COMM Final

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If you want to impress your audience on your knowledge of hornet attacks in the past decade, use language that is highly sophisticated and scientific.


If you wish to promote the use of public transportation, you'll achieve more by helping with public service campaigns rather than with presenting speeches on the topic.


Speakers should generally avoid using operational definitions because people find them to be too simple and uninteresting.


The process of using the sense to acquire information about the surrounding environment is known as communication.


The situation in which communication occurs is irrelevant to its success or failure.


To gain and maintain the audience's attention, tell a fairly detailed narrative.


Using an analogy to link the unknown to the known is not an appropriate strategy for an informative speech.


You are going to teach an audience the most effective way to read. Your general goal would most likely show how things relate in space.


You are speaking in favor of medical marijuana to a group of people who are opposed to its development or use. A good strategy is to use the Monroe Motivated Sequence, where you shock them with an extreme position and then move back to a more moderate one.


You need not worry about narrowing your topic too much; better too narrow than too broad.


The three steps involved in listening include attending or selecting, scanning and choosing, and listening and remembering.


Verbal communication includes a number of rules including rules of place.


When looking for a definition of the term new media, you find this: "new technologies such as the internet and digital television." This definition could be viewed as information.


You may go through a series of interviews before you are offered a position or told that you are no longer being considered.


______is the most popular microblogging venue.


In an argument with another person you demonstrate your anger as you leave by kicking over a nearby chair. This form of nonverbal communication is referred to as

affect display

According to Chapter 7, when sixty minutes runs an exposé about the sloppiness of the organizations that determine your credit rating, that programming is and an example of


The purpose of the ___ is to show the relationship between your experiences and the requirements of the job.

cover letter

Chapter 15 recommends all of the following for job seekers EXCEPT

finding an online résumé that is close enough to yours to use in job applications

A persuasive speech can do all of the following EXCEPT

force an audience to do something against their will

Which term below best describes the approach of an organization that has a very thick manual revealing pages of rules, regulations, requirements, prohibitions, and expectations?


The emotional tone or atmosphere members created within the group is called

group climate

You meet a young person who is unemployed and living with his parents. When he tries to explain his view of the U.S. economy, you find your mind wandering. This is an example of

how stereotypes can affect your ability to listen

Chapter 8 uses the term _____ to describe a feeling of psychological closeness among members of a group


Establishing strategies for keeping a relationship together is called


The leader of a small group says, "Emily, you have been very quiet but thoughtful about this issue. Can you tell us what you think?" The leader is fulfilling what function?


Examples of the analytical function of language include all of the following EXCEPT

restating the issue in figurative language

Internships offer many benefits. Which of the following is NOT typically one of them?

A welcome source of income for struggling students

Chapter 5 lists bullying and cyberbullying as stages in relational deterioration.


Differences in perception rarely exist because perception is a physiological process.


Your mother gives you advice that you dismiss because you do not believe she has much experience with the topic. Your professor gives you the same advice and you listen carefully. The difference in your response to the message is due to your egocentrism.


According to Chapter 12, an audience evaluates your credibility as a speaker

In the opening seconds and minutes of your presentation

Chapter 11 mentions trustworthy sources for numbers and surveys. Which item below is NOT among those considered the most trustworthy?

The cable news outlets like MSNBC and Fox News

Which item below about speech organization is false?

The optimum number of main points in a five-minute speech is five

Which item below about speech organization is FALSE?

The optimum number of main points in a five-minute speech is five.

Some research indicates that people are more inclined to do something because their friends and neighbors do it- for example, inoculate their children- than because their physician tells them to. Which principle of persuasion does this illustrate?

The principle of social validation

Which item below would be an example of data triangulation?

The speaker used information from one source to verify information he found in another source.

Interpersonal communication has both content and a relationship dimension.


One suggestion from the book for improving your verbal communication is to use concrete language.


One way to organize your credentials on the résumé is to use them in chronological order.


Perception is both active and subjective


Suppose you know an older man who has a great sense of humor. If you generalize that all older men have great senses of humor, you might be making an error based on stereotyping.


The difference between status and stereotypes is that status is associated with someone you deem to be wise or important. Stereotypes are more likely to be associated with negative qualities of a group.


The parent who says "Finish your chores or you will not be allowed to go out for the rest of the month" is using coercion to get the chores done.


When you show similarities between something that is well known to your audience (such as the economic problems of college students) and something that is relatively unknown to them (the economic problems of the homeless) you are using comparison.


