call out, call, yell

Soviet (n)

noun war•, American, •union, missile, aid, weapon,Soviet, secret, Russian, republic verb fight•, •invade,•launch, •withdraw, supply, beat, •back, fear, insist,spy•

drip (v)

noun water, blood, sweat, face, rain, drip, nose, tree,floor, •chin, mouth, hair, tear, ceiling, voice• miscfrom, down, onto, drip, off, off, down, slowly, red,wet, hot, green, sweat, thick, melt● dribble, trickle, drop, leak, seep, ooze

swirl (v)

noun water, wind, dust, cloud, snow, air, rumor•,head, controversy•, mist, smoke, pan, hair•, glass, oilmisc around, around, through, across, red, inside,coat, dark, above, gently, swirl, blue, thick, cold, past● whirl, twirl, spin, eddy, churn

scholarly (j)

noun work, research, journal, attention, article,literature, study, interest, book, publication, debate,writing misc popular, publish, receive•, recent•,serious•, academic, professional, scientific, historical,engage•, attract•, numerous•● learned, academic, erudite, intellectual, educated,studious

inhabit (v)

noun world, area, space, species•, place, body,region, island, land, character, universe, forest,creature, earth, spirit misc by, once, mostly, largely,vast, indigenous, continuously, native, sparsely, wild,coastal, strange, fully, tropical, northern● live, dwell, occupy, reside, populate, squat

fictional (j)

noun world, character, text, story, account, narrative,reader, truth, discourse, town, reality, theory miscreal, create, fictional, narrative, historical, literary,actual, factual, refer, specific, •lyric, particular•● imaginary, imagined, illusory, false, untrue, unreal

foremost (j)

noun world, expert, mind, authority, nation, concern,scholar, historian, writer, critic, being, painter miscfirst•, •among, perhaps•, •contemporary, •literary,•conservation, arguably•, regard•● leading, primary, prime, chief, principal, notable

Greek (n)

noun •Roman, Latin, Jew, Italian, Turk, Hebrew,German, Greek, Egyptian, French verb study•,translate•, name, derive•, •defeat, •flee, •honor

cough (v)

noun •blood, throat, fit, mouth•, smoke, fever,engine•, cough, nose, breath, sound, lung,•handkerchief, •syrup, headache misc up, again, start,begin, sneeze, hear, cough, wheeze, choke, laugh,someone, spit, gasp, breathe, clear

hail (v)

noun •cab, •taxi, •hero, critic, rain, •chief, •victory,agreement, •distance, press, snow, wind•,•breakthrough, move, storm misc as, from, widely,hail, originally, immediately, proudly, greatest,passing, conquering, conservative, initially, rain,sundered, historic● greet, welcome, address || acclaim, acknowledge,salute || summon, call over, flag down

wheel (v)

noun •cart, drive•, •room, •chair, car, training•,gurney, steel•, •operating, hospital, horse, •hall, bike,•seating, gull misc into, around, deal, away, around,himself, front, toward, rear, down, onto, overhead,past, tire, above● roll, trundle, maneuver, move || turn, veer, swing,circle

shiver (v)

noun •cold, night, body, wind, air, arm, •chill, •spine,•thought, skin, •fear, •tooth, blanket, heat, shouldermisc she, cold, stand, begin, uncontrollably, slightly,shake, wet, naked, herself, lay, violently, suddenly,hug, thin● shake, tremble, quiver, quake, shudder

offset (v)

noun •cost, loss, gain, •effect, tax, increase, price,revenue, capital, benefit, carbon, emission, income,•decline, saving misc by, help, high, partially, enough,enough, low, increased, somewhat, negative, partly,in, order, additional, decline● counterweigh, equipoise, counterbalance, makeup for, counteract, compensate

insure (v)

noun •deposit, bank, company, insurance•, loan,fund, plan, American, •loss, agency•, •employee,•safety, risk, mortgage, •patient misc against,federally, federal, order, in, privately, uninsured,necessary, fully, design, to, cost, adequate, insure,continued● protect, cover, assure, indemnify, underwrite

perch (v)

noun •edge, bird•, tree, •stool, •shoulder, •top, head,•foot, chair, •hill, rock, •branch, table, •cliff, glass•misc on, atop, above, top, upon, precariously,overlook, tiny, near, next, wooden, fly, herself,beside, narrow● rest, settle, sit, alight, land, balance

intensify (v)

noun •effort, pressure, war, competition, conflict,debate, attack, flavor, effect, search, feeling,fighting•, crisis, campaign, color misc only, likely,greatly, global, expand, rapidly, existing, enhance,internal, ethnic, emotional, diplomatic, likely,dramatically, agricultural● strengthen, deepen, build up, step up, exaggerate,increase

map (v)

noun •genome, gene, •route, •plan, •strategy, surface,•distribution, scientist•, •location, pattern, data, site,structure, path, region misc out, human, onto, entire,explore, carefully, fully, genetic, attempt, map,locate, survey, accurately, enable, lunar● chart, plot, plan, record, draw, diagram

loosen (v)

noun •grip, tie, skin, •restriction, muscle, •tongue,•soil, edge, •control, •rule, •screw, •hold, collar, •belt,•bolt misc up, a, bit, tighten, little, remove, stir,slightly, tight, carefully, relax, stretch, lift, gently,loosen● come loose, work loose, untie, undo, release, relax

differentiate (v)

