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12. Which of the following are oral manifestations of alcohol abuse? A. Oral cancer B. Tooth sensitivity C. Mucositis D. Loss of taste

Answer: A Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Oral cancer, poor oral hygiene, xerostomia, petechiae, ecchymoses, increased bleeding, candidiasis, and tooth erosion are all oral manifestations of alcohol abuse.

12. The American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) currently has which type of research organization? A. Division B. Committee C. Ad-hoc D. Task force

Answer: A Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Although originally begun as a committee on research, the ADHA headquarters in Chicago actually house a Research Division that works with the Council on Research, which spotlights the importance of research to dental hygiene.

11. A terminal degree typically refers to the A. Associate's Degree in Dental Hygiene B. The highest degree available in a discipline C. The entry level Bachelor's degree D. Bachelor of Science in Dental Hygiene degree

Answer: B Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: At present, the Master of Science Degree in Dental Hygiene is the highest degree available in the discipline.

10. In the Fones study, results found that no children were caries free. The study did find that all children had very healthy diets free from sugar. A. The first statement is true, the second statement is false B. The first statement is false, the second statement is true C. Both statements are true D. Both statements are false

Answer: D Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: The study showed that only three children were without decay, but it also was noted that sugar consumption was a dietary issue in this population.

14. Which of the following are in correct order? a. Assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation b. Dental hygiene diagnosis, assessment, implementation, evaluation, and planning c. Evaluation, dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, implementation, and assessment d. Assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, evaluation, planning, and implementation

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation is the correct order of the dental hygiene process of care and more recently documentation.

15. Providing the dental hygiene diagnosis of the community to prioritize needs is a model of: a. A public health dental hygienist b. A private practice dental hygienist c. Both of the above d. Neither of the above

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: The dental hygienist is working with the community's needs as opposed to individual patient needs.

12. Which is an example of a great public health achievement? a. Vaccinations b. Topical fluorides c. Lasik eye surgery d. Penicillin

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Vaccinations have greatly reduced the outbreak and spread of many infectious and previously deadly diseases and are considered a great public health achievement.

1. The community dental hygienist typically treats a population. The private office dental hygienist also treats a population. a. The first statement is true and the second statement is false c. The first statement is false and the second statement is true b. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: A community hygienist will typically have a target population with similarities, and the hygienist will focus on the areas where improvement is needed. The private practice hygienist, however, has a patient-specific treatment plan.

9. A comprehensive overview of the target population that includes specific descriptions is termed: a. Community profile b. Target population c. Demographic information d. Both B and C

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: A comprehensive overview of the target population that includes specific descriptions is termed a community profile.

17. When treating a 14-year-old patient, all of the following are examples of good communication EXCEPT: a. Time issues the dental hygienist is having in the office. b. Talking about dental problems leading to social interactions (ie, bad breath). c. Talking about non-dental-related subjects such as school, friends, hobbies, etc. d. Discussing new dental products.

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Focusing on patients is always most important.

2. Which of the following is an example of a possible family caregiver(s)? a. Grandparents b. A close friend c. A teacher d. Both A and B

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Grandparents and close friends are both considered to be part of the family caregiver category because they are not professionals, are close to the patient, and provide care for the patient.

8. A pregnant patient expresses concerns about her teeth looking yellow and her gums bleeding when she brushes. Which of the following topics is appropriate for this patient? a. Periodontal infections potentially causing preterm birth b. Baby bottle tooth decay c. Tooth whitening for the mother d. All of the above

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Information that directly affects her and her unborn child at this time is most important at this point of parenting.

15. When treating a young child, all of the following are examples of good communication EXCEPT: a. Using metaphors b. Explaining procedures c. Speaking slowly and calmly d. Using short sentences

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Metaphors are broad figures of speech and may be hard for children to understand, so they should not be used.

20. All of the following are recommendations for methamphetamine users EXCEPT: a. General oral hygiene instruction b. Saliva substitutes or stimulants c. At-home fluoride treatment d. Nutritional counseling

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: This should be individualized due to the acidic nature of the drug and oral concerns of meth abusers.

19. If a patient does not speak the same language, or has difficulty understanding, it is best to use a family member to interpret. a. False b. True

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Due to HIPAA and other confidentiality laws, a family member is not an appropriate person to translate private health-related information.

12. Some cultures do not believe in placing sealants on teeth or administering fluoride. It is important to still place sealants and give fluoride to children and not tell the parent because they do not understand the importance of these effective preventive measures. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: It is important to respect all cultures and their beliefs. Nothing should be done without parental consent.

11. _________ is the cornerstone of effective health care practice. a. Knowledge b. Skill c. Communication d. All of the above

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Knowledge is paramount, although the rest of the answers are important.

14. Many people use herbs and alternative medicines, and all of these patients disclose this to their health care professionals. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Many patients do NOT disclose when they are using herbs or supplements unless specifically asked.

5. A teacher instructing a student on a homework assignment is an example of which type of learning? a. Instructed b. Institutionalized c. Imitative d. All of the above

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: This suggests that a teacher gives out instruction that the student is then able to use.

7. Which of the following is an example of a product used specifically for mass education? a. Puppet with accompanying video b. Chairside instructional manual c. Disclosing solution d. All of the above

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: A video with educational purposes and a puppet for demonstration purposes can be shown to a group.

2. Community water fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to community water. The best way to deliver fluoride to a population of school-aged children is through fluoridation of the school water. a. The first statement is true and the second statement is false c. The first statement is false and the second statement is true b. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: Community water fluoridation is the addition of fluoride to community water. However, in the past, school water fluoridation was the method of choice; now, a mouth rinse regimen is the preferred method.

19. When program planning, it is important to evaluate past programs. a. True b. False

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: It is important to know whether programs have been successes or failures as well as potentially following the same steps for comparison purposes. Also, this allows the program coordinator to find areas that can be improved.

3. The name of the mouth rinse program used in school is called: a. Swish and spit b. Spit and splash c. Rinse and release d. Spit and swish

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: The mouth rinse program is known by this name because of swishing to cover the teeth with fluoride and then expectorating the fluoride so as to not swallow the fluoride.

17. At what stage is the treatment actually performed? a. Implementation b. Dental hygiene diagnosis c. Evaluation d. Planning

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: This is the stage where the treatment and procedure portion of the program occurs.

14. In which phase are the specific dental needs identified? a. Assessment b. Evaluation c. Diagnosis d. None of the above

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: This should be done in the beginning phase, which is the assessment phase.

11. Which dental index measures all the evidence of a condition, past and present? a. Cumulative index b. Simple index c. Irreversible index d. Reversible index

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: A cumulative index measures all the evidence of a condition past and present.

8. What is a dental index? a. Standardized method used to describe individual or group status in reference to an oral condition b. A list found at the back of all dental literature c. Dental flash cards used for studying d. A useful resource to look up dental disease

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: A dental index is a standardized method used to describe individual or group status in reference to an oral condition.

18. Which plaque, debris, and/or calculus index is used to assess thickness of plaque at the gingival margin? a. Pl I b. OHI c. PCR d. PHP

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Pl 1 is used to assess thickness of plaque at the gingival margin.

15. Which periodontal disease index is meant to screen and monitor individual or group periodontal treatment needs in a quick and efficient manner? a. CPITN b. GPI c. PDI d. PI

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: The CPITN is meant to screen and monitor individual or group periodontal treatment needs in a quick and efficient manner.

4. Which type of evaluation technique is a method that does not involve measurement of clinical data, such as questionnaires, surveys, and direct observations? a. Nonclinical evaluations b. Practical evaluations c. Basic evaluations d. Clinical evaluations

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: The nonclinical evaluation technique is a method that does not involve measurement of clinical data, such as questionnaires, surveys, direct observations, etc.

8. The correct steps, in order, of the scientific method are which of the following? A. Name the problem, develop hypothesis, test hypothesis, interpret results, and report results B. Report results, interpret results, name the problem, develop hypothesis, and test hypothesis C. Develop hypothesis, test hypothesis, interpret results, report results, and name the problem D. Develop hypothesis, name the problem, test hypothesis, interpret results, and report results

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: a. Name the problem or question. b. Form an educated guess (hypothesis) of the cause of the problem and make predictions based on the hypothesis. c. Test hypothesis by doing an experiment or study (with proper controls). d. Check and interpret results. e. Report results to the scientific community.

18. Dental hygienists should assume which type of role? A. Personal responsibility B. Direct supervision by a dentist C. A role that allows for the dentist to assume all responsibility for the dental hygienist D. Clinical role only

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: A dental hygienist should assume personal responsibility to the patient, prevention-oriented care, and should base treatment on the needs of the patient.

5. Dental hygiene practice is based on published research, meaning that practitioners derive decisions from documented evidence rather than anecdotal tradition. A. Both the statement and reason are correct and related B. Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related C. The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT D. The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct E. Neither the statement NOR reason is correct

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Dental hygiene is a scientific discipline with a practice based on published research, meaning that practitioners derive decisions from documented evidence rather than anecdotal tradition.

2. Evidence-based treatment takes into account research, clinical practice, and: a. Patient preferences b. Anecdotal findings c. Dental hygiene training d. Provider preferences

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Past research findings, which are documented in peer-reviewed periodicals, clinical practice, and patient preferences are all taken into account when providing evidenced-based treatment.