You are going to inform an audience about the most effective way to learn a new language. Your audience is composed of people who already know other languages and who have traveled internationally. You will probably need to spend some time creating information hunger.


You have had a big conflict with your partner just before class. After the class, you complain to everyone you meet that the class was a "total waste of time." This would be an example of perception due to present feelings.


You plan to explain how people can change the oil on their cars. One likely organizational plan for such a speech would be time-sequence.


Your friend is 9 inches taller than you and describes you to someone else as being very short. Your friend sees you this way because of her own physiological features.


Your mother's new husband, Al, does not want her to work. Al also controls the checkbook and discourages your mother from having any close friends. She appears to go along with this because she feels she needs a man in the house. The situation between them is codependency.


Chapter 15 makes a number of recommendations about the use of language in your résumé. Which of the following is NOT one of them?

Use informal language so you don't seem pretentious

According to Chapter 15, approximately how many people in the United States have earned a bachelor's degree?

A little less than 20

Which item below is a denotative meaning of a word?

A mouse is a four-legged mammal classified as a rodent.

Which of the following is a legitimate primary source?

A professor on campus discussing her study

What is a rhetorical question?

A question that expects no answer

What name does Chapter 14 give to a situation in which the audience likes you and your message less after the presentation than before?

Boomerang effect

____ is a distinctive pattern of learned traditions and customs that is transmitted among people and affects beliefs and behaviors of a group.


When the speaker says he knows a lot more about a subject than you do because he is older and wiser, the speaker is exhibiting which concept below?

Experiential superiority

Which item below is NOT an example given in Chapter 13 for how to involve your audience?

Get audience members to reveal something very personal

___ suggests that we are all actors in a play and that we have to consider both backstage and onstage issues.


Which topic best illustrates the informative goal of demonstrating how things relate in space?

How to find Jamaica among the Caribbean islands

Which item below about cover letters is FALSE?

Human resources divisions, personnel departments, and selection committees rarely read cover letters because employers place their emphasis on performance in an interview.

What is the most significant DOWNSIDE of using social media?

Human resources professionals can use social networking sites to explore the personal lives of applicants

Which of the following revelations would be considered a self-disclosure?

I've never had a boyfriend before this

Which statement is an example of sexism in language?

It's okay to use man-linked words like freshman; everyone knows what you mean.

Which source is NOT regarded as part of the popular press?

Journal articles

Which item below shows an INCORRECTLY written reference for a personal interview cited in a speech or outline?

Mary Hanson. (2013, September 10), Personal Communication

Which sentence below best states a specific purpose?

My audience will be able to explain three ways the Affordable Health Care for America Act benefits college students

Which item below is a signpost?

My first pro-choice argument is...

Which of the following is a signpost?

Please look at this bar graph, which shows the increasing gap between the top 10% and the middle class.

In which countries listed below do people go to great lengths to avoid insulting another person?

South and Central America

Which of the following is NOT a demographic characteristic used in audience analysis?

What their attitudes are about gun ownership

In which instance below is listening the most important communication skill?

You have to train other salespeople to sell.

Using the term "friendly fire" to refer to an American solder killed by another America solder is to use

a euphemism

What is the purpose of a speech that invites audience members to do something they have not done before?


Chapter 11 says it will teach you how to synthesize information. The word synthesize means

bring together

According to terminology in Chapter 1, interpersonal, intercultural, organizational, and small-group are considered communication_______.


A presenter first discusses an event, problem, or issue and then explains the impact of the event, problem, or issue. Which patter of organization did this presenter follow?

cause-effect pattern

During the relational deterioration, the individuals start to set new limits on what they reveal to each other. Their exchanges tend to be shallow and rare. This stage is called


Often we hear only part of the story, but we fill in more details when we pass the story to others. This stage of perception is called


The bully who uses his voice and physical strength to get you to do something is not using persuasion; instead, the bully is using


According to Chapter 11, free online software can help you create ______ on your computer, tablet, or smartphone.

concept map

An argument that follows the pattern of the one below is called a(n) _____ argument. All drunk drivers are dangerous Joann is a drunk driver Therefore, Joann is dangerous


Your roommate says, "What's the matter with you anyway?" and you become defensive. It would have been better if he had said, "You look sad today," a relational approach referred to as


What is the purpose of a speech that invites audience members to stop doing something they regularly do?


