Community and Public Health

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Healthcare has an important role in addressing the social determinants. True or False.


Not all inequalities are inequitable. True or False?


Social capital is important for the enhancement of government performance and the functioning of democracy, as well as health.


The Commission on Social Determinants of Health concluded that health inequities are manifestations of societal inequities. True or False?


True or False: According to Atkinson et al., policy analysis is multi-dimensional and complex.


True or False: Walkable, mixed-use neighbourhoods have increased levels of social capital.


True or False: Public Health Policy facilitates delivery of new technologies, drugs, and therapies to diseased populations.


True or False: The majority of smokers now live in high-income countries.


True or False: There is no direct correlation between income and mortality.


True or False: Death is not a health outcome.


True or False: Good Health can affect a patient's sense of meaning. True or False?


Health inequities are mainly found in developing countries. True or False?


True or False: Civil engagement is a core component of income equality and good health.


True or False: Risk factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, excess weight, and dietary factors are responsible for a large share of the global disease burden.


Under the SDH framework, factors such as housing quality, consumption potential, neighborhood quality, and the physical work environment refer to: Select one: a. Lifestyle Choices b. Material Circumstances c. Behavioral Circumstances d. Income circumstances e. None of the above

b. Material Circumstances

Core components of Social capital are: Select one: a. Social ties b. Community ties c. Natural environment d. Both A & B e. All of the above

d. Both A & B

True or False: Health Psychology is devoted to understanding the psychological influences of health and disease.


What is meant by the term 'the Social Gradient'? Select one: a. That the healthiest people are the wealthiest people b. That there is a direct correlation to one's social position within a society and their health in comparison to those above and below them c. That the more people who work under a person, the more likely a person is to be healthy d. all of the above e. none of the above

b. That there is a direct correlation to one's social position within a society and their health in comparison to those above and below them

'Health in a vacuum' as an understanding of the concept of health refers to: Select one: a. Morbidity & Disability b. The absence of disease only c. Having health d. Self-perceived Health e. All of the Above

b. The absence of disease only

The definition of Public health as defined by WHO is: Select one: a. The art of applying medical knowledge into policies that will improve the health of the population b. The art of applying science in the context of politics so as to reduce inequalities in health while ensuring the best health for the greatest number c. The science of medicine applied to a large population d. Healthy policies that effect the public e. None of the above

b. The art of applying science in the context of politics so as to reduce inequalities in health while ensuring the best health for the greatest number

Which of the following are not encompassed in the concept of Health Psychology? Select one: a. Health promotion b. Health maintenance c. Health in All Policies d. All of the above are encompassed in Health Psychology e. None of the above are encompassed in Health Psychology

c. Health in All Policies

Identify the approach to achieving increased health status through the use of various public and social policy topics below: Select one: a. Public Health Policy Approach b. Adelaide Approach c. Health in All Policies Approach d. Joined up government Approach e. none of the above

c. Health in All Policies Approach

According to the RE-AIM model of evaluation for Health Promotion, the Public Health impact may be conceptualized as a function of 5 factors. These are: Select one: a. Reach, efficiency, adoption, implementation, and maintenance b. Scope, efficiency, adoption, implementation and maintenance c. Reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation and maintenance d. Reach, efficacy, adaption, evaluation and maintenance e. Reach, efficacy, adaption, evaluation and maintenance

c. Reach, efficacy, adoption, implementation and maintenance

What is not a main challenge facing the fastest growing proportion of the world's population (the urban population)? Select one: a. Poverty b. Inadequate housing c. mixed-use neighbourhoods d. Availability of drinking water e. All of the above

c. mixed-use neighbourhoods

What is the main challenge facing the fastest growing proportion of the world's population (the urban population)? Select one: a. Poverty b. Inadequate housing c. Malnutrition d. Availability of drinking water e. All of the above

e. All of the above

In the article by Mozaffarian et al., it is asserted that obesity prevention strategies should consider issues around: Select one: a. Dietary intake b. Television watching c. Physical Activity d. A & B only e. All of the above (A, B, & C)

e. All of the above (A, B, & C)

Which country was purported to experience dramatic improvements in life expectancy and infant mortality, and a reduction in deaths from infectious diseases as a result of sound public health policy, including the essential public health functions (EPHFs)? BONUS HINT: between 1960 and 1993, life expectancy at birth increased from 64 to 76 years, and infant mortality fell from 65 per 1000 live births to 14 per 1000 live births. Infant mortality was reported to have fallen to 7.2 per 1000 live births in 1998. Select one: a. Suriname b. Australia c. Malaysia d. USA e. Cuba

e. Cuba

Which of the following are NOT a part of the Social Determinants of Health Framework? Select one: a. Where we grow b. Where we live c. Where we are born d. Where we age e. None of the Above - All are a part of the SDH Framework

e. None of the Above - All are a part of the SDH Framework

Which of the following is not a function of public health? Select one: a. The assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk to identify health problems and priorities. b. The formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities. c. To assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective care, including health promotion and disease prevention services d. To cure diseases in the context of a clinic or a hospital e. None of the above

e. None of the above

Which of the following is not linked to social position? Select one: a. Educational attainment b. Occupation c. Gender d. Income e. None of the above - All are linked to Social Position

e. None of the above - All are linked to Social Position

Health inequities between and among countries in the European Union are disappearing. True or False?