14. The definition of a professional depicts one who: A. Possesses a distinct body of knowledge B. Provides dental polishing services C. Acts under the supervision of licensed dentists D. Provides unique services to the public

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: The definition of a professional depicts one who possesses a distinct body of knowledge, utilizes a specialized skill set to earn a livelihood, conducts himself by a code of ethics unique to his discipline, acts autonomously to formulate decisions, and is regulated by his own profession.

16. The occupational model is based on A. Technical competence B. Technical standards C. Scientific evidence D. Supervision status

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: The occupational model is based on technical competence whereas the professional model is based on a solid, scientific research base.

19. The role research can play in the professional is ____________ to the advancement of the profession. A. Pivotal B. Undermining C. Detrimental D. Equally important

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: The role research can play in the professional is pivotal to the advancement of the profession.

7. __________ requires that existing harm be removed. a. Nonmaleficence b. Beneficence c. Autonomy d. Justice

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Nonmaleficence does require that existing harm be removed.

14. ___________ means that the health care professional acts as a parent and makes decisions for the patient on the basis of what the professional believes is in the best interest of the patient. a. Paternalism b. Nonmaleficence c. Beneficence d. Autonomy

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Paternalism means that the health care professional acts as a parent and makes decisions for the patient on the basis of what the professional believes is in the best interest of the patient.

13. All the following apply to informed consent EXCEPT: a. The researcher is the one who makes the final decision on treatment for the patient. b. The researcher needs to provide all appropriate information to the subject. c. The researcher needs to help the subject understand all the information provided. d. The researcher needs to make sure the subject comprehends what is being explained.

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: The researcher needs to provide all appropriate information to the subject, help the subject understand all the information provided, and ensure the subject comprehends what is being explained

5. A review of all relevant reports and findings, which is conducted before the research study, is called a(n) a. Literature review b. Investigative review c. Research proposal d. Investigative protocol

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A literature review is conducted before the actual study so that the researcher can be familiar with the subject matter and previous findings.

12. A small version of a study conducted before the actual study is called a a. Pilot study b. Protocol study c. Systematic d. Stratified study

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A pilot study is a smaller-scale study conducted before an actual study, to help understand potential issues and also to help secure funding.

8. A sample is used when conducting research to study a a. Population b. Needs assessment c. Group d. Stratification.

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A sample is used when conducting research to study a population.

1. Brand X significantly reduces halitosis is an example of a(n) a. Positive hypothesis b. Null hypothesis c. Null investigation d. Investigation

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Brand X is more effective than Brand Y at decreasing tooth sensitivity is an example of a positive hypothesis.

10. A sample of individuals that is most readily available is referred to as which type of sampling? a. Convenience b. Random c. Systematic d. Judgmental

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Convenience samples include individuals that are most readily available to the researcher.

20. During a crossover design study, there may be a time period between the experimental treatment and when no treatment is used, to help reduce any effect from the first treatment tested. This is called a a. Washout period b. Placebo period c. Time-out period d. Split-mouth period

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: During a crossover design study, there may be a time period between the experimental treatment and when no treatment is used, to help reduce any effect from the first treatment tested. This is called the washout period.

14. This approach includes a variety of studies used to describe the presence and distribution of disease, health, or care utilization in a population. a. Descriptive b. Experimental c. Historical d. Retrospective

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: The descriptive approach includes a variety of studies used to describe the presence and distribution of disease, health, or care utilization in a population.

4. A type of ratio that expresses the amount of disease or health condition with a fraction in relation to the general population is called a. Proportion b. Dental index c. Rate d. Calibration

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: A type of ratio that expresses the amount of disease or health condition with a fraction in relation to the general population is called proportion.

14. The ability of a diagnostic test to accurately measure both the presence and absence of disease is called a. Predictive value b. Specificity c. Sensitivity d. Relative value

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The ability of a diagnostic test to accurately measure both the presence and absence of disease is called predictive value.

3. The ability of a test to accurately identify the presence of a disease or condition when the disease is in fact present is termed a. Sensitivity b. Reliability c. Incidence d. Bias

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The ability of a test to accurately identify the presence of a disease or condition when the disease is in fact present is termed sensitivity.

17. The consistency of a single examiner in the application of an index over time is termed a. Intraexaminer reliability b. Interexaminer reliability c. Interexaminer validity d. Intraexaminer validity

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The consistency of a single examiner in the application of an index over time is termed intraexaminer reliability.

1. The consistency or reproducibility of a measurement over time is called a. Reliability b. Validity c. Prevalence d. Incidence

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The consistency or reproducibility of a measurement over time is called reliability.

6. This disease is the most prevalent disease in children and adults. a. Dental caries b. Periodontal abscess c. Diabetes d. Asthma

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Dental caries is the most prevalent disease in children and adults.

19. Toothaches are classified as a. Morbidity b. Dental caries c. Mortality d. Periodontal infractions

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Toothaches are classified as morbidity.

11. Children benefit from ______ fluoride, and adults benefit from ______ fluoride. a. Both systemic and topical; topical b. Both adults and children benefit from systemic and topical fluoride. c. Systemic; topical d. Topical; systemic

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Children need the fluoride to become incorporated into the tooth structure during formation and then post eruption to prevent caries. Adults do not require systemic fluoride due to the teeth's structure already in place, but they benefit from topical effect on the outer surface of enamel and demineralized areas.

13. Which of the following is the process of removing fluoride from the water? a. Defluoridation b. Influoridation c. Fluoridation d. Refluoridation

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Defluoridation is the process of removing fluoride from water.

20. Oral and pharyngeal cancers are mostly squamous cell carcinomas. How many people in the United States are diagnosed with these cancers each year? a. 42,000 b. 400,000 c. 340 d. 3,000

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Each year, oral (mouth) and pharyngeal (throat) cancers, which are mainly squamous cell carcinomas, are diagnosed in approximately 42,000 US residents, and approximately 8,000 persons die of these diseases.

17. Fluoride toothpastes may reduce decay by ______%, mouth rinses by ______%, and high-risk patients using a custom fit tray by ______%. a. 25%, 26% ,80% b. 30%, 30%,80% c. 20%, 32%, 42% d. 25%, 20%, 80%

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Fluoride toothpastes may reduce decay by 25% mouth rinses by 26%, and high-risk patients using a custom fit tray by 80%.

6. The American Dental Hygienists' Association (ADHA) was developed in: a. 1923 in Cleveland, Ohio. b. 1917 in Cleveland, Ohio. c. 1914 in Bridgeport, Connecticut. d. 1913 in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: The ADHA was developed in 1923 in Cleveland, Ohio.

16. Prophy paste contains 4000 to 20,000 ppm of fluoride. The fluoride is incorporated to counteract the surface layer of enamel lost due to coronal polishing and is suitable as a topical fluoride. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: There is a chance that the fluoride in the prophy paste is burnished into the tooth, but in high-risk caries patients, topical fluoride treatments are recommended.

7. Which government agency is responsible for the regulation of dental materials, equipment, and over-the-counter dental care products? a. FDA b. NIDCR c. HRSA d. AHRQ

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: This agency deals with the safety and efficacy of foods and cosmetics as well as dental materials.

18. What is meant by utilization? a. The number of dental care services actually consumed or used b. The amount and kind of health care services required to attain or maintain health c. The particular frequency or desired frequency of dental care from a population d. The disease level within a population

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Utilizing or actually using services

8. Dental hygiene schools are based primarily on which country's curriculum? a. United States b. Sweden c. Switzerland d. France

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Most hygiene schools follow the curriculum of the United States. This allows for a more standardized profession and consistency.

11. __________ ensure a standard of care. a. Credentials from completing examinations b. Probe markings c. Knowledge base d. Working under a dentist

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Practice standards recognized through licensures and board exams makes certain that a professional is qualified.

10. For individuals' habits to change, first their ______ must be changed. a. Values b. Behavior c. Morals d. Minds

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: For peoples' habits to change, first their values must be changed.

8. Health promotion can be defined as a process that informs and motivates people to adopt healthy actions, whereas health education provides dietary information only. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Health promotion informs and motivates people about healthy behaviors, whereas health education teaches about health science and practice.

9. Health education and health promotion have similar goals, but promotion strives to ______ the patient. a. Inform b. Teach c. Force d. Drive

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Promoting health is done by informing and motivating groups or individuals to carry out healthy habits.

11. Which theory states, "In order to display a readiness to take action to avoid a disease or act in a preventive manner, an individual needs to believe that he or she is susceptible or vulnerable; that the disease has serious consequences; that the behavior is beneficial; and lastly, that it is important." a. Heath belief model b. Sense of coherence c. Social cognitive theory d. Maslow's hierarchy of needs

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: This theory is based on the idea that people having the correct information will make the right choices.

4. During the assessment phase, it is important to know all of the following about a target group EXCEPT: a. Feelings b. Resources c. Needs d. Interests

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Feelings are a more personal attribute and difficult to address and meet. Focus on assessing needs.

9. The dental hygiene diagnosis involves ______ found during the assessment phase. a. The primary need b. Teaching oral hygiene skills c. Recognizing disease d. Finding out the impact of the presentation

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Identifying the needs of the group is part of the development of dental hygiene diagnosis.

11. Which of the following is NOT one of the learning domains? a. Emotional b. Psychomotor c. Affective d. Cognitive

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Psychomotor, cognitive, and affective are all learning domains.

18. Which of the following words is part of the psychomotor learning domain? a. Floss b. Show c. Evaluate d. Diagnose

Answer: a Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: This is an action word in the psychomotor domain.