noun •group, cell, •type, •product, ability•,•instruction, factor•, curriculum, feature•,•consciousness, characteristic•, quality, individual,•carcinoma, function misc from, between, among,themselves, clearly, able, poorly, difficult, itself,highly, various, significantly, gifted, fail, religiously● distinguish, discriminate, tell apart, set apart,discern, separate

smooth (v)

noun •hair, hand, edge, •skirt, •wrinkle, surface, skin,•top, •transition, •dress, finger, •feather, bed, sheet,•mustache misc out, her, over, down, over, back,away, carefully, onto, straighten, gently, sand,flatten, smooth, rather● flatten, smooth out, level, iron, press

exert (v)

noun •influence, pressure, •control, force, effort,•effect, power, •pull, •authority, •leadership, energy,•leverage, amount, •impact, ability• misc on, over,strong, powerful, great, upon, political, continue,significant, considerable, gravitational, able,themselves, tremendous, enormous● put forth, use, apply, bring to bear, exercise, makeuse of

lick (v)

noun •lip, •finger, •face, •wound, hand, flame•,tongue•, dog•, •chop, salt, •blood, •paw, cat•, fire•,•cream misc his, her, off, clean, dry, lick, kiss, suck,clean, lean, slowly, rub, taste, sniff, upper● defeat, beat, conquer, get the better of || defeat,beat, conquer, get the better of

log (v)

noun •mile, •hour, •road, forest, company, computer,site, •Internet, user•, •truck, land, •operation,mining•, call, minute misc on, in, onto, off, mine,online, log, automatically, online, ban, fewer,cnn.com/health, heavily, graze, old-growth● make a note of, chart, record, note down, note,register

simmer (v)

noun •minute, heat•, cover•, water•, •hour, mixture,sauce, broth•, pepper•, boil•, chicken, soup, potato,saucepan, tomato• misc until, cover, reduce, low, stir,bring, add, over, about, cook, occasionally, mediumlow,uncover, tender, gently● boil, bubble, cook || seethe, rumble, bubble, boil

download (v)

noun •music, file, software, computer, Internet, song,web, information, data, program, user•, site, image,video, movie misc can, free, onto, install, allow, able,late, automatically, MP3, upload, digital, via, online,audio, available● transfer, copy, move, take

dial (v)

noun •number, phone, telephone, cell, computer,call, •dollar, code, •tone, digit, operator, •emergency,speed•, •Internet, modem• misc up, in, enter, hang,quickly, wrong, automatically, immediately, answer,toll-free, dial, am, frantically, directly, cellular● call, telephone, phone, phone up, call up, ring

recite (v)

noun •poem, •prayer, •poetry, •pledge, •line, •verse,•name, •word, •memory, •list, •allegiance, •litany,voice, •passage, heart misc begin, sing, listen,memorize, entire, aloud, favorite, daily, familiar,loudly, silently, proudly, holy, dutifully, ancient● declaim, narrate, perform, rehearse || list,enumerate, reel off, regurgitate

slash (v)

noun •price, budget, •cost, throat, •spending, •rate,job, •wrist, tax, knife, •face, sword, funding,•production, arm misc across, tire, cut, federal, burn,half, billion, red, force, cost, stab, slash, propose,deep, corporate● cut, hack, slice, gash || reduce, cut, lower, drop

maximize (v)

noun •profit, •potential, •benefit, •opportunity,•chance, •efficiency, •return, •value, •performance,•space, learning, •revenue, •effectiveness, •use,•ability misc minimize, order, in, design, seek,economic, individual, aim, attempt, reduce, net, so,financial, as, potential● make the most of, make best use of, exploit, takefull advantage of || increase, expand, amplify, makebigger

ground (v)

noun •reality, theory, plane, experience, second•,tradition, •principle, approach, shuttle, •choice,•fielder, •assumption, nature, belief, airline misckeep, firmly, stay, remain, third, empirically,ultimately, solidly, score, single, spiritually,historically, ground, culturally, deeply● punish, deal with, chastise || base, support, build|| initiate, prepare, coach

ski (v)

noun •resort, •area, ski, mountain, •slope, •powder,skier•, snow, lift, run, instructor, shop, valley, •mask,winter misc learn, ski, free, fast, teach, steep, race,anywhere, down, ride, climb, lift, skate, alpine,snowshoe

deprive (v)

noun •right, child, sleep, •food, person, •oxygen,•opportunity, •liberty, citizen, •freedom, •ability,brain, •access, victim, •benefit misc them, yourself,thus, themselves, thereby, poor, basic, nor, myself,ourselves, economically, equal, culturally, essential,constitutional● divest, rob, deny, take away, remove, withdraw

roam (v)

noun •street, eye•, room, •earth, •area, •hall, dog•,animal•, •land, •countryside, wolf•, •field, mountain,•wood, •neighborhood misc free, around, through,freely, around, allow, once, wild, throughout, search,wherever, armed, vast, northern, free● wander, rove, travel, journey, stray, ramble

don (v)

noun •suit, •mask, •hat, •robe, •jacket, •uniform,•glove, •gear, •coat, •pair, •costume, •cap, clothes,•gown, •helmet misc we, they, know, want, white,wan, na, protective, green, enough, care, anybody,suit, wet, re● put on, throw on, get into, pull on, dress in, slip on

mobilize (v)

