Combo of Homework/Review assignments: Organic Chemistry I - Final Exam Study Guide"

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Name the following compound:

3 bromo, 6 cyclooctamine

How many σ-bond and π-bond are present in acetylene (C2H2) molecule?

3 sigma; 2 pi bonds

Name the following compound:

3, 7 Diethene-2-octanoll

Name the following compound:

3, Bromo 6, cyclopropane 2, hexanone

The carbonyl carbon in acetic acid contains______ % s-character whereas the carbon in methanol contains ______ % s-character.

33.3%, 25%

Name the following compound:

4-Bromo-6-Chloro cycloctamine

How many σ-bond and π-bond are present in ethylene (C2H4) molecule?

5 sigma; 1 pi bond

Name the following compound:

6 Bromo, N Hydroxy, 4 oxo, 9 Aminohexanoic Acid

Name the following compound:

6 methane, 2 octyn, 1 nitrile

What is electronegativity?

A measure of how strongly the atoms attract electrons in a bond. The bigger the elctronegativity difference the more polar the bond

Describe with suitable diagram the hybridization of carbon in methane

As seen in methane (CH4), carbon can form 4 bonds. The rationale behind this phenomenon is hybridization. Supporting evidence shows that 1 s and 3 p orbitals are being combined to form hybrid orbitals, allowing polyatomic molecule to have 25% s character and 75% p character. Thus, we call methane a sp3-hybridized molecule.

NH3 is a polar molecule but BF3 is non-polar—justify.

Because F is evenly distributed around B but H is not evenly distributed around N

The IUPAC name of Cyclobutyl bromide is _______


The compound CH3—CH2—CH2—CH3 is the structure of what?


Write the structure of Oxirane

C 2H 4O Ethylene oxide

Write the structures of benzophenone


Write the structures of acetone


Write the structure cyclobutanol.


Write the structure of Oxolane

C4H8O Tetrahydrofuran

Write the structures of valeric acid.


Write the structure of Hex-3-yne.


Write the structure of Cyclohexane.


Write the structure of hexanal.


Write the structure of Iodobenzene


Write the structures of benzaldehyde


Write the structure of ortho-Xylene.


Write the structures of meta-Xylene.


Write the structures of para-Xylene.


Write the structures of vanillin


Write the structure of n-Hexane


Why is chloroform (CHCl3) polar whereas carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) is non-polar?

Carbon tetrachloride doesnt have a dipole moment but chloroform has a H and so the electrons will be focused on the Cl, not the H.

The IUPAC name of methyl chloride is _______


Name the following compound:


Write the structure of Oxetane


Write the structure of 2-bromobutanoic acid.


Write the structure of neopentyl alcohol.

C₅H₁₂O or (H₃C-)₃C-CH₂OH

Write the structures of acetophenone


The common name of Methoxymethane is _______

Dimethyl ether

Write the name and structure of a secondary amine.


What do you mean by dipole moment? Explain, considering water molecule as an example.

Dipole moment a measure of polarity of a molecule due to the difference of charge on either end of the molecule. Example> H2O has a permanent dipole moment due to H being much less electronegative than O creating a partial negative charge on the O's and a partial + on H's.

What makes resonance structure have decreased stability?

Electron delocalization, an increased amount of potential energy or resonance

The IUPAC name of Cyclohexyl fluoride is _______


The IUPAC name of anisole is __________


Name the following compound:


Write the name of an ester which is widely used as a solvent in organic chemistry.

Methyl butanoate (fruity pineapple odor).

Name the following compound:


Name the following compound:


Name the following compound:


Explain the terms "resonance contributor" and "resonance hybrid" considering benzene as an example.

RC: diff. structures of same molecule each representing a different form that a molecule can take RH: a dipiction of a molecule showing an intermediate form of all the RC in one model Benzene can have 2 different configurations of 3 double bonds and Benzenes res. hybrid would be drawn with 6 dotted lines representing possible double bonds.

Isopropyl fluoride is a _______ alkyl halide.


Carbon is ___________ hybridized in acetylene.


In benzene, the carbons are ___________ hybridized.


In carbonyl compounds the carbonyl carbon is ________ hybridized.


