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(adj) Diligent and persevering, Hard working The detective assiduously pursued the case for nearly six months, and finally his hard work paid off as he found the crucial piece of evidence against the stockbroker. syn: Industrious, Laborious, Sedulous mnm: arduous worker


(adj) Done together, Planned or executed in agreement. Also, determined In a concerted effort, various social organizations have collected a huge sum of money for the welfare of the people rendered homeless in the earthquake that hit western India in ear mnm: the concert was concerted all together


(adj) Extremely demanding, Requiring much effort and attention He makes a very exacting boss who manages to keep his employees busy all the time. mnm: he wants things to be exact and precise, so he is so demanding


(adj) Fault-finding, Over-critical Even though he had great knowledge of his subject, he could never be a popular teacher because of his censorious nature -- he was critical of almost everything that his students did. syn: Captious mnm: censor


(adj) Having a pleasing appearance, attractive Ever since the comely young girl has moved into the neighborhood, said the lady to her husband, our son has been behaving in a rather funny fashion. mnm: am-lı


(adj) Having no worry, Very happy, Without any care With blithe unconcern, the wealthy businessman took out four hundred-dollar bills and handed them over to the representative of the Missionaries of Charity. syn: Buoyant ant: Grave mnm: be-light, care-free


(adj) Imaginary, Fanciful What appeared as a rather chimerical and improbable scheme at first, was now looking perfectly reasonable and feasible as a select team of experts got down to implementing it. syn: Whimsical, Quixotic ant: Realistic mnm: miracle


(adj) Immature and inexperienced Within a relatively short span of two years, Jim transformed himself from a callow freelance writer to an admired reporter under the guidance of the veteran editor of the newspaper. ant: Experienced, Sophisticated mnm: low caliber


(adj) Indecent, Obscene Though most people in the group found his bawdy jokes in very poor taste, there were those who enjoyed themselves to the hilt. syn: Obscene, Vulgar, Indecent, Ribald rel: Bawdily (adv), Bawdiness (n) mnm: abav


(adj) Lacking in seriousness, Self-indulgently carefree Gary is a frivolous and senseless man who thinks about nothing but parties and merriment. mnm: FREE_FROM-SERIOUSNESS


(adj) Lacking, deprived Even as he heard the harsh judgement against him, his face was bereft of any expression of dejectedness.


(adj) Mysterious, secret, hidden In the last one year, he has picked up some arcane knowledge of the field of transcendentalism, which he says has given him greater powers of self-control. syn: Confidential, Privy, Intimate mnm: can is arcane


(adj) Of the flesh, physical (esp. sexual) The sages in ancient India were said be in complete control of their carnal desires. syn: Sensual ant: Spiritual mnm: fleshy


(adj) Pertaining to marriage After leading a rather hectic life as a salesman for nearly five years, he has decided to get married and settle down to a life of connubial bliss. syn: Conjugal mnm: nuptial=marriage


(adj) Plentiful This vocabulary building software makes copious use of sentences to make the students understand the meaning of difficult words. syn: Abundant, Profuse ant: Scarcity mnm : cops are found everwhere, they are copious


(adj) Preoccupied; Confused; Lost in thoughts Not having seen anything like this before, the Japanese tourists watched the Indian wedding with a bemused and overawed expression on their faces. syn: Distrait rel: Bemuse (v)


(adj) Pure in taste or style. Also, moral I was impressed with the simplicity of the architecture of the monument, the walls had simple, elegant designs and a few chaste lines. ant: Impure, Wanton mnm-has


(adj) Quick and rude in manner of speech When I called his office, I was brusquely told by his secretary that he was busy in a meeting and would not be able to see me. syn: Abrupt, Boorish, Gruff mnm: bruce lee: short man


(adj) Relating to the climax or the highest point With the two teams tied at 95 points each and just 5 minutes remaining, the basketball match was poised for a climactic finish.


(adj) Rude, harsh and insensitive Being accustomed to a gentle and polite environment, she was utterly revolted by the sheer boorishness of the kidnappers. syn: Brusque ant: Suave rel: Boor (n), Boorishness (n), Boorishly (adv) mnm: bearish


(adj) Scanty, Small How can you even think of starting such a big business with such an exiguous amount in hand? syn: Meagre, Diminutive mnm: extremely little so it should be ignored


(adj) Shameless, Done without any attempt to be hidden With brazen disregard for the code of conduct, the two players decided to spend the evening in a bar and got drunk. rel: Brazenly (adv), Brazenness (n) mnm: the girl wearing a bra in the zoo is brazen


(adj) Slightly salty, and hence distasteful or nauseous Tasting the water of the river we were on, I found the water to be brackish; so I could conclude that the sea was near. syn: Saline mnm: be rockish


(adj) Smuggled, illegal goods The police caught him red handed as he was trying to smuggle contraband currency into the country. mnm: cont + brand. selling contradictory brand.


(adj) Submissive, easily manageable, docile, tractable I have indicated in my job application that I am quite amenable to being placed at any location. syn: Pliable, Docile ant: Intractable, Querulous rel: Amenability (n), Amenableness (n), Amenably mnm: conform, agree


(adj) Unnatural, Made for a special purpose The hotel ordered factitious red flowers made of paper to decorate its lobby for Christmas. syn: Artificial ant: Spontaneous mnm: fictitious


(adj) Very fat His corpulence had become a cause of embarrassment for him; everywhere he went, he could hear little children looking at his huge belly with amazement. syn: Rotund mnm: corpus means body.


(adj) anemic looking from illness or emotion His face was so livid with rage that we were afraid that he might have an attack of apoplexy. mnm: opposite of vivid


(adj) most frequent or common In the face of the many rumors of scandal, which are rife at the moment, it is best to remain silent. mnm: sounds like rice..which is in abundance in every part of the world.


(n & v) 1) Express agreement (to statement or opinion etc) 2) (Official) consent or sanction "As we waited for the directors assent to our idea, we wondered what our next step should be if the director did not approve of the idea." syn: Acquiescence mnm: as-sent


(n & v) 1) Fabric woven with raised patterns 2) To work with raised patterns For her wedding, she decided to wear a heavy brocade gown, but it proved to be rather uncomfortable because of its weight.


(n & v) 1) Ornamental pattern made of continuous combinations of straight lines 2) To be annoyed or vexed 1) The fret is a design that requires accuracy of measurements when created. 2) She is still fretting about her parents turning up late for her dance party. mnm: frustrate


(n & v) 1) That which gives stability 2) Furnish with such thing There was nothing on the boat which could be used as a ballast, and as the severe storm approached, they found themselves in a helpless situation. syn: Counterbalance mnm: ballance


(n & v) Loud, confused noise To make such noise There was no way I could have heard her voice above the loud clamor of the children playing in the field. mnm: claim more


(n & v) Medium-paced movement of a horse, any ride at a similar speed. Hence, to move at the speed of a canter The horse moved at a canter from some distance and suddenly broke into a fast gallop as it saw the smoke on the horizon. syn: Gallop, Trot mnm: terrian


(n & v) To jump about in play The school children were merrily gamboling about in the playing field in the pleasant spring sunshine. mnm: game ball gambols


(n) "A short statement in the memory of a dead person, usu. as an inscription on the persons gravestone" "The epitaph inscribed on Daniels gravestone described him as a man who was admired and loved by all." mnm: u will find an epitaph on a cenotaph (a monument/tomb of a person whose remains are located elsewhere)


(n) "A soldiers equipment, other than clothing or weaponry" "At these high altitudes, an oxygen cylinder is an essential part of every soldiers accoutrements." mnm: coutre means dressing


(n) (1) A remark intended to start a conversation (2) A clever piece of action intended to gain an advantage and usu. Involving some risk "(1) He raised the interviewers expectations with a witty gambit, but his later performance in the interview made it mnm: you gambit in a game to win the game a little bit


(n) A private meeting or secret assembly The final decision about the merger of the company was taken at a secret conclave held yesterday at an undisclosed venue and attended by the chairman and a select team from the top management. mnm: con+cave = conversation in a cave .. having a secret conversation in the cave


(n) A secret association of persons (usually) plotting a conspiracy It was later brought to light that the two junior officers arrested on charges of spying were a part of a large cabal within the ministry. kabile


(n) Cheerfulness, Kindliness, Sympathy "I'd never expected such geniality from them; I used to think they are quite rude and consider guests to be a nuisance." mnm: b-enial, çünkü sempatik olan benim


(n) Company of riders, Procession, Parade "The Presidents cavalcade consisted of sixteen horseriders, in addition to a fleet of fancy cars." mnm: cavalry, parade


(n) Dead and decaying flesh Near the top of the hill we were met with the blood-curdling sight of a large group of vultures feeding ravenously on the carrion of a deer.


(n) Flattering or coaxing speech or action Resisting at first, the child soon gave in to the blandishments of the stranger and agreed to go to the park with him. ant: Criticism rel: Blandish (v)


(n) Gap, Break of continuity, Wide difference of feeling, interests between persons 2- deep hole In India, over the decades, along with the standard of life, the chasm between the wealth levels of the rich and poor has also widened. syn: Abyss, Fissure, Void mnm: orgazm, boşluk


(n) Increase in the volume or intensity in a musical passage, Climax "In the last few weeks, criticism against the Womens Bill has reached a crescendo and only a formal statement by the Prime Minister can help to curb it." ant: Diminuendo mnm: crescent moon increases gradually


(n) Jargon, slang, colloquial language Both the smugglers talked in a strange argot, which could be understood only by the members of their own group. syn: None ant: None rel: None


(n) Large group or crowd, usu. of women, but also applied to any large group of similar things There were a bevy of laws and regulations that governed foreign trade in India till a decade ago. syn: Covey, Drove mnm. be we


(n) Long, elaborate speech or writing After a lengthy disquisition on the ill-effects of genetic manipulation, the speaker went on to demonstrate some photographs that made sent shivers down the spine of the audience. mnm: dis-question: if someone has several questions against you, you have to make disquisition(explanation)


(n) Praise or approval, esp. at a formal level The approbatory comments of the general about the actions taken by the commanding officer boosted the morale of the entire regiment. syn: Sanction, Authorization mnm: You will get approbation after your probation period.


(n) Self confidence, Poise She showed absolutely no signs of stage fright, handling each of the questions thrown at her with aplomb. syn: Panache, Intrepidity ant: Confusion rel: None


(n) Sever criticism, stricture, censure "She only had words of animadversion for her husband, blaming him for their sons failure at school." syn: Admonition, Remonstrance, Criticism, Censure ant: None rel: Animadvert (v)


(n) Sharp upward slope The acclivity of this hill provides an ideal testing ground for budding mountaineers. syn: Ascent ant: Declivity rel: Acclivitous (adj) mnm: acc - cliff


(n) Sharpness Her acuity of mind at the age of eighty is simply amazing; she can recall what many people of fifty would tend to forget. mnm:acute


(n) Staff officer assisting the commander (usu. in the army), Assistant The adjutant of this army unit is a strict disciplinarian. syn: Confederate ant: None rel: Adjutancy (n) mnm: adjacent


(n) Sum payable in respect of a particular year The only income for the family is in the form of an annuity which the mother receives from the government. syn: Bounty, Dole ant: None rel: None


(n) Suspended action With the pace of life in Indian metros getting faster by the day, many of the old Indian traditions have fallen into abeyance and are no longer practiced. syn: Interlude, Cessation ant: Continuance rel: Abeyant (adj) mnm: if you don't obey, you will be suspended


(n) Things to eat Not knowing where their next meal was going to come from, the poor, malnourished children were intently gathering comestibles from the trash dumped by the garbage van. syn: Eatable ant: Inedible come-its-eatible


(v & n) To make fun of (someone) in a harmless, friendly way. Hence, friendly joking. His friends chaffed at him at his inability to strike a conversation with the pretty girl who sat next to him on the bus. syn: Banter ant: Seriousness mnm: he chaffed and we laughed


(v) (1) Agree to a plan or suggestion (2) To take a high post or position after someone has left it After much persuasion, the teacher finally acceded to our request for letting off the class a little early. syn: Acquiesce rel: Accession (n) mnm: accept


(v) (1) Make up of mixed ingredients (2) To invent so as to deceive (1) He quickly mixed a few liquids and came up with a purple-colored concoction, which I did not have the heart to drink. mnm: coct - resembles a cocktail, prepared by mixing and combining. A conman is preparing it, in a concert disguised(make up) as a bartender


(v) Attach or add on, fasten You will need to affix an additional stamp to this envelop as it looks a little too bulky.


(v) Behave (oneself) in a stated way "She comported herself with great dignity at her husbands funeral." syn: Accord mnm: comports behave erronously


(v) Bring up (a topic) in a conversation, 2-broş To make a start Before I broached the topic of a rise in salary, I made sure that he was in a good mood. syn: Moot, Ventilate mnm: open up a brochure


(v) Cheat, Ditch Within a few hours of landing in the East African country, I was bilked out of my travelers checks by an organized gang of swindlers. syn: Swindle mnm: Bill Clinton cheated Monica Levinsky


(v) Feel or show dissatisfaction at something, envy She's worked hard to get where she is. You shouldn't begrudge her the success she's earned. mnm: I always begrudge students.


(v) Forgive, Pardon, Overlook "To condone a child's nagging and demanding behavior as mere childishness is a sure way of spoiling the child." ant: Decry mnm: pardon


(v) Free, Disentangle "The bird managed to extricate herself from the hunters net and fly away." mnm: opposite of intricate


(v) Give a false notion of, Contradict Belying all expectations, the ace tennis star lost to an unknown German in the first round of the US Open. syn: Garble, Varnish mnm: be-lie


(v) Improve, become better Hiring an extra computer operator will only slightly ameliorate the situation; what we actually need is an organized plan to deliver on time. syn: Pacify, Amend ant: Worsen rel: Amelioration (n), Ameliorator (n) melior: make better


(v) Incite or support, encourage (usually an offender or the commission of an offense) The judge ruled Mr. Cornwell guilty of aiding and abetting the main accused in the bank-robbery case. syn: Uphold ant: Frustrate rel: Abetment (n), Abettor (n)


(v) Make watertight by filling in cracks The mason caulked the water chamber by filling in cement in all the cracks that were beginning to develop at the bottom. mnm: cork(mantar tıpa)


(v) Plunder, Deprive of all possessions The Huns repeatedly attacked India from the north-west side, despoiling the towns, looting the wealth and spreading death and destruction all over. syn: Pillage, Spoliation, Rapine, Forage


(v) Scold, Complain angrily Even as the teacher chided him for not submitting his task on time, he did not show any signs of regret or repentance. syn: Upbraid, Reproach, Rebuke ant: Praise mnm- chided child hided


(v) Split, chop, break or come apart The butcher expertly cleaved the large piece of meat into small, edible pieces with his sharp knife.


(v) Think deeply His silence suggested that he was deeply cogitating about the consequences of his decision, yet he could not come up with anything meaningful when he finally spoke up. syn: Ponder, Meditate mnm: mind agitate


(v) To accuse, Indict, Find fault with The Speaker arraigned the member of parliament for using improper language during the conduct of parliamentary proceedings. syn: Incriminate, Inculpate, Impeach, Censure ant: None rel: Arraignment (n) mnm: do not err again


(v) To act in opposition to, Contradict, Oppose The notice on the board clearly said that anyone found acting in contravention of the stated regulations will be debarred from membership of the club. mnm: contra-intervene


(v) To activate, Put into action, Motivate His efforts at making the business run are actuated by an ambition which borders on greed. syn: Propel, Impel ant: Discourage, Prevent rel: Actuation (n), Actuator (n)


(v) To be full of, or surrounded by, usu. difficulties The route across the Alps was beset with danger and difficulties, yet Hannibal and his small group of soldiers managed to cross the rugged mountainous terrain. syn: Tormented rel: Besetment (n)


(v) To be necessary, fit or proper It does not behoove all of us to meet the principal for this; it is better if we elect a representative. rel: Sometimes also written as Behove mnm: be appropriate


(v) To bend the knees as in worship "Anyone who entered the kings court had to first genuflect in front of a huge statue of the king placed immediately after the royal gates." mnm: genuflectere, from Latin genu knee + flectere to bend — more at


(v) To cause to appear as if by magic, To practice magic. Also, to create in the mind As soon as he came on to the stage, the magician conjured up a packet of toffees from his hat, and threw the toffees at the children to their utter delight. mnm: juggler


(v) To change from a fluid to a solid, harden Due to the sudden fall in temperature, the molten liquid began to congeal and form round yellow spots all over the surface of the white sheet. syn: Solidify, Coagulate mnm: con + geal..geal...gelatinous..means to coagulate


(v) To correct or discipline through punishment. Also to moderate, soften Used to riding his motorcycle at a great speed in the past, he is now considerably chastened after the accident he has had. ant: Reward mnm: chase to punish


(v) To declare openly Though in the beginning, he denied all the charges of corruption against him, he has now avowed his involvement in the fraud case. syn: Divulge rel: Avowable (adj), Avowal (n), Avowedly (adv) mnm: a-vow


(v) To dress showily Bedizened in their most colorful clothes, the village folk had turned out in great numbers at the annual music and theater festival. ant: Stripbare mnm: bed designed


(v) To give rise to; To produce Violence can never be a solution to this turmoil; it will only beget more violence. syn: Spawn rel: Begetter (n) mnm: beg at our father


(v) To lessen or ease, Relieve He said in the interview that the only job that could assuage his thirst for knowledge was that of a librarian, so that he could be amongst books every day. syn: Pacify, Mitigate, Palliate ant: Rankle rel: Assuagement(n)


(v) To make or become white or pale, bleach, whiten "Morris visibly blanched when he heard the news of his mothers unexpected demise." syn: Etiolate mnm: be blank


(v) To remove leaves, usu. by action of chemicals etc. Fearing that the disease that had struck a part of his crop might spread to the entire field, the farmer decided to defoliate a large part of his crop. (foli = leave) mnm: de-folio


(v) To remove objectionable matter from a book, film. The broadcasting ministry decided that the film can be telecast only after all the scenes which have a reference to the former Prime Minister have been bowdlerized. syn: Expurgate, Expunge, Sanitize mnm: del and sterilize


(v) To soil or discolor. Also, to damage the reputation or honor of a person The newspaper article about his secret love affair outside his marriage has totally besmirched his reputation. syn: Slander, Denigrate, Calumniate mnm: smear


(v) To steal, pilfer The shopkeeper filched the rich customer by pricing his products at double their value. mnm: iç etmek


(v) To warn (gently but firmly), to exhort, to reprove The salesperson was gently admonished by the customer for not knowing the specifications of the product well enough. syn: Exhort, Reprimand, Castigate ant: (Admonition) : Countenance rel: Admoniti mnm: administrator punish other people or warn


(v) To work together for some illegal or fraudulent purpose The policeman asserted with authority that the robbery could only have been committed with the connivance of an employee of the art gallery who was familiar with the layout of the gallery. mnm: cunning in advance!!!


1- capable of understanding or quick to do so 2- vesveseli, korkak, endişeli


1- onaylamak, desteklemek 2- face (v) To give sanction or approval to The Speaker of the Parliament has given a stern warning to all the members that he will no longer countenance such absenteeism from Parliamentary proceedings. mnm: acceptance?


1- tekrar the patient recited a litany of complaints 2- ayin On this solemn day, the congregation responded to the prayers of the priest during the litany with fervor and intensity. mnm: split the word LIT+ANY You are hoping god is going to show you light in the dark to show you the path in these wretched times. LIGHT ANY path..


1- tutumluluk, 2-tarım


1- çiçekli, süslü 2- (adj) inclined to a healthy reddish color often associated with outdoor life His complexion was even more florid than usual because of his anger.


1-av, 2-taşocağı They quarried blocks of marble out of the hillside. mnm: query napar, dig into yapar(madene)


Tanrıların yemeği (n) Anything exquisitely gratifying in taste or smell When you are extremely thirsty and not have had anything to drink for a long time, a glass of plain water seems like sheer ambrosia. syn: None ant: None rel: Ambrosial (adj) mnm: asian food


To burn with a hot iron or a chemical to destroy abnormal tissue and/or to stop infection and/or bleeding mnm: caustic


a loud arrogant boaster mnm: bırag ya


a natural ability to do something or to learn something mnm: aptitude tests


a person who walks from place to place The peripatetic school of philosophy derives its name from the fact that Aristotle walked with his pupils while discussing philosophy with them. mnm: peri+pat+etic--peri means around, + pat or path means road to walk on, therefore peripatetic means to walk around.


a set of fixed chromatically tuned bells sounded by hammers controlled from a keyboard mnm: car-horn


a settled dislike, antipathy mnm: I have an aversion against a version of windows


a structure built against a wall in order to support or strengthen it mnm: butt stress


a timely benefit : blessing the couple's generous donation was a great boon to the charity's fund-raising campaign


a vary, crooked (adv & adj) 1) Crookedly 2) Distorted, Crooked Though a learned man, his clothes are often so hopelessly awry that anyone can assume him to have come from a slum. syn: Amiss, Astray


abartmak This salesman is guilty of hyperbole in describing his product; it is wise to discount his claims. mnm: hyper(beyond the limit)+bole(means speak) someone who gives the statement beyond his limit..overstating basically.


ability to foretell the future Given the current wave of Japan-bashing, it does not take prescience for me to foresee problems in our future trade relations with Japan. mnm: pre(before)+science(..knowledge)..i.e. having the knowledge to TELL THE FUTURE BEFORE TIME...


absurd; ridiculous When the candidate tried to downplay his youthful experiments with marijuana by saying he hadn't inhaled, we all thought, "What a preposterous excuse!" mnm: PRE means before POST means after but together in a single word pre+post+erous seems ABSURD.


acıya dayanıklı, sabırlı The doctor called her patient a stoic because he had borne the pain of the examination without whimpering. mnm: stone-like


ad, anlam mnm: denotation means, 'meaning' and connotation means 'implied meaning or secondary meaning'. Its easier to remember both together.


advocate of voting rights (for women) In recognition of her efforts to win the vote for women, Congress authorized coining a silver dollar honoring the suffragist Susan B. Anthony. mnm: Suffragist... XXXgist always means a person... so Suffra rhymes with sufferer... & all know sufferer is always women... so a person with women for her rights... or advocate of women rights (vote even)


afaroz, meslekten men etmek mnm: We knew the minister had violated church regulations, but we had not realized his offense was serious enough to cause him to be defrocked. mnm: frock=frak=cübbe de-frak=cüppeyi çıkarmak




after death The critics ignored his works during his lifetime; it was only after the posthumous publication of his last novel that they recognized his great talent. mnm: post human


ahenksiz, uyumsuz inharmonious; conflicting She tried to unite the discordant factions. mnm: dis-chord


ahlaksız kimse He sang a ribald song that offended many of the more prudish listeners. mnm: bald deyince aklına kim geliyor tabiiki brazzers!


ahlaksız, wanton, lewd, dissolute The licentious monarch helped bring about his country's downfall. mnm: a prostitute gives LICENSE TO US to do anything with them against money.. they are morally low and unrestrained for sex..


ahlaksızlık, yoldan çıkmışlık (n) Extreme corruption, Wickedness, Moral perversion In an act of utter depravity, he betrayed his brother at the hands of the criminal for a sum of ant: Goodness mnm: Depravity: Think of "deprive". When people are deprived, they tend to head for corruption.


ahlakça yükseltmek, bilgilendirmek (v) To instruct or benefit, especially spiritually or morally. Be an uplifting influence upon Attending the spiritual conference has proved to be a most edifying experience for her as she has learned to remain calm and unnerved even in stressful situation. mnm: e-deify


ajanda gibi bişi (noun) (law) the calendar of a court; the list of cases to be tried or a summary of the court's activities mnm: documents of trial


akan kanı durdurmak It is imperative that we stanch the gushing wound before we attend to the other injuries. mnm: stençi hatırlaman lazım


akla gelmeyen, anlaşılması zor evasive; baffling; hard to grasp His elusive dreams of wealth were costly to those of his friends who supported him financially. mnm: illusive


aklanmak, beraat etmek (v) To free from charges, clear from accusation He was exonerated by the police after the detective found out who the real robber was. syn: Absolve, Exculpate, Vindicate ant: Incarcerate mnm: ex=previous, honor->honerate


aklanmak, temize çıkmak (v) Free from blame After the investigations were over Darrel was proved innocent and exculpated by the judge. syn: Exonerate ant: Excuse mnm: not culprit


aklı başından gimiş, çıldırmış The distraught parents frantically searched the ravine for their lost child.


aklını başına getirmek, dizginlemek(alkolle ilgili), sober Neither drunkards nor comics are noted for sobriety. mnm:


aklını karıştırmak: mnm: be muddle, fuddle


aklını çelmek, aldatmak mnm: kozanlı kandırır, affetmez


akrabalık (adj) Having the same ancestor or lineage Though their consanguinity could not be established, everyone believed the two gentlemen had a common ancestor because of their close resemblance. mnm: sanguin=blood


akrabalık, yakınlık affiliate


aksesuar, ek, ilave: (n) Minor thing that goes with a more important one The judge decreed that he pay a penalty of $5,000 to the garage owner, in addition to other appurtenances like paying for the damage done to the car. syn: Adjunct ant: None rel: Appurtenant (adj) mnm: apparatus


aksi, huysuz (adj) Bad tempered Old Mr. Wilson turned crotchety at the very sight of Dennis, though the mischievous little boy was only too eager to spend time with him.


aksi, huysuz Although he was regarded by many as a curmudgeon, a few of us were aware of the many kindnesses and acts of charity that he secretly performed. mnm: mad-go


aksi, ters (adj) annoyed and irritable mnm: when you see crabs on your bed, then you are crabbed


aktör, oyuncu Her success in the school play convinced her she was destined for a thespian career.


akıbet, çözüm, netice, son (n) Outcome, Final development of the plot of a play In a most unexpected Denouement to the political drama that had continued for nearly two weeks, the leader of an insignificant political party was elected the Chief Minister, thanks to some last-moment mnm: The deal was announced after it was done.


akıcı (adj.) Fluent, Facile, Slick "With his glib sales pitch, the salesman almost managed to convince me to buy the timeshare holiday package; now Im glad that I did not get fully convinced." mnm: gelip geçici bunlar


akın, göç The exodus from the hot and stuffy city was particularly noticeable on Friday evenings. mnm: exit to departure


alakalı, ilgili (adj.) Relevant, Pertinent to the matter "He did not consider the journalists question was germane to the main issue of the press conference, and chose to ignore it." syn: Appropriate, Apposite germans are related to the armania


alamet (v) Foretell, be a sign of something in the future "The rain at the beginning of the year augurs well for this years harvest." syn: Prognosis, Conjecture ant: Propitiate rel: Augury (n) mnm: uğur


alay etmek, aşağılamak (v & n) To speak in an insulting way. Hence, words spoken as an insult Not able to tolerate the gibes of her classmates at her badly freckled face, he broke down and started sobbing loudly. syn: Scoff, Deride mnm:


alay etmek, dalga geçmek He scoffed at dentists until he had his first toothache. mnm: when a girl covers with a scarf,we mock at her


alay etmek, hiciv (n) A type of writing or acting that makes a serious piece of work look foolish and amusing, Any cheap imitation of a high quality work He is most known for his burlesque of Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. syn: Travesty, Caricature, Parody, Satire


alay etmek, hor görmek, küçümsemek (v & n) 1) Defy, disregard with contempt 2) Flouting speech or act 1) The boarders got into trouble with the matron after they flouted the rules of the hostel. mnm: Flo ayakkabılarını hor görüyorum


alay etmek, küçümsemek (v) To make fun of, to treat scornfully, scoff at Everyone present at the gathering derided him for his stupid comments; some even went to the extent of saying that he had lost his mental balance. ant: Truculent syn: scorn, scoff, ridicule mnm: de-ride=erdoğan'ı hatırla


alaycı, sarcastic The sardonic humor of nightclub comedians who satirize or ridicule patrons in the audience strikes some people as amusing and others as rude. mnm: think of SARDONIC as SARCASTIC + IRONIC


alazlamak Accidentally brushing against the hot grill, she seared her hand badly. mnm: sear gives you a scar


aldatma, hile (n) A clever trick, deceitful device The walls of this room have large mirrors on them; which is an artifice to make the room look larger. syn: Stratagem, Ruse ant: Sincerity, Candor rel: None mnm: artificial


aldatmak (v) Mislead, fool, dupe, gull The thieves deluded the old woman into thinking that they had been sent by the telephone department to set right the faulty line. syn: Cozen, Deceive mnm: de-lure || de-illusion


aldatıcı, çapraşık Your devious behavior in this matter puzzles me since you are usually direct and straightforward. mnm: deviate


alel acele, rush, raid The slave seized the unexpected chance to make a headlong dash across the border to freedom. mnm: at gibi uzun suratı var


alev çıkarmadan yanmak The rags smoldered for hours before they burst into flame. mnm: Smolder, remove the 'm' from the word, it becomes solder. For soldering, we do not require fire, it is done by electricity or by burning copper zinc ,lead etc..


allege (v) Assert, affirm Despite clear evidence to the contrary, the man still averred that he had never met the person accused of stealing the painting collection. syn: Asseverate ant: Deny rel: Averment (n)


alt etmek mnm-win


alt, ikincil The captain treated his subalterns as though they were children rather than commissioned officers. mnm: alternate, someone who is inferior (sub)in position, meaning a SUBORDINATE.


alt-üst etmek (v) Disconcert, Dismay "Janes irrational behavior left everyone in a faze at the party." mnm: face upside down = faze


alçakgönüllü, mütevazı He is so unassuming that some people fail to realize how great a man he really is. mnm: assuming means very forward, arrogant. unassuming is opposite of it which is modest.


alçakgönüllülük He spoked with humility and lack of pride that impressed his listeners. mnm: humiliate


alçaklık, ahlaksızlık A visitor may be denied admittance to this country if she has been guilty of moral turpitude. mnm: .... + attitude


alçakça, aşağılayıcı mnm: IGNORANT+MINUS(negative personality)....imagine your teacher is saying that you are an ignorant and negative person...what will happen?? will cause public disgrace and shame....


alışmak, adapte olmak She became inured to the Alaskan cold. mnm: Rugby players are inured to injury


amansız, değiştirilemez After listening to the pleas for clemency, the judge was inexorable and gave the convicted man the maximum punishment allowed by law. mnm: exor is logic gate which changes. so in exorable is that cannot be changed or stopped


amaçsız (adj.) Going from one subject to another aimlessly, Disconnected I went to him hoping to get a lot of knowledge on the subject of his specialization; however, he disappointed me by just making a desultory conversation of hardly any relevance. syn: Unme mnm: de-resultory


an authoritative declaration (n) Authoritative and weighty statement, Formal saying Just Do It, apart from being a popular commercial slogan, is also very much an American dictum, which has influenced a large number of young people over the years. syn: Maxim mnm: the statements said by a dictator are dictum


anafikir, tema she was asked to give the gist of the essay in two sentence. mnm: gist..sounds very similar to list.....SO your lecturer is asking you to LIST OUT THE MAIN POINTS of the paragraph.


ani nöbet, ani kriz When he heard of his son's misdeeds, he was seized by a paroxysm of rage. mnm: Sounds like paralysis..


aniden söylenen, ağızdam çıkan Because his extemporaneous remarks were misinterpreted, he decided to write all his speeches in advance. mnm: TEMPORARILY done in haste and so not planned.


animal-biting fly; an irritating person , Like a gadfly, he irritated all the guests at the hotel; within forty eight hours, everyone regarded him as an annoying busybody.


anlayışlı, sempatik (adj) "Pleasant, In agreement with ones taste and nature" Though the meeting was held in an apparently congenial atmosphere, anyone who observed closely would have felt the undercurrent of hostility between the two businessmen. mnm: geny is woman, genies are congenial


anlaşma (n & v) Formal agreement between two or more people or groups Though the landlord said that a formal agreement was not required, I insisted that we sign a written covenant. syn: Pact, Contract, Treaty mnm: cave + ant


anlaşılmaz He read many recondite books in order to obtain the material for the scholarly thesis. mnm: econ-omi anlaşılmıyor ya


antik, çok önce (adj & n) 1)Utterly out of date, totally outmoded 2) Old-fashioned or aged person She described my ideas about marriage as antediluvian, that they did not make sense in the present day world. syn: Antiquated, Venerable, Archaic, Prehistoric ant: Modern ante-deluge(flood)


any gain above stipulated salary, perk The perquisites attached to this job make it even more attractive than the salary indicates. mnm: bir yerde çalışmaya başlamadan önceki requisitelerden birisi de budur


anında cevap When someone has been rude to me, I find it particularly satisfying to come up with a quick rejoinder. mnm: You REJOIN the same conversation with a reply


apex: hag carpeting reached the apogee of its popularity in the 1970s but is now considered outdated


apparent, açık, aşikar Although the ostensible purpose of this expedition is to discover new lands, we are really interested in finding new markets for our products. mnm: tangible


appearance; costume In the guise of a plumber, the detective investigated the murder case. mnm: disguise


applauding The theatrical company reprinted the laudatory comments of the critics in its advertisement.


appropriate (adj) Highly pertinent or relevant Even though his remark was not very diplomatic, it was quite apposite in the given situation. syn: Germane ant: Inappropriate rel: Apposition (n), Appositional (adj) a + opposite


aptal Because he was so obtuse, he could not follow the teacher's reasoning and asked foolish questions. mnm: tuşe yaptıran insana ne denir ki?


aptal kişi He called the unfortunate waiter a clumsy oaf. mnm: off ettirir adamı...


aptal macera (n) A wild and dangerous act of adventure "The students escapade of jumping over the school walls and venturing into the forest has landed them into deep trouble with the principal." mnm: action of escaping


aptalca (adj) Foolish or idiotic in a self-satisfied way During one of the ground tests, the candidate made a sort of fatuous suggestion about crossing a river with the help of a rope. ant: Sensible mnm: ***-***


aptalca, budalaca Such comments are inane because they do not help us solve our program. mnm: Remember the word insane. Insane person doesn't have a mind to think and understand and hence he is void.


araba, araç. mnm: underground workers use conveyor belts to transfer coal from the mine to upper ground


arabulma: The council will arbitrate among the interest groups.