noun •support, •resource, community, force, •public,group, effort, ability•, •voter, •opinion, movement,army, troop, society, •action misc against, political,help, public, able, organize, international, quickly,domestic, military, politically, popular, seek, entire,necessary● rally, assemble, drum up, gather together, marshal,activate

wage (v)

noun •war, campaign, battle, fight, struggle, guerrilla,•warfare, •jihad, ability•, •peace, terror, attack,terrorism, debate, labor misc against, aggressive,legal, holy, successful, civil, all-out, successfully,fierce, order, intense, in, accuse, conventional,effective● carry on, conduct, pursue, engage in, fight,instigate

murmur (v)

noun •word, voice, •prayer, •ear, crowd•, •agreement,•thanks, lip, smile, breath, •apology, •assent, neck,•sleep, •greeting misc she, something, herself, sorry,himself, softly, nod, stare, smile, lean, murmur, soft,quietly, stroke, bend● whisper, mutter, mumble, purr || complain,grumble, grouse, grouch

common (r)

in•, have•, they, thing•, one•, something•, much•,nothing•, share•, little•, •both, hold•, much•, •both

span (v)

noun •year, career•, •decade, bridge•, range, •river,•century, period, •generation, •spectrum, •mile,•globe, •foot, history, age misc more, three, whose,four, nearly, entire, several, six, five, wide, broad,half, seven, eight, full● cross, cover, reach over, extend over, bridge,traverse

whatsoever (d)

no•, any•, there•, none•, nothing•, evidence•,without•, reason•, sense•, absolutely•, effect•,anything, doubt•, no•

indoor (j)

noun air, pool, plumbing, quality, track, pollution,facility, championship, environment, swimming,court, pollutant misc •outdoor, reduce•,environmental, clean, indoor, heated, smoking,associate•, average•, feature, •PM2.5, swim•● inside, interior, covered, enclosed, internal

crisp (j)

noun air, shirt, morning, bill, bacon, minute, salad,skin, crust, apple, fall, suit misc •white, until•, clear,clean, •golden, •blue, brown, •green, fried, slightly,cool, wear•● crunchy, brittle, hard || snappish, brusque, terse|| cold, cool, fresh || incisive, decisive, confident

amazed (j)

noun amount, sight misc I•, •at, •how, still, always•,watch, constantly•, shocked•, •discover, •anyone,absolutely•, truly•● astonished, astounded, shocked, stunned, startled,surprised

protected (j)

noun area, land, species, speech, status, forest, right,class, park, market, management, activity miscconstitutionally•, federally•, within, marine, establish,outside•, existing•, safe, natural, engage•, legally•,manage•● endangered, threatened, nearing extinction ||sheltered, safe, secure || locked, tamper-proof,inaccessible

drape (v)

noun arm, •shoulder, towel, flag, chair, blanket,•neck, body, •back, sheet, table, cloth, jacket, head,coat misc over, her, over, across, around, white,black, around, red, blue, herself, left, heavy, Spanish,carefully● swathe, dress, wrap, cover, clothe, adorn

humble (j)

noun beginning, origin, opinion, servant, pie, person,root, background, district, ISD, dwelling, abode miscsimple•, humble, pm, honest, quiet, modest,relatively•, proud, obedient, shy, host, truly● modest, unassuming, retiring || lowly, poor,underprivileged || respectful, subservient, servile

manifest (v)

noun behavior, form, level, symptom, spirit, disease,belief, pattern, tendency, nature, •variety, attitude,disorder, passenger•, characteristic misc itself,themselves, often, clearly, physical, usually, religious,cultural, fully, primarily, differently, particular,increased, psychological, typically● make plain, establish, demonstrate, display, reveal,show

outrageous (j)

noun behavior, price, act, statement, claim, charge,conduct, lie, fortune, arrow, demand, amount miscmost•, outrageous, absolutely•, pretty•, sound•,totally•, irresponsible, commit, charge•, funny,extreme•, bizarre● disgraceful, shameful, shocking, offensive,contemptible, despicable

molecular (j)

noun biology, biologist, level, structure, cloud,genetics, weight, cell, technique, research, university,professor misc atomic, genetic, cellular, biological,molecular, form, study•, modern•, chemical, complex,giant•, dense•

whisk (v)

noun bowl•, •egg, oil, heat•, •flour, mixture, milk,sugar, minute, cup, •ingredient, •vinegar, butter,juice, water misc together, until, away, into,constantly, medium, small, add, large, off, gradually,smooth, blend, slowly, olive● beat, whip, cream, aerate || take, carry, whip,bundle

homemade (j)

noun bread, bomb, soup, cream, ice, pie, cookie,sauce, chicken, cheese, biscuit, cake misc serve,fresh, sell•, eat•, hot, delicious, wear•, simple•, baked,canned, cup•, store-bought

abandoned (j)

noun building, house, mine, child, car, site, factory,warehouse, street, farm, property, land misc near,along, past•, lots, empty, clean•, next•, outside, litter,•hazardous, inside•, vacant● discarded, forsaken, derelict || empty, deserted,derelict || wild, uncontrolled, unrestricted

reported (j)

noun case, number, percent, rate, level, use,difference, crime, result, table, incident, death misc•million, •sexual, •per, billion, significant, worth•,•occur, associate, earn•, despite•, affect•,significantly•

notorious (j)

noun case, prison, murder, gang, drug, example,killer, camp, criminal, terrorist, crime, intelligencemisc most•, become•, famous, •serial, Tupac,notorious, found, feature, •terrorist, •violent,•meticulous, •Nazi● infamous, disreputable, dishonorable, tarnished

