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The rioters go looking for Death because they — a. want to repent of their sins and find salvation b. plan to avenge the deaths of their friends c. know he has great treasure d. want to banish him from England


morally right


A Pardoner is an official of the — a. king c. local government b. church d. feudal manor


In Morte d'Arthur, the black hoods worn by the ladies who come to take King Arthur away on the barge are used to symbolize ____. a. defeat c. illness b. death d. magic


Which of the following statements best describes the end of the tale? a. The rioters become rich. c. Death takes the gold florins. b. The rioters meet death. d. Death takes a holiday.


How does Beowulf die? a. The dragon kills him as Beowulf goes out unarmed to fight the monster. b. Surrounded by a crowd of helpful warriors, Beowulf is the last to fall. c. Unaided by most of the warriors, Beowulf is killed as he and Wiglaf fight the dragon. d. After killing the dragon, Beowulf and his followers fight over the treasure, and Beowulf is killed.


How does Grendel respond to the realization that Beowulf will challenge his fighting skills? a. joyously c. fearfully b. excitedly d. indifferently


I live in Kentwood, louisiana. a. i b. kentwood c. Louisiana


In "The Wanderer," which of the following pairs best represents the contrast of tone between the poet's dreams and his present circumstances? a. hopeful / somber c. rapturous / grieving b. mournful / longing d. melancholy / depressed


In standing by to carve meat for his father at the table, the young Squire is showing himself to be ____. a. garnished c. solicitous b. prevaricating d. sanguine


_____________________ entails organizing group activities to encourage the group to take action and get things done. a. reaction-oriented structure b. detail-oriented structure c. action-oriented structure d. group-oriented structure


In "The Pardoner's Tale," Death is portrayed as ____________. a. both the prince of wickedness and an actual person b. both a skeletal figure and an evil angel c. an old man selling wares by the side of the road d. an archangel who kills people through natural disaster and war


In Beowulf's fight to the death with Grendel's mother, the piece of his own equipment that saves his life is his — a. woven mail shirt c. sword, Hrunting b. helmet d. shield


In Morte d'Arthur, why does Sir Gawain suggest that King Arthur sign a month-long treaty with Sir Mordred? a. Sir Gawain knows that Arthur and his men are overmatched. b. Sir Gawain thinks that they should compromise about the rule of England. c. Sir Gawain is convinced that Sir Mordred's wrath will die down in that time. d. King Arthur needs time to confer and plan the battle with his knights.


In describing the individual pilgrims, Chaucer begins with the — a. Knight c. Pardoner b. Wife of Bath d. innkeeper


Mom and dad will go to a church in Hammond. a. Dad b. Church c. hammond


What is ironic about the attitude that the old man has toward Death? a. Most people seek to avoid death, but the old man looks for it. b. He has seen death more than once. c. He refers to his grave as his "mother." d. Most people refer to death as an event not a person.


What last thoughts does Beowulf express as he is dying? a. A desire for respect and pride in his ability to protect his people b. Bitterness because his soldiers did not help him fight the dragon c. Fear that the kingdom of the Geats will fall apart after he dies d. Affection and longing for his family


What literary characteristics are used in the following quotation from "The Wife's Lament"? For since my lord departed from this people Over the sea / each dawn have I had care / Wondering where my lord may be on land. a. caesura b. kenning c. both of these d. neither of these


Which is the best meaning of the italicized word in this sentence? The Wanderer's eagerness to work again was overwhelming. a. enthusiasm c. sorrow b. irritation d. fear


Which is the best paraphrase of the following passage from Beowulf ? So the living sorrow of Healfdane's son / Simmered, bitter and fresh, and no wisdom / Or strength could break it: that agony hung / On king and people alike . . . a. Hrothgar felt a strong and unending sorrow that he had no power to overcome. It affected both him and his subjects. b. The king was in agony and out of his mind because of what his people had done to him. c. Grendel was furious at the Danes and so he inflicted great pain on the king and his people. d. Hrothgar felt an endless sorrow he couldn't get rid of.


Which of the following characteristics shows that "The Wife's Lament" is a fitting example of Anglo-Saxon poetry? a. a lyric quality b. a heroic battle c. a character changing fate d. a commoner's rise to glory


Which of the following elements is shown to be most powerful in Beowulf's world? a. fire c. earth b. wind d. water


Which of the following quotations from "The Prologue" is the best example of imagery? a. "Thinly they fell, like rat-tails, one by one." b. "In fifteen mortal battles he had been." c. "Just home from service, he had joined our ranks." d. "He'd seen some service with the cavalry."


we spent all week reading about the many attractions we could visit while in the city: museums, art galleries, theatres, parks, historic landmarks and many others. a. We b. City c. Museums


Do we play the Yellow Jackets from Mt. hermon or Denham Springs? a. yellow jackets b. Mt. Hermon c. denham Springs