17. The public health dental hygienist must be able to self-generate program plans and always keep the program plan the same for documentation reasons. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: a (review said c) Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: The public needs are ever changing, and it is important to meet current needs and not stick to a program that is no longer warranted, or that in the past did not produce desired results.

10. Dr. Frederick McKay noted Colorado brown stain, which was caused by _____ and is now commonly known as fluorosis. a. Naturally occurring fluoride in the water b. Decay c. Adding fluoride to the water d. Removing fluoride from the water

Answer: a (review said c) Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: When community water fluoridation is implemented, it is specifically monitored to be low enough to prevent fluorosis but at beneficial levels to prevent decay.

1. The goal of which of the following is to protect and promote the health of the public through all of the following areas EXCEPT: a. Disease prevention b. Dental elimination c. Behavior modification d. Health promotion

Answer: b

3. The community, private sector, and government leaders are all involved in which portion of public health? a. Assessment b. Policy development c. Evaluation d. Assurance

Answer: b

20. All of the following are examples of public health services EXCEPT: a. Child care services at a public health office b. Dental care at a private dental office c. Vaccinations given at a local grocery store d. A sealant program at a junior high school

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: A private dentist who serves only a part of the population on an individual basis—although this does have an effect on the overall public's health.

8. Which of the following is the correct correlation between oral health and socioeconomic status (SES)? a. The lower the SES, data indicate that there is a decrease in untreated dental caries. b. The lower the SES, data indicate that there is an increase in untreated dental caries. c. The lower the SES, data indicate that there is an increase in treated dental caries. d. None of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Generally, the lower the SES, an increase is seen in untreated dental caries and periodontal diseases.

18. An example of how the public health hygienist would evaluate outcomes is by using: a. Dental records b. Dental Indices c. Gingival and periodontal evaluations d. Both B and C

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Numbers can be recorded and placed on a graph to keep an easy, standardized record for reporting findings. This will make it easier for different operators to follow the same procedures for more accurate scores.

14. Which of the following represents a barrier to care? a. Tooth staining conditions b. Patient values c. Needing dental work d. All of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: If a patient does not value proper oral health care and fails to comply with oral hygiene instruction, it is a barrier.

19. Tobacco use causes all of the following conditions in the mouth EXCEPT which of the following? a. Oral cancer b. Hairy leukoplakia c. Hairy tongue d. Increased caries

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Smokers are at an increased risk for oral cancer.

6. Target population refers to a clearly identified segment of the population who may have similar dental needs. A specific group such as nursing home residents may have needs such as dental infections or untreated root caries. a. Both answers are false b. Both answers are true c. The first statement is true, and the second statement is false d. The first statement is false, and the second statement is true

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Target population refers to a clearly identified segment of the population who may have similar dental needs. A specific group such as nursing home residents may have needs such as dental infections or untreated root caries, whereas a group of children in an Early Head Start program may have early childhood decay.

10. It is important to be culturally ______ in areas of dental hygiene. a. Inept b. Sensitive c. Enriched d. Diverse

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: It is important to be culturally sensitive in all areas of clinical dental hygiene practice.

16. Knowledge of various cultures can enhance communication efforts between health care providers and the populations they serve. a. False b. True

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Knowledge of various cultures can enhance communication efforts between health care providers and the populations they serve.

18. Many cultures do not see the benefit of paying for preventive services. a. False b. True

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Unfortunately, this is true, and people do not understand the point of going to the dental provider if nothing seems to be wrong.

10. OS is a program that primarily is available to children in foreign countries. This means that children in the United States are ineligible. a. Both statements are true b. The first statement is correct and the second statement is false c. The first statement is false and the second statement is true d. Both statements are false

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: Children in the United States can receive services from OS, but work is primarily done in foreign countries.

16. If a patient requires further treatment, at which stage should this referral be obtained? a. Assessment b. Planning c. Dental hygiene diagnosis d. None of the above; this is not included in the program.

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: During this phase, the planning of the program is applied, which includes referral.

15. During which phase are the needs addressed and prioritized? a. Assessment b. Dental hygiene diagnosis c. Evaluation d. Implementation

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: This is the phase where needs are addressed and ordered via priority.

6. Of what does an epidemiological exam consist? a. Dental light and visual assessment of oral cavity b. Dental mirror, dental light, and detailed visual-tactile assessment of the oral cavity with dental instruments c. Tongue blade and dental mirror d. Dental mirror, dental light, tongue blade

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: An epidemiological exam consists of a dental mirror, dental light, and detailed visual-tactile assessment of the oral cavity with dental instruments.

13. Which dental fluorosis index rates fluorosis within a population and ranges from sensitive to severe cases? a. Fluorosis risk index b. Dean's index of fluorosis c. TSIF d. DDE

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Dean's index rates fluorosis within a population and ranges from sensitive to severe cases.

3. Which type of evaluation judges the merit of a program after its implementation? a. Qualitative b. Summative c. Formative d. Quantitative

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Summative evaluation judges the merit of a program after its implementation.

5. Which type of evaluation technique uses methods that measure clinical data, such as dental indices and basic screenings? a. Practical evaluations b. Clinical evaluations c. Nonclinical evaluations d. Basic evaluations

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: The clinical evaluation technique uses methods that measure clinical data, such as dental indices and basic screenings.

17. A technical skills education promotes critical thinking and decision-making skills. A. True B. False

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: A research-based education promotes critical thinking and decision-making skills, which is paramount to the professional dental hygiene model.

13. The overarching goal of dental hygiene is to: A. advance the prestige B. improve the public's health C. increase salary potential for dental hygienists D. increase the clinical scope

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Although there are many compelling goals for dental hygiene, first and foremost should always be about improving the public's health.

20. Conducting a literature review is parallel to which of the following in clinical practice? A. Identifying chief complaint B. Taking a health history C. Conducting research D. Making a diagnosis

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Table 14-1 Analogy Between Private Practice and Research Methodology

3. Waiting to professionally apply fluoride until after a prophy was provided was based on which of the following types of evidence? a. Evidenced based b. Anecdotal c. Provider preference d. Patient preference

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: The theory that taught that all plaque must be removed before applying fluoride was based on anecdotal evidence that fluoride could not pass through plaque biofilm.

17. Ethical behavior in research may be described as what is a. Litigious b. Legal c. Unjust d. Beneficial

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Ethical behavior in research may be described as what is right, legal, and fair.

16. African-American men had agreed to be examined and treated in a US Public Health Service (US PHS) study on _____________, but the men were not informed about the real purpose of the study and had been misled. a. Tuberculosis b. Syphilis c. Oral cancer d. Periodontal disease

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Men of African-American descent had agreed to be examined and treated in a US Public Health Service (US PHS) study on syphilis, but the men were not informed about the real purpose of the study and had been misled.

15. The Belford War Crimes trials brought to light examples of medical research that had clearly exploited human beings. Crimes had been committed that involved unethical research on humans that were held in concentration camps. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: The Nuremberg War Crimes trials brought to light examples of medical research that had clearly exploited human beings. Crimes had been committed that involved unethical research on humans that were held in concentration camps.

6. The head researcher who is responsible for the entire research project is called a a. Director of research b. Principal investigator c. Research manager d. Principal researcher

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A principal investigator is the person responsible for the entire project.

4. A detailed plan for the study is called a(n) a. Positive hypothesis b. Research proposal c. Null hypothesis d. Investigative protocol

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A research proposal is a detailed plan for the study that involves several steps and is conducted so that the study can be approved and possibly funded.

19. If a pharmaceutical company produces mouthwash G, and the efficacy of the product is confirmed by the company, what could be present? a. Review process board b. Bias c. Placebo effect d. Examiner conflict

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Bias could be introduced into the study due to financial considerations.

2. Brand X does not significantly reduce halitosis is an example of a(n) a. Investigation b. Null hypothesis c. Null investigation d. Positive hypothesis

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Brand X does not significantly reduce halitosis is an example of a null hypothesis.

11. No single research study can be applied beyond the _____ that was studied? a. Control b. Population c. Control sample d. Sample

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Single research studies cannot be applied beyond the population that was studied.

9. Sampling every 'nth' subject is called a. Random b. Systematic c. Stratification d. Purposive

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Systematic sampling uses every 'nth' subject.

9. An epidemic in which the disease may cross international borders to affect several countries or continents is called a. Epidemic b. Pandemic c. Endemic d. None of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: An epidemic in which the disease may cross international borders to affect several countries or continents is called a pandemic.

5. Factors or events that are capable of bringing about a change in health are called a. Rates b. Determinants c. Relative factors d. Indicators

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: Factors or events that are capable of bringing about a change in health are called determinants.

10. Long-term changes or movements in disease patterns and health-related conditions indentified by examining surveillance data is a(n): a. Surveillance movement b. Trend c. Internal validity d. External validity

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: Long-term changes or movements in disease patterns and health-related conditions identified by examining surveillance data is a trend.

8. The occurrence of an illness or condition in excess of normal expectancy in a community or region, usually occurring suddenly and spreading rapidly, is called a. Etiology b. Epidemic c. Pandemic d. Endemic

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The occurrence of an illness or condition in excess of normal expectancy in a community or region, usually occurring suddenly and spreading rapidly, is called an epidemic.

6. The standardization of examiners as they apply epidemiologic measurements is a. Collaboration b. Calibration c. Indicators d. Cooperation

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The standardization of examiners as they apply epidemiologic measurements is calibration.