formidable (j)

noun challenge, task, obstacle, force, opponent,barrier, power, foe, candidate, presence, weapon,competitor misc most•, face•, less•, prove•, present•,remain•, pose•, •military, pretty•, despite, truly•,confront•● difficult, tough, daunting || impressive, aweinspiring,remarkable || alarming, frightening,dreadful

seasonal (j)

noun change, variation, migration, worker, pattern,fruit, cycle, allergy, movement, labor, food, producemisc •such, fresh•, local, •affective, annual,agricultural, year-round, hire•, organic, due, daily,•allergic● cyclical, periodic, cyclic, regular || limited,sporadic, intermittent, temporary

exceptional (j)

noun child, case, ability, student, circumstance,quality, council, talent, service, skill, experience,performance misc exceptional, truly•, unique, gifted,demonstrate•, hardly•, unless•, feature, rare•, exhibit,neither, possess● excellent, brilliant, special, extraordinary,incomparable, unique

Protestant (j)

noun church, Catholic, denomination, reformation,group, ethic, leader, minister, missionary,community, religion, Christianity misc Catholic, Irish,white•, evangelical, German•, both•, religious,liberal•, mainline•, Roman, conservative•, largely•

evangelical (j)

noun church, Christian, leader, group, Christianity,movement, Protestant, community, pastor,Protestantism, voter, organization misc •Christian,•Lutheran, conservative•, Protestant, Catholic,among•, Pentecostal, white•, fundamentalist,religious, orthodox, southern● zealous, enthusiastic, fervent, eager, intense, keen

selective (j)

noun college, service, memory, institution, use,breeding, pressure, admission, enforcement,attention, policy, process misc more•, highly•,selective, less•, choose, extremely•, academically•,rather, •attentional, historical, •catalytic, admit● discerning, discriminating, discriminatory, choosy,careful

contrast (v)

noun color, approach, experience, view, image,finding, situation, pattern, style, background,attitude, •vision, comparison•, perspective,philosophy misc with, sharply, compare, starkly, dark,nicely, markedly, blue, dramatically, strongly,traditional, bright, European, light, previous● compare, juxtapose, analogize, weigh || stand out,stick out like a sore thumb, differ, diverge

pharmaceutical (j)

noun company, industry, manufacturer, drug, firm,research, product, opioid, giant, association, sales,plant misc large•, medical, major•, •opioid, sell, giant,billion, Swiss•, chemical, Inc, global•, •biotech● medicinal, pharmacological, medical, therapeutic,curative

marginal (j)

noun cost, rate, tax, land, area, price, benefit, status,position, value, income, figure misc marginal, social,top•, best, consider•, exceed, equal, poor, increase,reduce, equal, compare● on the edge, bordering, peripheral, borderline ||negligible, minimal, low, minor

overturn (v)

noun court, conviction, Roe, decision, appeal, law,ruling, judge, verdict, •election, order, sentence,•ban, rule, chair misc federal, later, seek, vs, vote,eventually, constitutional, appellate, versus, sue,overturn, existing, completely, ruling, refuse● turn over, knock over, upend, capsize || nullify,abolish, invalidate, annul

flourish (v)

noun culture, business•, art•, plant•, century, trade•,economy, industry•, society, democracy•,environment, movement•, career•, human•,civilization• misc continue, allow, under, survive,grow, throughout, despite, amid, ad, briefly, tropical,permit, everywhere, enable, thrive● be successful, succeed, thrive, grow || shake,show, flaunt, display

embed (v)

noun culture, •wall, chip, value, •context, structure,practice, network, computer, object, text,technology, unit, glass, rock misc in, within, deeply,social, itself, cultural, firmly, tiny, complex, deep,inside, broad, historical, very, magnetic● implant, set in, insert, drive in, push in, surround

vicious (j)

noun cycle, circle, attack, killer, dog, campaign,crime, method, battle, murder, act, fight misc most•,create•, break•, vicious, particularly•, violent, catch,brutal, cruel, commit, mean•, deliver•● savage, wild, brutish, ferocious || spiteful,malicious, rancorous, brutal

fling (v)

noun door, arm, hand, head, floor, back, body,window, shoulder, bed, •ground, hair, stone, leg, ballmisc into, her, open, himself, back, herself, down,across, open, over, open, against, away, onto, off● throw, toss, hurl, pitch, chuck, lob

yank (v)

noun door, hand, arm, hair, back, •foot, chain, •cord,shirt, leg, rope, •wheel, neck•, •phone, bed misc her,out, out, him, back, her, off, off, down, away, open,free, grab, open, hard● pull, tug, jerk, wrench, snatch, heave

bald (j)

noun eagle, head, man, spot, guy, hair, cypress, top,mountain, pate, island, patch misc •tire, nearly•,short, completely•, tall•, shave•, cover•, fat•, bald,rub•, shiny•, blue● hairless, balding, receding || bare, worn,threadbare || plain, bold, blunt || baldheaded,hairless, balding

adverse (j)

noun effect, reaction, impact, health, event,consequence, condition, outcome, drug, side,circumstance, risk misc no•, any•, •environmental,cause•, report, serious•, potential•, result, •economic,associate, significant•, possible•● opposing, contrary, hostile, adversative ||unfavorable, unpleasant, poor, unhelpful

desired (j)