The state of hybridization of carbon in ethylene is ___________.


The carbonyl carbon in acetic acid is ______ hybridized whereas the carbon in methanol is______.

Sp2, Sp3

Describe with suitable diagram the hybridization of carbon in ethylene

Sp2: Unlike methane, ethylene is shaped differently, despite the fact that the carbon in ethylene has the same electron configuration. What accounts for this difference? Supporting evidence shows that the carbon in an ethylene molecule is sp2 hybridized. This means that 1 s orbital is being mixed with 2 p orbitals.

Carbon is ___________ hybridized in ethane.


The state of hybridization of carbon in methane is ___________.


Describe with suitable diagram the hybridization of carbon in acetylene.

Sp: Supporting evidence shows that acetylene is an sp molecule. This means that 1 s orbital is being mixed with 1 p orbital

tButyl iodide is a ___________ alkyl halide.


Write the structure of Oxane


Write the structures of maleic acid and fumaric acid. What is their relation to each other?

They are both cis-trans isomers with maleic is the (cis) and fumaric is the (trans), unsaturated dicarboxylic acids. Although these two acids have the same structural formula and differ only in the three-dimensional geometry of their molecules, their properties are very different.

Write the name and structure of a tertiary amine.


The ester ethyl methanoate is present in ______

Used in raspberries artificial flavorings and smells like rum

The common name of ethanoic acid is ______

acetic acid

Triethylamine is widely used as an organic _________ in laboratory.


Phenol is also known as ___________ acid.

carbolic acid

β-lactam is a four-membered ______ amide whereas ______ lactam is ______ membered cyclic ______

cyclic , gamma, 5, amide

The reverse reaction of esterification is known as ester______


As the number of nearly equivalent resonance contributors ___________, the resonance energy ___________

increases, increases

Write the name and structure of primary amine.


Higher the electronegativity difference between two bonded atoms, more ___________ is the covalent bond.


Glycerol is an example of _________ alcohol.

polyhydric ("polyol") alcohol

Ethyl bromide is a _______ alkyl _______.

primary, halide

What is rapid pyramidal inversion

rapid pyramidal inversion of the amine nitrogen prevents isolation of the enantiomers except where the nitrogen is part of a ring or has other geometrical constraint. switching between a pair enantiomers

What do you mean by (i) σ-bond and (ii) π-bond? Explain.

sigma bonds are two orbitals overlaping head on and pi bonds are the lobes overlapping

What is hybridization?

the idea that atomic orbitals fuse to form newly hybridized orbitals, which in turn, influences molecular geometry and bonding properties

Write the structure of Imidazole


Write the structure of Pyrimidine


Write the structure of Pyrrole


Write the structure of TBME.. "Tert-butyl methyl ether"


Write the structure of Pyridine


Write the structure of Aniline


Write the structure of p-Anisidine


Write the structure of Indole


Write the structure of Quinoline


Write the structure of hexanol.


In case of covalent non-polar bond the difference in electronegativity between two bonded atoms is what?

0.0 ≤non-polar covalent≤ 0.5

In case of covalent polar bond the difference in electronegativity between two bonded atoms is what?

0.5< covalent polar < 1.67

Name the following compound:

1 Amino, 5 Methylheptyne

Write the name and structure of two "symmetrical" ethers.

1. Dimethyl ether C2H6O IPUAC = "methoxymethane" 2. Diethyl ether (C2H5)2O IPUAC = "Ethoxyethane"

3 reasons atoms bond?

1. each atom wants a full outermost energy level 2. gain, lose, & share valence electrons to achieve the duet or octet rule "being happy" 3. Gives each atom an electron configuration similar to that of a noble gas

If the electronegativity difference between two bonded atoms is higher than ___________, the bond is called ionic bond.

1.67< ionic

Write the name and structure of two "non-symmetrical" ethers.

1.Ethyl methyl ether C3H8O IUPAC = Methoxyethane 2. cyclopropyl methyl ether C4H8O IUPAC = Methoxycyclopropane

Name the following compound:

2 amino, 3 chloro cyclohexanone

Name the following compound:

2 methylpropyl, 2 amine

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