Communications Test 1- midterm ULM 1018

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Which of the following scenarios represents an example of a physical listening barrier?

Lorelai can barely hear over the hum of the air-conditioning unit above her.

________ is the study of spatial communication.


Scratching to relieve an itch is an example of what type of body movement?


Which of the following is an example of metacommunication?

adding a smiley at the end of a text message

In the final stage of culture shock, you engage in ______


Bernard constantly complains about the disrespectful and lazy attitudes of most teenagers these days. What kind of language is Bernard engaging in?


To help you avoid "allness," end each statement sometimes verbally but always mentally with _______.

an "et cetera"

At the understanding stage of listening, you should try to _______.

ask questions for clarification.

At this stage, you distinguish facts from opinions and identify any biases the speaker might have


According to the text, which of the following is a listening barrier?

failure to focus on the essentials of the message

The _______ holds that satisfying relationships may be characterized by exchanging messages that are positive, person-focused, immediate, low in monitoring, and supportive.

feedback theory of relationships

In a ________ culture such as ________, both men and women are encouraged to be modest and oriented to maintaining quality of life.

feminine; Norway

A stereotype is a ______

fixed impression of a group of people

At the receiving stage of listening, you should try to______

focus your attention on what is said and what is not said

"I know why she was late. She's irresponsible and inconsiderate," is an example of _____

fundamental attribution error

Kelsey is planning for her retirement and is goal-oriented. This is evidence that Kelsey has a _______ orientation.

future time

Reggie is well-dressed, friendly and on time to his job interview. Therefore, the interviewer also assumes he is intelligent and capable. This is an example of the _______.

halo effect

Boris lives in the Ukraine and feels that he lacks control of his life because he quit school, just as his father had done, to work at the same job in the same factory until he dies. We would consider Boris's culture to be

high in restraint

In a ________ culture such as ________, there is a great difference between the power held by the elite and the ordinary citizen.

high-power-distance; Malaysia

The first stage in culture shock is the _____


The silent treatment is an example of how silence can be used to _____

hurt others

Which of the following is a suggestion for how to increase accuracy in impression formation?

increase cultural sensitivity

The assumption that certain races are intellectually inferior to others is a clear example of _______ racism.


The U.S. is considered an _______ culture.


According to Professor Deborah Tannen, listening places the person in a(thumbs down) _______ position.


In a low-context culture, _______.

information is explicitly stated in the verbal message

Veronique mistook Callie's friendly attitude and politeness for genuine liking and friendship, perhaps because she was looking for a friend at that time. When you see what you want to see, this is called _______.

perceptual accentuation

According to the interpersonal continuum, a father-son relationship operates in which of the following roles, rules, or messages?

personal established rules

Madison had a bad phone cell phone connection and couldn't understand the directions her friend was trying to tell her. this is an example of_____ noise.


The word "multitasking" is evidence of ______

polychronic time orientation

Each of us wants to be viewed positively. This is known as maintaining _______.

positive face

Assuming you already know what the speaker is going to say is an example of which listening barrier?

premature judgment

Territories that are yours and yours alone are called ______ territories.


The importance we place on the past, present, or future is called _______.

psychological time

In adjusting your emotional and objective listening focus, keep which of the following recommendations in mind?

punctuate events from the speakers prospective

The ________ view of ethics argues that what is or is not ethical depends on the culture's values and beliefs as well as the particular circumstances.


In a ______ relationship, the two individuals mirror each others behavior.


When decoding verbal messages, be _______in drawing conclusions.


According to ________, speakers adjust to or accommodate the speaking style of their listeners to gain their approval and achieve greater efficiency.

the communication accommodation theory

How is meaning encoded in low-context cultures?

through verbal messages

When Marquis was trying to close the sale with a customer, he used direct eye contact, a confident stance, and open gestures. He was using nonverbal messages _______.

to be believed

According to the text, _______ communication is perhaps the most primitive form of communication and probably the first to be used.


In the remembering state of listening, you should avoid _______.

treating information as totally apart from all else you know

Andrea uses gestures to indicate the large, new boat her father just bought when speaking to her friend Greg, who is hearing impaired. Which strategy for interpersonal communication is Andrea using to speak to a person with a hearing difficulty?

using nonverbal cues

In the term "signal-to-noise ratio" the word "signal" refers to _______.

what we find useful in a communication situation

Which group, according to recent studies, is more skilled at both encoding and decoding nonverbal messages?


Interpersonal competence refers to _______.

your ability to communicate effectively

C.H. Cooley's concept of the looking glass self says that _______.

your self-concept develops through looking at the image of yourself that others reveal to you

Which of the following applies to culture and listening?