arabulucu: a person who is considered to be an authority on what is right, good, or proper


araf Among the divisions of Hell are Purgatory and limbo. mnm: if you drive your LIMO too fast your soul will reach LIMBO


araf In this purgatory, he could expect no help from his comrades. mnm: pure + gate,


aralıklı, kesikli (adj) Having irregular periods of activity "She lost her peace of mind and slept fitfully after hearing about her fathers illness." syn: Spasmodic, Intermittent mnm: pitbul'un dişleri nasıldır?


araya girmek, bulaşmak He became embroiled in the heated discussion when he tried to arbitrate the dispute. mnm: bro sen gelme zaten ortalı karışık


ark, kanal mnm: for cultivation farmers need culvert


arkasına imza atmak, onaylamak !! bunu hatırlaman lazım


artificial channel for directing or controlling the flow of water In times of drought, this sluice enables farmers to obtain water for irrigation. mnm: sulama kanalı


aruz, vezin tekniği This book on prosody contains a rhyming dictionary as well as samples of the various verse forms. mnm: prosody is converting 'prose' into mel'ody'. ie versificatn


arzu dolu bakmak Sitting for hours at the sidewalk cafe, the old gentleman would oggle the young girls and recall his youthful romances. mnm: google


arı kovanı: mnm: apiculture, apis(arı)


asabi, huysuz (adj) Unruly The students were unusually fractious that day and even the teacher failed to bring about any order in the class. syn: Peevish ant: Agreeable mnm: FR-ustrated-ACTIOUS


askere almak (v) Summon for compulsory military service Some countries have a law by which as soon as a man turns 18, he is conscripted to serve in the army for a minimum period of two years. mnm: CONSent and sign a script


assemble Because much is needed legislation had to be enacted, the governor ordered the legislature to convene in. ato convention center


assent=agree dissent=disagree


assuming a false identity; masquerade She was imprisoned for her imposture of a doctor


asık suratlı When we first meet Hamlet, we find him morose and depressed. mnm: moron gibi


asık suratlı, somurtgan (adj.) Stern, severe In contrast to the reticent and dour principal of the school, who was a strict disciplinarian, the new music teacher was full of mirth and laughter, often seen joking with the students on the school lawns. syn: Inflexible mnm: sour


asık suratlı, suratsız Because of his surly attitude, many people avoided his company. mnm: sir'ly: efendiler genelde böyle olur


asılı şey ; ornament anlamı da var pendant earrings mnm: pendulum


at gibi, at suratlı mnm: canine=dog-like, equine=horse-like


at the point of death The doctors called the family to the bedside of the moribund patient mnm: Moribund is kinda similar to morbid, which refers to things related to death


atalara çekmek: (n) Resemblance to remote ancestors rather than to parents Coming from a family known for its musicians over the generations, the little child seemed to derive an atavistic pleasure from stroking the piano keys. syn: Throwback, Retrogression, Relapse


atanma ve kutsanma The candidate for ordination had to meet with the bishop and the diocean officers before being judged ready to be ordained a deacon. mnm: DİN-ation


ateş püskürmek (v) Flash like lightening. Make loud or violent val attacks "The entire assembly was shocked by the reporters sudden fulminatory remarks at the minister." syn: Thunder, Explode mnm: full- illuminate


ateşi karıştırmak As a Scout, Marisa learned how to light a fire, how to stoke it if it started to die down, and how to extinguish it completely. mnm: Sounds like "stove" which is a furnace.


atmak, fıraltmak In order to enable the ship to ride safely through the storm, the captain had to jettison much of his cargo. mnm: Remember JET Airways laying off the staff to reduce costs


atık, kırıntı The blast furnace had a special opening at the bottom to allow the workers to remove the worthless slag. mnm: What was lagged behind.. Waste.


atık, sürpüntü (n) Waste matter, Worthless impurities Even though the number of TV channels and programs have drastically gone up in the last few years, most of what they show is pure dross. mnm: ossuruk


atışmak, tartışmak (v) To discuss The idea was bandied around the conference table for over forty minutes, before finally being dropped. Band members always bandy on the songs


auxiliary: (adj) Serving as an aid or accessory; Auxiliary In order to cut down on costs, the hospital has decided to lay off almost half of its ancillary staff, which included everyone other than nurses and doctors. syn: Subsidiary, Appurtenant ant: Principal


aval aval bakmak stare foolishly; look in open-mouthed awe The country boy gawked at the skyscrapers and neon lights of the big city. mnm: glance awkwardly


avuntu, teselli I hope you will find solace in the thought that all of us share your loss. mnm: solak olması tek tesellisiydi


ayaklanma, isyan His words, though not treasonous in themselves, were calculated to arouse thoughts of sedition. mnm: Sedition <-> Petition .. Petition is filed in the court to resist the govt's order to relocate the temple ..


ayartmak, yoldan çıkartmak She was inveigled into joining the club after an initial reluctance. mnm: in(çıkarmak)-way(yoldan)


ayağını başlamak, köstek olmak Anything checking freedom of movement or expression Check or restraint 1) No threats from the management could fetter the union leader who spoke fearlessly against the company. 2) Chains around the prisoners ankles fettered his movements." mnm: feet-tie-r


aylak aylak dolaşmak As we sauntered through the park, we stopped frequently to admire the spring flowers. mnm: halanın yapığı işte


aylaklık etmek, boşa zaman geçirmek (v & n) To waste time in doing nothing, Act of dawdling; A dawdling person The office was closed and I had nothing to do, so I lazily dawdled in front of the television all morning. syn: Idle mnm: sounds like idle


aylık salary; compensation In addition to the emolument this position offers, you must consider the social prestige it carries with it. mnm: emo ne ister? para


aynı yaşta olmak mnm: co-evolved


ayrılma The secession of the Southern states provided Lincoln with his first major problem after his inauguration. mnm: Due to recession in US, many WITHDRAWN their business...


ayrılmış, ayrı yaşamak (adj) Separated, Alienated Once a loving couple, Daisy and Nick are now estranged due to petty differences. mnm: don't talk to strangers


ayırt etmek, seçmek catch sight of In the distance, we could barely descry the enemy vessels. mnm: sounds like describe. When you DESCRIBE something people will look at it.


az miktar Although his story is based on a modicum of truth, most of the events he describes are fictitious. mnm: MODICUM=MODERATE+INCOME


az, çok az You have not produced a scintilla of evidence to support your argument. mnm: SCINTILLA or SCANT - meagre, small.


azalmak, düşmek (v) Become gradually lower or weaker As he grew older and more mature, his childishness slowly ebbed away. syn: Recede mnm: bebe(küçük)


azarlamak I am afraid that my parents will reprimand me when I show them my report card. mnm: manda diyerek azarlanmadık mı


azarlamak Long before he had finished his tirade, we were sufficiently aware of the seriousness of our misconduct. mnm: azarlarsam tir-tir titrersin


azarlamak to scold or condemn vehemently and at length


azarlamak, kınamak The principal reproved the students when they became unruly in the auditorium. mnm: there are two opposites of approve:1.disapprove a2.Reprove.


azarlamak, scold You may rail at him all you want; you will never change him. mnm: rail sounds like rail or train so when you missed your rail, your father scolded you for not reaching on time....


aç gözlü (n) Greed for gain His avarice for quick gains became the single biggest factor for the failure of the company. syn: Cupidity ant: Altruism rel: Avaricious aç gözlü, para hırsı


açgözlü (adj) "Too eager for wealth or property or someone elses possessions" "The poor farmers little children looked covetously at the beautiful toys and other goodies on display at the village fair." syn: avaricious; eagerly desirous of mnm: love to us. people loving us are mosty covetous


açgözlü; yırtıcı Hawks and other rapacious birds prey on variety of small animals. 'Rapacious' means who likes to 'Rape' that means very greedy on woman body! & also take forcefully


açgözlülük (n) Greed of gain Her cupidity for diamond jewelry knew no bounds; she had over 100 diamond pendants and necklaces of various shapes and sizes, and was ready to buy more. ant: Altruism, Generosity syn: covetousness, avarice mnm:


açık bir şekilde ifade etmek, dile getirmek He was very articulate about his feelings on the subject. mnm: article


açık seçik, müstehcen Chaucer's monk is not pious but salacious, a teller of lewd tales and ribald jests. mnm: ?


açık, aşikar Her perspicuous comments eliminated all possibility of misinterpretation. mnm: not suspicious.. absolutely clear


açıkgözlü mnm: cunn-y

gloss over

açıklamak, explain why No matter how hard he tried to talk around the issue, President Bush could not gloss over the fact that he had raised the taxes after all. mnm: glossary explains the meanings of words


açıklayıcı bilgiler(harita) The legend at the bottom of the map made it clear which symbols stood for rest areas along the highway and which stood for public camp sites


açığa kavuşturmak explain; enlighten He was called upon to elucidate the disputed points in his article. mnm: lucid=clear


açığa çıkarmak, maskesini düşürmek Pointing out that he consistently had voted against strengthening antipollution legislation, reporters debunked the candidate's claim that he was a fervent environmentalist. mnm:


açığa çıkarmak, reveal I will not tell you this news because I am sure you will divulge it prematurely.


ağlamaklı The dove has a plaintive and melancholy call mnm: Plaintive can be split into plain(plane)+tive(relative). Suppose a relative dies in a plane crash, we mourn. Thus plaintive = mourn. Sorry for the sadistic mnemonic.


ağrı kesici


ağrısını hafifletmek the otherwise anodyne comments sounded quite inflammatory when taken out of context


ağzı açık kalmak having the mouth open because of wonder, surprise, or shock mnm: a - gap


ağzından kaçırmak to say (something) suddenly and without thinking about how people will react mnm: pırt


ağır, hantal (adj) difficult to handle or use especially because of size or weight mnm: come and bear some


ağır; sıkıcı(konuşma), unwieldy His humor lacked the light touch; his jokes were always ponderous.


ağırbaşlı, vakur, sedate, sober Her conduct during the funeral ceremony was staid and solemn. mnm: straight


ağırbaşlılık (n) Evenness of mind or temper, composure calmness, equability "Roger was very brave and received the bad news of his fathers accident with great equanimity." ant: Agitation mnm: equal-mind


ağırlamak, kutlamak (v & n) To honor or commemorate in a festival or celebration 1) The club feted the newly elected president by throwing a party. 2) The club organized a fete to raise funds for the forthcoming concert. mnm: feat


ağıt (n) A poem of lamentation for the dead or for something lost Elton John wrote a touching elegy for Princess Diana after her death in a car accident. syn: Dirge, Threnody mnm: if a legend dies, you express yourself with elegy


ağıt, sorrow, grieve Even advocates of the war lamented the loss of so many lives in combat mnm: lament = l[amen]t => we lament the death by saying 'amen'


ağız kavgası etmek What had started out as a mere spat escalated into a full-blown argument. mnm: spat-sounds like >spit-and when you spit on someone it leads to a minor quarrel.


aşağılama, küçük görme. scorn, disdain


aşağılama, utanç He refused to defend himself against the slander and opprobrium hurled against him by the newspapers; he preferred to rely on his record mnm: oppROBrium..stress on rob..if u rob something ull be dishonoured


aşağılamak, küçük düşürmek (v) Degrade, Humiliate "Several womens organizations have severely criticized this advertisement, saying that it is demeaning to the dignity of women." mnm: DEcrease the MEANing


aşağılayıcı, küçültücü Owner of a Mitsubishi PAJERO belittles everyone on the road. mnm: Instead of criticizing Clinton's policies, the Republicans made pejorative remarks about his character.


aşk, tutku, istek (n) Strong enthusiasm, passion "The young boys ardor to witness the proceedings in the assembly was visibly dampened when his father scolded him in public for being over-enthusiastic." syn: Fervor, Mettle, Zeal, Passion


aşmak, başkasının arsasına tecavüz mnm: cockroaches do encroachment to our home


aşılamak, doldurmak His visits to the famous Gothic cathedrals imbued him with feelings of awe and reverence. mnm: imbibe


aşındıran mnm: erasive


aşınmak (verb) tear or wear off the skin or make sore by abrading These shoes are so ill-fitting that they will excoriate the feet and create blisters. mnm: corode


aşınmış, soyulmuş We finally thew out the mangy rug that the dog had destroyed. mnm: götü kırmızı monkey


aşırı duygusal I do not like such maudlin pictures. I call them tearjerkers. mnm: mood-ly


aşırı, fahiş The people grumbled at his exorbitant prices but paid them because he had a monopoly. mnm: ants diverging from the orbit


bagırmak, çağırmak When her purse was snatched, she raised such a hue and cry that the thief was captured. mnm: hüloo


bahtiyar, coşkun, kıvançlı Grinning from ear to ear, Bonnie Blair was clearly elated by her Olympic victory. mnm: elevated


bahçeyle ilgili When he bought his house, he began to look for flowers and decorative shrubs, and began to read books dealing with horticultural matters. mnm: herbi-cultural


bahşetmek, ödüllendirmek The university bestowed on her an honorary degree mnm. best in doing sth and you get the prize/gift


bakımsız, harabe rel: dilapidate mnm: dated building


basmakalıp söz, yavanlık The platitudes in his speech were applauded by the vast majority in his audience; only a few people perceived how platitude his remarks were. mnm: flat + attitude: something flat does not attract us as it is very common. So you will obviously give trite remarks.


bataklık Up to her knees in mud, Myra wondered how on earth she was going to extricate herself from this quagmire. mnm: add A to it.. AQUA+MIRE == aqua means water .. hence wetland


batmış When rumors that he was insolvent reached his creditors, they began to press him for payment of the money due them. mnm: in + solvent = one who cant solve his debts.


batı, batılı It will take occident to understand the ways and customs of the orient. mnm: orient'in zıttı


baygınlık, uyuşukluk hali In his stupor, the addict was unaware of the events taking place around him. mnm: If U have STUPID ideas in ur mind,u will grow LACK OF AWARENESS for important things.


bağışlamak, affetmek (v) Pardon (an offense) According to Hindu mythology, a person can be absolved of all sins if he breathes his last at the Indian town of Varanasi. syn: Exculpate, Exonerate ant: None rel: None You solve the dispute with a friend by absolving him/her


baş sağlığı dilemek (v) To express sympathy to someone who has experienced great misfortune or sorrow "Even though they had fought bitterly just two weeks earlier, Harry was among the first ones to come to Sally to offer his condolences at her fathers demise." mnm: ölünce


başka bir zaman ait olmak: (n) Something or someone misplaced in time In this age of synthesized sounds and techno-music, the sound of this old guitar appears so anachronistic. syn: Incongruity ant: None rel: Anachronistic adj), Anachronic (adj) mnm: a chronometer


başkasının başarısızlığından haz duymak As you gloat over your ill-gotten wealth, do you think of the many victims you have defrauded? mnm: laugh at?


başkasıymış gibi yapmak (v) Pretend, Conceal Though he tried hard to keep a straight face, he could not dissimulate that he had felt greatly hurt because of the harsh words spoken against him by his friend.


baştan savma, careless From the number of typos and misspellings I've found on it, it's clear that Mario proofread the report in a remarkably slapdash fashion. mnm: dash atarsan başındav savabilirsin


be revealed When Austen writes the sentence "It had just transpired that he had left gaming debts behind him," her meaning is not that the debts had just been incurred, but the the shocking news had just leaked out. mnm: Conspire is Secret plot, so transpire is to open the secret, reveal it


beat; thrash verbally or physically It was painful to watch the champion lambaste his opponent, tearing into him mercilessly mnm: blast


beauty I do not envy the judges who have to select this year's Miss America from this collection of female pulchritude. mnm: cherry-tude


beceri, yetenek She has an uncanny flair for discovering new artists before the public has become aware of their existence. mnm: Tony Blair is no flair


becerikli, neat, skillful deft=theft: thiefs are skillful


beceriksiz feeble, ineffective; unthinking, irresponsible Einstein was noted for his extraordinary inspirations; on the other hand, he was noted for being feckless in his daily chores. mnm: f*uckless


beddue, lanetleme, curse The witch uttered maledictions against her captors. mnm: mal-diction


beg He implored her to give him a second chance. mnm: implore = i'm poor.. beg


beginner For a mere tyro, you have produced some marvelous results. mnm: TYRO -change the R with P..a tryo(novice) will usually make a typo(mistake typing)


beklenen, istenen sonucu vermeyen


beklenmedik başarı, bal unlikely occurrence; stroke of fortune When Douglass defeated Tyson for the heavyweight championship, some sportscasters dismissed his victory as a fluke. mnm: luck


beleş (adj. & adv.) Free of charge, without payments The announcement that drinks will be provided gratis was greeted with loud cheers from all sides. syn: Gratuitous mnm: gre tuition is not free, you know :)


belief Do not place any credence in his promises. rel: credulity mnm: credo


belirsiz, riskli I think this stock is a precarious investment and advise against its purchase. mnm: prayer'dan geliyor


bene-volent He belonged to several benevolent societies and charitable organizations. bene-voluntary


beraberindekiler The queen's retinue followed her down the aisle. mnm: Retinue rhymes with continue - like a following


berrak, saydam, açık After reading these stodgy philosophers, I find his pellucid style very enjoyable. mnm: PEL+LUCID...LUCID..MEANS CLEAR ....SO CLEAR IN MEANING.


beslenme kanalı


betimlemek, çizerek açıklamak (v) Portray, Depict, Sketch As a good manager, you should be able to clearly delineate the tasks for all your subordinates. mnm: Draw-LINE-approriATEly


betrayed or deserted person (n & adj) A person who gives up his religious faith, beliefs etc. Though he was an apostate from the political party, he was still invited to its annual convention held last month. syn: Recreant, Treacherous ant: Loyalist rel: Apostatical (adj)


bezgin, uyuşuk He was lackadaisical and indifferent about his part in the affair. mnm: lack musical


bezginlik, durgunluk (n) Dullness, Lifelessness, Low spirit Having lost most of his savings in the stock market crash, his finances were in the doldrums as a large part of his salary went into paying off the loan he had taken to construct a house. mnm: d-old-drums


bezginlik, sıkkınlık We hope this radio will help overcome the tedium of your stay in the hospital. mnm: Just think of the cognate 'tedious' which means annoying. Tedium annoys too.


beğenmek, tadını çıkarmak I relish a good joke as much as anyone else. mnm: Relish gives a +ve connotation, Relish and DISH rhyming words. Relish means tasty dish


biased; having a liking for something I am extremely partial to chocolate eclairs


biblo, A showy but useless thing


bilge learned; scholarly His erudite writing was difficult to read because of the many allusions which were unfamiliar to most readers. mnm:read-y, okuyan, bilge


bilgi kuramı


bilgin Our faculty includes many worldfamous savants. mnm: we call one who is SAVVY a savant


bir davaya sarılmak, benimsemek, desteklemek adopt; support She was always ready to espouse a worthy cause. mnm: a spouse always espouses her husband


bir deri bir kemik After his long illness, he was pale and haggard. (adj & n) Tired and weary, usu. because of old age, Looking rather worn out Working so hard in such a difficult conditions has taken its toll on him; he has started to look rather haggard now as compared to his youth, when he was among the most handsome


bir deri, bir kemik kalmak (adj) Thin and wasted, esp. from hunger or illness She has begun to look emaciated and weak after the frequent bouts of fever, which have killed her appetite. ant: Stout mnm: new mac is thin and emaciated


bir kaptan diğerine boşaltmak Be sure to decant this wine before serving it. mnm: de ' can ' t : pour off


bir kişinin en iyi yaptığı şey (n, adj & adv) " 1) A persons strong point or special talent. Also part of sword or blade from hilt to middle 2) Performed loud(ly) and then immediately soft(ly)" 1) His ability to convince people is his forte that acts as an advantage over the other sale mnm: in age of forty, most people are talented


bir olaya eşlik eden başka olaylar (adj) Accompanying or existing together with something else The spread of Islam outside the Arabian peninsula was concomitant with the spread of Arabic in the 7th and 8th centuries AD. mnm: con(together) + comitant(sounds like commitment) if we have committed to each other, we'll go together.


bir şeyi olumlamanın tersten ifadesi. örneğin "feyza iyi bir öğretmen" demek yerine "feyza kötü bir öğretmen değil" demek litotik bir ifadedir. To say, "He little realizes," when we mean that he does not realize at all, is an example of the kind of understatement we call litotes. mnm: lie + quotes(kind of similar to euphemism too)


bir şeyin olmasına olanak sağlayan, contributing (adj) Likely to yield the desired result, Helping to make something happen The lawlessness and backwardness that prevails in this state is just not conducive to economic development. ant: Counteract mnm - Conducive sounds like conductive. Conductivity, property of a metal, means passing electricity smoothly, i.e. helpfull in making it, conducive means helpful or favoring.


bir şeyin tamamı (n) Entire range or series In his short acting career of just 8 years, Peter Sellers played an entire gamut of roles, from the haughty aristocrat to the humble peasant, to perfection. mnm: from gamma to theta


bir şeyin yüzeyine zarar vermek, çirkinleştirmek (v) To mar, disfigure or spoil something Harold was fined for defacing the library books. syn: Disfigure mnm: deforming the face


biriktirmek(para, ganimet) Whenever there are rumors of a food shortage, people are tempted to hoard food. mnm: lord


birkaç bölgeye yayılan salgın, widespread; affecting the majority of people They feared the AIDS epidemic would soon reach pandemic proportions.


bitmek bilmeyen, sonu gelmeyen Her prolix arguments irritated and bored the jury. mnm: Prolonged


bitmiş, tükenmiş The literature of the age reflected the effete condition of the writers; no new ideas were forthcoming. mnm: when you walk at feet then you are effete




bolluk Seldom have I seen food and drink served in such profusion as at the wedding feast. mnm: fusion zaten birleşmek demek, birleşen şey artar büyür


borcunu ödeyebilen By dint of very frugal living, he was finally able to become solvent and avoid bankruptcy proceedings. mnm: sounds like "solve" + "rent". If u want to solve the issues related to rent then you must be able to pay all your debts !!!


borçların ertelenmesi If we declare a moratorium and delay collection of debts for six months, I am sure the farmers will be able to meet their bills. mnm: gora ertelendi biliyorsun, moratorium da para gibi zaten


botanik bahçesi: (n) Place where different varieties of trees and shrubs are studied and exhibited The botany department at the university has submitted a request for the construction of an arboretum in the campus. syn: Conservatory mnm: boreal: ağaçla ilgili


boxer The famous pugilist Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammed Ali. mnm: pug=fight


boynuz biçimli kap, bereket bolluk anlamı var (n) Horn overflowing with fruit and grain, A symbol of abundance Having laid out a cornucopia of almost every kind of dish that the guests could possibly want, the hostess was very pleased with herself. mnm: corn + copious. plentiful


bozgun, çöküş This debacle in the government can only result in anarchy. mnm: de-buckle


bozguna uğratmak The reinforcements were able to rout the enemy mnm: riot


bozmak, kirletmek (v) Pollute, Spoil the beauty of something A number of concrete structures had sprung up on the hills, defiling the beautiful landscape and the greenery. syn: Befoul, Desecrate ant: Purify mmn: if you de-file the papers than you will defile the office


bozmak, mağlup etmek (v) To make someone feel uncomfortable or embarrassed She was discomfited by the presence of several tough looking men in the compartment, but managed to keep a brave front. mnm: discomfortable. if you are discomfortable then you are easy to discomfit


boğuşmak The twins briefly scuffled, wrestling to see which of them would get the toy. When their big brother yelled, "Let go of my Gameboy!" they scuffled off down the hall. mnm: Rhymes shuffle...u know the rest


boğuşmak wrestle; come to grips with He grappled with the burglar and overpowered him. mnm: they grappled to grap the apple.


boşa harcamak (v & n) 1) To waste or squander little by little 1) She frittered away her time reading magazines, which had nothing but gossip in them. mnm: facebook + twitter


branching out; subdivision We must examine all the ramifications of this problem mnm: opposite of unification


brief and to the point Many of the characters portrayed by Clint Eastwood are laconic types: strong men of few words. mnm: lack of sonic


budamak, kesmek With the help of her editor, she was able to prune her manuscript into publishable form. mnm: plum tree?


bulandırmak Be careful when you pour not to roil the wine; if you stir up the sediment you'll destroy the flavor. mnm: ROIL ~ SOIL = muddy


bulaşmak, kirletmek Tourists are urged not to profane the sanctity of holy places by wearing improper garb. mnm: profilo bulaşık makinasından belki aklında kalır..


bulaştırmak, kirletmek, sıvamak (v & n) (1) To cover with something soft and sticky, smear. (2) A small quantity of any soft and sticky substance like plaster, clay etc. (1) Not knowing how to paint, he merely daubed the wall with paint; as a result, it looked worse than it did before. mnm: dubbed movies are daubed with artificial noises


bulaşıcı mnm: contagious


bunama, mental olarak zayıflama (n) Senility and mental weakness, feebleness of mind as a result of old age Showing clear signs of dotage, my grandfather was looking for his spectacles that were resting on the bridge of his nose. mnm: dot.age




burden (v) Burden, To make action or movement difficult "The company's performance is poor as it is encumbered with heavy liabilities incurred during times of recession." mnm: cumbersome


burnished the floor of the ballroom to a soft luster mnm: varnish


burnunu çekerek ağlamak Don't you come sniveling to me complaining about your big brother. mnm: sniffing and sniveling due to influenza


burulma, bükülme mnm: A result of the application of torsional force


buruşuk (adj) Wrinkled, Formed of wavelike folds A corrugated sheet of asbestos will not only prove stronger in the long run, it will also help water to drain through its grooves more easily. mnm: co+rugged


buyurmak, emretmek (v) (1) To command or direct with authority (2) To forbid or prohibit (1) The teacher enjoined him to take tutorials to bring up his falling grades in mathematics. (2) The sheriff enjoined him from trading, as his license was illegal. syn: Prohibit, Pro mnm: come and join


büyük ateş (n) Great and destructive fire. Also, any sudden, violent event that involves a large number of people It is feared that these minor incidents of skirmishes on the border might escalate into a major conflagration, if immediate action is not taken. mnm: flagration sounds like flare which means fire, so big fire


büyük yaprak (n) A large leaf, or a leaf-like expansion, as of a palm tree or a fern After the storm the beach was littered with the fronds of palm trees. mnm: some fronds grow in ponds


büyülemek, capture, enslave (v) To hold the complete interest and attention of someone "We were so enthralled by grandmothers stories that we stayed awake listening to her all night." syn: Captivate mnm: when you are passing the enter hall, you will become enthralled.


büyülü sözler söylemek Uttering incantations to make the brew more potent, the witch doctor stirred the liquid in the caldron. mnm: incantation--read it as inc(h)antation..chanting of magical words etc.


bırakmak, devretmek to yield or grant typically by treaty Russia ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867 mnm: seed


bırakmak, feragat etmek I will relinquish my claims to this property if you promise to retain my employees. mnm: ELİNi çek


bırakmak, feragat etmek The law required cession of the land to the heirs. mnm:cede


cafcaflı (adj.) Over-bright in color, Gaudy I think his garish trousers are very poorly chosen; he should have worn something more sober for this solemn occasion. mnm: gayish


caka, gösteriş Many performers imitate Noel Coward, but few have his panache and sense of style. mnm: bizim apaçilerin caka satması gibi


calm and placid Wellington remained imperturbable and in full command of the situation in spite of the hysteria and panic all around him. mnm: Im + Perturb = Not disturb A person who does not perturb stays calm and placid. perturb=disturb


calm; not easily disturbed The nurse was a cheerful but phlegmatic person, unexcited in the face of sudden emergencies. mnm: pragmatik


calmness; placidity The serenity of the sleepy town was shattered by a tremendous explosion. mnm: serin


cancel Because of public resentment, the king had to rescind his order. mnm: rescind reminds us of "resign", where resign is to cancel your appointment and rescind is to cancel an agreement.


cancel, fesh etmek (v) Cancel, Revoke A section of the voters complained about gross irregularities in the conduct of the elections, so the election commission decided to countermand the elections in the state. mnm: counter + command so cancel the command


cani, Cruel, wicked 1) The doctor examined the felon and advised that it be removed by surgery. 2) She was scared of her stepmothers felony and ran away from home." mnm: heron'un zalimliğini hatırlatıyor


cansızlık, uyuşukluk, lethargy Nothing seemed to arouse him from his torpor; he had wholly surrendered himself to lethargy. mnm: Torpor and Torpid means almost the same. Lazy and inactive. Tor- tortoise which means slow. But be careful about torpedo, which means the exact opposite. etym: torpe -> be numb


canını sıkmak The passengers were disgruntled by the numerous delays. mnm: pig grunts


canını sıkmak, sinirlendirmek Johnny often exasperates his mother with his pranks. mnm: if you are going to irritate your wife frequently, she may separate from you and will be called as your x-wife.


capable of grasping or holding Monkeys use not only their arms and legs but also their prehensile tails in traveling through the trees mnm: apprehend: kavramak


careless We dislike restaurants where the service is lax and inattentive. mnm: relax


cesaretini kırmak, zayıflatmak (v) To deprive of nerve, force or strength The students were enervated and weary after the history examination, which was tough as well as lengthy. syn: Unnerve, Debilitate, Enfeeble ant: Invigorate, Fortify mnm: ener-waste


cesur, gözüpek His consistent support of the party has proved that he is a stalwart and loyal member. mnm: STALL+WAR- He alone can stall the war because he is a stalwart


cesur, gözüpek very confident and daring : very bold and surprising or shocking She made an audacious decision to quit her job mnm: audacious people can talk against audience


cesurluk Do you have the temerity to argue with me? mnm: Temerity (boldness) is the opposite of timidity, which means fear or shyness.


cimrilik etmek, masraftan kaçınmak "Spare no expense," the bride's father said, refusing to stint on the wedding arrangements. mnm: STUNT kısa demek




clever reply He was famous for his witty repartee and his sarcasm mnm: REP+ ly + ART+ly


cliff; dangerous position Suddenly Indiana Jones found himself dangling from the edge of a precipice mnm: precipitate: düşmek, yağmak precipitous: steep




clothing "How can I go to the ball?" asked Cinderella. "I have no raiment fit to wear." mnm: sounds like garment


clumsy, kaba, hödük The delivery boy is an awkward lout. mnm: lout => loud, a clumsy person is usually very loud, and remember empty vessel sound much.


combative combative; disposed to fight As a child he was pugnacious and fought with everyone. mnm: pug=fight


complicated situation; perplexity; entanglement He was called in to settle the imbroglio but failed to bring harmony into the situation. Synonyms : embroilment mnm: ?

concede, concession

confess, admit to say that you accept or do not deny the truth or existence of (something) : to admit (something) usually in an unwilling way




contrast In "Star Wars," dark, evil Darth Vader is a perfect foil for fair-haired, naive Luke Skywalker. mnm: yaprak gibi düşün 2- defeat; frustrate In the end, Skywalker is able to foil Vader's diabolical schemes. mnm: fail


convert He was unable to transmute his dreams into actualities. mnm: mutation


cop sopa mnm:blood generator


coşku, hayat dolu (adj) Full of life, Bubbling with enthusiasm Her joviality and effervescence can instantly raise the spirits of a dejected person. syn: Effervescent mnm: ff alırsan kaybolur :)


crash The runaway train hurtled toward disaster. mnm: its HURDLE race, in which runners have to run in a particular direction,it also involves crashes!! Cheers to Olympic 2012


critical comments; severe and adverse criticism His strictures on the author's style are prejudiced and unwarranted. mnm: constrict


criticize harshly Hoping for a rave review of his new show, the playwright was miserable when the critics panned it unanimously. mnm: PAN's Labyrinth was so popular that no movie critic dared to PAN about it.


crowd Throngs of shoppers jammed the aisles. mnm: this word sounds like when a king sits on the throne...CROWD gathers at that time.


crush or grind into very small particles Before sprinkling the dried herbs into the stew, Michael first pulverized them into a fine powder mnm: it sounds like powderize and so it means


cure-all; remedy for all diseases There is no easy panacea that will solve our complicated international situation mnm: penisilin


cut to pieces with ax or sword The cavalry rushed into melee and hewed the enemy with their swords. mnm: chew


cutting; sharp His incisive remarks made us see the fallacy in our plans. mnm: incisor teeths


cüsseli, iriyarı The salesclerk tactfully referred to the overweight customer as portly rather than fat. mnm: PORKY the pig is PORTLY...


dalavere, hile, dolap As soon as we realized that you had won our support by a subterfuge we withdrew our endorsement of your candidacy. mnm: terfi almak istiyorsan dalavere yapman şart


dalgalanmak The flag undulated in the breeze. mnm: I have been able to remember this as 'Modulation'. change in a wave like manner.


dalgın, absentminded (adj.) Inattentive, not paying attention Even after the teacher had scolded him a couple of times, the distrait child kept looking out of the window. mnm: öküzün tıra baktığı gibi


dalkavuk The king enjoyed the servile compliments and attentions of the sycophants in his retinue. mnm: sycophant.....split it like .....syco(sounds like psycho)+phan...sounds like FAN.......SO JUST IMAGINE a PSYCHO FAN of yours in your office who want to please you in whatever flattering..or by bootliking.....just to gain your favour...


damarları büzen (adj & n) 1) Severe and biting, Harsh 2) Able to tighten up the skin or stop bleeding "The astringent criticism of this movie by the noted critic appears to me as rather biased; its almost as if he has some personal animosity against the director." a-strain-agent


death notice I first learned of her death when I read the obituary in the newspaper mnm: ob+to+worry when u see a death notice u worry!!!


deceit; duplicity She achieved her high position by guile and treachery. rel: guileless mnm: guilty


deceive; delude Having been hoodwinked once by the fast-talking salesman, he was extremely cautious when he went to purchase a used car. mnm: you WINK under the HOOD of your jacket. To deceive what you are doing




delege etmek, aktarmak (v) Transfer or be passed on The basic problem with the new manager is that he just does not know how to devolve responsibility to his juniors, and wants to do everything on his own. mnm: DE(not)+INVOLVE means not involved but to pass on,delegaate


deli, çatlak He had to be institutionalized because he was deranged.


delik açmak Before you can open the aspirin bottle, you must first perforate the plastic safety seal that covers the cap. mnm: per=through port??




