Comm 101 Midterm Review

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Best indicates that metacommunication is taking place

"its not what you said, it's how you said it that upsets me"


"love mean never having to say you're sorry"

You are reviewing a colleague's informative speech before she presents it at a professional association meeting. The topic is the latest research results on curing Alzheimer's disease. What main point would be appropriate for the speech?

- Available drugs can delay the progression for Alzheimer's disease. - Early-onset Alzheimer's disease is more resistant to treatment

If you are giving a persuasive speech on the poor health of US children, after you have given your attention-grabbing piece, your introduction should then do which of the following?

-Establish why the listener should care about children's health issues. - Note that the main purpose of the speech is to establish the three ways that the US children are in poor health.

If you are presenting a persuasive speech on the need for human exploration of space, which of the following might be useful summary transition?

-Thus, the survival of the species depends on continuing to learn to live and work in space. -As I proved, the survival of the species depends on continuing to learn to live and work in space. -In summary, the survival of the species depends on continuing to learn to live and work

transaction model

-it treats conversation participants as both sources and receivers -it sees conversations as simultaneous two-way flows

Converting a working outline into speaking notes, with the first step at the top.

1) Delete the title, purpose statement, and thesis statement. 2) Come up with a phrase to remind yourself how to begin the speech. 3) Abbreviate each main point and subpoint into a keyword phrase 4) Use a keyword phrase to abbreviate the conclusion

Steps involved in crafting a purpose statement

1. identify your topic 2. identify your general goal 3. identifying your specific goal

Examples of combining summary transition and preview transitions?

As we've seen, high-speed rall in the US is a feasible technology. Now we should examine whether we can afford it. Now that we have reviewed the feasibility of high-speed rail travel in the US, we can now consider its advantages.

Examples of spiritual principles.

Divine beauty is found in nature. I believe in destiny and fate

Having a active social life is not a powerful predictor of a person's overall happiness


When you are speaking at a special occasion, everyone who is there knows what the occasion is, so there is no to cite the occasion.


If you are presenting an entertaining speech on football versus soccer, which of the following might be useful as a preview transition for your first main point?

First, consider differences in how you use your feet.

metacommunication you might share with your academic adviser of you were thinking about dropping a course

I don't understand the instructor's thick accent

____ theft means failing to give credit for small portions of the speech that you did not write


If you are using a phrase or paragraph from a source but do not give them credit to this source in your speech, you are committing a form of plagiarism (intellectual theft) called

Incremental theft

which of the following countries have collectivistic cultures

Korea and Japan

best exemplifies uncertainty avoidance?

Mahnoosh declines a dinner invitation at a Korean restaurant because he has never eaten Korean food before.

instrumental needs

Most day-to-day communication is about meeting instrumental needs

In a study of people who use cell phones, which of the following were results associated with increased cell-phone usage?

People felt that work intruded more on family time people found that their family lives were less satisfying

Which of the following would be the main points for a speech on the Pacific Trash Vortex in the Pacific Ocean?

The Pacific Trash is a collection of marine litter. The Pacific Trash Vortex is estimated to be larger than the state of Texas

What are some the consequences of a poorly organized speech where the speaker jumps from one point to other seemingly unrelated points?

The audience: - is left with a poor impression of the speaker's competence. -has a hard time following along -will be not able to recall as much of the information

Which of the following statements about points and subpoints in an outline are true?

The most important concepts are main points. The less important concepts are subpoints.

Match each topics with the most appropriate organizational method

Topical pattern: Republican, Democratic and Independent parties. Time pattern: parties on the 1800s, 1900s and today Space pattern: Western, southern, eastern, and Midwestern voting trends. Cause and effect: The two-party system should be replaced by am open primary system.

Your outline should reflect your speech thesis and purpose.


If your purpose statement is, "to teach the audience about the meaning of a credit score," which of the following main points would be appropriate?