noun effect, result, outcome, goal, level, behavior,end, doneness, change, consistency, size, directionmisc achieve•, produce•, until•, reach•, obtain•,attain•, maintain•, necessary•, yield•, order•, fail•,determine● wanted, anticipated, sought after, looked-for,favorite, chosen

heroic (j)

noun effort, figure, deed, act, story, action, measure,image, rescue, virtue, struggle, role misc perform•,•save, tragic, truly•, noble, portray, rather, romantic,grand, brave, heroic, depict● daring, gallant, stout, valiant, brave, epic

credible (j)

noun evidence, threat, information, witness, source,force, candidate, report, plan, alternative, allegation,commitment misc more•, no•, less•, specific,substantial•, •military, highly•, credible, mount•,establish•, present•, •scientific● believable, convincing, plausible, likely ||trustworthy, reliable, sincere, dependable

vigorous (j)

noun exercise, activity, debate, campaign, defense,plant, effort, growth, competition, enforcement,action, opposition misc more•, most•, •physical,young, healthy, strong•, moderate•, despite•,engage•, mount•, less•, active● energetic, robust, dynamic, active, vital, forceful

varied (j)

noun experience, background, music, repertoire,form, diet, interest, activity, terrain, career,approach, use misc as•, more•, rich•, complex, quite•,•cultural, widely•, reflect•, numerous, •ethnic, vast•,•instructional● heterogeneous, diverse, wide-ranging, different,various, assorted

subjective (j)

noun experience, norm, arousal, objective, wellbeing,judgment, measure, rating, response,evaluation, value, assessment misc objective,between•, •sexual, highly•, base, personal, both•,emotional, physiological, purely•, than, genital•● slanted, biased, prejudiced, skewed || personal,individual, particular, idiosyncratic

frustrating (j)

noun experience, situation, process, aspect, task,search, attempt, affair, delay, negotiation,circumstance, maze misc very•, •because, most•,often, sometimes, difficult, extremely•, especially,particularly•, frustrating, little•, prove•● trying, annoying, unsatisfying, exasperating,maddening, infuriating

caution (v)

noun expert•, official•, Dr, reader, parent,researcher•, analyst, author•, scientist•, investor,consumer, progress, colleague, •conclusion,•educator misc against, however, although, avoid,strongly, careful, quick, warn, yesterday, repeatedly,rely, rightly, interpret, beware, excessive● warn, alert, notify, signal, give notice, advise

wary (j)

noun eye, look, investor, glance, consumer,expression, stranger, bird, politician, resident, smile,buck misc shall•, remain•, a•, little•, grow•,especially•, cast•, increasingly•, bit•, extremely•,suddenly•, other● watchful, cautious, suspicious, distrustful,mistrustful, chary

glare (v)

noun eye, sun•, light, brother, chair•, sister, shoulder,hip•, foot•, headlight•, sunlight•, fist•, silence, moon•,chest• misc at, him, me, her, down, back, turn, other,each, stand, around, across, red, angrily, angry● scowl, stare, glower || dazzle, flash, glimmer ||stand out, leap out, jump out

squint (v)

noun eye, •sun, light, head, face, glass, •glare,•sunlight, window, sky, •screen, •smoke, •direction,•darkness, •distance misc at, into, through, against,bright, toward, hard, forward, lean, blue, past, blink,dark, stare, slightly● narrow your eyes, peer, peek, look, glance

saturated (j)

noun fat, mg, cholesterol, GM, gram, milligram, color,diet, trans, intake, oil, acid misc total•, fat, low,trace•, •fatty, reduce•, highly•, contain•, limit•,consume, high•, load•● soaked, soaking, drenched, wet through || packed,full, brimming, brimful

dietary (j)

noun fiber, supplement, carbohydrate, sugar,sodium, intake, GM, fat, change, guideline, calcium,habit misc trace•, total•, recommended•,recommend, reduce, nutritional, •exercise, •physical,contain, •test, increase, •fat● nutritional, dietetic, eating, alimentary, alimental,nutritive

potent (j)

noun force, weapon, symbol, drug, antioxidant, form,combination, effect, offense, tool, carcinogen, agentmisc most•, more•, as•, •political, less•, particularly•,•enough, remain•, politically•, highly, equally•,contain•● strong, effective, powerful, forceful || persuasive,convincing, influential, forceful

all-star (j)

noun game, break, team, league, NBA, weekend,player, season, cast, baseball, appearance, guardmisc play, after, since•, before•, former•, win, second,name•, annual•, four-time•, three-time•, left● star-studded, celebrity, famous, prestigious, wellknown,glittering

miniature (j)

noun golf, course, version, tree, painting, horse,model, camera, bottle, set, adult, figure misc like•,build, resemble•, miniature, tiny, fill, contain, form,complete, display, •wooden, feature● small-scale, tiny, minute, little, mini, baby

provincial (j)

noun government, capital, town, governor, level,park, authority, city, official, council, election,assembly misc federal, national, local, French•,municipal, central•, state, Canadian•, regional,•territorial, elect, provincial● local, regional, county, district || unsophisticated,unfashionable, outmoded, parochial