delmek, kazık sokmak, pierce He was impaled by the spear hurled by his adversary. mnm: Impale- Im+Pale. If someone is pierced with something he will be pale due to excessive bleeding.


demet yapmak The lawyer picked up a sheaf of papers as he rose to question the witness. mnm: A SHEAF is a HEAP of grain stalks, stacked ready for threshing.


deviri tavlamak: (v & n) 1) To toughen (metal or glass) by heat and slow cooling 2) Treatment by first heating and then cooling This plate is made of annealed copper, and is stronger than most other plates of its type. syn: Petrify, Indurate ant: None rel: None


değersiz şey, çaput You will never get the public to buy such shoddy material. mnm: sounds like "showy" means in look things are good but in quality they are not good as they are made up of inferior material


değişmeyen, sadık Penelope was steadfast in her affections, faithfully waiting for Ulysses to return from his wanderings. mnm: STEADFAST-- Split as STEADY+fast someone who is steady always


dialect (n) Insincere talk. Also jargon, words or talk characteristic to a particular group or class. "The politicians speech at the stadium was nothing but empty political cant -- doing anything for the poverty of this region is the last thing on his mind." I can't understand their dialect


didik didik aramak, karıştırmak When we rummaged through the trunks in the attic, we found many souvenirs of our childhood days. mnm: hummalı bir araştırma yapldı


dikiş We will remove the sutures as soon as the wound heals. mnm: Stitch to secure.


dikişli/aşağılık In the Godfather, Michael Corleone is unwilling to expose his wife and children to the seamy side of his life as the son of a Mafia don. mnm: a person saying SEE - MY - ****, thats really FILTHY


dikkat çeken şey, ilgi çeken kimse (n) The object of general attention, Center of attraction or admiration At the party thrown by the industrial to celebrate his twenty-fifth anniversary, his exquisitely beautiful youngest daughter proved to be the cynosure of all eyes. mnm: relate it to dinosaurs, dinosaurs are cynosure.


dolandırıcılık, rascality, We cannot condone such knavery in public officials. mnm: k+nave..naive(means trustworthy, innocent)....knave is just the opposite of naive.


dolanmak, avare gezmek, kıvrılmak It is difficult to sail up this stream because of the way it meanders through the countryside. mnm: wander


doldurmak, bardağı taşırmak (v & n) Feed or satisfy to the full, Overload (usu. with food) The glut of media coverage to the growth of the dot com industry had too much of reporting and very little of analysis. syn: Gorge, Cloy gain a lot


dolu olmak Since this enterprise is fraught with danger, I will ask for volunteers who are willing to assume the risks. mnm: her yer suç, fraud dolmuş arkadaş


done in a private place or way : done secretly mnm: our destiny is secret


dose (of liquid) Tristan and Lsolde drink a love potion in the first act of the opera. mnm: porsiyon


doğruluğu şüpheli (adj) A false story, Anything widely believed which is actually not true Most of the stories about the ostentatious use of wealth by the Sultan of Brunei are apocryphal; this however, is totally authentic. syn: Fraudulent, Fictitious ant: Authentic


doğum uzmanı, physician specializing in delivery of babies Unlike midwives, who care for women giving birth at home, obstetricians generally work in a hospital setting.


doğurganlık, verimlilik (Adj) Fruitful or fertile The fecundity of the soil makes this land suitable for the growth of all kinds of crops. syn: Prolific ant: Barren, Infertile, Desolate, acarpous(kısır) mnm: fundity


drink greedily Singing, "Yo, ho, ho, and a bottle of rum," Long John Silver and his fellow pirates swilled their grog. mnm: When you swill a liquid, there is a chance it might spill on you.


drug satan kişi a-pot-he-carry




dull We were disappointed by the lackluster performance mnm: lack - lust


dull and unimaginative Though the ad writers had come up with a highly creative campaign to publicize the company's newest product, the head office rejected it for a more prosaic, down-to-earth approach. mnm: mosaic--->beautiful artistic work with full of vibrant colours.....prosaic ...opposite of that ...dull


durgunlaşmak mnm: static


duru, berrak A limpid stream ran through his property. mnm: liquid


durulamak mnm: cleanse


duvar süsü, yontmalı oluyor genelde mnm?


duygusuz, ruhsuz


duygusuzluk, uyuşukluk mnm: sounds solidity >>> immovable by pain, emotionless... mnm: The earthquake shattered his usual stolidity; trembling, he crouched on the no longer stable ground.


dövmek, harman dövmek (n & v) An instrument for thrashing grain by hand; to heat, to whip 1) The farmer used a flail to separate the grains out of the crops. 2) The jockey flailed the horse hard to make it run faster. mmn: if a students fail the exam, he will be flailed




dünyevi He was concerned only with mundane matters, especially the daily stock market quotations. mnm: monday, tuesday, wednesday....everyday

animus, animosity



düşmek, grow feeble, droop; grow feeble When the opposing hockey team scored its third goal only minutes into the first period, the home team's spirits flagged. mnm: white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicate acceptance of defeat. thus low in vigor, grow feeble


dışlanmış, terkedilmiş kimse, enkaz mnm . de-railed


dışlanmış, ötelenmiş I am not a pariah to be shunned and ostracized. mnm: pranga vurmak


eager for: mnm: and avid reader


eagerness, liveliness (n) Quickness of response, Briskness Not wanting to waste any time on formalities, he accepted our offer with alacrity. syn: Celerity ant: Slowness rel: None mnm: ala, canlı


ease pain; make less severe or offensive If we cannot cure this disease at present, we can, at least try to palliate the symptoms mnm: aleviate


easily broken or cracked


easily understood; clear; intelligible Her explanation was lucid enough for a child to grasp. mnm: luc=bright(in Latin)


edebi değeri olmayan şiir (adj. & n) Trivial worthless verse How can you read such doggerel? scolded the father to his son, looking at the trashy comic books he was reading. mnm: WHO LET THE DOGS OUT


edep, nezaket, terbiye (n) Polite and decent behavior The class teacher praised the students for maintaining decorum in the auditorium, and requested them to behave in the same way at all occasions. syn: Seemliness mnm: dekor gibi durmak


effrontery arsızlık, hayasızlık (n) Rudeness without any sense of shame "Everyone is aware of Ruths effrontery and hence do not ever expect an apology from her for her uncivil behaviors." syn: Audacity, Arrogant, Temerity, Impudence, Gall. ant: Shyness mnm: in every discussion he comes to front and tell rude things


efsane we can remember it by famous twilight saga...


egemenlik (n) Controlling influence With his cunning mind and superior leadership skills, he soon managed to gain ascendancy over the group. syn: Dominion ant: None rel: Ascendant (adj & n)


ekonomi yapmak, kısmak If they were to be able to send their children to college, they would have to retrench. trench=etek


eksiltme omission of words from a text Sometimes an ellipsis can lead to a dangling modifier, as in the sentence "Once dressed, you should refrigerate the potato salad.


eksper mnm: reconnaissance(keşif): from connoistre = to know,


el çabukluğu, hokkabazlık The magician demonstrated his renowned legerdemain. mnm: legend man


eleştiri, kritik marked by or inclined to querulous and often perverse criticism. mnm: many people find faults in our car parking style


emredici, buyurucu From Jack's peremptory knock on the door, Jill could tell he would not give up until she let him in. mnm: boşalt orayı ben oturacağım


encouraging; exhortive The crowd listened to his hortatory statements with ever-growing excitement; finally they rushed from the hall to carry to his suggestions. mnm: exhort(exert)


engel olmak, duraksatmak failure of a player to complete a motion; especially : an illegal motion of the pitcher in baseball while in position when a dog barks, you balk


engel olmak, kösteklemek He felt that everyone was trying to thwart his plans and prevent his success. mnm: this word sounds like if someone squeezes your throat your air passages will get blocked.


engellemek, restrain (verb) prevent the progress or free movement of The minority party agreed not to hamper the efforts of the leaders to secure a lasting peace. mnm: damper


enkrikacı, sinsi, iki taraflı oynayan I do not think he will be a good ambassador because he is not accustomed to the machiavellian maneuverings of foreign diplomats mnm: sounds like mafia villain. A villain is always crafty and double dealing.


entertain John regaled us with tales of his adventures in Africa. mnm: galada genelde eğlence olur


enthusiastic applause When Placido Domingo came on stage in the first act of La Boheme, he was greeted by a tremendous ovation. mnm: övgü


equal Your ignoring their pathetic condition is tantamount to the murder. mnm: equal amount


equal in extent


equipment; odds and ends His desk was cluttered with paper, pen, ink, dictionary and other paraphernalia of the writing craft. mnm: para(other, besides) + You remember this word by peripheral,means extra equipments..


erken büyümüş, advanced in development By her rather adult manner of discussing serious topics, the child demonstrated that she was precocious. mnm: çocuk


eski alfabe Tolkien's use of Old English words and inscriptions in the runic alphabet give The Lord of the Rings its atmosphere of antiquity. mnm: ruin-ic


eski haline getirme He offered to make restitution for the window broken by his son. mmn: Its a synonym of "restoration" and also sounds like it.


eski zamana ait This area has been preserved in all its pristine wildness. mnm: Priest are of pure soul


esnek In remodeling the bathroom, we replaced all the old, rigid lead pipes with new, pliable copper tubing. mnm: pliable means liable to change


esprili (adj) Addicted to or marked by pleasantry or levity Gary has this facetious habit of passing silly remarks, which can get very irritating at times. syn: Humorous, Jocose mnm: funny faces


etkilenmez, geçirmez You cannot change their habits for their minds are impervious to reasoning. mnm: A pervert is trying to rape me. But I'm not scared. He won't be able to penetrate me, because I'm impervious - immuned to perverts.


etrafını çevirmek Although we were encompassed by enemy forces, we were cheerful for we were well stocked and could withstand a siege until our allies joined us. mnm: we use a compass to draw a circle


evrak dosyası, sicil (n) File of documents on a subject He clearly remembers putting the dossier containing all the documents in his briefcase, but now he cannot seem to find it. mnm: dosya


excess; overabundance She offered a plethora of excuses for her shortcomings. mnm: meteor yağmuru!


excuse He looked for a good pretext to get out of paying a visit to his aunt mnm: preTEXT... when your teacher asks for an explanation for your low marks, you try to find an EXCUSE that you donot have a TEXTbook


exhausting The marathon is a grueling race. mnm: dueling is always grueling


existing at the beginning The Neanderthal Man is one of our primordial ancestors. mnm: PRIM + ORDIginal


experienced Though pleased with her new batch of rookies, the basketball coach wished she had a few more seasoned players on the team. mnm: one which saw many SEASONS in its life...will be very AGED


ezici güç Nothing could survive in the path of the juggernaut. mnm: ugg ayakkabılarının altında nut ne olur sence =)


ezici, şiddetli, cutting, keskin I am afraid of his trenchant wit for it is so often sarcastic. mnm: trench zaten çukur, hendek demek


eziyet, sancı How long do you think a man can endure such travail and degradation without rebelling? mnm: Travel+rail....when you travel a long distance in a railway full of people you suffer from travail....


eğik, slanting; deviating from the perpendicular or from a straight line The sergeant ordered the men to march "oblique right." mnm: eğik


eğilim Convinced of his own talent, Sol has an unfortunate propensity to belittle the talents of others. mnm: now a days people are inclined towards "CITY" dats y thery r migrating from villages....


eğilim, tutku, ilgi He had a strong penchant for sculpture and owned many statues. mnm: p+enchant- something that enchants you, you have a strong liking for that.






falcı, geleceği görem clear-voyage for the future


fatigued; surfeited He looked for exotic foods to stimulate his jaded appetite mnm: faded


faulty, crooked


favoring or inclined to start quarrels or wars bellicose hockey players who always seem to spend more time fighting than playing bell is a cause of war


favoritism (to a relative), dayıcılık John left his position with the company because he felt that advancement was based on nepotism rather than ability. mnm: Nepotism comes from the Italian term "nepote", meaning "nephew (someone's relative)". Nepotism deals with the hiring of relatives.


fazla heyecandan veya çalışmaktan bitkin, extremely agitated; hysterical When Kate heard the news of the sudden tragedy, she became too overwrought to work and had to leave the office early. mnm: over+wrought => remember wrought iron. Which has become so due to agitation and hysteresis.


fazlasıyla doyurmak, satiate; stuff; indulge to excess in anything Every Thanksgiving we are surfeited with an overabundance of holiday treats. mnm: Think "surplus" to fit, or overfull


fear; trembling agitation We must face the enemy without trepidation if we are to win this battle. TRAP - soldier on being trapped had the feeling of trepidation/fear.


fedakar (adj) Unselfishly generous; Concerned for others His altruistic gestures like donations are only a sham for his otherwise illegal businesses. syn: Philanthropic, Munificent, Bountiful, Charitable ant: Selfish[(Altruism) : Avarice, Miserliness, Cupid mnm: all true people


felicity: mutluluk felicitous : (adj) Apt, Suitably expressed, Well chosen He was famous for his felicitous remarks and was called upon to serve as master-of-ceremonies at many banquet. mnm: ikisi de latin felix'ten geliyor


feragat etmek, vazgeçmek (v) Disown, give up legal claim to The management has disclaimed all responsibility for the accident in the factory, saying that the worker who was injured had come to the factory in an intoxicated state. mnm: dis-claim


fickle; changing He was of a mercurial temperament and therefore unpredictable mnm: mercury akışkandır


fikir birliği We were surprised by the unanimity with which our proposals were accepted by the different groups. mnm: un+animity(enimity) means no enemy which means agreement or harmony


filigran, tel işi The pendant with gold filigree that she wore round her neck trembled with each breath she took.


firar etmek The burglar abscond to North America mnm: absent for a second


flexible The angler found a supple limb and used it as a fishing rod. mnm: sufle de aslında boyle bişi ?


flexible; easily influenced Catherine's disposition was pliant; she was like putty in her suitor's hands mnm: sounds like plant and Plants are more pliant[flexible] than trees.


flood I am worried about the possibility of a spate if the rains do not diminish soon. mnm: spate= spa + te; spa means relax in water tab; when you enter you body in water tab then the water will floated & come in upper side. It will make a forceful flow of water.


flood the basement was inundated after the storm mnm: abundant


flowing smoothly; smooth Italian is a mellifluous language


flowing, running, bitişik el yazısı In normal writing we run our letters together in cursive form; in printing, we separate the letters. mnm: re-cursive


furnisher of foodstuffs; caterer As purveyor of rare wines and viands, he traveled through France and Italy every year in search of new products to sell. mnm: remember conveyor which means supplying something..purveyor= person+ conveyor. A person who does a job of conveyor by supplying something to others.


gap: (n) An opening, gap a break in the chain The cinema theater has resumed screening movies again, after a six-month hiatus, during which it majorly renovated its facilities. ant: Nexus, Connection mnm: split it as HI+AT+US.....if anyone says 'Hi' on the way, we will definitely stop for a while.


gebe olmak evolve, as in prenatal growth While this scheme was being gestated by the conspirators, they maintained complete silence about their intentions. mnm: gas-state of baby etym: gest=bear, carry


geciktirme (adj.) Delaying, Tending to slow down action The heavy lunch had a dilatory effect on my pace of work, and I could not complete the task by the evening as I had planned. syn: Punctuative, Fabian ant: Expediting mnm: delay


gelenek ve kurumlara karşı çıkan George Bernard Shaw's iconoclastic plays often startled more conventional people. mnm: icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.


gelenekler The mores of Mexico are those of Spain with some modifications. mnm: moral standards


gelirin onda birini kiliseye vermek Because he was an agnostic, he refused to pay his tithes to the clergy. mnm: how hard is reaching tenth from tithe??? tithe = tenth or one tenth


gemi enkazı mnm: FLOaTing-SAMan (saman,things)


gen ıslahı pertaining to the improvement of race It is easier to apply eugenic principles to the raising of racehorses or prize cattle than the development of human beings. mnm: eu-genic


geniş arazi The King granted William Penn a tract of land in the New World. mnm: You would drive a TRACTOR in a TRACT(meaning an expanse of land or say a field) to get it ready for cultivation.


genişlemek, gerilmek (v) Expand, Swell out Quite paradoxically, Malnutrition in children causes their stomach to distend and they look quite well fed when they are actually starving. ant: Diminish mnm: DİStant-END


genişletmek In the dark, the pupils of your eyes dilate. mnm: die late


gereksiz tekrar yapan In the sentence "It was visible to the eye," the phrase "to the eye" is tautological. mnm: auto-logical


geri ödemek Let me know what you have spent and I will reimburse you. mnm: reimburse-re +i(m)+purse-i repay using my purse


geriye dönük Because the new pension law was retroactive to the first of the year, even though Martha had retired in February she was eligible for the pension.


gerçek duygularını gizlemek, mış gibi yapmak (v) Disguise, Pretend The army officer tried his best to dissemble that there had not been any breach of authority, but the investigations revealed otherwise. mnm: dissemble sounds like resemble. if you dissemble yourself, you resemble to a person who is exactly different from you


gesture Operatic performers are trained to make exaggerated gesticulations because of the large auditoriums in whic they appear. etym: bear, carry=gest


geçmek, daha iyi olmak Jesse Owens easily outstripped his competitors to win the gold metal at the Olympic Games. mnm: out-sittir ordan


giderleri, masrafları karşılamak (v) Pay the costs or expenses The company agreed to defray all the expenses that I had incurred on the project, including the air fare. mnm: pat the fare


gidermek, tatmin etmek Its hunger sated, the lion dozed. mnm: s-ate, so when we have finished eating our food, we are satisfied to the full..


gift for finding valuable or desirable things by accident; accidental good fortune or luck Many scientific discoveries are a matter of serendipity: Newton was not sitting there thinking about gravity when the apple dropped on his head. mnm: eren, ermişe


girdap, whirlpool The canoe was tossed about in the maelstrom. mnm: mal-storm


giving off an odor The odoriferous spices stimulated her jaded appetite.


giyim konusunda takıntılı He tried to imitate the foppish manner of the young men of the court. mnm: pop (fop) - ish ; those boys who are in pop music are over dressed … they have a very bad sense of dressing but they think that they are looking cool !!!!


gizli anlaşma (n) Secret understanding between two or more people with a fraudulent intention The theft of these documents could only have been committed by way of a collusion between at least two members of this team; I don't believe it is an individuals work. mnm: create an illusion


gizli, açığa vurulmamış You must have an ulterior motive for your behavior, since there is no obvious reason for it. mnm: ulterior = ultra + interior which is very much inside means hidden.


gizli, sinsice, kaçamak (adj) Done secretly, stealthily "The examination papers were furtively stolen from the principals office." syn: Surreptitious ant: Open mnm: farting is done furtively


gizli, örtülü, dormant; hidden Her latent talent was discovered by accident mnm: talent


gösterişli, cafcaflı Her jewels were inexpensive but not meretricious. mnm: metresler genelde boyle olur


gösterişli, fiyakalı Trump's latest casino in Atlantic City is the most ostentatious gambling place in the East: it easily out glitters its competitors. mnm: ostensible


gösterişli, ostentatious I do not feel that your limited resources will permit you to carry out such a pretentious program. mnm: PRETENTIOUS = ATTENTION-ous


göz ucuyla bakmak (adv) With an indirect or slant look I could see that she was trying to look at me askance, even while keeping a straight face. syn: Oblique, Lopsided, Askew ant: None rel: None mnm: at a glance


gözünü korkutmak (v) To control by threat or violence "Fear of unemployment has cowed the workers into unconditional acceptance of the company's plans." Think of cow as abbreviation of COWard. A COWard can be easily terrorized and intimidated.


gül renginde I am afraid you will have to alter your roseate views in the light of the distressing news that has just arrived.


güzel sanatlar meraklısı (n) Person who dabbles in a subject for pleasure, An amateur Twenty year ago, she had started off as a dilettante, occasionally playing the violin at informal gatherings; today she is among the most acknowledged exponents of the instrument. ant: Profess mnm: dante


güçsüz, kuvvetsiz Although he wished to break the nicotine habit, he found himself impotent in resisisting the craving for a cigarette. impotent: im (means Not) + potent (force, power, influence) : Not having power


güçsüzleştirmek, kabiliyetsizleştirmek Overindulgence debilitates character as well as physical stamina. mnm: without ability, the person who doesnot have the ablity to do something is called weak.


halletmek, söküp çıkarmak, yok etmek (v) Root out, destroy The mayor is trying to formulate methods of extirpating unemployment from the town. syn: Eradicate ant: Implant mnm: Exterminate


hang about; wait nearby The police helicopter hovered above the accident. mnm: hover-craft


hapsetmek For the two weeks before the examination, the student immured himself in his room and concentrated upon his studies. mnm: mural=wall


harap, viran The boys propped up the ramshackle clubhouse with a couple of boards. mnm: ramSHACKle, shacks are huts in beaches which are poorly built..


haraç anlamı da varmış The colonists refused to pay tribute to a foreign despot. mnm: contribute


harmless Let him drink it; it is innocuous and will have no ill effect. mnm: in(not)+nocuous(noxious)........ means not noxious......something which is not noxious is harmless...


harmony; agreement Her agitation seemed out of consonance with her usual calm. mnm: resonance


hater of women


hatred of marriage


hatıra Her reminiscences of her experiences are so fascinating that she ought to write a book. mnm: remind a past scene


hava geçirmez, sıkı kapalı (adj) Airtight, protected from external agencies The child-like, innocent soul led a hermetic existence all on his own, totally oblivious of the wicked ways of the world. ant: Permeable 2- obscure and mysterious; occult It is strange to consider that modern chemistry originated in the hermetic teachings of the ancient alchemists. mnm: helmet-ic


havanın ılıman olması


having a sawtoothed edge The beech tree is one of many plants that have serrated leaves. mnm: 'serr.. serr.. serr...' sounds like carpenter's work using the saw..


having insight; penetrating; astute The brillant lawyer was known for his perspicacious deductions. mmn: persler(iranlılar) akıllı adamlardır


having obscure dark streaks or flecks on a usually gray or tawny ground <a brindled cow> mnm: led


hayvan besleyicisi, meraklısı breeder or dealer of animals The dog fancier exhibited her prize collie at the annual Kennel Club show. mnm: fence-ier: one who fences animals


hayırsever, insansever phil->anhtropo


hazımsızlık çeken kimse All the talk about rich food made him feel dyspeptic. dys-pepsin


her gün olan, gündelik To Philip, each new day of his internship was filled with excitement; he could not dismiss his rounds as merely quotidian routine. mnm: kot pantolon?


her şeye burnunu sokan, meddlesome; After her long flight, Jill just wanted to nap, but the officious bellboy was intent on showing her all the special features of the deluxe suite. mnm: After her long flight, Jill just wanted to nap, but the officious bellboy was intent on showing her all the special features of the deluxe suite.


her şeyi hesaba katan (adj) Cautious, Done after careful thought Fearing that it could be a bomb, the policeman circumspectly examined the strange looking object that had appeared from almost nowhere. syn: Prudent, Discreet.


hermit-keşiş, (n) Home of a religious person, removed from the society The ascetic went from door to door begging for alms, and retreated to his secluded hermitage as night fell. mnm: home for aged people


hesitate Fearing that her husband had become involved in an affair, she did not scruple to read his diary. mnm: scruple has couple in it.a new couple(spouse) generally hesitate to do things u know of what i am try to say........


hesitate faltering , hesitation , waver When told to dive off the high board, she did not falter, but proceeded at once. mnm halterci falter etti, ağırlığı haldıramadı


heyecan, cokuşma (n & v) 1) Agitation, Commotion 2) Excite, stir up 1) The trains were all delayed by long hours causing fermentation at the railway station. 2) He sang a lively song for the birthday girl and fermented the dull crowd at the party. mnm: ermeniler hrant'ı anmak için toplandılar


heyecan, kudurma (n) Enthusiastic admiration, frenzy, great excitement The furor of the children at the playground after class is an amusing sight. mnm: fast and furious


heyecanlı bir şekilde bağırarak konuşmak As we heard him rant on the platform, we could not understand his strange popularity with many people. mnm: Rant=>Grant. When you get a Grant,you have a grate rant!


hiciv, alay, komedi The ridiculous decision the jury has arrived at is a travesty of justice. mnm:


hiciv, taşlama form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack vice and folly Gulliver's Travels, which is regarded by many as a tale for children, is actually a bitter satire attacking human folly. mnm: tiye alma


hile trick; shift; sham blow The boxer was fooled by his opponent's feint and dropped his guard. mnm: feign'in noun hali


hile, katakulle, üçkağıt You will not be able to fool your friends with such an obvious ruse. mnm: rus-lar


hint, clue This came as a complete surprise to me as I did not have the slightest inkling of your plans. mnm: jumble the words . inkling -> linking .. a linking is a hint or clue.


hiçbir boku beğenmez, ben :) (adj) Difficult to please Kim is a fastidious eater who manages to find faults in food cooked even by the finest of chefs. syn: Unpleasant


holding fast, sıkı sıkıya sarılmış, vazgeçmeyen ex: I had to struggle to break his tenacious hold on my arm. ex: tenacious memory ex: It is extremely difficult to overcome the tenacity of a habit such as smoking. mnm: REtenacious... one who retains things..


hoş, şık giyinen Priding himself on being a natty dresser, the gangster Bugsy Siegel collected a wardrobe of imported suits and ties. mnm: natty


hoşgörülü, müsamahakar indulgent parents spoil their children by giving in to their every whim. mnm: INDULGENT= INDULGE+ GENTLE. Parents who Indulge in issues of there children and are very Gentle. So they lean to the wishes of their children.


huysuz, aksi difficult or irritating to deal with mnm: no contact, angerc


huzursuz, kıpır kıpır Waiting impatiently in the line to see Santa Claus, even the best-behaved children grow restive and start to fidget. mnm: Restive is actually restless. Like factitious is actually factless :)


huzursuzluk, vicdan rahatsızlığı His qualms of conscience had become so great that he decided to abandon his plans. mnm: opposite of Calm


hypnotize mnm: mass memory


hükümdarlık, taç mnm: diadem sounds very close to diamond....and a crown is made up of diamonds...


hürmet, saygı In deference to his desires, the employers granted him a holiday. mnm: REVERENCE


hırpane, pejmurde I would rather stay in dormitory lodgings in a decent youth hostel than have a room of my own in a seedy downtown hotel


hırpani Such slovenly work habits will never produce good products. mnm: people of SLOVENIA(a country in europe) are known to be very untidy and careless people.


hırpani, pespaye This is a sleazy fabric; it will not wear well. mnm: sleazy sounds like lazy..a person too lazy to take bath even..he is shabby n dirty


ideal, örnek (n) Perfect example or embodiment Charlotte has become the epitome of good manners after her return from the finishing school. mnm: epic tome of Mustafa Kemal Ataturk


idealistic but impractical His head is in the clouds; he is constantly presenting these quixotic schemes


iftira atma, karalama slandering; aspersion He is offended by your frequent detractions of his ability as a leader. mnm: consider it as an opposite of attraction. The one who doesn't attract, we slander that.


iftira atmak Unless you can prove your allegations, your remarks constitute slander. mnm: its like throwing sand on someone's reputation


ihbar etmek, ilan etmek The reform candidate denounced the corrupt city officers for having betrayed the public's trust. mnm: Denounce - Similar to announce. Announce is for all kind of information but denounce is to criticize...


ihtiva etmek, kapsamak Does the general theory of relativity contradict Newtonian physics, or is Newton's law of gravity subsumed into Einstein's larger scheme? mnm: subsume -- sub + sum + e. Sum -- summing. summing something means adding up and hence to include everything.


ihtiyatlı, sağduyulu A miser hoards money not because he is prudent but because he is greedy. mnm: sounds like president; a president is always a wise or just person


ikilem When the two colleges to which he had applied accepted him, he was in a quandary as to which one he should attend. mnm: quantary relates to quantum physics,which is so complex that it leaves you in DILEMMA about the UNCERTAINITY of photon


ikiyüzlülük I resent his hypocritical posing as a friend for I know he is interested only in his own advancement.


ileri sürmek In you discussion, you have propounded several questions; let us consider each one separately. mnm: propo(propose) + ound(round) = what do we propose at a round table, an idea, guys :)


ilk çocuk olma By virtue of primogeniture, in some cultures the first-born child has many privileges denied his brothers and sisters. mnm: prime: first genetic: gene


ima etmek, hint; imply What are you trying to insinuate by that remark? mnm: IN(not)+SIGN....without any signal i.e indirectly hint or imply ....


ima, implication, kinaye I can defend myself against direct accusations; innuendos and oblique attacks on my character are what trouble me. mnm: In(indirect)+do


imagined; unreal You are resenting fancied insults. No one has ever said such things about you. mnm: fantacy


imitation of another's style in musical composition or in writing We cannot even say that her music is a pastiche of this or that composer; it is rather, reminiscent of many musicians. mnm: PASTi+CHE......pasti...PASTE...........we do copy PASTE......while copying we imitate the style of others and paste it where we want


immature It is hard for an unfledged writer to find a sympathetic publisher. mnm: fledge= tüylenmek, uçmaya hazır hale gelmek


impertinent, şımarık, sulu I think your pert and impudent remarks call for an apology. mnm: arabayı pert ederler bunlar


imply, ima etmek Mrs. Simons alluded to some health problems, without being specific. rel: allusion mnm: all nude gf is attacked and she alludes to his boyfriend


impressive (adj) Very impressive In my unimpressive clothes, I found myself rather out of place in the august gathering that consisted of the high and mighty of the city. syn: Majestic ant: Raffish rel: Augustly (adv), Augustness (n) mnm: augustus tapınağı


initial payment I will go to sleep early for I want to break an incipient cold. mnm: inci(INITIAL)+pie(nt)(PAYment)...AND INITIAL payment is made in the BEGINGING OF SOMETHING


injury to the body The riot was marked not only by mayhem, with its attendant loss of life and limb, but also by arson and pillage. mnm: merhem neye iyi gelir


insanlardan nefret eden We thought the hermit was a misantrope because he shunned our society. mnm: mis-anthrope


insansı (adj & n) 1) Manlike in form 2) Being that is human in form only esp. a manlike ape Going by the Darwinian theory, humanoid forms like gorilla should evolve into other more complex species over thousands of years. syn: Anthropomorphic, Humanoid


introductory The chairman made a few prefatory remarks before he called on the first speaker mnm: preface


introductory statement In the preamble to the Constitution, the purpose of the document is set forth


irritation; resentment She showed her pique by her refusal to appear with the other contestants at the end of the contest. mnm: pique can be split as pi+que.. so imagine you are standing in a QUE(ue) in a Pie shop (cake) for a long time you get ANNOYED ,IRRITATED and you tend to show RESENTMENT


isim vermek, name: (n) "Name or title, specifically one which is added to a persons actual name" History has honored the brave deeds of King Alexander of Greece by giving him the appellation of Alexander, the Great. syn: Cognomen, Designation ant: None rel: None mnm: apolet?


isyankar, asi The captain had to use force to quiet his mutinous crew. mnm: umut, isyandır


it was a dark and bleak wintry day mnm: bleak


itip kalkmak mnm: höst


itmek, galeyana getirmek (v & n) Urge someone to continue or perform, Persuade It is doubtful that the pressure of the environmentalists will be sufficient to goad the developing nations into using less fossil fuels. mnm: go and do it


içine doğuş Hamlet felt a presentiment about his meeting with Laertes. mnm: sentiment means feeling or perceiving. presentiment means feeling before hand about the future.


içki alemi, alem (n) A drinking bout, Jovial feast, A drunken revelry. "He refused to take part in the carousal, saying that he would prefer to celebrate his sons victory quietly in his room." syn: Bacchanalia ant: Sobriety mnm: car arousal


içki içmek He found that his most enjoyable evenings occurred when he tippled with his friends at the local pub. mnm: Don't tipple or you will TOPPLE.


içmek As we quaffed our ale, we listened to the gay songs of the students in the tavern. mnm: sounds like cough. When we have a cough, we DRINK cough syrup which is quite tasty actually.


içmek, abzorbe etmek mnm: sounds like pipe


içten, samimi cordial gracious; heartfelt


iğrenmek, lanet etmek The world execrates the memory of Hitler and hopes that genocide will never again be the policy of any nation. mnm: exe-created-virus


iğrenç, pis kokulu foul smelling; unwholesome I never could stand the noisome atmosphere surrounding the slaughter houses. mnm: noise


iğrenç, tiksindirici Your mawkish sighs fill me with disgust. mnm: kis(iğrenç bir şey)


işaretçisi olmak/habercisi The king did not know what these omens might portend and asked his soothsayers to interpret them. mnm: port + end; how do you know its the end of the port, by the red sign board which says "Port Ends"


iştah açıcı, lezzetli The piquant sauce added to our enjoyment of the meal. mnm: PI+QUANT Quant in GRE is more attracting and delighting than Verbal


jargon, language; idiom All this legal parlance confuses me; I need an interpreter mnm: PAR(ticular) LAN(guage) So Parlance is a PARticular manner of speaking a LANguage.


journey Auntie Mame was a world traveler whose peregrinations took her from Tiajuana to Timbuctoo mnm: destination


kaba, aptalca, incelikten yoksun (adj) Very unrefined, Grossly insensible Though he was sincerely apologetic for his crass behavior at the party, she was not willing to forgive him saying that it was not the first time he had talked so rudely to her. ant: Refined mnm: kıro + ass


kaba, biçimsiz He is an ungainly young man; he trips over everything. mnm: un+ gain=> if u gain (increase) in weight then you cant(un) walk gracefully...


kabul etmemek, karşı çıkmak (v & n) To express disagreement or refusal to do something I requested the professor to defer the last date for submitting the thesis, but he demurred saying that he has given enough time for completion of the report. syn: Staid mnm: DEM U R wrong


kadro almak He was permanent tenure in this position and cannot be fired. mnm: sounds like ten you are holding an office for the last ten years.


kafa karışıklığı simultaneous and contradictory attitudes or feelings (as attraction and repulsion) toward an object, person, or action


kafasız heykel This torso, found in the ruins of Pompeii, is now on exhibition in the museum in Naples. mnm: ?