Your credit score can influence your chances for employment. The higher the numbers, the better the credit score. You need a score above 600 to qualify for a conventional mortgage.

language that uses connotative meaning to evoke a reaction is called

a loaded language

The thesis statement of a speech can be described as

a one-sentence version of your message

If your speech starts with a passage from Martin Luther King Junior's "I have a Dream" speech, it is using ___ as support.

a quotation

According to research, the single most important predictor of happiness in life is

a successful marriage

Which of the following is not a type of support you can use for claims in your speech?

a untruth

Leaving a message on a client's voicemail system is an example of the ____ model of communication


simplest to complex

action, interaction, transaction

physical need

addresses physical and mental well-being

describes a statement implying a claim is true without exception

an allness statement

Which persuasive strategy starts with an unreasonable large request then moves to a smaller request that looks good in comparison?

anchor and contrast

Most communication researchers agree that communication competence means communicating in ways that are ___ in a given situation

appropriate and effective

Ideally, you should devote ____ to each main point?

approximately the same amount of time

In addition to using stories and statistics, which of the following approaches can be used to develop a lively introduction?

asking the audience a question. citing an expert's opinion. using a new or old joke. referring to a local landmark.

the transaction model recognizes that individuals send receive message

at the same time

It is not good to simply find good supporting material. You must also

avoid plagiarism

When a communicator used an adapting behavior to follow a conversational partner's behavior, the adapting behavior is most likely to be effective when it does which of the following

avoids being exaggerated demonstrates interest in the partner

Regardless of the purpose, a strong thesis statement for every type of speech should:

be concrete make a statement be truthful

Communication is the process that humans used to exchange information and create meaning by using which of the following?

behavior symbols signs

interpersonal communication is

between 2 people

The four primary components of well-organized speech presentations include the:

body introduction conclusion transition

Match the nonverbal behavior that is used a tradition with the appropriate category of nonverbal behavior

body movement: changing where you are standing as you discuss each point vocal inflection: increasing volume and pitch to emphasize key points pauses: waiting after you've made a very important statement for effect gestures: using hand movement to punctuate your speech

The transaction model of communications maintains that people in a conversation are

both sources and receivers

A communication act that attends the rules and expectations that apply in a social situation

can be considered appropriate communication

knowledge about how idioms, jargon, and gestures differ from society to society

can help you improve the effectiveness of intercultural communication

is ambiguity defined as a lack of


standard instant messaging is an example of a ___ context


Environments that incorporate multiple communication channels at once are called

channel-rich contexts

One of the first steps in planning a successful speech is to ____ for your speech

choose the message

describes a word or phrase that was novel at once time but has lost effect because of overuse


You can identify with several ___ at onve based on various combinations of vaules, customs, norms and mutual interenst that exist within them


Anna doesn't show up for a date. The date considers that she may be sick or got in an accident. That is an example of

cognitive complexity

For many years, communication scholars have debated whether unintentional messages qualify as


Which of the following refers to verbal and nonverbal behaviors whose meaning are often understood only by people from the same culture

communication codes

When preparing a speech, you should consider and address the ____ demands for your audience's attention


The ability to formulate multiple explanations for a specific situation is called cognitive


The two main tasks of the __ in your speech are to reinforce your central message and to create a memorable moment for the audience.


When 91% of surveyed US adults reported that their communication skills are above average, they are

confusing experience with expertise

A sharply defined purpose statement enables the speaker to do which of the following?

construct a workable outline. determine the content of the speech.

examples of transaction model

conversing with a group of friends at a party arguing with several members

One of the primary functions of language is that it ___ social information


The term "____" describes the totality of learned, shared ideas that distinguish one group of people from another


Which of the following are components of context unique to the transaction model of communication?

culture, experience, gender

The difference between intentional and unintentional messages is that intentional messages are ___ and unintentional messages are unconscious


describes the language variations shared by people of a certain region or social class


According to the rule of ___, if a point has one subpoint, it must have at least one more


concrete words

dog, puppy

When a speaker uses language that is inappropriately simple for the audience, the speaker is taking

down to people

The ___ of communication is more important than the quantity


General, as opposed to specific, speech goals.

entertaining an audience and informing a class

describes language that disguises the speaker's true intentions through strategic ambigity


refers to the perception of an individual's ancestry or heritage


In defining the word rhetoric, you state that it is derived from the Greek words rhetorlike techne meaning "art of an orator." This is an example of an


jargon allow people to communicate in ways that are


Even when your audience understands your topic, they may still benefit from hearing specific instances, or ___, as support


examples interaction model

exchange emails with a coworker engaging in a question-and-answer session with a speaker

As members of an out-group, new immigrants often ___ during their first year in their new homeland

experience high levels of stress

incremental plagiarism

failing to give credit to small portions of your speech (phrase or paragraph)

Cognition is the same thing as intrapersonal communication


If the main points of your speech are equally important, the order that you present them in is not critical


The three rules of outlining are subordination, division, and neutral wording.


