COM 1000 TEST 1
Symbols are..
- arbitrary (Words changes based on context) - ambiguous (Random) - abstract (Removed from concrete reality
Influence on Perception?
-Physiological factors (2 people see the same movie, 1 is tired, very different reviews) -Expectations (ex. rate my prof)
4 Types of Schemas
-Prototype (ideal) - Personal Construction (Ex. if not fat, skinny) - Stereotypes - Scripts (normal social expectations for weddings/ funerals ext.)
Modern Period (1600 - 1900)
-Rational science and rhetoric -Emphasis on truth and rationality -Ideas and arguments should be empirically grounded or based on observations -Scientific Method - Rise of nationalism and democratic forms of gov't gave new important to rhetoric -RHETORIC became the cornerstone of liberal education - More public speaking -Civic life= important
Common Attribution Errors
1) Self Serving Bias - our failures are from external causes, but success are internal 2) Fundamental Attribution Error- others behaviors are always internal 3) Over attribution- We over generalize
Classical Period
400 B.C Grecian city, Sicilians wanted to overthrow a tyrant who took their land. The citizens wanted their land back, but need to go to court. CORAX and his pupil TISIAS taught them how to argue the case.
A systemic approach in which people interact with/thru symbols to create/interpret meaning
Cognitive Complexity
Being open to new info LOW: we ignore/avoid info that doesn't fit our schemas HIGH: Integrate all info NOT JUST THE BLACK/WHITE
Certain things stand out bc it's unusual, repetitive, intense, or matters to us
History of Communication
Classical Period Medieval & Renaissance Period Modern Period Current Period
Communication is ongoing and dynamic. You can never have the same communication twice (ex. first I love you)
Content of meaning (2 levels)
Content= Literal relationship Relationship= What it means to the 2 people
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Ethos- Credibility & Character Pathos- Emotion Logos- Logic & Facts
loaded language
Extreme form of language to slant reputations Ex. geezer/old fogey
Interactive Communication Model
Interactive- adds a feedback loop
Interrelated parts affect one another. They exist because you play a role. Ex. Boss, mom, friend, bf, gf web
Medieval & Renaissance Period
Jesus is the right and truth, so finding the "truth" fades. Rhetoric studies decline, rise of power of Christian clergy. IT WAS: Discover the truth thru debate IS NOW: Instruct the faithful in certain truth and revealed the will of God
3 Models of Communication
Linear Interactive Transactional
Linear Communication Model
Linear- sender---> receiver
Personal life & Identity Personal relationships Professional relationships Civic life
Types of Communication Noise (4)
Physical Noise (car engine) Phisiological (over-tired interrupts attention) Semantic (big words only the doc understands) Psychological (feels bad about a fight)
Process of how we notice and make sense of phenomena
4 Modes of Research
Quantitative Qualitative Critical (question power) Rhetorical (exam of messages to determine how)
Regulative Rules
Regulate how, where and with who we communicate about certain things
Representations of other things. They are abstracts, arbitrary, and ambiguous representations of phenomenon.
3 Stages of perception
Selection Organization Interpretation
Com Rules
Shared meaning Ex. Greeting process
Student of Plato Tutor to Alexander the Great "Truth thru observation" Citizens can fully participate in democracy with correct speech and to engage in discussion about issues and debate
Student of Socrates Philosopher/ teacher of rhetoric Founder of the Academy People are capable of greatness and mastery "born of wisdom" Truth is absolute Suspicious of rhetoric--> it could manipulate too
Corax and Tisias
Taught citizens to... Structure arguments Build arguments Refute arguments THIS IS RHETORIC. (COM IS NECESSARY FOR CITIZENS IN A DEMOCRACY)
Aristotle also...
Taught us to.. Analyze audience Discover ideas to support claims Organize messages effectively Memorize/clearly deliver speeches How persuasion work with ethos, pathos, logos "Father of rhetoric" "Father of discipline"
The how and why? - Locus (is the cause internal or external) - Stability (stable or not stable) - Specificity (Global v specific factors) - Control ( Under a persons control?)
The significance we attribute to phenomenon; WHAT IS SIGNIFIES TO US
Transactional Communication Model
Transactional- Sending/receiving from our own experiences. Replies based on ones background. Both sender/receiver are both at the same time. Both have a responsibility to be clear with the content of the communication.
We ATTEND to behaviors that SUPPORT our interpretation
We IGNORE the behaviors that DON'T support our interpretation (especially with politics and relationships)
We use CONSTRUCTIVISM; a theory that says we organize and interpret experiences by using cognitive SCHEMAS
What's going on here? a) Personal experience b) Knowledge of the person c) Closeness of relationship