kafir The Saracens made war against tne infidels. mnm: fidel de kafir komunistti


kafir Catholics used to believe that anyone but a priest touching a consecrated wafer was blasphemous. mnm: emos are blasphemous


kafir, kafirlik She was punished by the Spanish Inquisition because she was a heretic. mnm: erotic(kafirlik)


kahin Until their destruction by fire in 83 B.C., the sibylline books were often consulted by the Romans. mnm:


kahkaha atmak (n & v) To laugh in a loud and rude manner, Such boisterous laughter At his stupid remark, Peter let out a loud guffaw. mnm:remember GOOFY's laughing


kahya, uşak (n) A person who has tasks or responsibilities of all kinds, a jack of all trades Our butler is the factotum of our household as he is also a cook as well as a driver. mnm: totam = all


kalabalık (n) A large, noisy and excited crowd Hordes of angry young people surrounded the residence of the controller of examinations, accusing him of discrepancies in the examination system. mnm: herd


kalemin ucu, gaga The nibs of fountain pens often become clotted and corroded. mnm: nip-tuck'taki nip gibi


kamuoyu yoklaması to ask (the people in an area) what they think about a candidate, project, idea, etc. mnm: Cancass city voting


kanal In a magnificent feat of engineering, Goethals and his men cut through the isthmus of Panama in constructing the Panama Canal mnm: ISTanbul


karalama (n) A false or derogatory remark If you are casting aspersions on my ability to drive, let me inform you that I have been driving a car for over twenty years now. syn: Obloquy, Infamy, Calumny, Censure ant: Flattery rel: Asperse (v) mnm: If you make a person aspersion, he/she will be ass-person


karalamak, iftira etmek His opponents tried to traduce the candidate's reputation by spreading rumors about his past. mnm: TRADUCE - TO + REDUCE someone's good image, to slander or defame.


karalamak, kötülemek, iftira atmak (v) Defame, Tarnish the reputation of By indulging in such destructive activities, he is denigrating the name of his own family in the society. syn: Malign, Slander, Traduce, Vilify, Calumniate ant: Lionize mnm: ******


karanlık, kasvetli The stygian room reminded him of an empty space. mnm: Sky its turned dark and gloomy


karıştırmak, fesat çıkarmak This report will foment dissension in the club. mnm: foam(köpürmek)


karşılık vermek rel: reciprocal If they attack us, we shall be compelled to reciprocate and bomb their territory. mnm: receipt


karşılıklı suçlama Loud and angry recriminations were her answer to his accusations.


kaside yazarı, meddah 2- praising, övgü anlamı da var: Some critics believe that his encomiastic statements about Napoleon were inspired by his desire for material advancement rather than by an honest belief in the Emperor's genius. mnm: yabancılar türkiye'nin ekonomisini övdüler.


kasten yangın çıkaran mnm: INSane person who sets his DIARY on fire.


kavgacı, mücadeleci mnm: contend, contest


kaytarmak, avoid Brian has a strong sense of duty; he would never shirk any responsibility. mnm: remember shark..., normal people used to avoid him as he was an ogre.


kaza With a little care you could have avoided this mishap. mnm: mis-happening


kazançlı, karlı, iyi para getiren I find my new work so remunerative that I may not return to my previous employment. mnm: enum artar biliyorsun


kaçamak not frank; eluding Your evasive answers convinced the judge that you were witholding important evidence. mnm: evade->avoid


kaçınmak, avoid He tried to eschew all display of temper. mnm: escape-from-chewing, it is irritating


kaçınmak, uzak durmak Cherishing his solitude, the recluse shunned the company of other human beings. mnm: shun sounds like SUN so keep a distance from the sun.


kederli, dertli The artist has captured the sadness of childhood in his portrait of the boy with the rueful countenance. mnm: rue:- rue sounds like rude.. so when someone behaves rudely, u will be sorrow


kederli, hüzünlü (adj.) Distressing, Causing sadness or emotional suffering Mirza Ghalib, the noted Urdu poet who lived in India about 300 years ago, is known for his dolorous poetry, much of which revolves around the distress and pain he suffered in love. syn: Mournful mnm: de-colorous


kederli, sıkıntılı The lugabrious howling of the dogs added to our sadness. mnm: ??


kehanet, foretelling Oedipus could not understand the oracular warning he received. mnm: sometimes binacular can help you to see the future


kehanette bulunmak The vultures flying overhead presaged the discovery of the corpse in the desert. mnm: Presage = presays indicating in advance about the warning


kelepçelemek The police immediately manacled the prisoner so he could not escape. mnm: manacle sounds like ankle or shackle , so my ankle got trapped therefore restrained from doing something.


kelime oyunu yapmak Do not quibble; I want a straightforward and definite answer. Query + babble (minor objection/murmuring).


kendi dinine çevirmek In these interfaith meetings, there must be no attempt to proselytize; we must respect all points of view. mnm: elastic?


kendi kendine konuşma The soliloquy is a device used by the dramatist to reveal a character's innermost thoughts and emotions. mnm: solo + talk


kendine çekidüzen vermek As Kitty preened before the mirror, carefully smoothing her shining hair, she couldn't help preening herself on her good looks mnm: To become a QUEEN you have to PREEN! Simple


kendini beğenmiş His overweening pride in his accomplishments was not justified. mnm: a person who wins over and over becomes arrogant. He now arrogantly presumes that he will always win.


kendini beğenmiş I prefer Jill's modesty to Jack's supercilious and arrogant attitude. mnm: SUPER+FEELious....when you feel that you are superior, you become showy,pompous ......


keserek çıkarmak cut away; cut out When you excise the dead and dying limbs of a tree, you not only improve its appearance but also enhance its chances of bearing fruit. mnm: exercise will excise fat from your body


kesik kesik His staccato speech reminded one of the sound of a machine gun. mnm: staccato sounds like when u eat lots of potatoes u'll make sharp abrupt sound (like burps)


keyifsiz, ruhsuz


keyifsizlik, huzursuzluk She felt a sudden vague malaise when she heard sounds at the door. mnm: mal(means bad, not good (of condition)+aise(sounds like ease)....and someone who is not at ease is one who is feeling ill




kiler, ambar The first thing Bill did on returning home from school was to check what snacks his mother had in the larder. mnm: kid went up the LADDER to steal jam from the LARDER


kill We do more to decimate our population in automobile accidents than we do in war. mnm: deccal kills mates


kilolu (adj) Having health and vigor, Plump and rosy "He fell in love with the buxom girl at the florists counter, not aware that she herself owned the store." syn: Comely


kindly, friendly (adj) Easy to approach and converse with, Courteous Because of his affable and helpful nature, Charles soon became very popular in the organization. syn: Obliging, rel: Affability (n), Affably (adv) affection to others


kirletmek, kutsallığını bozmak desecrate profane; violate the sanctity of The soldiers desecrated the temple.




klişe, basmakalıp The trite and predictable situations in many television programs alienate many viewers. mnm: trite sounds like tried...when smthng is tried again n again it bcomes hackneyed


knowledge if you got the cognizance, you would recognize the girl


kocakarı mnm: crones wear a crown


kocakarı ilacı No quack selling nostrums is going to cheat me. mnm: put RUM in the cure cold.... ? - questionable medicine


koklamayla ilgili The olfactory organ is the nose. mnm: ol(oil) people are CONCERNED ABOUT THE SMELL THAT COMES FROM THE OIL FACTORY.


kokmak The room reeked with stale tobacco smoke. mnm: A Drainage LEAK will emit a REEK :)


kokmuş, kokuşmuş A rancid odor filled the ship's galley and nauseated the crew. mnm: ran+acid(acid)...presence of acid(secreted by bacteria during the process of fermentation) in curd makes the curd bitter in taste and bad in smell


kokusunu hatırlatan Even though it is February, the air is redolent of spring. mnm: re-odo-lent: reminder of "odor".


kolayca kandırılabilir, ahmak He preyed upon gullible people, who believed his stories of easy wealth. mnm: bir kızı gülle bile kandırabilirsin


kolaylıkla kandırılabilen While the gullible Watson often was made a dupe by unscrupulous parties, Sherlock Holmes was far more difficult to fool. mnm: dopehead

pore over

konsantre olmak Determined to become a physician, Beth spends hours poring over her anatomy text. mnm: school books are a bore....... because we have to pore through them


kontrolü altına almak, conquer It is not our aim to subjugate our foe; we are interested only in establishing peaceful relations. mnm: gate'ten içeri girdiğin anda konrol senindir


konudan ayrılma wandering away from the subject Nobody minded when Professor Renoir's lectures wandered away from their official theme; his digressions were always more fascinating than the topic of the day. mnm: diversion


konuşma diline ait


konuşma kaybı: (n) Loss of ability to use or understand speech The parents were startled to see signs of aphasia in their three-year old son, and rushed him to a speech therapist. syn: None ant: None rel: Aphasic (adj & n) mnm: amnesia, aphaisa


korkak His timorous manner betrayed the fear he felt at the moment. mnm: timorous = timid


korkudan sinmek, titremek (v) To bend low and move back because of fear At the sight of the ferocious dog, the cat cowered and ran for cover. syn: Cringe mnm: a coward cowers of fear


korkunç, ürkütücü During the Cold War period, neighboring countries tried not to offend the Russians because they could be redoubtable foes. mnm: can be re+doubt(able) if you have REpeated DOUBTs in any subject just before the exam, it might CAUSE FEAR


korkusuz, cesur For his intrepid conduct in battle, he was promoted. mnm: IN TRAP... you are fearless and confident that you will come out of it.


korkutmak, sindirmek, yıldırmak Your threats cannot daunt me. rel: dauntless mnm: haunt


korkutucu, wierd anlamı da var. (adj) Dangerous and unfamiliar, Weird so as to evoke fear The strange and scary sounds coming from the jungle created an eerie atmosphere in the camp. syn: Eldritch mnm: scary


kotüye kullanma, kötülük, Misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public official The authorities did not discover the campaign manager's malfeasance until after he had spent most of the money he had embezzled. mnm: mal-fee


kudurmak, çok öfkeli olmak The nation was seething with discontent as the nobleman continued their arrogant ways. mnm: SOOTHE if you remember, means, calm/quiet...Seethe is its opposite, meaning, violent.


kukla, heykel (noun) a representation of a person (especially in the form of sculpture) mnm: ef-FIG(ure)-y


kulağa hoş gelen (adj.) Sweet, Soothing She sang a pleasant melody in her dulcet voice, enchanting everyone present at the party. syn: honeyed , mellifluous , mellisonant , sweet mnm: duet


kundakçı pyre=pile of wood


kural çiğneme, suç işleme Forgive us our transgressions; we know not what we do. mnm: trans + grade => bir şeyin sınırının dışına çıkmak


kuralcı The Internal Revenue Service agent was a stickler for accuracy; no approximations or rough estimates would satisfy him. mnm: read it as STICK-LER, i.e one who sticks to a set of rules, a PERFECTIONIST.


kurutmak (v) Take out moisture from something in order to preserve it, to dry thoroughly. "The old sailors skin had become wrinkled and desiccated from years of being out in the sun and the wind." ant: Inundate mnm: desert


kuşku, şüphe Hamlet described his misgivings to Horatio but decided to fence with Laertes despite his foreboding of evil. mnm: Mis(not)+Giving....I am not giving the keys of my locker to you because I have some doubts,anxiety in my mind about you....


kuşkulu, uyanık Don't eat sushi at this restaurant; I'm a bit leery about how fresh it is. mnm: Tom & Jerry(uyanık olmalı)


köken, menşei I am not interested in its provenance; I am more concerned with its usefulness than with its source. mnm: provenance = province+ance, remember when someone asks you: where do you belong to or to which province do you belong to?..which means whats your origin? Provenance=(Province of oneself )


kölelik The captured soldier was held in thrall by the conquering army. mnm: thrall=thrill( a person is in slavery under a witch and doing thrill work


köpeklerle ilgili


köpeğin sırtındaki ve boynundaki tüyler, sinirlenmek a feeling of anger and animosity Synonyms : dander mnm: hackles rhymes with jackals..they have hair on their back and neck and are very aggressive, filled with anger.


kötü/zehirli koku Air pollution has become a serious problem in our major cities; the effluvium and the poisons in the air are hazards to life. mnm: effluent(artık atık madde)


küfürlü, açık saçık Your scurrilous remarks are especially offensive because they are untrue. mnm:


kümelenme This suburb has become just a vast agglomeration of houses, people, and cars. mnm: gloomy sky is covered by dark clouds.


kürsü, platform mnm: sounds like desk


küstah, cüretkar It seems presumptuous for one so relatively new to the field to challenge the conclusions of its leading experts. mnm: resume'ni gösterip show yaparsan küstah olursun


küstahlık, imprudent disrespect; haughtiness How dare you treat me so rudely! The manager will hear of you insolence mnm: insult


küstahlık, saygısızlık (n) Lack of respect or seriousness, Irreverence "John's flippant remarks during history class annoyed the teacher." syn: Impiety, Impudence mnm=?


küçük düşürmek, aşağılamak humiliate; punish the flesh She was so mortified by her blunder that she ran to her room in tears. mnm: mort olmak


küçük düşürmek, rezil etmek His long hours in the blacking factory left young Dickens numb and incurious, as if the menial labor had stultified his mind. mnm: Stultify sounds like STUNT+IFY. When one guy who tries to be a stunt man and fails then he looks stupid.Stultify=stunt+failed.


küçük nehir small stream As the rains continued, the trickle of water running down the hillside grew into a rivulet that threatened to wash away a portion of the slope. mnm: river-let


küçük parça The tiniest mote in the eye is very painful. mnm: replace e with a and read from back its atom


küçük suç If we examine these escapades carefully, we will realize that they are mere peccadilloes rather than major crimes. mnm: capturing a cadillac in GTA is peccadillo


küçümsemek (v) To speak or treat with disrespect or contempt The teacher disparaged him in front of the whole class, saying that he was a good for nothing syn: Belittle. ant: Complement, Eulogize mnm: dis-para: parasız


kıskandırıcı, gücendirici We disregarded her invidious remarks because we realized how jealous she was. mnm: invi seems like "envy" check the meaning of envy and you will understand the mnemonic


kısmak, idare etmek They were forced to skimp on necessities in order to make their limited supplies last the winter. mnm: skimp = ski-p + m for money; skip money. Always a skinflint.


kısıtlamak, limitlemek (v) Lay down limits of, Confine, Define logically This set of rules and regulations circumscribe your authority -- make sure that you do not exceed what is stated here in the use of your power. syn: Restrict


kıvrak esnek Her figure was lithe and willowy. mnm: Sounds like "light" and something which is light in weight can easily be moved and bended.


kızınca ağızdan çıkan anlamsız söz (n) A meaningless word used for swearing or expressing a violent feeling, Curse It was a strange expletive he muttered with anger when Samantha called to say that she would not be coming. syn: Imprecation mnm: explosive


lekelemek, kirletmek Polls revealed that the front-runner's standing had been damaged by the slurs and innuendoes circulated by his opponent's staff. mnm: slur... reminds of a slut.. this is a defametory remark...


let down, azaltmak (n) Letdown in thought or emotion The much hyped visit of the Microsoft officials to the company ended in an anticlimax when they left within fifteen minutes without stating much. syn: None ant: None rel: Anticlimactic (adj)


leylak The mauve tint in the lilac bush was another indication that spring had finally arrived. mnm: mavi


lezzetli, makbul, makul Neither Jack's underbaked opinions nor his overcooked casseroles were palatable to me. mnm: eatable


liberal in bestowing gifts or favors mnm: bol, cömert


liberated Chained to the wall for months on end, the hostage despaired that he would ever be unfettered. mnm: un-fettered(feathered): if a bird is feathered it is FREE or LIBERATED to fly


lie Some people believe that to prevaricate in a good cause is justifiable and regard the statement as a "white lie." mnm: iç-et-mek için yalan söylemeli


lighthearted; animated; easy and carefree In Singing in the Rain, Gene Kelly sang and danced his way through the lighthearted title number in a properly jaunty style. mnm: aunty


likely to change; unstable Because the hormonal changes they undergo affect their spirits, adolescents may become emotionally labile and experience sudden shifts of mood. mnm: LABILE it as "liable" to change,i.e UNSTABLE


list They print the roster of players in the season's program. mnm: sounds like REGISTER which contains a LIST


little, round hill Robert Louis Stevenson's grave is on a knoll in Samoa; to reach the grave site, you must climb uphill and walk a short distance along a marked path mnm: knoll: kno(know)+ll(all).so if u know everything u will feel as u r top, ur on a hill


lively She is as skittish as a kitten playing with a piece of string. mnm: kitty(small cute kittens) are always lively and frisky


lover of luxury Rich people are not always sybarites; some of them have little taste for a life of luxury. mnm: a lover of luxury finds going to the bar right


lower Tradition locates hell in the nether regions. mnm: "NetherLand" is a country which is quite below and also called a Holland meaning hollow land. Hence can be remembered as "Nether"+"land"


lustful Because they might arouse lascivious impulses in their readers, the lewd books were banned by the clergy. mnm: lascivious (lasci -lust vious -full) so --lustful


lustful mnm: arabada beş Lewde onbeş :)


lying; false He was pathological liar, and his friends learned to discount his mendacious stories. mnm: audacious men is always liar


made of bone; bony / kemikleşmek The hollow "soft spot" found at the top of the infant's skull gradually closes as new osseus tissue fills in the gap. mnm: kemik erimesi(osteoporoz)


maden damarı If this lode that we have discovered extends for any distance, we have found a fortune. mnm: Gold Ore


mahkemeye çağırmak, çağrı kağıdı The prosecutor's office was ready to serve a subpoena on the reluctant witness. mnm: from Latin sub poena under penalty


mahrum kalmak, matem (n) The state of being deprived of something valuable. Also, the death of a close relative or friend. Having lost his 20-year old son in an accident, the mill-owner could never get over his bereavement. syn: Anguish, Dolor rel: Bereave (v) mnm: grievement


makaslamak, atmak (v) To remove objectionable matter from a book etc. The censor board expurgated all scenes from the film, which it felt was inappropriate for the viewing of children. syn: Bowdlerize mnm: EXPEL-PURGE


makul At a key moment in his life, he made a judicious investment that was the foundation of his later wealth.


malum olmak mnm: fore-bading


manageable You will find the children in this school very tractable and willing to learn. mnm: Tractable sounds like tractor ,which makes it easy to manage a field .


manalı, kısa ve özlü After reading so many redundant speeches, I find his sententious style particularly pleasing. mnm: Sentence+less - Someone who can concisely explain his views in just a few sentences (less sentences used).


manevi We must devote time to the needs of our incorporeal mind as well as our corporeal body. mnm: relate coporeal to corpus and incorporeal to having no body


midesi bulanmış As the ship left the harbor, he became queasy and thought that he was going to suffer from seasickness. mnm: quiz yaklaşırken genelde olur


mikrobik; yaratıcı (adj.) In the earliest stage of development, Creative or productive of new ideas We call this division the Germinal Department since the people here are highly creative and responsible for most of the big ideas that our advertising agency has come up wit germinate: cause to sprout; sprout After the seeds germinate and develop their permanent leaves, the plants may be removed from the cold frames and transplanted to the garden. mnm: opposite of terminal and terminate


miras bırakmak (v) Leave to someone by means of a will The industrialist bequeathed his entire wealth to a charitable trust, wishing that the money should be used for constructing schools and hospitals for the needy. rel: Bequest (n)


mix-up, confuse (v & adj) 1) Muddle, drive crazy, become rotten 2) Empty, muddled, unsound Working continuously for fifteen hours a day for months on end can addle the brains of the sharpest individual. syn: Perturb, Fluster ant: None rel: Addled (adj)


mixed up; jumbled; distorted A favorite party game involves passing a whispered message from one person to another; by the time it reaches the last player, the message has become totally garbled. mnm: garb (relate it to GARBAGE) AND IN GARBAGE all the spoiled and distorted materials are mixed up.


mixture The band played a medley of Gershwin tunes mnm: melody


mizaç One of his personal idiosyncrasies was his habit of rinsing all cutlery given him in a restaurant. rel: idiosyncratic mnm: idiot and crazy


mnm: daldan dala atlama (adj.) Rambling, not keeping to the main subjects, wandering from the main point "That was among the most discursive lectures I've ever heard; he spoke on everything except the topic he was supposed to speak on." syn: Digressive mnm: cursor


mnm: kin, garez Let us forget out rancor and cooperate in this new endeavor. mnm: RANCOR : RANKER ! Most of the students always hate the top RANKER of the class, as they always defeat them in the exams!


mnm: make purse keseli hayvanlar


mnm: providing protective supervision I am acting in my tutelary capacity when I refuse to grant you permission to leave the campus. mnm: it seems like tutor. who watches u whether you are reading or not..


modası geçmiş Her style is passe and reminiscent of the Victorian era. mnm: Sounds like past..and so past items are always old fashioned now.


model of perfection The class disliked him because the teacher was always pointing him out as a paragon of virtue.


momentary, geçici Lexy's joy at finding the perfect Christmas gift for Phil was transient; she still had to find presents for the cousins and Uncle Bob. Located near the airport, this hotel caters to the largely transient trade. mnm: remember transient light and transient current.... that we studied in physics.....which produce an effect for a very short time...


monotonluk, dull After years of adventure, he could not settle down to a humdrum existence. mnm: hum(human) a human being beating the drum in a monotonus way.


moving force, stimulus A new federal highway program would create jobs and five added impetus to our economic recovery. mnm: sounds like fetus which is an unborn baby... so at time of delivery a moving force(impetus) makes it easier for the mother to give birth...


mozaik benzeme I recall seeing a table with a tessellated top of bits of stone and glass in a very interesting pattern. mnm: Tesselated=tiles+Decorated


muddy, çamurlu The water was turbid after the children had waded through it. mnm: turpu pazardan aldığında genelde çamurlu olur


muhtaç, mahrum (adj.) Extremely poor, Without resources The heavy losses he incurred on the share market as well as in his own business left him destitute and impoverished; he had no option but to plead before his elder brother for a loan. ant: Affluent mnm: de-statute


mul-act, dolandırmak, defraud a person of something The lawyer was accused of trying to mulct the boy of his legacy mnm: mal-act


mübalağalı, abartılı In their stories of the trial, the reporters ridiculed the magniloquent speeches of the defense attorney. mnm: magni(means large, big, a lot of(especially of showing)) + eloquent (some one who can speak well)....people who try to show off verbally are very pompous people.


müsrif, tutumsuz He was constantly being warned to mend his improvident ways and begin to "save for a rainy day." mnm: Im (not) provident (providing). Not providing for the future; thriftless.


müstahak (adj) Worthy of or deserving punishment Imprisonment for three years is not a condign punishment for a crime like this, I feel he should be in jail for at least ten years. ant: Inadequate, Undeserved mnm: Condign can be split as CONvicted + Dign. A convicted person has been given punishment of digging whole day in jail which is well deserved punishment for him


müşterilere teşekkür etmek ve yeni iş bağlantıları kurmak umuduyla işveren pahasına teklif edilen gezi Though she maintained she had gone abroad to collect firsthand data on the Common Market, the opposition claimed that her trip was merely a political junket. mnm: JUNK politician goes to phuKET (thailand) at public expense.


mızmız His classmates were repelled by his querulous and complaining statements. mnm: QUARREL-ous


narrate or tell; count over again About to recount the latest adventure of Sherlock Holmes, Watson lost track of exactly how many cases Holmes had solved and refused to begin his tale until he'd recounted them one by one.


narrow in outlook; provincial; related to parishes Although Jane Austen writes novels set in small rural communities, her concerns are universal, not parochial. mnm: parish->Paris'in arka mahalleleri


narrow-minded person, uncultured and interested in material gain We need more men of culture and enlightenment; we have too many philistines among us. mnm: klasik arap işte


navigation tool used to determine a ship's latitude and longitude Given a clear night, with the aid of his sextant and compass, he could keep the ship safely on course.


nearness; kinship Their relationship could not be explained as being based on mere propinquity: they were more than relatives; they were true friends mnm: sounds like proximity..meaning nearness


nefret uyandırani tiksinç I find the task of punishing you most odious. mnm: hate people with bad odour(odious) and high audio(odious)


nehir, ırmak (n) A short water course, often dry gully or channel The arroyo that flows beside the boundary of my garden is a small offshoot of the river that runs about half a mile away. syn: None ant: None rel: None


nemli, soğuk (adj.) Unpleasantly wet and cold As we moved further down the cave, the atmosphere became cooler and more dank, suggesting that a source of water was not far away. ant: Dry mnm: adana, damp weather


net for catching fish When the shad run during the spring, you may see fishermen with seines along the banks of our coastal rivers. mnm: serpme


net serious, light-hearted(careless) He felt his giddy youth was past. mnm: GIDDY has two meanings : not serious and dizzy.Giddy is similar to Kiddy, kids aren't serious and they jump and run all daylong and feel dizzy


netice, bir şeyin doğal sonucu (n) Something that naturally follows from something else History has shown that violence is a natural corollary of a revolutionary change in the society. mnm: buying a toyota corolla is the corollary of my desire to own a quality and cheap car.


nezaket, şehirlilik He is particularly good in roles that require suavity and sophistication. mnm: suavi şehirli türkücüdür


neşe kaçıran, spoil At breakfast we had all been enjoying our bacon and eggs until that killjoy John started talking about how bad animal fats and cholesterol were for our health mnm: kill+joy....... kill here means spoil .+ others joy spoil others pleasure....


neşeli, şen şakrak A frown seemed out of place on his invariably jovial face. mnm: jovial=jo(joy)+vi(by)+al(all), so jovial means happiness, joyful, merriment


neşli mnm: At the golden JUBILEE of the organization the workers were very jubilant.




noble; aristocratic We greatly admired her well-bred, patrician elegance mnm: Patrician The father of nation.


noktalamak Seurat carefully stippled dabs of pure color on the canvas, juxtaposing dots of blue and yellow that the viewer's eye would interpret as green. mnm: staple means to punch holes. stipple means to put dots.


normal olmayan, sapmış. mnm: err-ant. ants moving randomly is anormal


not developed; elementary His dancing was limited to a few rudimentary steps. mnm: kids in elementry schools are rudimentary


not easily satisfied; greedy Welty's thirst for knowledge was insatiable; she was in the library day and night.


para, akçe(lucrative) mnm: 'LUCK" people with luck have lucre.


parasız, çulsuz rel: pecuniary latin: pecun=money mnm: acun=


parchment used for second time after original writing has been erased Using chemical reagents, scientists have been able to restore the original writings on many palimpsests. mnm: sounds like pamphlet , and a palimpsest is a sort of pamphlet .


parlamak, ışıldamak/parlak Her large and lustrous eyes gave a touch of beauty to an otherwise drab face. mnm: ulustaki otelde parlayan avize


parti toplantısı a meeting of members of a political party for the purpose of choosing candidates for an election mnm: campus meeting


parti-colored; mixed The captain had gathered a motley crew to sail the vessel mnm: multi layer


pertaining to country people; I like city life so much that I can never understand how people can rusticate in the suburbs. The backwoodsman looked out place in his rustic attire. mnm: rustic=ruralistic


pertaining to fishing He spent many happy hours at the lake in his piscatorial activities mnm: pisc=fish pis kedi benim balığımı yedi


pertaining to money I never expected a pecuniary reward for my work in this activity mnm: monetary


pertaining to the body; physical Why do you ignore the spiritual aspects and emphasize only the corporeal and the somatic ones? mnm: sumo wrestler...


pertaining to the lungs In his researches on pulmonary diseases, he discovered many facts about the lungs of animals and human beings. mnm: pull-more-air


praiseworthy/expressing praise His laudable deeds will be remarked by all whom he aided. mnm: applaud


precision; minute distinction I cannot distinguish between such niceties of reasoning mnm: nicety-> nice+tea= accurate sugar and tea powder.


pretend He shammed sickness to get out of going to school. mnm: sounds like "scam" and in a scam you pretend a lot of things


prolong Seeking to delay the union members' vote, the management team tried to protract the negotiations endlessly, but the union representatives saw through their strategy. mnm: pro=forward, tract=trace


quick, sharp reply Even when it was advisable for her to keep her mouth shut, she was always ready with a retort. mnm: zort etmek


rahat yürümek (v & n) 1) To walk at a leisurely pace 2) Gait of ambling horse, Easy pace Al leisurely ambled towards me, totally unaware of the tragedy that had befallen his family. syn: Canter, Gallop, Trot ant: None rel: None ambul: walk


rahatlama; erteleme During the twenty-four-hour reprieve, the lawyers sought to make the stay of execution permanent. mnm: relieve


rastgele yapılmış, done without prior thought Expecting to be treated with due propriety by her costs, Great-Aunt Maud was offended by their offhand manner. mnm: offhand - hands on means experience, you have prepared for that , so off hands means something without preparation


recent convert; beginner This mountain slope contains slides that will challenge experts as well as neophytes. mnm: newbies


renkli, alacalı You should be able to identify Polka Dot in this race; he is the only piebald horse running. mnm: piebald -> remember pie chart which is generally of different colors


renksiz, dull (adj.) Dull, Lacking color, Cheerless The drab expression on her face suddenly changed to one of absolute joy as she imagined the person walking towards her was her husband who had been missing for over three days. mnm: dr.


resembling or suggesting an animal or beast : very cruel, violent, etc. mnm: beast


salmak, bırakmak set free At first, the attempts of the Abolitionists to emancipate the slaves were unpopular in New England as well as in the South. mnm: a man escaped


saman One of Nancy's chores are the ranch was to put fresh supplies of fodder in the horses' stalls. mnm: food more


saman, kabuk(buğday) kabuk atmak.


sağlıklı Many people with hay fever move to more salubrious sections of the country during the months of August and September mnm: SALUTARY and SANITARY having a similar sound and meaning, refer to something that is used for the complete health or well-being of the people.


sağlıksız The mosquito-ridden swamp was an insalubrious place, a breeding ground for malarial contagion. mnm: (Salu)This derivative is normally associated with health..


scholar who overemphasizes book learning or technicalities / bookish Her insistence that the book be memorized marked the teacher as a pedant rather than a scholar.


science of law He was more a student of jurisprudence than a practitioner of the law. mnm: juris = pertaining to law; prudence = intelligence/science


secret News of their surreptitious meeting gradually leaked out. mnm: Surreptitious sounds like suspect someone if they are hiding secrets


sediment deposited by running water The harbor channel must be dredged annually to remove the silt. mnm: silt is similar to salt which is also deposited by running water


seçip ayırmak, çıkarmak (v) To choose or collect from a larger pool He managed to cull all the information he needed from the Internet, and put together a report in just three hours. syn: Glean mnm: pull out


seçkinler, ileri gelenler (n) People of standing, Class of people just below nobility The club by the river was at one time frequented only by selective gentry of the town, but now you can find all kinds of base characters drinking and talking loudly on its lawns. mnm: gentry men are gentle


shaving of the head, especially by person entering religious orders His tonsure, even more than his monastic garb, indicated that he was a member of the religious order. mnm: on sure religious bir şeyi çağrıştırıyor sanki


shield, protection (n) Protection, Patronage or sponsorship They planned to hold the concert under the aegis of the National Development Authority. syn: Auspices ant: None rel: None


sinir verici bir ses yapmak (v) (1) Make an unpleasant sound so as to annoy (2) Rub together so as to reduce to small particles or a smaller size (1) As if the heavy metal sound of that rock group is not jarring enough, the voice of the lead vocalist really begins to grate on you a mnm: when the gate is opened it makes a grate sound


sinirlendirmek, annoy, vex Do not let him nettle you with his sarcastic remarks. mnm: nettle sounds like needle when someone is needling u, u get annoyed ,disturbed and irritated


sorularıyla sinir eden kimse The heckler kept interrupting the speaker with rude remarks. mnm: generally a abusive person shouts at most of the people "WHAT THE HECK?" so a person who is abusive uses this statement, hence a HECKLER!


soymak, elden çıkarmak, mahrum etmek (verb) take away possessions from someone Synonyms : deprive , strip mnm: opposite of invest


soğumuş, hoşnut olmayan (adj) discontented as toward authority mnm: dis-affection


sparkle; flash I enjoy her dinner parties because the food is excellent and the conversation scintillates. mnm: GLITTERING


speak foolishly; boast idly Let us not prate about our qualities; rather, let our virtues speak for themselves. mnm: prate: pee-rate, some guys were talking about the rate at which they pee *such a foolish talk, these people are really idle.


speaking several languages New York City is a polyglot community because of the thousands of immigrants who settle there


sözcükleri yanlış kullanma mnm: When Mrs. Malaprop criticizes Lydia for being "as headstrong as an allegory on the banks of the Nile," she confuses "allegory" and "alligator" in a typical malapropism. mnm: mal-proper


sözde alçakgönüllük göstermek (v) To consent to do something less dignified or fitting than usual "We know you've just got a promotion and are now our boss, but will you please condescend to join us for lunch?" syn: Deign mnm: It has the word descend in it ,it implies descending to a lower position


süre tanımak, ertelemek, rahatlamak The judge granted the condemned man a respite to enable his attorneys to file an appeal. mnm: respite = rest + sprite; again you are taking rest with sprite.


sürgüne göndermek, küme düşmek If we relegate these experts to minor posts because of their political persuasions, we shall lose their valuable services. mnm: Being a delegate is an important position. Take care of it. Don't let anyone relegate you.


sürüngen hayvan bilimcisi mnm: reptologist


sıkıcı, hantal, monoton For a young person, Winston seems remarkably stodgy: you'd expect someone of his age to have a little more life. mnm: old and agy, boring


sıkıntı, kabus The incubus of financial worry helped bring on her nervous breakdown. mnm: to wait IN QUE for a BUS is a burden or nightmare.


sırdaş (noun) someone to whom private matters are confided mnm: CONFIDeNT on someone that he will keep secret


sırtüstü yatmış, uzanmış The command "AT EASE" does not permit you to take a recumbent position. mnm: Ray only cums when he's bent over or re-cum-bent.


sıska, cılız Our puny efforts to stop the flood were futile. mnm: remember "pony" tail which is small and tiny.


tabakçı, deri tabaklayan Using a solution of tanbark, the tanner treated the cowhide, transforming it into supple leather. mnm: tan=tabaklama


tabanca kılıfı mnm: gangster


tadını çıkarmak, lezzetli Relishing his triumph, Costner especially savored the chagrin of the critics who had predicted his failure. mnm: SAVOR and FLAVOR are rhyming words. You savor (feel the taste) the flavor (taste) of the food you eat.


