theory of mind
- ability to think about mental states, both yours and others - measured using false-belief task where they assess that a child understands other people have beliefs about the world that aren't true - develops between 4-5 y/o - people with autism don't have - right posterior, superior temporal gyrus, and right inferior parietal lobe
- both work together with speech and language, but each have own function
impaired memory
- episodic and semantic
impaired brain regions
- mainly temporal lobe (hippocampus and MTL)
spared memory
- short term and non-declarative
Wernicke's area
- speech comprehension - loss of language ability
Broca's area
- speech production/articulation -damage= affect use of spontaneous speech and motor speech control
anterograde amnesia
- struggle with new information
fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging)
- tracks blood flow and oxygen levels - advantage: non-invasive, no radiation, no injections/ingestions -disadvantages: expensive, have to be completely stil;
MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
- uses magnetic fields/radio waves to create images -advantages: non-invasive, precise, no radiation -disadvantages: expensive, can't always use, claustrophobia
DTI (diffusion tensor imaging)
-a technique used to produce images of the brain that shows connections among different regions -advantages: non-invasive, no radiation, no injections/ingestions -disadvantages: complex interpretation
PET (positron emission tomography)
-a visual display of brain activity that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task -advantages: molecular changes visible in real-time -disadvantages: radioactive, minor radiation exposure
self-ordered pointing task
-ability to remember previous tasks - PFC-dorso-lateral retention and update new locations - ventro-lateral-retention of spatial information - doesn't assess executive functions as well as working memory
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test
-ability to switch tasks -PFC-lateral and medial -can't be used for all ages -people who are colorblind could have a hard time sorting by color
medulla oblongata
-controls vital life-sustaining functions
spared brain regions
-frontal lobe
CT (computed tomography)
-generates images of the inside of the body - advantages: rapid/non-invasive -disadvantages: radiation exposure
temporal lobe
parietal lobe
-process somatosensory information
parieto-occipital sulcus
-separates occipital lobe from parietal and temporal lobes
-sleep and arousal
retrograde amnesia
-struggle with old information
occipital lobe
-visual processing
frontal lobe
-voluntary movement
lateral sulcus
Separates temporal lobe from parietal and frontal lobes
mirror neurons
neuron that reacts when someone does a specific motor act and when the observe the same act performed by someone else. -they provide basis of learning through imitation
central sulcus
separates primary motor cortex/primary somatosensory cortex