COE121 / Q1

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Trap Flag (TF)

It is a type of flag register that provides single-step capability for debugging.

Little endian

It is the way where the higher byte is stored in the higher memory.


Its function is for floating point, graphics, signal or string processing, and even encryption.


Memory is sometimes accessed, I/O devices are used to display the result of the instruction execution.


There were already commercial computers developed and sold even before the IC was invented.


"A doubleword number, 12345678H, is to be stored into memory using little endian format starting at memory location 00100H. What would be the content of memory location 00101H?"


"A doubleword number, 12345678H, is to be stored into memory using little endian format starting at memory location 00100H. What would be the content of memory location 00103H?"

little endian ; big endian

"Intel CPUs are also called _________ computers, while Motorola processors are called ____________ computers."

"1, 0"

."A Trap Flag enables trapping through an on-chip debugging feature. If T= , it will debug. If T= _____, it will not debug.


16-bit 8086 and 8088 microprocessors can access _ of memory.


32-bit binary numbers are referred to as .

16 MB

80286 microprocessor is very similar to 8086 and 8088 except that it can access _____ of memory.

Vacuum tubes

Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer were built using .

Intel 4004

First chip developed by Intel

OF=0; IF=0; ZF=0; AF=1; PF=0; CF=0

Given the initial statuses of FLAGS - OF=0; IF=1; ZF=0; AF=0; PF=? and CF=0 and that AL=FF and BL=01. Simulate the following instructions to determine the final statuses of the FLAGS: ADD AL, BL CLC CLI

OF=1; ZF=1; AF=1; PF=1; CF=1

Given the initial statuses of FLAGS - OF=0; ZF=1; AF=0; PF=1 and CF=0 and that AL=1F and BL=F1. Simulate the following instructions to determine the final statuses of the FLAGS: ADD AL, BL


It is a temporary storage of information inside the CPU


Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore were the co-founders of

Jack Kilby

The invention of Integrated Circuit (IC) was credited to

CPU, memory, I/O, system bus

The most basic but complete microprocessor-based computer would consist of

"0, 1"

The parity flag was used in early Intel microprocessors for error detection of transmitted data. PF is logic for odd parity and a logic for even parity


The project that produced the first microprocessor originated in 1969 and was conceptualized by the company


The world's first 8-bit microprocessor.


These are signals that indicate need of attention, perform special task and resume the pre-empted operation.

Program Counter

This element is always in phase with the clock system of the microprocessor

Watchdog monitor

This element is the one responsible in monitoring the bus operation

I/O port

This element serves as a medium of communication between the processor and the outside world

System bus

This is a group of lines that has a related function within a microprocessor system.

Instruction register

This register works very closely with the instruction decoder of the control unit and stores all instructions coming from the data bus.


Transistors are of __________ generation of microprocessors.

Direction Flag

Which among the flags selects either the increment or decrement mode for the DI and/or SI registers during string operations?


Which is not a word-sized register?

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