Communication: Ch.1 Public Speaking, Ch. 2 Ethics

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Why is it important to be an ethical speaker?

It improves goodwill from the audience It improves the speaker's credibility It's the right thing to do.

There are strategies that help you test the ethicality of your message.


As a listener, you should:

be as open-minded as you can

Which of the basic skills you develop through a public speaking course will help you think through the positive and negative consequences of possible solutions and communicate these ideas to others?

critical thinking skills

A general principle that promotes ethical speech is:

deciding whether a behavior is beneficial for most people.

Mistakes or verbal stumbles during a speech:

do not undermine the entire speech.

Within the ethical pyramid, the desired outcomes are called the


The speaking form that was originally called epideictic speaking by the ancient Greeks refers to what type of speaking?


Fear of speaking rarely shows up in lists of people's common fears. (t or f)


Having ethical intentions is all that's necessary toward giving an ethical speech. (t or f)


Susie is delivering a speech on how to prepare a cup of coffee. Susie is delivering a persuasive speech. (t or f)


Having ethical intent is important:

from the outset, so a speaker tells the truth as fully as possible

Audiences are generally:

interested in what you have to say


is always serious, even if done by mistake

A speaker's nervousness

is invisible to the audience most of the time.

Starting a speech by telling a joke:

is risky; it might unintentionally offend your audience, or fall flat.

If you memorize your speech, you are

likely to have a "canned" delivery style

Memorizing a speech word-for-word is:

likely to make your anxiety worse, not better.

In a study by sociologist Andrew Zekeri, which skills do college graduates find most useful upon graduation?

oral communication skills

What is the combination of your knowledge and ability to communicate that knowledge to others?

professional communication

An ethical message is one that benefits both the listeners and the


Which of the following statements is true about taking a public speaking course?

students who take a public speaking course will have their fears of public speaking decrease

At its heart, communication apprehension is:

the psychological response to evaluation.

Joann has been studying politics since she was in elementary school. Now as a senior in college running for town mayor, she wants to be viewed as an individual who contributes new ideas that help various aspects of society. What is Joann hoping to be viewed as?

thought leader

Communication apprehension usually produces physical symptoms


Plagiarism is sometimes done unintentionally. (t or f)


Public speaking can help an individual develop her or his leadership skills. (t or f)


A little nervousness helps you give a better speech because

you can use the extra energy to give an animated speech

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