True or Fales: Social networks and community involvement have no influence (positive or negative) on health.


True or False: According to the Adelaide Statement on Health in All Policies, health promotion is the sole responsibility of the health sector.


True or False: Evidence suggests that the use of higher insurance premiums for those that engage in high-risk lifestyle behaviours (i.e. smoking) is an effective tool to behaviour change.


True or False: Health-impairing behaviors are those that protect or support one's good health; these behaviors include obtaining regular physical exams (screening), exercising, wearing seat belts, and controlling one's weight.


True or False: Public Health Policy is the only type of public or social policy that influences health outcomes.


True or False: Public Health is primarily the acute response to a disease at an individual level.


True or False: The best measurement for the concept of 'social health' is mortality divided by morbidity minus behavioural dysfunction.


True or False: The biomedical model is one in which the psychological and social factors around health and illness are incorporated in an effort to treat illness in the most holistic way possible.


True or False: The most cited definition of Health can be found in the Constitution of the United States of America.


True or False: The social determinants are based on the choices that we make, therefore any solution to issues arising from the social determinants must be built on education and behaviour change.


True or False: While traditional health indicators and measures focus on ill health or disease, indicators of the quality of life and health scale tend to focus on life expectancy and morbidity rates and to cover aspects of negative health and wellbeing.


Climate change has the potential to damage health equity. True or False?


True or False: According to the Leyden article, The results indicate that residents living in walkable, mixed-use neighborhoods are more likely to know their neighbors, to participate politically, to trust others, and to be involved socially.


True or False: Climate change affects human health in a number of ways including: Increased thermal stress and air pollutants associated with an increase in the number of heat waves, increased frequency of extreme events and weather disasters, increased incidence of gastrointestinal disease associated with food and water related diseases, a change in the distribution of vector species, and rising water levels.


True or False: Factors such as pressures of time and money, commute times, and T.V. watching as a recreational activity have contributed to the decline of social capital in recent decades.


True or False: Good health includes reducing levels of educational failure, reducing insecurity and unemployment, and improving housing standards.


True or False: In the context of the RE-AIM model for evaluating Health Promotion Programmes, the term "Implementation" refers to the extent to which a program is delivered as intended.


True or False: In the effects of the social gradient are not merely confirmed to the poor. For instance, among middle-class office workers, the lowest ranking workers will, on average, suffer more disease and earlier death than higher-ranking office staff.


True or False: Job security increases health, wellbeing, and job satisfaction. Higher rates of unemployment cause more illness and premature death.


True or False: Many studies have shown an association between obesity and excess body weight with increased total mortality and increased risks of disease or death from diabetes, ischemic heart disease and ischemic stroke, cancers, chronic kidney disease, and osteoarthritis.


True or False: People who are socially engaged with others and actively involved in their communities tend to live longer and be healthier mentally and physically.


True or False: Poor social and economic circumstance affects health throughout the life.


True or False: Predisposition to Cancer is both genetic and environmental/lifestyle in nature.


True or False: Prevention of disease through key lifestyle choices is more cost effective than treatment of disease.


True or False: Public health refers to all organized measures (whether public or private) to prevent disease, promote health, and prolong life among the population as a whole.


True or False: Quality of Life data are becoming increasingly important in the evaluation of health care programs.


True or False: Research in psychoneuroimmunology, has demonstrated that stressful situations can influence aspects of immunity.


True or False: Social Capital consists of features of social organization - such as trust between citizens, norms of reciprocity, and group membership - that facilitate collective action.


True or False: The concept of 'Quality of Life' includes feelings people express in areas such as standard of living, income, housing, neighbourhood and health.


True or False: The term global public health recognizes that, as a result of globalization, forces that affect public health can and do come from outside state boundaries and that responding to public health issues now requires attention to cross-border health risks, including access to dangerous products and environmental change.


Measures of psychological wellbeing tend to tap two components: Select one: a. Affective wellbeing (feeling states) and cognitive or mental functioning b. Feeling healthy and feeling ill c. Medicine and Public Health d. All of the above e. None of the above

a. Affective wellbeing (feeling states) and cognitive or mental functioning

What is the definition of the "built environment"? Select one: a. All spaces and products created or at least significantly modified by people b. All natural environments c. All cities and urban areas d. None of the above e. All of the above

a. All spaces and products created or at least significantly modified by people

"The capacity of an individual, social group or population to maintain an acceptable level of health balance and to re-establish it when it is lost...For individuals, this designates adequate social, psychological and physical health resources and the ability to use them...For a population, this is indicated by such factors as an adequate level and distribution of income and social welfare, healthy lifestyles among all population groups (characterized by a balance between health -enhancing and health- damaging behaviour) and a high life expectancy free of suffering and disability" is encapsulated by the term: Select one: a. Health Potential b. Health Balance c. Health Promotion d. Health History e. Population Health