Brazilian (j)

noun government, society, culture, music, forest,economy, politics, film, bank, official, rain, churchmisc •military, popular, cultural, Brazilian,contemporary•, Japanese•, financial, •Catholic,African•, Indian, •geopolitical, racial

poise (v)

noun hand, pen•, finger•, •brink, •edge, •growth,stand•, foot, •flight, knife, pencil•, weapon•,•keyboard, troop•, •threshold misc seem, over,become, stand, appear, above, ready, strike, remain,enter, launch, perfectly, leap, delicately, attack● hover, perch, hang, balance, float, suspend

snatch (v)

noun hand, purse, phone, •jaw, •paper, •bag, baby,•victory, •knife, wind•, •glass, •gun, •key, •defeat,•receiver misc from, up, away, out, off, away, reach,suddenly, quickly, forward, ring, grab, abruptly, bend,fallen● grab, grasp, seize, take || steal, pinch, nick, filch

tug (v)

noun hand, •sleeve, arm, hair, •heart, shirt,•heartstring, leg, shoulder, foot, rope, •collar, •beard,•corner, jacket misc at, his, her, down, pull, gently,off, toward, free, hard, grab, forward, away, tug,heavy● pull, tow, haul, heave, jerk, yank

chuckle (v)

noun head, dad, uncle, •joke, breath, smile, shit,•irony, •laugh, •chuckle, stranger•, cheek, •throat,•wit, •delight misc he, himself, again, softly, shake,herself, laugh, myself, kind, smile, recall, dryly,chuckle, sort, quietly● laugh, chortle, laugh to yourself, laugh inwardly,giggle, snigger

hammer (v)

noun heart•, nail, door, deal, agreement, sound•,stock, •detail, •message, compromise, fist, theme,•chest, rain•, Democrat misc out, into, away, home,together, hard, hammer, saw, final, wooden,repeatedly, bend, crude, plaster, joint● beat, strike, hit, knock, pound, nail

Victorian (j)

noun house, home, era, mansion, building, street,society, age, novel, style, Christmas, period miscrestored•, •Edwardian, grand•, ornate•, three-story•,modern, •gothic, elegant•, huge•, restore•, twostory•,romantic

jealous (j)

noun husband, rage, wife, lover, boyfriend, brother,girlfriend, success, neighbor, rival, spouse, beautymisc because, feel•, a•, little•, jealous, angry,insanely•, possessive, other, bit•, each, act● envious, green-eyed, covetous, resentful ||protective, suspicious, wary, watchful

lethal (j)

noun injection, weapon, dose, force, death, drug,combination, disease, gas, virus, agent, violence miscpotentially•, most•, die•, less•, lethal, administer•,cause, highly•, execute•, prove•, particularly•, inject•● deadly, fatal, mortal, poisonous, toxic, dangerous

renewed (j)

noun interest, effort, sense, attention, commitment,hope, emphasis, vigor, focus, energy, appreciation,violence misc bring•, lead•, spark•, prompt•, despite•,enjoy•, recently•, gain•, unless•, foster•, constantly•,•civic

forced (j)

noun labor, entry, march, fumble, smile, sign,sterilization, removal, choice, abortion, policy,marriage misc sexual, forced, sound•, •vital,voluntary, result, impose, •expiratory, tackle•,•confront, •abandon, mass● strained, unnatural, affected, put on || involuntary,compulsory, required, obligatory

mail (v)

noun letter, questionnaire, survey, •list, •address,check, form, card, •sample, envelope, package, ballot,office, postcard, •copy misc please, following,randomly, sound, print, online, directly, follow-up,selected, complete, guilty, via, random, plead,youtellus

elevate (v)

noun level, •status, blood, mood, foot, rate, pressure,heart, leg, position, •importance, risk, temperature,cholesterol, score misc above, slightly, significantly,chief, thereby, ordinary, moderately, ng/ml,somewhat, lower, artificially, head, single-handedly,stimulate, elevate● raise, lift up, lift, uplift || promote, advance,further, move up

imitate (v)

noun life, art, •sound, model, voice, style, other•,•behavior, •nature, •movement, example, •accent,animal, artist, •bird misc try, imitate, widely, attempt,closely, famous, successful, observe, slavishly,perfectly, English, emulate, merely, pretend, copy● mimic, copy, impersonate, ape || copy, reproduce,emulate, duplicate

satisfying (j)

noun life, experience, work, relationship, meal,result, career, sex, need, dish, customer, task miscmore•, most•, very•, as•, less•, deeply•, personally•,quite•, emotionally•, rich, simple•, particularly•● pleasing, gratifying, fulfilling, rewarding || filling,sustaining, nourishing, substantial

communal (j)

noun life, land, identity, value, violence, property,table, space, conflict, experience, activity, naturemisc individual, personal, social, religious, ethnic,communal, private, traditional•, familial, •sleeping,than, cultural● shared, public, collective, joint, mutual

abundant (j)

noun life, resource, water, supply, evidence, food,species, energy, wildlife, fish, element, source miscmost•, more•, provide•, cheap, natural, relatively•,less•, produce, contain•, fresh, despite•, •throughout● plentiful, copious, rich, profuse, ample, lavish

emit (v)

noun light, radiation, gas, carbon, sound, energy,dioxide, pollutant, amount, radio, photon, ton, plant,wave, source misc less, light, low, infrared, per, hot,ultraviolet, absorb, visible, high-pitched, toxic, loud,enough, CO2, organic● produce, release, give off, give out, send out,discharge

horizontal (j)

noun line, axis, drilling, plane, position, mask, bar,band, gridline, surface, well, stripe misc vertical,along, horizontal, nearly•, •represent, above,indicate, rather, consist•, thin•, straight, •shear● level, plane, flat, straight

blur (v)