taklit etmek, kopyalamak


takı, süs He loved the trappings of success: the limousines, the stock options, the company jet. mnm: rapper'larda çok sayıda mevcuttur


takılma, tiye almak (n) Playful and non-serious talk He sternly told her that he had had enough of the badinage and wanted to have a serious discussion with her over their future. syn: Banter bald and agy


talkative a person who talks too much and who has strong opinions that other people dislike mnm: blow-word, boaster


tangible; easily perceptible I cannot understand how you could overlook such a palpable blunder. mnm: perceptible


tapering point, sharp mind mnm: acute mind


tapma, idoleştirme Such idolatry of singers of country music is typical of the excessive enthusiasm of youth.


taşmayı önleyen set As the river rose and threatened to overflow the levee, emergency workers rushed to reinforce the walls with sandbags. mnm: levee..(sounds like level..) we LEVEL the land ,with LEVEE so that there is no seep of water(..flooding..)


teacher of philosophy; quibbler; employer of fallacious reasoning You are using all the devices of a sophist in trying to prove your case; your argument is specious. mnm: philosophy


tecrit etmek, ayırmak The insularity of the islanders manifested itself in their suspicion of anyuthing foreign. mnm: Insularity-Insult-when u get insulted in your friends group,u get detached from that group


tedbirsiz, ihtiyatsız, düşüncesiz It is imprudent to exercise vigorously and become overheated when you are unwell. mnm: !!! sounds like president; a president is always a wise or just person


tefsir, yorum explanation, especially of biblical passages I can follow your exegesis of this passage to a limited degree; some of your reasoning eludes me. mnm: explanation genesis


tehditkar Jabbing a minatory forefinger at Dorothy, the Wicked Witch cried, "I'll get you, and your little dog, too!" mnm: Minatory sounds like military--military people are very threatening most of the times.


tekrar suç işleme Prison reformers in the United States are disturbed by the high rate of recidivism; the number of persons serving second and third terms indicates the failure of the prisons to rehabilitate the inmates. mnm: =re (back to) + CID (crime investigation department) = back to crime


telafi etmek (v) Pay for He tried to atone for his unpleasant remarks by sending her some flowers, but she returned them with disdain. syn: Compensate, Retaliate rel: Atonement (n) mnm: realised mistake at his own and atone it


telafuz etmek, söylemek, ileri sürmek (v) Speak or pronounce clearly and distinctly An actor must be able to enunciate his lines properly so that the audience can understand him clearly. syn: Articulate mnm: pronounciate


text of an opera The composer of an opera's music is remembered more frequently than the author of its libretto. library(lib) + pavaretto


the power to influence or control situations She used her political clout to have another school built.


the process of growth or enlargement by a gradual buildup syn: accrue mnm: errection


tiksindirici adding too much clove makes the meal cloying


titiz I can recommend him for a position of responsibility for I have found him a very scrupulous young man. mnm: it makes u think of sculpture and while building sculpture the worker has to be very careful


titiz We must be punctilious in our planning of this affair, for any error may be regarded as a personal affront. mnm: it is very close to word PUNCTUAL...and you pay attention to even a person who is 1 second late, that shows that you care for even very minute things too.


titremek, sallamak(yaşlılıktan kaynaklanan) shaky; infirm from old age Although he is not as yet a doddering and senile old man, his ideas and opinions no longer can merit the respect we gave them years ago. mnm: A toddler dodders his shaker


tiyatral (adj & n) Behaving or done in a too theatrical way, esp. in showing feelings that are insincere or pretended , "She put on a shameless display of histrionics at her former husbands funeral -- everyone knows how much pain and suffering she had caused him mnm: histrionic-- sounds like history. We find that most of the plays performed on stage in the theatre are from history, hence the name histrionic, theatrical.


to affirm to be true or genuine; I can attest that what he has said is true. after the test, the experiment was attested


to announce beforehand : foretell, to indicate by signs mnm: board exams bode our future


to bother or annoy (someone) with many comments or questions She finally badgered me into cutting my hair. mnm: a bid girl always annoys his gf


tomb Annabel Lee was buried in a sepulcher by the sea mnm: sepultura(mezar) demek, klasik metal grubu isimleri


tool for mashing or grinding substances in a hard bowl From the way in which the elderly pharmacist pounded the drug with his pestle, young George could tell mnm: pestil


toplamak(ekin, buğday) (v) To collect facts etc. by patient effort From what I managed to glean from them out of all their vague statements, they are indeed planning to start a new company. syn: Gather, Accumulate, Cull. mnm: clear


toplum dışına itmek, sürgün etmek As soon as the newspapers carried the story of his connection with the criminals, his friends began to ostracize him. mnm: ostRACISM .. racism leads to groupism and excluding a group from the public is to OSTRACIZE.


toplumdan uzak yaşayan kişi, keşiş The recluse lived in a hut in the forest. mnm: re+close . Closed=hermit


training Under the tutelage of such masters of the instrument, she made rapid progress as a virtuoso. mnm: TUTELAGE, concentrate on the first part of the word TUTE meaning a kind of TUTOR, who KEEPS A WATCH ON YOU, a GUARDIAN.


traitor The British considered Benedict Arnold a loyalist; the Americans considered him a turncoat. mnm: if you turn your coat then you show your back... and one who back stabs you is a traitor..


travel mnm: Journey to your AUNT's place J-AUNT


travmatik (adj) Causing great suffering and anxiety in the mind, Distressing, Traumatic "They've just been through a harrowing experience when their car was stopped by some ruffians on the highway and all their belongings were looted." syn: Agonizing mnm: harvester of sorrow


treacherous; stealthy; sly The fifth column is insidious because it works secretly within our territory for our defeat mnm: insidious= inside+ hideous. think of something terrible, like a disease, hiding inside of the body.


trivial; unimportant; very small She had no major complaints to make about his work, only a few petty quibbles that were almost too minor to state. mnm: opp to pretty(large)


tube in which patterns made by the reflection in mirrors of colored pieces of glass, etc., produce interesting symmetrical effects People found a new source of entertainment while peering through the kaleidoscope; they found the ever-changing patterns fascinating. mnm: "kaleidoscope" derives from (kalos)means "beautiful" + (eidos) means" shape"+(skopeô) means "to look at or to examine"; So the total meaning is "observer of beautiful forms.


tutumluluk, ekonomik olma durumu thriftiness; economy, forehandedness In these economically difficult days businesses must practice frugality or risk bankruptcy. mnm: if you are free of girlfriend, then you live in frugality


tuzağa düşürmek, lure, bait, (ördek tuzağı) mnm:duck cage


tükenmişlik, languor; weariness The hot, tropical weather created a feeling of lassitude and encouraged drowsiness mnm: lets sit dude


tüy dökmek The male robin molted in the spring. mnm: m + old ~ as you get old, your hair shed


tüylü kumaş mnm: bunu bilirsin la


tılsım, muska She wore the talisman to ward off evil. mnm: tılsım?


ufuk açıcı, germinal; influencing future developments; related to seed or semen Although Freud has generally been regarded as a seminal thinker who shaped the course of psychology, his psychoanalytic methods have come under attack recently. mnm: Relate it with SEMINAR which incubates ideas influencing future developments


umursamazlık, kayıtsızlık, nonchalance rhymes like No + Challenge, Few people could understand how he could listen to the news of the tragedy with such nonchalance; the majority regarded him as callous and unsympathetic. mnm: When there is no challenge, people tend not to care and there will be a casual lack of concern.


umutlandırmak Tom loved to tantalize his younger brother with candy; he knew the boy was forbidden to have it. mnm: tanta rhymes with Santa, kandırmaca yani


uncertain how to act; weak She had no respect for him because he seemed weak-willed and irresolute mnm: salute


unquestionable right The President cannot levy taxes; that is the prerogative of the legislative branch of government mnm: remember "Interrogative" which means questioning by Investigation officers. So prerogative should be something opposite. so unquestionable


unreal reflection; optical illusion The lost prospector was fooled by a mirage in the desert mnm: MIRA..mirror ,and when we see ouselves in MIRROR we get to see our image in MIRROR ,which is nothing but UNREAL REFLECTION.


unutulmaya yüz tutma, unutulma Her work had fallen into a state of oblivion; no one bothered to read them. mnm: Maldivian gelenekleri unutulmaya yüz tutmak üzere


urge, exert (v) Warn, To urge or advise strongly The general exhorted the discouraged soldiers to fight well and win the battle for their country. syn: Admonish, Reprove ant: Dissuade mnm: EXERT


urgent situation In this exigency, we must look for aid from our allies. mnm: emergency


usandırmak, bıktırmak The study of word lists can eventually pall and put one to sleep. mnm: fall because of tired


usavurma, muhakeme etme While Watson was a man of average intelligence, Holmes was a genius, whose gift for ratiocination made him a superb detective. mnm: rational + inclination


used to prevent disease Despite all prophylactic measures introduced by the authorities, the epidemic raged until cool weather set in. mnm: plak da bir diş hastalığıdır


ustalık, el çabukluğu The magician amazed the audience with his sleight of hand. mnm: 8 yaşında liseyi bitiren çocuk vardu


utangaçlık (n) Shyness, Excessively modest At first, she was extremely diffident about teaching a class of college students, but gained confidence almost as soon as she started her class. syn: Bashful ant: Boldness mnm: opposite of confidence


uyku getiren, uyutucu By such opiates, she made the people forget their difficulties and accept their unpleasant circumstances. mnm: opium


uysal-yumuşak başlı Mr. Barrett never expected his meek daughter would dare to defy him by eloping with her suitor. mnm: weak


uyum, yakınlık In team teaching, it is important that all teachers in the group have good rapport with one another. mnm: Really+Support=Rapport


uyumsuzluk The incongruity of his wearing sneakers with formal attire amused the observers. mnm: IN+CONGRess+no UnITY


uyuşuk, gevşek, pasif, lying on back The defeated pugilist lay supine on the canvas. mnm: remove 'u' => spine... lying on BACK facing upward.. as good as no resistance.......OR THINK OF SPINAL CORD(SPINE) YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY REMEMBER


uyuşukluk, halsizlik The stuffy room made her lethargic; she felt as if she was about to nod off. mnm: remember what allergy made to you


uyuşukluk, tembellik He outgrew his youthful indolence to become a model of industry and alertness on the job. mnm: dull


uzun konuşma yaparak parlamentoyu engellemek block legislation by making long speeches Even though we disapproved of Senator Foghorn's political goals, we were impressed by his ability to filibuster endlessly to keep an issue from coming to a vote. mnm: fill with buster


uzun ömürlü bitki These plants are hardy perennials and will bloom for many years. mnm: Per is the prefix of " through", Ennial is the root word of year -->perennial means ' through out the year.'


uzunca konuşmak (verb) add details, as to an account or idea; clarify the meaning of and discourse in a learned way, usually in writing mnm: the officials expatiated regarding the expat problem


uğursuz, korkutucu Those clouds are ominous; they suggest that a severe storm is on the way. mnm: "omen+ious", Remember the movie "omen" the horror movie


vaaz (n) A moralizing lecture or discourse, usu. on how one should behave Her constant homilies about the need for him to develop social etiquette did not have any effect on him, and he continued to behave in a rather clumsy way. mnm: evdekilerin sıkça yaptığı şey


vecize, iğneli söz (n) A short, witty saying or poem "For Teachers Day we composed epigrams for each of our tutors, which spoke about their personalities." mnm: telegram-->simple note epigram--->witty note gramm->writing, ex: grammar


velvele, gürültü syn:tumult When the ships collided in the harbor, pandemonium broke out among the passengers. mnm: denom anfilerin gücünü biliriz


very destructive, harmful He argued that these books had a pernicious effect on young and susceptible minds mnm: word can be divided like per+nicious..nicious when pronounced sounds like noxious.. something harmful.....


very poor person Though Widow Brown was living on a reduced income, she was by no means a pauper. mnm: pau(poor) Per(son)


well-paid position with little responsibility, arpalık My job is no sinecure; I work long hours and have much responsibility mnm: sinek avlamak


wild(korkutucu); sensational The lurid stories he told shocked his listeners. mnm: lure


yalaka, dalkavuk, slavishly attentive; servile; sycophantic Helen valued people who behaved as if they respected themselves; nothing irritated her more than an excessively obsequious waiter or a fawning salesclerk. mnm: seq = Suck, uio = Your, us = Ass. He sucks your ass, therefore he's obsequious.


yalakalık (adj) Obedient They fawned over their rich uncle to please him so that he would give them some of his wealth. syn: Obsequious, Cringing ant: Arrogant mnm: favorim sensin


yalan söylemek, kelime oyunu yapmak lie; mislead; attempt to conceal the truth The audience saw through his attempts to equivocate on the subject under discussion and ridiculed his remarks. mnm: equal + voice = ambigious


yalancı şahitlik When several witnesses appeared to challenge his story, he was indicted for perjury. mnm: per-through


yalancı şahitlik yaptırmak In the Godfather, the mobsters used bribery and threats to suborn the witnesses against Don Michael Corleone. mnm: sub+p*rn = to force someone to see porn is unlawful


yalnızca ünvanı olan Although he was the titular head of the company, the real decisions were made by his general manager. mnm: title-er


yalpalamak (v) Move forward rapidly while making sudden movements from side to side. The driver tried hard to stop the bus but it careened out of control and skidded into a ditch. syn: Lurch mnm: you careen throughout your career


yalvaran, rica eden He could not resist the dog's suppliant whimpering, and he gave it some food. mnm: God, please SUPPLY me what I wANT.. a humble request!


yalvarma, istek (n) An earnest appeal, entreaty His most sincere adjurations to the teacher to let him retake the examination fell on deaf ears.


yan iş (n) Side-business; Minor occupation Even after he became the director of the advertising agency, he continued teaching at his old institute as an avocation. mnm: in a vacation


yanar-döner, gökkuşağı gibi She admired the iridescent hues of the oil that floated on the surface of the water. mnm: iris helps us distinguish colours


yanardöner The Ancient Mariner admired the opalescent sheen on the water. mnm: flörasan?


yandaş After the bill had been amended and re-amended in committee, even its original proponents didn't want to vote in its favor. mnm: person opposite to opponent


yankılanmak The entire valley reverberated with the sound of the church bells. mnm: re+vibrate(echo) again and again


yansıma Words like "rustle" and "gargle" are illustrations of onomatopoeia. mnm : poetic


yanyana dizmek Comparison will be easier if you juxtapose the two objects. mnm: juxtapose..just place something just next to something.


yapay, sahte The hero of Jonathan Gash's mystery novels is an antique dealer who gives the reader advice on how to tell spurious antiques from the real things. mnm: s-PURE+ious...pure means true...spurious means the opposite of it..which is FALSE,CONTERFEIT


yapmacık, sahte Attempting to copy the style of his wealthy neighbors, Gatsby adopted a mannered, artificial way of speech. mnm: man in red is "not natural"


yapmacıklı gülümsemek Complimented on her appearance, Stella self-consciously simpered. mnm: your smile should be simple...not simper


yapışkan, sticky; viscous Molasses is a glutinous substance. mnm: glue


yaralamak, mangle; tear, incitmek Her body was lacerated in the automobile crash. mnm: LACERate can be thought of LASER light which tears, mangles if focused for long time.


yaranmak, popüler olmak He tried to ingratiate himself into her parents' good graces. mnm: IN+GRADUATE...In graduation state you get favor of people because you are educated and all and all that crap.....


yardımına koşmak We shall be ever grateful for the succor our country gave us when we were in need. mnm: succor ----> soccer...where one players assists (aids) the other in the game...


yarıgölge, partial shadow (in an eclipse) During an eclipse, we can see an area of total darkness and a lighter area, which is the penumbra. mnm: pen under an umbrella will be invisble unders umbrella's shadow


yasa eki Senator Foghorn said he would support Senator Filibuster's tax reform bill only if Filibuster agreed to add an antipollution rider to the bill. mnm: a recent RIDER to the motorcyclist riders act of India is the Helmet Rule is compulsory.


yat yarışı Many boating enthusiasts followed the regatta in their own yachts. mnm: yatta


yatıştırmak The police used fire hoses and teat gas to quell the rioters. mnm: quell sounds simlar to yell and we yell to supress someone or make him/her queite


yatıştırmak, gönlünü almak The natives offered sacrifices to propitiate the gods. mnm: mitigate?


yatıştırıcı It is dangerous to drive after taking the sedative; it brings drowsiness. mnm:


yatıştırıcı, uzlaştırıcı, barıştırıcı Appeasing; soothing; showing willingness to reconcile mnm: always for a dispute a council is elected, so as at least to solve a dispute with peace n goodwill.. Such things are called conciliatory


yavaş olmak, geciktirmek (v) (1) To consider, but not very seriously (2) Delay, Be slow or waste time "Dont dally over the question you cannot solve, just move on to the next question." mnm: delay


yaylım ateşi (n & v) 1) Continuous firing of guns, anything that is like such a discharge 2) Assault, shoot down 1) The fusillade of bullets by the soldiers killed almost a hundred of the enemies. 2) The burglar was arrested for theft and attempting to fusillade the mnm: fuze missile


yazı başlığı BRICKS are usually in red in color and and every brick has a company name on it(title) on it..


yazım,imla Many of us find English orthography difficult to master because so many of our words are written phonetically. orth=straight demek, ortodentist napar?


yağlamak(gerçek anlamda), anointing The anointing with oil of a person near death is called extreme unction. mnm:


yağma, talan (n) Despoiling, Plundering "These so called guardians of Indian culture have described the celebration of Valentines Day as a depredation of the Indian soul, saying that such events can only spoil the ancient Indian culture." syn: Destruction ant: Rest mnm: predation - relate it to the predator which plunders and then destroys.


yaş haddinden dolayı emekliye ayrılmış The superannuated man was indignant because he felt that he could still perform a good day's work. mnm: super = greater annual = pertaining to year superannuated = great many years i.e., too aged.


yaşlıların yönettiği yönetim biçimi mnm: by etymology gerontos(geriatri) means old people and cracy mens govt.(eg. democracy,autocracy etc.) ....therefore gerontocracy is the govt. formed by old people.


yaşlılık, güçsüzlük Most of the decisions are being made by the junior members of the company because of the senility of the president. mnm: senility==senior+nationality so if you have a senior nationality you must be a be old aged....


yellowish; sickly in color We were disturbed by his sallow complexion, which was due to jaundice. mnm: yellow


yem I am afraid of a severe winter because I have stored a large quantity of provender for the cattle. mnm: Some vendors sell dry food and hence Product sold by a vendor = Provender


yemeden içmeden anlayan (n) A person having great interest in matters of taste and enjoyment particularly food and drink Bruce is a complete epicurean who believes more in simply enjoying life rather than working hard. syn: Gourmet, Gastronome


yemekhane In this huge refectory, we can feed the entire student body at one sitting. mnm: or every factory has a dinning hall ( cafeteria sort of place)


yeminini bozmak (verb) formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief, usually under pressure The witness accepted the bribe offered by the lawyer and agreed to forswear in court.


yeminli ifade: We have a signed affidavit stating that the two men were seen entering the building. mnm: affet davud, bir daha yapmayacağıma yemin ederim.


yeni olan, yeni başlayan If we could identify these revolutionary movements in their nascent state, we would be able to eliminate serious trouble in later years. mnm: yeni doğan, yeni başlayan


yeraltı,mağara odası The Blue Grotto in Capri can be entered only by small boats rowed by natives through a natural opening in the rocks. mnm: rot under the ground


yerde sürünmek, eğilmek(mecazi) (v) To behave in an excessively humble or submissive way. Also, to be prostrate in humility or fear. He made it clear in the meeting that instead of groveling to the wishes of the owner of the company, he would rather submit his resignation. syn: Truckle mnm: gravel always grovels


yere serilmek, güçsüz düşürmek He prostrated himself before the idol. mnm: pro+strate...lay straight on the ground If prostrate glands are removed, male will be enervated. just to remember


yerleşmek, yerleştirmek (v) To settle, establish or place securely and comfortably He was ensconced in a big armchair in front of the fireplace and sleeping peacefully. ant: Uncover mnm: settle comfortably


yermek, taşlamak rel:ridicule This article lampoons the pretensions of some movie moguls mnm: harpoon


yetersiz, az Thinking his helping of food was scanty, Oliver Twist asked for more. mnm: sounds like scarcity.


yetersiz, az, eksik His salary was far too meager for him to afford to buy a new car. mnm: beggar


yok etmek The owners intend to raze the hotel and erect an office building on the site. mnm: Raze means to destroy completely. So the word raze sounds similar to erase.raze=erase...which means to remove or clean completely.


yoksul, cimri / yoksul He was a penurious man, averse to spending money even for the necessities of life. mnm: A person who has to spend a PENNY and is FURIOUS about it is called PENURIOUS.


yolda oyalanmak, sürtmek mnm: lottery..when you win a lottery.. people HANG around you like anything..


yoldan çıkartmak, ayartmak lure; attract; tempt She always tried to entice her baby brother into mischief. mnm=?


yolksunluk In his youth, he knew hunger and privation. mnm:deprivation


yolunu değiştirmek If the switchman failed to shunt the Silver Streak onto a side track, the train would plow right into Union Station. mnm: shun ile benzer aslında


yorumlamak, mana çıkarmak How do you interpret his behavior? mnm: consider it is true, so interpret it


yoğurmak, mix; work dough , kneat dough Her hands grew strong from kneading bread mnm: what you need to survive?


yumuşamak, yumuşak Hours of ballet classes kept him limber. mnm: timber'in tersi


yumuşatıcı, hafifletici (n) Soothing or softening, esp. to the skin. Hence, anything that soothes "Its paradoxical that while the sting of the honey bee can be so painful, the honey it produces acts as an effective emollient for dry and parched skin." ant: Irritating mnm: mollify


yücelmek Mother Teresa has been honored for her sublime deeds. mnm: supreme


yükümlülük, burden The emperor was spared the onus of signing the surrender papers; instead, he relegated the assignment to his generals. mnm: ON-US you are ON US ie. you are a BURDEN on me.


yürüyüş şekli (n) Manner of walking or running, Speed He has a rather stiff way of walking, and everyone can see that his wife just does not approve of his gait. mnm: gait rhymes with weight...person with excess weight has a different manner of walking or running.


yüz hattı, yüz çizgileri features, especially of the face She quickly sketched the lineaments of his face mnm: "Line" + "Meant" -> Line drawn of his face was meant to be his characteristic.


yüzünü aşındırmak (v) Rub out, Remove the surface of She could never really efface the memory of that horrible existence from her mind, as that fateful evening continued to haunt her till her last days. syn: Obliterate mnm: erase


yıldız, yıldızlarla ilgili Although hampered by optical and mechanical flaws, the orbiting Hubble space telescope has relayed extraordinary images of distant sidereal bodies. mnm: imagine u are walking on the street and the person walking SIDEt to u is a superstar think that u are dreaming but REAL


zafer şarkısı paeans celebrating the victory filled the air. mnm: piano


zalimlik, agressiveness Tynan's reviews were noted for their caustic attacks and general tone of truculence. mnm: türbülansa girince korkudan sonra olur


zaman geçirmek (v) To spend time in the company of (usu. used in a derogatory sense) The actor is such a perfectionist that he has been consorting with drug addicts over the past few weeks to prepare himself for his next movie, in which he plays one of them. mnm: you consort with your girlfriend in a concert


zaptedilemez, ele geçirilemez Until the development of the airplane as a military weapon, the fort was considered impregnable. mnm: In early days there used to be iron clothing around chaste maidens' waste so that they can not be made pregnant by strangers. thus these women were impregnable


zararını ödemek The city will indemnify all home owners whose property is spoiled by this project. mnm: look for the word-"demn" which can be connected to "demon" what does demon do? it destroys property.. IN(not)+demni+fy= correct what the demon inside you has done..make amends for it.


zayıf yan, özellik (n) "Minor (usually harmless) fault or weakness in a persons character, short coming" No matter how strong and wise a man is, he does have little foibles. syn: Feeble mnm: fallible traits


zayıflık, güçsüzlük Her greatest infirmity was lack of willpower. mnm: in-firm


zehirli gaz The smog hung over Victorian London like a dark cloud; noisome, reeking of decay, it was a visible miasma. mnm: plasma


zerre, küçük Gnats are annoying mites that sing. mnm: termite's are mite creatures


zor kullanma the act, process, or power of mnm: force


zorluk, sertlik, severity Many settlers could not stand the rigors of the New England winters. mnm: vigorous people endure rigorous conditions


zümre, grup (n) Set of persons associated by exclusive, shared interests The President has himself inducted Sarah into the exclusive coterie of Senators who are supposed to be the eyes and ears of the President. rel: Coterminous mnm: ROTARY


çabuk kızan, asabi My advice is to avoid discussing this problem with him today as he is rather testy and may shout at you. mnm: test+y - tests (exams) are irritable and make a person short-tempered


çabuk sinirlenen, huysuz Her irascible temper frightened me. mnm: irate


çapkın, hovarda Swearing he had never so much as looked at another woman, Jack assured Jill he was no philanderer. mnm: underer=altta ne var phile->lover: audiophile


çarpmak We could see the blood vessels in his temple pulsate as he became more angry. mnm: remember "pulse" which beats regularly...


çatlak, fissure (n) A narrow crack or opening, esp. in rock With remarkable speed, the snake slithered into a small crevice between the rocks. mnm: to play the Gta vice city game, we need the crevice


çatı penceresi In remodeling the attic into a bedroom, we decided that we needed to put in dormers to provide sufficient ventilation for the new room. mnm: dorm door


çağrışım (n) Suggested or implied meaning of an expression "It was not appropriate for him to have used the word shrewd to describe his predecessor -- that word has a distinctly negative connotation." mnm: co-notation


çekingen (adj) (Pretending to be) shy or embarrassed When asked about her ambitions in life, the shy teenager coyly answered that she wished to be a film actress. ant: Bold mnm: toy, çekingen


çetin sınav, çile, imtihan Terry Anderson spoke movingly of his long ordeal as a hostage in Lebanon. mnm: lose it OR DEAL with it


çevre His milieu is watercolors, although he has produced excellent oil paintings and lithographs. mnm: in LIEU of = in place of. MILIEU = place/environment/location


çileden çıkmak, sinirlenmek, enrage; infuriate Unkindness to children incensed her.


çirkin, alçakça, alenen yapılan (adj) Glaring, Notorious, Scandalous (of offence or offender). Conspicuously bad Jason is a flagrant liar and does not hesitate before talking ill about anyone. syn: Egregious mnm: renting a flag is flagrant


çizgili The glacier left many striated rocks. mnm: striate = STRIp of diferent colour..


çizmek, resmetmek, draw; outline; describe Parodoxially, the more realistic the details this artist chooses, the better able to limn her fantastic, other-worldly landscapes mnm: film


çocuksu mnm: infant


çok az konuşan, sessiz New Englanders are reputedly taciturn people. mnm: Taxi_turn Taxi Driver will be reserved or uncommunicative while "Driving". ety: tac-sessiz demek


çok az saçı olan, kirpi


çok az ücret He could not live on the pittance he received as a pension and had to look for an additional source of revenue. mnm: tip


çok fazla yemek yiyen When Mother saw that Bobby had eaten all the cookies, she called him a little glutton. mnm: He is such a GLUTTON and eats so much that the BUTTONS on his shirt begin to pop out !


çok ince The allegiance of our allies is held by rather tenuous ties; let us hope they will remain loyal. mnm: Tenuous comes from Attenuate. Attenuate means to make thin.


çok kirli, pis It is easy to see how crime can breed in such a squalid neighborhood. mnm: squal = sucking quality


çok kötü, berbat (adj) Standing apart (usually in a negative sense); Conspicuous for a bad quality. Sue was egregious in her pink gown at the funeral where everyone was dressed in black. syn: Flagrant mnm: aggressive people are egregious


çok kısa ömürlü, gani (adj) Short-lived, lasting only a day or few days Thoughtless spending on expensive clothes is only an ephemeral pleasure which does not bring long lasting joy. syn: Transitory ant: Eternal, Permanent


çok yüksek ses The town crier had stentorian voice. mnm: sten'i hatırlarsın klipten basbar bağırıyordu


çoçukça His puerile pranks sometimes offended his more mature friends. mnm: PURE things are always childish and immature.


çökertmek, yıkmak At first glance, the notion that Styrofoam cups may actually be more ecologically sound than paper cups strikes most environmentalists as subversive. mnm: subversive--->reversive--->go against established rule.Revert (to cause downfall) from inside.


çömlek kırığı The archaeologist assigned several students the task of reassembling earthenware vessels from the shards he had brought back from the expedition.


çöpcülük etmek, aramak If you need car parts that the dealers no longer stock, try scavenging for odd bits and pieces at the auto wreckers' yards. mnm: Remeber it with vultures, eagles which are well known scavengers..


çürük, ezik (n) Bruise, Injure by blow without breaking skin My motorcycle skidded into a ditch on the highway, and I suffered a large contusion on my right shoulder. mnm: tusu kazanamayan ezik


çürümek, irinlenmek her wounds are festering mnm: GOT'tan hatırlaman lazım


çürümek, yok olmak (adj) Destroyed, Badly affected by a disease His knee injury blighted his chances of participating in the tennis tournament. rel: Blight (v) mnm: flowers were blighted


çürümüş, kokmuş The gangrenous condition of the wound was indicated by the putrid smell when the bandages were removed. mnm: put+rid...anything that is rotten and foul smelling, we would want to get rid of immediately...


çıkarmak(şapka, giysi vs.) (v) To take off, as clothing or a hat The well dressed gentleman smartly doffed his hat as he passed the two ladies. syn: Remove ant: Don


çıkarmak, silmek If you behave, I will expunge this notation from your record. mnm: just like sponge


çıkarmak, sızdırmak The maple syrup is obtained from the sap that the trees exude in early spring. mnm: exclude


çıkma, burun They erected a lighthouse on the promontory to warn approaching ships of their nearness to the shore. mnm: pro+MOUNT


çıkmak (n) Act or Right of going out or leaving, Exit The hurried egress of the crowd from the theatre after the show was rather chaotic. ant: Ingress, Entrance mnm: gress=walk, !ingress=egress


çılgın parti, övgü Though critic John Simon seldom has a good word to say about contemporary plays, his review of All in the Timing was a total rave. think of Brave, to whom you are giving enthusiastically review for this bravery.


çılgın, haydut


çığrtkanlık etmek, reklamını yapmak I lost confidence in my broker after he touted some junk bonds that turned out to be a bad investment. mnm: tout: shout to promote (to publicly praise or promote)




ödüllendirmek, award mnm: chocolate


öfke nöbeti The child learned that he could have almost anything if he went into tantrums. mnm: tarnum önder'e de arada gelir


öldürücü, tehlikeli People were afraid to explore the pestilential swap. mnm: pests spread diseases


ölçmek, bölüştürmek measure; distribute He tried to be impartial in his efforts to mete out justice mnm: meter


ölçülemez, tartıya gelmez I can evaluate the data gathered in this study; the imponderable items are not so easily analyzed. mnm: IM means UN....... PONDER means THINK...... pondeerable-Capable of being "thought/considered/weighed........ so imponderable means..... Difficult or impossible to evaluate with precision


özetlemek Let us recapitulate what has been said thus far before going ahead. mnm: sounds like recap....if you have noticed , whenever you watch a serial ,before it starts they always give the recap of what happened the previous day, other words they repeat what already has been shown but in a concise form.


özlemek, hasret duymak Though she tried to be happy living with Clara in the city, Heidi pined for the mountains and for her gruff but loving grandfather. mnm: insa çam ağaçlarını özler


öç almak Fear that we will retaliate immediately deters our foe from attacking us. mnm: Dont F... with Italians bro, Italians retaliate hardcore.


öç almak The wretch requited his benefactors by betraying them. mnm: re+QUITE one would be quiet only after taking his REVENGE.


öğreti, doktrin, dogma The agnostic did not accept the tenets of their faith. mnm: internet ÖĞRETİci bir altyapıdır


ümitsizliğe kapılmak He was afraid that he would quail in the face of danger. mnm: it sounds like when u think of jail u shrink back in fear


üretken She was a prolific writer who produced as many as three books a year. mnm: PROLIFIC is PROFITic. (profitable, because of high yield)


üstüne atmak, itham etmek, attribute; ascribe If I wished to impute blame to the officers in charge of this program, I would state my feelings definitely mnm: im(put)e... put the blame to somebody


üstüne koymak, eklemek Your attempt to superimpose another agency in this field will merely increase the bureaucratic nature of our government.


üstünkörü bilgi I don't know whether it is better to be ignorant of a subject or to have a mere smattering of information about it. mnm: He does not know the actual matter. His knowledge is quite smattering. smattering=small matter talk.


üzerine düşmek, şımartmak to treat with extreme or excessive care or kindness : pamper mnm: if you cuddle anyone, he/she will be coddled


üzgün (adj.) Sad, Disappointed, Forlorn, Inconsolable She was rather disconsolate at having lost such a wonderful opportunity to win the award, and everyone gathered around her trying to console her saying that she will surely get another chance. ant: Joyous mnm: if you are disconsolate, then you need someone to console you


üçkağıtçı, dolandırıcı She was gullible and trusting, an easy victim for the first swindler who came along. mnm: windle?


ılık, lukewarm During the summer, I like to take a tepid bath, not a hot one. mnm: sıcak pide?


ısrarcı, inatçı, stubborn; persistent He is bound to succeed because his pertinacious nature will not permit him to quit. mnm: pertinacious = pre(before) + teenage : The age before teenage is where a person shows a childish behavior and is very stubborn in a negative sense.


ısrarcı, talepkar He tried to hide from his importunate creditors until his allowance arrived. syn: importune mnm: fortunate people are always importunate


ışık halkası


şair a bard writes poems about birds


şaka, trick Embarrassed by the hoax, he reddened and left the room. mnm: fox


şakacı mnm: joke


şakacı, eğlenceli The frolicsome puppy tried to lick the face of its master.


şans In his poem hap, Thomas Hardy objects to the part chance plays in our lives. rel: haphazard, hapless mnm: hap - short for happy....if you have luck/chance you are bound to be happy.