a. Health Potential

According to the WHO, Health is: Select one: a. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. b. The conditions under which people are born, grow, live, work, and age. c. The absence of disease or infirmity. d. The opposite of illness. e. None of the Above

a. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Which of the following is not a major behavioral risk factor for non-communicable diseases? Select one: a. Poverty b. Physical inactivity c. Smoking d. Unhealthy diets e. None of the above

a. Poverty

The process of intervening before an illness or injury develops is: Select one: a. Primary Prevention b. Secondary Prevention c. Tertiary Prevention d. The goal of the Re-AIM project e. Health Psychology

a. Primary Prevention

From the Leyden reading, the following definition refers to which term? "mixed-use, pedestrian-oriented neighborhoods where all daily needs and forms of entertainment are a short walk away. Residents living in these neighborhoods could walk to restaurants, pubs, parks, libraries, department stores, government buildings, post offices, butchers, banks, pharmacies, local schools, theatres, and places of worship without seriously competing with cars." Select one: a. city centre/ near city centre b. Inadequate housing c. Older mixed-used suburbs d. The built environment e. None of the above

a. city centre/ near city centre

Which of the following phrases do not match with the term "Public Health"? Select one: a. a focus on increasing healthy living conditions b. population-based c. treatment of disease d. preparedness e. all of the above

c. treatment of disease

Which of the following are one of the three core functions of Public Health, according to the World Health Organization? Select one: a. The assessment and monitoring of the health of communities and populations at risk to identify health problems and priorities. b. The formulation of public policies designed to solve identified local and national health problems and priorities. c. To assure that all populations have access to appropriate and cost-effective care, including health promotion and disease prevention services. d. All of the Above e. None of the Above

d. All of the Above

Social capital may influence the health behaviours of neighbourhood residents by: Select one: a. Prompting more rapid diffusion of health information b. Increasing the likelihood that healthy norms of behavior are adopted (e.g. physical activity) c. Exerting social control over deviant health-related behaviours d. All of the above e. None of the above

d. All of the above

Which of the following is true about alcohol consumption? Select one: a. Some studies show that moderate alcohol consumption is inversely correlated with the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. b. Alcohol is associated with numerous diseases and injuries. c. Heavy episodic (or binge) alcohol use not only substantially raises the risk of injuries but can also increase the risk of or exacerbate cardiovascular disease and liver disease. d. All of the above e. None of the above

d. All of the above

Core components of Social capital are: Select one: a. Social ties b. Community ties c. Natural environment d. Both A and B e. All of the above

d. Both A and B

Chronic illnesses are influenced by psychosocial factors, such as behavior, lifestyle, and stress. Changes in behavior may help to prevent many deaths from these leading causes. Match this explanation with the most relevant example below. Select one: a. Quitting smoking b. Getting a gym membership (and going regularly) c. Getting tested for genetic markers of some cancers (e.g. BRAC-1 gene) d. Both A and B only e. All of the Above

d. Both A and B only

According to your readings, which of the following do not, (or minimally) affect health outcomes? Select one: a. Educational attainment b. Social Position c. Poverty d. Living close to a hospital e. None of the above

d. Living close to a hospital

In the reading by Savolaine, J., & Granello, many models of wellness are discussed. What do the authors propose as the common thread as a central theme of individual wellness between these various models? Select one: a. Social interaction b. Mental stability c. Absence of disease d. Meaning and Purpose e. None of the Above

d. Meaning and Purpose

According to the Re-AIM model for Health Promotion programme evaluation, the definition: "the proportion and representativeness of settings (such as worksites, health departments, or communities) that adopt a given policy or program" belongs to which function? Select one: a. implementation b. adaption c. efficiency d. adoption e. public health

d. adoption

Which of the following are not considered good indicators of Health Status? Select one: a. mortality & morbidity b. prognosis c. behavioural dysfunction d. all of the above e. none of the above

d. all of the above

In your readings, "the main social pathways and mechanisms through which social determinants affect people's health can usefully be seen through three perspectives." Which of the following is not listed as one of those perspectives? Select one: a. "social selection", or social mobility b. social causation c. Life course perspective d. social determinants of health e. none of the above

d. social determinants of health

'Targets for Health for All' as adopted by WHO member states in the European region advocates for which of the following: Select one: a. Ensuring equity in health b. Add life to years c. Add health to life d. Add years to life e. All of the Above

e. All of the Above

What kind of information are more recent (within the past few decades) Health Information Systems interested in? Select one: a. Morbidity & Disability b. Use of Health Services c. Cardiovascular and lifestyle risk factors d. Self-perceived Health e. All of the Above

e. All of the Above

What kind of information are more recent (within the past few decades) Health Information Systems interested in? Select one: a. Morbidity & Disability b. Use of Health Services c. Cardiovascular and lifestyle risk factors d. self-perceived Health e. All of the Above

e. All of the Above

The main concepts around morbidity, according to Kaplan & Anderson involve 3 types of evidence. These are: Select one: a. clinical b. behavioural c. subjective d. A & B only e. all of the above

e. all of the above

Which of the following public and social policy topics do not have any effect on health? Select one: a. economy and employment b. agriculture and food c. housing and community services d. public health e. none of the above

e. none of the above

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