noun line, vision, •distinction, •boundary, eye, image,face•, tear, edge, •difference, light, picture, memory,feature, focus misc between, become, begin,together, often, tend, everything, increasingly,slightly, traditional, by, past, fade, somewhat, past● distort, muddle, obscure, cloud || smudge, smear,distort, mist

fond (j)

noun memory, farewell, heart, hope, wish, childhood,dream, recollection, smile, remembrance, jet, catmisc very•, grow•, particularly•, especially•, quite•,•Lac, •quote, •point, •other, •each, rather•, bid•● loving, tender, affectionate, caring, warm, doting

staff (v)

noun min•, •member, •Sgt, •volunteer, office, clinic,worker, hospital, nurse, sales•, subtitle•, committee,facility, officer, employee misc by, fully, rich, English,Jr, largely, Chuck, mostly, adequately, entirely, funny,hire, train, primarily, predictable● operate, run, work, control, supervise, man

registered (j)

noun nurse, voter, trademark, dietitian, Republican,percent, Democrat, user, offender, sex, investment,business misc million•, among•, •international,registered, •vote, certified, nearly, licensed, •cast,newly•, •conduct, outnumber● listed, recorded, itemized, enumerated

coat (v)

noun oil, pan, •spray, mixture, •side, baking, chicken,vegetable, surface, sheet, bowl, skillet, •layer,•bottom, sugar misc with, toss, lightly, stir, turn, until,cover, evenly, cook, gently, add, large, serve, mix,place● cover, paint, smother, dip, smear, spread

fashion (v)

noun old-•, •policy, model, material, designer,•identity, •metal, •compromise, wood, object, tool,•clay, •style, magazine, bomb misc out, himself, tiny,makeshift, crude, attempt, elaborate, rather,homemade, pure, wooden, deliberately,painstakingly, enable, cardboard● shape, mold, form, make, fit, alter

dub (v)

noun operation, project, magazine•, press•, version,scientist•, newspaper•, media•, king, phenomenon,critic•, •queen, researcher•, initiative, tabloid• misconce, quickly, whom, affectionately, Spanish, II,Russian, greatest, officially, ultimate, sexy, flying,Italian, prompt, originally● christen, nickname, hail as, label, style, call

ample (j)

noun opportunity, evidence, time, room, space,supply, reason, support, warning, resource, storage,bosom misc there•, provide•, give•, offer•, allow•,despite•, •exist, •available, provided•, ensure•,•observe, supply•● plenty, sufficient, plentiful, abundant, full,generous

prepared (j)

noun pan, baking, food, sheet, batter, statement,cup, mixture, dish, tablespoon, sauce, spoon miscinto•, •bake, pour•, place, quite•, transfer•, spread,ill•, evenly, read•, onto•, less•● ready, set, equipped, geared up, organized,arranged

notify (v)

noun parent, police, authority, family, company,department, official, office, agency, •Congress,security, letter, public, •owner, employee miscrequire, must, before, without, immediately, fail,formally, please, officially, potential, supposed,promptly, soon, prior, via● inform, alert, advise, warn, report, let know

tricky (j)

noun part, business, question, situation, task,balance, matter, maneuver, proposition, stuff, bit,balancing misc very•, a•, little•, bit•, especially,prove•, sometimes, particularly, tricky, navigate,dangerous, negotiate•● complicated, delicate, awkward, fiddly || devious,sly, deceitful, crafty

moving (j)

noun part, target, van, car, picture, object, truck,image, story, train, experience, force misc very•,most•, fast•, jump•, quite•, onto, slow•, front, track•,moving, fewer•, pack● touching, poignant, affecting, stirring,heartbreaking, emotional

ruling (j)

noun party, class, elite, family, member, coalition,government, power, regime, Baath, Congress,candidate misc •national, •democratic, within•,within•, political, •revolutionary, •liberal, Supreme,•institutional, •conservative, •socialist, •African● presiding, reigning, governing, dominant,sovereign, chief

lasting (j)

noun peace, effect, impression, impact, relationship,change, legacy, damage, value, solution,contribution, friendship misc leave•, most•, create•,achieve•, build•, produce•, form•, deep•, just•,significant, cause•, •middle● permanent, long-term, lifelong, eternal, durable,enduring

educated (j)

noun people, woman, guess, man, person, class,elite, worker, population, public, parent, consumermisc more, highly•, less•, young, become•, most•,among•, better•, poorly•, •middle, affluent, poor•● well-informed, well-read, learned, erudite ||cultured, cultivated, tasteful, sophisticated

empower (v)

noun people, woman, student, community,•individual, parent, teacher, Congress, employee,•consumer, organization, decision, constitution,worker, citizen misc feel, themselves, newly, local,poor, act, seek, ourselves, design, empower, educate,enable, protect, participate, economically● authorize, allow, sanction, permit || inspire,embolden, encourage, galvanize

unemployed (j)

noun people, worker, job, youth, person, American,resident, individual, month, labor, graduate, welfaremisc million•, young, poor, •underemployed, among•,homeless, employ, remain•, themselves, long-term•,likely, newly•● jobless, out of work, out of a job, laid off, onunemployment, idle

sensible (j)

noun policy, shoe, approach, person, plan, decision,solution, choice, diet, strategy, precaution, coursemisc more•, seem•, only•, •enough, wear, sound•,perfectly•, sensible, otherwise•, eminently•,moderate, practical● level-headed, sane, rational, reasonable ||practical, serviceable, workable, functional