17. A congenital deformity formed in the top of the lip as a small gap or indentation is called a. Cleft lip/palate b. Cleft lip c. Cleft palate d. Cleft philtrum

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: A congenital deformity formed in the top of the lip as a small gap or indentation is called cleft lip.

3. An inflammatory disease affecting the periodontium is: a. Dental caries b. Periodontal disease c. Cancrum oris d. Root caries

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: An inflammatory disease affecting the periodontium is periodontal disease.

20. Which modality prevents tooth decay through direct contact with teeth, and when consumed by children during the tooth-forming years? a. Community sealant programs b. Community water fluoridation c. Swish and spit programs d. Dental sealant programs

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Community water fluoridation prevents tooth decay through direct contact with teeth.

5. Overall, the prevalence of tooth loss has ______ over the years. a. Increased b. Decreased c. Stayed the same d. None of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Overall, the prevalence of tooth loss has decreased over the years.

15. Primary oral infection with the herpes simplex virus is commonly referred to as a(n): a. Noma b. Cold sore c. Aphthous ulcer d. Canker sore

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Primary oral infection with the herpes simplex virus is commonly referred to as a cold sore.

16. Recurrent aphthous ulcers are commonly referred to as: a. Cold sores b. Canker sores c. Noma d. All of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Recurrent aphthous ulcers are referred to as canker sores.

3. Initially, the dental hygienist was thought to be best used in the ______ setting with a focus specifically in ______ prevention. a. Private; pediatric b. Public; pediatric c. Public; community d. Private; community

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Fones believed that a hygienist would best serve the public by providing education and treatment outside the dental office, focusing on children.

8. What is meant by "grass roots"? a. This is what is achieved by overplaning the root surface of the tooth, as implemented in the past. b. Local dental hygienists who work for social change within their communities. c. This is when patients have green stains on their teeth. d. Grass roots is an exploration instrument for calculus deposits.

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Grass roots are not incorporated into practice with a patient, but they are a vital portion of the profession and progression of the field of dental hygiene, especially in community dental health.

5. Which of the following states has a lowered standard of education for the dental hygienist in practice? a. Arkansas b. Alabama c. Arizona d. Alaska

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: In Alabama, the dental hygienist can practice after completing the a state program and passing a state board, without completed a CODA-accredited program or national board examination.

1. By 2016, the number of expected employed dental hygienists is expected to grow by ____, which is _____ compared to the average of other professions. a. 33%; equal b. 33%; higher c. 33%; lower d. 330%; higher

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: The need for dental hygiene is ever increasing, which is shown through the projected increase.

7. The initial mission and current mission of the ADHA have remained unchanged. The mission of the ADHA is to improve the public's total health by working to advance the art and science of dental hygiene by ensuring access to quality oral health care; increasing awareness of the cost-effective benefits of prevention; promoting the highest standards of dental hygiene education, licensure, practice, and research; and representing and promoting the interests of dental hygienists. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: This mission has changed if so slightly.

3. Which program provides health insurance (including dental insurance) to children whose parents are low income but not eligible for Medicaid? a. Medicare (CMS) b. Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) c. Children and Youth Financial Group (CYFG) d. All of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Children's Health Insurance Program is the largest effort to provide health insurance for children since Medicaid.

17. Which of the following represents a demand? a. A periodontally-involved person who seeks a periodontist to treat the condition. b. A person with periodontal disease who refuses treatment plans. c. A person with periodontal disease who has been to the dentist in the past three years years. d. A person with periodontal disease who resumes biannual prophylaxis appointments.

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Demand is the particular frequency or desired frequency of dental care from a population/individual.

14. In some states dental hygienists may be employed as ___________, where they work to implement community water fluoridation, school sealant programs, fluoride mouth rinse programs, and school-based prevention programs. a. Clinicians b. State dental directors c. Volunteers d. Civil servants

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: State Dental Directors are responsible for implementing programs statewide.

11. Food, nutrition counseling, and access to health and dental services are provided to women, infants, and children through which program? a. Medicaid b. WIC c. CHIP d. Medicare

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: WIC stands for women, infants, and children and provides food, nutritional counseling, and instruction about other services.

12. Which is the oldest recorded dental organization? a. International Federation of Dental Hygienists b. Federation Dentaire International c. American Dental Association d. International Dental Research Foundation

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 4

5. In order for a report or study to be credible, it must be all of the following EXCEPT: a. Evidence based b. Inconsistent c. Reproducible d. Comparable

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Hint: Evidence of findings is important use scientific studies to prove or sway an opinion.

6. A DMFT score of 5.5 is considered: a. Low. b. Moderate. c. High. d. None of the above

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: 0.0 to 1.1 is considered low and a high DMFT score is 6.6 or greater.

4. The acronym DMFT refers to? a. Diseased missing front teeth b. Decayed missing filled teeth c. Doctor of medicine field training d. Diseased missing filled teeth

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: The DMFT is a dental index used to get evaluate a population's dental caries experience.

1. Which of the following is the order in which the dental hygiene process of care is performed excluding documentation? a. Assessment, implementation, planning, dental hygiene diagnosis, and evaluation b. Assessment, dental hygiene diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation c. Assessment, planning, dental hygiene diagnosis, implementation, and evaluation d. Implementation, assessment, planning, dental hygiene diagnosis, and evaluation

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: This is the dental hygiene process of care, which also includes documentation.

3. Preparing for presentations: a. Keeps the audience focused b. Eases anxiety c. Causes nervousness d. Causes frustration

Answer: b Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Preparing for presentations will actually hinder nervousness.

16. Which of the following is NOT a correct answer? In planning a public health dental program, a hygienist would develop the program based on: a. Selecting appropriate labor to fulfill the program b. Individual needs c. Priorities and alternatives d. The resources available

Answer: b (review said a) Hint: Please see Chapter Feedback: Public health is population health not limited to an individual patient.

4. Which of the following is considered one of the ten greatest public health measures in the past century? a. Biannual dental prophylaxis b. Sealants c. Community water fluoridation d. Composite restorations

Answer: c Feedback: Community water fluoridation is one of the ten greatest public health measures in the past century.

9. What is considered the most important issue that negatively impacts dental public health? a. Populations with rampant decay b. Patient noncompliance c. Inadequate access to dental care d. Inadequate access to fluoridated water

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Inadequate access to and access of dental care is seen as an important issue in oral health as reflected in the major publications on oral health in the United States.

5. Which of the following is NOT a good example of a dental public health group? a. People aged 65+ b. A diabetes support group c. An individual family d. Elementary-aged children

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: This is a family and does not include a specific population with common dental needs. However, assessing the needs of the other groups listed will greatly improve the oral health of this community.

16. When communicating with a school-aged child, all of the following are examples of good communication EXCEPT: a. Asking the child to repeat what was taught b. Encouraging questions c. Lying is okay ONLY if pain is involved so that the child is not apprehensive d. Praising for a job well done

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Never lie to a patient; this only leads to mistrust, regardless of age.

3. Which of the following are considered part of the health care worker (HCW) field? a. Social worker b. Teacher c. Nurse d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Nurses are health care workers.

8. Culture does NOT include: a. Attitudes b. Beliefs c. Knowledge d. Values

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: A person's overall intellect is not generally thought of as culture, although disciplines can envelop a discipline culture.

4. A baby smiling after seeing the mother smile is an example of which type of learning? a. Copycat b. Instructed c. Imitative d. Both A and C

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: As suggested, a person learns through imitation.

9. Dental professionals are an example of a culture. There are a numerous cultural characteristics that describe dental hygienists. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Culture can be defined by knowledge or a general sharing in beliefs and ideas as is in the dental profession.

15. The ADA Commission on Dental Accreditation requires the completion of which subject? a. Religious studies b. German c. Interpersonal communication d. Physical education

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Learning how to read people and deal with people in one-on-one situations makes this subject very important to the dental professional.

17. Even though public health programs have become more prevalent, there are still underserved populations due to: a. A lack of dental hygienists graduating b. A lack of patients c. Patients accessing care d. Dental insurance

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Patients are still not accessing care, specifically those with dental needs.

6. A group of dental hygiene students getting together to study is an example of _______ learning. a. Instructed b. Group c. Collaborative d. None of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: This involves working together to learn.

3. Which theory suggests that an individual's social interaction as a child leads to continuous changes in thought and behavior that can vary greatly from culture to culture? a. Cultural theory b. Social theory c. Sociocultural theory d. Socioeconomic theory

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: This theory suggests that an individual's social interaction as a child leads to continuous changes in thought and behavior that can vary greatly from culture to culture.

1. An outstandingly clear or typical example or framework that explains a concept is termed a: a. model b. figure c. paradigm d. theory

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: A paradigm, specifically a public health planning paradigm, illustrates a public health program or concept.

13. Which of the following is NOT a method used during the assessment phase? a. Dental screenings b. Surveys c. Polishing d. Plaque indices

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: All would be used in the assessment phase, except polishing, which would possibly be included in the implementation phase.

11. The training program for OS dental health program includes all of the following EXCEPT: a. Oral hygiene techniques b. Dental screenings c. Teaching dental prophylaxis through preceptorship d. Basic lectures in oral anatomy and pathology

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: Dental hygiene prophylaxis was not included, since this was not a training program to develop dental hygienists.

5. School-based programs can provide children with which of the following? a. Dental prophylaxis and oral hygiene instruction b. Dental prophylaxis, fluoride, and oral hygiene instruction c. Dental prophylaxis, fluoride, oral hygiene instruction, and mouth guards d. Dental prophylaxis

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: Many services can be provided to children at the school in which they attend. These could also include sealants and restorative and urgent care dentistry.