şapka satan dükkan The millinery displayed fashionable hats in the street where many women passed by. mnm: military deyince akla gelen ilk şeylerden birisi: şapka


şarkı, şiir bölümü mnm: cant is sing


şarlatan, charlatan; boastful pretender The patent medicine man was a mountebank. mnm: mountebank can be broken as mouth+bank=person whose mouth is a bank of words....who is extremely boastful and pretentious...


şarlatan; vakvak Do not be misled by the exorbitant claims of this quack; he cannot cure you. mnm: If someone tells you that he has the power to guess an earth quake, he is certainly a quack.


( deification anlamı da var ) (n) Highest development, perfect example The paralytic stroke has struck him at a time which can be regarded as the apotheosis of his artistic career; hope he recovers and continues to compose music in the same manner. syn: Exaltation, Aggrandizement


(adj & n) 1) Previous (to) 2) Preceding events or circumstances that influence what comes later History has shown that a small, insignificant event proves to be the antecedent to a historical event of much larger significance. syn: Elapsed, Preceding mnm: precede


(adj & n) Extremely cowardly The little pup of mine is such a craven that he runs to hide under the bed as soon as he hears an unfamiliar voice in the house! syn: Pusillanimous ant: Brave, Intrepid mnm: opposite of brave


(adj & n) Pertaining to a village or the countryside The large windmill stood out as a symbol of modernity in the typically bucolic scene of the peasants harvesting their fields. syn: Pastoral, Rustic ant: Urban mnm: bullock, öküz


(adj & v) Complete, Perfect, Accomplish By winning the election from an area which is far away from his usual constituency, he has proved himself to be a consummate politician. mnm: sum + mate


(adj) (of meat) full of sinews; especially impossible to chew The steak was too sinewy to chew mnm: sinirli o yuzden not chewy


(adj) Feverish, frenzied, delirious, hysterical She was febrile and had almost lost her consciousness after her head injury. mnm: fevri-le


(adj) Stinking The air was fetid with the unpleasant smell of garbage dumped nearby. ant: Redolent mnm: fast kid farted


(adj) Strong and convincing None of the arguments that the defense counsel put forth in support of the accused were cogent enough for the judge to give a judgement in his favor. syn: Compelling ant: Unconvincing, Faluous mnm: company agents are pervasive, cogent


(adj) Tending towards center Gravity is a centripetal force, in which all objects on the surface of the earth are being pulled towards its center. ant: Centrifugal


(adj) Thankful, Feeling you have a duty to someone because they have done something for you "Thank you for helping me find a job, Im beholden to you." syn: Obligated mnm: beauty is in the eye of the beholder


(adj.) Devilish, Atrociously cruel or wicked The boy could no longer tolerate the diabolical treatment meted out to him by his master, and ran away. syn: Fiendish ant: Seraphic mnm: diablo


(adj.) Friendly, Pleasant, Unembarrassed All the nurses in the hospital wanted to be in the same shift as the debonair young doctor who had just joined the hospital, had charmed the ladies with his stylish ways and attractive looks. ant: Awkward mnm:


(adj.) Grave, Serious, Coy "As a child she used to be very quiet and shy; I clearly remember her sitting demurely in her mothers lap each time I saw her in the church." mnm: demur'un tersi baba


(adj.) Neat, Smart in appearance or movement Dressed up for his first interview, Jasper looked trim and dapper in his new suit and his mnm: dress upper


(adv) In a state of rage If public spending runs amok like this, our currency will soon lose its value. syn: Amuck ant: None rel: None mnm: rock music


(n) (1) Property pledged against a debt (2) Additional, but with less importance (1) In order to get a loan for paying your tuition fees, you will need to provide a collateral worth at least twice the amount of loan to the bank. mnm: call later


(n) 1) Empty boasting or bragging 2) Person who engages in such bragging Knowing his tendency to avoid any kind of risk, I was certain that his words were nothing but empty braggadocio. syn: Swaggering, Pretension, Rodomontade rel: Brag (v), Braggart mnm: palavra atmak, böbürlenmek


(n) 1) Outstanding debts 2) Something that remains not done The landlord agreed to waive three months of rent which was in arrears provided I vacate the house immediately. syn: Liability, Debit ant: None rel: Arrearage (n) in tears


(n) 1) Pointed comment 2) Sharp projection from fishhook "Provoked by his friends continuous barbs at him for losing in the first round of the tournament, Michael flung his tennis racket at Gerome." syn: Spur, Cusp mnm: barber's barb


(n) A bottle for serving wine or water at meals. Also, the amount contained in such a bottle. The hostess called for another carafe of red wine. mnm: şerefe


(n) A false and unjust report on someone with the intention of damaging their reputation This newspaper report on Mr. Dexter is the most shameless piece of calumny I've ever come across in my life, not even a single remark is true. ant: Vindicate rel: Calumniate mnm: write sth. to column


(n) A feeling of weariness and boredom We were overcome with ennui after reading the same chapters again and again for the science test. syn: Tedium ant: Excitement mnm: anything new?


(n) A formal statement of beliefs The chairman insisted that each and every employee in the company should treat customer satisfaction as the most important credo of the company. syn: Creed rel: credulity


(n) A gold or silver ornamental cup, usu. used to hold wine Seated at the head of the table, the host raised his chalice high in the air and toasted to the well being of all present. mnm: kadeh


(n) A hoax, A sensational, fabricated story to fool the people, A false report. The society has accused the periodical of spreading a malicious canard against it, and has threatened legal action if the periodical did not retract its words. mnm: kanald her zaman yanlış haber yapar


(n) A loud and noisy party, esp. one with a lot of drinking and disorderly behavior As soon as the election results were announced, the entire town broke into bacchanalian celebrations that continued till early hours of the morning. syn: Revelry


(n) A short, independent musical passage that ends a bigger piece of music The master musician ended the concert with a beautiful coda in C-minor, which he dedicated to the memory of Beethoven. mmn: soda


(n) A small and exclusive coterie of persons, group of persons united by common interest Though the four industrialists were fierce competitors of each other, they were also the members of an exclusive clique that helped anti-government activists. mnm: queue


(n) A small space in a room-wall, Recess in garden wall or hedge The sparrow had made its nest in an alcove in the garden wall. syn: Lattice, Arbor, Bower, Gazebo ant: None rel: None all + cave


(n) A song or a poem of grief or of lamentation for the dead. As soon as the hospital authorities formally announced the passing away of the head of state, the television and radio stations in the country started playing a mournful dirge. syn: An elegy, A mnm: die in age


(n) A story in which characters and images represent abstract ideas, Apologue O. Henry was famous for his allegorical style of writing; all his stories depict characters who represent various shades of moral and social values. syn: Fable, Myth, Parable


(n) An ulcer (sore), as of the mouth. Also, anything which corrodes, corrupts or destroys The Prime Minister, in his speech on television, has said that violence is a canker in our society which must be avoided at all costs. mnm:cancer


(n) Rapidity of motion, speed, swiftness. With amazing celerity, the prisoner jumped out of the open window and disappeared into the narrow alley. syn: Alacrity ant: Delay mnm: accelerate


(n) Representation of scene with three dimensional figures, viewed through a window etc. The museum in Paris has a spectacular diorama of the storming of the Bastille prison. mnm: panaroma


(n) Split, Division into two The dichotomy between what he says and what he does is sometimes so glaring that I sometimes wonder whether he is mentally a little fragile.


(n) The cause of ruin or destruction, The source of irreparable harm The untimely drought has proved to be a bane for families living in these villages, bringing with it misery and hunger. syn: Affliction, Malediction, Calamity ant: Boon, Blessing mnm: boon or bane


(n) The place where two rivers flow together and become one larger river The Kumbh Mela is a major religious event in India, happening once every twelve years, at the confluence of the Ganga and the Yamuna, the two holiest rivers in India. mnm: Confluence=Con(Together) + Fluence(Flow) =Flow Together


(n) Thing used to give flavor to food, Seasoning The Kashmiri dish had several peculiar spices and herbs added as condiments, giving it the most exquisite aroma and flavor. mnm: CONDOM+MINT...a mint flavored condom....


(n) Trickery, Deceitful practice "In an act of blatant and deceitful chicanery, the cab driver quickly replaced the 50-dollar bill Id given him with a 10-dollar note, and demanded more money from money." syn: Subterfuge, Duplicity. mnm: chickens to canning factory


(n) Uneasiness and hesitation stemming from a sense of guilt or regret After the way I had been insulted by the owner of the company, I did not have any compunction about quitting the organization. syn: Scruples mnm: pişman


(n) Vanishing, fading from sight or senses Once a great actress, this old woman now stays seriously ill and her past memories is almost evanescent. syn: Fleeting, Fugacious ant: Longevity mnm: noldu la bu gruba, uzun zamandır ortada yoklar


(n) Violent val attack, Denunciation "As expected, the opposition leader launched a diatribe against the governments finance policies almost as soon as he started his speech." syn: Inveigh ant: Praise two tribes are fighting eachother


(n) Woman performer performing before public for first time For a debutante, her dance performance was amazingly graceful; it was difficult to believe that it was the first time she was performing for an audience. mnm: debut album


(noun) a feeling of righteous anger mnm: dignity


(noun) a passage (a pipe or tunnel) through which water or electric wires can pass mnm: conduit seems to have come from the two words CONDUcting circUIT. So a passage for an electric circuit ,wire or water


(noun) legal claim on a property There was a delay before Ralph could take possession of his late uncle's home; apparently, another claimant had a lien upon the estate. mnm: sounds like lion.. a lion is the king of the jungle and can thus legally claim any part of the jungle!!


(noun) the act of someone who floats on the water, yüzme The Red Cross emphasizes the need for courses in natation. mnm: naut-ship, nautical


(noun) the branch of zoology that studies fishes Jacques Cousteau's programs about sea life have advanced the cause of ichthyology.


(noun) withdrawing support or help despite allegiance or responsibility mnm: desertion


(v & n) To shut oneself away from the world, Live in or as if in a monastery or a convent For over three years, he lived a cloistered life in the Himalayas, trying to discover the secrets of life. syn: Sequester, Seclude


(v) "To deny, To abandon ones claim or right" "John has legally abjured himself from his fathers wealth, saying that he is not interested in inheriting money that has been earned unscrupulously." syn: Disavow, Rence ant: Espouse rel: Abjuration (n) mnm: if you are injured, you will be abjured.


(v) (1) Cheat, Do something deceitful (1) I was beguiled by him into believing that he was a representative of the company syn: Swindle, Hoax


(v) (1) To worry and annoy continuously, Harass (2) To surround so as to prevent escape, Besiege (1) The beleaguered parents had no option but to take their deviant child to a child psychiatrist. syn: Torment, Besiege


(v) 1) To prevent 2) To turn away eyes from (1) The accident could be averted only because of the alertness of the young shepherd; had he not reported the missing fishplates in time, the train would almost certainly have derailed. mnm: prevent


(v) Abolish, Do away with By abrogating the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA), the government has conceded to a long standing demand of the Association of Exporters. syn: Revoke, Rescind, Repeal ant: Enact, Institute rel: Abrogation (n) mnm: a bot meets the girl in front of the gate and bro comes and abrogate the boy.


(v) Approach and speak first to a person A sinister looking man accosted me in the dark street and asked for money. syn: Solicit, Confront ant: None rel: None mnm: I will talk to her at any cost


(v) Arrange as a code, Classify The message was received in a codified format, and it took the secret service nearly a week to completely decipher it. mnm:code


(v) Assent, agree passively In deciding the marriage of their daughter, parents in rural India take the acquiescence of the daughter for granted. syn: Concur, Assent ant: Rebel, Oppose, Carp rel: Acquiescence, (n), Acquiescent (adj) mnm: ac-cept-quite-ly


(v) Grow together to form one body, combine The two insurance companies which had been fierce competitors hitherto, have coalesced to form one large insurance company, the largest in the country. syn: Merge mnm: kolaj


(v) Inform The Diplomat apprised the Prime Minister of the exact situation in the war-torn country. syn: Acquaint ant: None rel: None mnm: If you apprise than you will get the prize


(v) Make hostile attack upon The angry crowd assailed the police with stones and whatever they could lay their hands upon. syn: Assault ant: None rel: Assailable (adj), Assailant (n)


(v) Rejoice greatly The old man exulted on the arrival of his newly born grandchild. mnm: exam result


(v) To feel or express sorrow or compassion, to condole with The Prime Minister has said that he commiserates with those who have lost their dear ones in the explosion, and affirmed that the terrorists behind the dreadful act will not be spared. mnm: misery


- of or relating to an uncle - suggestive of an uncle especially in kindliness or geniality <avuncular indulgence> a man known for his avuncular charm




: able to destroy or burn something by chemical action : very harsh and critical mnm: cause acidic


Dull; not interesting or exciting mnm: b-land, düz


Eski roma'da bölük komutanı century = 100


Explain something in a laborious way 2. criticize In his zeal to impress the audience, the presidential candidate belabored his points in his speech to such an huge extent. syn: Impugn, Vituperate, Dence, Malign, Vilify mnm: be-a-labor


Feeling of grief or desolation, especially at the death or loss of a loved one. mnm: grieve


Gruesome, korkunç, dehşetli The city morgue is a macabre spot for the uninitiated. mnm: massacre


He is much too sagacious to be fooled by a trick like that.


Many museums sell facsimiles of the works of art on display. mnm: fake-similar


One who feigns illness to escape duty The captain ordered the sergeant to punish all malingerers and force them to work. mnm: mali+inger(sounds like injure)


Roman outer robe Marc Antony pointed to the slashes in Caesar's toga


Talk in childish or artless fashion I just hate this radio channel -- the DJs just go on babbling without uselessly playing any music. mne: bla-bla-bla


The pensive youth gazed at the painting for a long time and then sighed. mnm: ex-pensive=when u wana buy something but it is too costly , u must b too sad.pensive means too sad.


The roof of the building foundered because of lack of support from the pillars that were very weak. mnm: go-under


This latest arrest will exacerbate the already existing discontent of the people and enrage them. mnm: worsen Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So exacerbate means to make bittter, to worsen.


When she heard the value of the Penny Black stamp, Phyllis was inspired to become a philatelist. mnm: phile+ List of STamps


a feeling of good friendship among the people in a group ex: There is great camaraderie among the teammates. mnm: comrade


a gem carved in relief; especially : a small piece of sculpture on a stone or shell cut in relief in one layer with another contrasting layer serving as background mnm: rölyefe yapıştırılan taş/heykel


a group islands mnm: pelago:deniz


adi, aşağılık Your despicable remarks call for no reply. mnm: de-speakable


adi, basmakalıp The English teacher criticized her story because of its hackneyed and unoriginal plot. mnm: when a software is hacked, it becomes hackneyed because then all people are able to use that program without paying for


adi, zevksiz, cheap and gaudy He won a few tawdry trinkets in Coney Island. mnm: AWful


afaroz etmek, lanetlemek


aklanmak accusation quit




ancestor The Roth family, whose progenitors emigrated from Germany early in the nineteenth century, settled in Peru, Illinois. mnm: Pro + Genesis


angarya (n) Menial work Electronic information retrieval will remove much of the drudgery of research and leave time for the more interesting work. mnm: SLAVERY


ani istila, baskın The nightly incursions and hit-and-run raids of our neighbors across the border tried the patience of the country to the point where we decided to retaliate in force. mnm: current invasion




art of debate I am not skilled in dialectic and therefore, cannot answer your arguments as forcefully as I wish.


attractive The man I am seeking to fill this position must be personable since he will be representing us before the public mnm: it can be person+able.i.e.person who is able to do something should be attractive.




azaltmak, kısmak. we wanted the thunder to be abated


azarlamak, kınamak, yermek express strong disapproval of ; disparage The founder of the Children's Defense Fund, Marian Wright Edelman, strongly decries the lack of financial and moral support for children in America today. mnm: I always decry people who cry without fighting the hard situations


açık mavi


ağıt They played Mozart's Requiem at the funeral. mnm: repeat + quietly


ağız, delik, mouthlike opening; small opening The Howe Caverns were discovered when someone observed that a cold wind was issuing from an orifice in the hillside mnm: ORI + FICES oral and faces


aşağılık, iğrenç Peter Pan sneered at Captain Hook and his scurvy crew. mnm:


basit, expert anlamı da var! (adj) Requiring little effort; easily achieved. Also, meaningless or incomplete She was such a good painter that it was facile for her to win the contest. mnm: face it easily


baskı, cebir (n) Forcible restraint, especially unlawfully The accused claimed that he had been forced to signed the contract under duress, and that he had no intention of getting into the deal. mnm: u-dress


bastırmak, önlemek, suppress Halfway through the boring lecture, Laura gave up trying to stifle her yawns. mnm: pamuğu istiflemek için bastırman lazım


benekli, lekeli Instead of writing that Gorbachev had a birthmark on his forehead, the pompous young poet sang of the former premier's maculated brow. mnm: immaculate = perfect; maculate = stained


benekli, noktalı When he blushed, his face took on a mottled hue. mnm: MOTE( a speck/spot) + LED = SPOTT + ED


blessing, benediction mnm: Papa Benedict gives blessing










dermansızlık (noun) a state of deterioration due to old age or long use I was unprepared for the state of decrepitude in which I had found my old friend; he seemed to have aged twenty years in six months. mnm: decrease in aptitude


deserter; traitor Because he had abandoned his post and joined forces with the Indians, his fellow officers considered the hero of Dances with Wolves a renegade.


desteklemek, doğrulamak Unless we find a witness to corroborate your evidence, it will not stand up in court. mnm. correct?


dokunmak, tecavüz etmek How could they be married without impinging on one another's freedom? mnm: ping


dokunulmazlık, security from being destroyed, corrupted or profaned They respected the inviolability of her faith and did not try to change her manner of living mnm: violate+ability


duş görünüş, yüz, çehre He prided himself on his ability to analyze a person's character by studying his physiognomy. mnm: physi


düşünmeden yapılan, aceleci, hırslı We tried to curb his impetuous behavior because we felt that in his haste he might offend some people. mnm: sounds like impatient, an impatient person will be impetuous


el koymak, ele geçirmek seize; commandeer The army confiscated all available supplies of uranium. mnm: fist means hand. confiscate is grabbing, taking away, seize, taking possesion.


ezeli düşman, intikam He will be playing his old nemesis for the championship. mnm: enemies


ezici Certain of her own importance and of the unimportance of everyone else, Lady Bracknell was intolerably overbearing in manner. "In choosing a husband," she said, "good birth is of overbearing importance; compared to that, neither wealth nor talent. mnm: bear=ayı


filthy The social worker was angered by the sordid housing provided for the homeless. mnm: SORry I DID this FILTHY, VILE thing.


firari, kaçak fleeting or transitory; roving The film brought a few fugitive images to her mind, but on the whole it made no lasting impression upon her. mnm: refugee


generous gift Lady Bountiful distributed largess to the poor mnm: large Social Service


grubun dağılması


gözdağı, korkutma mnm: in timid


güçlü, kaslı mnm: bully


hak ettiğini bulmak punishment that someone deserves to receive mnm: come up puhishment


handle roughly The rock star was mauled by his overexcited fans mnm: The people were mauling at the shopping mall.


having, consisting of, or based on two legislative chambers


hayal ürünü mnm: figure-mental


hayırsever ben:good


iffetli The X-rated film was definitely not for prudes. mnm: crude.


iftiralı karalayıcı He sued the newspaper because of its libelous story. mnm: LABEL-ous


ihmalkar He was accused of being remiss in his duty when the prisoner escaped. mnm: repeat+miss, A negligent person will repeatedly miss important things


imprison mnm:sounds like in + car + sit + rate so you are imprisoned in the car


inatçı Donkeys are reputed to be the most recalcitrant of animals. mnm: re+calcit(looks like calcite) we know calcite is a hard mineral found in calcium carbonate which forms the major part of rocks, chalk and marble, is hard to break and likewise a recalcitrant person is also stubborn.


inatçı, dik kafalı (adj.) Determined, Stubborn Her amazing capacity for hard work, along with a sense of sincerity and dogged determination, led her to the top of the organizational hierarchy. syn: Persistent mnm: kizlar ugg giymekte inatçı galiba, ooghhh


inatçı, hırçın (adj) Exceedingly stubborn The stable-hand complained that for the last few days, the horse was being unreasonably contumacious -- it refused to eat anything and also not let anyone ride it. syn: Recalcitrant mnm: contu-mac: stubborn regarding the mac


inatçılık, uzlaşmazlık The intransigence of both parties in the dispute makes an early settlement almost impossible to obtain. mnm: asi genç


ince kumaş mnm: go-summer and we will wear light clothes


ince, kibar (adj.) Having a high social class, Polite and refined (sometimes in an unnatural way) Not accustomed to the genteel ways of the sophisticated socialites, the young lady from the small town found herself rather out of place at the party. mnm: entel




indirim yapmak We offer a rebate of ten percent to those who pay cash. mnm: Rebate is same as abate, but normally used for price RATE.


ineğin böğürmesi, möö mnm: cow-low


insignificant; petty, az, önemsiz This is a paltry sum to pay for such a masterpiece. mnm: poverty


intention; meaning If the purport of your speech was to arouse the rabble, you succeeded admirably mnm: purpose


isteksiz, gönülsüz mnm: he is grudging to graduate from the college


iğneleyici, biting; sarcastic; stinging Actors feared the critic's mordant pen mnm: mar(death) + dant(teeth) ---> deadly dent bite


kaba, ayı (adj.) Rough-mannered Though the doctor was quite brilliant, his gruff manner of speaking put off most of his patients and his practice never really picked up. mnm: rough


kaba, şımarık mentioned several impertinent facts before finally coming to the point. syn : irreverent , pert , saucy mnm: When an imperial person talks to a tenant he will be rude and not talk relevant subject.


kabahatli, kusurlu (adj) Deserving blame for a wrongdoing Holding the CEO of the company culpable for all that had happened, the judge ruled that the ultimate responsibility for all the operations of the company rested with him. mnm: kulp


kabuk, kaplumbağa/yengeç


kadans ahenk, ses uyumu, kadans




kanundışı ilan etmek Antony, Octavius and Lepidus proscribed all those who had conspired against Julius Caesar. mnm: scribe nedir biliyorsun






kara, esmer Despite the stereotype, not all Italians are swarthy; many are fair and blond. mnm: siyahi


karar vermeden zaman kazanmaya çalışmak I cannot permit you to temporize any longer; I must have a definite answer today. mnm: Temporize -> Temporarily + Sieze that is temporarily postpone or put on hold


kargaşa, arbede She could not make herself heard over the tumult of the mob. mnm: turmoil


kariyerinde gelgitli, satranç(damalı)


kaçınılmaz, mecburi He felt that his fate was ineluctable and refused to make any attempt to improve his lot. mnm: Suppose a course is compulsory in a particular semester. So you are unable to 'elect' another course.


kelepçelemek The criminal's ankles were shackled to prevent his escape. mnm:rhymes with ankle and is used to chain ankles.


kibar, nazik (adj) Willing to please others, that is, obliging and gracious His complaisance makes him very popular in the neighborhood -- he is always willing to run errands for others. syn: Amiable ant: Obdurate mnm: pleasing


kibarlık, nezaket come and eat


kilisiye ait (adj) Of or relating to the church or god, that which is not bound by the constraints of earthly parameters. (1) The ecclesiastical history Rome is of great importance in the study of Christianity. (2) Having pursued material and commercial gains all his mnm: cleric


komada olmak mnm: coma


komşu olmak, kesişmek ex: look at your butt and the abut between two pieces.


konferans The peace parley has not produced the anticipated truce. mnm: parley sounds like parliament... where CONFERENCE is held between opponents ...


kulak çöpü


körelmek (adj) Waste, emaciate Fearing an atrophy of the mind because of the boring and repetitive job, Simpson set out to seek some recreation that could utilize his creativity. rel: Atrophy (n & v)


kötü kimse, zalim, amansız His kindness to the miscreant amazed all of us who had expected to hear severe punishment pronounced. mnm: mis-create


kötü şöhretli avukat On L.A. Law, respectable attorney Brackman was horrified to learn that his newly discovered half brother was a cheap shyster. mnm: A shyster have no shy


kötüleme, yerme I resent the obloquy that you are casting upon my reputation. mnm: etymologically OB-'against' and LOQUY-'talk'. Therefore OBLOQUY means to TALK AGAINST SOMEONE,i.e. SLANDER


küflü The attic was dark and musty. mnm: we MUST EAT the food before it becomes MUSTY


külçe mnm: abulliob worth a billion


küçümsemek, aşağılamak be-little


kılcal damar


kıllı (adj) Rough with hair or bristles, Hairy He used to sport a clean-shaven look earlier, but I think he now looks better ever since he decided to have a hirsute face. syn: Pilose ant: Bald mnm: hair


kılıfını koymak As soon as he recognized the approaching men, he sheathed his dagger and hailed them as friends. mnm: sheath=kın


kınanması gereken Your vicious conduct in this situation is reprehensible. mnm: reprehend: you apprehend (catch) someone who is blameworthy and wanted.


kırbaçlamak, ceza vermek They feared the plague and regarded it as a deadly scourge. mnm: Scourge=if u dont Score Good in exam u will be punished.


kıs kıs gülmek The boy could not suppress a snicker when the teacher sat on the tack. mnm: The students gave a snicker when the professor came to the class in a sneaker.


kıs kıs gülmeki kikirdemek Her aunt's constant titter nearly drove her mad. mnm: to tittering laugh sounds like a TwITTERing bird.


kısa ve öz I enjoy reading his essays because they are always compact and pithy. mnm: thy ile uçarsan daha kısa sürer


kısa ve özlü söz I admire his terse style of writing; he comes directly to the point. mnm: verse?


kısaltmak, kısmak (v) Shorten, Deprive of My father has decided to slowly curtail his business operations, as he knows that neither my brother nor I am interested in doing the business. ant: Lengthen mnm: cutting the tail of an animal is curtail


lacking in flavor; dull Flat prose and flat ginger ale are equally insipid: both lack sparkle mnm: in+sip+id(it) in-'not, -ve prefix', so when you do not sip it, i.e a juice ,then it means the juice lacks flavor.


lacking in spirit or energy We had expected him to be full of enthusiasm and were surprised by his listless attitude mnm: opposite of restless




lakap, sıfat word or phrase characteristically used to describe a person or thing So many kings of France were named Charles that modern students need epithets to tell them apart: Charles the Wise, for example, was someone far different from Charles the Fat. mnm: etiket


landless agricultural worker; bond servant The land reformers sought to liberate the peons and establish them as independent farmers. mnm: pawn


lanet, beddua Roused from the bed at what he considered an ungodly hour, Roy muttered imprecations under his breath mnm: IMPRECATION=IM-PRAY-cation. The prefix IM- means opposite. The opposite of PRAY is CURSE (The latin root word "precari" means pray).


laubalilik, lack of seriousness or steadiness; frivolity Stop giggling and wriggling around in the pew; such levity is improper in church mnm: Causal like LEVIS jeans.




make impossible; eliminate This contract does not preclude my being employed by others at the same time that I am working for you mnm: exclude


make unnecessary; get rid of I hope this contribution will obviate any need for further collections of funds. mnm: eliminate


make void unfortunately, his arrogant attitude annuls the many generous favors he does for people mnm: null


make young again The charlatan claimed that his elixir would rejuvenate the aged and weary mnm: reJUVENATE...Juvenile means a young making Younger


means of support, food, nourishment In the tropics, the natives find sustenance easy to obtain because of all the fruit trees. mnm: sustainable bir yaşam için gereklidir


meeting The lovers kept their tryst even though they realized their danger. mnm:


moment of calm Not wanting to get wet, they waited under the awning for a lull in the rain mnm: dull


narrow valley with steep sides Steeper than a gully, less precipitous than a canyon, a ravine is, like them, the product of years of erosion mnm: ra+vine(wine) so we pour wine in glass of STEEP SIDES.


neşeli, şen convivial festive; mnm: vivid


number of members necessary to conduct a meeting The senator asked for a roll call to determine whether a quorum was present. mnm: forumları hatırlarsın


o subject to severe punishment, reproof, or criticism, rebuke mnm: low casted people are castigated in India


odunsu Petrified wood may be ligneous in appearance, but it is stonelike in composition. mnm: lignite- is primitive coal


offensive I find your behavior obnoxious; please mend your ways. mnm: if you have extreme objection, you will become obnoxious


offer, ihale!! Although no formal changes had been made against him, in the wake of the recent scandal the mayor felt he should tender his resignation(böyle bir kalıp var: tender resignation). mnm: ender'in ihale ile ilgili soyledikleri


okuma I am certain that you have missed important details in your rapid perusal of this document. mnm: per+USA+l=reading gre is the best solution to go to USA


onaylamamak, karşı çıkmak (v) Regret, Disapprove of, grieve over "Even though she deplored her husbands decision to quit his job and shift to farming, she had no choice but to accept it." syn: Bewail mnm: disapprove


open to view, açık, aleni According to the United States Constitution, a person must commit an overt act before he may be tried for treason. mnm: we know covert is hidden so overt is an exact opposite ie non-secretive.


opening; The plane was lost in the stormy sky until the pilot saw the city through a rift in the clouds. mnm: lift doors will rift apart for opening...


opp:malign, (adj.) gentle, kind; forgiving, understanding; having a favorable or beneficial effect; not malignant


oransız, ölçüsüz, gereğinden çok fazla She had an inordinate fondness for candy. mnm: in-ordinary


origin Some historians claim the Nile Valley was the matrix of the Western civilization. mnm: in the movie (matrix) neo wasn't aware of his ORIGIN


ormanda yaşayan, rustic His paintings of nymphs in sylvan backgrounds were criticized as over sentimental. mnm: Pennsylvania, a state in U.S., was named because of this word.


orotoryo a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text mnm: cant=music


ortaya çıkarmak To search and uncover by careful investigation. (Used with out) The detective managed to ferret out the robbers responsible for stealing priceless paintings from the museum. mnm: ferma yapan köpeğin kuşu çıkartması gibi


oturmayı gerektiren Because he had a sedentary occupation, he decided to visit a gymnasium weekly. mnm: dentary- dentist u require a lot of sitting to make ur teeth healthy


outstanding; superior The king traveled to Boston because he wanted the preeminent surgeon in the field to perform the operation. mnm: prominent


pasaklı, hırpani (n & adj.) Untidy and unattractive, Not stylish The door was opened by a dowdy old woman, wearing rather ill-fitting clothes and having oily, unkempt hair. syn: Slovenly mnm: dude


passageway: an arched or covered passageway with many shops


pastoral song (aşk şiiri) His program of folk songs included several madrigals which he sang to the accompaniment of a lute. mnm: all sisters singing for married girl


patavatsız, boorish (adj.) Tactless, without ease or grace Her transformation from a gauche teenager to a self-assured, smart young business executive, within a period of five years, was truly amazing. mnm: deutche'ler biraz patavatsız oluyor


peak We could see the morning sunlight illuminate the pinnacle while the rest of the mountain lay in shadow. mnm: pin(PINE TREE)+NACLE..SOUNDS LIKE your uncle wants to CLIMB the PEAK OR HIGHEST POINT OF PINE TREE.


period between two reigns


person celebrated for wisdom Hearing tales of a mysterious Master of All Knowledge who lived in the hills of Tibet, Sandy was possessed with a burning desire to consult the legendary sage.


proper Lady Bracknell did not think it was seemly for Ernest to lack a proper family; no baby abandoned on a doorstep could grow up to marry her daughter. mnm: simli kıyafet bu gece için uygundur


protest; The authorities were deaf to the pastor's remonstrances about the lack of police protection in the area. mnm: ...sounds like remember it like when you are demonstrative you can protest for something.




pul, small metallic piece sewn to clothing for ornamentation The thousands of spangles on her dress sparkled in the glare of the stage lights. mnm: Spangle dress = Sparkle dress


pure; spotless rel: maculate mnm: im'mac'ulate = having no 'mark' or stain


pushing forward I found her a very obstrusive person, constantly seeking the center of the stage mnm: thrust


puzzle, confuse (v) To confuse by being unexpected The master batsman, by announcing his desire to retire at the prime of his career, has confounded the entire nation. syn: Perplex, Discomfit mnm: CONfusion FOUND || Not Found


puzzled, confused to defeat or check (as a person) by confusing or puzzling I was baffled by many of the scientific terms used in the article.


rebellious We will not discuss reforms until the insurgent troops have returned to their homes rel: insurrection mnm: surge means to means against. RISE AGAINST = rebel


rica etmek, üstelemek (v) Plead, Ask earnestly The students felt guilty and entreated the teacher to forgive them for their pranks they played on her. syn: Beseech mnm: we entreated to the front man to let us ENTER AT the disco.


riddle, difficult problem During the long car ride, she invented conundrums to entertain the children. mnm: playing the drum is a difficult problem


room to move; margin When you set a deadline, allow a little leeway. mnm: LEavE the WAY


ruddy reddish; healthy-looking His ruddy features indicated that he had spent much time in the open.




savurgan In this profligate company, she lost all sense of decency. mnm: Profligate= spend Profusely like bill Gates

by dint of

sayesinde, aracılığıyla mnm: by means of


saygısızlık etmek Hypersensitive and ready to take offense at any discourtesy, Bertha was always on the lookout for real or imaginary slights. mnm: Give slight importance or attention.Ur putting someone in slight(minority) hence humiliating.


saygısızlık(Allah'a karşı) We must regard your blasphemy as an act of impiety. mnm: what's a pity


saçma, bizarre The eccentric professor who engages in markedly outlandish behavior is a stock figure in novels with an academic setting. mnm: ayakları yere basmıyor işte


saçma, gülünç Let us be serious; this is not a ludicrous issue. mnm: rearranging the word you get ridiculous .. which is humorous .. ie laughable; trifling


saçılmak Preceding the bride to the altar, the flower girl will strew rose petals along the aisle. mnm: strawberry'nin üzerindeki beneklerin nasıl scatter olduğunu düşün


scarcity They closed the restaurant because the paucity of customers made it uneconomical to operate. mnm: scarcity




ses tınısı We identify the instrument producing a musical sound by its timbre. mnm: Timeberlake.... remember JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE.. his voice is very different from other singers


shelter: protection given by a government to someone who has left another country in order to escape being harmed She asked for political asylum


struggle; compete; assert mnm: compete


suda yumuşatmak The strawberries had been soaking in the champaign for so long that they had begun to macerate: they literally fell apart at the touch of a spoon. mnm: marinate


surrender mnm: captured by somebody


suskun Hughes preferred reticent employees to loquacious ones, noting that the formers' dislike of idle chatter might ensure their discretion about his affairs. mnm: 50Cent -> talks too much.. on the contrary.. reticent-> talk less


susuzluğunu gidermek When we reached the oasis, we were able to slake our thirst. mnm: lake


suç anında başka yerde olduğu iddiası


sürükleyici The reviewer described Byatt's novel Possession as a riveting tale: absorbed in the story, he had finished it in a single evening. mnm: ii was aroused and riveted by the WET girl in the RIVER


temporary stay After his sojourn in Florida, he began to long for the colder climate of his native New England home. mnm: sojourn== short + journey on some you would stay there temporarily in there..


tilt, yana yatmak That flagpole should be absolutely vertical; instead, it lists to one side.


time of greatest success; prime In their heyday, the San Francisco Forty-Niners won the Super Bowl two years running. mnm: hey-day


tip mnm: how grateful are you :)




to lie or relax in a pleasant warmth or atmosphere playing basketball


to make (something) stronger or better : to give support to (something) mnm: bolts are used to support


to make appear great or greater mnm: grand


tolling of a bell, especially to indicate a funeral, disaster, sound of the funeral bell "The curfew tolls the knell of parting day." mnm: knell the bell




uydurulmuş, yapay (adj) Forced, Artificial, Not spontaneous "Even though he speaks with an accent, theres nothing contrived about his behavior -- I can vouch for his genuineness." mnm: Contrived=Derived




v: to cause to divide into two branches or parts The stream bifurcated into two narrow winding channels.


very big. a - small


waste, savurmak The prodigal son squandered the family estate. mnm: Spender


wealth The glitter and opulence of the ballroom took Cinderella's breath away. mnm: opelin varsa zenginsindir.


yarı insan yarı at mnm: center


yaşlı kır saçlı (adj) Grey with age Old, and therefore not amusing (of a joke etc.) "Instead of wasting time listening to his hoary old jokes, its better if we play a game of scrabbles."


yeminli ifade mnm: declaration


yıkanmak mnm: lotion


çapkınlık, zamparalık, şehvet düşkünlüğü, lustfulness In his youth he led a life of lechery and debauchery; he did not mend his ways until middle age. mnm: lekeli


çare, önlem (adj) Suitable in a situation, even though not morally right or just The mason had not done his job properly, so we thought it expedient to pay him only after he did the job again. syn: Advantageous mnm: expeditedly prevent


çark dişlisi


çirkin, iğrenç (adj) Utterly wicked or shameful They confessed to having committed the heinous offense of selling the military secrets to the enemy agent. syn: Atrocious mnm: he in anus


çirkin, çok kötü He was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds. mnm: furious olunca genelde suratım nefarious'a döner


çorba kasesi The waiters brought the soup to the tables in silver tureens. mnm: deriin tabak


çıldırmış mnm: DE-MENTed


ölü gibi, ruhsuz We wanted to see how long he could maintain his deadpan expression. mnm: dead person


ön-sahne In the theater-in-the-round there can be no proscenium or proscenium arch. mnm: PRO+SCEN in front of the front of the curtain


önemsiz Brushing off Ali's apologies for having broken the wine glass, Tamara said, "Don't worry about it; it's inconsequential." mnm: Not essential


öngörü If the doctor's prognosis is correct, the patient will be in a coma for at least twenty-four hours. mnm: prognosis = pro+diagnosis, pro= think forward, diagnosis = cause of disease, it means to predict the features of a disease before the disease itself.