The most important event in Beowulf's career as leader of the Geats is the — a. attack on the dragon b. speech for the prince c. celebration that involved both Danes and Geats d. tracing of the bloody footprints


The stories about Death that the servant boy and the tavern-knave tell suggest that — a. death from violence and plague is rampant b. Death will be hard to find c. people are dying of plague d. people looked forward to death


When reading Anglo-Saxon poetry, how does recognizing historical context help a reader understand why certain things occur? a. It gives the reader clues about the situation in the time period in which it was written. b. It helps readers restate in their own words what the poem says. c. It requires readers to use a dictionary to find the meaning of complicated words. d. It shows the reader how important correct spelling and grammar is.


A lavish kingdom is: a. dry and barren c. full of hatred b. full of abundance d. happy


After the rioters abandon their search for Death, they murder one another. This act is an example of — a. dramatic irony c. poetic irony b. comic irony d. verbal irony


Developing an action-oriented structure includes all of the following, except: a. Assigning roles b. Developing a single viable option c. Establishing leadership d. Getting organized towards taking action


In Beowulf, why does Beowulf sail with his chosen companions to Hrothgar's kingdom? a. to bring home treasures from that rich kingdom b. to help Hrothgar by destroying a monster c. to win glory by slaying a fire-breathing dragon d. to take over Higlac's throne


In Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Sir Gawain feigned courage because he did not want to appear fearful. The word feigned means ____. a. doubted the meaning of c. inferred the existence of b. put on a show of d. demanded more from


What initiated the wife's exile in "The Wife's Lament"? a. her husband's long absence b. a plot by her husband's kinsmen c. her traveling in spite of her husband's wishes d. the lord of that region issuing a formal decree


shaking in a threatening way


In Morte d'Arthur, which personal characteristic motivates Sir Bedivere to disobey King Arthur's order to throw the king's sword into the lake? a. evil c. common sense b. ambition d. greed


The main theme of "The Wanderer" involves the a. value of friendship. c. importance of traditions. b. need for safety. d. pain of homelessness.


The narrator in The Canterbury Tales, is portrayed as a. stern and judgmental. c. robust and merry. b. sophisticated and worldly. d. naive and observant.


What was unusual about the way Beowulf fought Grendel? a. He went to fight alone with no men to back him up. b. Beowulf used magic against the monster and won. c. Beowulf wishes to prove the superiority of the Geats over the Danes d. He fought with only his bare hands and no other weapons.


Which of the following primary plot elements characteristic of medieval romances is missing from the excerpt from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. castle life c. chivalry b. adventure d. a damsel in distress


Which statement would you not include in a summary of Morte d'Arthur? a. King Arthur has a dream in which he is warned to delay his battle with Mordred. b. Sir Bedivere reluctantly throws King Arthur's sword into the lake. c. Both King Arthur and Mordred tell their men to charge if they see a sword drawn. d. The hermit who buries King Arthur was once the Bishop of Canterbury.




sly dealings; skill in deceiving


"you need to plan ahead, " she said, "because there are many fascinating attractions to choose from." a. You b. She c. Because


A resolute man is: a. determined. c. cautious. b. shy.


Beowulf slays Grendel in order to — a. save Hrothgar and the Danes from the monster b. prevent Grendel from invading the land of the Geats c. keep Herot from being destroyed d. carry off the treasure in Grendel's lair


Beowulf's preparation for battle against the fire dragon differs from his preparation for battle against Grendel in that Beowulf ________. a. carries weapons c. doesn't seek fame b. doesn't boast d. travels to another land to fight


From which fact can the reader infer that Beowulf from Beowulf is honorable? a. Beowulf refuses to use weapons because Grendel uses none. b. Higlac is Beowulf's cousin. c. Beowulf is the strongest of the Geats. d. Beowulf vows to ambush Grendel and destroy the monster.


That delta plane is going to Dallas, Texas. a. Delta b. dallas c. texas


Who is the most infallible out of the people below? a. Superman c. Ulysses S. Grant b. Adolf Hitler


People who assail competition, a. avoid competition. c. cooperate with competition. b. attack competition.


The character who prevents a fight between the Pardoner and the Host is the — a. Squire c. Monk b. Knight d. Oxford Clerk


The main struggle in Beowulf is between a. love and hate. c. peace and war. b. good and evil. d. courage and cowardice.