4. The school mouth rinse program is best used in which of the following areas? a. Metropolitan area with community water fluoridation b. Town where fluoride is naturally occurring c. Rural community supplied by well water without naturally occurring fluoride d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: School fluoride mouth rinse programs help children gain access to fluoride.

12. Which dental index measures conditions that can be changed, such as plaque? a. Irreversible index b. Simple index c. Reversible index d. Cumulative index

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: A reversible index measures conditions that can be changed, such as plaque

9. Which dental index measures conditions that will not change, such as dental caries? a. Reversible index b. Cumulative index c. Irreversible index d. Simple index

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: An irreversible index measures conditions that will not change, such as dental caries.

2. Which type of evaluation refers to the internal evaluation of a program and is usually conducted in program planning? a. Quantitative b. Summative c. Formative d. Qualitative

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Formative evaluation refers to the internal evaluation of a program and is usually conducted in program planning.

16. Which gingival index is used to assess the severity of gingivitis based on color, consistency, and bleeding on probing? a. SBI b. EIBI c. GI d. GBI

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: The GI is used to assess the severity of gingivitis based on color, consistency, and bleeding on probing.

17. Which gingival bleeding index is used to locate areas of gingival sulcus bleeding upon gently probing? a. GBI b. EIBI c. SBI d. Both A and B

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: The SBI is used to locate areas of gingival sulcus bleeding upon gently probing.

14. Which dental caries index is used to find the status of decay, extractions, and filled primary teeth or tooth surfaces? a. DMFS b. RCI c. deft or defs d. DMFT

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: The deft or defs is used to find the status of decay, extractions, and filled primary teeth or tooth surfaces.

7. Which type of screening is the most commonly used in public health programs and uses an explorer, mouth mirror, and adequate light? a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Type III screening is the most commonly used in public health programs and uses an explorer, mouth mirror, and adequate light.

4. All dental hygienists should be cognizant about: a. Calibration exercises b. Training for examiners c. Research design d. Research conduction

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: All dental hygienists should be cognizant about research designs.

15. Although dental hygiene may be considered a developing discipline, there is much advancement to be attained, which is why dental hygienists must continue to conduct research phenomena germane to the dental hygiene sciences. A. The first statement is true, the second statement is false B. The first statement is false, the second statement is true C. Both statements are true D. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Although dental hygiene may be considered a developing discipline, there is much advancement to be attained, which is why dental hygienists must continue to conduct research phenomena germane to the dental hygiene sciences.

9. The founder of dental hygiene, Dr. Alfred Fones, conducted research in dental hygiene. His research was the impetus for populations seeing the results on dental hygiene in a school-based setting. A. The first statement is true, the second statement is false B. The first statement is false, the second statement is true C. Both statements are true D. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Dr. Fones conducted research as soon as the first dental hygienists treated students in school. This research yielded results suggesting prevention as a method to control diseases.

2. The entity charged with reviewing research proposals for purposes of ethics is called a(n): a. Health review committee b. Health review board c. Institutional review board d. Institutional review researcher

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: An institutional review board (IRB) always reviews proposals before the conduction of research can commence. Many institutions have specific names for their IRB.

8. __________ is self determination and the ability to self-govern and self-direct. a. Nonmaleficence b. Beneficence c. Autonomy d. Justice

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Autonomy refers both to self-governance and to be self-directed as a profession.

19. A research proposal may have to pass the scrutiny of more than one IRB. The IRB is involved to ensure ethical standards are being met. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: First, it must ensure that the rights and safety of the research subjects are respected and protected. Second, it must protect the institution and the researchers against lawsuits and help to ensure that the research results will not be flawed because the study was ethically unsound. The IRB holds the researchers accountable to the public. A research proposal may have to pass the scrutiny of more than one IRB. The institution funding the research and the institution where it is actually conducted may each have its own board.

12. Informed consent, first, requires that the researcher provide the subject with all relevant information needed to make a decision. Second, it allows the subject to make the decision on the basis of the information provided. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Informed consent, first, requires that the professional provide the patient with all relevant information needed to make a decision. Second, it allows the patient to make the decision on the basis of the information provided.

5. Nonmaleficence is ___________. A. requiring that existing harm be removed B. having respect for persons C. a health care provider's first obligation to the patient is to do no harm D. providing individuals or groups with what is owed, due, or deserved

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Nonmaleficence is the health care provider's first obligation, which is to do no harm.

3. The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) helps ensure: a. Informed consent b. Patient consent c. Patient confidentiality d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: The Health Information Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) helps ensure patient confidentiality.

4. Which government entity has a primary role in oral health research? a. Counties b. State c. Federal d. Townships

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: The federal government has a potential role in the conduction of research.

3. Does brand X toothpaste really reduce dentinal hypersensitivity is an example of a(n) a. Null hypothesis b. Investigation c. Research question d. Null investigation

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A research question simply asks the question posed by the researcher.

7. What is done to break samples into populations? a. Census breaking b. Equalizing c. Stratifying d. Demographing

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: Stratifying a sample is done to provide additional data from studies, to break the sample into groups, such as age and gender.

20. The study of disease is called: a. Epidemic b. Epidemiology c. Etiology d. Endemic

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: Etiology is the study of disease.

2. The numerical expression of the number of all existing cases of a disease or health condition in a population measured at a given point or period of time is called a. Validity b. Reliability c. Prevalence d. Incidence

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The numerical expression of the number of all existing cases of a disease or health condition in a population measured at a given point or period of time is called prevalence.

16. The study of the frequency and distribution of diseases, disability, and death in a population is called a. eEpidemic b. Etiology c. Epidemiology d. Endemic

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The study of the frequency and distribution of diseases, disability, and death in a population is called epidemiology.

7. Common cause(s) of tooth loss include a. Dental caries b. Periodontal diseases c. Both of the above d. None of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Common causes of tooth loss include dental caries and periodontal diseases.

10. Which of the following decrease the risk for dental caries? a. Amalgam fillings b. Resin fillings c. Dental sealants d. None of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Dental sealants decrease the risk for certain types of dental caries.

12. What is a general estimate of the prevalence of oral or pharyngeal cancer annually in the United States? a. 340,000 b. 3,500 c. 34,000 d. 35,000

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: More than 34,000 people were diagnosed with oral/pharyngeal cancer last year in the United States.

13. Most oral cancers start in which cells? a. Connective b. Epithelial c. Squamous d. Mucosal

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Most oral cancers start in squamous cells.

11. Oral cancer can occur in which areas? a. Ears b. Nasal region c. Lips d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Oral cancer can occur in the intraoral cavity and lips.

18. The leading cause of head and face injuries that result in hospital visits is: a. Cancer b. Domestic violence c. Falls d. Accidents

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: The leading cause of head and face injuries that result in hospital visits is falls.

2. The number of new cases of a disease in a population over a given time period is called a. Prevalence b. Endemic c. Incidence d. An epidemic

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: The number of new cases of a disease in a population over a given time period is called the incidence.

4. After dental hygiene began in Connecticut, it spread to other states. With this movement, many state laws were enacted that prohibited the dental hygienist from working in the private dental setting. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Many initial laws governing dental hygiene restricted the dental hygienist from working anywhere other than in the private practice setting with a dentist's supervision at all times.

12. The FDA allows bottled water to claim that it has anticariogenic effects. This is only permissible if the bottled water actually contains fluoride. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: The FDA only allows companies that have the effective amount of fluoride in their water to claim that it reduces dental decay.

6. Which government entity provides immunizations and safeguards against international disease transmission? a. IHS b. FDA c. CDC d. HRSA

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: CDC is the government entity that provides immunizations and safeguards against international disease transmission.

20. An advanced dental hygiene practitioner would practice in underserved communities and is which of the following? a. Medical assistant b. Post-doctorate level dental provider c. Midlevel provider d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Practicing at a master's level, a dental hygienist will be able to provide more advanced services and would be comparable to the nurse practitioner in the medical field.

1. Reports show that the United States does NOT ensure adequate oral health care for all populations. This is due to a lack of dental hygienists in the workforce. a. Both the statement and reason are correct and related. b. Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. c. The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. d. The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct. e. Neither the statement NOR reason is correct.

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Reports suggest that oral health care is lacking in the United States although it is not specific to the dental hygiene workforce.

12. U.S. inmates have a constitutional right to health care. Dental hygienists may work in the prison setting. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: The Department of Justice is responsible for the oversight of health and dental care provided to inmates. Dental hygienists frequently work in state and federal prisons.

9. Which government agency is responsible for Early Head Start and Head Start programs? a. Medicare b. Medicaid c. ACF d. FDA

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: This agency is responsible for programs that promote the economic and social well-being of families, children, individuals, and communities.

7. A CPI, also known as CPITN, is used for what? a. Dental caries index. b. Dental caries and periodontal index. c. Strictly used as a periodontal needs index. d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: CPI is community periodontal index of treatment needs and is used to survey populations' periodontal health.

14. Data show that regulations imposed to restrict dental hygiene care to work settings controlled by dentists are gradually beginning to disappear. Increasingly, dental hygienists may practice autonomously, without the supervision of dentists. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Data do show that regulations imposed to tie dental hygiene care to work settings controlled by dentists are gradually beginning to disappear. Increasingly, dental hygienists may practice autonomously, free of any supervision of dentists.