Proximity as a factor in human relationship refers to


When you use acronyms and abbreviations in tweeting and texting, you are using an ancient rhetorical canon or principle called


When a speaker tells you to listen carefully because her suggestions are likely to help you secure a better job, she is using

extrinsic motivation

Chronemics refers to

our relationship to time

An excellent strategy to increase accurate communication is to state in your own words what you think the other person meant, a strategy called


In 2013, Oprah Winfrey, perhaps the world's richest African American woman, was visiting Switzerland. She entered a very high-end shop, where she asked to have a closer look a a purse that was in a closed cabinet. The shopkeeper said no and hinted that her customer could not afford that item. Winfrey said that she could, but the shopkeeper again refused. Winfrey left this store and publicized the incident. The store owner's inability to listen to Winfrey's request may be attributable to

personal bias

The distance at which we converse is called

personal distance

Proximity, a characteristic of perceptual organization, refers to the way one views

physical closeness

The study of space and distance for communicative purposes is known as


Chapter 4 listen five characteristics of the self that can act as barriers to listening. They included all of the following EXCEPT


If you're hired by an organization that intentionally avoids placing employees in highly differentiated and specialized roles, you will highly see what it's like to work in a setting following a model of

strategic ambiguity

Instead of shouting "Stop" or blowing her whistle, a traffic control officer stops a line of cars by holding up her hand. That officer is using nonverbal communication called ___


According to Chapter 2, verbal communication is

the use of language to convey meaning

The ___ theory hypothesizes that people use social media to satisfy their own needs and desires.

uses and gratification

Which of the following is most deeply embedded in a person?


To say that self-disclosure tends to be reciprocal means

when you disclose something, the other person is likely to as well

Chapter 10 introduces six principles of outlining. Which of the following items conforms with one of those principles?

Children should have annual checkups with a physician.

What is another term for the probing stage of a relationship?

Experimentation stage

Which mode best provides the appearance of spontaneity?


According to Chapter 10, you write the rough draft of a presentation after you have completed the sentence outline.


Which item below would NOT be good advice for you as you prepare a résumé?

List every job you have had so employers do not see suspicious gaps.

A good friend tells you that she has to cancel an activity you were going to do together. If you are listening for her intent, you might ask why she has to cancel.


Concept maps can be useful in the information gathering process, just as they can be useful when you are attempting to find a topic on which to speak.


For a speech on road rage, you are contemplating using repetition to emphasize the importance of this problem. You decide, instead, to call for direct audience response-asking how many have been victims of someone else's road rage. This approach is likely to result in more comprehension than would repetition of statistics.


Four types of power were discussed in Chapter 8. They include reward power, punishment power, expert power, and legitimate power.


If you are going to deliver a persuasive speech on why schools could reduce the cost of a college education, you might use a problem-solution organization.


If you are interested in learning about the relative proportion of students in given majors in your college, you can get information from the registrar. These numbers are known as data.


If you need help doing research for your speech, reference librarians can be helpful because they are trained to find and evaluate information.


Imagine that one of your parents is seriously ill and that you are waiting to learn if his or her condition is fatal. You attend your classes, but you have great difficulty listening to the professors. Your inability to listen is due to mental distractions.


In a functional résumé, you organize your experience based on the roles you served-for example, your experience with finances and budget in a section, your leadership roles in another.


Which thesis statement below would best suit a persuasive presentation?

When this presentation is over, you will want to cut up your credit card to avoid further fees.

Interpersonal communication has both a relationship and a _____ dimension.


Because listeners daydream, speakers need to say a message in more than one way. Strategies include all of the following EXCEPT


An argument that requires an inferential leap is a(n) _____ argument.


In which stage of relational development does the most self-disclosure occur?

intensifying stage

What mode of delivery demands the most practiced but allows for eye contact, movement, and gestures?


What kind of figurative language was the teacher using when she said, "Imagine the universe as a large pizza in which just one of the pepperonis is our galaxy surrounded by many others?"


The nervousness-reduction program called cognitive restructuring can more informally be called the

power of positive thinking

Showing too much certainty (a lack of openness to other solutions) can create defensiveness in others. In contrast, ___ can reduce that defensiveness


You thought your friend meant that he would meet you around 6:00 p.m. when he said "this evening," but actually he meant around 7:00 p.m. This misunderstanding relates to

the encoding and decoding of messages

The body of the presentation includes all of the following EXCEPT

the first indicators of the speaker's credibility.

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