Which element does the interaction model add to the action model?

feedback and context

Most working outlines for a speech include all the following elements except:


If you download an informative speech from the internet and pass it off as your own, you are committing ____ theft


Your purpose statement is a declaration of your specific __ for a speech.


Cultures differ in the amount of emphasis they place on individuals versus


In what type of culture do people speak in a less-direct ways?

high-context culture

the basic rules that govern language:

how words are placed in a sentence or phrase how words are pronounced what words mean

disadvantage of extemporaneous speaking

if the speech must be perfect grammar, it can be a challenge to get it exactly worded it may be difficult to deliver with a narrow time frame

People on your Facebook "friends" list constitute an


relational need

include companionship, affection, relaxation, and escape

spiritual need

include the principles and morals people value

True about Jargon

intended for understanding people within a given co-culture language with a technical meaning may not be understood by persons outside the co-culture that uses it

The maim points in a speech can be organized according to all the following except


Which of the following is the most common form of communication that people engage in

interpersonal communication

Communication involves communicating with yourself is

intrapersonal communication

The essential elements of a speech

introduction, body, conclusion

Examples of action model

issuing company press release. mailing a birthday card

action model

it assumes a one-way process it depends on the receiver to decode the message

true about public speaking anxiety

it can affect individuals psychologically, physically, and behavior it is anxiety brought on by performing in front of an audience it can be debilitating and cause people to deliver poor performances

true about hate speech

it can be based on race, disability, religion, sexual orientation it is meant to be degrade, intimidate or dehumanize people it involves calling people derogatory manes and advocating violence against them

Characteristics of communication

it had relational implications. it has literal meanings. it is affected by the perceptions of the participants.

true about language

it is sometimes unclear it is governed by rules it is bound by context is usually arbitrary it jas layers of meaning it is symbolic words represrnt objects

taking an infornal poll related to your topic can be useful for inviliving the aunience

it's a way to gauge listener's opinions or experiences

true about presentation aid and source citations

it's important to give credit to the source of any information you present, including presentation aid when displaying data with presentation software, the speaker should include the source of the side

The technical medical terminology physicians use to communicate among themselves about medical conditions and treatments is known as


What feature of culture ensures that ideas are passed from one generation to the next


language connects us with others

languages enables us to stay connected with thsoe we already know, share social information, to meet new people

Being taught to question authority is characteristic of a ___ culture


in which type of culture is autonomy, or the ablility to choose how they do their jobs, most valued?


The __ of a speech expresses a specific idea or theme related to the topic of the speech.

main point

Loaded languafe illustrates the layers of meaning of a word by

making use of the connotative and denotative meaning of the word

link a type of need with an example of communication that meets the needs

meeting an identity need by describing yourself in a job interview. meeting a relational need by keeping in touch with a long-distance friend

instrumental need

meets practical, everyday needs

Speeches that are composed word for word but delivered without a script or notes are called

memorized speech

A formal description of the process of communication is called a communication


Swiss, German, and US societies are examples of ___ cultures, which view time as valuable


compared to interpersonal or small group communication, public communication typically requires ___ preparation time


characteristics of feedback

nonverbal reactions. verbal responses.

the rules or expectations that guide people's behavior in a culture are known as


often adopted by co-cultures to distinguish their members from outsiders

norms, language, values

Characteristics of good support material.

objectivity, credibility, and currency

deception has become mroe common in certain communication venues, such as

online personal ads

Statements of belief about what ought to be true, not what is true, are:


Not accounted for by the interaction model of communication.

overlapping communication

The rules of ___ states that all points and subpoints in your outline should have the same grammatical structure.

parallel structure

Plagiarism (intellectual theft) called ___ theft occurs when you copy words from multiple sources and then put them together to compose your speech.


If you pulled half of your speech from Wikipedia, and the other half from a magazine article, you are committing what type of plagiarism.

patchwork theft

True concerning relationships in a high-power-distance culture?

people feel pressure to choose friends and mates from within their own class

Criticism of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

people who do not acquire a language because of cognitive deficiencies are able to think and interact with others people can have an experience even if they don't have a word for that experience. it is possible that our thoughts shape and constrains our language

describes materials that are published on a regualr basiis such as magazines, newspaper, and academic journals


Not a major type of noise in the communication process


The distracting hum of a light fixture is ___ noise


identify needs

play a large role in shaping the way individuals see themselves

Not a characteristics of a small group.

poor conflict resolution

Culture affects communication through

power distance, views about masculinity and femininity, and the avoidance of uncertainty. not: ethnocentric distance