Accents serve as listening barriers

Which of the following is an example of communication context?

Angela's meeting took place in the boardroom

Which of the following is TRUE in regard to the acculturation process?

Better educated people have an easier time

Gestures like rubbing your nose when you get angry, traits such as a distinct body odor, or significant details such as fight strategies, and repressed experiences are all examples of the______.

Blind self

the following phrases or scenarios, which best fits within a collectivist culture?

"There is no 'I' in the word 'Team.'"

Which of the following is an example of using "purr words"?

"You're the greatest!"

______ is the process through which you learn your native culture


Credibility strategies seek to establish your competence, character, and_______


Noxious people ______

Criticize and fault

________ are substitutes for words.


________ refers to the act of producing messages, whereas ________ is the act of understanding them.

Encoding; decoding

Which of the following is an example of a self-affirmation

I'm a worthy person but there's always room for improvement

________ is a verbal or mental subscript that identifies each individual in a group as an individual, even though all members of the group may be covered by the same label.


Which of the following is TRUE regarding culture and touch?

Southern Europeans are more often than not members of contact cultures, who touch one another during conversation.

According to ______, speakers adjust to or accommodate the speaking style of their listeners to gain their approval and achieve greater efficiency.

The communication accommodation theory

Which of the following is a characteristic of a culture with a short-term orientation?

They believe marriage is a moral arrangement

Which of the following countries is considered to have a short-term orientation?


Which of the following is true in relation to culture?

Understanding cultures means accepting the cultural beliefs of other cultures

What does the text mean when it states, "messages are packaged"

Verbal and nonverbal messages occur simultaneously

Which of the following is TRUE in relation to women and listening

Women give more listening cues than men do

Anne made sure she dressed professionally, shook hands firmly, and spoke confidently at the meeting. She was demonstrating how nonverbal messages can be used to manage impressions in order to ______

be followed

Francois sees that a prime study spot is available next to the window in the library, but he has to grab some books before he sits down. In order to claim the spot, Francois sets down his coffee cup on the table. This is an example of which type of marker


The listening process is _______.


In a ______ culture, members are responsible for the entire group.


Erin and Brett hold hands and gaze into each other's eyes, often in public. This is most accurately an example of how nonverbal messages can _______.

communicate relationship status

the subjective description of a word is known as a word's ______


When you lean forward to ask a question you are using nonverbal communication to ________ the verbal message.


You don't receive meaning, you______ meaning.


When Devin asks if you like his new outfit and you, realizing Devin is speaking a positive affirmation on his change of style, reply with, "Yeah! It looks great" You are exemplifying which type of listening?


In ________ listening, you attempt to feel as the speaker feels.


If the cause of a person's behavior is a personality trait of that person, then the cause is_______


As defined in the text, ______ is the verbal and nonverbal communication that takes place between two interdependent people

interpersonal communication

Jocelyn stood 6 inches away from Mary's face when she told her how angry she was. Jocelyn invaded Mary's ________ space.


According to the text, just one of the reasons it's so terrifying to tell a romantic partner that you love him or her for the first time is communication is ______


According to the text, just one of the reasons it's so terrifying to tell a romantic partner that you love him or her for the first time is communication is _______.


Happiness can be measured in terms of which two major factors?

leisure and life control

In this stage of the perceptual process, you create "cognitive tags."


Employers currently place ______ as the most desired skill set for potential employees.

oral and written communication skills

Affinity- seeking strategies increase ______

our chances of being liked

To ________ is to state in your own words what you think the speaker means and feels.


According to the text, because messages are in _______, many different interpretations can arise from a single statement.


According to the text, it is NOT the _______ of communication you engage in, but the _______ that matters.

quantity; qualilty

Which of the following is an example of a regulator?

raising a hand to speak in class

Which of the following is the correct order of the stages of listening?

receiving, understanding, remembering, evaluating, responding

Lupe disagrees with Mikes conservative political views; however she waits until Mike has finished making his points before critiquing his claims. This is an example of which strategy for critical listening?

recognize your own biases

memory is best characterized as ______


Poking someone on Facebook serves the purpose of _______.


Laura was often late to work and didn't get along well with her supervisor. When the cash register came up $100 short, Laura was blamed. The ________ could be the reason she was accused.

reverse halo effect

If you believe you're going to score an "A" on a test, you may start studying more, which in turn may lead you to receive that high grade. This would exemplify the _______.

self- fulfilling prophecy

"policeman" and "fireman" are words that demonstrate ______

sexist language

Andre assumed Rachel worked at the hospital because she was dressed in scrubs. This is an example of the rule of _______.


Which of the following is an example of feedback

smiling and nodding your head at the speaker

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