övgülü, öven, praising mnm: if you have the logic, everyone will be eulogistic to you


övmek, göklere çıkarmak (v) (1) To praise highly (2) To raise a person to a high rank (1) The doctors exalted Andrea for her voluntary services. (2) The nun was exalted to the position of Mother Superior. syn: Extol ant: Pillory mnm: ex-altitude is praising


öz, kısa shortness of duration; especially : shortness or conciseness of expression The book's major flaw is its brevity. mnm: brief


şart, koşul I am ready to accept your proposal with the two proviso that you meet your obligations within the next two weeks mnm: visa koşulları


şen, neşe Sober Malvolio found Sir Toby's mirth improper. mnm: mother at birth of her child is extremely happy. this is how the word was made. mother at birth = mirth.




şımartmak Don't mollycoddle the boy, Maud! You'll spoil him. mnm: coddle sounds like cuddle which also means showing love.. so Molly ko cuddle kiya


abuk subuk konuşmak Did you hear that foolish boy spouting gibberish about monsters from outer space? mnm: rubbish + babble


abundance; completeness Looking in the pantry, we admired the plenitude of fruits and pickles we had preserved during the summer mnm: plenty


abuse, hakaret He had expected criticism but not the invective that greeted his proposal. mnm: ENVY + ACTIVE or Active jealousy can cause you to ABUSE the other person.


acaip, eğlenceli (adj. & n) Odd and amusing, Comical, Queer and meant to provoke laughter He watched the proceedings at the amusement park with a droll expression on his face, wondering whether the animals in the park would also be amused by the queer antics of the human mnm: doll


a light meal kolay


flashy; showy Her gaudy taste in clothes appalled us. mnm: gaudi'nin eserleri


flattery adult boy flattering his girlfriend






foolish (adj) Pertaining to asses, Foolish I never expected him to come up with such an asinine remark in the class; he looks quite intelligent! syn: Ridiculous, Absurd ant: None rel: Asininity (n) mnm: asinine


foolish or playful behavior or practice their madcap buffoonery turned the duo into the nation's hottest comedy act mnm: be funny


forewarning We ignored these premonitions of disaster because they appeared to be based on childish fears. mnm: pre+monitor a monitor warns us if there is a fault


geri çekmek He dropped his libel suit after the newspaper published a retraction of its statement. mnm: re-take-it


gloomy; depressing From the doctor's grim expression, I could tell he had somber news. mnm: I am Sad, I need Some Beer.


gorge=tıka basa yemek, disgorge=çıkarmak, iade etmek Unwilling to disgorge the cash he had stolen from the pension fund, the embezzler tried to run away.


gradual weakening, Attrition is high among social workers because of the difficult work and poor pay. mnm: friction


günak keçisi After the Challenger disaster, NASA searched for scapegoats on whom they could cast the blame.


gündüzle ilgili (adj.) Of or in the day, Of the daytime Being next to a desert, this town is marked by severe temperature fluctuation; while the diurnal temperature here is very high, nights are quite cold. mnm: daily journal


gürültü, şamata The marketplace was a scene of hubbub and excitement. mnm: when people come to a HUB(center of activity or interest or commerce or transportation), they tend to get confused due to the uproar..


gürültülü kavga (n) Noisy quarrel The football player tripped his opponent after which a fight broke out and all the rest got involved in the fracas. syn: Brawl, Melee The military police stopped the fracas in the bar and arrested the belligerents. mnm: freak ass is quarreling with other people


gürültülü, kaba His raucous laughter irritated me and grated on my ears. mnm: rauc(sounds like rock) + us rock music is usually loud and harsh.


gürültülü, patırtılı A large and boisterous crowd attended the concert. mnm: boaster


gürültülü, sert She scolded him in a strident voice mnm: Very close to 'Student', just ri=u. Anyway primary students are always loud and harsh.


hazırlıklı, tedbirli In his usual provident manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss. mnm: sağla-m


hemen göze çarpmayan, zor algılanan


her şeyi bilen I do not pretend to be omniscient, but I am positive about this fact.


home, ev, mesken Although his legal domicile was in New York City, his work kept him away from his residence for many years. mnm: dome


honest, or sincere expression : forthrightness the candor with which he acknowledged a weakness in his own case mnm: can doğruları söyler


honor; tribute In her speech she tried to pay homage to a great man. mnm: Home + Age; In our culture, we respect the aged persons of our home.


iklim, bölge


illegal mnm: ill+cit(y) = If you want to do any ill to a city, thats ILLEGAL


ilmihal (n) Book for religious instruction, Instruction by question and answer The teacher had developed a unique style of teaching by catechism, wherein she taught each lesson as a series of questions and answers. mnm: catholic, theism


intikam, misilleme mnm: reprisal ~ appraisal ; If you Boss doesn't give you good appraisal (the yearly evaluation based on which salary is incremented) then you should retaliate by actually not performing/working !


investigate I find his motives impossible to fathom. mnm: if you have a fat-home, investigators will come to fathom your home


inzivaya çekilme One moment she loved crowds; the next, she sought seclusion. mnm: Seclusion - derived from seclude. Opp to include.


inzivaya çekilmek Although he had hoped for a long time to sequester himself in a small community, he never was able to drop his busy round of activities in the city. mnm: seek + quest - those who seek to find something as a part of a quest have to leave the society or seclude themselves from it.


kan dökücü/kırmızı renk The battle of lwo Jina was unexpectedly sanguinary with many casualties. mnm: sang + vine,




command I cannot accept government by fiat; I feel that I must be consulted. mnm: fiat car commands other cars on the way


command; arrange; consecrate The king ordained that no foreigner should be allowed to enter the city. mnm: order


complain Students traditionally grouse about the abysmal quality of "mystery meat" and similar dormitory food. mnm: spouse complains a lot


complete; full The union leader was given plenary power to negotiate a new contract with the employers. mnm: plen=full, plenty


concert band was conceit kibir, gurur


confuse The teacher's sudden question flustered him and he stammered his reply. mnm: Fluster == Find in a Cluster...When someone asks you to find something in an untidy cluster of things you get all confused.


confuse; muddle Do not obfuscate the issues by dragging in irrelevant arguments mnm: conFUSe


confused; discomposed The novice square dancer became so discombobulated that he wandered into wrong set.


connection, bağ I fail to see the nexus that binds these two widely separated events mnm: there is connection in between we and next to us.


coverage Even the adversaries of young Indiana Jones were impressed by the boy's pluck in trying to rescue the archeological treasure they had stolen. mnm: one should possess "Courage" to pluck flowers from our garden


cowardly; You should be ashamed of your pusillanimous conduct during this dispute. mnm: pussillanimous --> PUSSY with ANIMUS(enemy). So, someone who behaves like a pussy cat with his enemies is coward and also remember PUISSANT means powerful and strong


davranış, hal, hareket, tutum (n) Behavior, outward bearing or manner There was nothing in his demeanor to suggest that he had been upset by the news of the stock market crash. syn: Mien, Deportment. mnm: the manner


dayanak noktası If we use this stone as a fulcrum and the crowbar as a lever, we may be able to move this boulder. mnm: centrum, merkez noktası da bir dayanak noktasıdır


daydream He was awakened from his reverie by the teacher's question. mnm: nryin evresi olur? uykunun


dağıtmak(para) When you disburse money on the company's behalf, be sure to get a receipt. mnm: dis-purse


dağıtmak, saçmak (v) Scatter, Drive away, Cause to vanish If I had any doubts about his sincerity towards his job, they were dispelled when I saw him working for nearly 24 hours at a stretch in order to complete the assignment I had given to him. mnm: di-spell


dağıtmak, scatter seminar people gather in an area. dis-seminar


deadlock Negotiations between the union and the employers have reached a stalemate; neither side is willing to budge from previously stated positions.


death Upon the demise of the dictator, a bitter dispute about succession to power developed.


decay mnm: (noun) the state of being degenerate in mental or moral qualities


decorate Parsley was used to garnish the boiled potato. mnm: furnish


defensive mound on earth "From the ramparts we watched" as the fighting continued. mnm: rampart sounds like LAMPARD...and he is a great "defensive" mid fielder!


defnetmek They are going to inter the body tomorrow ar Broadlawn Cemetry. mnm: IN + TER = enTER IN the ground


dehşet verici, korkunç She shuddered at the grisly sight. mnm: s-isli


denge, kararlılık The high-wire acrobat used his pole as an equipose to overcome the swaying caused by the wind. mnm: equal position


dik dik bakmak, diklenmek (v) To stare or scowl (at) The teacher glowered at him when he meekly informed her that he had not done the homework. mnm: glow(parlamak)


dikkatli To separate egg whites, first crack the egg gingerly. mnm: ginger'i dikkatli kullanmazsan düşersin


dikkatli, özenli (adj) (1) Showing great seriousness of purpose (2) Scrupulous, Obedient to conscience (1) I took a conscientious decision to visit my ailing grand uncle at least once a week, knowing that he had no children who could take care of him. mnm: scientists are conscientious people


dil sürçmesi When the radio announcer introduced the President as Hoobert Herver, he was guilty of spoonerism. mnm: It is like speaking with a spoon in the mouth - unclear and confused.


dilbilgisi hatası I must give this paper a failing mark because it contains many solecisms. mnm: lexically criticism


diligent The young woman was so sedulous that she received a commendation for her hard work. mnm: to seduce a woman, man needs to be diligent and persistent and off course Hardworking ;)


kağıda yazmak Cyrano indited many letters for Christian. mnm: edit


kevgir, süzgeç mnm: hole under


eleştirmek, protesto etmek Despite the teacher's scoldings and expostulations, the class remained unruly. mnm: postulate = put forth a theory; expostulate: protest the thory


eli işe yakışmaz, beceriksiz In his usual maladroit way, he managed to upset the cart and spill the food. mnm: mal(means bad at doing something)+adroit(it means skillful ).......and someone who is bad at skills in his known area ,considered a maladroit person


elini ayağını dolaştırmak, confuse Jack's uncharacteristic rudeness nonplussed Jill, leaving her uncertain how to react. mnm: i got an (A_non plus) instead of an (A-) so i got confused


elle tutulamaz, gözle görülemez, imperceptible; intangible mnm: im-palm


elverişli: showing or suggesting that future success is likely His acclaimed first novel was an auspicious debut


en mükemmel örnek, timsal, öz Noel Coward displayed the quintessence of wit. mnm: essence


entangle; stick in swampy ground Their rear wheels became mired in mud. mnm: smear


ahenk correspondence of parts; harmonious relationship The student demonstrated the congruence of the two triangles by using the hypotenuse-arm theorem mnm=con + grow


alem cümbüş mnm: rave'den geliyor


avam, halk His speeches were aimed at the plebeian minds and emotions; they disgusted the more refined. mnm:çoğu talebedir






benzetme "My love is like a red, red rose" is a simile. mnm: simile = similar


bravery His stories are always told with bravado. mnm: brave do


brief compact medium




casus, ajan (n) Agent, Messenger During times of war, the most trusted officials are appointed as emissaries for transfer of messages between the home country and the battle grounds. mnm: a mission


extremely dry; very thirsty The parched desert landscape seemed hostile to life. mnm: if you parked the car in open, then due to sunlight and greenhouse effect it will become hot or dry


extremely hungry The ravenous dog upset several garbage pails in its search for food. mnm: c-ravenous


cennet gibi relating to paradise; blissful An afternoon sail on the bay was for her an elysian journey. mnm: Alice harikalar diyarında


cesaret (n) Courage in pain or adversity "His wifes fortitude helped Lionel to pull through the times of financial crisis." mnm: forty-dudes were killed


cesaret When challenged by the other horses in the race, the thoroughbred proved its mettle by its determination to hold the lead. mnm: Sounds like metal and metals are obviously strong. So, can be related to a strong courageous person.


extremely small Tiny and delicate, the model was built on a lilliputian scale. mnm: How I met'teki LiLy :)




familiar with The lawyer is conversant with all the evidence mnm: you can make conversation in a topic that you are conversant with


famine , shortage The dearth of skilled labor compelled the employers to open trade schools. mnm: d-earth. earth is full of things


fasten together; unite Before you splice two strips of tape together, be sure to line them up evenly. mnm: Splice is the opposite of slice (not the drink). If you slice, you cut. If you splice, you join.


overcome He had to surmount many obstacles in order to succeed. mnm: sur+MOUNT - To cross a mountain u need to overcome the difficulties.


oymak, delmek In that fight, all the rules were forgotten; the adversaries bit, kicked, and tried to gouge each other's eyes out. mnm: google's gouges


oynamak, oyalanmak, eğlenmek mnm: disport


oynaş, sevgili She sought a divorce on the grounds that her husband had a paramour in another town. mnm: para (Skt) means: other/besides amorous (Eng) means: desire paramour is: (illicit) desire on others.


pale; wan Because his occupation required that he work at night and sleep during the day, he had an exceptionally pallid complexion. mnm: solmuş


papaz sınıfından olmayanlar, meslekten olmayanlar mnm: laypersons; persons not connected with the clergy The laity does not always understand the clergy's problems


partiality; preference Although the artist used various media from time to time, she had a predilection for watercolors. mnm: dilek


participation, involvement mnm : accomplice


parçalanma, bölünme Let us not widen the schism by further bickering. mnm: Sounds like prism which splits light into colors.


person hardened in sin, devoid of a sense of decency I cannot understand why he has so many admirers if he is the reprobate you say he is.


person wearing tattered clothes He felt sorry for the ragamuffin who was begging for food and gave him money to buy a meal mnm: RAG+muffin(muslin)......a GUY WHO is RAGGED because of that whose muslin cloths are torn apart and have become DIRTY.


persuade He could not dissuade his friend from joining the conspirators.


pertaining to a bishop or pope; From the very beginning of his ministry it was clear from his pontifical pronouncements that John was destined for a high pontifical office. mnm: pontus


pertaining to a son or daughter Many children forget their filial obligations and disregard the wishes of their parents. mnm: pedo-fili, affiliation


poke If you prod him hard enough, he'll eventually clean his room. mnm: sounds like "rod". stir up with rod, poke with a rod etc.


porous; allowing passage through Glass is permeable to light. mnm: permit, permission


posa sürpüntü (n) The sediment of liquids that sink to its bottom. Also, the poorest or least desirable part, the scum, scrapings or rejects The bar was extremely disreputed, being a common meeting place for criminals, drug addicts, and other dregs of the society. mnm: drugs


powerful We must keep his friendship for he will make a puissant ally. mnm: to satisfy the pussy.... u need to be powerful...haha... no hard feelings


practical rule "Love thy neighbor as thyself" is a worthwhile precept. mnm: pre-set


praise, glorify (v) Praise enthusiastically Critics have extolled the new actor for his brilliant performance in the play. syn: Exalt ant: Flinch, Lambaste mnm: exalt=extal


prejudiced; 2-sarılık She gazed at the painting with jaundiced eyes; she knew it was better than hers.


pıhtılaşmak, katılaşmak mnm: colgate


quarrel to argue in a way that is annoying about things that are not important mnm: the biker crashed into a car and a bicker started between the biker and driver


rahatsız edici ses The sergeant's raspy voice grated on the recruits' ears. mnm: rap music sounds a bit raspy


rahle, kürsü The chaplain delivered his sermon from a hastily improvised lectern. mnm: "Lectern" is a place for giving a "lecture"


raid The company staged a midnight foray against the enemy outpost.


range of knowledge I cannot answer your question since this matter is beyond my ken mnm: kennedy


rastlantı sonucu olan, beklenmeyen (adj) Accidental, By chance "Bettys and mine was a fortuitous meeting at the camp but we ended up becoming the best of friends." ant: Unfortunate mnm: fortunes are accidental


reddetmek, The heroine spurned the villain's advances. mnm: spur tekme atmasa spurn de reddetmek olabilir


reddetmek, inkar etmek He announced that he would repudiate all debts incurred by his wife. mnm: refuse to eat


reddetmek, terslemek She rebuffed his invitation so smoothly that he did not realize he had been snubbed. mnm: a BUFFER is used to block or repel.


refutation; response with contrary evidence The defense lawyer confidently listened to the prosecutor sum up his case, sure that she could answer his arguments in her rebuttal mnm: refu(refuse) + tal(at all)


regarding the sky mnm: galaxial


related to monks Wanting to live a religious life, he took his monastic vows.


related to tailors He was as famous for the sartorial splendor of his attire as he was for his acting.


rengi atmış, solmuş (adj.) Dark and dirty "The lawyers chamber was a small, dingy room, poorly ventilated, with books and legal documents occupying most of its space." mnm: dark dinci


renk değiştiren, versatile, her yola gelen A remarkably protean actor, Alec Guinness could take on any role. mnm: partizan işte


repetition, ezber He recited the passage by rote and gave no indication he understood what he was saying mnm: wrote and wrote and wROTE and wROTE again till you were too tired so you could only manage to write ROTE(w was too hard after REPEATING it so much)


replace, yerini almak, yerine geçmek Corazon Aquino supplanted Ferdinand Marcos as president of the Philippines. mnm: supplant sounds like implants.. and implant takes the place of originality!!


resimli bulmaca A coven of witches beside a tree is a possible rebus for the town Coventry. mnm: RESimli-BUlmaca


resonant His sonorous voice resounded through the hall.


resorting to help when in trouble The boy's only recourse was to appeal to his father for aid. mnm: gelinlerin giydiği korseyi hatırla


restrain They pinioned his arms against his body but left his legs free so that he could move about. mnm: pin+on


rezil etmek, punish by placing in a wooden frame; subject to criticism and ridicule Even though he was mocked and pilloried, he maintained that he was correct in his beliefs. mnm: pillar'dan geliyor


ruh, hayalet (n) 1) Appearance, usually of something unexpected or unusual or supernatural such as a ghost, wraith 2) Something remarkable or startling He beliefs that what he saw last night was an apparition of his father who had passed away. syn: Specter, Phantom mnm: partition of soul from the body


rüzgarlı The gusty weather made sailing precarious. mnm: dusty.


rıhtım, dock Because of the captain's carelessness, the ship crashed into the quay. mnm: quay - sounds like bay (area near the sea) - where boats reach.


sabır (n) Patience Her forbearance was rewarded and she finally got a good raise in her salary. mnm- FOR-BEARANCE requires patiance


sadakat, pledge of good faith especially in in betrothal He gave her his troth and vowed to cherish her always. mnm: betrothal


sahte sofu You do not have to be so sanctimonious to prove that you are devout. mnm: saint+money...acting like a saint for money..they're false, displaying false piety


sakatlamak The torturer threatened to mutilate his victim. mnm: humiliate gibi


sakin, sessiz The parents were worried because they felt their son was too quiet and sedate. mnm: sedat'ın karakteri


saldırıyı bertaraf etmek, karşılık vermek, (noun) a return punch (especially by a boxer) He was content to wage a defensive battle and tried to parry his opponent's thrusts. mnm: aPARkat


self-restraint; sexual chastity She vowed to lead a life of continence. mnm: control on oneself


self-satisfied, kanaatkar (adj) Pleased with oneself, smug Winning the earlier rounds with ease had made him quite complacent, which proved to be the major reason for his loss in the semi-finals. ant: Dissatisfied mnm: commomplace people are mostly complacent


senetle bağlamak(kölelik) Many immigrants could come to America only after they had indentured themselves for several years. mnm: Sounds like 'Signature'; which is essential for a contract.


sindirmek, gözdağı vermek (v) To bully with looks or words His employer managed to browbeat him into working an extra hour every day, without giving any compensation for the extra work. syn: Harass, Intimidate


sinir etmek The guerrilla band harried the enemy nightly. mnm: if someone says you to hurry up, the you are harried


sinir, bitterness; nerve The knowledge of his failure filled him with gall. mnm: gol yemek sinir yapar


sinirlenerek içerlemek, gücenmek; shade She took umbrage at his remarks and stormed away in a huff. mnm: Umbrage and enrage are similar in sound and both mean, anger.


sink The sailors decided to scuttle their vessel rather than surrender it to the enemy. mnm: if you cut the bottle, it sinks


sinmek, küçülmek mnm: ince


sinsice, gizlice hareket etmek He skulked through the less fashionable sections of the city in order to avoid meeting any of his former friends. mnm: skulk reminds us of skull. People who associate themselves with that symbol are usually notorious(like pirates). And as everyone knows such people move about secretly.


small, light sailboat or rowboat Tom dreamed of owning an ocean-going yacht but had to settle for a skiff he could sail in the bay. mnm: scip ship'ten geliyormuş


something originally of little value or importance that in time becomes very valuable Unnoticed by the critics at its publication, the eventual Pulitzer Prize winner was a classic sleeper.


somurtkan Do not be misled by his saturnine countenance; he is not as gloomy as he looks. mnm: nineler boyle olmaz mı?


son konuşma (n) Short speech at conclusion of dramatic work The play concluded with an epilogue recited by the director telling us about the message delivered by the play. ant: Prologue epi->upon logue->konuşma


soothing application applied to sore and inflamed portions of the body He was advised to apply a flaxseed poultice to the inflammation. mnm. sounds like put ice!


soy, secere mnm: pedi(kedi-köpek)-degree


spend too much time on minor points; carp Let's not niggle over details. mnm: niggle: sounds like a new girls..who is worrying too much about her first day in college.


split; tear apart In his grief, he tried to rend his garments. mnm: rende


spread over A blush suffused her cheeks when we teased her about her love affair. mnm: akin to other fuses: diffuse, effuse - all of which mean flow or spread.


stealthily lie in waiting; slink; exist unperceived pusuda beklemek, saklanmak "Who knows what evils lurk in the hearts of men? The shadow knows." mnm: lurk.... when pronounced rhymes like you must look to see if someone is waiting to attack you.? should look carefully at your surroundings....(basically it is taken from German lūren which means to lie in wait)


suç işlemek Only an insane person could perpetrate such a horrible crime. mnm: penetrating a woman is a crime


suçlamak, itham etmek The angry congressman wanted to impeach the President for his misdeeds. mnm: i m "pee"ing in the bEACH(i m pe each),so the police caught me and accused me for the crime :(


suçlu, kriminal We must try to bring these malefactors to justice. mnm: male-fcker


suçlunun ülkesine iadesi mnm: ex-tradition.. like tradition is handed down through generations.. so its something to do with passing/giving.. here its a surrendering of a prisoner between two states! This might help you..


the teacher bantered pleasantly, albeit a bit awkwardly, with the students at the school dance mnm: ban tears


theft Because of the prisoner's record, the district attorney refused to reduce the charge from grand larceny to petit larceny. mnm: ??


thick-skinned animal The elephant is probably the best-known pachyderm mnm: Packed derm(skin)...hence thick skinned animals.


thoughts cerebral=brain


throb; flutter As he became excited, his heart began to palpitate more and more erratically mnm: pırpır etmek


tight; ready The captain maintained that he ran a taut ship. mnm: tight


to persuade with flattery or gentle urging especially in the face of reluctance : coax <cajoled her into doing his laundry for him> mnm: joleli bizi fena kandırdı


tuhaf, antika Her quaint clothes and old-fashioned language marked her as an eccentric. mnm: quaintika


tüccar mnm: barter


uncorrectable mnm: (in)corr(gible)==in eligible to be corrected or cant be corrected


understood; not put into words We have a tacit agreement based on only a handshake. mnm:? ety: tic-tac-sessiz demek


unfriendly; hostile She felt that they were inimical and were hoping for her downfall. mnm: enemy


unjust, wicked I cannot approve of the iniquitous methods you used to gain your present position. mnm: equility


vague; hazy; cloudy She had only a nebulous memory of her grandmother's face mnm: nebula(bulutsu)


varied; greatly diversified A career woman and mother, she was constantly busy with the multifarious activities of her daily life. mnm: multi-various


various; several My suspicions were aroused when I read sundry items in the newspapers about your behavior. mnm: it is sunday you can do various things !!


varsayılan, farzedilen Although there are some doubts, the putative author of this work is Massinger. mnm: put-tentative


vasitetçi The attorney called in his secretary and his partner to witness the signature of the testator. mnm: testator (or) testate: here from testate take estate and tor from tor represents a person so person having estates definetly makes a will so that estate will go to his heirs


vatan haini In his conquest of Europe, Hitler was aided by the quislings who betrayed their own people and served in the puppet governments established by the Nazis. mnm: Quisling; split like QUIT+LINK means a culprit quits and collaborate (link)with enemy


vazgeçmek Unless you recant your confession, you will be punished severely. mnm: recall


vazgeçmek, bırakmak mnm: ab-dicate, dictator gives up power


weary; sluggish; listless Her siege of illness left her languid and pallid mnm: language lessons are mostly languid


winding; twisting The car swerved at every curve in the serpentine road. mnm: yılandan hatırlaman lazım


wishing evil, kötücül, kindar We must thwart his malevolent schemes mnm: mal-evil


woman who rules a family or larger social group The matriarch ruled her gypsy tribe with a firm hand. mnm: maternal = woman + arch = rule


worried, concerned The employer was very solicitous about the health of her employees as replacements were difficult to get. mnm: Solicit means to request earnestly for something, but if you have to wait for it to happen then you are liable to become solicitous.


yabancı madde eklemek, karıştırmak


yakınmak There is no sense repining over the work you have left undone. mnm: Imagine on Christmas, your friend brings pine tree instead of Christmas tree, so you will repine...


yakıp yıtmak, harap etmek The marauding army ravaged the countryside. mnm: savage, damage


yalak, derin çukur The hungry pigs struggled to get at the fresh swill in the trough. The surfer rode her board, coasting along in the trough between two waves. mnm: Imagine the spelling as 'through'. Rain water passes through 'Trough'.


yalaka, dalkavuk Never tell the boss anything he doesn't wish to hear: he doesn't want an independent adviser, he just wants a toady. mnm: Sir, "TODAY"(toady) you look very ...... (this an act of pleasing someone in order to gain a personal advantage.)


çabuk sinirlenen, huysuz The feverish patient was petulant and restless. mnm: The pet - u - lent me is getting me irritated


şart koşmak, anlaşma imzalamak Before agreeing to reduce American military forces in Europe, the president stipulated that NATO teams be allowed to inspect Soviet bases. mnm: üzerinde pul olur


şiir kıtası Do you know the last stanza of "The Star-Spangled Banner"? mnm: ?


şirret kadın No one wanted to marry Shakespeare's Kate because she was a shrew. mnm: if a man is shrewd enough he will never marry a shrew


şiş, kabarık mnm: Turgid can be thought of opposite of RIGID..i.e.. can be SWOLLEN or DISTENDED


şişik, şişkinlik A ganglionic cyst is a fluid-filled tumor (generally benign) that develops near a joint membrane or tendon sheath, and that bulges beneath the skin, forming a protuberance. mnm: protuberance as we pump air to tube it protuberances i.e bulges in size


şişkin, kabartılı, çıkıntılı I especially dislike his tumid style; I prefer writing which is less swollen and bombastic. mnm: tumid has the first three letters common with TUMOUR, which is a swollen mass or ball of cells. So tumid is swollen, or distended.


şovenizm mnm: INGoISM


şöyle-böyle, vasat We were disappointed because he gave a rather mediocre performance in this role. mnm: medium-quality


şüphe etmek I cannot impugn your honesty without evidence. mnm: acaba bunun içinde domuz eti var mı?


şüphecilik Your incredulity in the face of all the evidence is hard to understand. rel: incredulous mnm: in(not) + credit >> one who does not give credit to others, actually does not believes that person is capable of doing this great work.. so he disbelives the person..


şık, neat Every button buttoned, tie firmly in place, young Alex Keaton looked spruce and tidy for his job interview at the bank. mnm: sounds like BRUCE WAYNE(BATMAN) who is always NEAT AND TRIM IN APPEARANCE when he is not in batman character


koşuşturmak, acele etmek The White Rabbit had to scurry to get to his appointment on time. mnm: SCURRY rhymes with HURRY.SO WHEN YOU ARE IN A HURRY YOU DO THINGS BRISKLY.


kral öldürme The beheading of Mary Queen of Scots was an act of regicide. mnm: regime refers to government. "cide" refers to killing (infanticide, genocide, suicide etc.,). So, regicide refers to killing the ruler.


kubbeli yapı / yuvarlaklık His body lay in state in the rotunda of the Capitol. mnm: remove the "t" in the word.


kuduz; like a fanatic; furious He was a rabid follower of the Dodgers and watched them play whenever he could go to the ball park. mnm: kudurmuş


kurallara aşırı derecede bağlı olan amir The commanding officer was a martinet who observed each regulation to the liter. mnm: martial=askeri


kurban etmek, öldürmek The tribal kind offered to immolate his daughter to quiet the angry gods. mnm: sounds like omelette(egg). A chicken is sacrified to satiate hunger.


kurucu, oluşturucu (n & adj) Any of the parts that form a whole. Hence, being such a part The basic constituents of this mixture are ethyl alcohol and mint oil; the other ingredients are present in very small quantities. mnm: constitution


kurumuş (yaprak) After the unseasonably dry winter the Berkeley hills looked dusty and sere. mnm: american beauty'de sere serpe uzanan kızı hatırlarsın yapraklar üzerinde


kusursuz He was proud of his impeccable manners. mnm: pekka gibi kusursuz


kutsal The brash insurance salesman invaded the sacrosanct privacy of the office of the president of the


kutsallaştırmak, kutsal bir şeye/işe adamak (v) (1) To dedicate to sacred or religious use (2) To devote to a specific cause She consecrated her whole life to the service of the poor and the destitute. ant: Desecrate mnm: sacred is holiness. when you consecrate yourself to sth, you give yourself to a sacred work


kutsama, blessing mnm: ben=good


kuvvetsizlik, cansızlık, depresyon lassitude; depression His friends tried to overcome the languor into which he had fallen by taking him to parties and to the theater. mnm: lack of vigor


kuş kafesi mnm: aviatin


lavish; rich I cannot recall when I have had such a sumptuous Thanksgiving feast. mnm: consumption?


mass of floating ice The ship made slow progress as it battered its way through the ice floes.


mass of material sticking together In such a conglomeration of miscellaneous statistics, it was impossible to find a single area of analysis.


massive mnm: like a monument


matchless; not able to be imitated We admire Auden for his inimitable use of language; he is one of a kind.


materyal, maddeyle ilgili (adj) Tangible, Of or for the human body His stint in the army had taught his to live with a minimum of corporeal needs -- physical luxuries and comforts meant little to him. syn: Material mnm: corporate + real


mayalandırmak As bread dough is leavened, it puffs up, expanding in volume. mnm: hEAVEN up


maymunsu Lemurs are nocturnal mammals and have many simian characteristics, although they are less intelligent than monkeys. mnm: simian - like a semi man i.e a monkey


mektup The ambassador received a missive from the Secretary of State. mnm: in olden days .. if you "missed" someone.. you wrote "letters" to them and give...


muscular strength an actor who is more famous for his brawn than for his talent if you eat so much prawn, you become brawn


mutually destructive The rising death toll on both sides indicates the internecine nature of his conflict. mnm: INTER (between) + NE (any) + CINE (sign) = in a relationship, when there is'nt ANY SIGN of love BETWEEN the two, it is MUTUALLY DESTRUCTIVE for the relationship.


müjdeleyici The crocus is an early harbinger of spring. mnm: harbi mi? mujde!


