COMM Chapt 5 & 6

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Technically speaking, which of the following is a factual statement?

"Candidate C accepted illegal bribes"

Contemporary research suggests that approximately this percentage of meaning is transmitted nonverbally:


Which of the following is not one of the criticisms that have been levied against the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

Children who grow up in a bi-lingual family experience a great deal of cognitive dissonance because of the conflicting languages

Which of the following claims about facial expressions of emotion is not true?

Facial expressions are easily altered to conceal true emotional states.

Which of the following examples illustrates the idea of reclaiming a phrase?

Homosexual men referring to one another as "queer"

Why do people tend to believe nonverbal messages over verbal messages when they are contradictory?

It is harder for most people to control their nonverbal communication than their verbal communication (verbal is easier to fake than nonverbal).

Regarding libel and slander, which of the following is true?

Libel only involves statements made in print.

Which of the following statements about slang is not true?

Slang is closely tied to young people and gangs.

Which of the following statements would be true according to the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

The distinction between nouns and verbs does not exist in most languages

An I statement claims ownership of what one is feeling or thinking, whereas a you statement shifts that responsibility to the other person.


Which of the following statements about language and culture is true?

When people speak more than one language, their language use is often accompanied by a shift in cultural values.

Which of the following vocal behaviors is an aspect of nonverbal communication?

all of these

The literal, "dictionary" definition of a word is its __________ meaning.


This type of gesture has a direct verbal translation:


These are textual representations of facial expressions, often used in e-mail messages:


Saying that someone has been "let go" instead of "fired" is an example of which language behavior?


The pupil of the eye contracts when we look at someone we find attractive.


The study of touch behavior is known as:


Which of the following linguistic features was not identified in the textbook as affecting a speaker's credibility?

incorrect diction

When people get excited or aroused, this often happens to their voice:

increased pitch

While talking to a friend at a party, you notice that your romantic partner has just arrived. Eager to greet your partner, you take a small step away from your friend and turn your head and shoulders slightly. This gesture:

is a form of leave-taking behavior known as left-positioning

The study of how people use movement is called what?


Effectively interpreting nonverbal communication includes all of the following except:

looking past differences in culture to assign the meaning

According to Edward T. Hall, this range of this type of distance is approximately 1½ to 4 feet:

personal distance

This type of language rule deals with the correct pronunciation of words:

phonlogical rule

A structured system of symbols used for creating meaning is known as a(n):

symbolic system

To an American, the phrase, "How are you today?" sounds correct whereas the phrase "Today you are how?" sounds incorrect. The second phrase violates which rule of language?


Our use of time can send powerful messages about value and power.


Profanity is highly context-specific


The face communicates more information than any other nonverbal channel.


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