20. Autonomous hygienists with expanded functions and higher educational attainment are better able to provide quality, cost-effective clinical care. These providers can initiate and manage scientifically based public oral health initiatives. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Such dental hygienists may contribute to a wider practical application of scientific knowledge, which has been shown to improve oral health and general health.

19. What agency has community goals including tobacco smoking-cessation programs and nutritional counseling? a. ADD b. FDA c. WHO d. UN

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: The WHO has community goals including tobacco smoking-cessation programs and nutritional counseling.

10. What is preceptorship? a. On-the-job training after completing school, such as an internship. b. Doing what your boss asks of you c. On-the-job training d. Being aware of your patients' feelings at all times

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: There is no formal schooling in preceptorship.

18. Preventive health not only approves the quality of life by improving general health but also: a. Costs less money for the hygienist b. Costs more money to society c. Costs less money for the patient d. Costs more money for the dentist

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 4. ??????????? Feedback: If prevention is practiced, then overall, less money would be drawn from society because arresting diseases are more costly.

2. In private practice, one of the dental hygienists' most important roles is to educate patients. In public health, a dental hygienist educates a population of patients. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: As in private practice, one of the dental hygienists' most important roles is to motivate patients to change value and influence behaviors aimed at attaining oral health.

1. A group of people with underlying similarities that dental hygienists present information to is/are called: a. Community profiles b. Assessments c. Target population d. Patients

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Individuals with low incomes, middle school children, and mothers are all examples of target populations where similar information can be given to the group that is information pertinent to the group collectively.

16. Sense of coherence is all of the following EXCEPT: a. Health is more useful than studying disease b. Ladder of stages c. Salutogenesis d. Continuum of health and disease

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Salutogenesis is the beginnings of health.

3. The five-dimensional health model consists of the following dimensions: physical, mental, spiritual, social, and emotional. This model stresses the dimensions that complete an individual. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: This model theorizes that a person is multidimensional including the stated dimensions.

8. Dental hygiene education requires analysis of the data to identify dental needs that can be fulfilled through dental hygiene diagnosis. Dental needs may include early childhood caries. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Dental hygiene diagnosis requires analysis of the data to identify dental needs that can be fulfilled through dental hygiene education. A common need would be early childhood caries.

17. Generally, evaluation is accomplished at the end of the project/presentation, but should be done during the presentation as warranted. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Evaluation is at the end of the project planning but should be an ongoing process throughout.

12. Which of the following is NOT one of the three levels of learning? a. Strategic level b. Knowledge level c. Problem-solving level d. Application level

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Knowledge, application, and problem-solving are all levels of learning.

13. One teaching method is presentation. Presentation involves interaction between students and the instructor. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Presentation is employing the lecture and discussion methods together. This example is discussion.

15. All of the following are ways to manage a class EXCEPT: a. Being empathetic b. Being organized c. Being direct with an individual d. Being enthusiastic

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: This is more one-on-one as in patient care, versus public health when talking to the group as a whole.

7. Which of the following topics of discussion is an example of a correct assessment of a target population? a. Early childhood caries to middle school students b. Dentures to patients who have implants c. Baby bottle tooth decay with expectant mothers d. All of the above

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: This would be a concern for pregnant women and discussing this topic is a good way of assessing the needs of the group.

9. The following are true and applied toward autonomy EXCEPT: a. A person has the right to make his/her own decision about treatment. b. The health care provider has a duty to provide patients with all the unbiased information they would need to make a decision about treatment options. c. The dental care provider should act on the patient's treatment choice even if it may cause harm. d. The health care provider has the autonomy to not provide a service requested by the patient if that service is in conflict with the standards of patient care.

Answer: c Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: The provider should be not act on a patient's wishes if it may cause harm to the patient.

. 2. Which of the following is an example of primary prevention? a. Class I restoration b. Scaling and root planing (SRP) c. Using fluoride on demineralized cervical margins d. Supplying city water with fluoride

Answer: d

10. Which of the following factors affect(s) dental health? a. Access to care b. Dental insurance c. Malpractice d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Access to care, infrastructure, the aging population, malpractice, and dental insurance are all factors that affect dental health.

7. Which of the following has reduced oral disease rates? a. Fluoride b. Professional dental cleanings c. Dental sealants d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: All of these are examples of primary prevention methods to stop or slow oral diseases.

19. Which of the following is(are) role(s) of a dental hygienist? a. Clinician b. Researcher c. Advocate d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: All of these are roles in which the dental hygienist can play a part.

13. Which is an example of an assessment of public health that would be performed by the dental hygienist? a. Analyzing the needs of a community b. A comprehensive oral examination c. Conducting a needs assessment of a target population d. Both A and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Dental hygienists in public health frequently assess a population's needs.

11. Which of the following are public health goals? a. Preventing injuries b. Responding to disasters and assisting in the recovery of the community c. Ensuring quality and accessibility of health services d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: These are all examples of a public health goal.

13. When community and public health programs are poorly supported, who would be a good outreach person(s) to aid in support of these programs? a. Political leaders b. Organization leaders c. Superintendents d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: All of these figures play an important role in the community and have ways to reach the community to encourage and promote change helping these types of programs.

11. Which of the following topics are appropriate for elementary-aged children? a. Sealants b. Snack foods c. Fluoride d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: At this age, it is important to employ preventive services to the newly erupted adult teeth as well as inform the children on health food and snack choices, because they may have more freedom to choose after-school snacks.

10. Preschool-aged children would learn best about oral hygiene through which of the following techniques? a. Brushing chart to show when teeth brushing was done (morning/afternoon/night) b. Tooth coloring sheet c. A book that parents can read aloud about going to the dentist d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Children at this age are very curious and hands-on. All of these options are good options for children of preschool age.

7. Pregnant women can suffer from unique oral diseases. Which of the following is/are examples? a. NUG b. Pyogenic granuloma c. Hormone-induced gingivitis d. Both B and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Localized pyogenic granulomas and hormone-induced gingivitis are more accurately called pregnancy-induced gingivitis because pregnancy is the cause of the excess in hormones.

18. Which of the following is a sign of marijuana usage? a. Xerostomia b. Increased periodontal conditions c. Candidiasis d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Marijuana use causes all of the above oral complications, and patients using this drug should be informed of its effects on the oral cavity.

5. Social workers can help _________ to achieve oral health goals. a. Individuals b. Groups c. Communities d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Social workers are not typically thought of as oral health promoters, but they can have an impact on various groups to promote proper home care and recognition of oral conditions.

4. Teachers, though they try, have little influence on the oral hygiene of their students. A dental hygienist has great influence on school-aged children, and this is why they should visit the dentist. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 10 Feedback: Teachers are typically more influential. The student will have a greater bond with a teacher they see nearly daily. The importance of the dental office should not be discredited, but the teacher's influence on his/her students can be greater than that of a hygienist or dentist.

13. Which of the following is an example of a nonverbal communication? a. A patient pointing to the area where the pain is located and saying "right here" b. A patient gripping the armrests c. A patient falling asleep d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: All of the above are forms of nonverbal communication.

1. Cultural includes which of the following? a. Attitudes b. Values c. Beliefs d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: All of these are cultural elements.

20. Which of the following is an example of cultural beliefs and potential conflicts with treatment prescribed? a. A patient using herbs b. A patient who smokes at religious ceremonies c. A patient who prays to heal ailments d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: All of these areas can be sensitive cultural beliefs and uses, and patients may turn to these modalities to help with diseases. It is important to respect and not judge or dishonor these practices, but also to try to get the patient to understand the importance of other treatment methods in conjunction.

7. The best way to improve self-awareness is through: a. Reading a book about your culture b. Asking a friend from another culture c. Learning how to be sensitive to another's culture d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Learning information about others with similar ties, getting an outsider's opinion, and learning about others' cultures are all ways to learn about yourself.

2. Ethnicity is a population with shared physical characteristics. Race is a social group with a shared history, sense, identity, geography, and cultural roots. a. The first statement is true and the second statement is false c. The first statement is false and the second statement is true b. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 11 Feedback: Race is a population with shared physical characteristics. Ethnicity is a social group with a shared history, sense, identity, geography, and cultural roots (which may occur despite racial differences).

20. Dental hygienists can be instrumental in developing programs to educate and promote dental health. An example of a way(s) the hygienist can prepare programs is by: a. Creating a poster contest. b. Lecturing at a public library c. Volunteering at schools to give lectures to children d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: All of the above and more are ways that a hygienist can help to promote oral health.

12. Which of the following is NOT included in the formulation of public policy? a. The community b. Private sector c. Government leaders d. Only B and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: All of the above play a role in the formulation of public policy.

6. Dental hygienists can be employed in which of the following public settings? a. Long-term care facilities b. Schools c. Prisons d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: All of these settings are options for dental hygiene employment.

18. Which phase is important to keep records of success of the program? a. Assessment b. Implementation c. Evaluation d. Documentation

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: The documentation phase occurs throughout the program.

9. A condition commonly seen in children in developing countries with poor oral hygiene, diet, and debilitating disease, and is characterized by painless bone and soft tissue destruction with rapid spread of the disease is known as: a. ANUG b. Noma c. Cancrum oris d. Both B and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: This disease is known by both names.

8. Operation Smile (OS) is what? a. Traveling dental teams that provide needed services b. Efforts to eliminate baby bottle tooth decay (BBTD) c. A fluoride rinse regimen performed in schools d. A team of health care providers that provide surgery globally

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 12 Feedback: This is a private nonprofit organization started by Dr. William Magee, a dentist and plastic surgeon and his wife, Kathy Magee, a nurse and social worker, in 1981.