(adj) Horrified "She was aghast when she was told of her husbands huge gambling debts." syn: Appalled, Astonished, Overwhelmed mnm: a-ghost


(adj) Stinging, caustic "He let out a string of acrimonious remarks about the old man, when he was told that his name did not figure in the old mans will." syn: Mordant, Sarcastic, Scornful, Scathing ant: Harmonious rel: Acrimony (n), Acrimoniously(a) acı, hırçın


friendship a youth club fostering amity among the city's many and diverse ethnic groups


acute pain


hate abominable: (adj) Very bad or unpleasant, Deserving hate "Im never going to that restaurant again, the food there is abominable." syn: Detestable, Repugnant, Odious, Reprehensible rel: Abominate (v), Abomination (n), Abominably (adv)


hayatı kolaylaştıran şeyler, convenient features The shabby village that I had left nearly ten years ago for greener pastures had totally transmuted itself into a magnificent little town, with all the amenities that one can hope for. mnm: a man et ease


inme, felç rel: apoplectic perplex


(adj) (1) Of very bad quality or nature (2) Deserving hate (1) Mason is sweet natured and very different from his twin brother who is selfish and execrable. (2) Sam is execrable for all the pain he has caused his parents all through their lives. mnm: exe-crap


(adj) 1) Of or like an eagle 2) Curved, hooked "An aquiline nose is one that curves like an eagles beak." syn: None ant: None rel: None mnm: you hunt with an aquiline hook in the water


(adj) 1) Shameless, Bold 2) Unconcealed "It wasnt difficult to see through his barefaced lies; but no one had the guts to challenge his words." syn: (1) Blatant, Audacious (2) Obvious


(adj) Angelic, Innocent-looking, Very pretty, esp. for a child "The young widow came to the party with her two cherubic children, a boy and a girl, both of them the cutest little creatures Ive ever seen." cherry, ruby


(adj) Angry, easily angered or irritated As he moved up the hierarchy, his attitude towards his juniors became increasingly intolerant and choleric, and he would snap at them at the slightest of issues. syn: Irascible, Bilious, Splenetic. ant: Coolhear mnm: cholera people are easy-tempered


(adj) Belonging to the cattle family, Cow-like. Also, dull and slow (like a cow) "He was a gentle, rather bovine person, leading a quiet life and not interfering with anyone elses." mnm: Cow-like.


(adj) Caused or affected with liver trouble, because of which a person is always in a bad mood. Hence, any person who is upset or angry. The bilious old man shouted at all the children playing near his garden and shooed them away. mnm: be ill


(adj) Cautious, unwilling to take risks After my experience in this company, I am rather chary of joining another company with similar operations. ant: Foolhardy mnm: wary


(adj) Dangerous and sinister, Destructive The little child felt threatened by the baleful looks of the old man, and immediately rushed to the comforting arms of her mother. syn: Ruinous, Malignant ant: Beneficent rel: Balefully (adv) mnm: watching ballet is baleful


(adj) Sunk to a low condition, Degraded Within a space of five years, the Orchard family was transformed from a state of plentiful extravagance to one of abject poverty. syn: Sordid, Squalid ant: None rel: Abjectly (adv), Abjectness (n) mnm: abject is like reject.


(adj) Thoroughly wet His bedraggled appearance made it obvious that he had been caught in the pouring rain. mnm: draggled in wed and mud


(adj) Tired or bored of pleasure or because of over-familiarity The thought of flying used to excite me as a kid, but now I have been on an aircraft so often that I have become quite blasé about it. ant: Ardent mnm: bezgin, lasy


(adj) Too ready to find fault, over-critical Upset at the captious and constantly complaining nature of his wife, he decided to consult a lawyer for a divorce. syn: Carping, Censorious ant: Tolerant mnm: cautious


(adj) Touching or adjoining Our school building was contiguous to the cinema theater, so there were several cases of high school students absconding from classes to catch the latest Hollywood offering. syn: Adjacent ant: Remote not: contagious ile karıştırma


(adj) Unkind, Hard, Unfeeling, Without sympathy The new supervisor, by not visiting the injured worker at the hospital, has shown a callous disregard towards the well-being of the workers. syn: Apathetic, Indurate ant: Compassionate, Sympathetic mnm: careless


(adj.) Depressed, Gloomy Why are you looking so despondent? Cheer up! mnm: despair


(adj.) Roomy, spacious The suitcase was capacious enough to hold all my requirements for fifteen days; for anything beyond that, I needed a larger piece of luggage.


(adj.) Transparent, So delicate and thin that light can pass through it I caught a glimpse of the girl through her diaphanous veil, and what I saw was a picture of exquisite beauty. mnm: ayıp, transparan


(adv) 1-proper, 2-With reference to; Regarding "Apropos to the point you've just raised, I don't think its valid to assume that the player is not guilty of misconduct." syn: Appropriate, Germane, Pertinent ant: Untimely rel: None


(adv) Highly excited, intensely curious The children were agog with excitement when the principal announced that the renowned sportsperson would shortly visit their school. syn: Ecstatic ant: None rel: None mnm: accepted by google


(adv) Into separate pieces The wooden boat was torn asunder on the rocks. mnm: ass-under


(b) Controll or restrain The crowd outside the election office waited for the results of the election with bated breath. syn: Deduct, Remit rel: Bate (v) mnm: wait


(n & adj) Seeker after position or status "Much before the companies presentation about the job began, the hall was packed to capacity with job aspirants, and more of them were on their way in." syn: Suitor ant: None rel: Aspire (v), Aspiration (n) mnm: aspire for a position


(v & n) 1) To endure or tolerate 2) Small stream (1) The UN Secretary General said that the issue of global nuclear disarmament brooks no further delay. (2) I washed my hands in the cold water of the fast-flowing brook. mnm: if you don't bring your book, you will brook


(v & n) To develop and grow quickly A telecommunication revolution of sorts occurred in India in the 1980s, as thousands of calling booths burgeoned all over the country within a space of a few years. syn: Proliferate, Thrive if you eat too many burgers then you burgeon


(verb) call together The students were convened in the auditorium. mnm: convocation


(verb) cut the head of, behead mnm: de-cap


(verb) mar or spoil the appearance of biçimini bozmak syn: deface


SCHEMING ACTIVITY FOR AN EVIL PURPOSE, entrika I can see through your wily machinations. mnm: The robots have a machination to kill all the humans and make a MACHIne NATION...... TERMINATOR MOVIE..


acele, baştan savma (adj) Casual, Hastily done A cursory examination of this report will not help you much, you need to read through it in detail. ant: Detailed, Thorough mnm: like the cursor of the screen, it moves quickly and hastily


acemice iş yapmak to make mistakes in doing (something) : to not do (something) well or successfully If you lose your way and bungle into a jungle now you are in bungle.


acılık, keskinlik The pungency of the cigarette smoke made me cough. mnm: agent girişken olmalı


acısı geçmemek The memory of having been jilted rankled him for years. mnm: R+ANKLE...focus..on a JOINT between..foot and leg...and PAIN IN your ankle could be very annoying and irritating for you. Also Rankle= Red+Ankle which means when ur ankle turns red it pains a lot


adverse, reluctant I'm not averse to broccoli if it's cooked right.


afallama, dehşete kapılma (n) Great surprise and anxiety or dismay To his great consternation, his name did not figure in the list of participants even after he had deposited the requisite fee and submitted all the documents. mnm: when you see a monster, then you are in consternation


asilik, hırçınlık (n) Roughness or harshness of attitude, sharpness of temper "The asperity in his voice while answering the strangers questions vanished as soon as he realized that the stranger was the general himself." syn: Acrimony, Astringency, Sarcasm ant: None mnm: spear


asillik, yücelik, cömertlik Noted for his magnanimity, philanthropist Eugene Lang donated millions to charity. mnm: magma-humanity


cezasını çekmek (v) To make amends for an offense, failure, sin etc., do penance for She is now feeling guilty and would like to expiate for the entire harm she has done to her friends. syn: Atone for mnm: ex-pirate


chew We must masticate our food carefully and slowly in order to avoid digestive disorders. Masti + C + ATE;


children; offspring He was proud of his progeny but regarded George as the most promising of all his children mmn: mnm: Pro + Genesis


chirl: (n) Person of low birth, ill-mannered person, disrespectful person He behaved like an absolute churl at the department store, pestering the saleswoman for a discount and fighting with the cashier for a small amount. ant: (Churlish) : Gracious, Polite mnm: girlish(huysuz)


cilt, büyük kitap He spent much time in the libraries poring over ancient tomes.


cimri, az a niggardly tip mnm: *****r'lar fakir oldukları için az para harcarlar


cimri, pinti The old skinflint refused to give her a raise. mnm: bir deri bir kemik kalmış açlıktan


cimri, pinti The miserly old man hoarded his coins not out of prudence but out of greed. mnm: liseli cimri olmalıdır


cimri, tutumlu His parsimonious nature did not permit him to enjoy any luxuries. mnm: a person who is not willing to spend money from his purse - Purse = MY money!




coşkun, kıpır kıpır, içi içine sığmayan (adj) Full of high spirits, bubbling over with enthusiasm or excitement John was in a happy and ebullient mood after receiving the most prestigious award in his school. syn: Vivacious mnm: red bull


coşkuyla anlatmak She greatly enjoyed her Hawaiian vacation and rhapsodized about it for weeks. mnm: relate it to RAP song.. like eminem


deny (v) To deny, To contradict "Theres no gainsaying the fact that what the boy has done is nothing short of a crime, but while judging his guilt, we must keep in mind his tender age and the fact that he has had a rather pitiful upbringing." mnm: she gained weights buy she gainsayed it


deri değiştirmek Each spring, the snake sloughs off its skin. mnm: slaugter: kesmek, derisini yüzmek


derisini yüzmek, sıyırmak


determination Nothing could shake his resolution to succeed despite all difficulties. mnm: solution'i bulmak için kararli ve iradeli olman lazım


deyim (n) A concise and instructive saying Certain apothegms, like Nothing succeeds like success are time tested and will always remain true. syn: Aphorism ant: None rel: None mnm: thegm


dinden dolayı bekar: masterbate


dine saygısız, kafir The congregation was offended by her impious remarks. mnm: pious means with a -ve prefix,impious means not a person who is not religious lacks respect for god. synonym:IMPIETY

halcyon days

dingin, durgun, sakin (n & adj) A period in the past which was completely happy and free of trouble Most people look back to their school life as those wonderful halcyon days when there were hardly any worries in life. ant: Rough, Turbulent mnm:


dinginlik, dignity mnm: calm posture


dinç, hareketli She was eighty years old, yet still spry and alert. mnm: sprite


dirilmek The lifeguard tried to resuscitate the drowned child by applying artificial respiration. mnm: Compare it with 'Resurrect'; meanings are also same.


disappointment, abash The fact that he'd been unable to attend the funeral was a source of chagrin for Ted.


disastrous People ignored her dire predictions of an approaching depression. mnm: fire


disobedient The insubordinate private was confined to the barracks. mnm: subordinate=ast, emir alan demek


division; partition; separation The severance of church and state is a basic principle of our government SEVER:If you have Fever, you will be separated or SEVERED from the group.


dizginlenemez, ölçüsüz She had a sudden fit of unbridled rage. mnm: ride'a odaklan.


dişi koyun (n) Female sheep "The farmers ewe has just given birth to an adorable little lamb." mnm: like eve


doctor who treats ailments of the feet He consulted a podiatrist about his fallen arches.


dokunaklılık, keenness of emotion Watching the tearful reunion of the long-separated mother and child, the social worker was touched by the poignancy of the scene. mnm: POIGNANCY sounds like pregnancy, and an unwanted pregnancy is sometimes a cause of sadness


dokunaklılık, tender to sorrow The quiet tone of pathos that ran through the novel never degenerated into the maudlin or the overly sentimental. mnm: pathology is study of disease. this means pathos is related to disease. and you feel pity for the diseased


dokunma duyusuyla ilgili His callused hands had lost their tactile sensitivity. mnm: CON-tact - If you are in contact with something, you are in touch with it and hence it is tactile.


dolambaçlı Because this road is so tortuous, it is unwise to go faster than twenty miles an hour on it. mnm: tortuous - torque(twisting)uous: full of twisting


dolambaçlı konuşmak. luqoi(konuşmak)




doğaüstü John's mother's total ability to tell when he was lying struck him as almost preternatural. mnm: preter+natural. i.e. remember Spider man(PETER) who had super normal power.


doğmak, fışkırmak A strong odor of sulfur emanated from the spring. mnm: man ate and ossurdu


doğruluk Everyone took his probity for granted; his defalcations, therefore, shocked us all. mnm: Probe is done to verify probity.So probity=neccessity (or reason ) for probe.


doğruluk, dürüstlük He was renowned for his rectitude and integrity. mnm: rectitude -> rectified + attitude. If a attitude is rectified, it has to be correct.


dünyevi olmayan, ruhani, ışıkla ilgili (adj) Of unearthly lightness and delicacy; like a spirit or a fairy She looked almost ethereal dressed as a fairy for the fancy dress party. ant: Tangible mnm: no-real


düzensiz, untidy (adj) in disarray; extremely disorderly Your disheveled appearance will hurt your chances in this interview. mnm: dis-shaved: a person who doesn't shave is untidy


düş kırıklığına uğramış mnm: after you fall from the crest of the mountain, you become crestfallen


evaluate, appraise (v & n) 1) To test the fineness purity etc. part of a metal 2) Such tests The assay of the necklace by the expert jeweler showed that the pearls used in the necklace were not genuine. syn: Procedure ant: None rel: Assayable (adj)


everlasting Ponce de Leon hoped to find perpetual youth. 112. mnm: rhyme with rituals...rituals are everlasting


evidence (v) To show clearly, Indicate, Reveal The x-ray evinced a fracture of her anklebone. syn: Manifest, Display ant: Conceal mnm: evidence=show clearly


evil (v) Find fault in an annoying way Ms. Noggin caviled at almost everything that the decorators had done to adorn the ballroom for the party, asking them to redo most of the work. syn: Carp evil people are always faulty


evlenilecek yaşta olmak Mrs. Bennet, in Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, was worried about finding suitable husbands for her five nubile daughters. mnm: newbee


faydasız, boş, rel: futile, worthless This agreement is nugatory for no court will enforce it. mnm: No+guarantee, i.e a product which has no guarantee, is worthless.


formal konuşma mnm: call a guy


formalite icabı yapılan The auditor's perfunctory inspection of the books overlooked many errors. mnm : Simply doing the function.


funeral ceremony Hundreds paid their last respects at his obsequies. mnm: cenazede SEQuential olarak dizilip el sıkışılır


fırtınalı I like to read a good book in inclement weather. mnm: in-clement


gather; assemble Washington mustered his forces at Trenton mnm: cluster


geveze/gevezelik The man who married a dumb wife asked the doctor to make him deaf because of his wife's garrulity after her cure Many club members avoided the company of the garrulous junior executive because his constant chatter bored them to tears. mnm: (garrulous can be related to girls when pronounced)and girls talk more than boys


gezikmek, vakit kaybetmek We can't tarry if we want to get to the airport on time. mnm: hurry'nin tersi


geçici hafıza kaybı: loss of memory due usually to brain injury, shock, fatigue, repression, or illness mnm: mne=memory


geçip gitmek (v & n) 1) Fly, Dart lightly, Pass swiftly by 2) Change of abode esp. to evade creditor etc. 1) During our nature walk we saw beautiful blue birds flitting from branch to branch. 2) Thieves never have a permanent abode and flit from place to place to av mnm: ışık gibi


geçirimsiz(toprak, su) This new material is impermeable to liquids. mnm: no permission for seepage.


giyinmek, süslenmek


great quantity, sürü Refusing Dave's offer to lend him a shirt, Phil replied, "No, thanks: I've got scads of clothes." mnm: sounds squad>>> it means a group or large number of people for an operation


grisly People screamed when her gruesome appearance was flashed on the screen. mnm: cruelsome


grup, alay mnm: cohorsed


guess I surmise that he will be late for this meeting. mnm: PREmise -> based on a fact. SURmise -> based on an intuition


gönülsüz, isteksiz They were both loath for him to go. mnm: load... i am always unwilling to carry so much load


görevi kötüye kullanmak, hırszızlık The bank teller confessed his embezzlement of the funds. mnm: buzz


görgüsüz, kaba Most biographers portray Lincoln as an uncouth and ungainly young man. mnm: UN+Cultured+Youth


görünüşte doğru ancak gerçekte yanlış olan Let us not be misled by such specious arguments. mnm: It sounds like 'suspicious'.


gösteriş yapmak, caka satmak She is not the one of those actresses who flaunt their physical charms; she can act. mnm: flamboyant aunt


güçsüzlük, powerlessness; feebleness The lame duck President was frustrated by his shift from enormous power to relative impuissance mnm: to satisfy the pussy.... u need to be powerful...haha... no hard feelings


gıdıklamak, zevk vermek, tickle I am here not to titillate my audience but to enlighten it. mnm: tits? hem de gece LATE zamanda


hafif suç The culprit pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor rather than face trial for a felony. mnm: mis->kötü meanor->minör


hain When Caesar realized that Brutus had betrayed him, he reproached his perfidious friend. mnm: Perfidious:"PERFect IDIOt"


haklarından mahrum etmek (v) Deprive of a civil right The Parliament is considering the passing of a law that will disenfranchise all those who have a proven criminal record, making them illegible to vote in the elections. mnm: franchise=right to freedom


half asleep The heavy meal and the overheated room made us all somnolent and indifferent to the speaker. mnm: somn=uyku, insomnia


inancı, doktrini reddetme (n) "Lack of concern for ones own wishes" According to some religious preachers, self-abnegation is the only route to a state of unlimited happiness. syn: Abjure, Disavow rel: Abnegate (v), Self-abnegation is often used instead of abnegation mnm: away, negative


inatçı He was obdurate in his refusal to listen to our complaints. mnm: OB+DURA(RELATE IT TO WORD DURABILITY)..SO anything which has durability..has the resisting power, and something which can resist, is stubborn.


incik boncuk, biblo Whenever she traveled abroad, Ethel would pick up costume jewelry and other trinkets as souvenirs. mnm: trinket - generally the bracelets, bangles or earrings, makes a sound which hears like 'trink,clink' or knickknack


lehçe, dialect His years of study of the language at the university did not enable him to understand the patois of the natives. mnm: patatese patois diyenler de vardır belki.


logical formula consisting of a major premise, a minor premise and a conclusion; deceptive or specious argument There must be a fallacy in this syllogism; I cannot accept its conclusion. mnm: Silly Logic.... Any Silly Logic or Syllogism is always specious...


long and thin Lank, gaunt, Abraham Lincoln was a striking figure. mnm Long and


long, passionate, and vehement speech In her lengthy harangue, the principal berated the offenders.


loud noise (n & v) Continued confused stunning or distracting noise There was no way that I could hear the telephone ring above the din created by the children in the living room. mnm: 'Ding Dong'


lounge about, aylaklık yapmak They lolled around in their chairs watching television. mnm: LOL=Laugh Out Loud and LOLL= Laugh Out Loud in a Lounge ;)


lowest point Although few people realized it, the Dow-Jones averages had reached their nadir and would soon begin an upward surge. mnm: adi işte, AŞAĞIlık


madeni ses, gürültü mnm: langır, lungur (n) Succession of loud, clanging noises A clangor of loud bells and gongs could be heard from an Indian temple nearby, as devotees had made a long queue that extended till the parking lot.


mahkeme The decision of the tribunal was final and the prisoner was sentenced to death. mnm: TRIBAL people r treated as NULL (tribu+nal) hence they need justice...!!!


mal-odor The component heap was most malodorous in summer.


merhamet etmek When her stern father would not relent and allow her to marry Robert Browning, Elizabeth Barrett eloped with her suitor. mnm: re=re+lent, imagine you lent something to your friend, and you need it back but your friend needs it even more than you do, so you relent and lend the thing again


merhem Apply this unguent to the sore muscles before retiring. mnm: agent?


metalin üstündeki yeşil eskime rengi. Judging by the patina on this bronze statue, we can conclude that this is the work of a medieval artist. mnm: badana, paint?


mezardan çıkarmak dig out of the ground; remove from a grave Because of the rumor that he had been poisoned, his body was exhumed in order that an autopsy might be performed. mnm: ex(out)-hume(human)


mezardan çıkarmak, eşelemek (v) Dig up, Unearth Left with no other option, the court made the rather unusual decision to disinter the dead body from its gave and have a DNA test conducted on it to firmly establish its identity. mnm: dis-in-terra


mezhep, tutucu kimse As university chaplain, she sought to address universal religious issues and not limit herself to mere sectarian concerns. mnm: sect


meşakatli He asked for an assistant because his work load was too onerous. mnm: işi yapmak için on-er çalıştı


meşkulpesent (adj) Needing much attention to detail The neat and tidy home of Mrs. Andrews reveals how finicky she is about cleanliness. mnm: finicky= A finicky person wants everything extremely fine, i.e he is too particular.




mnm: açılma, içini dökme (adj) Showing too much feeling "We were rather taken aback by Amandas effusiveness when she burst into tears of joy on meeting us after a long time." ant: Phlegmatic mnm: emotional diffusion


mnm: beggar From the moment we left the ship, we were surrounded by mendicants and peddlers. mnm: mendiL satanlar


mnm: drown plunge into water; drench; extinguish They doused each other with hoses and balloons.


nadasa bırakmak (n, adj & v) Potentially useful but not presently in use (usu. of land) This land is now fallow and crops will be planted on it only after the rains. syn: Uncultivated mnm:


nafaka mnm: money


nafile, boşa çaba Why waste your time on futile pursuits? mnm: tatilde boş işler için uygun zamanın olur


nakarat, yeniden söyleme, bis At Waterloo, it was not the effect of any one skirmish that exhausted Colonel Audly; rather it was the cumulative effect of the constant reprises that left him spent. mnm: REPEAT PERFORMANCE because it has got RE-PRISE


nankör That ingrate Bob sneered at the tie I gave him. mnm: ingrate: antonym of grateful


pile of woods The mortician put pyre on the corpse before burning a corpse.


pinti, eli sıkı Jill called Jack a tightwad because he never picked up the check. mnm: sounds like "TIGHT WED". a THRIFTY OR MISER person could only have a TIGHT WEDding because he doesn't have much money to spent.


pişman When he realized the enormity of his crime, he became remorseful and penitent. mnm: that TENT does not worth a PENNY, so I feel penitent to buy it


pişman (adj) "Deeply and humbly sorry for ones wrong doing, Extremely repentant" I had thought he would feel some guilt at having spoken so rudely with her, but rather than being contrite, he was behaving as if he had been aggrieved. syn: Penitent mnm: contra + right. If you do something which is wrong, then you will be regretful


pişman olmamak mnm: o tent'eye o kadar peni verdiğim için pişman olmadım rel: penitent


plan in advance She had premeditated the murder for months, reading about common poisons and buying weed killer that contained arsenic. mnm: pre+meditate = think before planning something.


platform for speech-making The crowd murmured angrily and indicated that they did not care to listen to the speaker who was approaching the rostrum. mnm: rozet nereden takılır? paltformda degil mi


pleasing to taste or smell. The ripe peach was luscious. mnm: rhymes with delicious. and it means delicous. (in fact it is derived from delicious)


point at which the sun is farthest from the equator The winter solstice usually occurs on December 21. mnm: Solstice:Solution+ice::when does a solution becomes ice when there no heat,i.e sun is far away.


point of moon's orbit when it is nearest the earth The rocket which was designed to take photographs of the moon was launched as the moon approached its perigee. mnm: it has opposite meaning with APOGEE peri=around


produced by fire; volcanic Lava, pumice, and other igneous rocks are found in great abundance around Mount Vesuvius near Naples. rel: ignite, ignition latin: ign=fire mnm: during night time you put on light, or you set remember night..and this word has do do sth with "NIGHT and LIGHT"


prohibit Civilized nations must interdict the use of nuclear weapons if we expect out society to live. mnm: verdict of the jury interdicts communication between criminals


samimiyetsiz, içten pazarlıklı Rather than tell Jill directly what he disliked, Jack made a few mealymouthed comments and tried to change the subject. mnm: mealy+mouthed-you have stuffed your mouth with meals ,so speech is not proper


sancı, şiddetli ağrı The throes of despair can be as devastating as the spasms accompanying physical pain. mnm: THROE is pronounced like throw you throw things at someone when you are in PAIN/ANGUISH.


sapmak The car swerved wildly as the driver struggled to regain control of the wheel. mnm: SWERVE rhymes with CURVE, meaning to DEVIATE, TURN ASIDE SHARPLY.


saptırmak, sektirmek His life was saved when his cigarette case deflected the bullet. mnm: reflect


saray yavrusu He proudly showed us through his palatial home. mnm: like a palace


sarhoşluk Because of his inebriety, he was discharged from his position as family chauffeur. mnm: BREW- alcohol is made by brewing


sarkık, flabby His sedentary life had left him with flaccid muscles. mnm: asit napar, eritir, sarkıtır hacı


sarımsak dişi


sarıp, sarmalaman When I visited him in the hospital, I found him swathed in bandages. mnm: SWATHE rhymes with BATHE, so after you bathe , you WRAP a towel AROUND yourself.


separate; part Northern and southern Ireland are politically and religiously sundered. mnm: Think about THUNDER which separate the big tree in two parts.


serbest bırakmak, azat etmek Enlightened slave owners were willing to manumit their slaves and thus put an end to the evil slavery in the country. mnm: manumit ~ man + u + mit (might) go; man you might go; hence free from slavery


serbest düşünceli kimse, ahlaksız Although she was aware of his reputation as a libertine, she felt she could reform him and help him break his dissolute way of life. mnm: LIBERTINE=liberti+ne=LIBERTY IN Excess can make you irresponsible and immoral.


seriousness mnm: grave vs. are serious matters


ses tekrarı all-literate


settle a dispute through the services of an outsider Let us mediate out differences rather than engage in a costly strike. mnm: one who come in MIDDLE to solve a dispute;


seyreltilmiş, oksijeni az The mountain climbers had difficulty breathing in the rarefied atmosphere. mnm: rare(,,very less)+fied( field which means environment), hence environment where GAS is VERY LESS DENSE..




seçimi kazanmak için district sınırlarını değiştirmek


shack, kulube mnm: a small home made with a shovel..


siper (n) A defensive wall of stone, earth. built as protection against enemy. Protects against unpleasant situations During those difficult days when her husband used to beat her,her faith in God proved to be a bulwark for her. syn: Fortification, Palisade building work


sitem etmek, suçlamak I want my work to be above reproach and without error mnm: divide it as re(again..)+proach(..approach).. u won't approach the person again who's work doesn't APPROVE you or who has DISSAPPOINTED YOU....


slaughterhouse; scene of carnage By the time the police arrived, the room was a shambles. mnm: gamble shambles ur life (ruins ur life)


slavish; Constantly fawning on his employer, humble Uriah Heap was a servile creature mnm: sounds like "SERVE" while serving you have to be submissive, or keep your head down.


sleep producing I do not need a sedative when I listen to one of his soporific speeches. so poor fictions makes you sleepy


sleepwalker The most famous somnambulist in literature is Lady Macbeth; her monologue in the sleepwalking scene is one of the highlights of Shakespeare's play. mnm: somn=uyku, insomnia


slow down mnm: de-accelerate


small, poor bed The weary traveler went to sleep on his straw pallet mnm: fall at the bed?


smooth and shining, parlak I want this photograph printed on glossy paper, not matte. mnm: glassy


snirlendirmek, gıcık etmek Red had a hair-trigger temper: he was an easy man to rile. mnm: Trains(Rail) are always late.Hence u get vexed standing on the platform.


soaked He set his sodden overcoat near the radiator to dry. mnm: You got SOaked by a suDDEN shower. SO+DDEN.


social (adj.) Habitually living in flocks or communities, Fond of company As opposed to her sister who prefers to keep to herself and does not speak much, Terry is quite gregarious, fond of making friends and outgoing by nature. mnm: AGGREGATION


society ruled by the wealthy From the way the government caters to the rich, you might think our society is a plutocracy rather than a democracy.






someone who wastes money Easy access to credit encourages people to turn into spendthrifts who shop till they drop. mnm: Spendthrift is actually a misnomer...split it as SPEND+THRIFT. Thrifty means, careful use of resources, so a spendthrift should actually mean someone who carefully spends money, but it means SOMEONE WHO WASTES MONEY.


substitute For a fatherless child, a male teacher may become a father surrogate. mnm: alternate?


story-teller My father was a gifted raconteur with an unlimited supply of anecdotes mnm: recount=hikaye etmek


strange, mysterious You have the uncanny knack of reading my innermost thoughts. mnm: can is a mysterious guy


stubborn The refractory horse was eliminated from the race when he refused to obey the jockey. mnm: one who doesn't refract or bend at all meaning stubborn


stubborn We tried to persuade him to give up smoking, but he was obstinate and refused to change mnm: ob+stin+ate.. stin means to stand.. and a stubborn person will always stand by his view.


stupid person (n) Stupid person, Dull fellow, Blockhead "He was trying to take the large sofa down the stairs all by himself -- I've never seen a dolt like him!" ant: Clever mmn: döl israfı


stylish; sporty He wore his hat at a rakish and jaunty angle. mnm: rocky balboa


suitable for drinking The recent drought in the Middle Atlantic States has emphasized the need for extensive research in ways of making sea water potable mnm: water stored in a mudpot


suitable for servants; low I cannot understand why a person of your ability and talent should engage in such menial activities. mnm: manual laborer


sulugöz His voice has a lachrymose quality that is more appropriate at a funeral than a class reunion. mnm: chry(cry)+mose(most),


superfluous; more than needed or demanded We have more than enough witnesses to corroborate your statement; to present any more would be supererogatory. mnm: sounds like super+repository. A repository is a storage of information. super repository will have 'EXCESSIVE' information.


superiority of power, quantity, etc. The rebels sought to overcome the preponderance of strength of the government forces by engaging in guerrilla tactics. mnm: ponderous means weighty, preponderance may be remembered as something having heavy weight, quantity or power


sweltering He could not adjust himself to the sultry climate of the tropics. mnm: SLUT - sluts are usually HOT


swirling of water, girdap


söylevin sonu The peroration was largely hortatory and brought the audience to its feet clamoring for action at its close. mnm: part of oration


sözde, cüzi He offered to drive her to the airport for only a nominal fee. mnm: name-only


tarafsız I am seeking an equitable solution to this dispute, one which will be fair and acceptable to both sides. mnm: Mom made a cake and distributed it EQUALLY to everyone sitting at the TABLE, being impartial and fair


tarafsız, önyargısız


tarnish(kirletmek, lekelemek); soil He felt that it was beneath his dignity to sully his hands in such menial labor. mnm: Sully=soily


tasarlamak We cannot afford to wait while you ruminate upon these plans. mnm: R"ummmm"inate: ummmm ummm ummm + ate : chew over and over


tasasız, kaygısız Your insouciant attitude at such a critical moment indicates that you do not understand the gravity of the situation. mnm: insouciant: sounds like In-soup-ant or in-sauce-ant. Suppose the waiter serves you a soup with an ant in it and he is not even concerned about removing it, is insouciant.


tatlı She tried to ingratiate herself, speaking sweetly and smiling a saccharine smile. mnm: şeker lan bu


tatlı sez/kötü bir şeyi tatlı bir dille anlatmak


taş koymak, engellemek The detective was stymied by the contradictory evidence in the robbery investigation. mnm: Stymie is a negative word. Stymie means "tie me". i.e., prevent from moving forward.


taşa çevirmek, turn to stone His sudden and unexpected appearance seemed to petrify her. mnm: petr=kaya


taşlama You are unpopular because you are too free with your quips and sarcastic comments. mnm: To WHIP with a QUOTE = QUIP


tepki, tiksinme Many people in this country who admired dictatorships underwent a revulsion when they realized what Hitler and Mussolini were trying to do. mnm: repulsion = revulsion


teselli etmek lessen sadness or disappointment; give comfort When her father died, Marius did his best to console Cosette. mnm=?


teslim etmek (v) (1) Deliver officially, Hand over (1) The goods have been consigned to you by a Lufthansa flight and should reach you by Friday. mnm: sign the document and deliver it to your colleague


unorthodox; unconventional (adj) Not accepting or holding religious doctrine, unorthodox, unconventional Because of their heterodox views about their own religion, they were despised by many members of their own community. mnm: un-ortodox


very precise and formal / dress or groom oneself with care Many people commented on the contrast between the prim attire of the young lady and the inappropriate clothing worn by her escort mnm: prime minister should always dress primly


very small quantity mnm: kota


vurmak The severity with which he was pummeled was indicated by the bruises he displayed on his head and face. mnm: hammer ile vur


wander aimlessly (physically or mentally) Listening to the teacher ramble, Judy wondered whether he'd ever get to his point. mnm: r-amble


wandering Many a charming tale has been written about the knights-errant who helped the weak and punished the guilty during the Age of Chivalry. Same as Aberrant ..


wandering; traveling He was an itinerant peddler and traveled through Pennsylvania and Virginia selling his wares. mnm:itinerary


yaygaracı, gürültücü The crowd became obstreperous and shouted their disapproval of the proposals made by the speaker. mnm: the word can be broken into ob+STREET+PERU..streets in peru are very noisy because of traffic.


yağmalamak The enemy pillaged the quiet village and left it in ruins. mnm: village


yoksulluk, fakirlik Neither the economists nor the political scientists have found a way to wipe out the inequities of wealth and eliminate indigence from our society. mnm: indigence ... indigestion due to lack of food... poverty...

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