prone (j)

noun position, violence, disease, body, error,depression, accident, infection, injury, individual,behavior, flooding misc •to, more•, less•, especially•,lie•, particularly•, lay•, thus•, violent, therefore,highly•, •damage● disposed to, predisposed to, susceptible to,inclined to || horizontal, lying, flat out, face down

awesome (j)

noun power, responsibility, sight, task, beauty, talent,weapon, dude, machine, scenery, presence, secretmisc awesome, totally•, pretty•, truly•, •cool,beautiful, display, ****ing•, worship•, frightening,wow, •destructive● overwhelming, grand, breathtaking, splendid,tremendous, remarkable

unaware (j)

noun presence, danger, existence, public, participant,extent, physician, surroundings, irony, investigator,observer, scrutiny misc seem•, completely•, most•,remain•, totally•, often•, blissfully•, apparently•,catch•, largely•, either•, seemingly•● ignorant, uninformed, oblivious, unconscious,unmindful, heedless

dear (u)

Oh•, •Dr, dear, yes•, no, thank, course•, please, miss,hello•, birthday, worry•, Hi•, •aunt

cuisine (n)

adj American, French, Mexican, Chinese, Italian,ethnic, Indian, lean, regional, local noun restaurant,haute•, chef, prevention•, •specialty, food, gourmet•,wine, culture, fusion• verb serve, feature•, offer,sample•, cook, enjoy, specialize•, prepare, combine,explore● food, fare, cooking, gastronomy, cookery

antique (n)

adj American, fine, French, fair, English, valuable,contemporary, European, modern, monthly noun•shop, art, •dealer, magazine•, •store, furniture,collectibles, market, •roadshow, collection verb•show, shop, sell•, buy•, furnish•, •store, •market,collect, fill•, purchase

smoothly (r)

go•, run•, more•, move•, thing•, everything•, as•,work•, keep•, flow•, proceed•, slide•, operate•,function•● easily, effortlessly, efficiently, well, slickly

aggressively (r)

more•, pursue, move•, •seek, act•, market, push,•promote, expand, respond•, compete•, treat, attack,recruit● violently, belligerently, antagonistically,destructively || forcefully, insistently, assertively,uncompromisingly

broadly (r)

more•, smile•, define, •speak, grin•, •base, •include,interpret, apply, •similar, •conceive, construe,•distribute, •support● approximately, sketchily, generally, largely,roughly, mostly

efficiently (r)

more•, use, run•, work•, as•, effectively, operate•,quickly•, most•, energy, resource, move•, produce,•possible● professionally, competently, proficiently,resourcefully || inexpensively, economically, costeffectively

adequately (r)

not•, •address, •prepare, •protect, fail•, •explain,•represent, •describe, •fund, deal, perform•, need,•train, provide● sufficiently, passably, tolerably, effectively,satisfactorily, amply

sufficiently (r)

not•, •large, •high, •strong, •allow, consider, recover,develop, •powerful, •justify, fail•, •warrant, prepare,•broad● adequately, satisfactorily, suitably, appropriately,necessarily, amply

African (n)

noun American, European, African, Asian, Indian,majority•, descendant, slave, century•, apartheidverb enslave, force, •vote, •engage, deny, perceive,capture, import, solve, kidnap

unwilling (j)

noun Congress, authority, participant, politician,witness, ally, interim, sacrifice, concession, viewer,burden, European misc •to, or, unable, seem•,•accept, either•, remain•, •risk, appear•, •themselves,•compromise, prove•● reluctant, disinclined, averse, grudging, loath,indisposed

decisive (j)

noun action, victory, role, moment, factor, battle,step, force, vote, influence, blow, leader misc play•,prove•, •military, win, quick•, strong•, swift•,•determine, mark•, score•, achieve, bold•● conclusive, pivotal, key, critical || strong-minded,resolute, determined, certain

lazy (j)

noun afternoon, river, summer, worker, smile, dog,circle, fat, welfare, bum, Susan, creek misc too•,stupid, slow•, fat•, lazy, incompetent, •hazy,•ignorant, intellectually•, shiftless, down, dumb● indolent, idle, lethargic, languid, sluggish, slothful

nicely (r)

very•, fit•, quite•, dress, until•, •brown, along•,illustrate, recover•, contrast•, treat•, complement,dovetail•, fill● agreeably, kindly, well || suitably, effectively,satisfactorily || carefully, meticulously, finely

beautifully (r)

work•, write, play•, dress, sing, •design, •illustrate,•craft, •decorate, •landscape, •restore, •restored,•render, •preserve● attractively, gorgeously, stunningly, handsomely|| wonderfully, delightfully, brilliantly, superbly

finely (r)

•chopped, cup, •chop, onion, tablespoon, •fresh,garlic, teaspoon, •tune, clove, pepper, •dice, red,until•● thinly, delicately, lightly || excellently, superbly,outstandingly || keenly, subtly, discerningly

proudly (r)

•display, stand•, •show, wear, announce, point,•proclaim, smile•, note, speak•, declare, walk, flag,claim● arrogantly, conceitedly, smugly, self-importantly,pompously, bigheadedly

oddly (r)

•enough, feel•, seem, yet•, •familiar, •shaped, voice,•shape, •comforting, sound•, behave•, •quiet, dress,•formal● strangely, mysteriously, unusually, peculiarly,extraordinarily, incongruously

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