10. Which dental index measures the presence or absence of a condition? a. Cumulative index b. Irreversible index c. Reversible index d. Simple index

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: A simple index measures the presence or absence of a condition.

1. Counts, ratios, prevalence, and incidence are all what type of measure? a. Formative b. Summative c. Qualitative d. Quantitative

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Counts, ratios, prevalence, and incidence are all quantitative evaluative measures.

20. Program evaluation assesses which of the following? a. Strategies used b. Organization of the program itself c. Desired outcomes of the program d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Program evaluation assesses all of the answers.

19. Which type of screening uses a tongue depressor, available light, is the least valid type used, and produces the most false negatives? a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 13 Feedback: Type IV screening uses a tongue depressor, available light, is the least valid type used, and produces the most false negatives.

6. Dental hygienists do NOT need to critically evaluate scientific literature, because patients will discuss their questions with the dentists only. A. The first statement is true, the second statement is false B. The first statement is false, the second statement is true C. Both statements are true D. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: Dental hygienists must be able to critically evaluate scientific literature and dental care products and modalities and subsequently communicate accurate information to the public whom they serve.

1. A body of techniques that uses observation, reason, and experimentation to gather evidence that is empirical and measurable is termed: a. Methods of evidence b. Evidenced-based techniques c. Training techniques d. Scientific method

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 14 Feedback: The scientific method is a body of techniques that uses observation, reason, and experimentation to gather evidence that is empirical and measurable.

11. Veracity is entrusted or held in secret, and confidentiality is defined as being honest and telling the truth. a. First statement is true, second statement is false b. First statement is false, second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Confidentiality is entrusted or held in secret, and veracity is defined as being honest and telling the truth

1. The field of bioethics has its origins with which physician? a. Surgeon General b. Socrates c. Koop d. Hippocrates

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Hippocrates developed the oath of medical ethics in 400 B.C.

10. The principle of __________ is concerned with providing individuals or groups with what is owed, due, or deserved. a. Nonmaleficence b. Beneficence c. Autonomy d. Justice

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Justice is the principle concerned with providing individuals or groups with what is owed, due, or deserved.

6. Which of the following are included in the full description of nonmaleficence? A. One ought to do or promote good. B. One ought to prevent harm. C. One ought not to inflict harm. D. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: One ought to do or promote good, one ought to prevent harm, one ought not to inflict harm, and one out to remove harm are all included in the comprehensive description of nonmaleficence.

18. Ethical misconduct in research may include a. Improving benefits b. Falsifying data c. Conflict of interest d. Both B and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 15 Feedback: Research misconduct includes plagiarism, copyright or patent infringement, falsifying or fabricating data, misrepresenting data, and conflict of interest. Like malpractice, research misconduct must be intentional.

20. Which report describes ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects? a. Nuremberg b. Tuskegee c. Advocates d. Belmont

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 15. Feedback: The Belmont report describes ethical principles and guidelines for research involving human subjects and identifies respect for persons, beneficence and justice and informed consent, assessment of risks and benefits, and selection of subjects.

17. This is an independent variable used in a control group. a. Blind examiner b. Extraneous variable c. Experimental variable d. Placebo

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A placebo is an independent variable used in a control group.

18. A research project where neither the subjects nor the investigators know who is in the control group and who is in the group that received the experimental treatment is called which of the following? a. Study with placebo b. Controlled study c. Study with control d. Double-blind study

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A research project where neither the subjects nor the investigators know who is in the control group and who is in the group that received the experimental treatment is called a double-blind study.

21. A study in which subjects are assigned to a control group, and then, after a specified length of time, are switched to the opposite group, is which type of study? a. Relative error design b. Double-blind design c. Washout design d. Crossover design

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: A study in which subjects are assigned to a control group, and then, after a specified length of time, are switched to the opposite group, is called a crossover design.

15. This approach looks at a group of people with the disease or health condition in the past or present. a. Experimental b. Retrospective c. Historical d. Descriptive

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: The descriptive approach looks at a group of people with the disease or health condition in the past or present.

16. This approach studies a treatment or intervention. a. Retrospective b. Descriptive c. Historical d. Experimental

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: The experimental approach studies a treatment or intervention.

13. This approach determines the meaning of past events through a review of records, literature, and/or communication. a. Experimental b. Descriptive c. Retrospective d. Historical

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 16 Feedback: The historical approach determines the meaning of past events through a review of records, literature, and/or communication.

15. The elimination of disease through surveillance and containment is called a. Monitoring b. Absence c. Etiology d. None of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: Eradication is the elimination of disease through surveillance and containment.

19. The rate of new cases of a disease during or over a given time period is a. Reliability b. Validity c. Prevalence d. Incidence

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: Incidence is the rate of new cases of a disease during or over a given time period.

12. The ability of a test to accurately identify the absence of a disease or condition is: a. Surveillance b. Bias c. Sensitivity d. Specificity

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The ability of a test to accurately identify the absence of a disease or condition is specificity.

11. The accuracy of measurement is called a. Surveillance b. Reliability c. Prevalence d. Validity

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The accuracy of measurement is called validity.

18. The consistency between two or more examiners as they apply an index over time is called a. Interexaminer validity b. Intraexaminer validity c. Intraexaminer reliability d. Interexaminer reliability

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The consistency between two or more examiners as they apply an index over time is called interexaminer reliability.

13. The expression of the magnitude of one occurrence of disease exposure in relation to another with a fraction is a(n) a. Index b. Proportion c. Determinant d. Ratio

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The expression of the magnitude of one occurrence of disease exposure in relation to another with a fraction is a ratio.

7. The usual presence of disease in a particular geographic region is a. Etiology b. Pandemic c. Epidemic d. Endemic

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 18 Feedback: The usual presence of disease in a particular geographic region is endemic.

9. This type of decay is prevalent in infants. a. Root caries b. Pit and fissure caries c. Coronal caries d. Early childhood caries

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Early childhood caries are common during infancy.

4. Host response is important in severe a. Cleft lips b. Marginal grooves c. Cleft lips/palates d. Periodontal diseases

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Host response is extremely important in periodontal diseases.

8. Bacterial plaque converts all foods, especially which type, into acids? a. Lipids b. Proteins c. Fats d. Starches

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Starches and sugars are most commonly converted to acids.

14. Which of the following are risk factors for oral cancer? a. Soda pop b. Candy bars c. Artificial sweeteners d. None of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: Sun exposure and the use of tobacco and alcohol are examples of risk factors for oral cancer.

1. The number of all existing cases of a disease in a population measured at a given point is called a. Incidence b. Epidemic c. Endemic d. Prevalence

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 19 Feedback: The number of all existing cases of a disease in a population measured at a given point is called the prevalence.

14. Acute fluoride toxicity causes: a. Nausea. b. Skeletal fluorosis. c. Vomiting. d. Both A and C.

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Acute fluoride toxicity causes nausea and vomiting. Skeletal fluorosis is induced from chronic fluoride toxicity.

19. Xylitol is used to reduce dental decay and ear infections. Some natural sources of xylitol include: a. Berries. b. Mushrooms c. Birchwood. d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Berries, mushrooms, and birchwood are all natural sources of xylitol.

18. Dental sealants are recommended in which of the following? a. Newly erupted teeth b. Orthodontics c. Xerostomia d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Dental sealants are recommended in newly erupted teeth, orthodontics, and xerostomia.

2. Who created the term dental hygienist? a. Wilhelm Röntgen b. Irene Newman c. GreeneVardiman Black (G.V. Black) d. Alfred Civilion Fones

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Dr. Alfred C. Fones initiated the dental hygiene profession and dental prevention movement.

15. Fluoride post-eruption inhibits caries in which way(s)? a. Hinders demineralization b. Increases remineralization c. Decreases bacterial activity d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: Fluoride posteruption inhibits caries by hindering demineralization, increasing remineralization, and decreasing bacterial activity.

16. Which of the following represents a need? a. Cosmetic teeth whitening b. Dental insurance c. A patient without periodontal disease whose insurance covers three-month prophylaxis intervals. d. A class I decayed tooth

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: A need is defined as a normative, professional judgment as to the amount and kind of health care services required to attain or maintain health.

10. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) are responsible for which of the following? a. Medicare and Medicaid only b. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) c. The Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP) d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: All of the answers are health-related programs provided by CMS.

2. Untreated dental disease is prominent in which of the following groups? a. Ethnic minorities b. Low-income individuals c. Low-income families d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: All of these populations have more untreated dental disease.

15. Community dental clinics may be operated as which type of clinic? a. Private b. Not-for-profit c. Sliding scale and Medicaid accepting d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Community clinics may operate as private, not-for-profit, sliding scales, and/or Medicaid accepting clinics.

19. What is a denturist? a. A dental assistant who is allowed to clean dentures. b. A dentist with special qualifications to have a lab in his/her private office c. There is no such thing. d. A dental provider who fabricates dentures and performs oral exams

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: Denturists are legally allowed in seven states.

4. How is the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) funded? a. Private sector grantees b. State governments c. County governments d. None of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: HHS services is a federal program which means that the organization is funded at the federal level by federal tax revenue.

8. Which government agency is responsible for community and migrant health centers and primary care programs, as well as managing organ transplant systems and providing services to persons with AIDS? a. ACF b. Medicaid c. Medicare d. HRSA

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: This agency is responsible for community and migrant health centers and primary care programs, as well as managing organ transplant systems and providing services to persons with AIDS.

