Comm 1100 Chapter 13: small group communication

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relational-oriented groups

Groups formed to promote interpersonal connections and that are more focused on quality interactions that contribute to the well-being of group members.


Potential for gains in performance or heightened quality of interactions when complementary characteristics are added to existing ones

small group communication

communication among a small number of people who share a common purpose or goal, who feel connected to each other, and who coordinate their behavior

interpersonal conflict

conflict that occurs between two or more individuals

procedural conflict

differences of opinion on what procedures to use during group discussion

social loafing

the tendency for people to put less effort into a simple task when working with others on that task


the tendency of group members to conform, resulting in a narrow view of some issue


task-oriented groups in which members are especially loyal and dedicated to the task and other group members

primary tension

tension arising from the uncertainty and discomfort that occur when a group first meets

virtual groups

small groups whose members rarely interact face to face and who mostly communicate by using electronic technologies

social cohesion

the attraction of members to one another and to the group as a whole

group climate

the emotional tone or atmosphere members create within the group


the first stage of team development, in which team members meet each other, form initial impressions, and begin to establish team norms


the fourth and final stage of team development, in which performance improves because the team has matured into an effective, fully functioning team

group socialization

the process by which new and/or established members learn to fit together through communication


the second stage of development, characterized by conflict and disagreement, in which team members disagree over what the team should do and how it should do it

group cohesion

the sense of solidarity or loyalty that individuals feel toward a group to which they belong


the third stage of team development, in which team members begin to settle into their roles, group cohesion grows, and positive team norms develop


Completion stage of team development

task-oriented group

Formed to solve a problem, promote a cause, or generate ideas or information

substantive conflict

Group conflict that focuses on group members' differing beliefs, attitudes, values, or ideas related to the purpose or task of the group.

secondary group

Less frequent face to face interactions, less emotional and relational communication, and more task related communication


Share a common purpose and a common fate

task cohesion

The commitment of group members to the purpose and activities of the group.

secondary tension

The conflict that occurs, after the members of a group have become acquainted with one another, over group norms, roles, leadership, and differences among member opinions.

Symbolic Convergence

The sense of community or group consciousness that develops in a group through non-task-related communication such as stories and jokes.

group fantasies

Verbalized references to events outside the "here and now" of the group, including references to the group's past, predictions for the future, or other communication about people or events outside the group.

primary group

a small group characterized by intimate, face-to-face association and cooperation

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