The narrator in The Canterbury Tales, says he plans to "give account of all their words and dealings, / Using their very phrases as they fell." For which kind of characterization would an author provide such details? a. direct characterization c. direct and indirect characterization b. indirect characterization d. dramatic characterization


The pilgrims agree to tell tales during the journey to — a. preserve their stories for the future b. win a free meal and entertain one another c. reduce fighting and bickering d. teach the innkeeper a lesson about pride


What does the alliteration in the following lines help most to emphasize? "But Higlac's follower . . ./fastened those claws/In his fists till they cracked, clutched Grendel/Closer." a. Beowulf's family background c. the courage of Beowulf b. the sounds of the battle d. Grendel's fear


When Beowulf realizes that the battle with the fire dragon will go against him, he a. dies. c. curses fate and blames God. b. continues to fight. d. allows the fire dragon to inflict a mortal blow.


Which of the following events in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight represents a deviation from the ideals of chivalry? a. King Arthur accepts the Green Knight's challenge. b. Sir Gawain keeps the magic girdle. c. Sir Gawain takes the Green Knight's ax. d. The Green Knight reminds Sir Gawain of his promise.


Which saying best paraphrases what the Green Knight says to Sir Gawain at the end of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. Live by the sword and die by the sword. c. A leopard never changes his spots. b. Admit your mistakes and move on. d. The best is yet to come.


Which statement would you include in a summary of the first section of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. The Green Knight has a beard. b. The Green Knight arrives at King Arthur's court in the middle of a New Year's Eve feast. c. Sir Gawain flinches when the Green Knight swings his ax. d. King Arthur is amazed by the Green Knight but he does not show it.


Which is the best paraphrase for this passage from Beowulf ? —Then the sword / Melted, blood-soaked, dripping down / Like water, disappearing like ice when the world's / Eternal Lord loosens invisible / Fetters and unwinds icicles and frost . . . a. God made the bloody sword turn to dripping icicles and frost. b. Beowulf loosened his grip on the bloody sword and it disappeared into the water. c. Beowulf's bloody sword became liquid the way ice and frost do when God warms and melts them. d. God made the sword melt and freed Beowulf from the magic fetters that bound him.


Which of the following is not a part of taking action? a. assigning roles b. following through c. brainstorming d. All of the above are parts of taking action.


Which of the following statements about Wiglaf is true? a. He believes in and speaks about the inner goodness of all people. b. His inexperience makes him unworthy to succeed to the throne. c. He makes an eloquent speech about the virtues of loyalty and bravery. d. He tells Beowulf that the other warriors will desert Beowulf when he needs them most.


Which word best describes the tone of "Le Morte d'Arthur"? a. sarcastic b. ironic c. dreary d. informative


Which word is most nearly opposite in meaning to liege? a. priest c. servant b. knight d. king


Which word is most nearly opposite in meaning to righteous? a. honorable c. unethical b. immortal d. reliable


You are the group leader and your group is trying to come up with solutions to the problem your teacher has assigned. Kaleel is very vocal and insists that his idea is the best. The others are becoming frustrated. What should you do? a. Kick Kaleel out of the group b. Go tell your teacher that Kaleel is not cooperating. c. Have each member rate all the ideas and use the one most people like best. d. Agree to use Kaleel's idea in order to keep peace in the group.


Your science teacher assigns you to complete a presentation on DNA with a group of fellow students. The project requires writing, drawing, presenting, and creating a model. Your group understands its goal, what should your group focus on now? a. complete research on DNA and identify goals b. brainstorm ideas for presentation and vote c. discover group member skills and assign roles d. none of the above


Which of the following is a question your group might ask while trying to identify or define the problem? a. Who is affected? b. What are the limitations? c. What are the criteria for our solution? d. What are we concerned about?


Which of the following parts of Morte d'Arthur involves an element of the supernatural? a. King Arthur's campaign against Sir Lancelot b. the death of Sir Lucan the Butler c. Sir Bedivere's decision to stay with the hermit d. the catching of King Arthur's sword


Chaucer's characterization — a. uses the same basic techniques that writers use today b. is based on dialogue rather than action c. never shows the reader what the character is feeling d. shows the characters as basic types rather than as believable individuals




people who in exchange for their military service, held land for a king or lord


What does the author of "The Wanderer" seem to miss most? a. material possessions c. adventure b. religion d. companionship


All of the following are elements of an epic poem except: a. The hero is a great leader beloved by his people. b. The hero overcomes impossible feats in a quest for honor. c. The involvement of the supernatural is never used in the story. d. The story is told using emotional, strong language.


All of the following are steps your group should follow to be effective, except: a. Identify and define the problem. b. Analyze the problem. c. Discuss one solution. d. Take action.


At the end of the battle in Beowulf, the poet attributes Grendel's defeat to a. Beowulf's strength. c. God's power. b. Grendel's evil. d. Hrothgar's luck.


During the time in which "The Wanderer" takes place, many groups of people left or were sent from their homes. Knowing this helps the reader understand why a. each person was sent away. c. the theme of "exile" was so common. b. each person was lonely. d. the lyric poem was popular.