A statement of your main points in the introduction to your speech that helps your listener know what they should listen for is called a


Summaries and ___ often can be combined as effective transitions statements.


to avoid talking down or over the heads of listeners, an important factor to sonsider is their

prior knowledge of the topic

According to Allen and McKerrow, ___ work partically well for informativve speeches

processes, objects, concepts

Communicating to an audience that is larger than a small group, such as at a graduation ceremony, is called ____ communication


Some social groups have recognized that they can ___ of certain profane terms by using the term themselves or reclaiming the terms

reduce the negative effects

In general, regardless of your topic, the main points of a speech should be

related to one another

in any conversation, understanding depends on both the content, or literal, dimension of the message and its ___ dimension


If you identify a main point on a proposed speech that is not related to the thesis, the best options are to

replace or delete the point. and delete or reword the point

A good speech conclusion often does which of the following?

restates the central menage of the speech. repeats the main points that support the thesis. uses a memorable moment to help listeners recall your presentation

Transnational communication typically takes place in channel-___ environments.


Negative campaign advertisements are an example of the use of language to

separate people from each other ideologically

Common among the action and interaction models of communication but NOT transactional model?

separate source and receiver roles a series of back-and-forth messages

semantic triangle

show that the relationship between words and their denotative and connotative meanings

Single word or short phrases that separate one part of a speech from another are known as


Specific function with the signpost for preforming that function

similarly: compare remember that: emphasize importance for instance: provide explanation if, then: show cause and effect

A group of people who share a culture with one another are called


If the thesis statement of your persuasive speech is that major league baseball players who took steroids should not be voted into the Hall of Fame, which of the following would an appropriate conclusion?

society should not reward bad behavior be honoring illegal activity

The action model of communication describes a one-way model of the communication process, which begins with the ___ and ends with the ___.

source; receiver

Communicators with low self-awareness who attend a meeting might

speak longer than anyone else

Speeches can have general speech goals, such as, "to inform," or more ______ speech goals, such as, "to inform about Australian wines"


Remarking "it is never okay to steal" is an example of using communication to meet a(n) ___ need.


gesture should appear ___, be moderate in number, and be appropriate in size for your porximity to the audience


The rule of ___ specifies that some concepts in your speech are more important than others.


The rule of ___ specifies that some concepts on your speech are most important that others.


A ___ transition reminds the audience of points that you have just made.


You must provide __ material to back up the claim you make in your speech.


You need to provide ___ whenever you make a factual claim

supporting material

Words are ___, or arbitrary representation of ideas or meaning


A recent survey id US employers by the National Association of Colleges and Employers suggest that

teamwork skills rank above communication skills in importance

Suitable for a speech when speaking about something that is personally relevant to you?

testimony and narrative

According to the US survey by the National Association of College and Employers, which of the following ranks highest in term a of what employers were seeking in job applicants who were now college graduates

the ability to communicate verbally

If you are composing a speech to give at a law school graduation, and your topic is how to benefit society, one of your main points might be

the need for more public interest lawyer.

bird does not look anythign like a bird highlightsthe concepts that

the word is not the object the word simply represents the object language is symbolic

true about scripted speeches

they are delivered word for word from a manuscript they are common when the exact wording of the speech in crucial they may be timed

Which of the following statements about gesture are true

they are used to express ideas they are usually movements of the hand or the arms

Context issue is least likely to affect your ability to talk about a sensitive topic

time of day

Ambiguity is part of intercultural communication, and it offers a chance to learn which of the following about a different culture?

traditions and values

Communication include writing


People are open to new situations and more tolerant of other people and ideas that are different from their own in ___ cultures


According to Hofstede and Hall, which of the following are cultural differences that influence how people communicate with each other

uncertainty avoidance power distance emphasis placed on individuals versus groups views about masculinity and femininity

Elements of effective communication

understanding unique cultural expectations using more than one communication strategy to reach your communication goals selecting a strategy for reaching your communication goals indentifying your communication goals

Culturally aware communicators know when they need to code-switch or shirt between

using jargon and plain language

societies are made up of people who necessarily share

values, norms and symbols

if the member of your audience have a ___ interest, then they have an inherent motivation to pay attention to what you are saying


ambiguous language

we can interpret to have more than one meaning

Situation-specific communication

what works in one context may not in another

patchwork plagiarism

when you take information from multiple sources and call it your own

speaking notes are an abbreviated version for your

working outline

the rule of parallel structure states that

you should write all points in the same uniform structure

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