5. Which government entity performs research projects such as cancer, Alzheimer's, diabetes, and AIDS? a. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) b. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) c. National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) d. National Institute of Health (NIH)

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: This federal institute has research projects nationwide, whereas NIDCR focuses specifically on dental and craniofacial research.

13. To work as a practicing hygienist in a Veteran's Affair (VA) hospital, you must have: a. U.S. citizenship b. Bachelor's degree c. Passed a background check d. Both A and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 3 Feedback: You must be a U.S. citizen and obtain a background check for security purposes, but it is not required by every VA hospital that a hygienist have a bachelor's degree.

16. A hygiene treatment clinic where there is no dentist present as a supervisor and referral is only needed when a patient requires treatment that is out of his/her scope of practice is called: a. An independent practice. b. An autonomous practice. c. An unsupervised practice. d. All of the above.

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: All have the same meaning—that the hygienist is allowed to work without the permission or authority of a dentist and is considered the primary care provider.

13. The United States is the only country that requires dental hygiene students to take exams for national qualification, with the exception of Canada. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Any country where hygienists are recognized and registered requires board exams.

3. What is the most common or widespread disease(s)? a. Cold sores b. Dental caries c. Periodontal disease d. Both b and c

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Dental caries and periodontal diseases are not only the most notable human diseases, they are also both preventive.

1. The acronym WHO refers to which organization? a. Women's Hygienist Organization b. Working Hygienist Organization c. Water Health Organization d. World Health Organization

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: The World Health Organization (WHO) is the directing and coordinating authority for health within the United Nations system.

9. What is a reason for lack of dental hygiene care? a. Insufficient funding for preventive service and educational facilities b. Limitations inherent in the legal restraints for the profession c. Social and cultural lack of awareness of the benefits of preventive care d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: These are all barriers for dental hygiene access.

17. What is meant by general supervision? a. Dentists decide and authorize hygiene treatment and must be physically present and possibly in the room while hygiene procedures are performed. b. A patient has to be referred by a dentist to an off-site practice where only dental hygiene treatment is rendered. c. No need for a referral or a dentist d. Dentists decide and authorize hygiene treatment but do not need to be physically present while hygiene procedures are performed.

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: This is general supervision, where the dentist is ultimately responsible but does not need to be physically present.

15. What is the correct definition for direct supervision? a. A patient has to be referred by a dentist to an off-site practice where only dental hygiene treatment is rendered b. Dentists decide and authorize hygiene treatment but do not need to be physically present while hygiene procedures are performed. c. No need for referral or a dentist d. Dentists decide and authorize hygiene treatment and must be physically present and possibly in the room while hygiene procedures are performed.

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: This is what is meant by direct supervision; the dentist is physically present.

5. According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, people can meet their higher needs at any level. There are three levels in the hierarchy. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: According to Maslow, people must first meet the lower needs until higher needs can be met in a progressive manner.

18. Classical conditioning is when a provider commends a patient for flossing as operant conditioning is to _______. a. Letting a child get a toy from the toy chest b. Giving adults a toothbrush after their appointment c. A parent taking the child out to Chuck-E-Cheese's after the child's dental appointment d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: All are examples of a reward for a wanted behavior or action, which can influence the way patients act in the future because they know what they can expect.

12. The stages of learning include all of the following EXCEPT: a. Self-interest b. Awareness c. Habit d. Contemplation

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Contemplation is not part of the stages of learning theory.

6. An example of a healthy behavior is: a. Using fluoride rinse occasionally for a month b. Flossing once a week c. Oil pulling by the dental hygienist d. Brushing twice a day

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: For optimum oral health, it is best to brush at least twice a day.

4. In the past, the doctor-patient relationship was _____. Today, the doctor-patient relationship is _______. a. Paternalistic; still paternalistic b. Autonomous; paternalistic c. Autonomous; still autonomous d. Paternalistic; autonomous

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: In the past, the doctor or provider was viewed as the person with knowledge of what was best for the patient. Today, patients are considered participants in their care, given options, and able to decide what is best for themselves.

17. It is important for dental hygienists to push their own values on the patient. The reason for this is because they are professionals and know what is best for the patient. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: It is important for dental hygienists to NOT push their own values on the patient. Instead, they should determine what motivates the patient and understand the patient's prior knowledge of dental care. This is why we no longer value only paternalistic approaches.

19. For consistency, it is important to stick to one model or theory. Utilization of one theory will ensure behavior modification change. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: It is important to describe and define multiple theories, because humans themselves are multidimensional, and using different techniques may influence different actions and beliefs.

7. Which of the following is an example of a dental hygienist providing health education? a. Telling a patient it is necessary to floss b. A patient stating that he/she knows how to floss and brush c. Advising the patient about cavities that need to be filled d. Teaching a patient how to brush correctly

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: It is important to teach correct techniques for oral health.

14. Which is NOT part of the theory of reasoned action? a. Knowledge b. Attitudes c. Values d. Hopes

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Knowledge, values, and attitude are all part of this theory.

13. Which is the order of the trans-theoretical model? a. Preparation, precontemplation, contemplation, action, and maintenance b. Preparation, precontemplation, contemplation, maintenance, and action c. Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, maintenance, and action d. Precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, and maintenance

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: The order of the trans-theoretical model is no intent, thinking about the action, getting ready for action, continuously performing the action, and then having the action become a normal part of the person's life.

15. Which theory believes that if you see a role model performing an action, you too are more likely to perform the action? a. Sense of coherence b. Motivational theories c. Social cognitive theory d. Modeling

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: This theory suggest that modeling is a powerful influencing factor.

20. Simply educating patients will change behaviors. Behavior change is unilaterally dependent on knowledge. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 8 Feedback: Typically, it takes more than just knowledge to change behaviors; however, knowledge is the first step toward change.

20. Giving a pretest prior to a presentation is useless, because the audience does not know much about the subject of the presentation. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: A pretest allows for the presenter to grasp an idea of the audience's knowledge. Furthermore, a posttest allows the presenter to evaluate the knowledge gained by the audience.

19. Which of the following is an example of a successful teacher? a. Knowledgeable b. Willing to learn c. Patient d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: All of these attributes are characteristics of an effective teacher.

16. Which of the following is a way to overcome the fear of public speaking? a. Being prepared b. Encouraging the audience to ask questions c. Practicing d. All of the above

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: All of these will help to reduce fear of speaking in public.

14. Group and game methods of teaching typically involve and motivate the audience. Which of the following are examples of this method? a. PowerPoint presentation b. Click n' learn CD-ROM c. Crossword puzzle d. Both B and C

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Both of these examples allow for active participation by the audience.

6. Which of the following are ways to find out the knowledge level of the target population prior to the presentation? a. Surveys or questionnaires b. Questioning a contact person c. Asking the group questions d. Both A and B

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Both options can help hygienists to obtain information prior to presentations and will help them better prepare.

5. It is important to assume ideas about target populations. Assumptions, such as stereotypes, is a part of the preparation stage. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: It is important to NOT assume things about target populations. Rather it is important to assess the target population's knowledge and needs prior to a presentation.

10. It is important to have many goals for a presentation. Numerous goals will ensure a positive outcome. a. The first statement is true, the second statement is false b. The first statement is false, the second statement is true c. Both statements are true d. Both statements are false

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: It is important to have only one or two goals so that they are able to be met. Providing too many goals will make it necessary to provide too much information to a population, which can hinder learning.

2. One of the best ways to ensure effectiveness when providing a dental helath presentation to a group is to a. Ensure reimbursement b. Ask for guest speakers c. Bring a mirror and explorer d. Be prepared

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter 9 Feedback: Planning and being prepared for presentations cannot be underestimated.

7. In a clinical practice setting, a patient would identify a chief complaint. In a research setting, the parallel would entail the dental hygienist: A. Conducting a literature review B. Developing a research question C. Conducting research D. Making an observation about a population

Answer: d Hint: Please see Chapter14 Feedback: Table 14-1 Analogy Between Private Practice and Research Methodology

6. Reports suggest that the current dental systems are effectively ensuring optimal oral health for all populations. These reports further conclude that dental hygiene has been the most effective way to combat oral health disparities. a. Both the statement and reason are correct and related. b. Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. c. The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. d. The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct. e. Neither the statement NOR reason is correct.

Answer: e Hint: Please see Chapter 1 Feedback: Unfortunately, there are many people who do not receive normal dental care, and many Americans are missing school and work due to dental pain and dental emergencies.

9. There are many studies on dental hygiene and its benefits to society. Consequently, these studies have shown dental hygiene to improve gingival health and have no effect on dental caries prevention. a. Both the statement and reason are correct and related. b. Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. c. The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. d. The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct. e. Neither the statement NOR reason is correct.

Answer: e Hint: Please see Chapter 2 Feedback: There are surprisingly few studies in particular that address dental hygiene's benefits that can be statistically cited.

2. Dental hygienists are recognized worldwide as preventive therapists. This recognition is due to the fact that they are practicing in all countries. a. Both the statement and reason are correct and related. b. Both the statement and reason are correct but NOT related. c. The statement is correct, but the reason is NOT. d. The statement is NOT correct, but the reason is correct. e. Neither the statement NOR reason is correct.

Answer: e Hint: Please see Chapter 4 Feedback: Only 28 countries have dental hygienists.

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