How can the reader tell that Beowulf is an epic poem? a. It takes place a long time ago. b. The story involves warriors and battles. c. The hero is described as someone greater than all other men. d. The people in the story are called Geats and Danes.


King Arthur and Sir Mordred agree to meet. Choose the sentence from "Morte d'Arthur" that best describes their behavior at the time of this decision. a. King Arthur decides to surrender England to Sir Mordred. b. King Arthur decides to ambush Mordred. c. King Arthur and Sir Mordred mistrust each other. d. King Arthur believes Sir Mordred is afraid of meeting him.


Someone who is extolled is: a. deported. c. praised highly. b. angry.


The battle between King Arthur and Sir Mordred in Morte d'Arthur is similar to other legends of the Middle Ages because a. it is historically accurate. b. is not realistic. c. its heroes fight nobly. d. it presents death solely in an idealized, spiritual manner.


The central theme of Morte d'Arthur involves the a. consequences of greed. c. principles of chivalry. b. nobility of war. d. perils of battle.


The old man's comment to the three rioters that Death "isn't one to hide for all your prating" is an example of — a. imagery c. verbal irony b. a moral d. situational irony


The purpose of a caesura in a line of Anglo-Saxon poetry is to a. remind a scop what to say. b. provide a metaphorical name for something. c. indicate a pause for breath. d. mark the four beats in the line.


The unworldly student who prefers philosophy to riches is the — a. Merchant c. Oxford Cleric b. Franklin d. Reeve


Which character could you leave out of a summary of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? a. King Arthur b. the lady of the castle near the Green Chapel c. the lord of the castle near the Green Chapel d. Guenevere


All of the following are characteristics of an effective group member, except: a. Objectively evaluates options b. Treats others kindly c. Develops an action-oriented structure d. Develops a single viable option


All of the following are steps your group should follow to be effective, except: a. Generate creative solutions. b. Select the best solution. c. Take action. d. Get feedback.


Beowulf's deeds require tremendous a. trust. c. wisdom. b. humility. d. courage.


If you wanted to support the idea that Beowulf is an epic hero, you might best note that he — a. displays intense pride in his country b. becomes more humble over time c. loves nature and abhors civilization d. embodies the ideal of Anglo-Saxon society


In "The Wife's Lament," the wife assumes her husband is now a. on an exciting adventure and does not think of her. b. on his way home for a reconciliation. c. married to someone else. d. melancholy, as she is.


In Beowulf when the dying Beowulf gives Wiglaf his gold necklace, the gesture means that a. Beowulf has captured the monster's treasure. b. Beowulf wants Wiglaf to kill his comrades. c. Beowulf recognizes Wiglaf's superior strength in battle. d. Beowulf is passing on the rulership of Geatland to Wiglaf.


It is important for your group to develop a ___________ of viable options. a. lot b. bunch c. list d. variety


Read this sentence from "The Wife's Lament": Is outcast, far off in a distant land, Frozen by storms beneath a stormy cliff And dwelling in some desolate abode Beside the sea, my weary-hearted lord Must suffer pitiless anxiety... What words or phrases help you to recognize the historical context of the line? a. stormy cliff c. pitiless anxiety b. desolate abode d. my weary-hearted lord


The Pardoner earns money from all of the following activities except — a. preaching against greed c. selling relics and papal pardons b. begging from church to church d. making and selling baskets


The speaker in "The Wife's Lament" says: A young man always must be serious, And tough his character; likewise he should Seem cheerful, even though his heart is sad With multitude of cares .... (lines 42-45) What does the woman feel toward the "young man" in this quotation? a. loyalty b. rancor c. anger d. compassion


Using the who, what, where, when, why, and how questioning strategy, write the letter of the phrase that best summarizes the meaning of the following passage from "The Prologue" to The Canterbury Tales. He was an easy man in penance-giving / Where he could hope to make a decent living; / It's a sure sign whenever gifts are given / To a poor Order that a man's well shriven, / And should he give enough he knew in verity / The penitent repented in sincerity. a. He gave out easy penances and absolution in exchange for gifts. b. He gave out easy penances in exchange for gifts wherever he thought he could get gifts out of the confessors. c. He gave out easy penances and absolution in exchange for gifts wherever he thought he could get gifts out of the confessors. He knew that if he exacted a large enough price for the sin that the penitent person would truly feel sorry for what he'd done. d. He gave out easy penances and absolution in exchange for gifts wherever he thought he could get gifts out of the confessors. He knew that if he exacted a large enough price for the sin that the penitent person would truly feel sorry for what he'd done. In fact, whenever a poor group of friars receives gifts you can be sure that someone has just received absolution for his sins.


Which of the following best summarizes the theme of Beowulf? a. Might makes right. c. Wickedness cannot be defeated. b. Brains are superior to brawn. d. Valor will triumph.


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